Marla - Epilogue

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#21 of Marla



S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Hugo, Hector, Jennifer, Michelle, other miscellaneous characters and this story are copyright 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


"I'm bigger," the pregnant wolfess said smugly as she ran her right paw over her tummy. The grey wolfess was looking at her distended stomach in a large mirror and smiling.

"I'm gaining though!" the otteress facing her replied as she stared into the mirror as well. She was smiling broadly as well.

Marla grinned at Kayla and said, "I'm still about 15 minutes ahead of you, though!"

The otteress laughed even as she stroked her very pregnant belly.

"I'm just happy to be pregnant period. With so little time and the species difference..."

Kayla's voice trailed off as her thoughts turned to her beloved mate. She remembered well the sudden exodus from Elysium and all the friends and more that they had left behind. The reports of widespread civil war on the planet did not help quell her worries for Master David. She kept telling herself every night that he was fine, but there had been no word of him or most of their friends. The lack of knowledge if they were even alive was eating at the otteress.

Marla put a paw on Kayla's forearm.

"He'll be fine, and we'll be back to see him in no time!" the wolfess said. Even to her own ears her conviction sounded forced. She was at least as worried about her alpha male as Kayla. She did not want to lose another pack mate and the sire of her pup. The loss of her lover Mike had been traumatic enough.

Kayla blinked back some tears and smiled.

"I'm sure you're right, but I just wish we knew for sure."

"Hey, everything else has pretty much worked out for us. Why not this?"

Things had indeed worked out well for the pair of ex-sex slaves.

The flight from Elysium had led them first to Johansson's World. They had disappeared into the bustling metropolises and emerged with new identities and a pair of eco-tour tickets to Folsom. A switch with two college students hired to take their place on the return trip sent them to Odin. Several more transfers, identity changes, several makeovers, and a few weeks transit brought them to Reiseziel, a small backwater planet that was their next to last destination. One of Master David's agents was operating out of a small office. He said nothing as he completed a retinal scan, but Marla noted him replacing the blaster in his holster when their true identities popped up on the screen.

Their final destination was the planet Asyl, a planet with a small but rapidly growing population, many wolves, a big space navy and no slavery. It was far from Elysium and its influence. Marla and Kayla found the keys to a house waiting for them at the spaceport. It was a simple two-story house with three bedrooms at the end of a cul-de-sac in a new housing development. They had moved in and begun setting up house.

The other houses were initially empty, but one by one the members of Canaria Pack arrived on Asyl. The arrival of Marla's grandsire Hector was a very special day for her. He had been welcomed by all and even became a member of Canaria Pack.

Marla and Kayla had also been formally inducted into Canaria Pack. They did not know if or when they would return to Elysium and their own alpha male, so it made sense to ensure the safety of the two femfurs and their coming pups by having them in an established and recognized wolf pack.

For Marla the decision to accept the offer of Canaria Pack had extra meaning as it ensured the continuation of Mike's pack for at least one more generation. She was sure that fact played a role in Kayla's decision to accept as well.

One of the nicest surprises had arrived a week ago. It was a disposable video camera. On it was only five seconds of footage. The scene appeared to have been shot in some chain motel furnished with cheap furniture. The setting could have been in any of tens of thousands of rooms. The setting was not what was important, though.

The video had shown a very blushing Todd. It was hard to tell if he was blushing because a very naked Valentia was standing slightly in front of him or because she was obviously quite pregnant.

There was no date or words spoken, but Valentia's condition and her huge open-muzzled smile spoke volumes. Both were obviously in good health and heading somewhere. Marla and Kayla were hoping that their pack mates would soon join them. The empty house beside their home certainly implied that the fox and Ethiopian wolfess were coming someday.

"Most likely they will find a safe planet, have their pup, and then come here," Hugo had opined. Given his experience Marla tended to agree with the old alpha male's assessment, but she wanted both of her pack mates here now!

Marla looked at Kayla. Just like the wolfess she was gently rubbing her very large stomach. Both femfurs had apparently been successfully impregnated back-to-back by Master David. The doctors could not tell which had caught first, but both femfurs were certain it was Marla.

