An Awkward First Night Frolic

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#1 of En: Cht {Anthology}

Well! I've finally gotten around to finishing this short story! It took me more time than I like. My job and habitual procrastination didn't help either. But after putting in some effort. I am pleased to share the first entry of this anthology! I won't lie. I have always struggled with keeping an idea on paper. It was ever-changing and it never stayed the same for long. Which brought me a large amount of frustration and writer's block. But after struggling with that little problem for so long. I have managed to settle on a foundation I'm happy to develop without any more drastic changes!

Enter the realm of En: Cht! A blend of sci-fi and fantasy that I'm having fun exploring in. And one that brought forth more headaches than I consider to be healthy. But that's mostly something a creative mind suffers through when they wish to develop their realms and everything that inhabited it. En: Cht is a massive blend of love letters to all of my previous, ever-changing concepts. Shoved into one expansive universe that lets me explore as much as I wish to! Granted I follow the cardinal laws I implemented to keep the foundation from straying away.

But enough rambling from a random fox on the internet! This entry was a fun way to exercise my ability to write longer stories. That's also partially why it took so much longer for me to finish the story!


This entry follows the trope of a slow burn! So it'll take some time until you reach the naughty parts of the story!

En: Cht

An Awkward First Night Frolic by RandomCanis

Contrary to popular belief, Jessie always knew what he wanted. Most of the time, if only he wasn't piss-poor at executing the steps to achieve them. Being a maned wolf who looked rather handsome in whatever he wears. And standing at around ninety-three centimeters garnered him some attention. It also helped that he was a strapping young lad. A charming one at that, not to toot his horns of course. And if many thought he worked hard for his body just to look good. He wouldn't blame them. A bit. Maybe a little. Okay, maybe a lot.

As a fan of testing his might against another in a ring. He needed to bulk up from a skinny twig to a lanky hunk. He did just that. And all the willing beauties throwing themselves at him was a bonus. He honestly wondered if his record of meeting lays would remain the same during his college years. And hopefully, he learned his lesson of not visiting the same lay more than a few times. He didn't need another misunderstanding. Great Mother above that was a mess.

The maned wolf winced at the memory. Before stifling a yawn amidst the droning chatter of the classroom. The mahogany desks and cushioned seats were filled dispersedly by others in his course. Jessie knew them by name now. Well, almost. He remembered their faces. Except for the ones who tend to skip classes, not his problem, unfortunately. And having started a month later than his classmates. He had to catch up on a fair amount. Not much of a problem as it had been a few months. The door slid open, a screen blinked to life, and the room goes silent. Out of respect for the stumbling feline professor carrying more folders than she should. And out of curiosity as they watched a black-furred fox, wearing a pair of slacks and a burgundy button-up, follow her with a worried frown.

The introduction was swift. The professor hated dallying. The fox introduced himself, with a charming smile, as one Rutherford Nikolaas Graven von Esther, though he preferred people to call him by his given name. And wasn't that a long name? Not the longest he heard of before. But certainly, one that held more weight. You don't go about with your life not knowing who the Esther family was when you lived in their territory. Old World Nobles, Jessie mused, were usually stuck-up, filthy rich assholes. But people only sang praises for the Esther family. So the maned wolf didn't need to worry about offending a spoiled brat anytime soon.

And Rutherford was kind of cute. He held himself with that confident-but-not-quite gait to his strides. With a surprisingly blunt tongue at a few questions, he answered. Jessie turned his eye away when he noticed the slight limp on the fox. It was rude to stare after all. The maned wolf blinked back his surprise when the fox took the seat next to him. The fox's fur was brushed finely, his fluffy tail curled politely near his legs, and the white patch around his left eye was eye-catching. And what did he just say about staring?

Jessie turned away with an awkward chuckle when Rutherford gave him an amused glance. "Rather rude to stare without introducing yourself, Mister?" Said the fox teasingly as he pulled out his MAPD. The grey pod projected a screen after the fox placed it on the desk gently. "Pardon my manners, Milord. Jessie Russell, as your humble servant." Jessie said with a bow and a smile. The snorts he got from the fox and his classmates were worth his awfully 'prim' deliver. "No, none of that!" Rutherford stifled his chuckles, "Rutherford is just fine, Mr. Russell." The maned wolf shifted in his seat with a smile. Turning his MAPD on as well, "Then Jessie would do as well, Rutherford."

And just like that, Jessie found himself in the company of the vulpine for the rest of his college years. Trading notes, having meals, and even hanging out after classes. Who knew that he would gain a new friend that quickly? Rutherford was great to hang out with, the maned wolf mused. Fun, ready with a witty or sarcastic comment for any topics he was familiar with, and brutally honest when he wanted to be. And the longer Jessie spent time with the noble fox. The more he learned of Rutherford's quirks and vice versa.

For one, the fox loved his tea hot and hates them cold. He was pursuing mechanical engineering as a hobbyist. The number of things that toed that line between gadget and weapon was staggering from the photos the fox shared with him. While pursuing Advanced Thaumatology for extra credits. Rutherford, the maned wolf learned, was adept at magic. Not surprising when a good percent of every known species and every habitable planet was filled with magic users. He also had a habit of flinching at sudden loud noises. Which was cute at first before it turned worrying. The vulpine said he would explain in time, so Jessie left the topic at that. Rutherford did share that he was a male hermaphrodite two months into their friendship. Nothing surprising, as one of his aunts was a herm herself after all.

