All Bark and No Bite

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#183 of Commissions

A sequel story commission for aurashade97

As a strange beast begins to stalk the Road Rovers, coyote recruit Dusty begins to wonder why his room is in such a mess and he's begun a collection of soiled socks in his possession. Little does he know this is going to be a 'transformative' experience.

"All Bark and No Bite"

Night. Good. Moon, bright. Air cool and fresh. Run. Run, run, run through the night. Trees smell good, sniff trees. Mark tree. This area mine. Sniff, sniff. Run more. How did we get here? Where are we? Smell familiar. Sniff, sniff, sniff. Close. Humans near. Run away from human smell. Big growling beast, bright white eyes staring as it grew close. Let out loud sound, hurt ears. Jump away, hide in grass. Beast stops, humans climb out. Filthy humans, not nature. Still. Be still. Watch humans look and can't find. Humans climb back into beast, beast slowly moves off. Beast gone. Come out of hiding. Loud noises, bright lights ahead. Avoid. Don't want to go toward human smell. Stay in nature, run to the forest; darkness, quiet. Nature sounds. Rest easier, heart beating slower.

BLAM! Loud noise maker, close to ears, splintered wood. Duck, hide. Men grow close. Not see, not look hard enough. Run again.

Approach crossroads, look familiar. Sniff the air, smell something familiar. Run toward it. Building, smell of dogs, smell of familiar human. Why familiar? Run inside, know where door is. Smell food smell water. Find bowl; mine? Eat, drink, wipe face. Hands...arms...not recognize. Sounds from above; water, rain? No...not outside. Inside. Walk up stairs, move quiet in the dark, hand touches wall, claws scratch...

"Blitz! Blitz, Come on you're taking forever in there!" Hunter groaned in frustration as he leaned against the bathroom door. "Not all of us can take an hour in the bathroom like you can."

The bathroom door opened, just a crack and Blitz's head poked out, the doberman's ears were at a fine point as he glared at the labrador. "Well then perhaps you should pick up some better cleaning habits. You're no flower bed, Hunter."

"Well, maybe I would if you'd let us in before we've got to demog for the night."

"Hmph!" Blitz grunted as he slammed the door in Hunter's face. "Well, fine then. I'll just have to find someplace else to freshen up, but if we wake up together and my butt's in your face, you're only going to have yourself to blame."

"Ha! Joke's on you, Hunter. I'm actually staying here tomorrow. You can go back to your white house or whatever color it is and play and bark for your--other master."

Hunter rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively as he walked away, leaving Blitz to his own shower. Blitz hummed loudly as he bathed, taking extra care to coat his body with soap and wash himself as clean as he could; being a dog himself, Blitz knew that eventually the smell of wet fur would permeate the bathroom, but indulging in a few minutes of clean wasn't so bad. As he was finishing with the top of his head, he heard a cracking noise outside; the sound of glass breaking that caused him to pause and poke his head out of the shower curtain. "Hunter? Is that you?"

There was no response, and frustrated, Blitz rolled his eyes and climbed out of the shower. He stormed over to the door and, after fastening a towel around his waist he cleared his throat. "It's very petty of you to resort to breaking things because you have a little tantrum by not getting your way--" He flung the door open and was met with nothing but a quiet, empty hallway. A chill breeze washed over him, and that made him nervous as he poked his head out the door. "Hu-Hunter? Is that you?" Again, there was no response from the darkness. Blitz swallowed and tightened his grip on the towel around his waist before starting down the hallway toward his bedroom.