Not that it really mattered. Both were looking forward to having a pup soon.

The pup inside Marla's womb shifted and started kicking.

"Dang! He's doing a tap dance on my bladder again!" Marla said as she sprinted from the master bedroom into the attached double bathroom. She could hear the otteress chirp a few times behind her as she dove for the toilet.

"That is one thing I am not going to miss!" Kayla called from the master bedroom.

Marla certainly agreed with the otteress. Late night wind sprints from the bed to the toilet were not her favorite activity.

Marla looked down at her breasts and grinned. She did enjoy the extra size brought on by her pregnancy. Neither she nor Kayla had been small, but their milk-laden teats were a sight to behold. Even months ago before they had started lactating both femfurs' breasts had added two full cup sizes. She just wished that she had a male wolf or two around to properly appreciate her additional assets. At least her female mate was showing her breasts a proper respect.

Marla still marveled at that last little twist from their final minutes on Elysium. She had never expected to take a mate after the loss of Mike. Kayla's heartfelt and totally unexpected proposal had changed all of that. She had never expected the otteress to propose a lesbian marriage, but the love of her transcended any inhibitions the otteress might have had. She truly loved Marla, and she showed it frequently in public as well as in private.

There was a second twist that neither of them had thought about until they were preparing to make their first planetfall. Master David had emancipated both of them, but he had only removed Kayla's collar. He had apparently expected Kayla to do the same for Marla, but in the rush and emotions of the moment the otteress had forgotten.

Marla was surprised when Kayla looked at her slyly and said, "I guess I have my own little sex slave as well as a mate now."

Her wink had belied her words, but Marla's answering grin had conveyed a totally different message. The wolfess knew that Kayla viewed her as an equal, a sister and a mate, but there had been the time early on in the penthouse when the otteress had dominated her so wonderfully. While Marla took on the public role of friend, at night she turned into both lover and, on occasion, subservient sex slave. With lots of time on their paws and little to do, the pair often passed the time between planets or waiting for transport in bed enjoying each other's body.

Their growing bellies had started to limit them, but both still enjoyed pleasuring the other on a regular basis. Marla just missed the long Sixty-Nines with Kayla. Neither was flexible enough to get around their belly let alone their mate's as well.

Marla returned to the master bedroom and took up a spot in front of the mirror. A dreamy look and a silly grin appeared on her face.

"Less than a week now," Marla said.

Kayla just smiled. Her eyes took on a faraway look as she contemplated impending motherhood.

The days passed slowly for the two pregnant femfurs. Both were ready for their pregnancy to end. Their bodies ached all the time now, and they were often stiff and awkward. They seemed to spend more time in the bathroom than any other room in their house.

Fortunately the females of Canaria Pack were there to help. The femfurs, while well past pup-bearing age, had whelped and raised plenty of cubs in their day. They understood exactly what the pair was going through. They had good practical advice, open ears to listen, and the occasional shoulder to cry upon.

Michelle, Mike's adoptive mother and now Marla's surrogate mother, in particular made it a point to dote on Marla. She took her son's mate under her proverbial wing and helped her through the worst of the times as the younger wolfess' body grew and grew, seemingly without end. She helped to explain all the changes that were occurring and helped both pregnant femfurs anticipate what was to come.

Today Marla was enjoying the warmth of the small sunroom attached to the back of their house. Jennifer, the alpha female of Canaria Pack, had suggested it as a shower present for the two femfurs. Both Marla and Kayla had fallen in love with it immediately. She lay in the warm sunshine feeling her pup move about in her womb and reminisced about the past few months and the many changes that had occurred.

It turned out that there were other reasons for all of the attention that Michelle was paying Marla. Soon after Hector's arrival she started being seen frequently with Marla's grandsire. For a month they were often found together. They always seemed to be smiling, laughing and touching. There were a lot of knowing winks and nudges behind their backs by the older members of Canaria Pack. Marla and Kayla were too wrapped up in their pregnancies to take much serious notice. That led to an interesting revelation for the young wolfess.