Months passed by within this rhythm. One that Jessie could bop his tail to. Except for that one time Rutherford almost caught him with someone's paw in his pants. The fox still teased him about it, the maned wolf grumbled to himself as he stretched his arms. His tail wagging behind him with a clear skip to his gait. Spring was coming. And that meant a new local mixed martial arts tournament was about to begin. He wondered if it'll the same as the ones back in his home world. He was the second runner-up during his high school years. And the maned wolf wanted to take the first runner-up or be the winner himself this time.

And surprisingly, "So I've heard you'll be participating in that small tournament this spring. The martial arts one." Jessie stopped mid-slurp, the spaghetti still hanging from his maw. Rutherford snickered as the maned wolf inhaled the forkful. The small, quaint diner's interior, a blend of red and checkered tiles, bounced the customers' chatter through it. "Yeah, I am! How'd you find out?" The tall canid said with a tilt of his head. "The gym down the corner at Mullins' Boulevard. Caught your name on the list while I went to get a membership." Rutherford said as he skewered a meatball with his fork. Jessie hummed with a nod. That made sense. And hang on a minute, "Dude! Fox! I didn't know you hit the gym!"

The fox rolled his eyes as he hooked some fingers around a mug. His tail wagging behind him as he savored the beverage. "Only to stay fit! And you never really asked. Plus, I wanted to catch up on all the things I missed first." Having joined the course a month late, Jessie knew what it was like to cram. Except Rutherford joined the course a year later than the entire classroom. So there were a whole lot of things the fox needed to do. It was honestly surprising that his friend managed to cram everything in five months. And with that aside, "Want to hit the benches with me sometime?" Jessie inquired with a hopeful wag to his tail. It was more fun when you had someone to work out with. "Do you need to ask?" Was the fox's response and the maned wolf's tail thumped against the seat with more vigor.

So here they were. At the slightly popular gym, for college students, on Mullin's Boulevard. Jessie was in a well-fitting, black wife beater and a pair of olive shorts. While Rutherford was in a pair of grey track pants and a teal t-shirt. The first day at the gym was mostly going over their routines. Something the maned wolf didn't mind. Rutherford's exercises, true to his words, were just to keep him fit. While the vulpine admired the entire routine Jessie had to maintain his athletic physique.

"You know. For someone who only works to stay fit. You're looking good there, Ruthie!" Jessie said with a whistle. His chocolate eyes trained on the fox's biceps as the fox bench pressed a hundred-and-twenty kilogram bar for four sets of fives, with the maned wolf spotting. Rutherford groaned as he sat up on the bench, rolling and shaking his arms. "Says the one who looks like a walking sin." The vulpine panted with a gentle smack on the tall canid's abdomen. "I'll take that as a compliment!" Jessie said with a cheeky wink and smirk. Only to laugh when the fox got up and whipped his tail at the maned wolf's leg.

Jessie didn't know when he started trading playful jibs with the fox. Honestly, he didn't know how most of their routine started at all. Like the recent addition of him and Rutherford heading to the pub on weekends, once every three weeks. The fox was a reserved fellow when he wanted to be. Shying away from physical contact most of the time and analyzing someone, Jessie wished he was joking, he meets for the first time. The vulpine hid it well. Barely noticeable to many, except for the coyotes, other foxes, and jackals. The maned wolf had never felt more uncomfortable than that café meet-up for a group project. Another fox, that the two only shared a single class with, was in their group.

And good lords, the passive-aggressively, pointed compliments the two foxes threw at each other. Subtle tilts of their ears and whiskers were the only tell of their rising annoyance. Now mind you, Jessie had a few vulpine friends through his school years. But that was the first time he'd seen two foxes go at each other's throats verbally. And when he asked if most interactions between foxes were like that. "Not really," Rutherford answered. "I just didn't like that guy's attitude." The maned wolf did a mental note to never let his friend around the other fox again after the project.

Furthermore, with the slow arrival of spring. The tournament was already prepped to begin. With twenty-two people participating, Jessie needed to be careful if he wanted to win it. "I need a sparring partner!" He groaned one evening. He could hear Rutherford's tail swishing in amusement. "Can't you ask for a coach at the gym?" The vulpine suggested with a hum. A hand reaching out to gently flick the maned wolf's splayed ears. "They have a rule for that. Since this is a local tournament. They don't want the participants to get tips from the staff working at the gyms." Jessie grumbled. Maybe he could get ahold of another person taking part. Maybe. But who knows? They could spread information about his techniques to others. Yeah, no. Too risky. Jessie decided that he'd rather not want a scenario like that. So punching bag and sparring droid abuse it was.

"I could be your sparring partner?" The fox jumped when the maned wolf's head snapped toward him. "Really?!" And that was how Jessie found out, that yes, Rutherford was a good sparring partner. After he had to eat some dirt for being cautious around the fox. People couldn't blame him if they saw the fox's limp. Which was more noticeable at the end of their spars. But seeing as the fox said that was normal for him now, that "now" was concerning. The maned wolf started to take the spars more vigorously. Rutherford used his size and speed to his advantage, perfect practice for dealing with smaller opponents. He had techniques to his strikes and a mean spear elbow. Jessie still remembered how the fox got a good shot on his left temple. And how they needed the gym's standby medic to patch up the bleeding gash.