Blitz felt like he didn't breathe the entire trip to the room and as he rushed hurriedly through the door, it closed and he locked it behind him. Finally, he could breathe a sigh of relief and seated himself in front of his dresser mirror. It took about ten minutes before he finally was able to relax and strip the towel off himself. "This is stupid." Blitz said, leaning over the dresser and staring himself in the mirror. "There is nothing out there and you've got nothing to worry about." He opened the dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of underwear, a purple jockstrap, his favorite one as a matter of fact. He sniffed them and found they were nice and clean. Tossing them onto his bed he began to search the drawer again, trying to find a pair of his socks. To his disdain though, he found there were none. "I could have sworn I had an extra pair." He groaned and rolled his eyes. "Don't tell me Exile's been stealing my socks again..." He moved over to his laundry pile and opened the lid of his basket, rooting around a little bit, he found a pair of socks he'd worn about a week ago. He smelled them and his nose burned slightly; they were worn during a mission that involved a stakeout. Sitting in a car with Dusty was bad enough since they didn't have much to talk about, but hours of sweat produced a musky smell so strong that most humans would have retched. Thankfully, he was more used to his musk and it was enough for him to just barely pass his quality control. Sitting on his bed, he pulled on his underwear first and then put his socks on. They were plain black socks with gray stripes up near the top of the tubes. As he put his feet down, there was that musty warm feeling as the clingy fabric stuck to his toes. "These'll do for now--" He said before his voice lingered in the air for a few seconds; Blitz was suddenly frozen in place, staring at the bedroom door that had now somehow slid into the open position and a pair of deep, crimson eyes were staring at him in the darkness. Blitz tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it wasn't going down and he looked feverishly around for an escape; there was none, and in an instant the beast leaped for him.

Blitz's shrill scream went unheard as a massive beast tackled him hard, pinning him into the bed. Its coat of deep gray fur, thick and heavy collided with his muscular body and provided no sound except the dull "flump" of two furry bodies hitting each other. The beast's mouth was dripping with saliva as he grabbed Blitz's left foot and lifted it abruptly into the air, almost bending him in an impossible direction. The beast placed its face against the base of Blitz's socked foot and inhaled, he dragged his tongue along the rough fabric and the doberman saw his excitement over the garment. "Y-You want my socks? Please, take them. I have more, just don't hurt me!"

The beast didn't move his nostrils from the fabric, but his eyes popped open and he stared at the canine. He too was obviously canine, and his cock was now dripping pretty profusely across Blitz's clean underwear. He growled in anticipation and grabbed Blitz, curling his muscular arms under the doberman's knees as he dragged him closer. Blitz could see it coming and wriggled, but didn't fight hard to get away; being dominated in this way was somehow... a turn on and he began to sweat from the heat of the moment. The beast suddenly dragged its shaft down to the exposed ass of the jockstrap and with another grunt, he thrust himself deep into the dog man's ring. Blitz howled; both in agony of being penetrated by a bone this large, but also in a euphoric pleasure as the beast lifted his paws up wildly over his head, pinning him down as he dropped down into him like a jackhammer. Blitz was unable to move and the beast responded to the doberman's wiggling toes under his socks like they were a plaything, biting madly at them at the same time as he fucked Blitz madly, slamming into him so hard that the bed was creaking and moaning, the slats underneath beginning to give way. Its growl getting more and more intense as his claws worked up Blitz's bare chest and grabbed on, slamming from tip to hilt over and over, making the doberman's eyes roll back, his tongue lolling out. He was already climaxing, making a nasty, musky mess of his newly cleaned jockstrap. But the beast kept going, dragging his tongue along the socks one at a time until...


The deep howling filled the air so loudly that Blitz's ears folded back as deep gushes of heat began to shoot through his entire body. His eyes rolled back again and that was when everything went black...


"Wake me up! Before you go-go...!"

The alarm woke Dusty from a sound sleep as he rolled out of his bed and into the floor; grunting as he felt the cold metal under his bed and began to wonder why this place was built with metal floors in mind. He sat up immediately and turned off the alarm. He panted wildly as he brushed his hand over his head, still shaking from the abrupt wake up. He was surprised he'd slept so long, already it was quarter till six; had he slept all day? "Oh, man...what a vivid nightmare..." He said to himself as he finally got up. He staggered toward the bathroom just adjacent to his room and stepped inside to take a long, hot shower. He found it hard to wake up, it was as if his body was exhausted while his mind was rested. Remembering his dreams though; finding Blitz and having his way with him, it seemed like something they both enjoyed, but he couldn't help but place his finger on how realistic it seemed. He'd never thought about fucking Blitz like that before and those socks...the smelled so real...

