The easy option

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#14 of Pacification Center

Daniel is offered a easy way out at a halfway house... All characters are of legal age in the furry world in which they exist

The easy option

Chap 1

Daniel was led into the office in his orange jumpsuit, the snow leopard's ears pinned down against his head. He was flanked by two large, lupine guards who were treating this as if it was just some everyday occurrence rather than some serious situation. He flushed darkly, sighing to himself as he was pushed into the small waiting room, his handcuffs adjusted and attached to the table in front of him before the two guards walked out.

The whole thing was so stupid. It had just been a stupid watch! It wasn't even worth that much! But what was he going to do? Herbivore judges always came down hard on predators, and now, he was sitting here, waiting to talk to the public defender and hoping some kind of deal had been made.

He sat there, squirming, thinking about his last week in the juvenile detention center. Daniel was slender, a little effeminate, and that was more than enough for some of the guys who had basically grown up in there. The first couple of days had been quiet, but then, he'd been approached by a big wolf--a longer term in-mate named Brody. He'd been polite at first, refusing and explaining that he was straight, but Brody had come up to him a second time, then a third. Each time he refused, and Brody was clearly starting to get irritated. The fourth time... The fourth time, he'd brought his pack, and Daniel had been in real trouble.

They'd managed to rip at his jumpsuit, jerking it off his body and tearing his underwear, nearly having him naked before one of the guards had found them. Brody had been on the verge of fighting the guard, but he'd backed down, glaring at Daniel and licking his lips. All three of the wolves got a month in solitary for the stunt, but Daniel knew--when that month was up--they'd be coming for him again, and the next time? There might not be a guard to save him, he shuddered to think what that would mean for him. There were lots of talk about the things that happened in there and Daniel knew most of the stories were at least partly true. He didn't want to end up being the girlfriend to a pack of Wolves, while it was true he had never been a ladies fur Daniel was still straight.

The door finally opened, and his attorney walked in looking tired and worn. A big, middle aged jaguar with a slow walk and a round, hard stomach who introduced himself as Mr. Macpherson. He was dressed in a cheap suit and carrying a briefcase in his paw, sitting down at the table and cracking it open before fishing out some paperwork.

"Well..." The jaguar started, sighing slightly like this was something he had done so much he was sick of it. "I've got news, but it'll be up to you how good or bad it is." Mr. Macpherson started, rubbing at one of his temples with his right paw. "I got in touch with the prosecution, and I managed to get your sentence reduced, given your age and cooperation and whatnot..." He explained with another long sigh, plainly he wasn't very happy in this job. "We talked to the judge, and we've narrowed it down to two options."

Daniel's paws gripped at the arms of his chair, nervous to hear what those options were. "What are they?" Daniel asked, as he tried to relax in that very uncomfortable chair.

"Well, the first option isn't something you're gonna want, given what I heard from the warden yesterday." The jaguar observed dryly, plainly these things were nothing new to him. "You can go to juvenile lock up for the full two years. Do your time there. I've talked to them about a transfer, but it'll be at least three months before that can be processed, so..."

Daniel's whiskers twitched nervously, that wasn't something he wanted to do at all. He really didn't want to go back, Brody would have him a lot in that three months time that much was obvious. "What's... what's the alternative?" He asked weakly, looking at the jaguar as he peered up from his paperwork.

"A halfway house for a year and eight months. If you keep your nose clean there... IF... and you don't break any of the rules, do as your told... Then you're in the free and clear." The older jaguar explained, as the snow leopard looked up at him with relief in his eyes.

Daniel's claws squeezed into the wood, even with the blunting that the police had given them. His heart was pounding in his furry chest, as a feeling of relief flooded into him. That sounded almost too good to be true, and it would keep him away from the Wolf pack. The middle aged Feline looked over his glass's, giving the snow leopard a guarded look. He'd be out early, would be kept away from the horny wolf pack... It was perfect! "That... That sounds so much better than jail..." Daniel blurted out loudly, only for the jaguar to hold up a thick paw.

"There are... conditions." He explained in a bored sounding monotone, shifting in his chair as he shuffled the paperwork. "Some requirements you'd have to follow."

"What.... um... what kinds of conditions?" Daniel asked quietly, suddenly feeling worried about what kinda catch there would be. The snow leopard asked, trying to scratch his nose but his hands were still chained to the table. Daniel slumped forwards so he could reach his nose, scratching at the bridge of his nose just behind the shiny black skin.

"The halfway house is run by a equine lady named Lacy Benton. It's the only one available at this time, so it's there or juvenile hall." The middle aged jaguar explained, picking up his paperwork and turning it, laying it in front of the snow leopard. "There are a lot of conditions to be aware of. While you're there, she will be your legal guardian, and that gives here full and complete control over a lot of decisions for you. What school you can go to, what sort of medical treatments you get, and the like. She'll basically be like a parent, and you'll have to deal with whatever she decides." The jaguar pointed to a few notes on the paperwork, Daniels eyes scanning over them nervously. "That includes if she deems it necessary for you to be Pacified." Mr. Macpherson highlighted, tapping the line in that paperwork that covered it. "Normally, no one under twenty-one can get those treatments, even voluntarily."

Daniel's eyes were widened in horror, and he let out a small grunt of shock. The snow leopards grunt of shock was loud in the small brick room, plainly he was frightened of the idea. "PP... Pacification." The snow leopard stammered in fear... that was almost as scary as going to juvenile hall. Many predator furs grew up hearing horror stories about Pacification, of course in recent years a surprising number had began volunteering. Almost like it was a way to prove their courage, going in for certain treatments or modifications. "I... she..." He stammered tried to read through it, but it was all in legalese that made no sense to the young predator.

The old Jaguar grunted spreading his paws wide, the look on his muzzle impossible to read. "It's fairly standard in situations like these. If you turn violent or threaten violence against someone, she has to have something to stop you, and if the threat of Pacification can't make you calm down, then maybe you need it. It is only in rare cases... certain furs just can't behave themselves and need professional help." The older Jaguar explained gently, he clearly wasn't worried about that happening it seemed. "I seriously doubt you are in that category, no you just do as your told and obey her rules and your golden. Anyway this really isn't anything extreme." The older Feline said reassuringly, as he flipped the half dozen pages of the paper work.

Daniel was staring at the forms, thinking about what the wolves would do to him if he went back. Be a bitch for a pack of lupines, or risk being altered for the rest of his life...

The jaguar sensed his nervousness, reaching across the table to pat Daniel's arm slightly. "I seriously doubt you are in that category. No, you just do as your told and obey her rules, and you're golden. Anyway, this really isn't anything extreme." The older jaguar smiled reassuringly, flipping the half dozen pages of paperwork to the signature page. "Lots of furs have more than this done, all on their own. Hell, my wife's nephew signed up for a lot more than this, you know. It's not the taboo it use to be... back when I was young there weren't any Predators that would willingly have done it." He reassured, plucking a pen out of his shirt-pocket, putting it into Daniel's paw, then pointed at the paperwork. The older Jaguar paused, flashing the younger male a friendly smile. "So what's it going to be... are you going to sign that or would you rather go to Juvenile hall?"

Daniel gulped for breath, knowing that if he went back to Juvenile hall he would end up those Wolves bitch. He'd be raped for the next two years--or worse. He quickly signed his name on the dotted line, and the jaguar reached for the paperwork, picking it up and flashing Daniel a big, friendly smile. Daniel couldn't help noticing his teeth were flat and strangely, intensely white.

"Alright then..." Macpherson observed with a smirk, taking the pen and paper back putting them both in his briefcase. "I'll let her know you're on the way." He gestured to the guard, who came over at once to unlock Daniel's cuffs from the table. "We'll get you shipped there today. I hope you're ready, Daniel. Reform can be difficult. But I think you're up to it."


Daniel looked out the window of the van as it pulled up to the squat, red-brick building that was the halfway house. It looked more like a factory office than a home, a cross between hotel and penitentiary. Daniel sighed a little, tugging up his small bag of things, then getting out of the van.

He was met at the door by a tall, broad, stern looking mare. She was middle-aged, with dun colored fur and grey eyes, sporting a mane that matched her fur save for the few streaks of grey in it. She pointed to the cameras pointed at the driveway and porch, then looked down into Daniel's eyes. She was holding a clipboard in one three fingered hand, as the officers lead Daniel up the steps to her facility. "Daniel Morganton... snow Leopard... you're just under the age cut off I see... you turned eighteen in the court house jail shortly after sentencing." The older Mare gripped his shoulder firmly, looking the young feline up and down slowly. "You're still in trouble. You're still, technically speaking, a prisoner of the state. You're here for rehabilitation, not fun. Don't you forget that." She warned in a flat not quite friendly sounding voice, Daniel could certainly feel the stern in this one.

Daniel's cheeks flushed, and he gave a quick nod, which the mare responded to with a slightly wry smile and a nod of her long head. She signed the paperwork, thanked the officers, and lead Daniel into the building. As the door closed, he heard the lock click automatically behind him. It might not have been prison, sure, but... he definitely wasn't free.

"You're very lucky... you would have been prosecuted as an adult if you'd have been caught a little later." Lacy pointed out with a frown, she was plainly not exactly overjoyed to have him in her house. "That would have gotten you either a mandatory pacification, and two years in a real prison... not Juvenile hall." She smirked, looking Daniels slender slightly effeminate body with a kind of wry amusement. "And a skinny little thing like you would have been very popular with the wrong sort in a real prison. I don't think you would have managed there well at all, hmm?"

"Yes, ma'am." Daniel answered quickly, noticing that his words made her lips curl up slightly. "I... um... part of that is why I'm here. There were some guys at Juvenile Hall--" The snow leopard started to explain, only for her to raise her hand.

"I already know." She explained, maybe Mr. Macpherson had told her about it Daniel thought. "You don't have to worry about that here. The violent boys never make it through my door, and if they do, they don't last here long before they get shipped out." She paused for a moment, starring deep into Daniel shiny feline eyes. "Don't make me regret letting you in." It was a warning flat out, plainly she didn't exactly trust predators like him. It was something he'd gotten use to, most herbivores were always on guard around predators.