On the flip side, the fox taught him how to take hits that bordered on fouls in the ring. Rutherford had a nasty habit of going for strikes that gave any advantage. Or was that just a fox thing? He'll have to ask later. But all in all, Jessie was happy to have a sparring partner. And the results of their little spats showed when the first matches of the tournament began. The rules were simple. No hits on the neck or below the belt and natural weapons were prohibited; claws, fangs, horns, and the like. If you don't have a Cornerman and a Cut-Man. Contact the gym you registered from to ask for some. This was what Jessie did, though not without Rutherford scrutinizing them first.

The maned wolf's first match began on a rainy spring evening. Lady luck was being impish that day. Since she saw fit to match him against a local favorite. A lion that got to the semi-finals last year. Jessie had a height advantage. But the lion was big, burly, and broader than him and he'd seen the lion almost punch a sandbag off the hook. The maned wolf had some experience. But that was with other high school students and the lion was a decade older than him. The jitters were there and maybe he should've prepared more.

"Stop that." Rutherford's voice made him jump. Jessie whipped his head to stare at the fox next to him. The locker room grew quiet before the chatter resumed. "How are you here? The lockers are off-limit for spectators!" The maned wolf couldn't help the confused head tilt. Rutherford answered with an amused quirk of a brow. "I have some privileges." Jessie blinked, "Oh, right." It wasn't every day an OWN spared some time to spectate a small tournament like this. And he knew that his vulpine friend had no qualms admitting that he had a lot of leeway in many, and Jessie meant many, things.

"Now then," Jessie balked when the fox grabbed ahold of his muzzle. "Stop those jitters. You need to breathe." Said Rutherford with a slight narrowing of his golden eyes. And huh, were his pupils always grey? The maned wolf usually chalked it up light reflecting off but apparently. They were grey. Odd but unique. The tall canid wet his lips and followed his friend's instructions. Breathe in, hold, and breathe out. Once, twice, and the tension bled away on the sixth. "How long have you been training for this?" The fox asked. "Long enough. Six months of casual routines, five months of going through everything, and a month sparring with you." The maned wolf felt a little more confident. Just a tiny bit. The smile he got from the fox boosted it more.

"Pep-talk from your boyfriend? That's cute!" The canines turned toward the voice. And Jessie's opponent stood a few paces away from them, in all his feline glory. "Wait, I think a boy toy fits more." The lion laughed with a nasal pitch. Jessie had seen how the feline carried himself. But if the subtle, annoyed flick of Rutherford's ear was to go by. It was his first time seeing the lion. "Hey, little fox noble! How about you ditch that lanky twig and come cheer for a real man!" And there was that charmingly impish smile on the fox's face.

"One, sorry lad. You aren't my type." Said Rutherford as he straighten up, giving a soothing chin scratch to the maned wolf. Did his accent just shift a little? "And two, stranger danger. I rather not be in the same room with you with how that smirk looks on your dodgy mug!" The maned wolf snorted along with most people in the locker. The lion frowned, more of a scowl, and muttered in a dialect Jessie couldn't understand. But Rutherford did and the way the feline flinched away, at the fox's reply, meant it was something obscene.

"I don't like the guy. So could you beat him up for me?" The request was innocent enough except for the fox's glare. "Will do!" Jessie answered before his mind caught up. The previous jitters were gone and the itch to dance in the ring replaced it. "Wish me luck," The maned wolf said as he donned his gloves. And he froze when the fox planted a short kiss on his ear, "Best of luck, stilts." Whistles rang out before a "Dang, man! A kiss from the Prince! Better win now cornstalk!" followed. Rutherford laughed with mirth as Jessie stood up, a hand brushing where the fox's lips met his ear. "I'm not a Prince, mate!" The fox bellowed towards the corner. "But you are one to us, Milord!" Several voices echoed back at the vulpine. "Hush!"

The crowds roared, some even louder when they saw the lion, as the two combatants sauntered into the ring. The speakers blared with the announcers' play-to-play beside the music. It was a bigger crowd than Jessie had expected. But he shut them out once the referee recited the usual rules and started the match. Most action flicks made their fights seem like a test of strength and dexterity with how the characters traded blows. But in the ring and against another who trained like you. It was a dance. Albeit a very slow one. You had to read subtle shifts and adjustments, when to strike, to close, or make some distance. Especially when pushing the advantage. High risk, and high reward if you pulled it off. And how much reach you had played a factor as well.

And that was how the first round ended for the fighters. Half-hearted jabs, making a show as to perform a kick, testing the other's knee-jerk reactions. The only contact Jessie made with the lion was to swat away a weak hook. The crowd cheered louder when they bit on their teeth guards as the second round began. That's when the lion decided to strike. The snarl on his lips still showed he was bothered by what went on in the locker room. So his hook had more force than restraint. And it allowed Jessie to pull a Rutherford. He weaved to the side, braced his left arm against that elbow, slammed his knuckles just below the lion's nose, and split his lips. The maned wolf followed the feline's stagger with a hook from his left knuckles. Disorient and weave. The lion managed to get a few hits but he had lost his rhythm and the referee announced Jessie, with a bloody nose and bruised ribs, the winner after a few more blows.

Two days later, with Jessie wincing whenever he moved too quickly or sneezed, the maned wolf lounged in Rutherford's apartment. A quaint little place that the vulpine made his home. Smaller than what the maned wolf expected when he first came over for movie night. But it was well lived in and screamed fox. Rutherford was hunched over a desk with a wood craver in hand. So Jessie said, "What are you doing there?" After listening to the fox chip away at the small slab of mahogany. "Making a little charm for you." Charm? The tall canid meandered over to the vulpine. A glance over his shoulder revealed the complex, glowing symbols being etched on the slab.

