Learning a little lesson

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#5 of random

Sometimes you have to shrink your problems

Waking up in the morning was always the most challenging time of the day for me, my parents got annoyed that I took a year off of collage and have absolutely no intention of getting a job and paying rent. I sometimes get annoyed glances from my father, who is a muscular white lion with a deep black mane and chest fur. I know mom has complaints about me but she never voices them while I am around, she is a snow leopard, not very muscular and a little soft around the edges. I am also a male white lion, instead of a black mane it is grey with a hint of blue strewn throughout. I yawned as I walked into the living room, my father was watching tv as I sat down and grabbed the remote switching the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that, turn it back, now!" He said angrily towards me, I just looked at him and put the remote in between my ass cheeks, I looked at him and stuck out my tongue.

"Make me you old fart." I said with a laugh as he glared at me. I got up and snatched the remote before he could and I walked away with it. I walked up behind mom and watched as she cleaned the kitchen, I grabbed a glass of chocolate milk and drank half of it; I looked at her as I dumped the rest of the drink into her clean dish water and putting the dirty cup in the drying rack with the clean dishes.

"Why did you do that?" She said as she pulled the plug draining the sink.

"When is breakfast? I am starving." I said rubbing my belly getting a dirty look from her.

"Make it yourself." She said glaring at me. I just smiled and walked away picking up the phone and ordering myself food using dad's credit card, I sat down and watched tv as dad got ready for work. I heard him leave and start his car; I know he will soon notice I went for a drive leaving an empty gas tank for him. I only smiled as I heard the faint yelling from dad, he drove off quickly as I yawned.

I woke up on the couch with a headache and my vision was spinning, I looked around and I saw mom sitting on the couch. What surprised me the most was how large she was now; it was like looking at a giant, I could guess by looking around that I was about three inches tall. I was breathing hard as I started freaking out, I looked up at mom and she was watching me intently.

"Ah good you are awake." She said with a booming voice as she sneered at me.

"What happened mom?" I asked having to yell at her.

"You were shrunk as you slept, dear." She said with the same smirk.

"How did this happen? Did you do this?" I yelled getting angry with how cool she was about this situation.

"I put the potion in the milk you drank, you only needed a sip for it to work." She said going back to watching tv.

"What! Why would you do that? Wait until dad hears about this!" I said as she laughed.

"Who do you think bought the potion? We find you are a spoiled brat that needs to learn about respect. And yes the potion is permanent unless you take the antidote." I looked at her in absolute shock, she got up and held out the vial of antidote in front of me and ripped it away before I could touch it.

"Not until you can prove that you respect us." She said as she picked me up and held me in her palm. She walked into the bathroom and set me in the tub with the drain plug blocking the drain, she walked away leaving me with the impossible task of climbing the smooth tub walls. Hours later I heard the door open and dad walk in with mom, dad looked at me and laughed.

"What's wrong son? You look stuck." They both stared at me like I was a zoo animal stuck in a cage.

"Please grow me back, I swear I will get a job, help out around the house, and respect you too more." I yelled pleadingly hoping that they would realize their mistakes and grow me back. Dad leaned his head into the tub and looked directly at me, his head was the size of a house compared to me.

"No, in fact I might pour out the antidote and keep you that size, at least you are no longer a nuisance." His voice loud as it echoed in the tub. He picked me up between his thumb and forefinger and stood up, he held me in front of his face and licked his lips.

"Or maybe I will just eat you and feel you squirm in my belly." He said as he tipped his head back and held me over his open maw, strands of drool connecting his fangs to his pink slimy tongue and pulsing throat.

"No! Please don't eat me, I will be good I swear!" I screamed as he lowered me until he had me in his mouth completely, I kept screaming as he let go dropping me on his spongy wet tongue. He slowly closed his mouth as I watched his teeth clack together making my surroundings dark, the only light coming from the space between his teeth. His breath smelled of coffee and a hint of chicken he had for lunch, with a deep undertone of acid. His breathing was slow and calm as he had me sit there too afraid to move an inch. I felt saliva pooling around me covering me in hot slime, he opened his mouth again blinding me with the light, he reached in and picked me up removing me from my fleshy prison.