Daniel nodded again quickly, but even with the threat, he felt some of his tension easing as he walked with the mare, his tail flicking slightly back and forth as she led him through the building, laying out the situation.

"This place isn't free." The grumpy older mare explained, as they moved along slowly. "You work here to keep things clean and tidy. You will work a job to pay your own way, I'm not your momma. I have some friends in the community, and we'll find something suitable for you. You keep most of your paycheck, so you'll have a little spending money, but you won't have much time to use it. If you're not working, taking a class, or studying at the library, you're here. Saturday, from noon to six, you've got your freedom back. You break one law, and you'll be back in front of a judge, you get me?"

Daniel nodded his head slightly, looking around quietly. She pointed out her office, and next to it, a small nursing center. "I worked as a nurse for years. My ex-husband was the doctor, we'd travel around, taking care of patients wherever we went." Ms Benton explained, as they moved past the nursing center. "You hurt something or have some questions, you can ask me, and I'll help. But you don't go in there without me. I find out you did, they'll be trouble and you will not like that."

Daniel nodded his head again, he didn't have any bad habits that would lead in into that. "So... band-aids or anything...?" He asked thinking it was silly that he had to go to a nurse for those kinds of things. Daniel shifted slightly on his paws, but it made sense. After all, she might have medications or something in there that could be sold--especially by some enterprising, juvenile hall drug pusher.

"I'll get them for you." The older mare snorted, plainly she was taking this nursing thing pretty seriously. "Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You ask. I'll be there." Daniel felt a bit of warmth from her for the first time, it wasn't something he had felt since his grandmother had died.

Ms Benton led him down the hallway, pointing out the common room, a large dining room, and a nearby kitchen. At the end of the hall, there was a gym with exercise equipment, and across from it was a flight of stairs that could have come out of any high school in the world. She led him up the stairs, pointing to a heavy, metal door. "Second floor is the girl's rooms. You can visit if you're invited, and they have to let you in. You steal a code, you're out. You go in without permission, you're out. You lay a single finger on one of my girls? You're out. Got it?"

Daniel nodded quietly at that, and the mare smirked as she saw he got it.

"And if I catch you sneaking out after lights out, you're in a different kind of trouble, especially if one of my girls misses her period. Buncha horny teenagers all in the same house, you better believe I know what you're up to." The older mare snorted, her lip's rolling back in a nasty sneer. "Or what you'd like to be up to, at least."

Daniel flushed darkly, and the mare's smirk turned into a rueful shake of her head. She turned and continued up the steps, gesturing. "Third floor is the boy's rooms. You'll be up here, last door on the left. You've got a roomie. Everyone here shares their space, so you better learn to get along quick."

Daniel followed her down and into his new room, looking around the small space. There was a metal bunk bed on one side that looked like it was army surplus. On the other, there was a two-sided dresser next to a writing desk that looked like it had come out of some old black and white movie. The floor was concrete, but there was a thick rug on it, and a large window looked out onto a nearby park, with some basketball hoops barely visible.

"Jamie here will be your roommate." Ms Benton explained, gesturing over towards the bunk beds.

Daniel turned around, slightly surprised, only to hear a soft bleat, followed by a slender, white and black goat dropping from the upper bunk. For a moment, Daniel was surprised, but it was no wonder he hadn't seen him at all. He was... short. Sleek, feminine, and girly, complete with wider hips that made him almost look like a flat-chested nanny. Daniel raised his paw to wave at Jamie, but when he did, the little goat practically hid behind the mare, waving at him from around her.

Ms Benton snorted slightly, bringing a paw back and tugging Jamie out from behind her a little, pushing him toward the middle of the room. "Jamie, be a dear and make Daniel here feel welcome, okay?" She ordered softly, but Daniel could hear the steel in her tone.

Jamie smiled shyly at Daniel, but after a moment, he stuck out his paw to him, palm down. "Hi!" The little goat said, his voice quite warm and bright.

Daniel reached out, taking Jamie's paw and shaking it, though Jamie had no grip at all, and holding it like that was a little awkward. Now that Jamie was right in front of him, Daniel could examine him properly. The goat didn't have the little beard he'd come to expect from his kind, and his hooves and nails were highly polished, but what was most striking was his head. His horns were... gone. Not trimmed or shaven or nubbed, but entirely removed--with only a small pair of scars on either side to mark where they'd been.

When Jamie saw Daniel looking at his head like that, he tugged his paw back, running a paw over his head self-consciously for a moment. Before turning back to the mare, giving Daniel a chance to look at his backside. That rump was round, shapely, and full in away Daniel had never seen on a guy before. The goat's whole girlish appearance gave Daniel a very strange stirring in his sheath, a thickening he'd never experienced before. At least... not one caused by a male, that stirring of arousal bothered Daniel vaguely.

"Jamie, do you still have your older clothes, or did we take those over to the homeless center?" Ms Benton asked softly, Daniel got the idea that she hadn't thought about it in a long time.

"We just got rid of the ugly ones, Ms. Benton!" Jamie answered, smiling shy but proudly at the older mare. "But we'll have to go get the boxes out of storage."

"That's fine." The older mare grunted, waving one hand dismissively. "See if there's something in there Daniel can wear until he can earn some money, and we can take him shopping." She instructed, smirking over at Daniel who was looking both grateful and confused. "He can't work a job in prison orange... unless it's breaking rocks or picking up trash." With that, she turned toward the door, walking through and then pausing to look back at Daniel. "Lights out is at eleven. If you're not in your bed, it better be for a damn good reason." She snorted firmly, once again going back to her gruff guarded manner.

"Y-yes, Ms. Benton." Daniel said, mirroring Jamie's address, which the mare seemed to like. She nodded, and a moment later, disappeared from the door as it closed behind her.


Jamie led Daniel down the steps to the first floor, pointing out the one door that the mare hadn't really mentioned earlier at the bottom of the stairwell. "This is the basement." The prissy goat explained, trotting over to open that plain gray painted door. "We just have it set up for storage and stuff. They talked about putting more rooms down there, but Ms. Benton told them there was nooooo way." He said, laughing as he practically bounced down the steps in that way that only goats could manage.

Daniel followed him down, and after a few moments, they were in the dingy, musty smelling space. Jamie felt around, and eventually, there was a soft click as the lights came on, filling the space. There were a lot of boxes stacked up, each with names on them--though a lot of the names had been crossed out with a new one written under it. Apparently, they were reused?

Jamie walked down a small path between the boxes, getting to the end and opening one, smiling. "Oh, I haven't seen these in ages!" The pretty little goat said, laughing softly as rummaged around in the box. "I was so excited when I got them." He held up a pair of Dockers, pushing them toward the bigger feline. "Here, try these ones." Jamie said with a wide smile, plainly he was enjoying giving Daniel these things. "There's a mirror down there, I think... I've not been down here in forever."

Daniel nodded, turning and walking toward where the goat had pointed, and sure enough, there was a mirror hanging against the wall. He looked at himself in his prison jumpsuit, sighing and laying the pants to the side as he slipped himself out of it. It was a bit more embarrassing than it might have been otherwise, as his only pair of underwear had been destroyed by the wolves. And after a moment, he looked at himself, standing there naked in the musty basement, holding a pair of pants. It was a strange situation to find himself in, but... Well. At least he was getting something to wear other than an orange prison suit?

He pushed one leg into the slacks, tugging them up as he suddenly heard something to his side. He turned, looking and seeing Jamie there in the mirror's reflection, carrying some clothes in his arms. For a moment, he was going to say something, but then, he realized Jamie was looking directly at his exposed sheath and sac between his legs. He quickly worked the pants up his legs, a little tingle of embarrassment rolling through him as he fastened the button. They were nice, he noted, a good pair of slacks... but how in the world had these been Jamie's? They fit him perfectly and he was much bigger that the sissy goat.

"These were yours?" The young snow leopard asked, glancing at the goat over his shoulder.

Jamie's eyes rose from the reflection of Daniel's package to the reflection of his face, and he grinned slightly embarrassed. "Yeah..." He admitted, smiling kind of sheepishly at the fact that he had been so different. "I love 'em, but they just don't fit at all anymore."

Daniel could scarcely believe they'd ever fit the goat as Jamie walked over, examining them with a grin and tugging at the waist just a touch.

"Ohhh, they fit you so good!" Jamie said encouragingly, laughing warmly as he traced a finger along the hem of the pants slowly, then turned and bent over to brush the dust off the top of a nearby box.

As the goat bent over, Daniel found his eyes drawn to that wide, thick backside. Part of him wanted to reach over and give it a pat--or, more eagerly, a squeeze--but he shook his head. He told himself that he'd just been in juvie too long. He'd spent months in holding, then for the trial he'd been stuffed in the local juvenile hall, then sentencing... And it wasn't like there was privacy where he could use his paw, and the last thing he wanted was a cell mate watching him jerk off. The goat just looked soooo... girly, he told himself uncomfortably. Enough, at least, that it was fooling his cock into thinking that he was looking at a girl.

Jamie put the clothes down on the box, plucking up a nice button up and handing it to Daniel. "Here, try this on! It'll look really nice with your fur, I bet..." The little goat encouraged eagerly, like a young girl playing dress up with her dolls.

Daniel tugged the shirt on, working it up his arms, and was surprised for a moment when Jamie stepped up in front of him. "Here, let me help..." The sissy goat offered, working his fingers along the buttons, putting them through the holes, tracing a hand over Daniel's chest to smooth the fabric.

The snow leopard's cock was reacting, too, as Jamie's fingers touch and rubbed over his body, starting to push against the front of the fabric. He shifted a little as he felt Jamie's fingers drift down to his waist again, a harder throbbing pulsing through his groin.

"Let me tuck it in for you." The little goat offered, casually undoing the button at the top of Daniel's new pants.

Daniel, for his part, was... well surprised wasn't quite the right word. If someone had ever asked him if he'd let a male dress him like this, he'd have said _ 'Hell No!' _ instantly, but he was having a hard time thinking about Jamie as a male. He felt soft, slender hands working the tails of the shirt down and into the pants. He watched the sissy male tucking that soft, tiny little paw into his pants over and over again, working around his hips and the back until he eventually returned to the front, looking up and him as he felt the goat finish against his sheath, fingers brushing along the side of it slowly.