"The fuck?" The maned wolf blinked. "Hm, oh! Those are protection runes." The fox explained as his claws weaved the charm with graceful ease. Jessie responded with a soft coo as the runes blinked once, then twice before a glow remained dimly. "You've heard of popular athletes having to exorcise some curses, ye?" Ah, the maned wolf realized. It was always a scandal whenever something like that made the news. Didn't help that most curses were born from just harmful subconscious intents and not by a mage most of the time. They were volatile at best and fatal at worse.

"You didn't have to make that. I could've bought one nearby." Said Jessie as he accepted the charm. Looking at the vulpine when he snorted, "Don't bother with them. They're horrendous. Too expensive for a chicken-scratched, butchered weaving!" The maned wolf could've sworn this was the first time he'd seen Rutherford this offended. "I found several vulnerabilities in a single weave! Charms, depending on their purpose, have several weaves to them. And," Rutherford clucked his fangs shut when he noticed the amused smile. "I'm rambling. Sorry." The fox mumbled, and the maned wolf reassured him that it was fine.

Lo and behold, a few days after Rutherford gave him the charm. A report of a curse brewing among the participants was announced, which the staff dealt with swiftly. And the worse thing a few people suffered was a horrible fever and nothing more. His friend praised the staff for their swift response on the issue. And a week after the fiasco, the tournament was in full swing once more. Jessie still shuddered at the memory of the rat he had to deal with. No, he wasn't being rude. His opponent was an actual rat. A slippery bastard that he had taken down with a well-aimed flying knee in the fourth round. And he wasn't moaning in bliss when Rutherford gave his sore body a massage the next day. The cuddle that followed afterward was nice alongside a random B-rated flick for them to make fun of. Jessie wasn't a stranger to cuddling. Though they were exceedingly rare since his lays usually wanted a quick-and-done deal. But Rutherford wasn't a lay. So the maned wolf could cuddle with the fox as much as he'd like if the fox wanted to,

And while it was smooth sailing for him. He couldn't say the same for someone else. The charm the rabbit bought happened to be locally sourced. So when another wave of curses started. The rabbit suffered a broken leg. Thus taking him out of the tournament for this year. And Jessie, along with the remaining qualifiers, visited the rabbit to wish him well and to give him proper meals, fuck hospital food, and gifts. Trading jokes, and a ruckus until several nurses gave up on chiding them and leaving when visiting hours ended.

"He could've accepted the staff's offer to heal his leg." Rutherford started that evening. Their favorite diner was still bustling with the evening's rush hour. Jessie's ear twitched as a freighter flew overhead amidst the crafts guiding it. "True. But I guess he wanted to maintain some of his pride?" Said Jessie while licking away the sauce on his lips. The rabbit did come off as a prideful sort. "Probably," The fox agreed as he turned his eyes to the window. And watched the busy ground and air traffic between the buildings.

The tournament proceeded with very few delays in between. The cheers Jessie got now were far louder than before. He didn't expect to become a crowd favorite. But here he was. A first-timer in the contest and he already earned a spot for the semi-finals. But the world they lived in was part of a bigger universe. And the news of another Ascension War within the capital of their empire shook them. Uvnilkri was built upon a lot of blood and bones. Everyone knew that. And everyone knew how treacherous it was to sit on the throne.

Jessie winced as he read the news article on his MAPD. The beloved Emperor was murdered in cold blood by his only daughter, the Second-born. He knew that there hadn't been an Ascension War for eight centuries. But the lockdown was already in place for the capital. And the maned wolf couldn't help but thank the Great Mother that he and his friends were light years away from it. Harsh and insensitive, he knew. But he didn't want to be in a war. History was fun to learn about. But being part of it when it was being made was the utter opposite.

The city was somber for the following weeks. Jessie lost count of how many shrines were built for the Emperor. He wasn't perfect. The Vlaii was a hectic fellow. But he still had done enough to gain his empire's love. Businesses had slowed down and so had his classes. Everyone was taking time off to grieve. Rutherford had a somber frown whenever they met up. "I met him a few times," The fox had said during a visit. It wasn't that surprising. The OWNs had a tradition where every new member of their lineage, or by law, had to meet the Emperor or Empress and their family. And when Rutherford hoped that the Emperor's sons would come out victorious. Jessie was more than happy to share the sentiment.

It took a better part of two months for everything to fall back into the usual rhythm. And while many still followed the news about the now-ongoing war. The canids chose to focus on their own lives first. The mood within the tournament was different. A few had chosen to vent their frustrations about the situation through their matches. Which caused no shortages of fouls and interference from the staff. So when they announced that the tournament would take a hiatus. Jessie was both glad and annoyed by the decision. At least he still had Rutherford to spar with. The fox gave him a painful roundhouse when the maned wolf lashed out with his frustration. It knocked some sense back into him and when he apologized. The fox accepted with a patient smile and a pat on his back.

