Emotions (The Series) - Chapter 5

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Emotions Series

*Author's Note*

You may want to check out the Emotions story before reading this series. It will greatly explain each character so you know what happens. Fave and Comment! http://www.sofurry.com/page/175486/user



"Fucking faggot!"


A salty taste formed in my muzzle. I gazed at the large form in front of me and gave a soft smile. I looked into this male's eye. They pierced me with hate and disgust, yet the smile remained.

There I stood, pushed against the lockers, pinned by a large stallion. The smile I performed seemed to make the horse even angrier. He rose a hove and mashed it into my cheek bone, casting my head to one side. I slowly looked back at the large fur and smiled once more.

"Why the fuck are you smiling?!" The stallion asked.

"Because," I chuckled, "I'm just thinking how lucky you are. You see... I promised not to fight... not until I'm off probation."

I looked over to my side to catch a glimpse of a small, grey wolf, watching the entire scene with a horror look on his face. That wolf was Austin. His eyes gazed at the horrible act. The way he positioned his body almost looked as if he wanted to jump to my rescue. I smiled at him as well, assuring him my safety.

The stallion did not care for my safety, nor did he care if I was going to fight back. He mashed his hove into my stomach then landed another blow to my muzzle. He continued fighting a one-sided battle, while I stood there. After a while he would give up. Until then, the beating continued.

"Fight back, FAGGOT!" My attacker said, slamming me into the locker, again.

"Lucky bastard," I said. In my muzzle, I gathered spit and blood and spat the red saliva into the stallions face. This act angered him more. He raised his hove and directed it at my face. I closed my eyes, awaiting the blow, yet nothing happened. I reopened my eyes to see a large, white lion, holding the stallions arm.

I knew the white lion. Alex was his name -a friend of Milo's. I would often see the two together at school, and sometime outside school. The question if he is gay always lurked my thoughts. He must have been to hang out with Milo, but his body made it difficult to decide. The feline had rock hard muscles, from his chest, down to the perfect, white thighs.

The stallion squirmed until his grip on me ceased, and he turned around to face the feline, piercing him with the exact same stare given to me earlier.

"What the hell do you want?" The stallion demanded.

Both the stallion and Alex stood at the same level, both big and muscular.

"I want you to leave him alone, and pick on someone your own size!" Alex spat; his tone was dominant and demanding, so dominant the stallion took a step back.

"Great! Another faggot. I'm out of here..." The stallion said. He turned around to look at me. "This isn't over."

"Didn't count on it!" I growled as the stallion walked away.

Alex walked up to me, towering over my six foot two body. He looked down at me slightly and handed me a towel. His arm extended to offer his helping paw, but I rejected it.

"I can handle myself," I turned to the side and spat more red saliva.

Austin came to my side and ran a paw over my back. Back rubs never help anyone, especially the ones in pain, yet the soft run over my back soothed me.

"Are you ok?" Austin asked.

"Yeah," I lied. It felt like I had been hit in the mouth with a ton of bricks. My muzzle felt like it was on fire, and ribs ached each time I inhaled. The stallion really did a number on me. I would put it on the top five beatings I got for being gay. These days gay-bashings were common. My attackers always walked away with no more than a smile.

"You don't look ok," Alex interrupted. Anger revealed itself in the white lion.

"I'm just fine, and I don't need anyone telling me how I feel." I snapped at the lion.

"Wow!" Austin jerked at my arm, pulling me closer. "Calm down, buddy. He's just trying to help."

I looked at Austin, then at the large lion before giving a light growl. For some reason I did not like him. Was it the fact that he was becoming close to Milo? That could be it, because even though Milo and I weren't friends anymore, I still held a place for him in my heart -as friends.

"Well it's not needed here; I can take care of myself." I said, turning around with Austin's paw clamped shut in mine, and walked away. The constant feel of stares burning my back was more than noticeable, especially when the stares came from every angle, even from ahead.

