Tina II Chapter Three- Koji and Violet- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry


Tina II Chapter 3- Koji and Violet- A Gray Muzzle story

It was a cold, gray early evening in Paris. Koji had just gotten off the bus from his job as a reporter for the International New York times. He turned up his collar, as a light rain began to fall. Due to the discomfort, he completed the trip from the bus stop to their apartment in less time than usual. Once in the lobby, he checked the mail, then walked the stairs up to their apartment, as the building was old, and did not have an elevator. When he let himself in, he found that Violet was already home. She met him at the door with a beer. Koji tossed his coat on a chair, and sat down.

"Warsteiner Oktoberfest....very nice! Is there some occasion? He asked cautiously.

"Maybe" Violet teased "we'll have to see..."

"Where's Cleo?" Koji inquired. Looking around, he neither heard, nor saw evidence of their high energy daughter.

"She has a basketball game. Then she asked if she could sleep over at a friend's. I told her it was OK....."

Koji smiled. He was now beginning to get the picture.

"So, we're all alone. Hmmmmmm. What shall we do?"

Parenthood had been an adjustment for them both. In their single days, they had been a very liberated couple. Their open relationship, and their sexual adventures were the stuff of legends. Then they adopted Cleo, a teenage jungle cat hybrid. Overnight, things changed. Far from them calming down the teen, she seems to have had that effect on them. They were quieter, more domestic. Koji threw himself into his work; Violet did hair, taught aerobics, and started getting domestic, baking bread, and decorating their small apartment.

"Violet.....I've been meaning to talk to you" he began, suddenly sounding serious.

"Uh oh, this doesn't sound fun" Violet bristled, nervously.

Koji took his wife's hand. He smiled.

" No, not at all. I've been thinking, that's all. I've come to the conclusion that I've been selfish. It was me who was afraid to start a family. I think I'm past that....."

"But, we ARE a family" Violet was somewhat confused with where Koji was going with this.

"I know. What I meant was, that I'd be OK with us having a baby."

The words just hung in the air for a moment. For the longest time, Violet had hinted that she'd like to have a child. For his part, Koji never said no, but was always careful about using birth control. Of course, there was that once. Caught up in passion, they'd had unprotected intercourse when she was in heat. He had offered her the 'morning after' pill. Sadly, reluctantly, she took it. That had haunted Koji. He felt that he had somehow pressured her to do it. She had never brought it up again, but it had stayed with him. When they adopted Cleo, it was easy to argue that the time wasn't right to have a child, when they were adjusting to life with a teen daughter of another species. There was always a good reason not to have a child. Until now. At last, Koji felt ready for the next step.


Violet jumped into Koji's lap, hugging him, and nearly knocking him over.

"Now, wait a minute, there's other business..." Koji added, trying to regain control

"OK," she asked cautiously "Like what?"

"Remember when we first came to Europe? How you loved it? We both did. It's been a wonderful five years. I've......been given the chance to go back......to the states....work in the home office."

"Is it a good job?" she asked

He nodded.

"Yes. A big deal. I'd be the hybrid editor at the Times. An office. A staff. A byline."

"Sounds like you want this very much."

Again, he nodded.

"Truth is, I miss the States. The country. Friends and family. Now that we're thinking of having a baby, I'd like to raise our child there.

Violet sat back. Violet loved their life in Paris. Born in Japan, and raised in Alaska, Violet did not have a great love for the U.S. Still, she had Family there, and she did have an aunt and uncle there, as well as a cousin.

"Have you talked about this with Cleo?"

"No,......I figured we'd do that together.....IF we needed to.

Cleo had adjusted well. She was doing well in school, and excelled at athletics. As a jungle cat, she was both strong and fast. Her room was full of trophies for track and basketball. Cleo had adapted well to French, speaking it proficiently in a very short time. Of course, she did get exposed to French early, in her native Africa.

Violet leaned forward in her seat. She took Koji's hand.

"Anywhere you go, let me go, too."

"You're OK?, I mean, really?"

This time, it was Violet who nodded.

"I've been expecting this. It's been a dream here. But your heart is at home. I don't have a home, at least not in that way. My home is where you and Cleo are."

"Can you be happy back in New Jersey"

"I'll be incredibly happy wherever we are, as I've been since the day we met."

Finally, Koji could sit back, and take a drink from his beer. Violet leaned back onto his shoulder.

"Can we start making babies?" she asked softly

"But don't you need to be....?"

"Uh huh. I am. Started this morning. This is prime time."

Koji smiled

"Let's make babies."

Violet lead Koji to the bedroom, and dimmed the lights. She started by unknotting hes necktie, then unbuttoning his vest, one button at a time.