On one of her many visits, Michelle and Marla had sat down in the kitchen to chat while the others were away. Marla had felt guilty as the elderly wolfess had insisted that Marla sit and rest while she got the tea ready. Marla could not complain too much, though. Her feet and back hurt, and Michelle made some of the best tea she had ever tasted.

After Michelle sat down they had talked of various small things as they drank their tea. Marla frowned just a bit. She could tell that Michelle had something that she wanted to say, and she had been rather nervous about it. She finally worked her way around to the matter she wanted to discuss after a good hour of chitchat.

"Anyway, that's all the latest gossip on the pack," Michelle had said.

"Well, maybe not all of it..."

Marla had leaned forward and happily asked, "What else? More of the secret stuff we're not supposed to know about because we are pregnant and don't need to be worried about the war on Elysium?"

Michelle had looked even more nervous and perhaps even a little bit afraid. Marla had frowned slightly in confusion. What could be worrying her mother so much?

"Marla, what is your relationship with your grandsire like?" the older wolfess had asked.

Marla had blinked a couple of times. She suddenly had been afraid that there was a problem with her grandsire. He was old, and the time he had spent homeless had been hard on his body. His health was still frail at times.

"Well, it was not good for a while there when I thought he consented to selling me into sexual slavery. Grandsire and pack elder or not, that is the type of thing that ruins a relationship.

"I completely forgave him for that when I found out the truth. I always loved him the most of our pack members besides my parents. Once the lie was gone, and we reconciled, all of that love came back. He is like a father to me now.

"I love him, and I always will."

"Would you mind if Hector had an interest in someone?"

It had taken several seconds for all the pieces to fall into place for Marla. Her attention had been so centered on her growing pup that she had not really followed what was happening about her as well as she should. A slow grin had spread over her muzzle.

"It depends on who he is courting," Marla had said slyly.

The younger wolfess had been treated to the rare sight of Michelle blushing furiously.

"How about me?"

"Gee, who would have ever guessed?" Marla had asked with a laugh. Michelle actually ducked her head.

Marla had stood and walked around the table. Somewhat awkwardly because of her large belly she had hugged her adoptive mother tightly. There had been no doubt about the love and approval she had for the two older wolves' interest in each other.

"I think it is great. I think Grandmama would approve of you as well."

"That means a lot to me, Marla. Your approval is important to me. To us."

Marla had sat back down. These days it was difficult at times to stand for long.

"Well, I'm not sure where things will lead, but I wish you both the greatest of happiness. At least you're retired and will have plenty of time together."

Michelle had actually blushed more at Marla's small quip. Without looking up, she said quietly, "We haven't retired from everything."

Marla's eyebrows had arched high up onto her forehead.

"Oh? " she had asked in a quizzical voice pregnant with her unspoken question.

Michelle could not look at Marla. She had just nodded yes.

"Damn! I'm glad for both of you!

"Want some pointers?"

That had brought Michelle's head up. She stared openmouthed at Marla.

"Well," Marla had said as she had leaned back in her chair to make herself comfortable, "I might as well put the knowledge I gained at the Academy to some good use."

Marla had laughed, and the tension evaporated. Michelle had been able to let her headfur down and frankly discuss the situation with Marla. They had a long discussion on ways to pleasure an elderly male while getting off repeatedly. Marla had suggested several tantric positions and methods to allow both of them to enjoy their physical intimacy without tiring themselves out too fast. From the look in Michelle's eyes and her grandsires trouble walking since that conversation Marla was pretty certain that her mother was using all the tricks on her grandsire. It certainly made her happy to think of them enjoying themselves even in their declining years.

There had been another consequence of the talk that they had shared. A week later movers rearranged the living arrangements in several houses so that Michelle and Hector could have a house together. The newly mated pair was not seen for a full week.

While the new romance blooming within the pack was a point of great happiness, Canaria Pack was still active in the fight for freedom on Elysium, and that often wore on the pack members. They tried their best to insulate Marla and Kayla form it, but both femfurs could read the signs.