After several minutes, Dusty climbed out of the shower and returned to his room, barely draped in a towel. Maybe he'd been in his humanoid form too long; maybe he just needed to become a coyote again and give the dogmifyer alone for a while...

The thoughts quickly passed from his mind as he returned to his room and realized it was in absolute shambles; blankets pulled into his bed like some sort of makeshift bed, scratchmarks covering the wall and the floor, and just as he walked over to the nest, an object stood out; something black in color and as he picked it up, he realized they were a wet pair of black and gray socks. Pressing his nose to it, he got hard instantly, smelling Blitz's scent and musk buried deep within his own saliva. His fingers inside the sock felt dryer than the outside of it and as he drew it back from his nose, he suddenly gasped in realization: The dream, the socks, had did he...? Instantly he dropped them in surprise and ran to the door, but before he opened it he could hear voices outside and instead of opening, he pressed his ear to the door:

"Wait, wait what are you talking about werewolf?" Hunter said.

"I'm telling you guys, it was just like the time Colleen became a werewolf; a big, gray muscular beast...except it was a guy! I'm telling you!"

"And he just...ran off with your socks?" Exile asked.


Dusty opened the door and looked out at the trio as Hunter sighed and shook his head. "Look, no way it's the same thing. I mean...unless Colleen has some super-special surprise for us when she gets back from London..."

"I'm--" Blitz slapped his face with his palm. "I'm not saying it was Colleen...but a werewolf... a male werewolf!"

"A male werewolf who decided to track you down and fuck the ever living daylights out of you?"

"If you say you would not have predicted this, I'm going to slap you silly..." Exile warned.

"Oh I'm not that weird boy." Hunter retorted with a snicker. "But seriously, you think we need to turn up the security?"

"We should warn Dusty." Exile said.

"Good idea. Let's--" Dusty appeared all of a sudden, closing the door behind him with an awkward smile. "Dusty! We were just talking about you."


"Yes. We have a wild--" Blitz frowned at the look the other two gave him. "Uhm...we have a wild turkey on the loose, very dangerous. You should let us know if you find it...?"


"Look, we have dog noses, right?" Exile said. "Why don't we try to find this--" He glanced at Dusty. "This turkey before it hurts anyone else?"

"Well, actually it didn't really hurt it just felt...really aggressive." Blitz answered out of nowhere, leaving the others to stare at him. "What?" He asked.

"Okay. So it... "attacked" Blitz in his quarters, so I guess we should start there. Are we ready, team?" Hunter asked as he was already making his way up the stairs. Blitz then Exile and then Dusty followed directly after. After a few steps, Exile slowed down for Dusty to catch up.

"Dusty? You are awfully quiet today, I haven't seen you at all either."

Dusty shrugged. "I--just slept in, that's all."

"All day? That seems very strange."

Dusty could smell a musky odor coming from Exile's feet and looked down to see that he was dressed in a pair of green-checkered socks that disappeared under his pants. "Speaking of strange, walking around with no shoes on?"

Exile looked down and chuckled. "Oh--would you look at that, I must have gotten so wrapped up in Blitz's story I completely forgot to put some shoes on. Oh well, no harm no foul. Right?"

Dusty nodded, unable to resist the urge to simply reach for the husky's socks, but Exile continuing his walk up the stairs managed to stop him, and in a need to keep up, Dusty followed along, making his way up behind the husky's swishing-swaying tail. He pondered many things; the fact that he woke up with his room trashed, that he couldn't even remember what he was doing the night before were suspicious enough. But he also had a pair of Blitz's socks stashed in his room; he began to wonder if he--

The coyote's eyes turned to a window as they passed it, and the brilliance of the full moon shining through hit him particularly hard. He felt his entire body suddenly get riddled in goosebumps that sent a shiver straight down his spine. He fixated on the glow of the moon as it enveloped him, and quickly he forgot what he was doing here--

"Dusty? Dusty! Where are you?" Exile asked, looking around.

"What happened?" Hunter asked, stopping his march to check on the husky. "Where's Dusty?"

"I don't know!" Exile exclaimed. "He was right behind--me?"

