Fallen Kingdom, Fallen Human

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In this Jurassic World Fan fic, a stray experiment brings sentience to one familiar raptor, while making her even more familiar handler more appealing as a mate

Running for his life as he was, Owen Grady hardly had time to reflect on the past twenty-four hours and how much not only his own life but the world as a whole was about to be changed forever. With the release of dozens of captive dinosaurs from the Lockwood estate, having been kept there for black market sales, there was no putting the Genie back in the bottle, so to speak. Owen was thankful the dinosaurs had been saved from a certain death on Isla Nublar, as well as the cyanide leak in the mansion, but allowing them free reign in the world was something different entirely.

Not sure where Claire and the others had gone, Owen was left to fend for himself, hoping at least he was drawing the men away. He wasn't the only one they were chasing, much to his chagrin. Though she could move far faster than he, Blue was nearby, her vocalizations in his ears making him wonder if she was actually hunting him. Be it the thrill of the chase or some camaraderie the animal felt for him, Blue found it prudent to follow him through the brush. And, even though there were too many dinosaurs for the remaining guards to chase, it was likely Blue, being the important subject she was, would be number one on their list to recapture.

Thinking her to be the target, Owen was not expecting the sensation of a sharp prick to suddenly hit the back of his neck, and he nearly went down, thinking it was a tranq dart. Worried it was designed for a dinosaur-sized target, and that it might incapacitate or even kill him, Owen stayed still, wondering how long it would be until it took effect. Yet, even after a few moments, a slightly dizzying sensation was all he felt, whatever it was in the dart evidently not designed to knock him out.

To his horror, Blue came into view just then, and Owen was sure she might take his weakness as a sign to attack. But she kept her distance for now, instead sniffing at the air, detecting a scent that evaded the human male. Surely, she could tell the guards were nearby, and there was every chance she would attack unless their numbers were too great. Without her sisters, Blue had become more cautious, only striking when she was sure she could make a kill.

The sound of a dart hitting dinosaur flesh even registered in his ears as Blue hissed, stepping back from the unexpected attack. Though, like Owen, she did not go down, standing there and wavering back and forth instead. It seemed as though she could not find the source of the dart and hissed once more, obviously irritated by the attack and not having any other outlet for her ire than Owen.

"Easy Blue! Eyes on me!" Owen said, getting up slowly and holding out his hand to make him seem larger and more threatening. Blue's tail waved back and forth as she eyed him, obviously more aware of him than he was of her in the dark. She did not show the same hesitation as she usually did with the gesture, nor did she seem prepared in her body language to attack. Owen, normally respectful of the raptor, felt none of the usual trepidation he experienced in the presence of an apex predator. Rather, his thoughts were on the dart that had pricked them both and why they were not passed out. That not being the case, then what had they been shot with? And why had the guards not moved in to take their prizes? If anything, the sound of their pursuit was absent, as though they had left the area as soon as they had darted the pair. Some sort of tracking devices, perhaps?

The entire time, Blue stayed still, as though assessing the situation with more intelligence than she had shown before. The more Blue watched him, the more curious she became. Her mind was on fire, confused and agitated by the prick on her neck. But it was more than that. Almost as though something beyond her predatory mind and animalistic instincts were trying to poke its way through. The more it persisted in her mind, the more it became...what?

It was at that moment the raptor named Blue gained an awareness of the world that had escaped her all her life. Never a being of pure instincts to begin with, her mind seemed to bloom like a flower, coming into her own in a way that was both alien and familiar. Soon, her mind was awash in memories, as though she gained an awareness of self that went beyond anything her species had ever known. Not simple intelligence. It was far more than that, though she hardly had time to explore this new side of herself, let alone understand she now had that ability.

That was not the only thing her newfound awareness seemed to hone in on. This creature, this one she held in some reverence, was more than her benefactor. He was...no, it was what he could be that had her interested. He could be pack as well. She had been so lonely for so long, and that awareness hit her all at once with some sorrow and longing. The scent in the air told her as much. Even if she was to choose a human to be changed, it would be this one. That fact she could now make this choice was lost on her, not something she cared about with the urgency for companionship. The first with which she would be able to propagate with...

Part of her being knew that he was changing as well, his pink skin becoming something worthy of her being. With that, she nuzzled him slightly. Owen, in his stunned confusion, nearly toppled over, not expecting something of that nature. The feelings, though they had no name to Blue, were akin to romance and courtship, and she proceeded with actions more aggressive yet gentle all the same. Partly of her species' courtship and another with her new inclinations, it felt right in the moment like nothing else she could imagine.

"W-Woah!" Owen called out, not expecting to be knocked over, much less in a more gentle and careful way than that from a beast. Still, he hit the ground a little roughly, fear in his mind over the implication. On his ass, the raptor would see him as food, and likely his life was forfeit. Yet, his usual survival instinct seemed robbed from him, as though the presence of the raptor was no threat. More than that, she carried with her some interest beyond his lifelong fascination with the animals. When no bite came, it seemed to be a sign that Blue felt the same way. It was impossible for him to fully understand, but the feelings he had for Blue were almost like...those for Claire?

"What...my head..." Owen said, confused. He felt his mind waver, his love for the human woman feeling somehow wrong. She wasn't like him, they weren't even the same species. And this dinosaur, this raptor, seemed to not only be receptive to him, but such an attraction felt natural. The more he tried to fight, the more his new inclinations seemed to sit well. By the time Owen could muster a semblance of resistance, the female was on him again, gently nipping at his flesh, encouraging him to get up.