"I thought you'd be ripping my clothes off." Koji observed

"Uh uh. Waited too long for this. Gonna do it right." She replied with determination

She then undid his trousers, dropped them, and hung them by the bed. Moving to his shirt, she undid each button, and hung the shirt over the trousers. Slowly, sensuously, she slipped his undershirt over his head, running her fingers through his fur as she did. Then she dropped his underwear to the floor. Finished , she tugged at the sash of her robe, which fell to the floor. She stood there, naked. With the window as a backdrop, Violet's whiteness was contrasted by the lights of Paris beyond. She had shaven recently; he could see that. Her sex was vivid pink, and swollen in the way it got when she was in heat. It fairly glistened, with moisture and excitement, as if her sex itself was anticipating what was to come. Stealing his glance away, his eyes traveled up her body, stopping at her per breasts. They were small, but fit her athletic figure well. Her nipples were erect, and perhaps even larger and firmer than normal. No question that she was in heat. He gathered her in his arms, and carried her to their bed, kissing her as he did.

He lay her down, in the middle of their marital bed. Then sat down beside her. Koji took a finger, and ran it down her body, from the tip of her muzzle, to the center of her sex. He withdrew the digit, and held it to his nose, inhaling deeply. As a wolf/dog, Koji was very attuned to scents. The smell of his bride in heat was almost as exciting as seeing her laying naked in front of him.

"Like my 'perfume'" she joked

"I'd have you smelling like that every minute , every day" he replied

"Which just might be a problem, given the number of horny Frenchman out there" she teased

"And, French women. Don't leave them out."

Koji leaned on an elbow.

"How would you like to.....?"

Violet got very serious.

"I'd like you to impregnate me. The way dogs do. Once you've done that, then make love to me, hold me, explore my body, do with me as you will. But first, mate me. Fill me with your seed. Give me your pups. Then we can have fun."

"You make it sound so serious...." He kidded

"It IS serious; the most serious thing two people can do."

"Very well then, ma'am"

Violet rolled onto her belly. Nestling into the soft mattress, she raised her backside. Lifting her tail, she wiggled her butt, looking back at her mate with a smile. In so doing, she gave the classic dog to dog message that she was ready to be mated. Koji smiled at the display; there are things in life that simply never grow old.

'Ready?' he asked

"Studs don't talk; studs....well, they do what studs do!"

With that challenge, he mounted her. He was ready, to be sure, but so was she. Her sex was swollen, and dripping her own honey. It took no effort to do what he needed to do. His penis hilted in her sex, and he fucked her hard and fast, in the way that two ferals would do in an alley. On top, fully inside, paws on her hips, he plunged into her with hard, quick thrusts. Before long, he felt it. She felt it, too, as he could feel her begin to tense up. Then, came the release. The initial spurt made them both shiver. That was followed by squirt after squirt of precious semen, as Koji filled Violet's waiting womb. After they finished, while they were locked together, she lay very still and quiet. When at last Koji slipped out, Violet rolled about the bed, eyes closed, as if to spread the seed inside her. It was some time before she settled back down

"Mating....like that....it's a pretty visceral thing, isn't it? Kind of brings out the doggie parts of you." He observed

Violet at last opened her eyes.

"Yeah....it really is. I was doing thing I've NEVER done before....I don't even no why I was doing them.....Koji?"


"I feel it.'

"What's that, dear?"

"It. You know, the way I felt when we did it without protection. I feel.....different. Like, in an instant, I knew that you had impregnated me. Call me silly; I feel it, I know."

"I'd NEVER call you silly. And I know enough not to question a woman's intuition about such things."

She lay her head on his chest, mindlessly stroking his cock, playing with his chest fur. They stayed like that for some time, until nature took over, and they made love again. That sequence repeated itself over the next few hours several times. They would have sex, lay in each others arms, get aroused, have sex again. It was the early hours of the morning before they finally drifted off to sleep. It was about eight, when her bladder betrayed her, and she had to get up to pee. After she relieved herself, and washing her messy and mated sex, she went to the dresser, and pulled out a pair of little cotton briefs. She then grabbed Koji's shirt from last night, and put it on. Then, she went to the kitchen, and put on a pot of coffee, for later. Violet then open the French doors that lead from the kitchen. Cold as it was, she walked to the open doorway. Violet loved the city at this hour. It was the thing she would miss most. There was a smell to the city, a smell it only had at dawn. Noticing that the coffee had brewed , she poured a cup, and stood there, leaning against the doorway, watching the darkness recede, and the light once again return to the city of light.

Lost in her reverey, she might have missed it at first. A knock, maybe a scratch at the door. Quiet at first, then more insistant.

Then a pounding......

"Hey, guys! I KNOW you're in there! Open up!"

It was Eddie. Eddie was a squirrel hybrid. That in itself made him pretty rare. Eddie, however, was a BLUE squirrel. Eddie had the more or less normal squirrel coloring, but the parts of one that are ordinarily gray, on Eddie they had a distinctly blueish cast. So, everyone knew him as Eddie, the blue squirrel. Eddie was American, in every way. He was loud, he could be a little boorish, and he had no concern for the privacy of others. Koji went to the door. As soon as he unlocked it, Eddie was inside.

"What's up with you guys? I've been calling since seven, but you didn't pick up! I figured that your battery was dead or something. When I saw your door was open, I figured I'd come up."