A sound could be heard from down the hallway, and all three dogs paused and went extremely quiet to listen. It was something breathing in the darkness, and every time it exhaled a low, guttural growl could be heard echoing through the hallway. The sound made the three of them freeze in place. Looking into the darkness, they could see something moving; a pair of dark red eyes as a massive, dark gray furred body slowly emerged from the shadows. Creeping on all fours, he let out a deep, vicious growl that terrified more than just Blitz, who's appropriate reaction was leaping up into Hunter's arms.

"YAAAAUGHHH! There it is! That's the one! That's the beast!"

"He's HUGE!" Hunter agreed as all three of them took a few steps back.

The beast stared at them, dragging its red tongue along its sharp, white teeth. A low growl began to fill the room as he slowly crept toward them.

"Run!" Blitz announced suddenly as he bolted first down the corridor.

Hunter and Exile barely exchanged a glance before doing the same thing. Exile wasn't nearly as fast as Hunter, who left a trail of flame behind his super-speedy self. In fact, his socked feet hit the floor with a little bit of a slide in every step. Nearly stumbling over for the first three or four strides, it took him a moment to actually gain traction and run down the hall. As he made the turn and hit a straight-away, he spotted Blitz and Hunter both entering an elevator, waving for him to hurry up. His heart was pounding as he scrambled for the open door, the elevator already starting to rise as Blitz held them open. Exile leaped through the air and landed on the elevator's floor, but as Hunter helped him into the car, the beast's massive claws suddenly grabbed Exile around the ankles and began to pull him rather violently into the gap between the closing doors.

"AH! Let go of me you svoloch'!" He shouted as he tried to kick at the creature's hands. Its claws slipped from Exile's thighs to his feet and in his hurry to kick the beast free, he felt his socks slide easily from his toes. The beast vanished into the closing doors and he scrambled to his feet. "That--was weird." He exclaimed, panting loudly.

Smell, musk, scent... the beast ran through the darkened corridor on all fours, his claws scratching at the floor as he made a turn and continued back in the direction he was familiar. Fabric taste, warm, wet... He felt the socks now in his mouth rub against his tongue, the fabric clinging to his tongue, the smell of Exile's feet lingering as he ran. It filled his lungs and made him salavate more. Dark...hide...must run...

He entered Dusty's room and spun wildly as he heard the door slam shut with a loud whirring noise. He tripped backwards and landed on the bed. Soft--rest... he realized as he laid back and extracted the socks from his maw. He could smell them, he could feel them rolling over along his claws. He was aroused by this, his aching cock throbbing as the socks draped over his flesh. He grabbed at it, instantly soaking the socks with his own fluid as he gripped the shaft and began to stroke madly along it. The fibers clung to his flesh and he twitched, he pulled the sock over his cock now and felt it completely encompass it. His toes curled and his legs stretched. His balls slapped against his lower loins and he could do little more than hold on with both claws. Feel...good...breed...fabric...smell... He growled deeply as his chest rose in response to the pleasure now rippling through his body. He snarled and with one of his claws, he grabbed the other piece of fabric and placed it over his face, inhaling the husky's scent as his hot breath quickly warmed up the fiber. These green checkered patterns, it was...perfect.

Suddenly, he began to fire jets of cum into the sock he was using. He let out an echoing, night-piercing howl as seed flooded the sock. His hips bucked and he trembled madly as his entire body shook with the rather violent release. He gasped and whimpered as his cock quickly grew sensitive with the fabric rubbing against it and his body twitched and writhed for several moments until every drop was spent into the now-drenched sock. The beast's howls shuddered quieter until he finally relented and released himself, passing out in a matter of seconds.

"Come on, Hunter. It'll be sunup in an hour can't you just wait until--"

"No. We don't even know if it's Dusty doing all this." Hunter said. "Besides, if we're going to catch him and cure him, we're going to have to do it as quickly as possible. We don't know how long it takes until the change is permanent."

Exile entered the room, putting his cell phone away. "Okay, good news. Colleen isn't the beast." He said. "And she said she's on her way with the cure for this affliction. So you think it's Dusty?"

"I'm almost positive. I mean you saw how he got with your socks."

Blitz nodded. "Ja and he stole mine too."

