Delta Omega Gamma

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#1 of Delta Omega Gamma

Good day to you all! this is an M/M Story and should not be read by individuals under the age of 18!

Delta, Omega, Gamma

It seemed like just a normal day here at the university, the birds where chirping and the sun was shining, assorted college students where gathered around in the outside meeting area by the schools library; talking about the various gossip of the day and complaining about how their professors assigned too much homework.

A loud bell is then heard and the doors to the old buildings across the campus open, letting out a flood of students laughing and talking. This is where the story begins, with one of those students exiting the building who isn't as he seems...

Enter Jared, a sophomore at the university who he has spent the last year, hanging out with his friends, working on his degree, and trying to stay out of trouble. He yawns sleepily as he walks towards his usual group of friends, stretching and flexing his moderate sized muscles then leaning down to pick up his stack of books then starts to walk toward them. Jared was once on his high school's swimming team, and has kept up his usual exercises and swimming, which has maintained his moderate swimmers build, he is also gay, but this is a secret he has kept from everyone since he first realized it in High school.

Jared groaned as he walked out of the social studies building with his stack of books and papers in hand "Man, i thought Prof James would never shut up! I swear that guy just loves to hear himself talk" the small grouping of his friends laughed in mutual agreement as they began to walk out towards the meeting ground. "I swear, why the most boring teacher on campus had to get assigned to our history class!" said Jared. The group then talks amongst themselves for a few minutes before they say their goodbyes and head off on their separate ways.

Jared then begins to walk the familiar path down to his dorm, passing by the football field where the school's football team is hard at work practicing. He continues to walk down the path, where he unconsciously looks out to the field to observe the football players practicing, it was particularly warm that day, so it seemed that the players felt like practicing with their shirts off. Jared continued to idly watch them play out on the field as he walked, but suddenly decided to stop when some particular players caught his eye.

He watched as a grouping of massive football players tackled each other and slapped each other on the ass as they sweated and played, Jared moaned softly and started to feel a stirring in his groin which snapped him out of his trance "uuuugh...ohh shit!" Feeling his growing buldge in his pants, Jared felt a chill go down his spine and a warm feeling covering his arms and legs. Jared frantically looked around for a place to hide, but there were to many people around to provide a good hiding spot, so he then he decided to make a sprint towards his dorm. "Gotta...get...grrrr...inside!" As Jared rushes to safety he accidently drops one of his books in his rush.

One of the football players looked up from the field and sees Jared running across the campus, and raises an eyebrow as he thinks to himself..."Huh, wonder what's his rush..." During this brief distraction he is taken off guard, and doesn't see one of the other players charging towards him. The player makes a strong impact and sends zack falling down onto the ground; the other player just laughs and offers his hand to his fallen teammate "Come-on zack, you really need to pay attention during practice!" Zack joins him in laughter and pulls himself off the ground "Heh, sorry" he brushes himself off, showing off his ripped physique which was earned with many hours of playing football and time at the gym, he then runs back towards the team and goes back to practicing.

Jared finally reaches his dorm and closes the door and locks it shut, he then walks over to his bed and collapses on it as his arousal begins to die" Man that was close! I nearly changed out there...I've really got to stop walking by the football field when there practicing..." Jared sighs deeply and looks around his room, and notices that the usually vacant bed next to his was covered in new sheets, and football posters and pictures of a large, muscled man holding trophies are now adorning the wall in his room. Jared is confused by this, knowing that even though his room was normally meant for two people, he had it all to himself since the beginning of the semester, but he just remembered that he had gotten a notice recently saying that he was going to be getting a roommate soon. He guessed this must have been his stuff.

Jared then sighed deeply again and thought to himself "Great, of all the people to get as a roommate, I had to get the hot looking jock... and ever since that night. I've had to keep more and more careful about where i go and who I ogle...but i guess since I'm by myself now..." Jared grins then starts to caress the crotch of his jeans, sending shivers down his spine as his cock begins to harden. He quickly and stands up and unbuckles his pants and slides them down his legs, revealing the tent in his boxer shorts which shows a small wet stain in the front of his boxers. Jared then slowly reaches down into his straining underwear and pulls out his throbbing cock, which he slowly begins to jerk while thinking about the muscular football boys he saw outside.

Jared moans in pleasure at the stimulation and he feels another chill go down his spine and small patches of brown fur begin to sprout on the top of his hands. "Mmmmm...Looks like it's already starting" says Jared as he continues to masturbate, the brown fur then starts to cover his hands and begin moving down his arms, a small nub begins to form at the base of his spine as he continues to jerk his slowly reddening cock. Jared starts to quicken his pace the changes speed up and fur begins to cover his body, suddenly, the lock to the room unlocks and the door opens to reveal zack, standing in the doorway watching Jared masturbate.

Jared gasps in surprise and grabs a nearby sheet and covers himself up "Ever heard of knocking?" Jared snaps at him, zack only laughs and walks into the room, "Well man, if you have got to do "that" might want to remember you're not the only one living here!". Jared shudders under the blanket and tries to think of a plan, and wonder what his roommate's reaction is going to be if he sees his changed body...