He set me down in the tub again this time both of them were sitting naked in there as well, I looked at them and I could see her puffy wet vagina and his erect pointy feline cock lined with barbs, the smell was of potent sex and male musk making me cough. Dad leaned backwards sliding his ass towards mom unfortunately I was still between them, now I could clearly see his sweaty dirty brown anus and his balls. The smell was unbearable and heavily laced with a mixture of sweaty ass and sweaty balls, mom bent over slightly and nudged me towards dad.

"Might as well get used to the smell son, you will be getting a lot more familiar with me down there, amongst other... places." Dad said with a chuckle; mom nudged me again and now I was standing under dad's ball sack staring at the brown dirty hole twitching in front of me, it was noticeable warmer next to his hole. Dad spread his ass cheeks opening his anus slightly blowing foul southern wind over me, I coughed and gaged at the horrifying smell.

"Closer son, don't worry it won't bite." Dad said as I backed away from the retched fumes.

"No, I won't do it! grow me back NOW!" I yelled trying to get them to stop, only making them both laugh.

"Fine, as you wish; you won't go in there... yet." Mom said as she picked me up in her fist with only my head poking out the top; she then moved me over slightly and moved her hand down. I was confused until I heard dad moan, I felt her hand loosen slightly as I felt something hot and slimy squeeze around my feet. I felt the hot tube pulse and slide up my legs as she slid her hand down more, finally she let go revealing what I feared, I was going feet first into dad's slimy pulsating cock tip. I started to struggle as I tried desperately to escape only to slide further in making him moan and thrust his hips in the air slightly. I cried as my fate was sealed as I slipped in up to my hips, I felt more twitching as my stomach stretched his opening. His urethra pulling me in further, it was getting increasingly slippery and I felt like I was in a hot waterslide that reeked of male lion cum and left-over urine. My arms were trapped inside and only my head was sticking out as thick white liquid pooled around my face. I looked up as the outside world was framed by a ring of reddish pink flesh as it twitched closed encasing me in darkness.

I finally slipped into an open space, it was hot, slimy, and smelled like fresh cum. I tried climbing out only to be pushed back inside, suddenly my world started shaking back and forth, I heard meat slapping and moaning coming from both of them. I was being sloshed around like clothes in a washing machine, and the space around me squeezed as I shot through the opening and slipped up the shaft, I got stuck halfway up and the next cum shot entered my anus filling me with dad's cum. I was finally pushed all the way through with the next shot ending up in a deep pink sack, I looked down and saw dad's tip poking through a hole, I now realized where I was, I am now in mom's womb.

I grabbed the tip of dad's penis as he pulled out of her, I landed in the tub between them again. I was panting as mom nudged me towards dad again, I looked at her and she was smiling back at me.

"Please grow me back, I will be good I promise!" I pleaded as I was nudged again this time falling on dad's tail.

"If you want to grow again you will do as asked with no question, ok?" She said looking at me.

"I understand mom." I said reluctantly.

"Good, for your first task... Clean your father's anus... using only your tongue." My blood went cold at the request, I couldn't say 'No' on the first task; if I did I would have no chance of being tall again.

"Ok." I said weakly as I looked at his pucker that was twitching and staring back at me. I slowly leaned forward trying not to breathe through my nose and failing, receiving a lung full of his musk. I closed my eyes as I got closer and flinched as my tongue contacted the hot wrinkly surface, immediately I wanted to stop and beg for this to stop, the taste was sour and sweet at the same time. The closer to the opening I got the grittier and a lot more sour it was. I continued to lick and I heard him moan at the feeling, I slowly got used to the putrid taste and looked at my handywork, I was almost done thankfully. I finally finished cleaning and was feeling like I needed to puke, only to be distracted away from that feeling as I was picked up and set on mom's tail close to her anus.

Her anus was much cleaner and so I was not offended by the smell, she poked me on the back lightly and I took it as a sign to start cleaning her as well. I leaned towards her and my tongue was met with the hot slimy surface of her pucker, her anus tasted sweet and felt hot to the touch. I cleaned her quickly hoping this was the end, as I finished I looked at dad and he bent over towards mom. She picked me up and slipped my feet inside his anus and let me go, I looked at her and she was bending over behind him. their puckers lined up and she sat back plunging me in musky darkness, I felt both anus around my stomach twitching around me. I felt pressure around my upper half as she pushed me into him, she pulled away and only my head was poking through his anus.

