City Dogs (Feral, Musk)

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A sleazy lizard from the rural outskirts of town (Kurt) has to make a trip to the city. Bored out of his mind while he waits for an order, he finds a diversion in a group of stray feral canines in an alley, where dirty, smelly fun ensues.

Content warning! If you're not into the following, this may not be the read for you!

[Contains: Feral, M Anthro x M Feral, Extreme Musk, Unclean Themes, Public Indecency, Non-verbal Ferals]

If you're into those things, then you're in the right place! Please enjoy!

Kurt grumbled quietly to himself as he walked out of the pharmacy, squinting his eyes from the hot summer sun above.

"Fuckin' good fer' nothin'...." The lizard man muttered to himself under his breath as he fumed through the parking lot back to his old, rusted pickup. He jammed the key into the lock and popped the door open, throwing himself in the driver's seat. "It's bad enough I have to even come back into this shit hole of a fuckin' city. Gonna make me fuckin' wait an hour for the prescription I dropped off yesterday too? Fuckin' damn it." He fumed to himself, cranking the windows down a crack to ventilate the cab. His white tank top was already mildly stained with sweat around the pits due to the intense summer heat that relentlessly beat down on him. Kurt always thought it was hotter in the city than it was in the country; had something to do with the concrete.

The lizard leaned back on the seat for a short while, raising his head and taking a deep breath as he stretched his arms out. His temper slowly cooled, and after a short while, he decided to do something to kill the time, realizing he would much rather keep himself occupied than spend his time watching cars go by in the parking lot. He cranked the truck halfway, his radio blaring to life with the latest country hits. It served as good background noise as the lizard pulled his phone out and began to scroll on social media.

The lizard scrolled through a handful of posts. Statistical charts of oil consumption per industry. Footage of protests abroad. A scantily clad fox woman with massive tits. Nice. A poorly drawn political meme.

Kurt mostly followed politics and world news channels, but he also followed several suggestive, or straight-up pornographic, channels as well. He didn't bother creating a separate account for viewing porn, often leading to him unwillingly distracting himself when trying to read up on current events, his news reading often devolving into masturbation sessions when his wife wasn't around.

He continued to scroll, a few headlines catching his attention, but not enough to warrant him breaking away from his timeline for too long.

A politician giving a campaign speech. An MRE review. An ad for knives. A shirtless teen bird boy with a six-pack. ...Nice.

As he continued to scroll, he moved one of his hands down toward his crotch. He began to idly grope himself, his eyes starting to pass over anything that wasn't porn on his feed, once again ignoring the news content he initially set out to read up on. Tale as old as time.

He dove into a few accounts that posted only fetish material, finding a few new images he hadn't yet seen and bookmarking the posts. Size differences? Bookmark. Latex? Bookmark. Pet play, cosplayers, degradation... More added to his already massive collection of bookmarks that he could never hope of organizing or reviewing at this point.

He took a brief pause to look around the parking lot, breaking the focus on his phone. There were a few people coming and going from the plaza storefront. One large bear woman pushed a shopping cart near the direction of his truck, returning with a bunch of groceries from the supermarket next to the pharmacy. Kurt paid her no mind. She can't see me in here anyways... Probably.

He went back to his groping, now unbuttoning the front of his jeans and unzipping them, letting his sizable bulge air out. He sighed in relaxation and began to stroke his length through the front of his briefs while he went through a rabbit hole of bondage accounts, following a chain of accounts that followed one another, taking in the sights of all the men and women bound in different, compromising positions, from simple handcuffs to tie-downs, and intricate shibari. I wish my woman would do shit like that...

After a few moments into his stroking, Kurt noticed that the light coming in through the driver-side window was blocked out. He turned to see the back of the bear who was pushing her cart right up next to his window. Her car was the one parked right next to his on the left. Before he could react, the woman turned back to her cart, her gaze passing by, before doing a double take, her eyes landing on the indecent lizard in the driver seat window next to her. Her expression morphed into one of shock, and then disgust, as she quickly turned away and down to her groceries.

Kurt scowled and spat out at her. "What? Ya like what ya see? Mind yer' own business!" He spoke through his mostly closed window, attempting to cover up his crotch with one of his hands as a slight blush burned on his face. The bear's expression remained of disgust, and she silently pushed her cart to the other side of her car, quickly loading her groceries from the driver's side door.

The lizard shook his head and returned to his browsing as the car next to his revved to life and quickly backed out, speeding out of the parking lot.

"Fuckin' pervert." Kurt muttered to himself as he continued to stroke himself in the busy parking lot.


The lizard now sat sprawled out in his truck, listening to the radio. His phone had run out of battery in the midst of his browsing, just when he was really starting to get into it. His briefs now had a few wet stains on the front of them, which were still fully out and visible in the cab. His fingers tapped idly on the back of the leather seat. He checked his watch. 20 minutes still remained until the pickup time.