Blue looked down at the human as something strange passed her mind, something even her awakened mind was remiss to understand. Her aches had been for a male, but it was clear to her this male was to be submissive to her, that she was to be the dominant one. She had no inclination as to why these feelings were pervading her. She simply wanted to act on her primal need, requiring only his consent as she nipped at him once more to show her interest.

Owen, mind still awash in what seemed to be foreign hormones, saw the gesture as non-threatening. It was more than that, something amicable that meshed well with his current frame of mind. She was advancing on him, and Owen couldn't help but view her as a worthy being. One that he wanted to...mate with? That couldn't be right, yet the more that notion sat with him, the more Owen couldn't deny it was exactly what he required. A straight human man couldn't have any interest in a female dinosaur, but the more the thoughts burned into his mind, the more he found he could not remove them. Hell, to his dismay, he was even erect, hands in his pants as the raptor looked on with a curious expression.

"I can't...I...why...so hot..." Owen managed to moan, doing everything in his power not to pull down his pants.

Though Blue did not understand what was going on, she was still inclined to look at this man with sexual interest, especially the prick in his pants. Careful to claw them off without injuring him, Blue tore off his pants and even underwear to the point his warm cock was exposed to the air, leaking its musk and turning on the raptor more than she had ever been in her life. She wanted to lap at it, though kept staring at it, for now, confused. Surely what she sought didn't have a...but then again, what was it that she desired? It was almost impossible to fathom the conflict in her feelings and desires, much less beyond the new sentience she had acquired in the interim.

It was the sensation of something foreign within her that started to bring a sort of understanding. Her loins were on fire, and something within started to descend, sending sensual shivers through her being and making her chitter her relief. The sensations continued down her tubes, playing over the insides of her vagina and even into her cloaca walls. But rather than an egg or anything of the sort, Blue was left with a shifting feeling within her singular vent, something moving beyond her sex and situated below her pelvis. Their swelling girth created a lump of sorts, one she had never seen in herself but something that seemed familiar all the same.

With that, her slit opened as a nub within started to swell, teasing the tip and accentuating the pleasure of her rearranging internal anatomy. It seemed to pull from her loins, expanding as soon as it developed the ability to do so. Like the tissues rapidly reforming within, it seemed to be engorged with blood, making her feel slightly dizzy from the force of it. It continued to hang there a moment before stretching upward toward her belly, leaking fluids from the internal testes that seemed to develop in the interim. Even with her newfound intelligence, she could scarcely fathom what it was, only able to enjoy the sensual sensations of its formation. Writhing and undulating now, the pointed pink tip started to ooze fluids, running down from the shaft and pooling on the ground from her lust. Despite not understanding what it was exactly, Blue could not deny feeling she needed to plunge it into something, like the moist hole she once possessed...

Looking over at the prone male, a sense of his confusion seemed to cross her mind, though she was hardly aware of what signs had led her to such a conclusion. Still, the scent from his half-stunned form brought her to the man's face, cock bobbing up and down as she moved. Standing over him, Blue regarded him with a look of interest before moving a clawed foot to him and pushing him over. Still not fully understanding what she was doing, Blue only knew he was not at the right height to...what? Touch the magnificent organ she now possesses between her legs? That made sense, didn't it? She could not pleasure herself and had never been able to. But with the feelings she held for this man, it only seemed proper he be the one to serve her. And even in his confused stupor, surely he would not be able to resist her whims for very long.

Owen, lost in his conflicted thoughts, barely noticed Blue's presence before she knocked him down, baring down with her toothy maw. Panic returned to his thoughts, Owen now sure that today was the day she finally took his life. But she continued to regard him with that intelligent expression, knowing what she was doing beyond anything that Owen had ever seen within her before. And, somehow, he knew she wasn't inclined to kill him, not yet.

Rather, her presence before him became as clear as the massive, pointed phallus hanging from her groin. Having known her from birth to be female, Owen was stunned to see her sporting a rather fetching erection, something he was not intimately familiar with given the status of many of Jurassic World's dinosaurs as female. Was it something in the frog's DNA that caused Blue to spontaneously change sexes? Yet, without any of her kind around as a trigger for her need to mate, it seemed off that she would change at all. Still, there was no denying what he was staring at was a fully formed dinosaur cock, and that it was erect and ready for him to...what?

"Wha-what? No...can't...why does it smell...?" Owen managed to moan, lost in a haze and barely able to fight off the foreign inclinations in his mind. He wanted to...but he couldn't...then why did he need it so bad?

Against his better inclinations, Owen found himself staring in fascination and desire. He was powerfully erect now, cock hanging in the evening air and begging for stimulation. He should have been freaked out by the whole ordeal, but the lust burning through his form was primal, instinctual, and beyond his ability to fight against. Any inclinations that it was wrong, that he should not be hard in the presence of a dinosaur were quickly brushed aside by a growing part of his brain that needed pleasure in the here and now. It soon became impossible for him to contemplate why his urges were wrong, distasteful, and anything he shouldn't act upon. And what he wanted...he shouldn't...but he needed...was...was...

"Fuck...what's going on...what's...oh fuck..." Owen managed to call out, not sure what to make of the strange desires. But with the haze that had settled over his mind, there was nothing to be done about it.