A significant portion of the wealth of David Wolf was lost, but even a small fraction of his vast fortune was still a substantial amount. Bits of it trickled in as the credits were laundered through multiple entities and shady individuals. While it technically belonged to Marla and Kayla, they had given it to Canaria Pack to support the fight on Elysium for freedom for the slaves. As she lay in the sunroom enjoying the afternoon warmth of her new star, Marla remembered how that money had been redirected.

Hugo and the others put the pack's credits to good use in the fight. After establishing a trust fund for the coming cubs, they had begun to spend it on a variety of endeavors. The first thing they had done was bribe several local officials to make Canaria Pack effectively disappear from all official records. While they were well hidden and the trail was tortuous, they did not want any Elysium agents showing up unannounced. Getting rid of the official records had been a useful precaution.

The bribes also had opened other doors that the pack was just starting to investigate. Mercenaries and certain others would no doubt prove valuable in the conflict that was raging on Elysium. The bribed officials could help with covering those recruiting and training activities. A few had been quietly approached and been receptive for a fee and a guarantee that the operatives would leave Asyl as soon as possible. They were willing to hide the training of a private army for fighting off-planet, but the idea of that army remaining on their planet with the possibility of a revolution orchestrated by Canaria pack was more than the officials were willing to risk.

The pack had also used a small portion of the funds to commission an independent filmmaker to make a documentary on the Elysium slave system. Put together in just six weeks, it had used publicly available documents, records and videos including commercials advertising the Academy's "products". It had become an instant surprise hit and won several major awards. More importantly, it had incensed the populace of Asyl. If an Elysium warship came calling for Marla and Kayla, Canaria Pack was certain that the Asyl Defense Forces would gladly destroy it.

Marla and Kayla had not appeared in the documentary. Plans were already in the works for after they gave birth and regained their good physical shape to have the pair appear incognito in a follow-up documentary on what happened to them on Elysium. The tale of how they had been "inducted" into the Academy, the training and tortures they had undergone while there would no doubt shock and anger the populace. Marla's experiences in the brothel and bordello would be powerful weapons in the fight for public opinion as well. Hector would also appear to explain how the slavery system corrupted and destroyed his pack. That would be a major point on a world that was over sixty percent canine.

Marla rolled over onto her back and looked up at the clouds that were starting to cover her sun. All of that was in the future, though. Right now Canaria Pack was concentrating on waiting for the arrival of its newest members. They would be the first new pups born into the pack in over forty years. None of the wolves went far in fear that they might miss the event. Marla certainly knew that she would like to have her pregnancy end. She rose and waddled to the bathroom as her cub resumed its tap-dance on her bladder. She ruefully smiled and thought that she was going to have to enroll the youngster in ballet classes in revenge for all the trips to the bathroom she had to do during her nine months of pregnancy.

More days with increasing physical discomfort passed. Both femfurs could feel their bodies changing quickly as they entered the homestretch and knew that the day was rapidly approaching when their pups would enter the world. It was Tuesday, and Marla was in the nursery looking over the crib and other furniture yet again.

"I just hope you get here soon," she said to her belly.

On cue there was a sudden twist in Marla's belly followed by liquid soaking Marla's panties and flowing down her legs.

"Oh, shit!" Marla said as she tried to get to the bathroom without leaving a wet trail.

"Marla, what's wrong?" Kayla called up the stairs. There was deep concern in her voice.

"My water broke!" Marla yelled back from the hallway. Her voice contained a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Michelle came sprinting up the stairs. She helped Marla into the bathroom and quickly disrobed her. She guided her into the shower and used the handheld shower head to quickly clean her up. While she was cleaning Marla up she quickly checked Marla's vaginal opening.

"Yep. You're starting to dilate. Are you having contractions?"

"I've been having contractions off and on for the past few days. I'm having some now."

"How far apart?"

Marla looked at her watch. Several minutes passed as she waited for her contractions. Michelle dried the younger wolf and dressed her with the help of Kayla who had made her way upstairs after calling the rest of the pack.

"Looks like about every eight to ten minutes. They are lasting about thirty seconds," Marla eventually said.

"That's not too quick. You're still in first stage labor. Kayla, can you call the doctor and tell him what has happened?"