"Ugh! Fuck this stupid city! The hell am I gonna do now?" He cursed, grimacing as he laid his feet on the seat next to him and stared out the passenger window. He stewed in his frustration, continuing to tap his fingers rhythmically on top of the leather seat before his eyes caught something moving outside the passenger window.

A pair of scraggly feral canines were running down the sidewalk by the plaza, and over near an alleyway between two tall apartment buildings. Kurt's eyes narrowed as he sat up and looked in their direction. One of the dogs was hopping up and attempting to mount the other, only to fall down a moment later. The pair of canines ran off into the alleyway, disappearing from the lizard's view. The gears slowly began to turn in his head.

"Huh. Y'know... Wouldn't be the worst thing I've gotten my rocks off to. Heh." He said as a sly grin played his mouth. He pulled the keys from his ignition and popped the driver-side door open, sliding out and standing in the parking lot. A pair of cat men watched in either shock or admonishment as Kurt fumbled with the zipper on the pants that were still halfway down his thighs. He pulled them up and buttoned them lazily, finally concealing his stained briefs as he turned and walked out of the parking lot, following the direction of the canines.

Crossing the street and entering the alleyway, he quickly found what he was looking for. Just as expected, the male mutt had mounted the female, which appeared to be a collie of some kind, and was humping away. He watched the bouncing flank of the male on top, and a perverted grin slowly formed on his reptilian face. He slowly approached, unbuttoning his pants once again.

"Now there's a good show..." he spoke quietly to himself as he began to grope himself through his briefs. The perverted lizard man slowly made his way closer to the ferals to get a better view of the action, pressing his back against the brick wall of the alley as one hand was shoved in the front of his underwear, stroking his length.

Kurt heard a pair of growls, and the pair of canines quickly looked to the left. Suddenly another larger canine, what looked to be a mostly purebred Doberman, pounced out from behind a garbage can, tackling the mounting male and knocking him off of the female. Kurt's jaw dropped and his hand froze where it was as a whimper sounded out from the mutt, and both the female and newcomer male scattered off down the other side of the alley, leaving behind the initial male, lying in the center.

The feral lay there silently, looking down the alley toward where his to-be mate ran away from him. He sighed softly, and turned to lap at his crotch, spotting Kurt in the process. He paused for a moment, staring at him. Kurt raised his hands in a non-threatening way, pulling the other from his groin as he began to move again, slowly approaching the canine. The mutt didn't appear to be shy, the canine simply returning to licking itself with an overall air of disappointment, not seeming to pay the lizard much mind. Kurt got close enough to stand over the mutt, and he looked down at him with a small, pitiful smile.

"Aww. Poor fella. Got cucked out of yer' lady, huh?" He consoled as he kneeled down and gave the scruffy mutt a pat on the head. "I've been there too, it's not fun. If ya ain't into it, that is." The dog grunted for a moment in response, not bothering to stop lapping at his groin while the lizard spoke to him. "Hm. Got a bone to take care of there, eh?"

Kurt slowly peeked over the canine, taking a look at the mutt's sheath as he lapped at it. The fur around his crotch was damp; dark clumps of it sticking together due to how wet it was in certain spots. The mutt's tip, and what Kurt guessed was about half of its length was peeking out of his sheath, his knot making a massive bulge just below it. "I see now... Couldn't get tied cuz you got a lil' stuck. That's rough, buddy."

Kurt kneeled down and gently rubbed the canine's belly. His fur was matted and dirty, but it didn't matter much to him. He gave the mutt some belly rubs, which it mostly ignored, before his scaly fingers crept lower and lower, eventually putting one of his hands on the dog's sheath. It felt warm, wet, and even slimy in his hands, either in part to where it had just been or as a result of the mutt's licking. A perverted smirk played across the lizard's snout, as he slowly began to stroke the sheath, offering his well-practiced services to the canine.

The mutt whimpered as he did, continuing to lick at his member while the lizard stroked and tugged just below. His eyes looked up into Kurt's, an expression of desperate need on his face as he continued to lick.

"Easy fella, I know... I'm tryna' help you. Let's get that big knot out, yeah? There are better places to get that thing stuck than yer sheath, y'know, heheh."

Kurt was hard as a rock in his pants, he couldn't help but continue to grope himself through his jeans with his free hand. He took a quick glance behind him to make sure he wasn't being watched, before quickly moving off to the side.

"One second, pal." He said as he grabbed and repositioned one of the garbage cans to block most of the line of sight from the road, at least to the ground. A passerby would still see Kurt, but they probably wouldn't see who exactly he was playing with, which was good enough for him. He probably wouldn't have cared regardless.