Without thinking, Owen reached up and took the raptor's thick cock in his hand, drawing it toward his mouth. Licking his lips, a seeking tongue reached out to gently touch the tip, finding the salty flavor repulsive for only a moment before he grew accustomed to it. Any notions of the despicable nature of such acts with a dinosaur, a male one at that, were thrown out the preverbal window as Owen lapped at the leaking cocktip before drawing it into his mouth. The musky flavor soon changed from offensive to tolerable, and the trembling from Blue's body was all Owen needed to know he was doing a satisfactory job. And it was only the beginning as he took the raptor's cock all the way into his gullet, wrapping his tongue around it and beginning to suck with gusto.

The size of the phallus was far larger than anything a human might bring to bear, straining Owen's human jaw and making him gag a little. Yet, he was desperate to take the cock in his mouth, to suck and make the raptor come. There was nothing of romance or care in his mind toward the dinosaur as he sucked and licked with reverence. Rather, that bestial need to pleasure what he was seeing as an equal and no longer a mere animal was at the forefront of his thoughts. Any notions of wrongdoing were erased from the simplicity of his thoughts and the ache in his own loins, something his other hand moved down to touch as he continued to stroke Blue's male member with care and reverence.

Blue, for her part, wanted the contact more than anything she recalled in her life. Though her sex sometimes ached with need, the absence of a male had always deterred her from thinking about such things for too long. But the pleasure she was receiving from her masculine sex was more than she could bear, and it was taking everything she had to hold back against the orgasm she so desperately sought. Yet, with her new understanding of the world, she was inclined to hold back, to have him pleasure her as she reveled in the changes her body was going through and all the wonderful sensations they could grant. It was all too new to her, not simply the change in sex but her mentality, as well, and there was some precedent to enjoy it to the fullest.

As the pink-skinned being sucked her off, Blue was privy to the sensations of her muscles growing, stretching, and thickening against the skin before the scales spread to make room. It was as though her new sex came brought a surge of power, bigger muscles, a longer tail, and an increase in height with it. It left a soreness over her form, though it was quickly canceled out with the pleasure she felt from having her male member sucked. Though she had no way to be aware of it, her species generally displayed sexual dimorphism with the females being the larger of the two sexes. But with so many species within her genome used to bring her own species back to life, it seemed sexual dimorphism favored males as the larger of the two, and Blue was currently growing into the stature of a male of her new species.

With her new awareness, the reality of no longer being a she, now a male, was not lost on him. Any inclinations of laying eggs, of propagating offspring, were gone from his mind. He knew he had been female, and remembered his old life beyond simple instincts and even training. But that mattered little to the male he had become, the thick cock on his groin requiring stimulation. He knew a female would eventually be required to birth his offspring, but that was OK. A scent in the air told him all he needed to know that one would soon be granted to him.

All the while, Owen was sucking on the raptor's cock eagerly, unable to resist the urge. He had no idea what in the world had prompted him to act this way, but there was no denying his need. In his desire to please this raptor, his own cock was ignored, but that was of little concern. The desire to suck this phallus was beyond his understanding, and Owen was along for the ride. Even as the cock in his mouth was beginning to spasm, preparing to blow its load, Owen had no reprieve but to keep up his oral ministrations, as skilled in the act as someone who had performed fellatio dozens of times.

Lost in his depraved thoughts and desires, Owen was shocked by the force of jism that suddenly shot down his throat, the quantity so much that he nearly choked. But with the raptor's deadly talons so near to him, there was nothing he could do to resist his advances. So Owen kept Blue's cock gingerly in his maw, drinking down all that was offered with the eagerness of a seasoned professional. It wasn't until the raptor had finished, pulling his cock out of Owen's mouth did he realize what he had done. He had sucked...he was straight, into women, into Claire...how had he done such a thing...yet, at the moment, he needed it more than anything he could imagine!

Naturally, the sheer amount of semen was more than Owen could take, some of it spilling from his mouth. He wasn't able to gag; his disgust was more from the act itself rather than the taste or texture of it. Part of his altered mind wanted to lick the cum from his lips and drink it down, but was able to resist the urge, reaching up to rub the sexual fluids from his jaw. Yet, as he did so, a strange texture met his touch, one that came with a bizarre tingling he was not aware of before now. It was pebbly, dry, and lacked hair where he should have had the pepperings of a beard. There was no denying what he felt, but there was no way it should have been on his face, as though his skin texture was the same as the dinosaur he had sucked off...

"Why did I...no...what the hell?!" Owen managed to mutter through the mouthful of cum he had swallowed.

Panicked now, Ower frantically rubbed the skin, finding a texture beyond what he expected running down his chin and above his upper lips, as though the spreading of saurian scales was starting over his skin. The worst part was that there was a distinction between the skin and what he perceived to be scales, as though they were destined to spread. Rubbing the skin further caused only more panic, Owen sure they were further over his dermis than they had been when he started touching them. And the more he rubbed, the more he was sure his lower jaw had jutted out somewhat, giving him what he felt was an underbite, though without a mirror to see, it was just an assumption.

"What the hell...what did I do!? What did you...grrr...do to me!?" He managed to call out, still stunned by the revelation.

Owen became aware of a new development as he ran his tongue over his teeth to remove the excess semen he could not entirely swallow. Some of them poked against his tongue in a way that defied what his human dentures should have managed. It was as though they'd shifted from their primate dentition toward something entirely inhuman. The more his tongue explored their contours, the more he was aware they were changing in real-time, without so much as an ache in his gums to denote their alterations. It was impossibly bizarre, though, in his current state of fear and disgust, it was impossible to fully comprehend what was happening to him.

