Pokemon Breeder Dungeon - Bad Start

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Pokemon Breeder Dungeon

Bad Start

The Pokemon that best fits you... is Eevee!

The sound of that voice was what woke him up. He looked around in confusion, trying to find the source, but he was alone. Instead of his room and bed, he was in a forest, lying on the hard ground.

It was quiet, only the faint sound of wind through leaves hitting his ears. Strangely, the forest seemed huge. The trees must have been tens of feet high. The grass was just as tall, tickling his body as it poked into him. He instinctively reached down to scratch it, but froze when he touched himself. Instead of skin, soft fur met his touch.

He looked down in response to see brown and cream colored fur covering his body. Instead of the usual human proportions he was used to, he had a small quadrupedal form. Behind him, a bushy tail waved slowly through the air. Between that and the fur around his neck, he figured it out quick.

"I'm a pokemon!" he shouted. An Eevee, in particular, just like the voice from his dreams had said. His own voice surprised him. It sounded small and cute, almost girly.

His eyes were wide with excitement. Eevee was one of his favorite pokemon. How did he use moves? He braced himself and ran forward. "Quick attack!" he yelled. But nothing happened. He slowed down and stopped running. No burst of speed or energy, nothing.

He sat down and could feel his tail wagging behind him. What should he do first? Explore? Find other pokemon? There was no telling when he'd wake up, so he had to make the most of it.

An itchy sensation made him look down. It was coming from between his legs. The fluff of his neck prevented a clear view, so he reached to scratch blindly with a paw. He expected to scratch his balls, as that was where the itch felt like it was coming from. But he touched nothing. He reached lower, pressing more insistently to find that itch. Maybe his junk had moved further down than he was used to on his form. Instead, his paw brushed over something wet, which sent a tingle through his body. Something wet and mushy sat between his legs, and it felt good to touch, prompting him to keep exploring it.

He craned his neck more, but couldn't see it. He rolled onto his side and curled up more, finally looking over his fluffy neck. There, right under his paw, was a puffy mound. "Is that..." His eyes widened. Experimentally, he pushed one of his fingers into it. It sunk right in and that good feeling intensified. He was a she now.

A branch cracked nearby, causing her to pull her paw away, embarrassment covering her face. She stumbled as she tried to right herself too fast. From a nearby bush, two eevee emerged, head raised. She heard one sniff the air, then turn to her.

"See, I told you I smelled one. Hey," he spoke. His voice was deeper than hers, but not by much. "Are you out here alone?"

"What? I uh- I dunno? I just..."

"For real? We gotta take her back to the camp," the other said.

"What? No way. This is a golden chance. I'm not wasting it." He stepped towards her.

"If you screw this up, Moon will have your ass." That made the other pause.

"Ugh, fine. Hey, you," he spoke to her directly. "Come with us. We've got a tribe. We can give you food and shelter."

She had little other option. Either follow the pokemon or wander lost in the woods. It sounded like they were taking her to some sort of settlement. She wasn't too concerned. It was all a dream, it had to be, so she was in no danger.

As she followed, her eyes looked to the closer one. It was perfectly natural to look at someone's back to follow them. But from her new smaller view, his backside was all she could see. His tail was conveniently raised as he walked, giving her an eye full of his balls.

The little guy was well endowed, the softball sized orbs swinging slightly as he walked. For some reason, the itch between her legs got worse when she saw them. She couldn't be aroused, she wasn't gay... she liked girls.

In an effort to banish the flurry of thoughts running through her mind, she looked away. It only helped a little bit. After a little while of moving through the thick forest, they came to an opening. Exiting out into a clearing, she could see a good deal of huts set up around the area. A bunch of other Eevee, numbering somewhere in the twenties, wandered the area, some going out into the forest, some coming in with supplies.

Her guides led her to the biggest of the stick and leaf huts. "Go in and talk to our leader. He'll decide what to do with you."

She moved forward, reaching a paw out to draw the leafy curtain door aside. "Hello?" she called out as she entered.

"Come in," a silky smooth male voice said.

She fully entered and saw an Umbreon lying on a rock at the far end of the tent.

"A new member to the tribe? Welcome."

"Uhm, actually no. So, this'll sound weird, but I'm a human and I woke up like this. I'm not sure if this is a dream or what, but I was told you could help me," she explained.

