A Rediscovered Best Friend part 2

Story by AndromedaKitty on SoFurry

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(Part two of this short story.)

Kaleb sat up, staring Valerie in the eyes as her chest rose and fell just as fast as her heart was racing. He looked her up and down, her body calling to him and all he wanted was to slip inside of her, but he was so nervous. Valerie, with a little effort, sat up too. "What's wrong?" she mewed, concerned that she had done something wrong.

Kaleb whimpered, not speaking as he pressed his skull to hers. His ears were pushed back submissively, and he was torn between taking her and respecting her for the feline she was. Valerie placed a paw beneath his chin and lifted his head to look at her. "I want you Kaleb..." she smiled a genuine smile he wished he could see more often, the kind of smile he would see her give James. "I want every bit of you. I wish I had told you sooner. I wish I hadn't waited so long."

Kaleb shivered as her other paw ran down his stomach, fumbling with his jeans. Valerie could feel his hardened length beneath the fabric and she longed so desperately for it. "You've awoken a beast within me K," she winked, freeing his hips of his jeans. "and this beast only wants you."

Kaleb's heart beat against his ribcage, flooding his senses with emotion and desire. He was almost deaf by the pounding in his ears as he pushed her to the ground, locking jaws with hers once more. The kiss lasted for a while as he pressed his body against hers, only half of his erection free from his clothes. He got a feel for how her body moved against his, trying to come up with a game plan without cumming too soon. He ran his tongue along her neck, so nervous as he could feel her pulse against his jaw. Without thinking he mumbled, "What do I do?"

Valerie pulled away from the kiss, and stared up at him, she blinked, her eyes half lidded as she purred softly, "What your body tells you to."

Kaleb slid his tongue along the roof of her mouth as he kissed her again, slowly pulling his pants off and tossing them aside. There was a moment's hesitation as he realized there they both were, naked. He panicked as he tried to slip into her and quickly moved away. Valerie scented his ejaculation. With ears pricked she sat up, looking at his midsection as his body released his seed too soon.

Kaleb, again, was so embarrassed, "Don't look at me." He whimpered, his hands over his length trying to hide what he knew she had already seen.

Valerie moved toward him, and without speaking, pushed his hands away with her muzzle. He looked down at her, their eyes locked for a moment before she lapped at his penis. His head fell back as her rough tongue cleaned his little mishap, and with eyes still closed he gasped as he felt his tip slide into her mouth. She sucked for a moment, savoring his taste, and then pulled away.

Kaleb shuddered, his length hardened again as he was turned on by the little kitty. His mind raced as she turned around, and on all fours, presented herself to him. Instinctually, he leaned forward and ran his tongue across her dripping wet treasure, refilling his senses with her sweet flavor. Then, without another thought, he mounted her. With his paws gripping her sides, he slipped into the kitty's body, starting with just the tip. They both gasped. Valerie was in shock still as to how large this wolf was, and was scared and nervous to let him have her after the experience she had before. Kaleb tried with all his might to not push his entire length into her at once, as much as he wanted to feel her tight little body gripping his. He noticed Valerie's back muscles tense as he pushed another inch further, her juices dripping off his erection.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and she replied with a nod. She braced herself for the remainder of his body to slip into hers, but to her surprise with each inch he slowly inserted, the more she wanted and the better it felt.

Kaleb sighed with pleasure as he withdrew a short amount and pressed further, her body clenching tight to his penis, pulling him further in. He closed his eyes and thrusted the last few inches into her. Valerie moaned loudly as she unsheathed her claws and dug them into the carpet. She felt him withdraw and mewed as he forced his hips against her. He was so thick, so long that she could feel him inside of her, then just like before, he found her spots. The ones that made her cry out for more, the ones that would have her shaking against him.

Kaleb moaned as his thrusts grew in speed and ferocity. His paws clutched at her sides, forcing her rump against his stomach as he pounded his entirety into the kitten he was so madly in love with. He smiled when she called his name, moaning so loud that he was afraid they would wake his neighbors. Though, he noticed that he too was moaning in loud grunts and yips in sync with her cries. Then he felt her body clutch tightly to his length, and as he thrusted he groaned with pleasure. She was cumming, and he was the one who caused it. Her body moved with his as she forced him to induce the orgasm for a long as possible, her thick cum sticking to his body and running down her legs. Though Kaleb was not far behind, his teeth were clenched as he pushed in and out with so much speed inside of her pulsing treasure that he couldn't hold it back any longer. With one swift thrust he yipped as he released his own cum within her, pulling out and pushing in to keep the pleasure of it.

Kaleb's length pulsed within her and he didn't want withdraw his penis from her body right away. He remained in his mounted position as they both panted heavily. Then Valerie started purring. It reverberated through her body and echoed within his. He wished to stay like this forever, his body locked with hers. Valerie, shaking from the position, collapsed, separating them with a slick sucking noise. She giggled. The two were wet and smiling, love drunk with each other's presence.

Valerie stretched after a second, or maybe a minute, Kaleb wasn't sure. "Hey...we should probably go shower huh?" her eyes glistened with mischief as she looked the wolf up and down. "You got me pretty dirty."

Kaleb smiled the biggest smile he had ever grinned and nodded furiously. "Race you there!"

With a twitch of their tails, the two darted for the bathroom, enjoying the remainder of their night together...and the many nights to come.