sibling love (for ninetailsfiren)

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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this is a story for my friend nine after i upset him with kodi and aleu snuffing it in my last story. with out further adue sibling love!

Sibling love.

"Come on Kodi... Just tell her how you feel... It's not difficult... Just because she's your sister doesn't mean it's wrong..." I walked through the snow in circles pondering. "I'm the son of Balto... the hero of Nome... I should have girls swarming me.. but I really don't care for any other girls... I mean... everyone else is so.. similar. But she's different... she's beautiful... clever... people think she's different in a bad sort of way because more wolf shows through... but that's a good thing... it makes her more..."

"kodi! What are you doing out here all alone? And why are you talking to yourself? You nutter." she then gave me the pleasure of hearing her laugh... it was beautiful...

"I was just thinking about someone... someone I... like... a lot..."

"really?" Aleu looked surprised before grinning "alright... spill it Kodiak. who's the lucky girl then?"

I blushed furiously "do you really want to know?" she nodded "and you promise not to get angry?"

she thought about it for a few seconds "I guess... why would I get angry? It's not as if it's-"

I looked down at the floor in embarrassment "you." I whispered.


"Yes... you..." I muttered. I had a horrible feeling this was about to go very awry.

"Me... why me? What about dusty? I thought you liked her!"

"I do! Just not in that kind of way... Dusty's my friend..."

"And I'm your sister!" I screwed my eyes closed as she raised her voice.

"Exactly! You're my sister! You're closer to me than she is." My ears fell flat against my head as I whispered "Don't you love me?"

the cross look on her face turned to that of a slightly saddened one "Oh... Kodi... I... but it's wrong... I couldn't... what would mum and dad say?"

"They don't have to know! It would be our little secret! No one would have to know."

she sighed "I don't know Kodi..."

"please Aleu! You're the only one! No one else interests me! Just you!" I was begging now.

"are you really being serious Kodi? You're not over exaggerating? No one at all?"

"no... not in the slightest... please Aleu!" an idea sneaked into my mind. Maybe Aleu would appreciate that... being part wolf... I slowly lowered myself and licked at her chin, silently hoping she would recognize my demonstration of affection.

"oh Kodi... please don't be like that... if you want to act like a wolf you can be marked like a wolf." she told me sternly. Her sudden change in temper confused me.

"if it'll show you just how much I care for you." I rolled over onto my back and waited for her to mark me as her own. Which is exactly what I wanted. I couldn't help but yip in excitement as Aleu crouched over me and raised one of her legs slightly. I looked up at her lovingly as she looked down at me.

"are you sure this is what you want Kodi?"

"yes! This is all I want. This is all I've ever wanted." she closed her eyes as her golden liquid hit my chest, this reminded me of that thing humans do... they put a golden ring of metal on one another's finger... this isn't so dissimilar is it?

"okay.. I'm done... are you happy now?"

I stood up and licked her chin again "very." my heart almost stopped as she turned around and held her tail aside. "Aleu?"

"go on Kodi... like you said... no one has to know." she looked at me and smiled, eager to receive my attentions. I walked up to her and sniffed her anus and vagina a few times... she was in heat... no wonder she wanted to mate with me.

I licked at her crotch a few times, getting her nice and slippery for my grand entrance, her murrs of pleasure made me incredibly happy, I was really doing this... I was licking her... she was really letting me do this to her... this is all I've ever wanted.

"come on Kodi! stop messing about!" I smiled as she frustratedly yipped at me. I nuzzled her rump before jumping up on her back, tightly holding her thighs, using them to give me some leverage as I slowly humped her. She made a satisfied moaning noise "mmm.... faster Kodi! Fuck me faster!"

I gently nipped on her shoulder, smiling as shivers flew down her spine. "I... I love you Aleu... I have done ever since I first opened my eyes and laid them upon you."

I licked her muzzle as she blushed slightly "I... I love you too Kodi."

I smiled as all of my dreams came true. I was with my mate, my love... my sister. We mated through the night before falling asleep together.