Brotherly Bonding (A Zourik Fanfiction)

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What if Dylan had asked Allan for advice about his feelings for Leo and what if Allan had known Leo was crushing on Dylan the whole time? This is my version of a short story about Zourik's Incineroar Brothers and all of the above, so sit back, relax and enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Dylan or Allan these characters and all copyrights for Dylan and Allan are reserved for and belong to Zourik.

You can find him here:

Without further ado, please enjoy this short but very detailed story!

Brotherly Bonding: (A Zourik Fanfiction)

Some time had passed since Dylan had come to live with his older brother Allan in the city while he attended college. A lot of things had happened, Dylan had had sex with his brother a few times and than with his brother and his father, he'd had sex with a random guy at the gym too after his evolution. Allan had planned a few days for just the two of them alone in the woods, it had been a while since they had time to spend alone together as best friends and brothers.

It would be nice to get away from the city and spend some more quality time with Allan, of course Bryan had told him to not do anything he wouldn't do. Yeah, right,one that was even going to happen anyways, right?

Allan and Dylan had arrived at the campsite a couple of hours ago, in that time both of them had completed tasks they had divided up amongst themselves. Allan had set up the tent, gotten water for them to use when cooking, and made a firepit. Dylan had gone out to collect firewood and find good rocks to help Allan with the firepit, now both of them were done and it was approaching early evening.

Allan had gotten the fire going and had set up logs as seats just like their dad had done when he took them camping. Dylan had sat down by the fire and he looked to be deep in thought about something.

Allan noticed this and but could he really comfort Dylan the way he needed to be comforted? After all Allan wasn't good with words, but even if that was the case he could still let Dylan vent and he could listen. That's what part of being a big brother was about, well here goes nothing!

"Hey Dylan, you know can tell me anything that's bothering you, right?"

Allan asked, putting his hand on Dylan's shoulder and looking him in the eyes.

Dylan was snapped out of his thoughts by feeling Allan's hand on his shoulder. Had he been talking to him this whole time?

"Sorry about that I was lost in thought Allan.

Hey Allan, can I ask you...for a bit of advice?"

Dylan asked, maybe Allan could help him.

Even if Allan wasn't good with words he could still give good advice.

"Sure Dyl, you can talk to me about about anything.

Tell me what's on your mind, I'll do the best I can to help.

Is this about Leo?"

Allan said, if there was anything he could do to help Dylan he'd do it. That was part of his job as Dylan's older brother, if this was about Leo he could understand why Dylan was putting so much thought into things.

Dylan smilled and nodded, he sighed and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I've been sturggling with trying to tell Leo how I really feel about him, it's gotten to the point where when I try to tell him I back out and something else ends up coming out.

I guess part of me is afraid that he won't feel the same way that I do. After my evolution happened I've been so confused about everything, it's hard to tell someone you like them as more than a friend...especially if you've been friends for so long like Leo and I have. I like him a lot, way more than a friend should like their best friend...what should I do Al?"

Dylan explained, everything that he'd been holding inside just came pouring out. He hate feeling this way, why couldn't he just tell Leo how he really felt and why did it have to be so hard? Allan listened patiently to his little brother's frustrations, yeah he knew Leo had had feelings for Dylan. It showed in the little things Leo did, still Leo was a good friend to his little brother and for that he was grateful.

"You like Leo right? Think about what you're feeling, if you're feeling that and this is just a guess but if Leo feels the same way you do. I'm sure he's feeling just as scared as you are about telling you how he really feels about you.

Between you and me though, I have a pretty good feeling that he likes you back too Dylan. You won't know unless you one of you confesses. I mean the way Leo reacted so quickly after you evolved and asked for clothes, I'm sure that took a lot of restraint if he feels the same way about you.

"Don't think to much about that while we're here alright, we're supposed to be bonding and having fun, you goof!"

Allan replied, pulling Dylan closer and ruffling the fur on his head. Dylan squirmed in Allan's grip trying to get out of the headlock, he always hated it when Allan did this but it was part of his way of showing affection. A few minutes late Dylan broke free of the headlock and stood up to straighten out his fur.

"Come on Allan, I'm being serious. I just wish that things were that easy...they really are not that easy. Hey, Al? Tomorrow we should go for a hike or maybe do a bit of fishing, what do you think?"

Dylan asked, he knew that they had come out here to bond so he decided a change in topic was much needed.

Allan chuckled, he knew what the younger Incineroar was up to and he'd let him change the topic.

"Why don't we go for a hike tomorrow? That sounds like it might be fun, we haven't really hiked through these woods in years. We can see if we find a lake along the way too, if we do we can take the fishing poles and bait and fish the morning after."

Allan explained, it was true though both brothers hadn't been on a hike in these woods for years. Fishing would happen the day before they left and each night they could go stargazing.

Taking out the ingredients to cook, Allan got to work on their dinner and soon they had two cheese omelets.

Both Dylan and Allan ate in a comfortable silence they didn't really need to talk to enjoy a good meal, they had each other for company and that was all that mattered and what better way to enjoy the outdoors than with your brother right?

By the time both Incineroar finished eating they cleaned up their plates and took care of their mess, now it was time to relax and stargaze by the fire which Dylan and Allan both did for a few more hours before heading into their shared tent to go to sleep.

The next morning both Dylan and Allan woke up early, had breakfast and took care of their morning rituals. Once both of them had finished they secured things in their campsite and went for a hike. The quiet in the woods this early morning was very peaceful, birds had just started to sing their song squirrels foraged for berries and nuts while other wildlife went about their normal routines.

