Study Buddy: Chapter Three

Story by pdub on SoFurry

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. I've had two papers to work on totaling 20+ pages, which is hard for a computer science major. I apologize in advance for the flakiness over the next couple of weeks, which will be full of vacations, moving, and the end of my internship (not in that order).

And I had this part planned out before I posted Chapter Two, so this isn't in response to any comments (although they helped me form this a little better).



[Part One](%5C)

[Part Two](%5C)

"Oh crap! I'm late!" This time it wasn't me yelling this. Heather jumped up from bed, still naked from the night before, her breasts jiggling slightly as she pulled her shirt on quickly. I quickly snuck a glance at her tail before she pulled on some pants. "I gotta go. Make sure you lock up when you leave."

"Yes ma'am," with a huge smile on my face. She looked down at me, started to smile, but then stopped herself, whipped around and left. "What was that about?" I said out loud, "I guess I'll figure it out later, I'm late too."

I got up, pulled on my clothes (although finding them was hard since they were thrown anywhere in our hurry last night), and ran the couple of streets back to my house. I found some clean clothes, brushed my fur, and ran. Again I was late to my first class, Physics. This time, I couldn't pay attention. I couldn't get thoughts of the night before out of my mind. Of course it was amazing, but the thought that she regretted it kept floating into his mind. Why did she rush out like that? I just couldn't figure it out.

I mean, of course there was the obvious, her boy problems. She must have just broken up with her boyfriend and I was just the rebound. It's happened before. It sucks, for sure, but I'll take it. I'm no player, and I'm not desperate; but she was amazing. Beautiful, funny, and smart; the trifecta. If I have a chance to be with her, I'll take the chance. I almost completely forgot I was in class until,

"Mr. Sanders? Earth to Mr. Sanders! What is the formula for magnetic force?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not sure," I responded to my professor.

"Make sure you pay attention next time then."

I couldn't ponder the implications of her leaving so abruptly for the rest of the day. Classes were brutal, and if physics was any warning, I would actually need to pay attention. When I got home, I realized that I hadn't been in the dorm since yesterday morning. As I walked in I heard Adam yell in excitement.

"Dude, you totally got laid last night, huh?!"

"Um... No... Well, yeah." I managed to sputter out.

"Ha! I knew it. How was it?"

"Well, to be honest, amazing. But she left in a hurry this morning. I think she regrets it," I told him.

"I would too if I slept with you," and with that, he stuck his tongue out and walked out of the room.

I wondered what I should to about this "situation." Maybe I was making it out to be more than it really was. I overanalyze every little thing, and this could just be something little. She was in a hurry, but I definitely saw a flicker of regret and pain. I thought I should call or email her or something to make sure she was alright.

I then realized I still had some of my cum on my fur down there. I walked around all day with it there. Good thing it wasn't somewhere noticeable, like on my face. I guess I should consider myself lucky because we did kiss after I filled her muzzle with my wolfy goodness. So I decided to take a shower.

I turned on the water and after making sure the water was warm with my paw, I stepped in. It was immediately relaxing. I let the water matte my fur and rinse away the sweat and the cum from my "work out" last night. Just thinking about what happened got me hard. I looked down to see my member slowly slide out of its hiding spot screaming for its pent up energy to be released. I spit in my paw to help lube me up and started to paw off. The water felt good as it ran down my body, dripping off my furry balls. I reached down and started to fondle them, which always does the trick. I felt the orgasm building up inside of me, so I started to go faster and harder. At long last, I couldn't hold it any more. I released my seed with a howl and it spurted all over the wall. Amazed by my shot, I finished cleaning up the old and the new cum from my fur and got out of the shower. I stood in the dryer for a few minutes allowing my fur to poof out, and then I brushed it down.

After the shower, all I wanted to do was sleep because I didn't get very much the night before. I had homework to do, but that could wait for the morning, I would just have to wake up early. I booted up my computer to see if I had any urgent emails real quickly before I went to sleep. There was one, from Heather:

From: Heather <[email protected]>

Subject: About Last Night....

Sent: 23 minutes ago

Body: Hey Phil, I wanted to talk to you about last night. I couldn't do it this morning, because I saw your smile. You seemed so happy about what happened. I think you deserve an explaination. Meet me on campus, in the coffee shop. It doesn't close until midnight. - Heather

I quickly typed back "Ok, see you there!" and ran over. She was already sitting there with two cups of coffee. Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked like she was worrying about our meeting.

"Hey," I said quietly.

"Hey," she responded.

"What's going on? You look like you had a rough day."

"Well, I don't want to have to say what I'm about to say. Look, Phil, you are amazing. I mean truly amazing, but I have to confess. Last night probably wouldn't have happened if the whole thing with my ex didn't happen. I was so upset about the whole thing. I needed someone to make me feel like I was safe and you made me feel that way," she said.

"So what does that mean? I'm the rebound?"

"No! I broke up with that jerk over a year ago. I'm trying to say that I used you. Normally I would never go that fast with anyone, but you made me feel so safe and wanted, I took advantage of the situation. I needed what happened last night, but I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"So if I say that I'm not hurt, and I think you're amazing, you would be ok with a relationship with me?"

"What? After what I did?"

"Yeah, you are the best thing to happen to me since moving away from my family. I'm glad last night happened," I said.

"Then yes, I would be," she answered.

My heart jumped up and down for joy in my chest. I was so happy she said yes. I leaned across the diner table and kissed her. This was a different kiss. This wasn't the passionate, let's get it on kiss. There was feeling and meaning behind this kiss. I knew I wanted this to work out, and it seemed like she does too.

Once we broke off the kiss, we paid for our drinks and left, hand in hand. It was a magical feeling being around her, knowing she was mine. I couldn't stop smiling. We walked towards our places when she asked to stay over.

"Phil, can I stay over at your place? I just want to be in someone's arms."

"Of course," I said with a smirk.

"Not gonna happen tonight, bud. But maybe tomorrow morning," she said with a wink.