The Morning After and the Conversation

Story by arnorflame on SoFurry

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#8 of High (School) Hopes

Warning: This contains adult material. Please be of age.

Sorry this update has been like forever and a year. I would really like to write more but school's got me busy. I'll try to write more in the coming months. If someone could give me a decent explanation on how to properly post a story series, that would be greatly appreciated. Enjoy!

Copyright Dec 2010 by Arnorflame

Levi was pissed as hell, not at Jack but at himself. He was tired from not sleeping much since Chelle broke up with him. It didn't help that he couldn't seem to figure anything out about himself either. Jack had it all together but he was left all alone. And worst of all, he had made Jack's night shitty just because he felt bad about himself.

The bear ran all the way to the edge of the lawn that met a forest and took a swing at a tall oak in anger. The wood split under his blow but so did his hand, blood welling up on his knuckles. He could barely feel it. He slumped down, breathing heavily, trying to forget that his life was on the rocks.

He kept sitting for who knows how long before he felt two huge arms come up from behind him and squeeze. Something inside him just relaxed and tears started to roll from from his eyes. As he wiped them with the back of his paw, he saw that the arms weren't Tony's like he'd been expecting. He turned his head and met the cat's eyes, flashing brightly in the dark. He had no idea what to say but he didn't need to.

"Hey bud."

"Hey Mark."

"You okay? You kinda made some poor choices on the ride home. Jack is angry but I bet he'll get over it. However, will you get over it? I know we don't know each other but you never struck me as this kind of guy."

"Yeah, I guess I fucked up. I just felt so crappy because Jack isn't with me and we've been best friends forever. On top of that, my girlfriend dumped me because I absolutely deserved it. My grades aren't doing the best because I can't concentrate. I'm just not sure what I'm doing anymore."

"Who is? Look Lev, you have to be easier on yourself. You don't have to know all the answers right now. You just need to know that it is going to get better. You can't be this hard on yourself. Keep your chin up."

"Well, I guess you're right. I'm sorry for being such a baby. We should probably head inside, it's not the warmest and you're no polar bear."

"Alright. Just know that you're not alone Lev."

The panther hauled the bear to his feet and they met eyes again. They walked quietly back to the house, the booze still clouding Levi's mind. A couple times Mark had to make sure that Levi was stable enough to walk and eventually just held him underneath the arms. They entered the house and both of them stood in the entryway looking around, flabbergasted by the enormity of what they saw.

The moonlight played off of the metal, pouring from the giant windows. The room glistened and both of the guys were caught off guard. They heard light music floating from somewhere above them.

"So should we go see where those two got off to?" Levi asked.

"Um...I'm not sure. I think they might know...busy."



"Well, I have no idea where anything is. Jack's the only one who's been here before. We could look for something to do or we could just find a place to crash."

"Let's do the latter, I don't know if I have much energy left and you're still drunk so paying attention to anything might be a little difficult."


The panther grabbed his bag from near the door where he had dropped it when they came in. He led the way down a hallway and found a room with a blue bed and minimal furniture. Since it was smallish, he assumed it would be okay to stay in. He dropped his bag at the edge of the bed. He turned around and Levi was standing in the doorway behind him.

"Um...I'm not sure how to ask but if you want to you can stay here with me tonight Lev."

"I think I'd like that," the bear answered quietly, fur still matted on his face where he had cried.

"Sounds good. I'm going to find a bathroom to change and brush my teeth."

The panther walked out of the room, leaving the bear alone. Lev looked around the room which had been painted with a giant blue hibiscus flower on the empty wall. There was a television in the corner and a bedside table with a Bose music player on top. He turned on the player and chose a song by his favorite band. He pulled off his clothes and hopped into bed in just the boxer briefs he was wearing.

After a while, Mark returned in nothing but a pair of black briefs that disappeared against his fur. He saw the sleeping bear and just shook his head. He crawled into the bed into the space that wasn't quite big enough for him, facing away from Lev. Lev, who was already sleeping, shifted and his arm fell over Mark. Mark could feel the bear's bulge on his back and just smiled, grabbing the arm and pulling it tight around him. He fell asleep to the bear's warm body and gently thudding heartbeat.


Jack woke with the sun, the glass allowing the room to be brightened instantly. He looked at the clock on the wall and it read a little after six. He felt the big bear behind him and he snuggled back into the warmth. His tail tucked around the bear and he just lay there next to his friend...boyfriend?...he didn't even know. He felt his tail hole was sore from the night before. He reached down and felt the dried patches of semen on his belly where he had shot. He bet that there were some matching spots on his backside. He made a move to get out of the bed but was stopped by a large paw.