He turned his attention back down to the mutt, who at this point had stood up, and turned his body to the side, looking up at the lizard with that same pleading expression. "I'm comin'! Be patient, boy." Kurt said as he kneeled down again, running his hand quickly down the feral's belly and to his messy sheath again.

He continued to stoke softly, the dog now beginning to hump softly into his hand. Kurt lowered his gaze and got a better look at the knot that was still stuck in the canine's sheath. It was throbbing hard, making his flesh appear to stretch painfully. Kurt nodded, deciding to take decisive action to free the poor canine's member all the way. For his own sake, of course.

"This is gonna be uncomfy, but it'll be worth it, boy. Hang on..." he spoke softly to the canine while he repositioned himself and his hand. Gripping the sheath with his thumb and forefinger, he tugged down firmly and quickly, making the pup yelp slightly and turn down to his crotch to lick, even nibbling at the lizard's fingers slightly in resistance. "Hang on. Almost..." It only lasted a second more; the sheath stretched wide around the knot, before it finally cleared entirely, the entirety of the feral's surprisingly well-endowed member falling, dangling down from his crotch, leaving a slightly wider sheath at its base.

Kurt's eyes widened as he examined the whole of the bestial member, and his nostrils twitched slightly. A pale, whitish-pink knot with red veins that snaked around the base, and a bright red tip that twitched in the hot summer air. It was nearly as long as the reptile's forearm. The entire surface was slick with sweat and thick, vicious, slime-like fluids. And on top of it all, the stench was enough to make Kurt's eyes water, and he waved his hand in front of his face with a sly smirk.

"Damn, boy! Look at what you were hidin' in there. That bitch don't know what she's missing out on. And judgin' by the smell..." He spoke on in admiration, gently sliding down the slick, musky length with one of his fingers. "...You ain't got that sucker out of there in a while, huh? Yeah, you're a smelly pup, aren't ya?" He teased lovingly, feeling up the dog's knot. He once again used his thumb and forefinger to squeeze under the knot, doing his best to keep a solid grip on the flesh, the slimy surface thick with buildup, enough to make his scaly fingers slip if he wasn't careful. The canine whimpered softly, a few breathy, lusty growls also escaping its throat. It turned its head and lowered in his direction as if to nod.

"Yer lucky I don't mind. I'll have to take one hell of a shower tonight though, or else my lady'll make me sleep in the garage again. Heheh." He spoke, before peeking his tongue out of his maw in focus, tilting his head as he looked down on the horny canine. He began to jerk the dog off best he could given the angle, but it was a bit awkward in the current position. The canine humped, his fleshy length dangling and swinging slightly as he did so. "Seems yer' into it too, boy, good! I'm no bitch in heat, but I'd like to think I can still give ya good time."

Kurt decided to change his grip to make things more comfortable for both of them. He turned his wrist and gripped from the other way, holding under the knot between his middle and pointer fingers, with the massive fleshy bulb in his fist. He gently repositioned the feral to be facing away from him, as he pulled the canine's member back through his legs, pointing the tip towards his body, simulating the iconic canine ass-to-ass mating position. He gave the knot a small jerk, making the dog whimper, watery bursts of dog cum beginning to spurt from his tip. His tongue hung low as he painted hard from the release.

Kurt grinned and pointed the beast's cock right at his chest, letting the dog cum spurt over his white tank top. Messy, drippy patterns began to darken and stain the white fabric.

"Heh. Good boy. Make a big ol' mess on yer' Papa Kurt." He continued to gently fondle and grip the knot in his fist while using a free hand to unbutton his pants and let his big, uncut lizard cock finally spring out of his briefs. He groaned in pleasure as he jerked both of them off together, even pointing the leaky dog dick down at his length, letting the feral cum drip on his member, using it as lube and rubbing it into his crotch. "Thass'a good boy."

As Kurt enjoyed his canine cum shower, he began to jerk off harder, loving the feeling of the warm spunk that now covered his cock, lubing it up and making his fapping much louder with rapid wet slapping sounds that echoed off the brick walls of the alley. "Fuck... I guess we both needed this, huh, boy? Here, let's see how ya feel about this."

He raised the canine cock a bit, bringing it close to his snout and examining the length, taking a cursory sniff of the stale feral musk. It was bad, enough to make Kurt's water. His face felt hot, and he ignored the urge to gag as he stuck the tip in his mouth, his eyes half-closed in perverted lust as he did so.

He was immediately rewarded with a thick spurt of incredibly bitter dog cum that flooded his tongue. His body told him to spit it out, but he ignored the urge and swallowed it down happily, sucking a bit on the tip and throating the length a bit before pulling off, and gently licking up the length of the dog. He gave a kiss to the throbbing knot that he held in his fist, a long strand of sweaty, sticky fluid trailing between his lips and the canine flesh as he pulled away, the taste and smell nearly making him retch.