And after weeks of meandering away through their classes. "You got any plans for summer break, Jess?" Rutherford asked as they walked out of their classroom. "No? I plan to go back home and visit my parents. How about you, Ruthie?" Jessie asked as he adjust his bag. Ignoring the pings he heard from his MAPD. He would take care of that later. "Same here. But before I go back. Want to join me at a beach?" The maned wolf titled his head at the offer. "A beach?" The fox chuckled. Both of them knew that the planet they were on had zero beaches. All of them were converted into scrapyards or some casinos. "Not here. I know a private one." That his family owned was left unsaid. "Hm, give me some time to think, fox." Said Jessie and the fox replied with a, "Sure, take your time!"

The summer bloom was in full swing. And the amount of pollen in the air made a lot of people sneeze. Jessie wiped his nose with a towel as he packed up his desk. And seeing that it was the final class of the semester. He had to dodge a few overexcited people in the halls. The maned wolf wondered what he could do before he returned to his home world. Seeing as the ship that went there wouldn't arrive for seventeen days. The tournament was still on hiatus. So maybe he should take Rutherford's offer. The fox had already told him that he had nothing else to do in this world. And seeing as the vulpine was busy for the day. Jessie had nothing to do as well. It didn't help that most of his friends had already left to do their things.

So there the maned wolf laid on his bed. With nothing on except for his birthday suit and a pair of briefs. A gesture of his hand was enough for his MAPD to blink to life. A few more swipes later, a finger lingered on Rutherford's profile. Should he call? A glance at the clock changed his mind. A quarter before midnight, so time to leave a text instead. "Hey, Ruthie! Is the offer to that private beach still open?" Was that too direct? Probably, but sleep was slowly starting to win him over. Except it didn't when a ping echoed from the pod.

"Does it usually take this long for you to make a decision?" Jessie could feel the fox's amusement rolling off of the text. "But yeah, the offer's still up, Jess!" The maned wolf responded with a sticker of an excited canid. "Wait? Why are you still up? It's almost midnight, Ruthie." That got him a sticker of a fox rolling his eyes. "Look who's talking! I just finished taking a shower. Going to get dressed and pass out in a bit."

Jessie blinked once and read the text twice. "May I see a pic?" And no soon had the text been sent. His tired mind caught up and he whipped his temple with a palm. What the fuck was that, you idiot!? The maned wolf's hands were a blur as he typed, deleted, and repeated the action several times. The blush burning across his ears was distracting and he hopefully didn't draw blood from how much chewing his lips were getting. Real smooth, buddy. Real fucking smooth. And then he stilled as he saw the arrival of a picture from his friend.

"Is that what you wanted to see, big guy?" Jessie choked on his spit. Rutherford stood in his birthday suit. Hips cocked, tail covering his crotch not that much since his sheath peeked out from behind it tauntingly. The amused glint in his golden eyes was offset by the sheer awkwardness in his posture. In other words, "Holy shit, fox?!" The maned wolf replied as a rush of heat pooled at his crotch.

And just like that, Jessie wasn't able to make himself sleep afterward. The fox's picture taunted him every time his eyes closed. The awkward coyness along with the enticing view of that vulpine sheath was starting to become too much for him. There was a reason Jessie only pursued one-night stands. Consenting strangers, who had tested themselves; he didn't want STDs thank you very much, and were looking for a quick fuck. A mutually beneficial meet-up to blow off some steam with no strings attached. Not much to feel conflicted over.

This, however, wasn't the case. He knew Rutherford. Got to know the fox over the course of a year and several months. Share hobbies, lunch, dinner, and have sleepovers. He could confidently call the fox a friend. And sure, he gave Rutherford some playful kisses and hugs and licks and receive some from the fox as well. But it was all canine affection. And the reason he didn't sleep with his friends was to not create a miscommunication. Change the relationship and all that. Jessie winced as a few memories surfaced. She was a cute leopard. But good lords, she got the wrong message after she decided to spend a night under him. It was troublesome. Especially when the maned wolf knew he didn't want anything romantic with anyone.

Now he had to deal with the present dilemma. "And you're not helping at all," Jessie said with a mutter. Glaring at his crotch as the heat from before lingered. He was too tired for this shit. But seeing as he wouldn't be able to sleep properly. The maned wolf weighed the options and let his hand wander down his briefs. With a few swipes of his other hand, the picture of the fox was opened once more.

The awkward coyness remained, along with the eye-catching cock of vulpine hips, and the tantalizing sheath peeking from behind his tail. He knew Rutherford favored his right hip. But he didn't know the reason was the jagged, ugly scar that adorned it. The lean but decently built, foxy body was easy on the eyes. Jessie hummed to himself as he worked his growing shaft. Gathering the beads of pre-cum from his tip as he worked his knot free.

How would it feel to hold the fox's hips? The maned wolf mused to himself. Would he be allowed to trace that scar? See where it started and where it ended. Maybe Rutherford would even let Jessie kiss and lick it soothingly. The low rumble from his chest grew as the maned wolf's sights roamed the picture. The inviting tilt of the fox's head showed his neck off. Jessie wanted to see if the fox would squirm if he pressed his fangs and growled against it.

How would the fox's scent change with arousal? He had had both guys and gals and even both at once before. So he was rather familiar with the aroused scent of a male and a female. He, however, wasn't familiar with the aroused scent of a herm. Would it lean toward masculine? Or would it be more feminine? Perhaps it would be the best of both worlds? He didn't know. But he wanted to find out how it would taste on his tongue. And oh, fuck. Jessie gasped with a squeeze on his swollen knot. His body jerked as he splattered his abdomen with ropes of cum. Panting and growling, the maned wolf allowed himself to grow slack. A pleased sigh escaped through his nose as he basked in the afterglow. Before he groaned and a thrill of flustered shame filtered through him. He just got off from a picture of his friend, didn't he?

