A Rediscovered Best Friend part 1

Story by AndromedaKitty on SoFurry

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It was a regular night for Valerie and Kaleb. The two had been best friends for quite some time, and were practically inseparable. Tonight, the two were sprawled across Kaleb's couch, watching a movie and sharing a throw blanket.

Unbeknownst to Valerie, Kaleb had been continuously stealing glances at Valerie, the red of the blanket contrasting against her pelt. She was a smoky gray with a delicate tabby pattern to her voluptuous kitten frame, her underbelly an off white. While Kaleb was canine, he couldn't help but feel so strongly for the cat whose legs were lying across his lap.

Valerie's dark green eyes flicked to Kaleb's and he smiled, trying to play off that he had been staring at her for the past five minutes. "What's up?" she asked, rolling over slightly, her paw now supporting her head so she could look at the wolf.

Kaleb shrugged. "Nothing." He replied. "What's up with you? You've been moving your foot for the past half hour, something wrong?"

Valerie sighed, and stared at Kaleb for a little while. His piercing blue eyes seemed to see right through her. It had always confused her as to how this snow white creature could read her so well, when she showed no emotion majority of the time. Dropping her head into the couch she mumbled a simple, "Yes..."

Kaleb's ears twitched, "Well?"

"James and I broke up...again..." Valerie's voice was so low he could barely hear her. His heart stopped. He had never told Valerie how he felt, but at the mention of James, he couldn't help but feel jealousy pulse through his veins for the well built panther.

"Why this time?"

"Why do we break up every time?" she sniffed. "He is tired of me...and in a week he'll call me back, and beg me to take him back. 'Oh I've been stupid!' That's what he'll say! When I know he just wanted to screw someone who will actually give it up to him..."

Kaleb placed a paw over Valerie's, moving his thumb back and forth, unsure what to say as he listened to her sniff sadly for the umpteenth time over the guy who didn't take this beautiful cat seriously. He was tired of watching her cry; he was tired of just sitting here, doing nothing. Sighing, he lifted Valerie up and embraced her, letting her sob into his shoulder. "Come on Val....it'll be alright..."

Valerie pulled away, sniffing a little and with a sigh she nodded a "Yeah, you're right."

"I know I am." He smiled.

The cat poked the wolf's side, knowing how ticklish he was. "Thanks K. You really are the best friend any kitty could ask for."

Kaleb growled playfully, his tail thumping up and down. "You know I hate being tickled!" and with that he tackled her, forcing her off the couch and to the ground. Valerie pulled free, on all fours, thrashing her tail as she pushed her ears back.

"Come get me you dog!"

With a pounce, she knocked him to the floor, where they wrestled for a few moments. She was no match for Kaleb, his athletic frame pinned her far too easily. Though, Kaleb quickly backed off, his head turned in shame. Everything happened so quickly that Valerie had no idea what was going on until she realized her shirt was pulled up over her bosom, exposing her naked breast to the open air. She was embarrassed, but at the same time, turned on by how much respect Kaleb had for her. She sat up, not fixing her shit and her ears twitched, her head turning with mild curiosity.

Kaleb was so embarrassed. Valerie was the only one who knew that he was a virgin, in every respect. This full grown wolf had never mated, and had never even seen a breast. "I-I'm so sorry!" He put his face in his palm, so ashamed.

Valerie shook her head, even though she knew he wouldn't see it. "No...please don't be. K, look at me?" she asked.

Kaleb turned, his eyes on hers and not on the exposed bit of her he so desperately wanted to touch, to make his. "Please fix your shirt. I'm really sorry."

Again, Valerie shook her head and pulled her top off completely, tossing it aside. "Kaleb..."

The wolf didn't know what to do. This feline he had wanted to hold so bad was half naked before him and she was calling his name. It was almost far too much for him to bear. "Yes?"

Valerie swallowed hard, not sure what to say or how to say what she was thinking. "I've liked you for as long as I've known you..."

Kaleb's heart dropped into his stomach, "Wha-...you mean...what??" he was awestruck, and completely out of breath.

Valerie nodded, tears in her eyes. "I never knew how to tell you." She said apologetically, "I figured you'd never want a dumb little cat like me."

Kaleb shook his head, "Why would you think that?" he was trying to find the right words to say without stuttering, "I've wanted to be with you for just as long..."

The cat was shocked, and she let her arms fall to her sides. She looked to the floor, only to have her own breath taken away as Kaleb, so swiftly, took her into his arms. Her exposed bosom pressed into his warm fur. He stared at her for only a moment before he pressed his muzzle against hers. The kiss was so full of passion as their tongues danced across each other's lips and for what felt like decades they stayed there until Valerie finally pulled away. She was practically panting as he stared at her. With a blissful sigh, she fell back into the carpet, smiling.

"Did that really just happen?"

Kaleb wasn't sure but he just nodded.

She looked to the wolf, biting her lip. She knew how turned on she was and only guessed he felt the same. So many thoughts swirled through her mind and she found herself unbuttoning her shorts.

Kaleb felt his pulse quicken. Her beautiful body was lying before him and she was slowly undressing herself. For a moment, he wondered if he should take his jeans off, but in the next moment, she was left only in lacey black panties and his mind went blank. He could smell her arousal and it struck him to want to do things he had only dreamed of.

Hesitantly he traced her curves, leaning over to lick her breasts. He felt her tense up, then relax as he pulled away. He knew of Valerie's past sexual experience. It had been with another canine, but he had hurt her. He should have never been inside her at all, and he knew she was nervous, just like he was. Softly, he whispered, "I will never hurt you Val, you know that?"

She nodded, her mind telling her one thing while her body, pulsing with desire, was telling her another. "I know..." she muttered, almost inaudibly.

The wolf found this his paws had been tracing the kitten's hips all this while and he was aching to taste every last bit of her. Slowly he moved to her waist, biting the lace and pulling them to her ankles, feeling her shiver as he did so. She widened her legs, allowing the panties to fall free of her paws, and exposing her moist treasure. His mouth was watering as he licked at her thighs, tasting her juices that had trickled their way past his real prize.

Valerie's body reacted to the canine's touch and she felt herself shudder in fear, but wanting more, so much more. Then he gave it to her. His tongue ran along the outer folds of her wet treasure. She moaned softly as he repeated the action, this time pushing his tongue a little deeper.

Kaleb was so nervous as his tongue seemed to move on its own. With each pass, the cat's arousal flooded his senses and all he could think of was how he wanted more. To please her, to never stop pleasing her. He continued to lap at Valerie's exposed flesh, making her squirm and moan as he explored her body, finding just where her spots were. Within moments, he found her clit, making her gasp with joy, her paws now laced into his thick white fur as she pressed his muzzle deeper.

Kaleb didn't mind at all, in fact he loved it. He slurped at licked at her clit, inserting a few fingers while he did so. His body now moving by instinct as he slid his fingers inside and out of the writhing kitty, who was now begging for him to continue.

Valerie was in ecstasy as Kaleb took over her. She wanted him inside of her, but couldn't speak to tell him as he slid his thick fingers into her almost virgin body. She gasped loudly as he continued sucking and licking at her clit. She moaned and arched her back as the wolf induced her first orgasm, feeling her body convulse as she came into the wolf's open jaws.

Kaleb pushed his face deeper into her body as he felt her shake, and deep down he was so proud to have been able to do so. Her juices filled his mouth, and he swallowed down every drop, licking her continuously until she finished.