"We... Uhuh... we should get you some underwear soon..." The little goat said, licking his lips slightly as Daniel tented his new slacks. "I'd loan you some of mine, but..." A finger traced the edge of Daniel's sheath slowly working its way up to the hot damp feline organ jutting from it. "But you're... you're much, much bigger than I am..." Jamie admitted with a soft sigh, licking those fuzzy caprine lip's slowly, that sent a shiver running down Daniels spine.

The goat's touch and pronouncement had Daniel's cock thickening further, twitching heavily as a small, dark stain started to form on the front of his slacks. He laughed, nervously yet eagerly feeling oddly flattered by Jamie's words of praise. "Is... is that so?" The fluffy white feline asked, looking down at the smiling goat who still had one hand down inside his trousers.

The goat slowly withdrew his hand, nodding shyly while placing those fingers into his mouth. "Mhmm..." Jamie admitted again, turning his ears cutely as he looked up at Daniel. "A lot bigger..." He added, grinning and turning toward the pile of clothes again for a moment.

Daniel didn't know where it came from, but after a moment, he felt his muzzle opening. "Prove it." He demanded, surprised to hear the challenging and demanding tone in his voice.

Jamie's ears turned, and after a moment, he turned and looked over his shoulder at Daniel. He turned, winked, and then reached down to the button of his own pants. "Well, if you wanna see..." He said in a sweet passive tone, it shock Daniel so much that the snow leopard felt guilty.

Daniel caught a glimpse of pink, lace panties, and with his cock twitching, he suddenly came to his senses. He quickly brought his paws up, shaking them at Jamie quickly. "Hey, uhuh... Heh. I was just joking, dude." The slender predator said quickly, things were getting really strange. "Sorry. I've been hanging out with some... uhuh... weird guys in Juvie, you know?"

Jamie paused, and a moment later, he grinned at Daniel, fastening his pants back. "Heh... Sure~ I know what it's like... there was this one stag who use to..." The little goat started to explain, smiling and plucking up another shirt, handing it to Daniel.

Daniel tried on a soft purple shirt, then a peach colored one, and finally orange--with Jamie making comments on each one. Eventually, he put the peach and orange ones into a 'No' pile. "Those just aren't right for you." However he left the blue and purple ones, once again Daniel got the feeling Jamie was playing dress up games. "But these are perfect."

With the dress clothes sorted, Daniel turned an ear back and laughed slightly. "You... uh... you don't have anything more--"

"Casual?" Jamie offered, even before Daniel could finish his thought. The snow leopard nodded, and Jamie grinned as he thought it over. "Sure! Get out of those things, and we'll find you something."

Daniel slid out of the shirt, trying to fold both of them as best he could, and worked himself out of the pants a moment later. He tugged at the fur of his sheath, trying to work it up so his slight erection wasn't so noticeable, then started to fold the pants just as Jamie came back.

"Oh, no, not like that!" Jamie shouted, rushing over quickly to grab the trousers away from Daniel. He plucked the pants from Daniel's paws, apparently not noticing or caring that the snow leopard was nude, then started to fold them more carefully. "You'll ruin the pleats..." He explained as if that was something any normal guy would worry about, carefully setting them down with the half-folded shirts.

Jamie picked up the clothes he'd returned with, handing them to Daniel, and the feline smiled a bit as he saw them. An older basketball jersey and a pair of pull on shorts. He grinned, pulling on the shorts quickly, then adding the shirt. They were a little baggy, but they felt good. He looked at himself in the mirror, feeling normal as he stood there, looking at himself and grinning slightly.

Jamie folded up the pants and shirts, and a moment later, the pair were heading back up out of the basement, moving back to their room as Jamie walked over to the dresser, opening the top drawers and moving a few things down to make room.

"I'll take these three that are on the bottom," Jamie said, bending over and showing Daniel that plump backside again.

Daniel, feeling a bit more relaxed, smirked slightly as he enjoyed the view. "You like being on the bottom?" He asked the sissy little goat with a naughty smile, Jamie looked back between his legs at the snow leopard.

Jamie closed the last drawer, standing up and looking over his shoulder as he flicked his tail at Daniel for a moment. "Oh, yes. I really... really... do." The goat smirked at him broadly, and Daniel felt his cheeks turning crimson, even as his cock once more emerged from his sheath.


After getting situated in the room, Jamie led Daniel downstairs. It was their TV time--everyone had two hours a week, mapped out by rooms, with trading allowed. He and Jamie ended up watching some reruns of a sitcom and the goat slowly and steadily worked over against him, leaning into his arm. Once that was done, dinner was called, and the pair made their way toward the dining room.

It was the girl's night to cook, and Ms. Benton was corralling them in the kitchen while the boys gathered in the dining room. "Do we really have to cook?" Daniel whispered to Jamie, knowing that instant Mac and cheese was about all he knew how to make.

Jamie nodded his head sagely, and then laughed soft at the look on Daniels muzzle. "Don't worry, though..." He pointed to a flamboyant looking Afghan hound who was talking to a jaguar in an eager, lisping voice. "That's Jaxun. When we're in the kitchen, just listen to him, and when he tells you to do something, just say 'Yes, Chef!' and hop to it." Jamie giggled softly, sounding more girlish the more Daniel listened to him. "He's gonna be famous some day, I swear." The little goat reassured eagerly, as he and the snow leopard took a seat.

The jaguar, Jamie soon learned, was Tim. It was nice for there to be another feline in the house, and he smiled a little at him. There was also a heavy-set badger who couldn't seem to stop smiling, though there was something off about his smile. He was introduced as T-Money--because his name was also Tim, and Tim was there before him. The last of them to walk in was Vin, a tired looking little burro who waved to everyone sleepily and excused himself, blaming his job, which was apparently third shift.

The boys had the table ready by the time Ms. Benton led the girls out. They took a moment to introduce themselves. Iris was a canine of some sort, and Gemma--her roomie--was a deer. Marta, a lioness, and Dela, who was a common feline. Finally, bringing up the rear, were Terri the Bruin and Samantha--a pretty, heavyset buffalo. Soon, they were all sitting around the table, passing plates politely. Dinner wasn't anything too special--meat loaf, mash potatoes, cauliflower, peas, and buttered rolls--but it was filling in a way that prison food hadn't been. When dinner was done, two of the girls headed to the common room for their TV time, while most everyone else headed back to their rooms.

Daniel walked up the stairs, following Jamie, trying not to stare too openly at his backside, bouncing right in front of him. He closed his eyes for a moment, nearly tripping before he opened them again and caught himself, blushing slightly as Jamie turned to grin and giggle at him.

They got back to the room, and this time, they were just... alone together. Before, they had been able to look through clothes, learn about the building, and everything else, but it was an entirely different thing to just be... alone in a place with someone you didn't know better. Someone who was, Daniel had to admit, making him feel some strange, new things.

"You okay, Danny?" Jamie asked, grinning at him broadly with that kind of wide eyed passivity that was very exciting.

Daniel turned his ears, no one but his mom had ever called him Danny. "Daniel." He corrected firmly but softly, after all Jamie didn't know about how crappy his parents had been. "Danny is too girlie sounding." He complained, more to cover up the real reason he didn't like being called Danny.

Jamie grinned at him, then sat down on the bed next to him. "Whatcha thinkin' about?" The little goat asked brightly, it was hard not to like that big open honest friendly muzzle.

If Daniel had told the truth, it might have made things awkward. Sense he had been thinking about the little goats round sexy ass as it swayed going up the stairs. So instead Daniel just lied instead, it was something he'd learned living on the streets after his grandmother had died. "Just... what comes next." He mumbled, feeling Jamie lean against him softly as they say there on the lower bunk. "You know. With... working and whatever."

Jamie scooted a little closer, his body warm as he pressed against the fluffy felines. "Well, Ms. Benton will have up a chore wheel. You'll be on the boys list, and you're new, so you're gonna have to do all the heavy lifting, probably." The little goat advised, laughing softly as he looked up at Daniels muzzle. "It's nothing too bad. The hardest thing is sweeping floors, because there's just so much here." He explained, the way he talked about it making it plain that he had done it plenty in the past. "And in a few days, you'll probably meet someone for a interview for a real job. Everything is in walking distance, I used to work as a waiter. But Ms. Benton approved me for a different job, when I got an offer from someone at the restaurant."

Daniel frowned slightly, he had never heard of someone just being offered a job while working as a waiter. "You got a job offer at the restaurant?" He asked Jamie in confusion, it was obvious that this confused him.

"Yeah!" Jamie answered brightly, it was plain that he was happy with his new work. "You... uh..." The little goat laughed, there was a hint of embarrassment in that laugh still Jamie went on. "Have you ever heard of... fainting goats?" He asked the young snow leopard, who was looking even more dumbfounded by the moment.

Daniel frowned and shook his head, this was all sounding very strange to him.

"Well, I'm not one." Jamie confessed quickly, chuckling nervously again before he went on. "But... it's not too hard to learn, it's entertainment... like acting you see. So... there's this club, right? It's a few blocks north of here, and predators love it. It's basically... uhuh... Heh. Well, I'm trying to figure out how to say this without sounding weird..." He bit his lower lip, grinning lewdly at the still confused looking predator. "It's a gentleman's club that caters to predators who like... certain kinds of guys. Especially cute little guys, soft little prey guys, like me." He explained, laughing softly as Daniels eyes widened in understanding. "Anyhow, this guy asked me if I could faint, and I was really confused, but he explained it to me..." Jamie blurted out excitedly, talking so fast his words almost jumbled together. "Basically... I dress up like one of their waiters, and when someone makes a loud noise near me, I just... freeze up and hit the ground." He explained with a giggle, winking up at the snow leopard as Daniel sat there starring at him.

Daniel stared at him hard, shocked to hear that Jamie was working in a sex club. "Are you... kidding?" The young predator asked, not believing that Ms Benton would allow Jamie to whore himself out.

Jamie grinned at him playfully, and then stood up walking across the small room. Turning back he took two steps, then suddenly froze, collapsing to the floor for a moment, stiff as a board. His legs and arms solidly locked out, as Daniel felt a sudden urge to pounce on top of him. And then, he relaxed, pushed himself back up again, and posed in front of Daniel. "Ta-dah!"