Once we turned the corner, Austin pulled his paw from mine and pushed me until we faced each other.

"That was a shitty way to treat someone after they helped you." The small wolf said as his arms folded.

I rolled my eyes, a tad bit annoyed that the subject had surfaced. I leaned back into the locker and folded my own arms, glaring back at the little wolf.

"For one, I didn't need his help. He poked his nose in someone else business. Now that bully is going to think that...lion... is my friend, and you know what? He's now going to attack the lion. If anything I was looking out for the schools star football player, everyone loves so much..."

"That's total bullshit," Austin blurted. "There's some other reason you found him to be a nuisance."

"Is that so?" I tilt my head. "Please, fill me in on my own, personal thoughts."

Austin growled out of frustration and from my sarcastic remark.

"You feel threatened, for to two reasons," Austin started with an even deeper growl. "Let us began with the first reason. He's a new guy, the new gay, and the new superstar of the school. You want to know what that means? To fucking bad, you don't have a choice, I'm telling you anyway! That means you're not the hottest gay guy in school anymore, so you feel threatened by his appearance -his status.

"Reason number two! He's the first guy to even begin to get close to Milo." I guffawed, and Austin stepped closer, looking up at me with a glare. "It eats you alive to know that Milo is probably being cuddled, kissed...loved by some other guy. Not because you love Milo in that way, but because someone else is doing what YOU, the almighty Blake, could not do."

My ears splayed against my noggin, and now a more serious look was presented on my face. Austin was completely right. The new Lion did threaten me, especially when the rumors started that he was gay. For almost six months, the hottest gay guy was me, and the hottest gay couple was Austin and I. With the new queer in town I felt a little challenged.

"I find that good enough reason to dislike him..." I whispered.

Austin rolled his eyes. He reach up, grabbed my muzzle, and pulled it down until we were eye level, gazing into my eyes, with anger present in his.

"Change your attitude, or else I'll force it to change." He gave me a peck on the lips before turning around and walking off, leaving me against the locker, dumbfound.

A strange sensation stirred. I've never seen Austin that way... So dominant, and standing up for what he believed in. For that reason my love grew for him at that instant, and unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing that had an increase in size. Odd enough, his attitude was quite the turn on.

I gave my bulge a pat or two and made my way to class, with a lot on my mind. Austin was right -time to let Milo go, and if he is happy with the lion, then I should start to accept them both, even if the lion was stealing my thunder. But if liking him made my little wolf happy, then what else is there to do?

"Could you just meet him?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm not happy about you being... a homosexual, let alone having a boyfriend."

"Give him a chance, Mom. He's one of the sweetest furs you'll ever meet."

It was that time. After so many months of dating, I finally decided it was time for a proper introduction of my boyfriend. I wanted my mom to at last meet the guy who made every day great. Only problem, and I mean a big problem, was mom's excitement for meeting him did not quite meet my level of excitement.

Mom walked back and forward from the stove to the refrigerator, trying to prepare dinner, with her wolf pup constantly bugging her.

"I'm not interested," Mom said, stopping in front of the stove. She began mixing something in a large pot. I placed my body between her and the stove, causing a stop to the extra activities going on.

"You better get use to it," I said in almost a growl, annoyed from being partially ignored. "Because if you want me in your life at all, you're gonna have to grasp the fact that he's my boyfriend, and will be around a very, very long time, maybe forever. Stop acting like he's a bad person. It wasn't him that turned me gay, ok?"

Mom rolled her eyes before turning around to resume the meal preparation. As she picked up the spoon in front of her, she said, "Ok, fine. I will meet him, but that doesn't mean I approve of this guy. I much rather you be with a girl..."

I turned around, ears perked up, a warm sensation flowing through my body. In a way it felt more than nice to have my mom finally come to the conclusion of meeting Austin. For months I've nagged her to just talk to him, and now my dream was coming true.