The boisterous but flattered laughter Rutherford released made Jessie's tail curl around his legs. The blush on his ears burned and he hoped that the floor would just open up and swallow him. But alas, he was stuck with a flustered fox calming himself down as they went through the port's security. The amused glances he got from the staff weren't helping as well. "Okay, I'm flattered! Very flattered," Rutherford muttered amidst chuckles. His splayed ears were tinted with red as he led the maned wolf to his hanger.

And for reasons Jessie knew not. His mind decided to supply him with thoughts of sex with the fox. He didn't want another misunderstanding like before. But looking back on it, it happened due to the lack of communication. So maybe, just maybe. He wouldn't have to experience it again if he was extra cautious. That could work. But now the question was whether it was wise to offer such a thing to Rutherford or not.

Jessie sighed as he pulled his suitcase along. At least people here had the decency to move about in organized chaos. A far cry from the push-and-shove chaos of the ports from his home world. And seeing as it would take them a few more moments before the shipwright and their crew prepared the fox's ship. Jessie decided to broach the offer while they had some mild privacy. "So I was thinking," The taller canid began and the shorter vulpine cocked his head. The fox stayed quiet as the maned wolf articulated his jaws silently for a few moments. You know what, Jessie thought to himself, change of tactics.

"You want to try having sex with me? Rutherford snorted in surprise at the blunt offer. Jessie let the fox catch himself, all the while preparing for the idea to be shot down. "I mean, it's entirely up to you!" The maned wolf said in a stammer, "I was just, you know, throwing a bone!" Jessie immediately winced and shied away when Rutherford gave him a frown. Great phrasing there, cornstalk. Jessie chided himself. But the moment passed when the fox snickered afterward. "Like," the maned wolf continued, "We're going to a beach. A private one to boot. So why not do more to relax? And I'm going to stop talking now."

The blush that burned across his ears was distracting. Usually, Jessie considered himself to be a suave lad. But here he was, rambling away about how he would be okay to have sex with the fox. This was why he didn't want to bed his friends. The sheer awkwardness made him want to curl up and disappear. "Sure," Said Rutherford casually. Jumping in surprise when the maned wolf whipped his head toward him. Déjà vu right there. "Really?" came the maned wolf's incredulous response. Rutherford had to stifle a smirk at how adorable his friend looked. "Really."

The angular, nine-seater ship shivered lightly as the craft cut through the atmosphere. And the canines passed the planet's moon within a respectable fifteen minutes once Rutherford angled it to the charted path. The flight was silky smooth as the ship propelled itself across the starry void at a comfortably sub-light pace. Jessie gave up keeping track of the HUDs as the fox turned flight assist on. "Aren't you going to turn auto-pilot on?" The maned wolf inquired. "Nah! At this speed, we'll be there in two hours." The fox answered as he carefully maneuvered the ship along the path on the star chart. Huh, Jessie thought it would take longer.

"And about your offer, Jess." Rutherford began after minutes later. "Yes?" The maned wolf wondered what the fox wanted to say while shifting nervously in his seat. "You'll have to help me a bit. Since it'll be my first time." The vulpine muttered as he glanced at the HUDs. Jessie blinked once. Then twice. And, "Oh, oh! I'm flattered." The maned wolf said with a surprised laugh. Who knew he would be Rutherford's first? And the nervous smile on his lips shifted into a confident one. If he was going to be the fox's first. He was damn well going to make it a memorable one. But before that, "You know how to prepare for the night, right?" "I'm a virgin, Stilts. Not an idiot." The fox answered with a scoff and a pout. And it remained for a good while when the maned wolf laughed.

The ship landed at its destination within the predicted time. And they made it in good time too because when they hopped into the rental car. A literal stampede, Jessie shit you not, of tourists all but crashed through the port's entrance. The maned wolf was sure they landed right after the cruise ship did. But a glanced at the pleased smirk on his friend's muzzle later. He knew that the fox had used some of his privileges to their advantage. The vulpine drove them on a cruise across the highways. Past festive huts, hollering stalls, and large beaches. Then Rutherford turned onto a beaten path after consulting his MAPD's navigator. With trees and shrubs swaying by it until they parted for a clearing. Then through a tunnel in a mountain after the fox went through some security measures.

The picturesque cliffs that gleaned in the suns' light, along with the cozy cottage in a clearing of trees beneath one of them took Jessie's breath away. "Quite quaint, isn't it?" Rutherford chimed as they got out of the car. The maned wolf could only nod as he gazed at the simple beach house, no taller than two stories with thick windows along the entrance. And knowing how the Esther family preferred practicality over presentation. The cottage shined in a benign light of a well-lived home. And that feeling only grew more when he saw the interior. After Rutherford opened all of the locks of course. Including the seven inches of fabricated metal that happened to be the front door. A bit much. Something that the fox agreed with.

With numerous pictures of foxes and others that became a part of the Esther family along the walls. Jessie noted a few interspecies couples within the pictures. The cottage was well stocked enough to last them a week. And that was fine since that was how long they planned to stay. And after a good serving of lunch that Rutherford cooked. The pair of canines took off down a used trail that led to a beach nestled between two mighty cliffs. And in it was a clear lagoon that had seen very little interactions for some months. The maned wolf hesitated when he saw some fins knifing through the clear water.

