A boy and his eevee

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This is a story about a trainer and his mischievous partner, Livia, the eevee. The two get up to some shenanigans on an elevator as a result of some cheeky psychic encouragement.

A commission.


A boy and his eevee

As he entered into the lobby Vareoth was once again delighted by a thrill of well-deserved satisfaction, the kind that shot through his whole body and ruffled his colourful feathers. He and Livia, his battle-partner and beloved eevee, had trained exceptionally hard today in the Valley of Conquest. This entire area was accessible on an invite-only basis, designed to provide the highest quality environment for trainers and their Pokemon to develop their skills and improve their teamwork. They had earned their spot through a scholarship program and they'd been determined not to waste it.

"I'm so proud of you, Liv. You did great out there today."

The eevee danced from paw to paw, tip-tapping her way through the lobby. How she had any energy left was beyond Vary -- he was already exhausted and he hadn't even been the one doing the fighting! Liv sent a little surge of psychic emotion into his head -- a smidge of appreciation for his praise, but mostly just overwhelming pride and satisfaction at her own effort. The lovebird couldn't help but grin. Of all days to be cocky, he'd happily let it slide this time.

Bedecked in gold and glittering crystal furnishings, the lobby of the Valley's base camp was truly opulent. Set into the jungle-filled crater of a dormant volcano, the only way in and out was through the elevators that rode up and down the volcano's rim. The base camp was minimally staffed, more for show than anything, though it did provide a space for trainers and their Pokemon to relax in style, or to heal in the case of an emergency.

"Did ya wanna hang around here, Liv, or--?" began Vary, but Liv cut him off with a prompt shake of her head. He was a little disappointed about not being able to indulge in a bit of excess, but it was ultimately up to her. Maybe she'd want to stick around next time. "You're right, everyone else is probably eager to see us."

Vareoth pressed the button to call an elevator and stepped back. They didn't have to wait long before one opened before them, and out spilled a boy and his pikachu. The pikachu was over-excited, and kept shooting off jolts of electricity that just barely missed them. The trainer apologised profusely, running off ahead to catch the Pokemon that had already wiggled from his grasp. Livia sniffed dismissively and alighted. Vareoth hurried on after her.

Like the rest of the place, the elevator itself was an extravagant affair. Much larger than was reasonably necessary, the elevator was carpeted quite nicely, and even sported bench-seating laden with gaudy velvet padding and gold-tasselled pillows. The back wall was entirely glass, meaning they would soon be able to see out across the jungle as they ascended. Livia had hopped up onto a seat and was looking impatiently out towards the glass. Her tail was raised, twitching with a restlessness that Vary was unsure of. He pressed the button for their stop and sat down as the shuttle rumbled to life.

The eevee yipped excitedly as the elevator rose and the wall behind the glass gave way to blue sky and verdant abundance. This low to the ground, they could easily make out the trainers and their pokemon that were still milling around the clearing around base camp, on their way to the lush and dangerous forests that would quickly envelop them. Livia watched, enamoured by the view, and Vary found her joy wiggling its way into his own psyche.

The lovebird rolled his eyes, pulled to his feet by her playful insistence. She often got like this when she was over-excited -- unable to keep her thoughts out of his head. "All right, all right," he said, plodding over to stand behind her, "I'm here. What are we even looking at?" The eevee's ears flicked, but she didn't turn around. Closer, insisted the presence in his brain, and he obliged. Closer, again, with more pressure, and he was taking the step before he'd even had time to think about it. "Liv...," he said, voice wavering with a tremble of anxiety. His tongue flashed out, flicked over the tip of his beak. His hips were flush with her rump and her fluffy tail was sweeping coyly back and forth, edging up and under his shirt to caress his stomach.

"No," squawked Vareoth, "no, Livia. Now is not the time." Her response was less verbal, more physical -- she arched her back and pressed against him. Though hidden from his eyes, he could more than feel the situation at hand: the press of her slot, puffy with shameless desire, grinding against his crotch, lips separated from his flesh by a layer of fabric and nothing more. Her want for him was unrestrained, vibrant, and insistent, and he wasn't sure if those were his thoughts, or implants. Vary was mortified. "Liv, we can't! It's a glass elevator! Anyone could look up and see us!" His objections were strong, more than sufficiently justified, but he also did not step back as he should have. Did not move as his traitorous cock betrayed him as usual, became turgid, swelled to meet heat with heat.