It was then he felt a wet crack from his jaw pushing forward, the sight of the result from his periphery signaling that it had stretched. Reaching up to touch it, the shape and location of it were not where he might have expected. Owen was sure such an alteration was impossible, the result of some head injury or dream. But the more he rubbed his face, the more the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Owen was changing and was headed toward an inhuman form. Perhaps matching Blue's own, though he could not tell with the information at hand. But the likelihood was certainly there...

Shocked by the revelation, Owen was not expecting to feel the touch of the raptor's muzzle rubbing against his scales and sending a shiver of pleasure through his body. It was an action Blue would have never taken toward the human him, just as likely to be against one of her former sisters than a human. It was more than that, a part of Owen's mind was coming to understand. As though she saw him as a mate rather than simply part of her pack...wait, she? Surely, with a cock the size of what Blue possessed, there was no denying his maleness now...

At that realization, Owen felt his already leaking cock jump to a full erection once more, making him moan reflexively. It should have been impossible for him to draw any sort of arousal from the scenario. But there was no denying the reaction his body was having toward this male raptor. He wanted nothing more than to be out of here, safe in his bed, and know his loved ones were safe as well. But here he was, in the middle of the woods and turned on by sucking raptor cock, desiring even more sexual contact to alleviate the lust in his loins. What the hell was wrong with him?!

"Why did I do that...what'sss wrong with me!?" Owen called out, holding his scaled head. Not only had he done so willingly but...he wanted to do so again...how could he?!

Lost in the conflict within his mind, Owen was not prepared for the sensation of Blue lapping at his lips before pushing him over again and glaring down at his erection. That primal part of Owen's mind feared for his life as though it was to be robbed from him at a moment's notice. But that was not to come to pass, Blue obviously having another interest in the man as he pushed him over and breathed a warm breath onto Owen's groin. The changing man shivered as though not fully understanding what was happening to him. Regardless, there was nothing he could do as the raptor reached down with his eager tongue and started lapping at Owen's erect cock. He knew he needed to push the raptor off, that he couldn't let Blue do this...yet, there was no denying his need at the moment!

"No...Blue...eyesss on me...pleassse," Owen hissed, wanting him to stop but loving the sensations more than anything he could imagine.

Blue, for his part, lapped at the modest human cock gently, only taking it in his muzzle up to a certain point. He knew the man would change, would become something he could use to satiate the needs in his newly altered loins. And the taste was hardly a deterrent, weak and human as it was. Not the feminine nectar he longed to savor, but that was OK to the changed raptor. He knew that this human thing would be his perfect mate soon and was encouraged to pull him along until the alterations took hold, and he gave him what Blue wanted. He, with reptilian simplicity, knew what his oral ministrations would bring and was eager to see the changes in real-time, if only they would meet his deepest desires.

With such stimulation to his penis, there was little chance of the poor man fighting back, Owen's lust creeping toward its apex. More to the point, there was an urgency to the release, as though he needed to expel his human seed to please the beast playing over his loins. Without any inhibitions, Owen felt his balls tense and his sex going into orgasm, moaning as his modest bolt was drunk down by the now male raptor sucking him off. The pleasure was intense, lasting far longer than such a release should have been able to provide. It soon rose to the point the release was paining him, though Owen could do little for it, along for the ride as his cock shot its entire load into the raptor's muzzle to drink down. After several moments of ecstasy, Owen no longer felt anything from the release, as though the pleasure had been removed and he was simply being drained dry.

After what felt like an impossible quantity of sperm was drunk down by the raptor's eager tongue, Owen was left to pant, testicles feeling pained and emptied to a degree the human he had never known. Owen wanted to reach down to touch his sex in curiosity rather than in ecstasy. Knowing his own touch as much as any other man, Owen was shocked by the limp feeling from his balls, as though nothing was present within. A feeling of panic ran through his head at that, knowing there was something wrong, and unable to understand what had happened. But there was no denying the lack of maleness his sex was presenting, as though he had nothing left to give before altering to some other form.

Even with that notion in mind, Owen was not expecting his balls to visibly deflate, and looking down, he was shocked to see them pulled up toward his groin, sliding inside of him and making him groan out from the nauseating sensation. His sack was soon to follow, merging with the skin of his groin and leaving the area smooth and thin as though he'd had nothing there, to begin with. For a moment, Owen's alarm was minimized with the knowledge that raptors had internal genitalia. Not that he wanted to change, as pleasurable as it was. But at least it was not too jarring a prospect for his sex to go as it was, part of whatever process was taking him over.

That was not to be the case, as he was soon to find out. His cock, still maintaining its sensitivity, started to pull back toward his groin, leaving him to groan his discomfort. It shouldn't have maintained the desire to be touched, not with how much of his load had been spilled and how spent he should have been. Yet, his penis was on fire, feeling as though it could come to full erection once more. He needed to touch it, though was afraid to, not wanting to invoke further change upon himself. So he was left to stare as instead of rising once more, his cock was left to shrink, withdrawing into his groin to the point that only the head and the slit remained visible, no longer leaking fluids as he figured it might.

"What...where isss it...?" Owen hissed, the saurian inflections on his voice now ignored in his panic.

A low growl escaped his lips as the opening soon peeled down toward his former testes, forming a slit of sorts that incorporated the sensitive flesh of his cockhead into the tissues. It soon moved toward the end of his former groin, slick and damp and eliciting a strange aroma, one that might have repulsed the man if he wasn't in a sex-starved mindset right now. But in his current state, the odor of his sex served to quadruple his arousal to the point he wasn't sure he could handle it without further stimulation. It was maddening to feel he was in such a state, and only growing worse as the moments ticked passed. The slit was hypersensitive, and it needed something beyond simply to be touched...

