Git Gud

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#1 of Max Smut

First (technically second, I just don't feel like uploading the first one here) little story featuring my punching bag character Max, allegedly a boy with massive honkers. Challenging myself to juggle several characters. Male friend groups are a sex thing.

Max, dressed inconspicuously in some loose shorts and a logo t-shirt, knocks rudely on the door of his friend Mitch's apartment. Kyle and Zach are already there, Max is just late. The door opens after a few moments, and all three guys greet their old buddy.

"Who the fuck's this?" asks Kyle, an athletic fox boy, with no malice in his voice.

"Eh, there's no one else it could be," Mitch answers, coming up to Max with his huge arms crossed. "These are new though," the muscled equine points towards Max the rat boy's chest with his gaze. Max crosses his, 'his', arms. Meanwhile Zach just looks disappointed for whatever reason and doesn't say anything. The fit wolf boy is probably still straight.

Coming in, Max kicks off his shoes. No socks tonight, it's still too hot, too hot for underwear as well, incidentally. The guys lead the way to the living room, which is dark except for the huge plasma TV. The newest nail-bitingly hard game from By Software is currently paused on the screen. In front of it is a coffee table with a wide selection of extremely unhealthy snacks. Then there's the couch, on which the three guys have already claimed their spots, leaving Max to be sandwiched between Kyle and Zach uncomfortably. The air is barely breathable and smells like chips and boy musk, and Max isn't helping.

They take turns passing the controller. Despite being a streamer, Max seems to have never played a fucking videogame in his magic fucking life, and he keeps fucking dying, picking up his Souls, then dying again. The silence between the four of them is thick and ominous. After the second round of failure, Zach, whose turn it should be next, snatches the controller. He looks at Max with absolute contempt. After only a moment of hesitation, he sets the controller down on the arm rest and violently rips Max's shorts off his legs, letting out a cathartic growl. "What the fuck?!" Max yelps. "Hey, hey, hey, what the hell, chill," Mitch interferes, placing a firm hand on the rowdy wolf's shoulder, which is enough to pacify him. "I don't think I can wear these anymore, guys," Max complains after being given back his damaged bottoms. He tucks his package between his thighs and is able to maintain his decency, though he is sweating bullets.

Mitch excuses himself after his turn, leaving just the three of them. Without the protection of his horse buddy, Max feels lonely and rests his head on Kyle's shoulder as he plays. Kyle is pretty decent and makes some progress moving across the dangerous areas of the map. "Hmmm, how about you skip your turn for me, and in return I get to... feel you up?" he offers.

"You don't even have to do that, I fear what Zach here will do if I try again."

"I get it, shush, he's right here." He pauses the game anyway and leans over to slip his hands under Max's shirt. His fingers pinch Max's long, thick nipples, playful but painful, making him bite his lip.

"Hands off," Zach complains, still grumpy and actively plotting his revenge. The fox boy sighs and withdraws before copping one last feel of Max's impressive ass.

Max can't take much more of this treatment, so he stands up, kind of forgetting he's naked from the waist down, and walks off, hips swaying and all. The rat boy finds Mitch in the kitchen, by the open window, having a smoke break.

"Hi. Haven't seen you in a while. Stop smoking, this shit reeks."

"You've changed, Max. Should I call you something else?"

Max thinks about it. "I don't know what I am, but making you pretend I'm a guy is the sexiest fucking thing in the world. Do you like your childhood friend's big, musky ass? Like,-"

"Not my thing," Mitch interrupts. "Come here."

"Fine. You know better than me." They hug.

Mitch pulls the rat boy's shirt off over his head. "Good girl."

"Uwaa... Let me go now, I actually need to piss. Will you give me back my shirt?"

"No, I won't."

"Ugh." Max doesn't have time to argue and leaves Mitch alone.

