It Could Work

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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This is just something I wrote up to practice. It popped into my head so I went with it. Comments and helpful advice are alwayus appreciated. I left it kind of vague on the species in question (they're human in my mind) so fill in what you feel works best for you. Be kind, rewind! Crappy title is crappy


The two girls burst into their dorm room with a fit of intoxicated laughter. It was the start of their second year of college, and they had celebrated being together again, and the start of the new semester with partying, dancing, and some under aged drinking, as is the college way.

Katrina closed the door, and then leaned against it, enjoying the buzzed feeling brought on by the night, and the beer. Her chest heaved as she worked to catch her breath from the laughing fit. Her long, dark hair hung loose, following the curves of her shoulders and ample bust.

Alex caught herself staring, once again, at those breasts. Her gaze drifted up to Katrina's green eyes, and she felt a shiver run through her body. Perhaps it was the booze loosening her up, but she finally found some courage. "Kat, if you liked someone, but weren't sure if they liked you back, would you still tell them?"

"Of course I would." Kat responded without even pausing to think. "But I was never the type to hold back. If you like somebody, Alex, you should step up and let him know."

"Me?" Alex blushed. How did she know? "I just meant, hypothetically-"

"No you didn't. You asked me because you wanted advice." Kat winked. "Just tell whoever it is how you feel, and if they reject you, well it's their loss."

Of course she knew. It's easy to pick up on someone's meaning after living together for a year. Kat and Alex had ended up as roommates during freshman year, randomly assigned, just like everyone else. Unlike most others, they actually became friends. Kat was also one of the very few people who knew Alex's 'little secret', yet she still wanted to room with her, still treated her the same way. "You really think I should?"

Kat grinned "Hell yeah. Just go up to the guy, grab him, and let him know exactly how you feel. That's what I'd do."

Alex felt her heart racing. How could Kat be so open and forceful? Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to be rejected after putting out like that? Kat really did have a big pair of balls, metaphorically speaking. Maybe that was part of her appeal. Part of why Alex liked her so much. Maybe that was why she suddenly lunged, wrapping her arms around the girl, and kissing her deeply.

It took a moment for Katrina to realize what happened. Alex's lips, her tongue, or whole body was pressed so close. She felt the girls tongue dance in her mouth, their breasts press together, and a telltale throbbing down below. It felt good, she had to admit to herself, just before reality hit her and she pushed Alex back, breaking the kiss.

"That wasn't fair." She complained, gasping for breath. "You tricked me."

"I'm sorry..." Alex whimpered, her face deep red, her eyes already tearing a bit. "I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop...thinking about you."

Kat couldn't believe it. She was still reeling from the kiss. "How long?"

"Since last year." Alex admitted, the tears beginning to fall. "After you found out about, you know what. You still treated me the same. Most people would either shun me, or treat me different, but not you. I kept catching myself looking at you, thinking about you."

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I thought it was just lust, that I just wanted your body. I was hoping a summer apart would clear my head. But it didn't." Alex sobbed heavily. "I couldn't stop thinking about you all summer!"

The poor girl broke down completely at this point, burying her face in her hands. "I missed you so much! I just wanted you to be around, and I was so happy when we got to talk. I was so excited all week before the semester started that I could barely think straight. My chest felt tight just thinking about you again. I'm sorry!"

Katrina sighed, pulling Alex in to a hug, trying her best to comfort her. "Don't be. It must have been hard to be around me, and not say anything."

"But it's okay now. "Alex stated, wiping her tears away. "It's out in the open now. So, you can just reject me, and things will go back to the way they were."

"Reject you?" Katrina stared at the girl in disbelief. "You want me to reject you?"

"Well, yeah. Then I can get over it and everything will be fine. I mean, you don't like girls that way, right?"

It was true. Katrina had said many times, mostly to her perverted lesbian friend, that she was as straight as an arrow. She didn't see the point if there wasn't a dick to play with.

And yet, her mind recalled the kiss she had just endured. It was deep, full of meaning and desire. Alex had taken her breath away, and didn't even realize it. Kat hadn't experienced anything like it since he first boyfriend, and they had split up a year ago. After several attempts and disappointing one-nighters, she had given up on men out right.

But that kiss, that embrace had reminded her of what she truly desired in a relationship: true passion. It wasn't just about sex, there had to be something more behind it. That's what she had been looking for, and that's what she had just felt with Alex. Besides, there was something special about Alex that could help satisfy her physical needs.

"No. No I don't think I can just reject you. Not after a kiss like that. Maybe we can give it a try, and see what happens instead."

Alex couldn't believe what she heard. Her heart was pounding so loudly, this had to be a dream. "You really mean it?"

Katrina grinned. "Yeah. Just one thing. I prefer to be the forceful one." *With that she kissed Alex deeply, their tongue dancing in their mouths. Their bodies pressed together tightly. Somehow they made it to Alex's bed. Kissing turned to caressing, which lead to unhooked bras in no time. Katrina had to admit to herself that it felt good to press her large, bare breasts against Alex's. And to feel her hands glide over her body. Alex's skin was soft and pleasant to the touch, and she seemed to know what she was doing, despite her intact virginity.

But there was one important thing about Alex that Kat hoped would make this relationship work out. Gently she ran her hand over Alex's stomach and came to a stop over her groin. She pressed her hand against the stiff, throbbing bulge in her pants, and with a naughty grin, slowly undid her pants to reveal Alex's 'little secret'.