"Where ya going, pup?"

"Sorry, didn't know you were awake."

"Were you just going to sneak out?"

"No...maybe. I don't know. Last night freaked me out."

"Did we go too fast?"

"Well, I'm not sure I was ready. I just got caught up in the moment. Plus, you didn't use a condom..."

"Are you asking me if I'm clean?"

"Is that okay?"

"Sure it is, I understand wanting to be safe. I'm clean, got tested after my last time with my ex and haven't had any since."

"Your ex?"

"Yeah. I've had a couple. I'm going to assume that you probably haven't. I'm totally okay with that. I still think you're the hottest guy I know."

"Yeah right," the dog dropped his eyes to his own belly.

The bear pulled the dog to look at him, his blue eyes shimmering, "You, Jack, are the hottest guy I know and I wouldn't trade last night for anything. Promise." The bear then kissed the dog deeply, but softly, and hugged him tight.

"What are we then? Are we just friends, just dating, what?"

"Take a breath, Jack. I was sure as hell hoping we were boyfriends at this point because I don't generally sleep

with random guys before our first date."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just really nervous. I can't really take what we did last night back and I wouldn't. I just think that we might want to slow it down a little."

"And I agree. But you're going to have to loosen up a little. Be yourself and be honest with me. That's all I want from you."

"Sure, now I want something from you though," The dog put his muzzle up to the bear's lips and kissed him. The bear kissed back, his lips and body tingling from the contact. He started to poke out of his sheath, the dog doing the same. Tony broke the kiss.

"Looks like we've got morning wood pup."

Jack shook his head at the awful joke, "We should go downstairs and eat, I'm starving."

"I've got something you could snack on," the brown bear chuckled.

"You dirty whore. Let's keep it above the belt this morning."

"Deal," the bear said as he attacked the dog. He kissed him passionately, not breaking. His tongue probed Jack's mouth. Then, without lifting his mouth off, he continued to kiss Jack all the way down to the nipple. Both guys were rock hard, Tony leaking pre-cum and Jack throbbing. Tony continued to lick the nipple and Jack started yipping out of pleasure. There were thuds from downstairs and they heard a voice, "Jack, you up?"

"Shit," Jack whispered as he pulled Tony off of him. He grabbed his pants off of the floor and pulled them on. Tony grabbed his own pair, pulled them on, and headed downstairs. He descended the spiral staircase and went through the foyer to the kitchen. Levi was sitting at one of the stool on the granite kitchen island. The bear looked up and seemed to be a little surprised.

"I thought I heard Jack."

"He's up too. He'll be down in a little bit."

"Jack was yipping."

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"I guess I'm telling you. He was yipping. And knowing Jack forever affords me the knowledge that he only yips for two things. Please tell me he was laughing and not something else."

" should probably speak to him about that."

"Oh good lord. I'm sorry I asked."

"Dude, this isn't going to be awkward, is it?"

"Of course not, we're friends. Plus, your house is giant and I'm going to need somewhere to hang out since my place is tiny. You have to invite me over again. I slept so well. Just please don't ever tell me about things that you and Jack do together."

"Will do or rather won't do. Which guest room did you sleep in?"

"Which? How many do you have?"

"We've got one in the basement and the one upstairs, plus the one on the main level. Technically we could have more but the other bedrooms have other purposes right now."

"Sure. You've got more auxiliary rooms than I have rooms. It's a little ridiculous."

"Yeah, I've also got parents who make more money than some African nations. And they're never even here to enjoy it. I'm not sure why they spent so much money on a house they don't use. But come over any time. I usually leave the basement door unlocked."

"Aren't you afraid you'll get robbed?"

"There's almost no crime rate here and the community itself has a security guard who goes on rounds regularly. Plus, everything is insured."

"So I can really come over anytime?"

"Sure can buddy. Chances are I'll be here, but if I'm not, it doesn't matter."

"What doesn't matter?" Jack emerged from the entryway.

"Whether or not he comes over whenever he wants to use the house."

"Really, you offer that to him but not me?"

"Well I offered it to him first. You're welcome too. But I was hoping that if I'm not here that I'll be with you. Not like I'm seeing some other boy."

"Dudes, gross," Levi interjected, "So I guess you two are seeing each other now?"