Daniel laughed a bit nervously, grinning at the way he had reacted to Jamie's act. "Who the hell likes that sorta thing?" He asked with a grunt, trying to conceal his own arousal at Jamie's fainting act.

Jamie blushed slightly, as he looked up at Daniel eyes lingering on the bulge in the leopards crotch. "Hungry predator boys." The little goat explained, shivering a little as his eyes moved up to meet Daniels. "Who want to pounce on easy prey... once they pounce I can buck and struggle really gets them excited." He explained, moving over on his hands and knees until he could grip Daniels knee's.

Daniel felt his cock thickening in his shorts again as Jamie returned to the bed, sitting even closer to him now. He grinned at the snow leopard, as one hand brushed over the lump in the front of Daniels shorts. "You know what would probably make you relax?" The little goat asked, as Daniel gasp for breath as those fingers teased that throbbing lump.

Daniel shook his head, before finally managing to gasp out breathlessly. "No... What?" The young predator asked, having a pretty good idea what Jamie was going to suggest. But he wasn't going to suggest it himself, he wasn't that kind of guy at all.

Jamie grinned wider, as if sensing his new roommates reluctance to ask for something like this. "If I sucked your dick." The little goat answered simply, watching the young predator look around nervously for a moment. "Why don't you just lay back on this bed..." Jamie invited pushing Daniel down, even as he joined the fluffy feline on that narrow bunk. Pushing that overly long basketball jersey up, before slipping his fingers into the waist band of those baggy shorts. "You can close your eyes if you like..." The little goat giggled as he gripped the waist band of Daniels new shorts, gently tugging them downwards until the felines sheath and balls were totally exposed. Daniel lay back watching it all in both shock and arousal, still his bright pink feline erection was jutting fully out of his sheath. As he watched Jamie buried his nose in that fluffy feline crotch, inhaling deep and steadily for a long moment. "Ammm I love the way you preds smell... sooo virile... sooo powerful... sooo masculine." Jamie mumbled, his voice muffled by the snow leopards fluffy genitals as he sniffed and snorted excitedly.

"Ammm is this... is it even... are we allowed?" Daniel asked weakly as Jamie's muzzle moved up, soft velvety lip's caressing that barbed feline erection. Making the young predator moan and pant harder, as Jamie kissed the tip of this hard cock.

"Shhhh... I won't tell if you don't." Those soft lip's parting slightly, and suddenly Daniel's cock was being engulfed by that hot mouth. Now the snow leopard had girl friends in the past, most of whom would do anything for a little nip weed. So it wasn't like this was his first time, still it had been a long time since he'd felt anything this good.

"Fuck dude... that feels sooooooooo good." Daniel moaned reaching down to place his paws on the goats white head, his paws rubbing over it as Jamie swallow his cock right down to the sheath. "Uhuu gods you took it all." The snow leopard whimpered, watching the goats soft lip's kiss his sheath opening like a lovers lip's. He had doubted Jamie's story about being a boi-whore for predators before, but now there was no doubt that the little goat was an expert cocksucker. The leopard found his finger pads rubbing over that pink flesh, where the little goats horns should have been. He found himself wondering about it then, as Jamie's head began to bob up and down on his throbbing erection. Soft 'Slurping and smacking' sounds filling the air, as Daniel lay back arching his back to push his hip's up towards the goats eagerly suckling mouth.

"Do you... would you mind if I played with myself? You don't have to do anything for me or touch anything of mine." Jamie babbled, before going back to suckling lustfully on the predators throbbing erection. Daniel considered it for a long moment, he didn't really want to have anything to do with another guys junk. Still saying no felt like a shitty thing to do to Jamie... since he was providing Daniel with soooo much pleasure.

"Alright... I guess that would be ok." The snow leopard moaned, rubbing his finger pads over those little pink fleshing spots on Jamie's head again. "Ahem... can I ask you a question now?" Daniel moaned, as those lip's and hot tongue teased his aching hard feline organ in the most delightful ways. "Amm Ahem." The young goat moaned around that pulsing feline fucker, obviously not wanting to stop suckling on it. "Ok... so what... what happened to your horns?" Daniel asked, as his finger pads rubbed over that bare flesh gently as Jamie's head bobbed up and down faster.

"Ahmmm... I used them in a way I shouldn't have... as a weapon... so as part of my sentence they were removed." Daniel trembling hard, knowing that he was lucky to still have his claws and teeth. If he had used them in a crime, they would have been removed just like Jamie's horns had been. The_ 'Slurping' _ growing louder as Jamie suckled harder and faster, pushing Daniel towards orgasm eagerly.

"As part of your sentence? So you've been pacified?" Jamie popped off of Daniel's cock again, looking up at him as he let it rest against his cheek.

"Do you wanna chitchat?" Jamie asked with a laugh, even as he felt that feline fucker pulsing needily. "Or do you wanna cum?"

Daniel flushed slightly, and after a moment, he reached down, taking his cock in his paw, then guiding it back into Jamie's mouth. Jamie grinned around it, starting to suck again as Daniel had to bite down on his arm to keep from moaning. God, it felt so good, and quickly enough, his fuzzy nuts were twitching in his sac.

Jamie picked up the pace, his paw wandering down between his own legs. Daniel could hear the snap of elastic as the underwear were adjusted and moved, then he felt the little goat give a sissy moan around his spiky feline cock.

Daniel quickly closed his eyes, imagining Jamie with a pussy instead of a package. It was easy, in his mind, with the goat's thick backside and girlish demeanor. He simply imagined him earlier, bending over in the basement, only nude--presenting a bit of trim. And later, in their bedroom... And now, he was picturing fingers sliding in and out of Jamie's cunt. Of course, Jamie's cunt... Jamie is a girl, Jamie is a girl, Jamie is a girl...!

"F-fuck!" Daniel hissed, biting down harder, his cock twitching as month's worth of cum spilled into Jamie's waiting muzzle, the goat sucking smoothly and swallowing eagerly, panting through his nose as the little caprine gulped it all down.

Daniel collapsed back against the bed as Jamie seemed content to stop playing with himself, licking his lips and looking up at Daniel with a knowing grin. "Needed that huh?" He asked unnecessarily, it was very plain that the snow leopard had been very pent up.

Daniel found himself nodding back to the goat, panting harder than he expected. "I... Y-yeah, I really did..." He confessed returning Jamie's smile, thinking he had really lucked out getting the goat as a roommate.

Jamie laughed, giving Daniel's cock a quick kiss before grinning at him. "Anytime~" He promised, smiling and slipping out of bed, climbing up to his own bunk quickly and easily as Daniel lay there, still recovering from his orgasm. A few minutes later, there was a brief sound of a bell in the building, and a few minutes after that, the lights all turned off.

Daniel lay there in the dark, thinking about what he'd just done. Jamie had been pacified, right? He must have been. How else could he end up so... girly? Daniel flexed his claws, pricking at his own arms to feel them, then ran his tongue along his teeth, feeling them all, making sure they were all right where they needed to be.

He was intact. Male. A proper predator, he told himself reassuringly as he replayed it over in his mind again. He closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, assured in the knowledge that he'd never end up like Jamie had.


"Fill these out." She ordered flatly, her cool manner having become just the norm to Daniel by now. "I've talked to a local restaurant, they're willing to take a chance on you. You'll have three days of training without pay, and you'll go to each one. Be polite. Yes, sir. No, sir. Right away, sir. You get it?"

"What kinda vitamin regimen did the prison put you on?" The middle aged mare asked, making the young predator almost laugh.

Daniel's ears perked back up, did she really think they gave guys like him that kinda thing. "Vitamins? Uhuh... nothing, I don't think." He answered honestly enough, certainly they had never handing him any pills. "Or if they did, it was just in the food..." He deferred, not wanting to get into a argument with her over it since she seemed to think they would do that kinda thing.

The older mare nodded her long narrow head, as if that was something that happened. "Probably the food." She agreed while only made Daniel roll his eyes, they didn't give a damn about guys like him. "We can't do that here. Boys and girls are built a little different, so different vitamins are needed." She explained calmly, so Daniel just nodded his head in understanding. "I'll add you to the list. Just stop by before work in the mornings, pick it up. You're a feline, so we'll make sure there's some fish oil in there. Makes your body handle the vitamins better."

Daniel nodded along, of course it wasn't like he had much choice. Still the mare was a nurse, and she'd know better than him. "Yes, ma'am." He agreed softly, kind of amazed that she was seriously going to worry about that kind of thing. He watched as she came back with a pill, it didn't look like anything in particular impressive. Handing it to him Ms Benton watch as he popped it into his mouth, swallowing the small pill easily with out the water she then gave him.

"Anything you need to talk about?" Ms Benton asked more softly, kind of reminding Daniel of his grandmother for a moment. "I know I can be a little harsh, but I'm not cruel. You can tell me things, if you feel like you need or want to."

Daniel shifted in his seat, wondering if he could asked about his roommate. He was about to ask her about Jamie, since he'd been too embarrassed to broach the subject with the goat a second time. But after a moment, he shook his head figuring that she wouldn't tell him anything about Jamie's private life. "N-nah, I think I'm good... thanx anyway Ms Benton." The snow leopard grunted politely, she really was treatment him better than any authority had in a long time.

She nodded, and then took out a piece of paper, writing something down. "Before you can start work, you're going to be getting a physical. A friend of mine who works for the city is going to be coming in and checking out everyone. You'll be first, since you're not working so your schedule is the most flexible... easiest to just plop you in there. You'll meet with him, head to work, get trained, and come straight home. It'll be first thing in the morning, so get to bed early."

Daniel nodded again, and with a gesture of her big three fingered hand, she dismissed him. He got up, heading out into the hallway, then rubbing at his neck. A job? Just like that? It was hard to believe, but he supposed that the mare had connections.

He showed himself out, then went to check the chore list on the wall, finding his name down at the bottom and running his finger across to the box for that day, grimacing when he saw _ 'Showers.' _Ugh. It was easily the worst job, but thankfully, he only had to clean the boy's showers, which was nice. He went to the storage closet, running into Gemma getting out one of the scrub brushes and a bucket for the girl's showers.