Max stands in the bathroom, looking incredibly bored, holding his limp cock in his hand and peeing. Just as he's done, someone comes in. It's fucking Zach. He steps right the fuck up and watches Max shake the last drops of urine from his unimpressive dick. "So you're just naked now?" he asks, leaning in uncomfortably close to his ear.

"One thing lead to another, bro."

Zach pushes Max back into the nearest wall. "You don't get to call me that."

"What's your problem? Is my cissy ass confusing your sexuAOW! NGHH!" Max gets kneed in the crotch. He slumps down to his knees as Zach just watches.

"Maybe I shouldn't have done that," Zach comments nonchalantly. His sweatpants have an outrageous tent in them.

"What the actual shit is happening?" yells Kyle as he peeks in. He makes brief, uncomfortable eye contact with Max, who is naked and crying silently. "What the fuck is your problem, Zach?"

Mitch looms in the doorway.

Zach backs up in fear.

Max dries his eyes with the back of his hand, stands up and gets in Zach's face, grilling him with his gaze, trying to grin smugly through the angry tears, cradling his abused balls. A brief look over his shoulder shows the two other guys still frozen in the doorway. "Come with us," Max orders, and everyone goes back to the living room.

Max is very handsy with Zach, guiding him to the couch where he can be comfortably pushed onto it. "Okay." Max sits beside him and uses his foot to play with the angsty wolf boy's bulge, pushing it around. He doesn't resist. "Hmm. What to do with you." Zach looks done with life.

"Nothing," Mitch suggests.


"He needs space."

"He doesn't like when I'm around him because of-"

"Because you still refuse to apologise for coming onto him the last time you saw eachother. Leave him alone." Mitch softly but persuasively grabs Max's foot and pulls it away. "Zachary, please don't touch Max."

"I don't even want to," Zach replies.

"Calm down. By the way, Max, you can put this back on." He hands over the shirt, which smells sharply like concentrated sweat.

Zach leaves the room as Max gets half dressed again. The three of them continue playing. Mitch sits back and zones out, keeping his arm casually around his rodent buddy's back. Kyle is really nice and encouraging and hugs Max tightly when he shows improvement, burying his face in the luscious, sweaty side boob. Max eventually loses interest in the game and walks off, craving some ice cold water.

Zach sits in the kitchen and shovels snacks into his face. He dispassionately follows Max with his eyes as the rat boy enters, opens the freezer and starts chugging from a bottle of half water and half ice. All of Max's interesting bits jiggle enticingly as he walks, pleasantly shiny with sweat.

"You stink," Zach says, his mouth still full.

"Any better insults than that?"

Zach stops chewing. "Just stating facts."

"Wanna huff my stink, tough guy?"

The wolf boy puts down his snack on the table and sits up. "Now that you're suggesting it, fucking sure. You've worn me down."

"On your knees."

"Cunt." He obeys, getting out of his seat and down on his knees. Max walks in front of him, stands with his legs apart, his comfortably flaccid dick and still reddened testicles almost brushing Zach's nose, then turns around and gently guides Zach forward into his ass with a hand on the back of his head. The wolf is obedient, so Max's hand just stays there to play with his short, messy hair. He huffs tentatively, and Max feels his breath on his asshole. "Do you shower?"

Max just laughs. "You like my musk."

"You're insufferable. This isn't dirty talking, this is just being a dickweed."

"Kiss my ass."

Surprisingly, Zach obliges. A soft little peck lands on the tender ring of Max's wide, fleshy anus. "There."

Max lets him go and steps away. "That was really nice of you."

"Also, you're adorable when you get your balls crushed."

"What the fuck, Zach."

"Not like you need them."

"I like them."

"Whatever." Zach leans forward, having to get on all fours, to nuzzle up under Max's ass and taint and give the balls in question an apologetic little lick.

"Were you always like this, Zach?"

"Were you always like this, Max?"

"Not the same."

"Heh." He seems to like it under Max's butt.

"Let's get back to the guys?"

"No, I want you to suck me off."