Rutherford, however; dressed in a muscle shirt and swimming shorts, patted Jessie's shoulder before he all but ran into the water with a whoop. The fins flinched away from the fox as he paddled towards deeper water. The aquatic beasts approached the fox once before they kept gliding through the waves lazily. "Come on, you lanky wolf! The water's great and everything here is harmless!" The fox hollered with a wave of his hand. Grabbing ahold of a fin and letting the beast drag him through the waves. Jessie remained skeptical of the beasts as he meandered into the water. The maned wolf tensed whenever the first three beasts swam by him. With a bump from one that he kept his eyes on later, the creatures lost their interest in him. So when Rutherford splashed him from behind. Jessie felt safe enough to frolic with the vulpine in the lagoon.

And when the evening rolled in and the sky was awash by beautiful waves of purple and orange and red with splashes of blue swirling amidst a nebula. Jessie lingered to admire the setting suns and night sky as Rutherford retired to the cottage. He wondered if the fox would like some privacy to prepare for the night. So he lingered longer on the sand, letting the gentle waves and beasts meander around him. He was nervous. Jessie mused as he took a relaxed jaunt back to the cottage.

The blinking fireflies kept him company as they danced amongst the trees' leaves and the swaying grass. And upon entering the house, He was greeted by the sight of an almost naked Rutherford. The fox hummed a little song while wearing naught but an apron and boxers. Whatever the fox was cooking, it made the maned wolf hungry enough for his stomach to growl. "Hm? Oh, there you are! Was starting to wonder if you got lost or something!" Said Rutherford with a cheeky smirk. "Very funny, fox," Jessie muttered with a chuckle as he made his way to the guest's bathroom. The maned wolf cocked a brow when he saw a cleaning kit on his bed. And knowing that Rutherford put it there and had likely gotten ready for the night. Jessie swallowed his nerves with splayed ears and reached for the kit. And joined the vulpine wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.

Supper was a delicious affair. The canines watched a horrible B-rated movie to let their bodies digest a bit. Wouldn't want what they had to get ejected after or, Great Mother forbid, during their romp. So when Rutherford began to shyly quest about on his abdomen. The maned wolf glanced down to discover blushing ears and kissed them. "Hey, Ruth," whispered Jessie as he shifted in his seat. He let the fox's gaze linger on his lips before it met his. "May I kiss you?" The taller canid murmured with a nervous lick across his fangs. "Yes, you may." Rutherford's whisper was cut short as his lips were captured.

It was awkward at first. Jessie knew how to navigate in bed. But he needed Rutherford to find a rhythm before they did anything else. So he stifled his giggles through shy kisses full of fangs and fumbling. It was warm, Rutherford mused as he slowly found his pace. Thoroughly enjoying how the taller canine's arms held his waist and how those lips danced across his. And the growl answering his eager little noises sent pleasant thrills down his spine. The height difference would've been awkward if Rutherford hesitated more. But luckily for Jessie, the vulpine gently pulled him down. And the maned wolf suppressed a hint of pride when the vulpine squirmed under him. He caged Rutherford between his arms and pressed his fangs against the fox's neck. The shy moan he coaxed sent heat to his sheath.

"Mm, Jess?" Rutherford mumbled with a tilt of his head. "Shhh, just be gorgeous and tell me if I'm being too much." The fox nodded before jerking with a gasp. The fangs that nibbled along his neck sent delightful sparks as they craved through his fur. He noted how one of Jessie's knees kept his legs apart with a whine. And the growl he got every time he tried to close them only made his core shudder. The maned wolf's shaft strained against his briefs as he nuzzled down the fox's front. Parting the fur to find the fox's teats as he took his time swirling his tongue around them. He nuzzled along Rutherford's navel after he suckled on the rows of nipples. The scent of an eager partner made the taller canid's hackles rise.

"You good up there, Ruth?" Said Jessie when he noticed the fox's shy gaze on him. "Yeah, I'm good." Fucking hell, it was hard to talk right now. Rutherford thought with a blush as a pleased smirk grew on his friend's muzzle. "Gods, you're so wet!" Jessie said with a husky chuckle. And the fox inhaled sharply as he watched and felt the taller canine's tongue dragged across his clothed crotch, right across the wetness staining the garment. Jessie's tail wagged as he relished the fox's eagerness on his palette. And as much as he wanted to rip the offending boxers off. It was Rutherford's first time and he should experience on a comfortable bed.

So the maned wolf plucked the fox off the couch with ease. Chuckling at the surprised yelp and silencing a growl with a kiss as he sauntered to the fox's room. He couldn't stop the pleased growl when Rutherford wrapped his limbs around him. And while the trek was short, the fox didn't make it easy for the taller canid. Good thing he left his room open. Because he didn't know if he could untangle himself from the eager, lanky canine long enough to open the door. Rutherford expected the taller canid to stay on top of him. But he was pleasantly surprised when Jessie maneuvered the both of them against the cushioned headboard. Setting the fox onto his lap and his hands onto those foxy hips.