"Ffuucckk...I can't...I need..." Owen growled, mind preparing to give in to whatever it took to quell the intense ache.

Unable to resist the urge, Owen's hands were on his slit, rubbing frantically to alleviate the ache. Though it had little effect overall, Owen was determined to try, not at all deterred by the slick fluids or their saurian stink. His lust was only accentuated by the presence of the now male raptor before him, his own dino musk a surprising turn-on.

As much as Owen found himself turned on by the action, there was still a cognizant part of his mind aware that a raptor's cloaca should carry a saurian dick, that it was part of their internal anatomy. Yet, aroused as he was and with no obvious erection, Owen was left to wonder...Blue was obviously female before...then did that mean...was he...why did it feel so good!?

A swelling in his chest drew one hand up toward it, surprised at the sensitivity the skin started to display. Areolas were swollen and inflamed, and Owen shivered from the contact, more than what he could have expected from his former maleness. The swelling of his mammary tissues shocked him for a moment. With the intense electrical charges running through his form, there was little ability for him to contemplate what was happening. Soon, the pillowy tissue swelled with fat and muscle, heavy and perky on his chest to the point there was no denying he was in possession of feminine breasts!

The tingling of change seemed to play over his entire body then, the muscle he'd so lovingly cultivated turning to lean flesh, still muscled but without the presence of testosterone to bulk up his form as it once had. Everything from fingernails to buttocks and hips was rendered more female in shape and design, as though he'd been born a woman. Even his hair lengthened as though he'd been born with predominantly estrogen in his veins. He was becoming leaner, smaller, more feminine by the moment, a female version of himself with sexual attributes and all. None of it made any sense, given the changes to his face and teeth that denoted a more saurian alteration. What the hell was happening to him?! Worse, there was no denying how good it felt to the point that he simply wanted to touch himself and explore his body and all the pleasure it might bring.

Blue seemed eager to play with his changed body as well, leaning down to muzzle his face and chirping his excitement. Owen reflectively reciprocated, rubbing against him and enjoying the contact. For he had never been this close to such a magnificent animal, there always being the chance Blue would kill him at any time. But now, with the ache in his loins, the scents in his flared nostrils, Owen felt more excitement, more sheer elation than at any time he could recall. Be it the presence of the masculine, sexy beast or the lust in his feminine sex, Owen needed it in the worst way.

Not even caring about his feminine body or the traits that came with it, Owen got down, exposing his slit for the raptor's attention. "Fuck...nneeedy...!" He managed to moan, and Blue wasted no time, getting down and sniffing the offering before him. Without waiting, Blue's saurian tongue reached down and started to taste her feminine nectar. In that moment, the amazing feeling robbed Owen of any desire to be male any longer, thinking herself female if only for a modicum of the pleasures she was promised!

Blue ran over her sex like an expert lover, teasing the fluids oozing from inside her and prompting her to grip the dirt in pleasure. It was all-consuming, violent waves of pleasure washing over her, each stronger than the last. Surely, her sex wasn't in the same configuration as a human, more akin to the cloaca of a reptile than anything a woman might have possessed. It mattered little with the sensitivity that wracked her body, almost causing her slit to pulsate. It seemed Blue was as skilled for what had to be his first time, finding all her sweet spots and hitting them with expert precision. Owen hardly had the cognizance to distinguish between experience and lust, though it mattered little in the way of the ecstasy she was feeling. If it felt this good, this amazing, then why hadn't she been born female?!

It was only a pressure on her tailbone that could detract from the persistent pleasures to her sex, pulsating as though something was trying to push its way through. Owen wriggled a little in the dirt to try and alleviate the ache. It was becoming painful to the point she could no longer sit that way, and despite the insistence from the raptor licking her cunt lips, she had to readjust to allow the growth to form painlessly. It soon stuck out an inch and then two, skin shaded for now, but the itching of the skin making way for scales was powerfully disconcerting, gray and blue in patterns that matched the dinosaur teasing her sex. There was no denying she had a tail, that her feminine assets would be robbed from her for the saurian body that her lover possessed. Yet, no fear came from that realization, only excitement that she might be a powerful being to match his worth!

With that, the sensation of skin peeling ran across her face, and Owen reached up to tease her scaly coat into existence, rubbing scales over her chin, her cheeks, and even up toward her scalp. Everywhere her hands played over were robbed of hair, though her beard and facial hair had already been taken from her. Even the hair on her head started to fall out in clumps in the wake of developing scales. There was no remorse over its loss, however, Owen elated to lose it in place of the scales she was soon to possess. The scales felt so warm, so smooth, and left her wanting more.

The sensation of something against her crotch caused her to moan as Blue's tongue came back, causing her to fall over on her side to avoid her new tail. With the sensation of its growth rushing through her spine, a wave of panic washed over her, the reality she possessed one powerfully conflicting. It shouldn't feel like this...but then why was it so good...why had she let this happen to her...why was she a she?!

"No...ssstorrrrrp...can't...rrruck!" Owen called out with a saurian cadence as she tried to crawl away, not wanting to give in to what was happening to her body. But it was impossible to escape Blue's presence, the musk he exuded as powerful a turn-on as anything she had ever been privy to. Stuck in place, she was subject to Blue's tongue, something he was eager to grant as he lapped at her sweet nectar. It soon grew to the point that Owen was sent into orgasm, the waves crashing against her sex intensifying beyond her ability to comprehend. Her entire body violently shook as she came, juices flooding her mate's lips and making him growl in contentment. It was wrong, yet it felt so right, so confusing to shifting thoughts...