His body's physical repulsion only served to turn him on further, getting a serious rush from his dirty canine hookup. He licked away the strands between him and the member, and let out a deep groan as he buried his nose in the feral's balls, his tongue lapping softly at the canine's length and knot every so often.

The canine whimpered and huffed deeply from the attention, and its tail swayed slowly. Kurt's half-closed eyes were nearly glazed over as he reveled in the filthy lust he shared with the stray feral, his own uncut member beginning to spew precum that oozed down his length, and soaked into his briefs. "Such a good boy, letting me help ya out like this..."

Kurt began to huff deeply of the dog's bestial scent, loving every huff of the intense musk. He continued on like this for a good while, mutually jerking off the both of them while he inhaled the raunchy dog scent. It was bliss for the perverted lizard, something he rarely got to indulge in back home. He felt his face get hot, and his scaly body began to sweat as he approached his climax.

"That's it... I'm gonna blow, boy... You came all over my cock, now I'm gonna return the favor..." He growled deeply, beginning to kiss the knot again, letting his reptilian tongue snake out and wrap around it, his maw beginning to drool heavily, his slobber coating the filthy feral length. His jerking became even harder, both pumping his fat uncut cock and jerking underneath the knot with a strong, near-iron grip.

"Yeah... Fuck yeah, that's a good, stinky boy... Fuhhh... Fuuuck!" He cried out as intense pleasure wracked through his body, and thick spurts of hot reptilian cum shot from his member, the first strand shooting hard enough to streak across the dog's length, knot, and even splatter against its tailhole. The lizard panted hard and continued jerking with the same rough grip on both of their members, as he shot the rest of his load all over the smelly dog cock, coating almost all of its length and the knot in his sticky, off-white reptilian spunk. The dog panted heavily as he did so, lowering his head and gazing back with the same lust-filled eyes.

Kurt also panted hard, his eyes crossing a bit as he slowly came down from his intense, lusty high, still gripping both dicks with his hands, his grip slowly loosening. A few lazy additional spurts of lizard spunk oozed from his tip, a few landing on the canid member, but most of it at this point just falling and splattering on the concrete. "Good... Boy..." He spoke, muffled by a mouthful of knot, slowly removing his tongue and slobbery maw as he caught his breath and recovered.

After a few more seconds, he slowly let go of his own member, letting his dog cum-covered semi flop down, still oozing just a bit cum from his orgasm that now leaked down onto his briefs and jeans. He leaned in slowly and gave the now thoroughly-coated dog cock a kiss on the tip, before he let go of that as well, letting it swing back down between the canine's legs. The canine, still panting hard at this point, flopped down on their side and began to lick their length as it rapidly retreated back into their sheath. Their opening oozed with lizard cum, dripping down into his fur and onto the concrete.

Kurt gave the mutt a pat on the flank, his breath still heavy. "Glad you enjoyed, boy. You... Made the trip to this shithole... just a bit more tolerable! ...Heheh." He spoke in between heavy breaths, his laugh breaking into a few coughs as his body recovered.

"Maybe... I'll come back to visit ya again sometime." He said with a wink, before stuffing his cum soaked member down into his briefs, and zipping up his pants. He wiped his hand down on his already filthy tank top, the white fabric doing astoundingly little to hide the splatter-shaped cum stains that ran down his chest and belly. He slowly stood up and gave the canine a pat on the head. He gently nuzzled the lizard's hand, his tail thumping a few times against the concrete ground. Kurt smiled, and turned away, walking back out of the alley the way he came.


The pharmacy clerk had a look of utter repulsion on his vulpine face as Kurt stood before him in front of the checkout desk. The lizard smelled like a kennel, and his messy tank top left little to the imagination on how the conspicuous stains were suddenly formed in the hour that Kurt had been away. Kurt crossed his arms and raised a brow.

"Pickin' up for Kurt." He said calmly, as though there was absolutely nothing wrong with his current appearance. "...if it's ready."

The pharmacist continued to stare for a moment, before silently turning and grabbing a paper bag with Kurt's name on it from a rack behind the counter.

"Yes. It's ready, now. That'll be-," he began to speak.

"Oh, and this too. I made a new friend outside while I waited." Kurt said with a smile, walking off to the side and grabbing a bone from a rack of various dog treats and chew toys. The pharmacist's expression soured further.

"...$15.40, please."

Kurt paid up with a smile on his face and went on his way. As he drove out of the parking lot with his prescription, he made a stop in front of the alley, tossing out the bone for his 'new friend.' He stopped, watching as the canine slowly walked up and picked up the bone. Seeing Kurt in the truck made his tail wag, and Kurt gave a small wave.

"See ya later, bud!" He called out, slowly pulling away and turning off, beginning his short drive back home. "Be back soon... Heheh..."