Breed, another thought pushed into his head. Lust... mate... She was looking back at him now, large eyes low and sultry and intelligent. It sent such a spark through him that his conscious thought short-circuited, tongue hanging loose and stupid from his beak, brain empty. The bird's stupefied state was only undone by the chilling sound of a zipper being undone, tugged downward by unseen telekinetic hands, and his sudden recollection that he'd worn no underwear today.

"Liv, I mean it! We're going to reach the top soon, anyway, and someone will see--."

The trainer was interrupted by a loud mechanical rumbling as the elevator came to a shuddering stop. He might have suspected some chicanery from his brazen eevee, but even she looked surprised by the sudden turn of events. Vareoth looked around to find that the panel nearby was sparking with some latent electrical misconduct. A speaker in the ceiling crackled to life and he almost jumped out of his feathers.

"Hello, this is maintenance. Can you hear me?"

Vareoth tentatively stepped over to the control panel, pulling his shirt back down, and pressed the 'Emergency Call' button. "We can hear you. Is everything okay?"

"Oh good," replied the gruff voice, "there seems to be some kind of issue with the elevator control system. Nothing to worry about, I can assure you. Looks like some electrical damage... anyway, this might take about an hour to fix. Please let us know if you need any emergency assistance, but otherwise we apologise profusely and ask for your patience."

"An hour?" said Vareoth, weakly.

"Yes, very sorry. Are you going to be okay?"

The trembling lovebird looked over at his pokemon and swallowed. Livia looked at him from where she now lay on her side, exposing herself. Vareoth followed her gaze down to his erection, which was poking out from the fly of his pants. He looked back at her.

"We will be fine. Thanks."

Vareoth bounded to the other side of the elevator in one hop, pulling his pants off and falling to his hands and knees in the process. He pressed his beak to the eevee's parted lips, and their tongues entwined in a wet tangle. Her canine snout and his sleek avian beak, being totally incompatible for something so delicate as a kiss, resulted in an aggressively sloppy intimacy -- the kind that had drool dripping down their jaws, onto his stiffness. They separated, panting hot and heavy, and he took a moment to look into her eyes. Livia could be terribly devious and wildly inappropriate when she wanted her way, always exerting a frustrating wilfulness that, as a pokemon trainer, could be difficult to deal with. But even so, she looked just as lost in passion as he was right now. It was cute, and it turned him on, and so he took advantage of it the only way he knew how -- he stood up and slid his dick down her waiting throat.

Livia was not one to be caught unawares. She re-positioned to better accommodate him, rolling onto her back, paws hanging dainty and vulnerable. Her mouth was warm and it swallowed him with ease and hunger. She hadn't quite the fine control of another person, but that suited Vary well enough -- he could thrust into her, grind his swollen head along her tongue, prod at her throat. "S-sorry, Liv...," he groaned, collapsing over her. The trainer took his partner's back legs in his hands and spread them, and if he hadn't already crossed the line by now then the way she bucked her hips at him just sent him feral with lust.

Her winking black spade was puffy with excitement, already hinting at the soft pink within, and he hadn't even touched it yet. Well he wasn't about to stop himself now. The lovebird stuffed his face into his pokemon's exposed cunt, rubbing his pretty rose-coloured facial feathers along it. Drunk and desperate his tongue darted out of its own accord, slipping along the darkened flesh and edging its way inside to truly taste her canine sex. The way she shuddered beneath him, the way her pussy pulsed hotly around his tongue, it drove him deeper into the sex-addled brain fog that had overcome him. Her lips clenched, and her asshole clenched too, and he thought -- well, why the hell not -- and he licked a wet trail up beneath her tail so he could eat that out too.

"Fuck," panted Vareoth, "fuck. Live, I gotta fuck you. I gott--."


Let it be known that Vareoth didn't have to be told ten times! His cock came out of Liv's mouth much harder and much wetter than when it went in, and the eevee was ready for it. She flipped back onto her paws, crouched low in the front with her hips raised high and wiggling in the back. When she looked back at him her eyes were full of a manic anticipation bordering on delusion. She wanted him. She wanted him badly. And he was more than happy to oblige.

