[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 07

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#7 of Beastiary Beas - [THE WORLD] of Monsters

f?????i??????n????ishes their pint as they slam the glass on the bar. That drink was ment to last after they got back from outside! Okay, yeah, they were procrastinating. They couldn't describe it, but Butters could feel a new surge fly through their body. I guess this is when they understood they were nervous, for just speaking to their friend outside? But they were, which probably says it all. Thankfully those nerve were melting away rapidly, and they were just gonna do it, speak to Chloe, fuck, let's do it. Then they'll swing back and flirt with Xi for the hat-trick. They, as dramatically as is possible, pushes their whole self from the barstool as they stride towards the door.

However, the closer they get, the more they notice it. Raised voices, some they don`t recognise, some they do, one that's dear to them. As Butters heads out of the door, the one which goes out to Eld Lane, some commotion near the door steals their attention. As a group of Monsters budges past Butters to get inside, two of them holding up a third nursing a wound on their face.

-Fucks sake, I dunno what I done wrong like? It were just a pub game and the cunt just bottled me!? Is there some Human etiquette I fucked up on? The Monster Stammered.

Butters teeth grit, they flex their paws in a claw shape, like they don't wanna assume nowt and kick off while the night can be salvaged. They swing their head back to the outside, fully intending to return this Humans 'Kindness' back with interest. They scan the scene before them, they immediately clock Chloe and Chord in full squaring up body language. But that didn't account for every voice they recognised earlier. They turn their head to see the Human responsible for the commotion, and it's the Human they went on a date with not even a few hours earlier.

Aaaannnnddd... This all seems eerily familiar.

-Butters babe! Heeey, hey, hey. Sorry for not getting round to texting you earlier but look at what I'm dealing with here. Can you sort these fucking beasts out, yeah? We'll go for a pint? The Human pleads.

The Squirrel looks at Chloe and Chord's way as they give a smirk and head towards the Human.

-Oh baby, of course! I'll sort things out with these yobs, god you must be so shaken up! Come 'ere.

Butters then grabs the Human and shoves his head between their breasts as they put their arms around to cradle them. Chord looks at this scene disgusted, but not surprised. She looks at Chloe, hoping to be reciprocated with her disapproval, only to see the Cat grinning from ear to ear behind one of her paws.

After a few moments, Butters begins to run their paw through the Human's hair.

-I know you don't deserve this baby, you're a good egg! And you know about us Squirrels right? We have a way of telling of people are good or bad eggs. They explain.

They grip one of their fingers as they tap their knuckle on the Human's head. Just a cute little doink, then again and then again slowly more and more hard with increasing frequency. Then the doink becomes a thud. When the human tries to pull away in discomfort, Butters embrace becomes a vice grip, even wrapping their legs around the Human's, lest they try and kick out of the grapple. The thud becomes a strike, the Human's cries being muffled by the Monsters's chest. First sweat starts to come off his head, then drops of blood, then streams accompanied by skull fragments flying through the air, until with such ferocity that neither Monster had ever seen Butters display, an absolute toe curling CRACK! As the streams turn to gushes and the blood turns into a white translucent goo, which pours out of his skull in place of where, oh I dunno, any organ should be? As this once solid man distorts and melts into a puddle of Humanity.

Butters drops what's left of this apparition on the floor as they look up at the two Monsters before them, splatters of Humanity still evaporating into air on their face. Chloe, still grinning shoves Chords side with their paw.

-See? Glow up arc. Chloe brags.

Butters only thought to notice it now it was all over, but that slight feeling of heat in their pockets where the flame they were gifted once nestled, has now gone completely cold.

[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 06

Butters head towards the bar and puts maybe an embarrassing amount of thought into how they'll return to the beer garden. Perhaps do the putting their pint down around his shoulders with a "Hey" kind of thing? Sit on the table in front of him, thing?...

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[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 05

They continued on as the large group of Monsters around the table split off into little micro conversations. Sigh trying to talk Fluu down from getting more upset. Chord, Lousid and Chloe complaining about their work days with Koo chiming in with an...

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[THE WORLD] of Monsters - Chapter 04

As the pair return to the table they could spot in the time they were both away, two new Monsters had joined them since: Ku-Te and Sigh. The latter was a mermaid (she/her), with a subtle pale blue tint to their anthro-part and a serene glisten to the...

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