Daniel waved at the slender deer briefly, giving her a quick smile, but she quickly picked up the bucket and scrubbing broom and bolted. He sighed softly at the way she had reacted, knowing some prey were skittish. But deer especially seemed like they needed to get away from predators quickly. He shook his head, not letting it bother him as he got his own set of cleaning gear and made his way up to the top floor.

Even the communal shower's were better that in juvie, at least here there were stall walls and curtains. So that the beasts couldn't stand there admiring the tail, deciding just who they wanted to rape and make their girlfriends. Daniel turned on most of the showers, getting the tile wet, then turned them off, spreading around the cleaner and letting it soak into the tiles before he scrubbed. He got into one corner, scrubbing hard and working his way out, stopping to get the tiles along the wall as he did the edges. This big, communal area didn't seem to be used nearly as often as the stalls, but it was just as dirty for whatever reason. It was so much better here... the guys all seemed really friendly and helpful, the girls were all ok if guarded only around him. Dela who he had to admit he was attracted to seemed a little on the nutty side, Marta the lioness kept her grounded which might be why those two were put together.

He finished there after about an hour of work, then went down to the stalls, doing the same thing, but at least able to tackle one smaller area at a time. He got done with three of them, before he finally got good and properly exhausted. He turned his bucket over, dried it off, and sat down, finally taking a break... until he heard the soft clip-clop of hooves and a few heavy footfalls matching them quietly.

He tilted his head slightly, leaning out of the stall, and looked down to see Vin and his roommate, T-Money, tugging off their towels. Daniel was about to speak and say something, but he stopped himself when he saw Vin reach over, giving T's backside a little squeeze. He ducked mostly back into his stall, barely watching as T pushed Vin's big three fingered hand away.

"C'mon, dude, I just wanna shower..." T protested softly, that making Vin snickered loudly as he watched his roommate test the water with one paw.

"You coulda showered without me." Vin snorted, bringing his big hand back up and giving the badger's soft round backside another teasing squeeze. "But ya dragged me along... and we both know why you did."

T didn't push Vin's hand away this time, instead letting the burro step closer, giving the badger's ass a tighter, more intimate squeeze.

Vin grinned broad and lustfully, it was plain he knew T would give into him. "Gotta tell ya, 'Money,'" The big donkey grunted, a little teasing mockery in his gruff voice. "When Ms. Benton made you go into the center for gettin' fresh with the girls, I wasn't sure it was gonna do anything. You came back, still smirking, all high and mighty..." Vin twisted his long narrow equine head first one way and then the other cracking his neck softly. Big hot hands all over that plush round black and white ass, as T just stood there allowing it.

Daniel's ears turned at that, shocked to hear that the always friendly T had been to the Center! Had T been pacified as well? He knew the badgers smile looked a little off, and he had a hard time looking others straight in the eye but...

"V-vin..." The little badger stammered, panting weakly as Vin's hands working over his rump. "Ss-stop it... you know I don't like to think about that." It wasn't begging... but it wasn't a order either... more like T was just simpering.

Vin was standing right against T-Money's hip now, grinding his body against the badger's hip a little, sliding a paw between his ass cheeks. "Then every time the Doc dropped by... you just got so much friendlier." Daniel could watch the burro's thick finger pushing and teasing between those rump cheeks. T-Money whimpered and moaned softly, as that thick finger caressed the hot flesh of his tail hole. "Didn't take long for you to start feeling it... though, huh?" Vin observed with a lewd snicker, which made T groan meekly. "Looking at those pearly white chompers in the mirror..." It was very obvious that he was teasing the badger now, Daniel realized T's teeth were flat and unnatural white. "Packed on a few pounds... in all the right places I gotta say. Started giving me wood everything I looked at that sissy butt, then of course you crawled into bed we me. I was worried at first... until you started sucking on my sheath. Working my cock out so you could get a nice thick load out of it... Hahaha... Damn I cum so hard that first time you sucked me off."

T turned a little, making the burro step away for a moment as he panted for breath. Between his legs, Daniel could see the badgers cock was hard, but it was... small. Tiny, especially for a badger, and beneath it, a tiny little fuzzy pouch. Vin stepped closer, bringing his big three fingered hand up, taking the badger's nuts in it and squeezing them softly.

"Ain't much money in here anymore, huh?" Vin asked with a nasty smirk, which made T shiver uncontrollably. "More like change... pennies really." Vin raised his hand, gripping the badger's little cock, squeezing and stroking it slowly. "You remember when they first roomed us up? What you said?"

T flushed darkly, his humiliation obvious even from where Daniel sat half concealed. "I... I said... D-don't fuck with me..." He muttered so softly the snow leopard could barely hear him, even in the shower room where any sound echoed off the walls.

"And what did you say after that?" Vin teased with his hand rubbing playfully, as the little badger panted for breath weakly.

"I said... Y-you may have a big dick... b-but my nuts are bigger..." T simpered plainly this time, Daniel felt a sudden sympathy for him in that instants.

The snow leopard watched Vin's smirk widen as he took T-Money's paw, placing it on the burro's heavy nut sac. "And now? Who nuts are bigger?" It was plain out and out gloating, because what the badger had wasn't even a forth of Vins hefty sack.

"Y-y-yours..." T choked out, and a moment later, the badger was dropping to his knees in front of Vin. Daniel watched as T-Money wrapped his lips around Vin's huge black cock, starting to suck on him eagerly. Sliding down all the length past the well-hung burro's medial ring and throating it before sliding back up again, squeezing with his lips and moaning hotly as Daniel quickly tucked his head back into the stall.

The snow leopard looked down at his shorts, seeing the hard erection he was sporting. He swallowed, and quietly as he could, he took his cock out, stroking himself slowly while he listened to the sounds of hot, eager deep throating that shortly turned into sounds of hot, eager fucking.

"P-p-pound me, Vin, please..." T-Money whined out pleadingly now, making the snow leopard glance back around the edge of that shower stall. Daniel had to clap a fuzzy paw over his own mouth, as he watched Vin push his huge cock up against T's rump.

Daniel heard Vin's chuckle, and after a moment, T let out a long, slow moan that quickly broke into pitched, pleasured whimpers. It was clear that they did this often enough, but Daniel was surprised by how quickly T-Money went from resistant to eager. He had to wonder if he could just do the same thing to Jamie... not that he needed to. The goat was always eager to suck a cock, pred dick seemed to be Jamie's addiction.

Daniel imagined himself there, bending over T, pounding his ass and hearing those moans, and in a few moments, he felt himself coating his own paw. He gritted his teeth, staying quiet as he shortly heard the sounds of the burro hawing in pleasure, finally followed by the delighted gasps that T-Money managed. There were a few intense, quiet moments afterwards as Daniel wondered if he'd be caught, but then, he heard the burro's hooves clipping backwards, heard the loud, wet 'Splot' of cum hitting the floor, and heard T-Money panting softly.

"W-wash it.. w-wash it down..." T stammered in meek shame, he didn't want anyone seeing the evidence of what he and Vin had done. "The new guy has shower duty..."

"The new guy is a sexy little kitten... I wonder if he'd like to put out some time." Vin laughed, but after a moment, there was the sound of the showers all being turned on. The sound of more and more cum hitting the floor. And then, they were turned off, and there was a soft spank, followed by a laugh from T-Money and a chuckle from Vin. "C'mon pred boi." The burro snorted, walking his roommate out of the shower area. "I'll let you pick TV tonight for being such a good fuck."

"God, Vin, shut up..." T-Money mumbled in embarrassment, but sounding both more like his happy go lucky self, and pleased by what had just happened.

As the door closed, Daniel got up, washing the cum off his paw, then quickly moving to finish the last few stalls. He did them as fast as he could, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. He rinsed down the cleaner, then looked at the common area to see if there was a mess... but thankfully, they'd been good to their word and washed it down... Still, Daniel spread some of the cleaner where the two had been standing, washed the floor again, then washed things down before going and putting stuff back in the cleaning closet.

Daniel passed the common room on the way back upstairs, and he saw T-Money glance at him, blushing darkly as Vin kept an arm tightly around the badger's shoulder, keeping him close at his side. The young snow leopard couldn't help flashing T-Money a knowing smile, watching as the badgers eyes widened in shock.

Daniel headed back up to his room, frowning slightly as he looked around for a book to read and flopped back on his bed, thinking. Was this just... how things were with pacified predators? And how many of the boys here had been through it?

He considered for a moment, but in the end, he just sighed, setting the book aside as he thought about Jamie once more... reaching down, taking his cock in his paw, and wondering just when the little goat would be getting off from work.


Jamie didn't get back until almost time for lights out. The little goat was plainly exhausted from his long shift at the club, but the grin on his muzzle was just as happy and excited as always. He slipped into the room and quickly stripped off his clothing, carefully folding and putting them on top of the dresser, not seeming to care about Daniel watching him from the lower bunk.

He stood there in the silky panties he wore under his things, rummaging through drawers, then pulled on a loose fitting t-shirt that was four or five times to large for him. Moving over, he sat on the edge of Daniel's bunk, starring at the snow leopard with those big hour glass shaped pupils. "Are ya sleepy?" he asked, looking at Daniel's strangely conflicted muzzle.

The fluffy feline just lay there studying him, looking him up and down.

"Or is something bothering you...?" Jamie continued. "Sorry. I have a really hard time reading people's emotions anymore... I'm not sure why that is... I used to be pretty good at it." He paused, grinning. "Among other things..." His smile was just as bright as always, but there was something faintly melancholy in his eyes.

Daniel had been laying there thinking about things, and although he couldn't put a finger pad on it, something was bothering him. He'd came here because it was safer. Just follow the rules, do what your told, and Ms. Benton will take care of you--help you out. Was she aware that Jamie was basically a sex worker? She had to know because the goat was very open about what he did. It just bothered Daniel. Something was off. "You know... Ms. Benton acts nice enough, but sometimes I wonder if she doesn't like any of us that much."

"Of course, she does..." Jamie said, laughing softly. "I know she can act like a gruff, old growling bear sometimes. She's tough. She's got to be. But she cares about each of us and wants us to get along in the world. That's why she has always helped furs like us out... She does nice stuff for all of us. Looks out for us... You know I'd never even taken a vitamin before I moved in here?"