Mom turned to face me and licked her lips; she leaned forward and dragged her tongue from his balls to over my face. She continued to rim him as he grunted and groaned, he started pushing me out as she was licking, I slowly got pushed out onto her tongue. She pulled away and took me out of her mouth and gave me a little bit of the antidote letting me grow to seven inches, she held me over her open maw letting me stare into the deep pink abyss of her throat. Suddenly she let go as I plummeted into her waiting maw, she lined me up on her tongue and pushed me against the soft pallet of her mouth. The pressure was getting uncomfortable as the tongue slipped from under me and pushed forward and quickly pulled me back into her open throat.

Her throat pulsed around me as I slipped further inside her, I could hear the dull thumping of her heart serving as a constant reminder of where I was currently. I squeezed through an opening in the end and plopped into her waiting stomach, I was laying in sloppy stomach juices getting tossed around and mixed into her previous meal remnants as I was squished into slimy stomach folds. After hours of being tossed around inside her stomach it started pushing me up and out of her, I passed her teeth and onto her hand; It felt like I ran a marathon I was so tired. She gave me more of the antidote letting me grow to two feet tall.

"Please, I did everything you asked me to do, please just grow me back." I pleaded getting no good response from either of them other than a chuckle.

"We are not done yet. You still need to learn to watch your mouth around us, because every time you open your mouth you give us shit for stuff, I think it is time I gave some of it back to you." Dad said as his stomach gurgled. He laid me on the couch and stood on the seat over my head, he looked at me and crouched down over my face shoving my nose into his ass and laying his tail over my face. I looked at him and all he did was smile at me.

"Open up, you look hungry." He said as he closed his eyes. Knowing what he was about to do I felt tears run down my face as I reluctantly opened my mouth. I heard him grunt as the sound of crackling hit my ears, the smell of fresh brownies hit my nose making me drool unfortunately; I felt the first hot slimy heavy log enter my mouth as it squished against my tongue. I gagged lightly as the taste of dark chocolate hit my taste buds, I felt the hot steaming mess gather in my maw and I had to swallow or risk choking. The lump went down just as it came out of him, slowly. He continued dropping logs in my mouth and finally stopped as I swallowed the last of it. I licked my lips knowing I will never think of brownies the same way again.

"Good, now clean it." He said as I planted my tongue against his hole and licked him clean. He got up and sat me up against the back of the couch, he aimed his penis towards my face and shoved the tip against my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted his hot prickly length inside, it twitched against my tongue and he sighed, I felt a stream of hot salty liquid hit my throat as he started to piss and I swallowed quickly. Unfortunately, as I was swallowing I heard him moan and the stream stopped, he gripped my head and snarled as he shot his hot creamy load into my mouth. I swallowed and gagged at the thick salty taste of his cum, I panted hard as he pulled out.

"Looks like he enjoyed that." Mom said as I looked down to see that I had climaxed hands free. Dad laughed and rubbed my head.

"Ok, I think he has learned his lesson. We can grow him back now." Dad said looking at mom.

"I mean we can still 'play' with him at his normal size, right?" She said looking at me.

"Yes mom, we can do that." I said as she gave me the antidote letting me grow to my height of six feet tall. I looked at them and hugged them both, giving them both a kiss on the cheek.

"So, you still want to play?" said dad as his dick came back to life and mom spread her legs in front of me.

"Yes, very much." I said as I slipped my dick inside of mom's pussy enveloping my dick in hot writhing muscles that squeezed around the intrusion, she threw her head back and moaned. I felt dad grab my tail and move it out of the way, I looked back and nodded at him as he pressed his hot spiky tip into my anus. He looked at me and pressed forward stretching me wide around his throbbing lion meat, he groaned as his sheath pressed into my anus as he bottomed out. The heat of the pussy around my cock and the full feeling of the cock in my ass made me start thrusting hard into mom, in turn dad thrust into me as I pushed backwards. I could feel his barbs tickling my prostate as he continued thrusting, I growled as I shot my load into the person that made me, I felt her climax at the same time and we both panted as dad continued. Finally, after a few minutes he thrust hard and I felt him twitch inside me and his member shot hot sperm deep inside me. We laid there for a few minutes panting as dad softened inside me and pulled out.