"Thanks, you'll love him, I swear you will," I said, completely ignoring the last thing she said.

Soon as my foot paw stepped in my room, I leaped into my bed, burying my face into a fluffy white pillow. A light blush spread over my cheeks as I began thinking about my mom meeting Austin. Mom would be new to the entire gay thing, she would have to adjust to the fact that her son sucked cock, and soon she would meet the guy of my dreams. Sooner the better, right?

I rolled over onto my back, chest facing the ceiling, as my eyes closed and a small, audible sigh escaped through the barrier my muzzle set. The excitement caused by the come-together of Austin and mom made my fur stand up on the back of my neck, shoulders, and spine.

All my problems had been solved -all except one. When would be the perfect time to introduce the two? Christmas was right around the corner, a week from Saturday, and this year my family would be visiting. All nine aunts, two uncles, and countless cousins. If I played my cards right, Austin would be enjoying a day with the family he would soon be a part of.

My right paw moved down, clutching something through my jeans fabric, holding it with a tight grasp. A light blush crept over my cheeks, burning them with a light purple. The object in my jeans was something special -something that would change mine, along with Austin's life, forever.

I stuck my paw in the pocket and fished out a phone, pulling it out and punching in the buttons before placing it to my ear. One ring... two rings... three rings... four rings...

"Hey," A cute, low voice said on the other end.

"Hmmm... Hiya Austin. I have good news,"

"Ok... shoot, buddy,"

I took a brief pause.

"That stuff... you know what happened today?" I started, "The thing between Alex and I? I'm sorry you had to witness those actions. You were right, I was a bit intimidated. I thought having everything, the popularity, the guy, and being the hot, gay stud was what made me... but I was wrong -dead wrong. The only thing that matters is you..."

There was a chuckle on the other end. I could just see him, sitting in his own bed, blushing. His own chuckle brought one out of me.

"I-I'm glad you finally come to your senses." Austin said within the giggle.

"Yeah, and there is one more thing I have to say... well, ask..."


"Well..." I began, "Are you going anywhere for Christmas? Family doing anything?"

"No," Austin said, "I don't think we have anything planned. Why?"

"Just that I convinced my mom to meet you, and I was hoping I could introduce you to her, along with my enormous family," I said, ending with a chuckle.



"Y-you're serious?"

I nodded, even though he could not see it. "Yes, I'm serious. I'm coming out to my entire family, and I expect you to be there holding my paw."

"I-I...would LOVE TOO!" He blurted out into the phone, damaging my eardrum.

"Good, because I want everyone to know you're mind." I said.


"and forever..." I added.

Austin chuckled once more before speaking, "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier... It was just hard seeing you take that beating, so I was just upset a-..."

"Stop," I interrupted, "Don't apologize for doing the right thing. You were telling me right from wrong, so don't think that's wrong. It's fine... especially since your mood... turned me on...."

"Heh, is that so?"


Another pause took place, bringing silence into the conversation.

"M-my dad won't be home until ten..." Austin said, breaking the silent.

"I'll be right over..."

When Austin opened the door, took one look at me, he burst into laughter. There I stood, outside his door, covered in snow. I looked more like an arctic wolf, covered in layers of cold, wet snow, dampening my black fur. Every inch of exposed fur was insured with snow.

I rushed over after the phone call, forgetting to put on a jacket, mitts, scarf, or even a real shirt. I stood outside the door with my usual black tank top and pants, freezing my tail off. Running over half-naked in the middle of winter was not a smart choice, but when I'm in the mood not even tornadoes can stop me.

After Austin finished laughing, he pulled my frozen body inside. I just stood there like a large, frozen wolf-sicle -teeth chattering. I held onto myself tight, folding my arms to keep my paws secure and warm, but that didn't seem to work; I was beyond the point of being cold -I was frozen.

"I was hoping you'd be stiff when you got here, but not like this..."