Jamie chuckled softly like that was a big joke, but Daniel wasn't as convinced as he was. While it was true she wasn't mean or abusive, he was sure that she wasn't as happy with him as she was with most of the others.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," he deferred. He grunted, knowing there wasn't anything he could say that would changed the way Jamie saw things. Instead of continuing, he just reached up he pulled the goat down on the bed beside of him, pushing his nose into that fur to enjoy the scent of his small soft body. Daniel slipped his arms around the goat and wrapping himself around Jamie's slender body. His paws stroked over that soft, feminine form as the little goat giggled quietly, then shoved his backside into Daniel's crotch.

The snow leopard huffed for breath as that soft round bubble butt pushed back against him, his feline spike already rock hard as the snuggled on his bed. "Jamie..."

"Yeah...?" Jamie repliedn already sounding sleepy as he cuddled close to Daniel's warmth.

"Would you mind if..." He paused, breathing harder, smelling Jamie's sweet scent tickling his nose. God, why was he nervous about this? "Can I... breed you?" Daniel asked quietly.

In response to his nervousness, the young goat giggled softly. "If you want," he said, his voice singing softly. "I cleaned out at the club, so..."

Jamie's little three-fingered paw slid back, gripping at Daniel's cock and squeezing at it slowly. When Daniel moaned, Jamie giggled, grinding Daniel's cock against his lace covered backside with a smile. He worked that shaft slowly for a few moments, then released it, leaning up enough that he could push his panties down around his knees. A moment later, his paw closed around Daniel's cock, squeezing slowly. When Daniel moaned, he smiled, and a moment later, he guided Daniel's shaft under his tail and into his hole.

Daniel's breath caught in his chest, and when he finally managed to push it out, it came as a long, slow moan. Jamie's mouth had been hot and wet, but... God, the little goat's hole was so oozing and slick that he thought he might have lied about cleaning out at the club, and he didn't even care. He'd been with his fair share of females, and one of them had even let him get under her tail, but it was nothing... nothing like this. Was Jamie just this experienced?

"You like that, baby?" Jamie asked, grinning and wriggling his hips back to push into Daniel's lap and take his cock deeper into him.

"Oh, fuck, yeah..." Daniel said, panting quietly. He managed to pull back, then thrust into Jamie's backside firmly. He leaned forward, moaning into the feminine goat's neck fur, even as his body arched with each thrust into the other's body. He slid his paws up, forgetting that Jamie wasn't a female for a moment before his fingers found the goat's tiny little black nipples hidden in his chest fur, rubbing at them and squeezing his body slowly. Sure, on some level, he'd have preferred dumping his seed into a female, but really, that's what the goat basically to him at the moment. How could he think of anyone who smelled this feminine and felt this good to be anything other than a girl?

The little goat whimpered in pleasure. "Nnn... you're so fucking big and hard..." Jamie moaned, gripping the edge of the bed and pushing into Daniel's body more. "God! I love pred cock so much..."

Daniel couldn't help but laugh for a moment. Both of them knew for a fact that herbivores were better hung than predators... but it didn't matter. Hearing Jamie rave about how big and thick and hard his dick was stroked his ego in a way he'd never felt before. He understood instantly why a club that catered to this would be successful, and why little prey--herbivores, he corrected himself, herbivore species--would be so well liked at places like that. Why he couldn't quite understand was why Jamie liked it so much.

He suddenly paused, his hips halting as he thought back to the shower. To the donkey lording himself over the pacified predator on the floor. He felt a tightness in his chest. Did Jamie like this?

"Mm... What's wrong, baby?" Jamie asked. "Why'd you stop?"

Daniel slid his paws around the goat for a moment, gripping him and feeling him squirming against his body. "You... you know you don't... have to do this for me if you don't want to, right?" The words came out in a rush, blurted out quickly by the feline as he felt a sliver of shame. Had he really been using the goat against his will this whole time?

Instead of answering, though, Jamie just flexed his hole, over and over and over again. It was almost like he was teasing Daniel or laughing at the question. He flexed and squeezed and worked himself until Daniel let out a hard grunt, unable to stop his young, nervous hips from thrusting into Jamie's ass again. The goat grinned and laughed softly, licking his lips and squirming into the snow leopard.

"Did I ever tell you about Sal?" Jamie asked, grinning and giving a nice, slow flex of his hole around Daniel's cock.

Daniel leaned into Jamie's neck, huffing and embarrassed by his lack of ability to resist the goat's body. "Nghh... N-no... I don't think so..." he stammered. Really, Daniel hadn't talked to Jamie about much at all, since the goat's mouth was occupied with other things when they were together--often without Daniel even asking for it.

"Rottweiler," Jamie said, biting his lip and moaning softly for a moment. "Nnn... He was the son of a lieutenant in the Canine Kings street gang out west... Was destined to follow his father. He joined up young... did a lot of shit he shouldn't have been doing... finally got caught for something. A light sentence, nothing too long, but he had a chance to get out early..."

Daniel felt a tightness in his chest for a moment, but he couldn't stop moving his hips. Couldn't stop fucking the goat slowly.

"I had a lot of run-ins with them when I was younger..." Jamie said. The goat had a few scars on his muzzle, but Daniel had thought nothing of them on the small goat, thinking it was just the results of his work. It had been from before? "Mph... When I came here... Ms. Benton marched me right up here and put me in the same room with Sal. One of their most feared young enforcers. I was scared... so fuckin' scared... but..."

Jamie paused, moaning softly and rolling backwards. He rolled himself backwards against Daniel, putting the feline on his back, then rotated himself around, looking down at him and grinning.

"...but Sal wasn't the same anymore..." he said, rising and falling slowly, squeezing and working Daniel's cock with his backside.

"H-he'd been... m-modified?" Daniel asked, panting hotly as that sweet, tight little hole squeezed him instantly.

Jamie leaned over Daniel, flexing and starting to properly ride him. "Mmmm... I didn't realize it at first..." Jamie said, grinning. The goat apparently did some kind of cardio, because he was barely breathing hard from the effort--only from the fucking itself. "I was so fucking nervous that I was walking around on tenterhooks, and then, I was stripping down to go to bed and he... slides up behind me... I thought he was going to try to fuck me or something, but when I turned around, he just looked into my eyes and said..."

Daniel moaned quietly, as he was rocking his hips up and into Jamie's body. "W-what... what did he say?" The snow leopard demanded, gritting his teeth as his pleasure rose steadily.

Jamie grinned down at Daniel and laughed as his hot little tail hole milked and squeezed. "He asked me if he could suck MY cock..." Jamie explained shyly, squeezing that hard barbed predator cock lovingly.

Daniel moaned hotly, as he pictured all of that within his mind. Why was this so fucking hot? Was it Jamie riding him? Or was it... _ 'God,' _there was no way it was the idea of Pacification turning him on... "D-did you?" Daniel asked breathlessly, as his paws slid all over the little Goats soft furry body.

Jamie smiled broadly... "More than once..." he admitted softly as if he was ashamed of being the one getting pleasured. "And he loved it... He loved it just as much as I do..." Jamie continued, moaning loudly as he bounced up and down with even more vigor.

Daniel's eyes rolled back, and a moment later, he was grabbing Jamie's hips almost violently, thrusting and pumping into the goat's body over and over again, fucking him hard and deep, raising him off the bed easily as Jamie cried out, falling down against Daniel's chest and letting the young predator fuck his need and aggression into the goat. Daniel eventually thrust hard and deep, blowing his load into Jamie's backside as the goat grinned, collapsing on top of him and smiling, snuggling into him.

Daniel still had questions to ask, things he wanted to know, but that the moment... The mixture of euphoria and exhaustion washed over him, and he slipped off to sleep.


A couple of days later, Daniel woke up early, got himself a shower, and brushed his teeth. He had the day off from his job--where he'd been doing pretty well, waiting tables and working for tips -- when Ms. Benton knocked on his door. He sat up, turning his ears slightly as the mare stepped into his room. "You've got a doctor's appointment today." The words were plain and simple, she also gave him his vitamin pill. "Just head down to the nurse's station, and the doctor will meet with you. You're first this morning. His name is Jerrod, and he's a nice fellow, donating his time to help us out here, so I'd better not hear about you giving him a hard time or getting into fights with him, you hear me?"

Daniel turned his ears, wondering why she thought he might get into a fight with the Doctor. But he nodded his head passively to the mare, not wanting to get into a argument about things. He push himself up and off his bed, putting his book to the side and heading down to the station to the appointment he wasn't expecting to have. He pushed open the door to the nurse's station, turning his ears as he looked up at a tall, slim stallion who raised his eyebrow, then looked down at his clipboard.

"You're Daniel?" The big horse asked, he was dressed pretty much like any other doctor. Only the clipboard in his big three fingered hand gave the snow leopard pause, the symbol on it was from a pacification center. Still it might have just been something donated to the halfway house infirmity, in fact Daniel vaguely remembered seeing it laying around before.

Daniel nodded his head slowly, and the horse smiled briefly at him. "I'm Jerrod. Why don't you strip down and hop on the table. Looks like you've not had a complete physical in... Well ever." He said, laughing slightly as the young snow leopard began to take his clothing off. Daniel flushed, but after a moment, he removed his shirt and pants, setting them to the side as he approached the table, only for the horse to hold out his hand.

"Everything comes off." Jerrod pointed out softly, gesturing to the faded, dingy underwear the feline was wearing. "Sorry, bud, but it's a complete physical... that means everywhere." A faint smile played across the big horse expressive lip's, as he said that hinting that he was less than sincere.

Daniel sighed, and after a moment, he had removed his underwear and laid them with the rest, walking to the table and climbing up onto it and laying back against the firm thin mattress as he squirmed trying to get comfortable. He really wasn't bothered by having to be naked, after all the older horse was a Doctor not one of the sexual predators from juvenile hall.

The horse checked his reflexes, the glands in his neck and underarms, and his eyes. He got out a tongue depressor and looked down his throat-- "Your tonsils were removed?" to which Daniel could only weirdly nod in reply--and then listened to his heart and his chest. Those latex clad fingers casually examining the little felines fat nipples, Daniel had noticed they had been thickening in recent days. And as those fingers examined them, the snow leopard was shocked at how sensitive they were. He inhaled sharply as the big horse pinched and tugged on them gently, his sheath thickening even as those very sensitive nipples were played with.