Hunter took off his boots, revealing his black socks underneath. "Which means this is the perfect bait to capture him then."


Smell wake up, sniff air. Outside room... open door and see nothing but darkness. Sniff again, follow. Stairs, climb. Sniff, sniff. Lead this way. Stronger now, more scent. More musk. Gold one's scent. Must follow. Aroused again, wet dripping distracting. Turn corner--there!

The beast spotted a pair of dark socks resting at the end of the hallway and without a moment's hesitation, he ran for them. Dropping to all fours, his claws dug into the tiles, almost upturning them with the force at which he raced. His tongue hanging out as he reached the socks, only to suddenly slam into something.

PAIN! Agony! Hurt! Nose bleeding, a trick.

The mirror the beast had run into had shattered and he howled in pain as he grabbed his face and staggered backward a few steps.

"Now!" Hunter shouted as he leaped from the darkness as he leaped through the air and wrapped his arms around the beast's neck.

The beast howled in shock as Hunter's naked body slapped against his hide and he held onto his back. Before he could respond, Exile leaped out and grabbed him by the legs, then Blitz came from the side and grabbed him around the waist. He flailed around, trying to shake the males off of him, taking no notice that they were all pinning him down with no clothes on until his legs failed to move one way and his body fell back the other way, sending him flat to the ground. Hunter straddled the beast's head, sitting in the position that his ass was directly over the creature's face. Exile hugged his arms around the beast's legs, holding him tight as Blitz lay under his back, his arms tight around his waist. The feeling of the doberman's cock slipping up against the taint of his ass made the beast gasp and freeze in surprise; these men were horny and there was little he could do to fight the strength of all three.

"Quick! We've got to subdue him until sunrise!" Hunter exclaimed as he rested his ass back against the beast's face, pulling his feet up so that they met with his ass in that position. The beast's tongue quickly responded as they began to drag along the bottom of his feet, darting between his toes and working toward the bare, exposed ass framed in the center. "Nnnhhh fuck...!"

"Such a weird boy." Exile said as he watched the beast's cock throb in response and began to wrap his muzzle around it, slowly bringing it deep into his mouth. Exile's tongue was expertly snaking along the shaft as it dragged from tip to hilt. The beast tried to buck against it, but Blitz's superior strength held him in place.

"Oh no, you don't fuzzy." He said. "You are going to stay right here with us...!"

Hunter rested his hands on the beast's chest as he pushed himself backward, burying the creature's snoot deep into the cleft of his ass and receiving the warmest tongue bath of his life as his mouth worked every inch of the retriever's ass. He exhaled sharply and buried his tongue deeper and deeper before finally pulling it back and grabbing Hunter's ankles, pulling them closer to each other as he indulged in the flat bottoms of Hunter's feet. Hunter leaned forward some to keep his ankles from breaking, moaning loudly as it continued. "I th-think we--got him..." He moaned, feeling his cock dripping wet precum all over the creature's chest, sopping it rather thoroughly as his hole received a deep tongue bath.

Underneath, Blitz's muscular body was being crushed under the beast's weight. Sticking his head out from behind his back, Blitz took a deep breath and began to grind his cock between the beast's thighs, getting harder by the moment as it rested against it. Exile scoffed at this, and gave the throbbing member a flick of his finger. "Niet, this is my territory, Blitz take that someplace else."

Blitz grunted as he pulled back, using his knees to lift the beast slightly. He angled himself ever so slightly and brought the creature to a rest directly against his tip. He could feel its pulsing ass resting against him and on instinct he bucked, pushing himself into its warm, tight ass. The creature let out a howl, prompting him to release Hunter's feet. Hunter turned around and faced the beast face-to-face with a grin and kissed him to silence the roar. It melted into the kiss, almost completely forgetting that the doberman was already half-buried in his ass and Hunter dragged himself back ever so slightly until his ass landed against the aroused cock and the top of Exile's head.

"Hey what do you--?" He paused as he looked at the needy look in Hunter's eyes and he grinned. "Alright! Let's do this then!" He exclaimed as he grabbed the beast's legs and lifted them, resting his cock against Blitz's shaft.