"Hmm... Well, this is not a dream. But perhaps that is what your dreams would tell you. I have heard tale of creatures from other worlds landing in ours. According to legend, they come for a specific purpose and cannot return until that purpose is complete." The Umbreon sat regally, his blue rings slowly brightening and dimming.

"Then what is my purpose? I can't stay here, I have work tomorrow!"

A smirk crept across his face. "I have a theory. My tribe is dying. Female Eevee are rare and my tribe has none. Beyond replenishing our numbers, the males are frustrated and leaving. We haven't seen one for years. Until now."

She grimaced. If he was asking what she thought he was...

"Perhaps your purpose is to help my tribe. You have the perfect form for it."

"No way! I'm a guy. I can't-"

"You are a female. We both know it."

"I mean I was male before. And you're an animal. I... I think I should go." She stood and started to back up.

"SIT DOWN!" he shouted. Dark energy poured off his body.

A shiver crept over her body and her skin crawled. With an unconscious whimper, she sat. That fear, it would have woken her. She was sure it wasn't a dream now. That knowledge only cemented her feelings.

"Apologies, but it would be upsetting to have you leave. I am not asking for nothing. If you bear us enough eggs to save my tribe, I will personally help you find a way back to your world."

"The answer is still no! I can figure this out alone." She stamped her feet angrily. There was just no way she could. "Listen, I'm not into guys."

"You are defensive of your lost masculinity. Perfectly understandable." The Umbreon shifted on his rock, moving his paws closer to the edge. "But the truth is obvious. You are a female and in heat. Disgust or no, you can use the resources you have to help both of us."

"I said no. I can't... make eggs. It's just too much."

He sighed and looked away for a second. She felt a wave of relief when his sharp gaze left, only to tense up when he looked back. "Maybe something else then. Help relieve me and I will escort you from the forest. After that, you may do as you please."

"Relieve?" She dated to hope he didn't mean what she thought he did.

"Make me orgasm, however you like. Once this damnable fog of arousal has been lifted, I'll be much more comfortable leaving the village." He raised the back of a paw to his forehead in a dramatic fashion.

"I'll just walk in one direction. That'll eventually get me out."

"Hmph, you really aren't from this world. This is Moonlit Forest, a mystery dungeon. The environment itself twists and turns. You'd never get out like that. And the other pokemon that live here are not as friendly as we are. One may decide to use your body by force."

She frowned. "I just have to... help you out and you won't do anything to me?"

"I won't lift a paw. The more you help, the more I will help you in return."

She took a deep breath and moved forward. "Just touching, no funny business." She couldn't believe she was about to jerk off another guy, but it was the only way she was getting out of this place.

The umbreon shifted on his rock, moving towards the edge to make room for her. "Before you start, what is your name?"

"It's..." Her mouth hung open. She had a name, right? She had to have, but why couldn't she remember it. "Uhm... I..."

"I see. My name is Moon. How about we call you... Cinnamon, at least until you can recall your name."

"Whatever. I just want to get this over with."

He patted the stone. "Then come. I won't do a thing."

She stepped forward and up onto his throne. She expected it to be cold, but warmth met her paws, left from his body heat. As she joined him, he rolled onto his side and lifted a leg.

He was a lot bigger than her, and had a package to match. A bright red tip poked from his furred sheath already. He only showed it for a moment before he rolled back onto his stomach and reached out.

Cinnamon yelped and backed up a bit, thinking he was reaching for her. He stopped short and placed his paw out on the rock.

"Our agreement is as follows. You relieve my arousal," he started, his smooth tone becoming serious. "I will then lead you out of the forest. I will take no action during."

"And I want you to stay quiet," she demanded.

"Very well. Do we have a deal?"

"Fine. But I won't enjoy it." She placed her paw on his.

A toothy grin emerged on his face. Then he rolled onto his back. "Then go ahead."

"I said shut it."

He raised a forepaw and placed it over his mouth. With that taken care of, she turned her attention to the task at hand. Paw. Whatever. She took a step closer, now at his side. From this close, she could see the muscle bulging under his fur. He looked strong. Being the leader of a tribe of pokemon, he had to be. Why was she thinking about how muscular another guy was? She- HE wasn't like that. Female body or not, he was a male. And he was being forced to do this. If anything, Moon was gay, making him do this.