"So, have you ever had a prostate exam, Daniel?" The big equine asked, as the young feline looked up at him in surprise. Daniel sighed, this wasn't something any straight male like him ever wanted to have done. He nodded slightly, his pink nose darkening with blush.

"Yeah, I got checked out in high school by the team doctor..." He mentioned softly, while the big equine was pulling on a fresh set of latex gloves.

The big horse nodded his long narrow head, smiling in a friendly fashion as he looked into the snow leopards eyes. "Good, you're familiar then. Push out when I push in, then relax. We'll go as quick as possible, okay?"

Daniel sighed gustily, but he nodded his head in understanding, shifted a little on the table. "You want me... bent over?" The soft little feline asked, knowing that was what he had done before.

The horse nodded his head silently, and Daniel lifted himself up, rolling onto his back before leaning over the cool metal. Closing his eyes and tried not to think too much about what was about to happen. Telling himself it wasn't that big a deal... after all, Jamie did this all the time. Maybe the next time he needed an exam, he could get the goat to take it for hiIIIMMM--

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted as he felt Jerrod's finger against his pucker, making his ears lay flat back on his head. He sighed, and when he felt the pressured, he flexed his bowels, only to feel the horse's thick finger shoving into him quickly. His muzzle contorting in discomfort, as a yowl escaped from between his clenched teeth. The horses fingers really were thick and blunt, bigger than Daniel dick to be honest. "RRRERERROW."

"You'll experience some discomfort..." Jerrod observed with a nasty chuckle, as he listened to the little predator yowl. "We use a special kind of numbing medical lube however. Burns a bit at first, but it'll turn into a slight tingle in no time."

Daniel squirmed and bucked slightly, his body trying to escape but finding nowhere to go bent over the examination table like he was. It did burn at first, that much was certainly true. He swallowed hard, closing his eyes tightly and waited for the sensation to fade, breathing in harder for a few seconds at the burning turn to a slow, pleasant tingle. Jerrod seemed to know exactly how long it would take, as he slowly prodded at the snow leopard's prostate as the sensation disappeared."There we go... the numbing agent helps the sphincters relax. You may have trouble closing up again for a few hours afterwards." The big horse explained in a friend tone, that somehow made Daniels skin crawl.

Daniel shifted, his sheath thickening up as the horse's finger worked inside him, massaging and poking at his bowels. That thick finger pressed against the felines firm little pleasure gland, rubbing in slow circles over the surface of that organ. Making the young snow leopard grunt and moan softly, his tail hole gripping and squeezing that thick finger. The young feline gripping the edge of the table, his eye bulging out of his head as that hard finger teased his gland. This was a whole lot more intense than he remembered it being, the team Doctor had been super quick compared to this. As Daniel wondered just how long this examination was going to take, humiliated to feel himself growing more and more aroused. He knew from both talking to and fucking Jamie what was happening, the proud predator had just never believed he would be the kind to enjoying this kind of thing. Gasping and grunting harshly, the first time he had a prostate exam hadn't effected him this much. But maybe he was just blocking out the memory, the team doctor had been a Lion and he had done it quickly. Still as he stood there bent over, his short barbed cock slid out of his sheath. Shamefully dangling down in plain sight, as more and more pre-cum dribbled out of that stiff little kitty cock. Loud panting and gasped escaping him, as that long string of silver pre-cum dangled farther and farther down.

"Ammm... Uhuummm... How... how long is this going to... to take?" Daniel whimpered meekly, doubly embarrassed by how submissive and simpering he sounded. With that thick finger worming around up inside of him... a flash of anger washed through him in that moment. He had came here to avoid this kind of treatment, now here he was bending over willingly letting the older horse finger bang his tail hole. "That... that's not NOT your... your girlfriends pussy." The little snow leopard spat angrily, suddenly understanding why Ms. Benton had warned him against fighting with the Doctor.

"Enjoying it? That's nothing to be ashamed of you know..." The big horse's voice was soft and gloating, as a second big gloved hand stroked up the passive feline's fuzzy inner thigh. "Almost every male feels a certain amount of arousal... from having his prostate stimulated. It is perfectly normal." Jerrod snickered softly, making Daniel feel like he was just saying that to keep from hurting the younger males feels. "There is no point in fighting it... just relax and give in to the pleasure." The snow leopard inhaled sharply, as he felt that second gloved hand fondle his aroused male organs. A long moaned escaped his gaping mouth, making Daniel feel even more humiliated by the want he was reacting.

"Ahem no... please don't touch my..." Daniel moaned weakly in protest, as those latex clad fingers teasingly rubbed and stroked his throbbing kitty cock. Causing a massive spurt of pre-cum to shoot, Daniel blushing as he heard it splatter on the tile floor between his foot paws. The big horse didn't reply, he just kept finger fucking the snow leopards tail hole. While playfully stroking that male organ, making Daniel lean over even farther his butt pushing up higher.

"Now... now don't worry I'm a doctor... what we do is confidential. It's plain you are enjoying this... No one but you and I will ever know about this... so feel free to just let this happen." Jerrod grunted lustfully, the young snow leopard getting the idea that the big horse was getting off on finger fucking that virgin tail hole. The air was reeking of feline cum now, which only made the young snow leopard blush brighter in shame.

"Ummm fu... fuk, but I'm not... not.." Daniel moaned in protest, hesitant to say what he was thinking. That he wasn't a sissy bitch who liked having things shoved up his asshole, he wasn't like Jamie. Daniels legs trembling weakly as he lay his head and chest flatter on that examination table. "I don't want to be... don't want to cum like a..." The handsome young predator stammered in denial, even as his body began rocking back on that thick finger. His toe claws scratching at the floor tiles loudly, as his long slender tail jutted out stiffly from his body. Behind him the snow leopard could hear the big older equine chuckling lewdly, even as Daniels eyes slowly glazed over. While the young feline meowed and moaned breathlessly, as his sexual excitement grew with every second that finger was fucking into his ass.

"It's alright... just relax... breath slow and deeply." The big horse instructed softly, adding a bit more lubrication to that twitching asshole. Before adding a second finger to that hot little boi pussy, even as Daniel half climbed up onto the table. His rock hard little kitty cock drooling even heavier, as those latex clad finger tips brushed lightly over his cock barbs. "You know... if your overly sensitive, I could remove these barbs to help you last a bit longer." The big horse offered mildly, keeping the young predator on the edge of orgasm. Even as his two thick fingers worked and stretched that tiny butt-hole, his words more to distract than convince the predator of anything. Jerrod noticing that his young charge wasn't protesting any longer, smirking the big equine added a third thick finger to that now well loosened orifice.

"Oho ohoooo gods." The handsome little feline was moaning and whimpering louder, very happily shoving himself back on those fingers. Hardly noticing as those fingers teasing his hard on vanished, to lost in the pleasure he was feeling to notice the sound of a zipper being lowered. Suddenly those fingers were tugged out of his ass, making the young feline moan in loss. And then suddenly something smooth and throbbing was pushed against his gaping asshole, Daniel inhaled a deep shuddering breath as he felt himself spread out wider than before. "OHO... Oh yeah... Ahaha yeah." The sexy little snow leopard moaned out, shocked to hear himself sounding like Jamie when Daniel was shoving his spike up that tight little... It took a moment for that thought to work its way through his brain, that thing going up his tail-hole didn't really feel like a finger. It was pulsing and throbbing, Daniel heard the big older horse grunt softly in pleasure. It sounded like the stallion was enjoying things much more than he had been, but it couldn't be... because it was his... _ 'Wait... wait is that his...' _ "Oho my fuckin' god..." Daniel muttered glancing back over his shoulder, stunned to see that big smirking horse pushing that huge fucker up his butt. "That's your COCK!" The young snow leopard yowled in shock... looking up into the older horse's eyes as that cock flare_ 'Popped' _ while vanishing inside of his butt-hole.

"Yes... Yes it is. Do you want me to take it out?" Jerrod asked with a smirk, even as Daniels head quickly turned back around as the feline buried his muzzle in the mattress.

"No... no... keep... keep going." The young snow leopard moaned meekly, his ass pushing eagerly back on that huge horse fucker. Daniel just wanting to feel that throbbing flare rubbing off his sissy gland, knowing that it would feel even better than the horses fingers.

"So do you want me to work on those barbs... We've got all the equipment right here in the infirmity. If you'd like just sign this paperwork." Jerrod snickered tapping on thick finger on the clipboard, as the young feline looked back around quickly. Daniel far to ashamed to watch the big middle aged horse fuck him, shock and horror filling the young feline. He had came to the halfway house to avoid having a Wolf do this kind to him, now here he was with a cock the size of his forearm pounding deep inside of him. Sickened because a part of him was enjoying it a lot, while his straight male pride was hating what was happening.

"Okay... okay I'll sign." Daniel moaned breathlessly, taking the pen off that clipboard... the young feline signed his name where the horse was pointing. Even as he felt the Jerrod's huge hands grip his hip's, the older horse starting to pound into him more aggressively. Anger flaring up within the young predator once again, still it was mostly muted by the submissiveness he was feeling from being used like a bitch. "Naa... stop it... not... Uhuu sissy fag." Reaching back Daniel grasp those big three fingered hands, pushing them off his hip's as powerfully and defiantly as he was able. They had trimmed Daniels claws when he was arrested, still those hard little nubs ripped the latex gloves scraping against the skin of Jerrod's hands. Not that these struggles made the slightest difference, with Daniels legs pressed up against the side of that examination table. Still he was squirming and struggling, more against himself it seemed than against the big horse fucking him.

"Heh!" The big horse snickered jeeringly, at the younger males weak little show of defiance. Even as the felines toe claws scratched loudly on the tile floor, was Daniel was fucked deeper into passivity. It wasn't like the snow leopard was trying to pull away from that fat cock up his butt, so the big horse just moved his hands up to Daniel shoulders. Breathing harder as he forced more and more of that huge horse cock up the sexy little predators asshole. "Come on now... your not fooling anyone." Jerrod taunted softly, bucking and humping away harder and faster at the felines formerly virgin boi-cunt. "Except maybe yourself... you've been taking your pills like a good little sissy." The older horse laughed tauntingly, grabbing and pinching the felines thick nipples roughly. As Daniel yowled and squirmed as that throbbing flare rubbed over his sensitive prostate gland. "We both know you are about to orgasm... So stop squirming... stop denying and just let it happen sissyboi."