It truly was the perfect day for a hike through the woods, Dylan thought back to the last time Allan and him had been there with Mike their father. It had been his birthday that day and Mike had promised both of them they would all go fishing since Dylan had been asking for a fishing trip. That same trip both of them had caught four fish a piece while Mike had caught six fish. After their fishing trip the three Incineroar had headed home to clean, gut and cook the fish into a delicious meal. That one of Dylan's fondest memories about the city woods, mostly because the three of them had been so happy on that trip and they had done it as a family.

Coming into a beautiful clearing with a waterfall cascading down into a small lake, flowers of all kinds grew around the lake, different rosebushes grew around trees only adding to the beautiful scene in front of them. Dylan grabbed Allan's hand and lead him into the center of the clearing, there was an open space right in the middle where only grass grew and both of them sat down side by side.

"It's just like I remember it Allan, you might not know this but I used to come here whenever I was troubled and we had come up here with Dad. It was somewhere I came to forget things, I made some of the biggest decisions here in the middle of this clearing. It was here that I decided to move to the city to be closer to you, I remember because I couldn't sleep the night before and I ended up coming here by chance. The train I took came a early so I came here ahead of time and sought out this clearing to sure I wanted to move to the city. I'm so glad that I did, it wouldn't have been the same if I had chosen to stay at home since so much has happened since than."

Dylan explained, he had hoped to bring Allan to his secret clearing all along. This place was so important to him and maybe one day when and if he ever confessed to Leo, the two of them could come here for a date or maybe just a picnic for two. Allan looked over at his little brother deep in thought, yep he was thinking about Leo again and he had that same look that told him exactly what was going through Dylan's mind.

Allan turned towards Dylan and leaned over kissing him directly on the lips, Dylan immediately kissed back he needed this badly and he knew Allan was trying to distract him from thoughts of Leo. Dylan broke the kiss and nodded, Allan knew what he wanted so both of them stripped out of their clothes. Their lips met passionately once more, both brothers needed this and wanted it. Dylan stroked Allan's cock and his own cock together, both of them were hard now from the make out session and both brothers needed release. Allan broke the kiss and Dylan went down his older brother's body kissing his way down until he reached Allan's cock and began sucking it.

Allan moaned loudly feeling Dylan's mouth wrapped around his cock felt so good, the way Dylan used his tongue while he bobbed his head up and down just drove him insane with both lust and pleasure. Dylan moaned and hummed while he worked Allan's cock, he flicked the tip of his tongue against the tip of Allan's cock with each repeated bob of his head because he knew that Allan loved it when he did that.

"Oh fuck yeah, Dylan! Turn around and I'll prepare you for the ride you've been craving all day."

Allan moaned loudly, Dylan had stopped the moment Allan told him to turn around. Now the younger Incineroar had positioned himself above Allan's cock with sly grin on his face. Lowering his ass onto Allan's cock Dylan groaned as he feels the tip slip inside his ass after a bit of resistance. Slowly impaling himself on Allan's cock, Dylan put his hands on his older brother's thighs and proceeded to ride his cock slowly.

"Oh fuck yeah, Allan! I'll make sure we both find what need this time around, let me take care of you big guy."

Dylan replied, moaning loudly as soon as he finished talking. Slamming himself back down on Allan's cock which repeatedly hit his prostate, the older Incineroar's cock throbbed inside of him as it began leaking precum.

"Fuck, Dylan...I'm already close! Haaah...! Haaah...! Haaah...!"

Allan replied, moaning loudly as soon as he finished talking. Dylan kept up his pace slamming himself back down on Allan's cock, his prostate repeatedly being ravaged and his own cock throbbing with need. Allan roared and began shooting his load deep inside Dylan's ass, painting the younger Incineroar's anal walls a pearly white while making him look pregnant.

Dylan waited for Allan to finish cumming and climbed off of his older brother's cock, flipping them over Dylan used only his precum as lube and slipped his cock inside Allan's ass. Pinning him to ground, he moaned loudly when he felt his cock finally hit Allan's prostate causing both of them to moan again in unison.

"My turn Allan, don't worry you'll enjoy this trust me."

Dylan replied, pulling his cock almost all the way out before ramming it back inside and hitting Allan's prostate savagely. Allan's body flooded with an overabundance of lust and pleasure, oh yeah Dylan had definitely been practicing.

"Fuck Dylan, don't stop but please, slow down! HNGGGH!"

Allan moaned loudly, after replying to his little brother. Dylan put his fingers in Allan's mouth forcing him to shut up and suck on them. He knew Allan like it rough, but seeing his brother obediently suck his fingers while he took his cock was definitely hot! Allan moaned again as Dylan's cock hit his prostate, matching his pace Allan made sure to continue sucking Dylan's fingers while he was fucked. Dylan's cock throbbed before he roared loudly and shot his load deep inside Allan's ass, painting his anal walls a pearly white while making his older brother look pregnant.

Both Incineroar panted heavily as their orgasms slowly subsided, Dylan had gotten off of Allan and laid down next to him turning his head to look him in the eyes. This was definitely going to be a trip to remember, getting up and washing themselves off in the small lake both brothers headed back to the campsite and had lunch. Upon returning Dylan had told Allan that he'd been practicing during his spare time whenever he was horny. Allan laughed and said he could definitely tell the difference from last time, packing up everything the two of them left the campsite and decided to return home early.

Dylan wanted to see if Leo was available to hang out later on, if he was he told Allan that he hoped to confess how he really felt about him. With their Brotherly Bonding Trip behind them things looked so much brighter than when the two of them had left yesterday.