As she had her internal conflict, the umbreon grew bored. He reached down and rubbed a paw over his sheath. The contact made his member emerge, the tip of red growing more pronounced. She bit her lip as she looked at it. If he took care of himself, he'd claim she broke their agreement. She stepped forward again, standing on his side with her forepaws. That made him move his own paw back.

With a deep breath, she reached out and touched the exposed inch of red flesh. His body tensed in response for a moment, along with a grunt. She could feel his length throb as it began to emerge more quickly. She couldn't help but watch as it did, exploring the animalistic member with her sensitive paw. She has never seen anything like it.

The tip was pointed and the whole thing was smooth and soft to the touch. It was hot too. She could even swear that it was giving off a red glow, pulsing in time with the rings on his fur. She barely even registered it as a cock. She knew that it was, but it was so exotic. And a new smell now pervaded the air. She hadn't realized just how sensitive her new nose was, especially to the scent of such a stud. Did... did he smell like blueberry, or was she imagining it? As her mind ran over every detail of it, she kept idly rubbing. It looked about fully out now. Her sense of size was still all messed up from her now feral body, but it looked big, thick and long. His balls were big as well, looking swollen and backed up.

She gulped as a worrying thought crossed her mind. He certainly looked to be a capable breeder. If the dark type were to trick her, to bend her over and pound her senseless, to flood her womb with... if he did any of that, she'd be leaving with eggs for sure. She clenched her legs closed and looked up at him. A flush of heat ran through her. He was lying back with his eyes closed and a content smile.

She got the feeling she was in a room with a sleeping monster. The worst part was, her body seemed to want him to awake and ravish her. Every little dirty thought, all the worried imaginings of her male mind, they were erotic desires to her female body. She could feel the fur of her crotch soaked with arousal. He had said it was mating season, that would explain both their bodily reactions. But that also meant she was fertile as well. No matter what, she had to keep away from him. Her pussy was off limits. The damn thing was already so sensitive. How she wanted to touch it or rub it on the rock, so desperately, but... No, she was a male and she wanted her dick back. But it would be so easy, and so pleasurable, to just climb on him and rub her slit on his face. He'd probably even lick it and that might make him finish quicker.

But she couldn't. That would be admitting defeat, surrendering to her female body. His male mind was a fighter. But she knew a thing or two about jerking off. Rubbing wasn't going to do the job. Her paws didn't have as much dexterity as she was used to either. She moved around his flank and between his legs. From there, she had a much better view of his package. From the pointed tip, down the tube shape length, to a little bulge right before it hid in his skin. Below that she got a much better view of his balls, how swollen and heavy they looked. The scent of him was stronger from there too, a thick blueberry smell, one that only made her slit moisten more.

Curiously, she reached out with an upturned paw, then, knowing how sensitive they likely were, carefully touched the underside of his sack. She could feel the heft of his balls right away. She lifted what felt like one, the rubbed across to find the other. Each nut could have fit in each of her paws, though she wasn't sure if they were big or she was just small. As she traced out of the curves of the bountiful bag, he let out a quiet groan. She was making progress.

But again, she would need more effort. Almost reluctantly, she stopped playing with his pouch. She moved forward a little more, in order to rest her front legs on either side of his dick. Then, she got to work with both paws. She couldn't wrap them together around his meat, so she made up for it with greater pressure, gauging his reaction. Pain would only draw him away from climax. Unless he was into that kind of thing. But she could tell in the way he anxiously twitched about, he was a top. It was taking everything he had not to get up and rut her raw. This slow pace was getting to him though.

His member jumped in her grasp and she finally got what she was after. A bead of pre emerged from his tip. She immediately reached up and gathered it, smearing her pads with it for lube. What would it taste like? Blueberries? She closed her mouth upon realizing it was open. No, out of the question, gross. With lube, she could speed up her rubbing, really starting to jerk him off now. Why couldn't she have become a male pokemon? Then she would have a wonderful cock like his. The vein covered length just seemed so appealing to her. The smooth gentle curves along it, to the pointed tip, to the ever thickening base. That tip would probably feel so good sliding into her, poking and prodding her depths. But that wouldn't happen. She was strong, she just had to finish this, move on and forget it ever happened.