"Yes we are. He's my new favorite bear."

"Ouch Jack. All those years out the window. I suppose it's okay because he can make you yip both ways."

"You didn't tell him!" Jack smacked the bear on the shoulder, "I can't believe you told him we slept together."

"Um...Jack...I didn't say anything to him." The bear and the dog looked up at the polar bear who was now grinning.

"Oh no."

"Hmmm. Seems we got a little busy last night, huh, Jack? Was it good for you too, Tony?" The polar bear was on the verge of laughing.

"This is so not funny," the dog said pleadingly, a blush rising under his dark fur.

"Oh yeah, best I've had. Your best friend's got quite the tongue on him. Not to mention the rest of his body. Wasn't sure he could take it, but he seemed to have no problems."

"Shut up Tony. Levi doesn't need to hear all this," the dog was bright red.

The bear laughed and was joined by Levi. Soon all three were laughing, Jack in peels of yipping. A groggy panther emerged from the entryway, fur on one side of his head sticking up. The panther yawned, "What's so funny?"

The polar bear spoke first, "These two got a little busy last night. Oh but one of them was drunk, I almost forgot. Looks like Jack took advantage of a pliable bear."

"Not funny, guys."

"Oh I don't know, I think it's kind of hilarious. Tony, you got a shower somewhere? I'm sweaty as hell and my fur sticking up all over the place. Apparently sleeping with a polar bear is a lot warmer than a couple blankets on a bed." With this comment Jack looked over at Levi, jaw dropped. Tony replied, "Yeah sure there's one in my parent's bathroom all the way down the hall."

The panther left and Jack piped up, "You slept with him, Levi? What happened?"

"Nothing happened. Just slept in the same bed. It was nice."

"I'm sure. We should get going. I have to be home today so I can help my dad clean the gutters before real bad weather."

"Sure. I have to talk to my brother anyway."

"Hey Tony, can you drive Mark home?"

"Sure thing pup. Now get over here and give me a decent goodbye."

The dog ran to the bear and squeezed him tight. The bear brought his lips down to the dog's and they kissed for what to Levi seemed like forever but was probably only a minute. The bear let the dog go, "I'll see you on Friday then?"

"Absolutely. What should I wear?"

"Dress casually. I don't want some big hullabaloo. We can do that another time."

"Okay see you then."

"I'll pick you up at eight."

"Oh I thought I was going to meet you. Eight's fine though. Just means I might have to tell my parents before then."

"Well don't be afraid to call me if you need support. I'll be there in a jiff."

"Will do."

With that, Jack and Levi left the house and climbed into Jack's car. As Jack started the car, Levi spoke up, "You really slept with him then?"

"Yeah I really did. Do you have a problem with it Lev?"

"Not really, I just think that it's a little fast. I mean we barely even know the guy. He could be some psycho murderer for all we know."

"I really don't think that Tony is a psycho murderer."

"Not the point. I mean we don't have much to go on here. I don't want to see you getting hurt."

"I appreciate the concern but I think I'm going to be fine. I mean I know that it's a little fast but I do really like this guy and he likes me too. He's been nothing but a gentleman about all of this."

"A gentleman doesn't sleep with a guy the first time he's alone with him."

"And he wouldn't have if I didn't give him permission. There were two of us in that room, Levi, and I made my decision. I don't regret it either. I'm sorry if you don't agree with it."

"Well if you're sure, I'll support you, you know that. I like the guy. But what is this about telling your parents. If I know your dad he won't take it the best."

"Well I do have to tell them eventually and if I'm going to start dating, now would probably be a good time. Plus, I know I have a place to crash if I get kicked out."

"I don't think you should live at your boyfriend's house before you go on a date with him."

"I didn't mean Tony's house. I meant your apartment, Lev."

"Oh. Of course. Of course you can stay with me! God, I can't believe I thought...well, nevermind. Yes, you have to stay at my place if something goes wrong. You know I'm here for you always."

"I know Lev. What about you? What's with the whole you and Mark thing?"

"I don't know Jack. I know I like the guy. I find him attractive. But I don't know if I want to date a guy. I'm not sure I'm...whatever. I like girls. A lot. I miss Chelle."

"Well, I'm sorry I let what happened between us happen. I screwed up royally. Forgive me."

"Ain't nothing to forgive bud. Like you said earlier. There were two of us in that room. I made my choice. And maybe I'd change it now but I'm not sure regret is the right word. I still think I needed to be there for you that night and what we did showed you just that."