Coming down from a much more potent release than anything the former human male had ever known, Owen was not expecting the raptor's backside to be presented to her, a thick waft of musk drawn into her saurian nostrils. It served only to moisten her loins further, fogging her thoughts and waning her resistance. She couldn't want to be female, a dinosaur, but then, if it felt so good, why was she resisting? This was her being now, becoming more and more her truth as she drank it in.

"OOOHHHHH..." She moaned in that deep baritone as her longer tongue reached out to lick the contours of his cloaca, making Blue shiver with excitement. He was as much a sexual being as Owen had become, needing sexual contact for pleasure as much as anything else. It felt right in a way his awakened mind could easily accept, saurian instincts wanting this now female to submit but craving the sexual pleasures of foreplay all the same. Having the female lick his sex, suck his cock, and change into the ideal mate for his progeny was beyond any pleasures this world could grant!

With that in mind, Blue turned so that his saurian erection was on display, offering it for Owen's inspection. It did not take her long to lick the tip, oozing precum as much as it was. "UGGGGG...YESSSSS..." She hissed, lapping at the pungent fluids before getting her lips around the shaft and pulling it within her mouth. Its texture was almost slimy, slick with fluids as it was, though Owen sucked it eagerly, desperate to pleasure this male, likely through some submissive streak her femininity had granted her. It was too big for her to take eagerly, but she tried as much as she dared, mouth straining but desperate to suck.

The strain was soon taken out of her mouth as further cracking pushed her jaw forward, wrapping around the cock with eagerness. It was clearly visible in front of her face now to the point it obstructed her vision somewhat. Still, she wanted as much muzzle as it would take to service her male. Eagerly, she felt it grow, pushing her nose outward and creating a wider rostrum to drink in the combined scents of their musk. With the pulsating of the cock within her maw, she knew her lover would not last long, though she no longer wanted him to, eager to drink down the load once more he was so generous to grant.

With that, Blue called out his release as his cock spasmed and blew its burden down Owen's gullet. The soon-to-be raptor drank it down eagerly, loving the taste and texture, though even more the truth she was pleasuring her male. It was as though she was absorbing his essence, needing it more than ever if only it might complete her form and allow her the ability to... what? There was another thought in her mind...no, wait...his mind, wasn't Owen a male...? But then why did she want it so bad?!

"I need...need...NEEEEEDD!" She hissed, trying to remove the intrusive thoughts from robbing her of the pleasure she desired.

It seemed as though the infusion of cum had other effects on Owen's anatomy, though her muzzle was already largely in its saurian state. Her teeth were longer as well, and more numerous if the iron taste of blood mixed with the semen was any indication. Her tongue was also longer as well, matching the one that had lapped at her insides. She snarled, voice coming out garbled and wrong, though she was not in a place to care, eager to look more like her lover and want to be a perfect mate for him.

Further struggling against the conflicting thoughts was soon to become impossible. Owen's skull started to warp, creating a pressure on her brain case that altered the formation of her cranium. It hurt only in that her thoughts of protest were pushed from her head, and she struggled with it, trying to hold on to what was left of her human intellect. She couldn't, she was a man, she was...a raptor...a female...needed to fuck and rut...needed mate...horny...in heat!

Without realizing what she was doing, Owen's hand was rubbing her slit, leaking fluids all over still-human fingers. The scent wafted into her expanded rostrum, bringing her arousal to its apex from sheer reptilian musk alone. It was pungent, wafting from their bodies and making her crave more. Though she had already pleasured her lover's sex, it was time to submit to him, to ease that ache in her loins and allow him to implant his seed inside her now fertile womb. All she could think about, as her skull slopped, her brain reformatted, and her focus honed in on their lust, was that it was her time, and hoped her male wasn't entirely spent!

She needn't have worried. Blue was more than ready to go, cock barely having time to slide into its slit before he rose again at full erection. He was almost painfully erect, cock bobbing up and down from his cloaca in a sign of his eagerness. Though he had cum several times already, there was no denying it was a far cry from spilling his seed within his female's cunt. He could smell she was ready and had it under good authority the former pink-skin still had some changes to go through. Surely, his sperm would be just the thing to finish her transition and allow her to be the mate he sought!

Of one mind, the changed female that was once Owen got down on her elbows and hands, raising a half-formed tail and exposing her cunt lips for the male's inspection. Having loved the sensation of being eaten out, Owen was looking forward to further contact, wanting to feel his tongue once more. But there was no denying the shiver of lust that ran through her being as she thought about the cock that would soon be inserted, to the point she could barely stand it. Nothing could bring her more joy than to be fucked into place, to quell that primal itch that had been plaguing her since the changes started!

Even before Blue had time to inspect her lips, the sensation of her anus moving came to the forefront of her awareness. It was powerful and uncomfortable to feel her internal plumbing relocate in the way it was, and a fleeting part of her mind was sure that such should have killed her a dozen times over. But as things stood, she was only excited to feel the two openings combining as the meaty tissue around them parted to allow a single vent, a reptilian cloaca the likes of which her mate also possessed. It mattered little beyond what she anticipated her sex would feel like with the new addition welcoming her mate's cock inside her!