But could she forget such a thing? The image of this magnificent cock would be forever burned in her mind, especially if she didn't experience all he had to offer. Her body burned with need, an unignorably persistent itch and desire. The solution to it sat within her grasp, so tantalizingly close, yet forbidden.

She let out a growl, shaking her head to break that train of thought. Why hadn't he cum yet? She was giving it all she had, but...

She needed to finish this up, fast. That thick blueberry smell, the one that she couldn't stop breathing in, was driving her nuts. It was only a matter of time before she made a bad decision because of how horny she was.

With a look of disgust, she leaned forward, shifting her paws to stand on him. She moved her snout right up to his member. Her mouth opened and her tongue licked out, along the bottom side of him. He did taste like blueberry. Too much like blueberries. Why did his pre taste so good? She immediately licked again, this time running the tip of her tongue along the side, from the base all the way to the tip. Her paw work had spread his juices all over his cock.

A quiet groan from above let her know it was working. She couldn't help herself, putting more of her new, broader tongue to action. More of that delicious juice beaded at the tip. She ran her tongue right to the source and was rewarded with a shift and a grunt. He seemed to like that. She saw her chance. She'd finish him in a single move. Moving up, she closed the tip of her mouth over his tip. She swirled her tongue over it and gave a suck. She just had to get him to the edge, then finish him with her-

He suddenly grunted and thrust upwards. He didn't go too far, but he did sink another inch into her maw. At the same time, his length quivered and shot a powerful stream of cum into her mouth.

She let out a yelp as he painted the back of her throat and her mouth was filled with sweet juice. His member kept pumping, delivering a second and third glob right after. She had to pull off and cough from the sheer volume. He was still going however, and let out the fourth and fifth strings onto the side of her face. She gave a few more coughs before negotiating with the sticky substance in her mouth. It was even more sweet than his pre, almost overpoweringly so. It was like blueberry syrup she'd put on pancakes. And just like that delicious stuff, she gulped down all of it, licking her lips in delight. She started to reach up to scoop the stuff off her face, but then paused. What was she doing? Yes, it was good, but... she was enjoying another man's seed. Gross, disgusting, she told herself. But that did little to actually convince her, especially with his taste still in her mouth.

"Hey, I did my job. Now get up."

"Hmm?" He raised his head. "What was that?"

"I'm done. Your turn."

"You're done? My dear, you have hardly fulfilled your end of the bargain."

"I made you cum!" she said angrily.

"The agreement was to satisfy me. And I am hardly satisfied." As if agreeing with him, his cock gave a hearty throb in front of her. It was still just as hard.

"But..." She had worked so hard to get him off the first time. It would only be harder to do again. How many times would it take? "I'll... I'll make you a deal. I'll use my p-pussy, but this is the last time."

"Oh-hoh." He smiled. "I'll take you up on that. Go ahead then." He lowered his head again.

She took a deep breath. She had a plan. If she pulled off, she wouldn't get knocked up. This method would make him shoot faster and maybe give her a little relief. It was a dangerous game, but she had to use all the tools she had. She was already going crazy and to have to do all that again, only for it not to work, she couldn't.

She had enough self control to fight it. It would feel so unbelievably good to just take him and let him cream her, stuff her womb full of eggs, maybe breed her over and over, all night long, no. She could resist the lust. At least that's what she kept telling herself as she climbed into his larger body, ignoring the flashes of horny desires, the images of him breaking their deal and mating her like the wild animal he was. His cock pressed against her belly now. She could feel the heat coming off it. Not only was it soaked with his cum and her spit, her leaking slit left her nethers even wetter.

She lifted her hips and his cock followed, springing to attention between her legs. It pressed against her hip, prompting her to shift a bit, feeling the tip trace a path over her mound until a shiver crept over her body. Just his tip brushing against her lips felt divine.

She couldn't wait any longer after that, starting to lower her hips. His tip parted her lips easily, sinking into her untouched depths. With a cry, her vision doubled and stars filled her sight. Her entire body lit up with pleasure, enough to make her quake. Her legs wobbled, then gave out, causing her to drop straight down. Her cry turned in a scream as all the sensations doubled, tripled, quadrupled, too much. Everything beyond how good she felt left her mind.