Rutherford felt a thrill rush up his spine when he felt his friend's erection. A wiggle coaxed the maned wolf to moan and that brought a pleased wag to his tail. "Need any help with that?" Asked Jessie as he teased a claw above the fox's tail. Rutherford buried his face into the maned wolf's neck with a nod. Some fumbling later, the canids were fully undressed. And the fox swallowed heatedly as his eyes lingered on the seven inches of manhood before him. He didn't mind the taller canine's length, he had a nine-inch toy after all. Except it was slimmer while the maned wolf's shaft had some girth to it. Rutherford moaned softly when Jessie grasped his six-inch shaft. Letting the taller canid stroke his length, the fox nibbled along his friend's neck. And that made Jessie rumble in bliss. And though his instincts screamed at him to claim the fox. He reigned them in.

"Got any condom and lube, Ruth?" Jessie mumbled. "Yeah, let me just," The fox shifted towards the cabinet. His thighs were slick with nectar thanks to his eager vulva. He jumped when Jessie squeezed his rump. So he retaliated with a whip of his tail on the maned wolf's muzzle before he settled back on his lap. The vulpine rolled the condom onto his friend's shaft as the tall canid squeezed some lube onto his digits. "May I?" The fox shuddered as his friend's now slick fingers brushed against his vulva. He'd never let another person explore around there. So he focused on Jessie's gentle murmurs and how his finger felt as it delved into his honeypot. Slow and hesitant. The maned wolf slowly coaxed the fox's wet folds to relax. And when the fox moaned into his neck with three digits exploring his depths. The taller canid deemed the vulpine ready for the next step.

"You good, Ruth?" Jessie said with a huff. Guiding the quivering fox's hips and vulva to hover above his tip. "Mm, yeah," Rutherford stuttered as he caught his breath. "I'm ready." The maned wolf gave the fox a lick. Before lowering him down his shaft, Jessie groaned along with Rutherford as the vulpine slowly took him to the hilt. "Let's take it slow, gorgeous." The maned wolf muttered and the fox nodded. Letting the taller canine control his momentum. The pair groaned as they settled into an awkward rhythm.

The fox was tight, Jessie mused. Loving the way those depths felt around his shaft. Resistant at first, they grew lax and welcomed the maned wolf with warm massages. It felt good, Rutherford moaned, it felt fucking great. The fox responded to the maned wolf's kiss with vigor. Wrestling with his friend's tongue as he rode that cock. Pleased snarls amidst panting mewls echoed through the room. As Jessie kept his grasp firm even after the fox grew confident enough to dictate their pace. And maybe it was how long the foreplay was. Or maybe it was how delightfully tight Rutherford was and how his knotted manhood bounced between them. But when the fox's vulva began to stretch across his knot. Jessie knew they wouldn't last much longer.

Some sloppy thrusts and bounces later, the pair was left gasping for air as the fox welcomed the maned wolf's knot. The condom bulged slightly as Jessie's knot swelled and spilled his seed. Holding the mewling fox to his chest as Rutherford painted his chest with cum and gushed nectar all over his crotch. The fox's core coaxed Jessie dry as it massaged the swollen knot with its depths. They squirmed until the blissful blaze cooled and sank into the bed. Rutherford nuzzled the maned wolf's neck as Jessie stroked his back. The taller canid sighed in bliss as exhaustion slowly bloomed in his eyes. "Hey, Jess?" Rutherford said before his friend hummed. "Thanks for the night, big guy." The fox continued with a wag of his tail. And Jessie's tail joined the motions as he planted a kiss across the fox's temple. "You're welcome, gorgeous."

There was an awkward beat to their interactions the following morning. But that slowly faded as the day went on. Rutherford didn't express or hint towards another night and that was fine. Jessie was just glad the fox didn't interpret any wrong messages from him. And if their cuddles became frequent and grew more intimate with playful make-out sessions in between. The maned wolf wasn't going to complain when his favorite session was the one under the swirling nebula and on the beach during the fourth night. But as the canids enjoyed the trip, it had to come to an end as well.

And after Rutherford had dropped him off at his flight's terminal when they returned. He still kept in touch with the vulpine through the summer break. Visiting his family was nice. Seeing the old familiar sights of his hometown was pleasant. They were enough to take his mind off of the inevitable last clashes he would take part in. And as he returned to continue his second year at college. And when he heard that the tournament would resume in a few weeks. Jessie was itching to dance in the ring once more.

"You're going to dent the sidewalk with all that hopping, Jess." Rutherford laughed as he watched the restless, maned wolf burn off his jitters. "I know. I know! But I've been looking forward to this so much!" Jessie whined as he threw some blows at an imaginary foe. The canids were on their way to the fox's apartment. Jessie could've waited to get his dorm keys. But he didn't want to be shoved about in the bustling halls with rushing students. "We could hit the gym a bit if you want to punch something," Rutherford suggested and Jessie was tempted. But, "You've been stuck in your ship for three days, Ruth. No way am I going to ask for a spar now." The fox gave his shoulder a bump as he pulled his keys out. A few more minutes later, the maned wolf had dropped onto a familiar couch with a familiar fox against his side.

"I haven't checked who I'll be up against. So I'll probably go ask tomorrow." Said Jessie as the fox scrolled through a list of films with a hum. "Well, best of luck to you, Stilts," Rutherford said as he finally decided on what to watch. The maned wolf thanked the vulpine and what he could only guess was a murder mystery began to play. "I'll show you a little surprise tomorrow." The fox's whisper rang into his ear. Jessie shivered at what was left unsaid. But he knew that the fox knew and the fox knew that he knew about the fact that he knew as well (try saying that a few times quickly). That the maned wolf had already figured out what the vulpine had in mind. He felt a familiar thrill down his spine and he was looking forward to it.