It took the male little time to push his way inside, his cock sturdy against her virgin folds, though with how engorged they were, there was little chance of resisting the intrusion. Not that she wanted to, needing the cock inside of her more than anything her limited intellect could recall. There was still a little hint of regret, of remorse within her mind to the point that she wanted the cock to pull out. After all, she was male, she couldn't...but then, why not? It felt so good, and she needed it so badly...it was so large, opening her up in the best way...

As though the presence of the prick inside her was enough to accelerate the changes, Owen could feel her pelvis shift, moving toward a forward stance as befit the bird-hipped posture that her soon-to-be raptor heritage granted. She found it more stabilizing as Blue found his place inside of her. The penis opening her up was more than she could bear, and she wanted its presence to change her, to make her as much like him as possible. And she was slowly being granted her wish...

Of course, her feminine assets, embarrassing as they had been, were no longer needed on a reptilian frame. Still-human hands reached up to rub them one more time as the nipples lost their sensitivity, fading into the skin as scales started to move down their contours and the breasts themselves flattened into nothing. The skin soon had no trace of them, and a brief lamentation went through her mind at their loss. But with the sensitivity within her cunt lips, the loss of such assets was only missed for a moment before other pleasures washed into her mind and allowed her to get into the mating.

Though her face was largely that of the raptor she was becoming, Owen still possessed human ears, though they were soon to fade, becoming condensed canals as they collapsed in on themselves, and the exposed human skin faded into raptor flesh. Even with the smaller openings, Owen was shocked to realize her hearing was far better, able to take in the night with acuity beyond human understanding. It mattered little, nothing in the woods able to stop them, save the men that had darted them. But without a sound to denote their presence, Owen could hardly bring her raptor brain to care.

It was her sense of smell that proved the absence of threats, however, no humans or mechanical smells downwind, at least. They might have approached from a direction so that even Blue did not know they had been there. They were certainly gone now, though the scents of their raptor musk pervaded her nostrils to the point she might not be able to detect them besides. Even her eyes, larger and forward facing, saw nothing in the dark, their abilities far superior to anything the human her had ever known.

It was impossible to focus on the enhanced senses her raptor body possessed with all the pleasure centered on her loins and the persistent pounding on her new pussy. Slick with fluids, it was only the previous orgasms that slowed down her mate's thrusts and stemmed the cum she so desperately craved. The ache in her loins was being tended to expertly, even though Blue had once been female, and there was no way for him to understand how to tend to another female so skillfully. Perhaps it was knowledge of what pleased a female that guided his actions now, but there was no denying, be it skill or instinct, that this was the best sex Owen had ever known.

All the while, the changes continued to play over her form, tail having done away with her pants and their remnants hanging down around her feet. She wanted to kick them off, though was barely able to while keeping that pleasant rod in her cunt lips. It was massive, the scales rubbing against those of her mate's hide, its pointed tip swaying back and forth as her body did its best to wrap around his thick rod. Her torso, too, was growing, internal anatomy no longer pained by the pleasant rod within her but rather eager for the pounding she was receiving.

An ache in her fingers prompted her to look down as the nails thickened before bursting forth within the tips. Curving into deadly points, Owen flexed them for a moment, three remaining on each as the pinky fingers and thumbs were steadily robbed from her. She hardly cared about their loss, flexing deadly talons even as her upper arms thinned while retaining their muscles. Digging them into the ground, Owen found she was able to hold her position more easily as Blue rutted her with little regard for his mate's comfort.

Legs, too, were soon to change, swelling with muscle enough to jump several times her own height. Hips sunk into flanks down to her knees, coated with scales as calves and thighs swelled with elastic tissues. Her feet remained human for the moment, though shoes dug into the dirt as she was fucked, scales spreading across the rest of her hide and removing any traces of human hair from her. She scarcely cared, however, wanting to be coated in the gray and blue pattern that matched her mate. She was so close, so much more the raptor she longed to be. And there was only a little bit more to go before she was completely...

The sensation of nails bursting from two of her toes tore through the remnants of her shoes, and she was able to kick them off, feeling her saurian feet against the ground. Only two toes and her large toes persisted on each foot, and, soon, the sensation at the tip of her large toes grew taut against their former contours. A massive, killing talon burst through, clicking on the ground with more flexibility than anything its human counterpart had ever known.

With that, the sensations blew her over the edge, and the newly-birthed raptor let out an excited chitter as she came, waves of release playing over her being and causing her to vibrate all over. Pleasure beyond her wildest fathoming raced over her powerful form, taking what little human resistance persisted as she gave herself over to the beast she had become. It was a primal need to release beyond anything she had ever known, accentuated by the knowledge her cunt lips brought her lover with her, the raptor spilling his seed deep inside her womb. It filled her with content, not only the sensations but the reality of what they meant for the two of them and what their futures would hold as they rode the waves of orgasmic release.

The sounds of a helicopter broke them from their post-orgasmic reverie, Owen and Blue looking up to see the incoming lights. It was still dark, and save for Owen's discarded clothes, there was little evidence of their presence or where they would flee to. And with impressive speed, the two raptors took off, knowing what the helicopter meant and not wanting to be present to greet its occupants. They had no idea where they were going, or what the future would hold, but in the moment, neither cared for what was lost, only eager to rush into their new lives with each other...


It was sometime later, several days, though the female raptor cared little for such things. The pair of them were successful in their hunt, killing deer and feeding well in the woods. The sounds and scents of humans pervaded their senses on occasion, and the two of them were forced to run, to evade any potential confrontation. Though the power in their bodies was superior to humans, both were self-aware enough to know their technology was enough trouble that it was best to avoid them. And, eventually, the two of them found a place where they would not be bothered, far from human hands.

