While Pongo Is Away Oddy Will Play

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While Pongo Is Away Oddy Will Play

By: Luckybolt20

It was hard for Perdita while Pongo was away on a trip with Roger, she was even in heat that drove her nuts. The only dogs on the farm was her pups and Mooch and she was sure not going to let him near her body. She sat on the porch trying to ignore the need of another dog to mount her but it was still driving her nuts. She had wanted to sneak into Anita's room where she had a doggy dildo due to her thoughts of some of the dogs on the farm but it wasn't easy specially while her and Nanny was in the house. Perdita trained herself to do things with her paws that only a few knew how to and those on the farm that knew how was thanks to her.

Perdita laid her head down and watched the pups play. But one of her eyes caught Oddy who was near the dirt path drawing in the dirt. She had always admired his art work. She trained him to use his front paws for things but mainly to draw things. He had a shoe box of art supplies she had found for him and also a shoe box of pictures he drew. Some of the art was adult art of some of the pups on the farm which she had found one time and didn't scold him for it due to finding it hot. She thought about him for awhile as she sat there and watched him work on a picture of her in the dirt. She didn't see a lot of it yet till she got up and walked over to him.

There she found him doing a picture of her and him but not a clean picture of her and him one where she was giving her son a muzzle job. Oddy looked up to find Perdita looking at the picture as he quickly brushed the picture away. "Mom!, I didn't....I mean I didn't mean to...." Oddy was worried cause he had not been sure if she saw other artwork and looked down at the ground while blushing deep red while waiting for his mother to scold him. He was shocked when Perdita pet his head. "It's ok son." She said in a soft tone. Oddy could pick up a smell in the air. He knew the small all to well due to some of the other females he sketched had the same smell. His mother was in heat.

"Mom are you....In heat?" Oddy asked at first knowing the answer but wanted to find out from her. Perdita nodded as she looked away a bit. Oddy had always had a crush on his mother. Though he wasn't her blood son, he still called her family like he did with all of the dogs on the farm. Oddy smiled an somewhat evil grin as he got up shaking his tail lightly as he looked like he was going to pounce. Walking around his mother and standing on his hind legs he took a good breath in as he smiled deeply. His nose was already pressed against his mother's genital area. This wasn't a surprise to her though she was a bit shocked as he let out a soft sigh. This wasn't in Oddy's plan though he wanted to tease his mother.

Oddy then walked around to her front area as he sat down in plain view of his sheath as he started stroking himself in front of his mother pulling his sheath back enough for Perdita to see the tip of his cock. This was making her more and more horny as she sat down whining a bit. Oddy's plan was working. He had always wanted to be inside Perdita but never had the chance to with Pongo always being around. He loved his father but it wasn't like he wanted Pongo to see what he wanted to do to his mother so badly. Half of Oddy's cock was now exposed as Perdita could not take it anymore as she got up. Oddy thought she was getting up to walk away from the teasing fun Oddy was having but was surprised when she picked him up into her mouth and started walking away.

Oddy wasn't sure what was happening till they got to the railcar. The Kurnal and his Lt. Tibbs had gone with Lt. Pug for a mission, no one knew about not even me. But Perdita knew they would not be back for awhile. Walking into the railcar Perdita put Oddy down and locked the door. "Well now you think it's funny to tease your mother?" Perdita said trying to make herself seem serious about the whole matter but, she didn't know if it was working till Oddy lower his ears. He thought he was in it big time now. Perdita laid Oddy down on the floor of the railcar and looked at his half way out cock, before giving it a gentle lick. "I will show you what I plan on doing to those who tease me. Perdita said with a grin on her muzzle.

Oddy laid there still worried as she started to put the tip of his cock into her mouth. Oddy could only lay his head down with a soft moan. This wasn't what he thought was going to happen but it didn't matter to him. Perdita pushed Oddy's sheath all the way back with her muzzle as she eyes his medium sized knot. It wasn't the size of the other pups nor the size of her husband's but to her it was still a sexy knot. She began to suck on Oddy's cock as she had remembered seeing Anita do this to Roger once before. She enjoyed the moans her son was throwing out of his muzzle as she worked deep down on him. She could taste the pre from his tip shooting up into her mouth as all he could do was look at her beautiful tits knowing that she had some milk left in them.

Perdita pulled from his cock as she smiled at her son. "Like what you see Oddy?" She asked as she grinned. Before seeing her son nod his head in agreement. This gave her the idea of laying down and lifting her hind leg up for access. "Well then give them a try son." Perdita knew it was wrong but she didn't care much. Oddy walked over after getting up and started licking each of his mother's nipples working his tongue along the sensitive parts. There was no milk at first until he started sucking on her nipples. "I saw your art before son. You really love the female's breasts." Perdita claimed to Oddy as she started feeling herself get wetter and felt milk being pumped out of each nipple Oddy sucked on. This surprised Oddy but it didn't matter. He was finally getting what he dreamt about for so long.

After licking and sucking each nipple Oddy glanced quickly at his mother's pussy. Perdita had a beautiful one. It was so clean looking, puffy from being in heat, and it seemed to be in perfect looking shape. Oddy walked over to Perdita's pussy and give it a nice big lick with his long tongue. This surprised Perdita but as before it didn't make her want him to stop. Even Pongo didn't lick her much there. Nor did he do what Oddy was about to do. Oddy had placed his tongue tip inside of her pussy. He could taste her sweet honey as he worked her good and hard. He could even feel her clit on his tongue which made Perdita moan louder. She was worried someone might see her and Oddy doing this but in her mind she really didn't care. Oddy had placed his lips so close to her pussy lips that she could swear he was having a make out fest with her cunny.

Oddy enjoyed what he was doing so much that he didn't want to stop but soon was forced to when Perdita rolled over and told Oddy to put his now hard erection into her. She didn't care about the consequences she knew that if she got pregnant she could always blame Pongo but in her mind it would be her and her secret lover's litter. Oddy started to thrust inside his mother slowly at first but it didn't last long as Perdita pushed his hips deeper inside of her. Oddy could feel this happening. His know was pushing against her cunny lips as he could feel her pulling him in. Which with her juices it was making it easier to slip deeper inside of Perdita. Soon enough his knot was inside of her.

The whimpers Oddy was letting out as he started to flood his mother's womb with his seed was almost like he was letting go of something else. But sure enough the liquid was his puppy sperm which was going into her womb and find its way to her fertile eggs planting new live inside of her. Oddy collapsed onto Perdita with a big sigh. "Mommy what will happen if Dad finds out?" He asked with a worried look on his face. Perdita just smiled down at him and responded. "Dad will think its his litter but deep down we will know who's litter it is." This made Oddy feel better about the whole thing.

. . . . .

Perdita and Oddy left the railcar later that day as Oddy ran off after giving her muzzle a lick and went to work on a picture of his mother, him, and his father and of coarse it was going to be an adult picture. While Perdita just went back to the porch. Nine weeks later Perdita gave birth to a healthy litter.

The End

Hope you enjoy the story Oddy I sure did ;)