Austin teased, chuckling. He walked over and pried my arms apart to grab my paws, gently massaging them in his own, small paws.


The teeth chattering never ceased.

Austin cupped his paws over mine, brought them to his muzzle, and exhaled his warm breath onto my paws. He looked up at me with his hazel eyes, and all of a sudden, the chattering stopped. I looked back down into his eyes, catching the gaze, now lost in his warm eyes.

"Maybe you should get out of those clothes... they look a little damp..."

Austin slowly let go of my paws, lowering his own until they found my belt. As he undid my belt, the gaze never broke, not once. His paws pulled away at my belt, then unbuttoned the pants I wore, and last -the zipper. The little pup was anxious, ready, determined.

"Aren't we the impatient one today?" I said, teasingly.

This wasn't normal for the pup. Usually I am the one to make the first move, I liked being the alpha male, to take control, give orders, force him into submission, and he liked it, just as much as I did.

"Well.... I'm warming you up...."

I grabbed the little wolf's paw, pushed him back into a wall, and forced them above his head, leaning down with an apparent grin. Like I said, alpha ran through my blood, it pumped through my every vein like a drug -or adrenaline. I had to be TOP dog, no matter the situation.

"No need for that, I'm hot, horny, and hard..."

Austin let out a whimper, followed by a slight blush from being pinned to the wall. His muzzle moved up, touching my own, our eyes connected like magnets, once more.

"So...what will you do to me, Alpha..." Austin said, innocently.

"First," I brought my other paw to his chest, sliding a finger down his cute little pecs. "You're going remove those clothes, then you're going to remove my clothes and suck me off..."

He whimpered beneath my clutches; a slight blush stained his cheeks. The little wolf struggled a little, but to his dismay, there was no way out of my clutches. His eyes darted back at mine and another gaze was caught, looking at me with his soft, hazel eyes.

I lowered my muzzle to his ear, and whispered, "Get to it, pup..."

Austin's arms were released, now hung by their owner's side. At first there was a hesitation, he stood in one spot, glaring at my growing bulge, but soon a shirt was being tossed aside, following by a pair of pants, then a cute set of black briefs. Now there was a slightly toned, five foot six inch, naked wolf standing in front of me.

I just stood there with a lustful smirk slapped over my muzzle, staring at the well-developed body, just thinking to myself how cute, tiny, and sexy Austin really was -and he was all mine. Every feature; every curve; every strand of fur on his body turned me on beyond nothing else.

A set of greyish-white paws reach out and grabbed the elastic of my underwear, slowly pulling them down, revealing my pubes -then the tip of my cock, pulsing and dripping pre. The little wolf dropped to his knees, not only brining himself down, but my underwear and pants, before giving a long, wet, lick over the tip of my cock, gathering all the pre he could obtain.

So nice, wet, and arousing, his tongue continued to wrap around my tip, suckling it. He brought one paw to my sac, holding my orbs, twirling, tugging, licking, massaging them with such care. The touch was gentle, yet rough, as if he was desperate for something more. It wasn't long before my tip, along with its eight inch shaft was being covered by his warm muzzle.

The sound of it going in and out, suckles, and grunts were barely noticed over my own moans and pants. Austin continued to bang my cock against his throat, taking in my entire member with each bob. This was our first blowjob together, a little odd how good he was at it, but he was good at a lot of things when I played the overly dominant role.

I placed a paw on each side of his, my head shot up toward the ceiling from the pleasure received. How much longer would I last? Could I take it a second more without blowing my load in his muzzle. The feel of him sucking on my cock like a pacifier, or wrapping his tongue around the tip, grazing over that sensitive part of my member was simply too much to handle.

Austin rubbed up my abs, never ceasing the blowjob. He rolled his tongue over the tip of my cock, slowly pushing his entire muzzle over the pink member. Finally after letting my cock plop out of his mouth, he slowly ran his tongue up my core, chest, outer neck, ending at my ear. A low, whisper, and warm breath pushed through my ear canal.