"Yeah. But you shouldn't have had to lose a girlfriend for it. I'm really sorry Lev. Let's go home."

The two friends barely talked all the way home. But there was a moment that Jack put his hand on the center console and Levi squeezed it tight. The two friends were closer than ever.

Jack dropped Levi back at his apartment and drove home. Levi was nervous to talk to his brother since he hadn't really seen him since he had left a note about the night that Jack had stayed over. Apparently his brother could smell Jack in the apartment the next morning. Since then, Levi had avoided his elder brother. He didn't quite know how to explain the smell or what had happened. He opened the door to the apartment and braced himself.

"Morning Lev."

"Morning Dave."

"Fun night last night?"

"Yeah we had a good time. I kept it under control, promise. We went to a party but we headed back to Tony's place afterwards."

"Tony who?"

Levi thought for a moment, "Actually, I don't know his last name. He moved here this year and Chelle just introduced us this week. We - he, Jack, and I - kinda hit it off. We hung out last night."

"Okay. You should tell me in the future if you're going to stay at someone's place other than Jack's."


"Lev, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Couple of things, nothing major."

"Okay. Can I take a shower first?"

"Yeah but make it quick. I have work at two and I don't know how long this conversation is going to take."

Levi hopped in the shower, nervous about what his brother had to say. He washed all his fur, making sure to get rid of any smell that may have lingered from the night before. He got out and even brushed his teeth, hoping that if he couldn't speak well at least he'd look good doing it. There was no one in the world he was closer to than David and he didn't want to lose him. They had gone through too much together. The loss of their parents in the fire was too much to handle alone and they had gotten through it by leaning on each other and each one supporting the other as needed. Most of all Levi didn't want to be alone.

He entered the kitchen with trepidation. David was sitting there, waiting. David looked a lot like Levi, though he had the strong jawline of their father. David had kind, gray eyes and as Levi looked into them, he felt no sense of foreboding or judgment. "Sit down, Lev."

Levi took the chair and leaned back against the wall, hoping that David would have something trivial to say. David was smaller than Levi but somehow his presence seemed much more intense, filling the room. He just looked at Levi, thinking hard about his words before he spoke them, "Levi, I've noticed some changes in you."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"I think you've begun to make hard choices. I don't know how to have this conversation with you because I never had it with either of our parents and I don't think that I can just act like an authority figure towards you. You're going to have to have some input in this too."

"What are you talking about Dave?"

"Levi. You and Jack..."

"Are just friends. I promise David. I know that you probably smelled us but I need you to know that I haven't made any choices. I don't know how I feel. And I'm not sure I'll know for a while."

"I just don't want to see you hurt. I couldn't take it if something happened to you. Mom and Dad are gone and I'm doing my best, but I don't have much more experience than you do."

"Ask me what you want to ask me David. Stop beating around the bush. I need to answer this question just as much as you need to ask me it."

"Levi, are you still with Chelle? Are you with anyone?"

"I'm single Dave. Chelle ended it after finding about me and Jack. I told her because it was the right thing to do. And now, Jack has found someone else. I'm not sure I could have ever been with him anyway. We're best friends. Lately, I've been struggling with myself and it isn't something you can fix." As he finished his words, the bear started to break down. His brother got up from the other side of the table and hugged the bigger bear tight to his chest.

"Levi, you don't have to decide anything for me. I just want you to be happy. If that is being with Jack, Chelle, or whoever it doesn't matter to me. You deserve better than what you've had to deal with and you just need to know that you make me proud, in all that you do."

"Even if I'm just a dumb football jock?"

"You're no dummy, whether you feel like it or not. You are an intelligent, funny, capable fur and you need to understand that whoever you end up with is going to be a lucky person."

Swallowing his tears, "Thanks Dave. I really needed that. I'll try to clean up after myself from now on. I know we both share this apartment and it's not fair to you if I keep it messy."

"Thanks bud. I'm off to work but if you want to stop by later, I'll get you something to eat. Bring Jack if you want."

"Okay, maybe I'll see you later. I think I'm just going to take a nap right now. Long night."

"Me too, buddy. Me too."

David left the apartment and Levi sat at the kitchen table a while, thinking. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, "Hey, it's me. I was just seeing if you wanted to grab a bite to eat with me and see a movie later. My treat...Okay great. See you at seven."

He went to his room and plugged in his phone and set his alarm before crawling into bed, inhaling his own scent and that of Jack, still present in the unwashed sheets.