The bird hardly even gave himself enough time to line up before he had plunged himself into her heated, heavy cunt. Her flesh clung to his with rabid need, still so snug even with the heat-driven looseness. It was only their combined moistness that allowed his cock to spear its way inside her, pressing greedily against every available inch of her slick sex. When he tried to pull back, her pussy stretched with him, as if unwilling to let him go, and it was only with a loud, wet squelch that his dick managed to pop free. Her lips parted for him and stayed open, pouting, while he stayed slouched over, panting.

"Liv...," he whined, and she didn't bother to respond. Just looked up at him, eyelids heavy, tongue hanging loose, ears twitching.

Vary slammed back into his pokemon and she yipped in enthusiastic agreement. He thrust into her in a frenzy, hilting himself completely. Liv's tight canal, shaped for a canine her size, not a trainer, meant his crown would just barely kiss her cervix when he bottomed out, balls slapping wetly against her quivering spade and a vulnerable moan let slip from his beak. Livia, for her part, was noisy as hell. She always was. She couldn't help but vocalise her ecstasy -- yips and growls and 'eeev...eee!'s -- and their audible lust intertwined, reverberated, and echoed back off one another.

"God, Liv, I can't believe I'm doing this," panted Vary, but it was a lie. He could believe it. He was a filthy freak for canine pussy and he was so far beyond denying it that it would be comical to try. He was demonstrating his love right now -- pounding Livia so powerfully that her hips raised up and up, back paws lifting off the seat, kept airborne entirely by the power of his cock. Judging by the drool falling from her tongue, and the copious fluids slipping down her trainer's cock and coating his balls, Livia didn't seem to mind.

Her inner flesh, pink and velvety, would tug out a little as he pulled out, exposing her vulnerable insides, only to eagerly wrap back around him as he pushed back inside. She was so tight, but so damn wet, and the combination made for loud schlorp, schlorp, smack!'s that could not be mistaken for anything but visceral, primordial, animal SEX. It was a symphony of perversion. And it was too much for Vareoth to handle.

He closed his eyes and was afflicted by a full-body shudder, his beak parted but no sound escaped, and he came. He came directly, unprotected, raw, in his pokemon's hungry pussy. "Hnnghrrfff...," was all he could stupidly muster as he pumped rope after rope of seed deep inside her, coating her cervix in wasted virility. Some of his cum spilled back out around him, but the majority of it seemed to be trapped within her. He stood there for a good thirty seconds before the mental fog parted, and he was brought back to something resembling a real, thinking person.

"Oh, fuck, what have I done?" Vareoth, seeing the mess that coated the feathers of his thighs and the floor beneath them, tried to take a step back. But Livia refused. Her cunt clamped down around him, keeping him locked inside her.


"L-Liv... I can't...," he said, panicking.


Vareoth swallowed. His cock, still hard, twitched. And he obeyed.

Pokemon and trainer fucked and fucked hard, in every and any position they could manage, for the whole hour. Every time he came, and thought he had nothing left to give, Livia would surprise him by milking him anyway and his stubbornly half-hard prick would oblige her, squeezing out yet another load. It was right in the midst of his sixth orgasm that the audio system crackled back to life.

"Hey. We've got the elevator working, it should start again any second now. Again, we apologise for this terrible situation. Management says to contact them to discuss compensation for your troubles."

That was good news. What wasn't good news, however, was what Vareoth had just noticed through the glass. Another elevator was slowly descending the mountain beside them, and both trainer and Charizard inside had their faces pressed to the glass. Their eyes were glued to him, glued to his softening cock which only now was slipping out of Livia's sex, followed by a small flood of mixed fluids. They blinked at him. He blinked back. The eevee laid down, lifted her leg, and began to lick at the mess that coated her crotch.

Vareoth's already rosy cheeks flushed a shade brighter and he covered his face. The elevator rumbled to life and they finally, blessedly, began to ascend out of view. The disgraced bird glanced between his fingers at the utterly shameless eevee, who was still grooming herself.

"You're a terrible influence, Liv," he said, sighing. She paused her licking to glance at him, and he could have sworn he saw a smile.


"Yeah," he whispered, "I love you too."