"Let's try something new..."

"Like what?" I asked, panting lightly.

A small paw grabbed my cock, as Austin ears perked up. "I'll show you... upstairs." With my cock in his paw, Austin and I made our way up the stairs, precum continued dripping from my cock and into the small, greyish white paw. His tail wagged from excitement -it brushed the bottom of my shaft, tickling and teasing my hormones. I honestly wanted to pounce him right there and take his little tail hole. But to my surprise, Austin had something more in store.

Once in his room, the little grey wolf pushed me in his bed, closed the door, then pounced on top of my startled, yet excited body. I fell back onto his bed, moaning -gasping. I was naked, wearing only my tank-top, while the little grey wolf's clothes remained on his body. Little did he know that would change, momentarily.

Austin's paws were on both sides of my head, holding the little wolf up as he pressed deeper and deeper into the kiss. He was so forceful, yet calm; small, though he made a very large impact when he worked his tongue inside my muzzle, exploring the outskirts of my mouth.

As the kiss continued, my paws made their way down to his pants. I pushed the khaki pants he wore down below his furry butt, then gave it a firm, grasp, causing the pup-ish wolf to yipp and murr louder. He wiggled his little hips until he was safely out of those useless pants.

The kiss broke.

Silence filled the air, leaving just a loving gaze between us two -loving and lust. Sex was the only thing in this room at the moment; it's what we breathed, our personal tank of oxygen -Oxygen that caused an intense arousal. Viagra made especially for us.

I was the first to break the silence.

"So... what did you wanna try...?"

"You love me right?" He asked.

I leaned up, licked his nose, and smiled.

"Of course I do."

The warm hazel eyes gazed into mine, as his lips curled into a grin. He placed a paw behind my shoulder, pulling me to my side -then onto my stomach. I then knew what he wanted to try. I quickly turned my head, barely able to catch a full view of him.


A set of paws pushed down on my shoulders, holding me in place.

"Yeah... we've been together for a while... time for me to try this..." He said, followed by a chuckle. "Plus, you've gotten out of hand. Time for me to show you who's really in charge in this relationship."

I struggled, as much as I could. In a way, staying like this did not seem like a bad idea, though my dominance and power was being put to the test. Out of the months we have been together, Austin wanted to be the bottom guy; submissive; taken over. I didn't know how to react. The only thing my body allowed was a few small whimpers.

"Fine... but don't get used to it... I'm still top dog..."

"Yeah, I'll show you who's top dog."

Austin reach over and grabbed a bottle of lube from his nightstand. The next sound that filled the room was a -pop-. He squeezed a fairly large amount over my tailhole, rubbing and massaging my entrance, before penetrating my virgin hole with two, cold, paw-fingers.

I gasped and grabbed a pillow. The feeling was new, not to mention uncomfortable. I wasn't going to let him know that. To be the dominant male figure you have to show there is no amount of pain you cannot handle. Even the pain of having something stuff you like a turkey.

He retracted his digits and pushed my legs together. My tail hole relaxed and returned to its normal posture -it felt cold and heated all at the same time. The little wolf climbed on top, pushed my tail out of the way, and pressed his warm, throbbing member against my tailhole.

Slightly turning my head, I said, "Go slow... this is my first time..."

He leaned over, flat, chest pressed firmly against my back, his cock mashed into my tight, virgin hole, letting his tip slip its way in. As a wolf should, Austin had incredible width, occupied by a nice length, standing large and proud at seven and a half, or more, inches, neck and neck with my own member. With another thrust, our bodies touched, shoulders to shoulder, and his muzzle no more than an inch from my ear.

"O-of course..." Austin said between grunts, as I gave my own audible, lustful whimpers and moans.