"I don't want this..." Daniel mewl softly, his little body utterly betraying him by eagerly riding that thick fucker. "I'm not a faggot bitch..." The young snow leopard yowled weakly, panting for breath as his body rocked back and forth from the horses hard thrusts.

"Awww sure you do..." The big equine observed with a gloating laugh, as his huge nuts began to slap against the young felines fuzzy little sack. "All you preds love a stiff herbivore cock in yer sissy boi-cunts." Jerrod taunted wickedly, as he rolled his strong hip's pounding that destroyed boi-pussy savagely.

"Your fuckin' raping me..." Daniel accused as drool escaped from his mouth, spilling out over the paper covered examination table. "You fuckin' rapist..." The little snow leopard moaned as those fuck thrusts suddenly grew more intense, plainly his words were both angering and arousing the stallion.

"Its not rape if you are acting the slut... pushing back... moaning and panting... begging me not to pull it out of you! Your just having trouble excepting your true nature... the hormones are a good start..." Jerrod groan into the small predators silky feline ear, as he lean over that sleek spotted body pounding away lustfully. Flipping through the paperwork on the clipboard, the big equine found the form he wanted. "I can help with that... just sign right here." His thick finger tapped the dotted line, as Daniel lay there taking the savage fucking timorously. Whimpering and groaning, as his body pushed back to met those hard fuck thrusts more and more eagerly.

"Wait wha... wha... hormones... Ahem huh how.. how would you do that?" Daniel moaned fearfully, even as he found the pen in his paw again. Jerrod tapped the dotted line again, that tapping sounding like the gavel a judge might use. Sensing the young predators fear, Jerrod stroked his fluffy fur gently with one huge three fingered hand.

"It is just a little behavior modification... I do it all the time." The big horse grunted into the felines ear, as Daniel place the tip of the pen on the paper. "Sign it... and then I'll make you cum." Reaching over the older stallion gripped that small paw, gently helping him move the pen it just took a little nudge. And the young predator was signing his name, while above him the big horse was chuckled sneeringly. Leaning against that soft young body, the older male nibbled up along that long fluffy neck. Before whispering into the handsome young feline's ear, that hot breath tickling Daniel's ear fur and making him shiver. "I'm going to fuck you like you're my mare..." The old stallion grunted lustfully, as his big gloved hands fondled the young snow leopard's soft body. Daniel almost panicked and started to pull away, but there was no place to go as he was trapped between the examine table and that big hard horse cock. "Stop struggling we both know you love it!" Jerrod scoffed, working that hard little feline fucker playfully with his fingers as Daniel moaned weakly. As the older males hefty balls spanked the young felines big soft round ass, the Doctor teasing and taunting the handsome spotted feline. The older stallion twisted his head to look the younger leopard in the eye, reading the shame and mortification the straight feline was feeling.

"I love it... I love it..." The young predator moaned over and over as the older stallion snorted into his feline ear, as Jerrod began to pound into that sweet rut hole harder and faster. Enjoying watching the handsome young predator teeter on the edge of total submission, the old Pacification tech had gotten good at breaking a males wills. Roughly the horse smashed his fat flare against Daniels pleasure gland, making more and more thick potent pre-cum dribble out of the felines throbbing fucker. The older horse chuckled derisively, as his throbbing fucker speared smoothly into that soft ass. Until those hefty horse ball's spanked the young leopard's much smaller ones.

"Do you feel that?" Jerrod demanded in a harsh whisper, the big horse nibbling lustfully along the edge of the young feline's ear. "The way it's flexing and throbbing inside of you, my big ol' fucker is lovin' that hot little boi cunt of yours. And make no mistake that is what it is... a boi cunt for a real male too fuck." The stallion snorted into that furry ear, enjoying the feeling of the horny young predator's body under him.

"Uhu Huhu... fuck yeah!" Daniel confessed bucking and screaming louder, as he was fucked brutally hard now. The handsome snow leopard moaned, his eyes glazing over in pleasure as that thick cock massaged his male pleasure gland roughly. That hard cock was moving in a steady hard rhythm in and out of him by now, making the young predator's own barbed cock drool watery pre-cum. Glancing back between his legs, Daniel watched that his cock and those hefty balls slapping. The loud 'SlapSlapSlap' filling the air as those huge balls, smack against the snow leopard's much smaller ones.

"Ahahah I love the way your tight ass feels on my cock." The older stallion moaned out softly, even as his strong hip's pounded that clenching hole all the harder. The leopards soft young body jerking, as the stallion's blunt cock head smacked hard against his pleasure button. "Oho ho someone is getting ready to cum... just from having my cock up their ass." The horny older male laughed out loudly, Jerrod had felt enough tail holes quivering on his hard fucker to recognized the feeling.

"Ahaha... fuckin' gods!" Daniel squealed out so loudly into mattress that they probably heard him half way across town, the young feline's slender cock jerk hard. And then that jerking tensing young organ exploded, spraying the floor tiles bed with thick white spunk. Even as the rutting stallion let out a loud whinny of pleasure, a split second later Daniel felt a hot gush deep inside of his guts. A whimper of shame escaping from him as he realized that the horse had just cum inside of him. Jerrod held him down a few moments longer, letting that big cock jet out every last drop inside the young predator.

"Damn that was good. Like I said some guys don't know what they really want... until they get it hard up the rump heh." He snickered with a leering wink as he patted Daniel's wide rump, even as the spent feline sobbed softly muzzle down on the examination table. After a moment longer, he slowly tugged that mighty fucker out of the feline's now gaping butt-hole. "I'll go get cleaned up... get Lacey to sign off and then we can start those procedures you signed up for." Jerrod chuckled wickedly, as he strolled out of the room leaving Daniel there bent over the examination table. The felines spent cock still dripping cum into the big puddle between his foot paws, as the young feline lifted his head panting for breath. Just then he heard the nasty gloating laughter from the open door, glancing back he saw Vin peering in the door starring at him. Daniel suddenly remembered the waiting area was just outside the room, and that Ms Benton had said some other guys would be seeing the Doc as well.

"Heheh... didn't know you was THAT kinda predator... kitten!" The heft burro laughed with a sneer on his expressive equine lip's, as Daniel just stood there bent over. "Maybe we could shower together sometime." As the young snow leopard watched Vin slipped inside the room, moving up behind him until the grinning donkey was fondling his fuzzy rump cheeks. Just then they both heard the _ 'Clip clop' _ of hooves coming back, quickly Vin hurried back out into the waiting area. The big older horse came back into the room, helping the young feline stand up.

"Lets move you down the hall to the treatment room." Jerrod snorted gathering up Daniels clothing, before frog marching the naked feline out of the room past the grinning donkey. Who was plainly enjoying the show, Daniel knowing that soon he'd been the target of Vin's advances. "Go in take off your clothing and have a seat on the table Vin. I'll be with you in just a moment, once I get Daniel taken care of..." The big older stallion snorted, guiding Daniel down to a door in the infirmary that had always been locked. Daniel had figured it was just a room were medicines were stored, but this room looked like some kind of high tech operating room. "Hop up on the table... lay flat on your back... please." Daniel suddenly had a very uneasy feeling, but was far to submissive from his recent butt fucking to resist. And so he just climbed up and lay down on the table... watching as the big horse loaded up a couple of syringes. "I'm going to put you in VR first... get the behavior mods running... while I take care of removing the barbs on your cock." Reaching up Jerrod pulled the headset down over the young predators eyes and ears, Daniel began to stammer and protest weakly that he wasn't so sure. Suddenly bright sparkling stars began to explode in front of his eyes, and the world around him shimmered and vanished. The last sensation he felt was the beds automatic restraints closing around his wrists, ankles, knee's, waist and neck.

Vin strolled into the exam room... smirking as he stared at Daniel's cum pooled on the floor tiles. Slowly the young burro stripped off his clothing, he'd been in to see the Doc a few times before. And nothing had ever made him feel uncomfortable, still as he sat there inhaling the scent of the predators sexual musk. He couldn't help popping an erection, after about ten minutes the Doc strolled back in. Spotting Vin's erection at once, the big older horse smiled knowingly as he walked over. The horse checked his reflexes, the glands in his neck and underarms, and his eyes. He got out a tongue depressor and looked down his throat and then listened to his heart. "So, have you ever had a prostate exam, Vin?" The big equine asked, as the young burro looked up at him in surprise. The donkey sighed, this wasn't something any straight male like him ever wanted to have done.

"Look you keep asking me about that..." The tubby donkey snorted, shifting uncomfortably as the older horse went through his its no big deal spiel. "And I keep telling you No... aint had one... don't want one! I aint a sissy pred... that wants to lose a load on the floor." He gestured down to the puddle of cream Daniel had left, which only made the big older equine smirk.

"Oh well... I mean if your thinking you can't help cumming from having a finger up your butt..." Jerrod chuckled in amusement, making the burro blush hard at the other equine thinking he was afraid he was a sissy.

"Look that's not what I meant." Vin protested with a snort, flashing a challenging glare at the older equine. "Its just I'm straight ya know... I like girls... that's all I'm saying. Straight guys just don't like havin' things up their butts..."

"Lets be honest Vin... you're not that straight... Tim has told me about you fucking him in the mouth and ass." The big horse observed with a smirk, watching as the young donkey's nose darkened with embarrassed blush.

"Well that... that's different... I'm the stallion he's just a pacified bitch!" That statement plainly not going over very well with the older horse, so Vin switched tactics. "I mean would you want me finger banging your tail-hole?"

"I've had a examination... every male should have it done sooner or later." The big older horse snorted, noting the look of surprise in the young burro's eyes. "But if you don't want to have one. Then that just leaves the Flu shot... so jump up turn around and bend over the table." Jerrod snorted moving over to load a syringe from a small bottle, as Vin slowly slid off the table and bend over slightly.