She wasn't sure how long she was out of it when she regained her senses. Was that an orgasm? It was so... intense. Were they all like that? That had surpassed anything she'd ever felt. Nothing even came close, including her male orgasms. But she already craved more. She suddenly became aware of the full sensation in her lower body. Looking down, she could she her lips against the swollen base of his cock. Since when had it grown like that? Whatever that sizable bulge he had was, she liked it. Up further, the girth of his cock faintly showed in her midsection. From their union, a large amount of her juices flowed down, matting mostly his fur.

She almost went off again as his member throbbed and drooled a hot glob of pre inside her. She purred at the feeling, surprised she could even make that noise. She took in a few breaths, deep, in... and out... in... and out. Oh, he felt so nice inside her. So wonderfully thick and hot. Finally having something in her, after such a long time of craving it, only made it better. And he was a comfy seat too, rubbing his toned belly with her paws, feeling the soft fur and comforting body heat. He would be a good mate, give her strong- no, no he wouldn't.

She had to focus and calm down. It was dangerous to cum like that. If she went off when he was close, it might set him off inside her. And that climax was so debilitating, she wouldn't be able to pull off him in time if it happened. But it had felt so, so good. Just taking his tip was enough to make her cum. Every little throb his tool gave made her squirm. And rather than giving her relief, it only made her lust burn brighter. Wasn't she supposed to calm down after an orgasm? So why was she even hornier than before. Was it a female thing? Or was it because...

Her eyes widened with realization. It was breeding season. Her body wouldn't give her peace until she gave it what it wanted. Her body began to move on it's own, her legs pressing up to lift her hind end, as if the simple idea of being bred spurred it into action. His cock rubbing against her insides was just as pleasurable as before, maybe more so. She involuntary purred again. She'd lifted until only his tip remained inside, then began to lower again. "Ohh, yes," she whispered as his length sunk back in. Was she in control or was her body moving on its own? She didn't really care, as long as that cock stayed inside her.

She came to rest on the base of his cock again. Looking down, she could feel it pressing against her spread lips. It was so thick, it would probably feel great inside her. Just looking at the juicy bulb made her excited. She lifted, faster this time, and dropped again, her lips squeezing on that bulge as she pushed into it. She could feel her own climax building again, but his was as well, the throbbing and pumping of pre both increasing.

Her legs were starting to ache, the position awkward for her new feral body, but she couldn't stop. She had never felt so conflicted. On one hand, some part, shrinking smaller each time his cock slipped through her folds, wanted to go home. The other part wanted this to never end. She couldn't compare anything to this raw pleasure.

Why was she even resisting it? Some belief that she was still male and human? Neither of those were anywhere near as good as what she was now. She was ruining the best time of her life. But was she really okay with having a baby? Or several?

"Hey, watch yourself," Moon said, breaking her train of thought. "If you take my knot, you'll have eggs for sure."

Eggs. That word repeated in her mind over and over. Images of a bloated belly, then a bunch of little eevee babies, floated in her thoughts. Then her sexy mate, cuddling her, them fucking all night long... As a male, she could never bear young... but she had the chance now. It would be a shame to miss out on a miracle like the one she was living. She wasn't being asked to stay here forever, she'd eventually go back to her old life. Her hips fully lowered a ground against the bulge of his knot. Oh, it was so big. Could she fit it? She had to. There was no other option. The juicy bulb strained against her opening.

Actually, her old life sucked. She had no girls, a shitty job, mountains of debt... here, the only thing she had to worry about was her male's stamina... and how long until she could see her cute little fox babies. Her hips raised high, then slammed down. Still, the knot didn't make it in. She looked down to see herself spread over the top fourth. She then looked up to the alpha. He had a contented smile on his face and was breathing heavily. He was close.

She spread her legs wider and pressed harder. A little more slipped in, but still not enough to clear the bulging middle. "Damn," she growled. "Hey!" She smacked his chest.

"Hmm?" One of his eyes peaked open. "What is it dear?"

"Help me out!" she demanded.

His smile grew. "Oh, well I'm sorry, but that would break our agreement. I'm not supposed to do anything," he said with feigned sadness. "I shouldn't even be speaking."

"I don't care, just fuck me!"