It sprung up quickly, and Alex instantly felt both aroused and embarrassed at the reveal of her fully developed girlcock. Kat had only seen it once before, the previous year, and that had been on accident. That was one she learned that her roommate was a full fledge hermaphrodite. She hadn't thought much about it since then. It honestly never bothered her. But now, she wanted to make full use of Alex's throbbing member.

"Relax and enjoy." She whispered slyly, trailing kisses down Alex's body until she got to the girl's dick. Now most women don't seem to enjoy giving head, or at least that won't admit it. But Katrina loved it. She enjoyed the feel, and loved torturing her partners so with her lips and tongue, which had become fairly skilled. Especially once she had gotten her tongue pierced. Simple kisses started at the base and worked up the shaft, softly kissing the head. She smiled inwardly when Alex moaned as Katrina pulled down the foreskin, revealing the already wet head, and she chuckled at the gasp as she began to suckle.

Alex couldn't believe how good it felt. This was way better than masturbating. She couldn't talk, could barely even think as Katrina moved up and down, skillfully running her tongue around the head.

The foreskin was admittedly a new challenge, but Katrina saw potential for some fun. She seemed to get positive results as she ran the tip of her tongue around the head, buried in the skin, and enjoyed the feel of pulling the skin back with her mouth alone. Alex's dick was soft and warm, with a pleasing aroma, and she was already dribbling with pre-cum.

Alex was squirming within minutes, moaning and gasping with pleasure. Her legs kicked and she desperately grabbed the sheets, the bed, whatever she could reach. It was good, too good in fact. Her mind was going numb from the pleasure. Her body arched and moved with Katrina's head, lost in the bliss.

"I...I'm....I'm...!" She couldn't form the words in time, before she let out a powerful stream of cum. Kat tried to catch it all, but there was just too much. Alex's dick flew free as Katrina gasped for air, and received a hot, sticky facial. It was an unbelievable amount of cum, hot and salty, pleasant to the taste. Katrina moaned with pleasure at the feel of it, dripping over her face and breasts. She usually didn't admit it, but she did enjoy a good facial. It always made her so wet.

Quickly removing her own pants and panties, Katrina crawled up to lie over Alex, cum dripping from one body to another. "You made a mess." She teased. "Now you have to clean me up."

Without a word, Alex began licking her own cum off of Kat's face. Kat began rubbing her pussy against Alex's semi-flaccid dick, hoping to get it up again. Wondering if Alex had the stamina of a man, or a woman. She pressed her sticky body against Alex's, kissing her deeply, making a mess of both of them, before sitting up over her.

"Oh good, you're not done." She smiled as Alex's girlcock stood at attention once again. Kat lifted herself up, and looked down at Alex with wanting eyes. "Are you ready?"

Alex nodded. "I've been ready for this for a while." She couldn't help but hold her breath as Katrina spread her pussy and lowered herself on her pole. Moaning softly, Kat lowered herself painfully slowly, forcing Alex to enjoy the feel of her warm, soft, wet pussy. It was tight, and felt better than anything Alex had every felt before. The satiny folds grasping at her dick all the way down, until Katrina had fit all six or so inches inside.

"Perfect fit. "She muttered, sitting on Alex and simply enjoying the feel of a hard, smooth dick inside her. She had almost forgotten how good it felt. She would have like to enjoy it more, but Alex couldn't wait. Her hips began thrusting, as if they had a life of their own, and Kat was ready for the ride.

Alex was thrusting without even thinking about it. Her body was working all on its own. She held Kat's hips as Kat fondled her breasts. Moaning and gasping filled the room as the two worked together to piston Alex's dick in Kat's dripping pussy. Alex had never felt anything like it. The heat of their bodies, the slick feel against her body. She couldn't stop herself when she suddenly thrust up high, releasing another load deep inside Katrina. Her body jerked as she climaxed, her mind lost in the euphoria.

"Oh well" Katrina sighed, smiling down at her friend, roommate and now partner. It was her first time after all, so getting off early isn't so surprising. She was just about to climb off when Alex began thrusting again, swirling the cum around her still hard dick.

"You didn't get it yet." Alex explained to Kat's inquisitive look. "I want to do it at the same time. I can still go."

"You don't hear my arguing." Katrina grinned, leaning over and wrapping her arms around Alex. They held each other close, kissing passionately as Alex thrust deeply into Kat. The cum acted like a lubricant, enhancing the feeling for both of them, as it swirled around and dripped down Alex's balls and over her own dripping wet pussy.

They were truly lost in each other now, moaning and thrusting, whispering each other's name, and other dirty things. Kat's eyes rolled back in her head as she felt her orgasm coming on, but she had to wait. She wanted to cum with Alex. They wanted to do it together. But she wasn't sure how long she could last.

"Oh god!" She moaned "Alex! I'm...I'm gonna cum!"

"Me too!" Alex cried, thrusting hard and fast, her face buried in Kat's soft breasts. She pulled out almost all the way, then suddenly thrust in as deep as she could, releasing her seed deep inside. Kat cried out at the feel of that last thrust, as her body tensed up in glorious orgasm.

The two girls lay there for several minutes, holding each close in the afterglow, their bodies twitching as they gradually came down from their high. Kat managed to roll off Alex, laying at her side and holding her close, as the gently kissed.

"I love you." Alex was sincere, and she realized it now. All summer she had wanted to tell Kat how she felt, preparing herself to be shot down. This was better than she could have hoped for, and she was beaming with happiness. "I love you so much."

Kat smiled back at her, feeling the warmth in those words. She had heard them many times before, but not with such feeling behind them. Perhaps this could work out. Perhaps her arrow wasn't as straight as she though. She leaned over and kissed Alex once again. "I love you too."