All the while, a pressure in Owen's loins had been building up, though even her diminished human intellect did not fully comprehend it. They mated often when they could, though it was largely an act for pleasure rather than that need for procreation. After all, she was well aware the infusion of cum was no longer necessary, that she had been fertilized. But with the urgency rising within her loins, the time was soon approaching when she knew she needed to nest, to find a safe place to expel what was brewing within.

The pair of them instinctually built a makeshift nest, burrowing into the dirt within a cave, bringing nesting material to keep them warm as soon as they were laid. It was a bizarre desire, though one the two raptors partook in eagerly. Their bond was elevated to its apex at that moment, Blue knowing that Owen was about to lay their progeny and Owen knowing Blue would be there to help raise the next generation. Often, they rubbed together, even mating above the nest one last time before the pressure in Owen's loins came to a head, and there was no putting off what she knew she needed to do.

Squatting over the nest, Owen could feel something distending from her ovaries, a massive, spherical object opening her up impossibly wide. It didn't hurt, thankfully, though it was likely largely hormones coursing through her to dull what should have been an immense pain. Even that was not enough to fully quell the ache overcoming her, pain shooting through her loins as the object within started to crown her opening. Still, with her insides slick with fluids and even a little cum, Owen was able to manage it with some pushing that allowed the object to open her up from the inside. Impossibly large, Owen winced as it started to push through, halfway now as her cloaca closed around to push the rest of the way out. Almost...almost....

A hiss of excitement escaped her lips as the egg moved all the way out of her slit, sliding gently into the nest they had prepared and laying there, still slick with fluids. Owen, for her part, felt exhausted from the laying of the single egg, not something the former human would have ever thought possible. Yet, there was something so fulfilling about the action, a pride in the egg she had produced beyond anything she had ever known. And it was only the beginning...

That same pressure in her loins was hardly to be abated as another egg started to descend from her ovaries, moving down toward the stretched skin of her cloaca lips. It did not hurt as much as the first, her fluids as well as experience and stretched elastic tissue were enough for her to simply push, squatting even lower as her slick fluids oozed into the nest before the next egg started to crown. Pushing with desperation, the next egg was soon brought to its center, waves of peristaltic pressure allowing the rest of the smooth oval to slide sensually out of her, collecting with the one below. And that was hardly to be the last that the former human laid...

By the time she was done, Owen's clutch had increased by half a dozen, all rounded and smooth and drying of her secretions. The pride she took in their presence was beyond her understanding, surpassing anything her former life had experienced and the fleeting memories that came with it. If this was what it felt like to be a mother...she would have to raise them with her mate, of course, but with the eggs already laid, the hard part of her job was done.

With that thought came a return to the lust she had so thoroughly enjoyed, raising her fluids-soaked cloaca for her mate's inspection. Blue was on her at once, just as excited as she was to mate again, lapping at her fluids eagerly as though taking a drink of water. Knowing just how to get down into position, Owen raised her tail to mate again, not sure if she could get pregnant so soon again but wanting to take his semen once more. As the thick raptor cock speared for her folds, Owen could feel even those fleeting memories of human life fading. With instincts at their peak, even thoughts of human life could spur no regrets as she felt her sex squeeze his rod and welcomed her mate within her once more...


The experiment, for all intents and purposes, was a success.

Wu smiled down at his tablet as the footage ended, unable to stifle a grin. It had been a triumphant day, all things considered. Losing all the specimens out into the world, and the loss of the Indoraptor, was certainly a setback, there was no denying that. But being able to put into plan one of his long-term projects, and on Owen Grady, no less? It was more than he could have hoped for, revenge a nice aside.

It was obvious the military would fund almost any use for trained dinosaurs, especially after the display they'd seen at the estate. But even all the training and techniques could not remove primal instincts, and there was always the danger of the animals attacking. But with this technology, to so easily turn a human into a dinosaur...giving soldiers the attributes of such predators was something institutions across the world would pay billions for. Though they might not wish their soldiers to become fully dinosaurs, it was obvious from the video they still retained some sapience, as much as the raptor had been awakened to it as well. Enough they could be trained for their superior's uses, of course.

There were some kinks to be worked out, it was obvious. The change in sex was not expected, as was the lust and heat the two raptors shared. Surely, it would not be a desirable outcome, though he could argue with the outlet for sexual energies any converts could be more easily controlled. It was something to be investigated later, but it did add an interesting dynamic to the experiment.

It was a pity the raptors had gotten away, though since the former human had nested, there was every chance they would persist over the nest and not stray too far. Besides, the tracking chip with the dart was enough to find them with little trouble as they stayed stationary. It wasn't the priority, not with other matters to attend to. They would still be there when it was time to collect them to be brought in to serve whatever purpose Wu had for them...

A Light Through the Fog

Trying to hold back the tears, Trent did his best to gaze through the fog, hoping to find the path back from this unwanted fate. He was sure he had been following the right route through a public park, though a heavy fog had settled to the point that...

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High Dog Afternoon

"Maybe we shouldn't have come here," Abbie bemoaned, now regretting her decision to bring her boyfriend to the local mall. It was something she hadn't visited since the pandemic, and she insisted on Micah accompanying her as she checked out some of her...

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Darkest before the 'Mon

Shaking his head, Oliver slowly came to, the hard metal surface under him making him confused for a moment. He wasn't at home, he was sure, nor was he outside camping. No, it had been the middle of the day when Oliver last recalled, a cloudy day, but...

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