Violet was still standing in the doorway, naked, but for her panties, and Koji's open shirt. She made no attempt to cover up, as she knew Eddie had no interest in her. Koji wore only his shorts, but he had no reason to think Eddie had an interest in him, either

"Coffee?" Koji offered.

But Eddie was already pouring the last of the coffee in a cup. He poured in a lot of milk, and a bunch of sugar.

"BLAH!" he winced "You'd think a country that prides itself on it's cuisine could manage to make decent coffee. What's to eat?"

Eddie was going through the fridge.

"There's NOTHING here! What do you guys eat?" he asked, accusingly.

"Uh, we were gona go out for breakfast. Wanna come?" Violet invited.

Eddie sat down at the kitchen table. drinking the coffee, without his earlier dramatics.

"My life is SO screwed! I mention this ONE little thing to Marcel, about something Philipe said the week before, and what does he do? He runs right to Philipe! Like they're best friends or something....

While Eddie rambled on , Violet and Koji dressed. Violet slipped on some super tight jeans, and a snug white t shirt. She didn't bother with a bra. On top, she wore a black leather cycle jacket. Koji wore shirt, pants, and a golf jacket.

"Where you want to go, dear?" Koji inquired

"McDonalds!" Violet replied with excitement.

"On Rue Caumartin?"

" Yeah. That's fine"

"McDonald's?" Eddie bitched. "We're in PARIS! That's the best you can do?"

"That's what Violet wants." He replied, with uncharacteristic annoyance. Eddie had the quality. He could invite himself to your party, then bitch about it.

"Alright, alright" he sulked

So, they walked the few blocks to the restaurant. It was cold, but it wasn't really windy, and the sun was out. When they got there, they surveyed the menu. Violet chose first.

'Steak and cheese bagel, home fries, juice, maybe some pancakes, too...... '

'Big breakfast' Koji decides "Eddie?"

'Croissant, toasted, not too much. Light butter. A McLatte, half caf.....'

Koji and Violet looked at each other and laughed. That was Eddie; high maintenance. As soon as they sat down with their meal, Violet tore into her sandwich, with doglike grace.

'Someone's hungry' Eddie observed

'She's eating for two."

"You're pregnant? Here.. let me see....." Eddie felt her belly

'We don't know...' Violet replied 'Right now, I just think so.....

After breakfast, they stopped at a newsstand. Koji bought the Sunday paper; Violet, 'Women's Fitness', the English language edition. Then they started walking back. After a block, Violet start to slow.

"You OK?" Koji asked

"Don't know....feel a little...."

Violet's complexion turned ashen. . She lunged for one of Paris' street bathrooms.

She was in there a long time. Koji and Eddie could here the auditory evidence of Violet's extreme When she came out, she looked shaken, and unsteady,,,

"You, alright?" he asked

"Dunno. Weak....funny...."

Then, Violet clutched her stomach, and collapsed.

"I'll call an ambulance!" Eddie offered

"No time."

Koji flagged a cab.

"Hospital American" he ordered the driver

When they arrived at the American Hospital, on Victor Hugo, just blocks away, Violet was clearly very ill. Eddie ran inside, while Koji stayed in the cab with Violet, comforting her, as best he could.

"We're safe now, Hon. There's help here...."

Violet offered a weak smile back. Then, orderlies arrived, and put Violet on a gurney, and rolled her inside. They took her directly to an exam room, while Koji got her signed in. By the time that he was done, he was shown back to the room, where the doctor had just done an initial evaluation.

"What's wrong?" Koji stammered

"She's presenting with classic symptoms of appendicitis" the doctor replied "Does she have any medical conditions?

"She thinks she might be pregnant."

"Good to know. We'll run some tests. Have a seat in the waiting room I'll have a nurse get you when we know more."

So, they went to the waiting room. Eddie had already gotten the remote, and changed the channel. He was watching a French game show.

"So, how is she?" Eddie asked, his eyes never leaving the set.

"They don't know. They think it's her appendix."

So, they waited. It was almost two hours before the doctor came out

Koji jumped to his feet.

"How bad is it? Do you know?"

The doctor smiled

The tests confirm the appendix. Her white count is sky high. She's got a slight fever. You're very fortunate you took her right in. She's in danger of it rupturing. She must have been in pain for some time"

"Can I see her?" he asked, hopefully

Again, the doctor smiled

"Yes. I think she needs that You can even go upstairs with her. We'll be sending her right to pre op"

"That bad?"

"That bad.. A few more hours, and it would have been MUCH worse....".

Koji followed the doctor back. He sat by Violet's bedside.

'Am I gonna die?" she asked, softly, but with a sense of real terror.

'No. You have a bad appendix. He says you've been sick for some time. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't want to bother you. Koji? I'm scared. I've never been to a doctor or a vet."

"Never?" he repeated in amazement.

"No, never. We got meds and shots at home; we event did our own sutures, if someone got cut badly."

Koji hugged her.

"I'm sorry dear. I didn't know. But it WILL be OK....I promise."

It was then they saw the orderlies at the door, ready to take her upstairs.