To be honest, this feeling was not as bad as others say. Of course there was pain, the pain of something fairly large being shoved up your rectum, pushing past your anal walls, and filling your body. As he rocked forward, I experienced every inch of his member. It throbbed inside me, shooting precum by the buckets, and gave me a sense of perfection, as if I was finally full, or whole. All these feeling mixed with excruciating pain and pressure.

My back arched, and as it did Austin's body adjusted, copying mine. He placed his chin on my upper back, right below my neck, and pushed deeper into the depths of his dominant boyfriend. This was only the beginning; he had not pulled out yet, and to be in this much agony was unreal -fictitious.

Finally, once every inch was rested deep inside my tailhole, Austin said, between pants, "A-are...you read-dy...?"

A soft nod was presented, but that gesture gave the exact opposite answer. The feeling of his fairly large member remained settle, deep inside, as I clenched my tailhole, tightly squeezing his eager, throbbing member; warm pre drained from his cock and down my insides, causing me to shudder.

"S-slow..." I whispered, and as instructed, Austin began to slowly pull out, and push back. A few moans escaped through my muzzle, as I pushed back into his slow, thrust. The pain was still present, yet the pain was nowhere near the sheer pleasure received from the massage my prostate was given.

Being a bottom, or playing the submissive role was not as bad as expected. Of course pain was there, it was a given, though your prostate being catered to is well worth the pain, especially when that person took their time, such as Austin. He pushed in and out of me carefully, making soft slapping noises as he humped back into my tight, furry ass.

"This feels.....soo.....good," Austin managed to squeeze out before his voice box was filled with grunts and pants.

I know. I knew how it felt to have a tight hole squeezed firmly around your cock, and being milked like a cow; or how when the tight tail hole would not let you move, holding you in place. I remembered the feeling well, and now Austin would remember it as well.

As time went on, Austin thrust became more forceful. We were at the point where I did not need to push back into his thrust, because his cock was pushed into my prostate each second, and there were moments where I felt as if the wolf meat was glued to my prostate.


I was panting even harder, and biting into his pillow to keep down the very loud moans, now. Once instructed, Austin held nothing back as he plowed into my furry butt. His cock throbbed, and produced pre by the gallons, not to mention I could feel his knot beating my punished tailhole.

Austin was amazing at being a top, to be honest. The way he humped into me at a steady pace, mashing my prostate, and wrapping his warm strands of pre around my nut-shelled organ was enough to have a hands-free orgasm. With each thrust, my cock bounced in anticipation, rocketing pre over Austin's bed sheets, and in time my knot was hard and round beneath me.

"B-Blake... I'm getting..."

The nice piece of wolf meat penetrated my tailhole. Harder and faster, until the feeling of him forcing his knot past my anal ring. I let out a painful howl, my head shooting back in resemblance of a wolf howling at the moon. My tail hole was clenched so tight around his rock hard member, including his knot. He mashed his pelvic region into my furry butt with much force, his chin pressed against my back, and eyes tightly shut as he launched thick ropes of cum, deep inside my tailhole.

When the ropes of cum latched itself around my prostate, wrapping it in warm, thick, blankets of cum, my orgasm was also triggered. In three jets, I shot my load down below, and was shortly laying in my warm seed once I collapsed. Austin's body rested on top of my own, exhausted and still panting.

"Heh..." Austin breathed, slightly panting. "That was...awesome, b-buddy... definitely have to try that....again..."

I gave a low growl, clenching my teeth. My eyelids were slowly descending, but I was able to say one last thing before drifting into slumberland.

"I bet your ass we won't..."


"So Blake, I hear you're a criminal, now?"

"Naw, he attempted murder."

"What about his grand theft auto stunt?"

I looked around a huge dinner table, wondering how I ended up here. To my right, wolves; to my left, more wolves; in front of me, another set of wolves, all talking about one furson in particular. That fur was none other than yours truly -me.