"What are you doing?" Blitz asked, suddenly nervous as he felt Exile's aching shaft edging against his at the beast's ass.

"Don't make this weird, boy." Exile said lowly to the doberman. "We're going to pay this beast a visit he won't soon forget."

As Exile flexed his arms, he pulled the beast closer to him. His cock head gently pushing in with Blitz's, making the beast howl even louder. Hunter rested his feet on the beast's face as he lifted his ass up and pressed his body down, letting the creature's cock slide in. "Ohhh fuck..." He huffed loudly, twinging his face as his eyes closed at the thick shaft penetrating him. "I wou-would not have predicted this position.

And what a position this pyramid had turned into. Hunter turned facing the beast, his feet resting on its face as the beast began to devour the retriever's feet while Hunter did a reverse pushup and began to sink his ass over and over onto his cock. Hunter's howling only making him thrust upward. At the same time Exile and Blitz were fucking him; Exile head-on while Blitz thrust upward from underneath, both men getting deeper with each thrust as the ass opened wider for them. None of them had experienced this one before and the fact that Hunter's thrusts down only increased the bounce back up when Blitz and Exile thrust upward only added to the pleasure.

The beast's eyes rolled back as he inhaled Hunter's scent, he somehow wished in his beastial mind that he had gathered the socks from his collection to indulge this moment more. But he was already fighting back against this lust. He wanted to cum so badly that he was dripping and drooling precum deep into Hunter, allowing it to drip down like a waterfall. His boulder-sized muscular arms providing him with just enough lift to keep from crushing Blitz under him.

"Oh, gods I'm going to--" Blitz didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence as he came, hard and deep into the beast's body. The gushing of warmth making Exile begin to lose control as well and when he let out a howl, cumming at the same time, their combined seed began to pour out over them and onto the floor under them.

Hunter exploded next, sending a cascade of cum streaming across his feet and the beast's face. The beast snarled in response to this and grabbed Hunter's waist, shoving him down HARD onto his raging member, which then began to explode. Pulsating heat through Hunter's stomach and filling him excessively to the point that his stomach began to bulge out. He gasped and panted like the flood was never going to end, sending shot after shot now growing weaker, over the beast's chest and torso.

At long last; the beast's energy seemed to give out and finally all of them collapsed from the exertion.


"Oi... you boys okay?"

The sound of Colleen's voice woke the four men in the morning; the bright light shining into Dusty's utterly destroyed room as she loomed over them all collapsed on Dusty's bed. None were sure exactly how they ended up there. "Ohhh I guess our resident beasty decided to carry us someplace...familiar?" Hunter said as he woke and yawned before noticing Colleen. "Oh. Hey Colleen."

"I guess you're thinkin' I wouldn't have predicted this, but you'd be wrong."

"Would somebody kindly get their fat ass off me?" Exile complained. "I'm struggling to breathe here!"

"Oops...sorry." Blitz said as he slid off the husky's back.

"What--what happened?" Dusty asked as he put a paw on his head and looked around. "The last thing I remember I--ULP!" He grunted as a soaking wet tennis ball was shoved in his mouth.

"There ya go, love." Colleen said. "That should prevent any strange changes for you in the near future. And as for the rest of you, that's some bad form, taking advantage of him like that."

"But he started it..." Blitz complained.

"That don't make it right. You still took advantage of this poor, poor creature."

Dusty said nothing. He stifled a laugh; he really didn't remember any objection to last night's antics. Even if he couldn't quite remember what happened, and as Colleen turned and left the room in a huff, he replied. "Guess that means you'll have to try again." He said with a shrug.

Hunter smiled. "Well, maybe. But for now, I guess we've got to go talk to her."

"After a shower, perhaps." Exile said. "I don't think I've ever been so sticky...and look at my favorite socks!" He picked up and sniffed the green checkers. "Dusty...?"

"Well I didn't know! I couldn't exactly control myself!"

Hunter laughed. "Well. Let's go get cleaned up, now that Colleen's back I guess we better clean up our acts a little around her, right?"

"Right!" All three of the others said simultaneously as they all scrambled to their feet.