"I suppose I could." He suddenly lunged upwards, flipping over with her still in his lap. In an instant, she was pinned under him. She looked up at him, his red eyes looking back. "I hope you're ready, because I'm not holding back," he told her smugly.

"Breed me al-" Her voice failed her as his hips got to work, pushing down and spearing his cock back into her. His knot audibly squished against her lips, hitting with far more force than she could have mustered. His balls thumped against her backside. He stayed there for a moment, looming over her.

"You have no idea how hard it was to just sit there, with such a breedable female, so close. Right in front of me, but out of my reach." He leaned in closer, mouth next to her ear. It twitched as his hot breath washed over it. "This position is called a mating press. Let me show you why."

He suddenly burst into action, rapidly raising and slamming his hips into her. The swift and powerful motions drew a long moan from her. Driven by his strong hips, his cock easily slid through her folds, far more effortlessly than she had achieved.

She felt so wonderfully powerless. None of her actions mattered, with her body pinned so thoroughly. She couldn't have escaped if she wanted to, nor could she thrust up into him. All she could do was take it, which was exactly her plan. His body heat and that thick blueberry scent covered her completely. It might have been nice to fall asleep under him, if she wasn't experiencing the most mind blowing pleasure of her life.

It was such a simple act, lifting his strong legs, then thrusting down into her so easily, over and over. Yet it felt so divine. She was in heaven and she never wanted it to end. But everything pointed to a conclusion. His cock was starting to throb more, leaking lots of pre. His knot was swollen and pounded against her with every deep thrust. It stretched her with its heated mass, spreading her ever so slightly more each time. If it just pressed a little further...

She was so close to getting knocked up. She didn't know much about his biology, but on some instinctual level, she knew once that bulb went inside, her fate was sealed. Earlier, she had been so worried about it, but now, it was all she wanted. She wanted him to breed her, mark her as his mate. Feel his seed take root, his children grow within her. Already, she could see them cuddling, her belly big with his litter. Then being swarmed, climbed all over and playing with eevee pups. "Do- do it. Make me a mommy!"

He suddenly held still, only his tip still in her. "What changed your mind?"

She groaned as the pleasure left her, just before she fell over the edge. "What?"

"You refused me before, said you were male. Now you act like a proper female. Why?"

Was he just teasing her? Or was he genuinely confused? "Because I'm so horny, and this feels so good, and you're so sexy and-"

He moved his mouth to her ear. "What do you want then?"

"Fuck me! Pound my pussy and breed me! Hold me and mate me over and over again, until I'm carrying your babies!"

"That's more like it." A growl rumbled through him as he began to rut her at a wild pace. She had no choice in how to react, only able to let out moans and clutch desperately at his body. Her heart skipped a beat when it happened. There was a loud slap, pressure, then a sloppy plop. For a moment, she felt so full. And she knew there was only more to come. It was inside her, he had tied her, she was about to be-

Her train of thought froze as the first hot gooey shot splattered into her womb. Warmth filled her deepest reaches and her pussy quaked around him, milking him for more. His cock gave a tremendous throb before each wave of seed, only heightening her pleasure. Over and over again, he emptied his balls into her, the feeling of fullness only increasing. He gave little shallow thrusts every time, pushing as much into her as deep as he could. She could feel his hefty balls resting on her, pulsing regularly.

His growls made his chest rumble pleasantly on her back, only reminding her just what was happening. Was she purring? It felt like she was purring. She realized drool was all over her chin, even felt some wetness on her head, as she came down. Suddenly, he rolled over, grabbing her and guiding her atop him as he laid on his back. She was still half out of her mind and just happily snuggled into him. So comfortable was it, that she fell asleep nearly instantly.


"YYAWWNN," he groaned loudly, stretching out. He had been having the most wonderful dream.

"Good morning," a familiar, smooth voice said.

He jolted and turned to see a familiar umbreon, looking at him with a smug grin. His eyes crossed as he noticed a long muzzle where his nose should be. It wasn't a dream. He was a female eevee still.

"We had a very productive evening." He motioned with his head to the side. She looked over to see three eggs. "Now, as to our agreement..."

"I... I think I can stay a while longer."


"Don't get me wrong," she said with embarrassment. "I have to go home eventually, but... I can stay and help you for a few more days, I think."