It was Christmas evening, all the gifts were opened, and now we sat at a large table, surrounded by various forms of family: aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins. If there is one thing I hate more than the bullies at my school, it's my own family. Every time family got together they would find something, or a particular family member to bully, and to my luck, that lucky family member just had to be me this year.

Across the table, no more than a few inches from my plate to another, a male sat talking very loud, passing the expectation of an inside voice. He was the main attraction, being a large wolf, and the loudest of them all, and I'm ashamed to say this wolf was my uncle -Louis.

"So I guess they didn't lock you up like they shoulda, huh?" My uncle said, as he picked up a turkey leg sank his sharp canines into the meat.

This was the many bullyings I received that day, and surely not the worse, but for some reason he made my inside twist and turn. Blood raced to every inch of my body, causing underneath my fur to burn, like fire pumped through my veins. I gave a low growl and claws at ready, but something stopped me. I soft paw was placed over mine. I looked down to see the usual, grewish-white paw before looking up at the greyish-white wolf it belonged to -Austin.

I sighed and resumed eating.

"I say, you're quite lucky aren't ya? I mean, my son never gives any trouble, and he's doing great you know?" My uncle continued. "He's making straight A's, staying out of trouble, especially trouble involving the police. He does what he's asked, without question."

And this was the bragging part of the conversation. For as long as I can remember, Louis, my uncle, compared me to his son, my cousin, Louis Jr. Louis Jr. and I were the last two to hold the families last night, well the last two to have the ability to actually reproduce. It was a constant battle between my cousin and I, but in the end he won. I wouldn't be throwing out babies no time soon, and probably never.

"You know what!" A more audible growl pounced from my muzzle this time, as I pushed myself up from the table.

Austin quickly grabbed my arm, attempting to pull my body back down to be seated. "Blake, come on he's not worth it, just calm down. It's Christmas..."

I gave my attention to Austin, but it was abruptly forced back to the larger wolf once he started talking again. "Who's this? Not a part of our family... a little small to be here?" He said, piercing Austin with his stare.

"He's my..." I looked over at my mom who gave a worried look. "He's my friend, and I invited him."

My uncle relaxed in his chair. "Must be your partner in crime. You know, you're now the talk of the family." He said.

I grind my teeth, and calmly sat down.

"Shooting, fighting, partying, drinking, in and out of jail, and stealing your dad's car?" Louis said in his usual loud voice, gaining the attention of every family member. "Somethin' else. If you were my kid I'd have you in military school."

I shot back up and Austin followed, but this time I brushed his paw away before he could get a grip on me. One paw was balled into a tight fist, while the other flexed, my claws ready to taste the blood of its victim. I leaned over the table, no more than an inch from my uncles face.

"Fuck you!" I said into a growl. "You have no idea what the FUCK you're talking about. Yeah, I shot some guy for nearly killing my friend! I fought for my friend after he was released out of the hospital! I partied and drank ONCE, but that doesn't give you a right, or anyone else a right to fucking judge me.

"True enough I stole my STEPdads vehicle, but you don't know the whole story, now do you? How my friend was raped and beaten half to death by these jocks... Yeah, you didn't know that, did you? Everything is a damn game to you, huh, unc? Which grandchild gets the praise? I'm not playing along with you anymore! You and your little son can go fuck yourselves!

"As for him!" I pulled Austin's tiny body closer to mine. "He's not just my friend, you dumb ass! And not my partner in crime, but you could call him my partner!" Every eye widened at the table, including the large wolf. "Yes, you all heard it heard it here first, folks! I'm gay. Not how I wanted to tell you all, but let's thank Uncle Thick Head for that."

Silence washed over the room. Everyone looked at one another, then back at me. The next thing to take place was an absolute mystery to me, seeing that my families expression were blank. To no one's surprise, Louis was the first amongst them all to actually speak.

"You're a...."

"Yes!" I interrupted. "I'm a fucking fag!"

I grabbed Austin's paw and walked out of the room -every eye followed as we made our way out.