The call to the doctor resulted in a decision to keep Marla at home until the contractions were four or five minutes apart. With the hospital only ten minutes away it would not be hard to get the wolfess there in plenty of time.

Marla was nervous. She knew what was happening intellectually, but this was her first pup. She was just happy to have the older femfurs there to help. Kayla, while not knowing what to do or how to help much, was a great comfort to Marla by just being there for her. Marla leaned on her as they walked back and forth in the garden behind their house. Marla kept getting water handed to her by pack members to make sure that she remained well hydrated. Even the males were excited about the prospect of a new cub coming this day. The enthusiasm of the rest of the pack was contagious. Marla found herself smiling and talking animatedly even as her contractions grew closer together, longer and more intense.

Less than two hours after her water broke, Marla found herself in the minivan heading for the hospital. She had Michelle, Kayla, Jennifer and Hugo with her. The rest of the pack was in several vehicles trailing behind the minivan. When they arrived Dr. Johanson was waiting for her. He made a quick examination of Marla and decided that she was ready to go to the delivery room. She was quickly disrobed and prepared for delivery.

Marla sat naked in the birthing chair with her legs widespread. Her male ocelot doctor was checking her over carefully. The rest of the pack was waiting and watching expectantly. Marla found her attention turning inward as the contractions increased in length.

"You are dilating nicely. You are at six centimeters. You still have about four centimeters left to go.

"Are you in pain?"

A contraction wracked Marla. She cringed and grimaced, but she did not cry out.

"Not too bad," she said.

Doctor Johanson said nothing, but his arched eyebrow conveyed his extreme skepticism. He did not know Marla's tolerance for pain that came from her time as a slave. As much as the contractions hurt, they were no worse than the pain of many of the punishments and tortures dealt out by the Academy and paying customers in her past.

"If it is too bad, let us know. We can still give you an epidermal."

The ocelot left. Kayla took Marla's left paw and asked, "How bad is it really?"

Marla shrugged.

"I've been through worse," the wolfess replied truthfully. "I'm sure you have too. It's not a lot of fun, but it is worth it. "

"I'm sure you have had worse pain in the past, Marla," the otteress said, "but you do not have to suffer. This is not the Academy, and you are not a slave being punished. You do not have to be stoic."

Marla ducked her head.

"If it gets too bad, I'll ask for some drugs.

"But it really is not too bad. I wouldn't want to go through it every day, but I can endure it, and I want to be clearheaded while I am having my first pup. I want to experience and remember everything I can."

"I understand," Kayla replied. She leaned in and gave the wolfess a small peck.

Marla saw a sudden look of shock appear on Kayla's face.

"Oh," the otteress said quietly.

"Kayla, what is it?" Michelle asked. Simultaneously Marla asked, "Are you alright, Kayla?"

"My water just broke."

"Why didn't you tell us you were having contractions?! How frequent are they and how long are they lasting?"

"I've been having some contractions on and off since late last night. They didn't seem to be anything serious, and Marla needed our attention," the otteress replied.

Jennifer said a nasty word. Michelle just wagged a finger at Kayla and scolded her while Hugo went to get the doctor and inform him that he was going to be delivering two pups today.

Several minutes later Kayla was in a second birthing chair facing Marla. Marla grinned at the sight of the otteress sitting with her legs widespread and the ocelot looking up her love canal. Briefly she wondered if the Academy had these chairs somewhere in the depths of their basements. She suspected that the answer was yes. Add a few straps, and the female or even a male sex slave could be well positioned for some sexual fun. Kayla certainly looked appealing in her current position. That irreverent thought distracted Marla until her next contraction.

"You are further along than I would expect," Doctor Johanson said after his examination of the otteress. "You are at seven centimeters dilation and are well into second stage like Marla. You should deliver in a few hours at most."

The doctor attached monitors to both femfurs so he could remotely monitor their progress. After he left, there was a lot of good natured joshing of the otteress by her pack mates about her wanting a share of the spotlight. Kayla took her pack mates' words good-naturedly. Marla saw a contemplative but happy look come over the otteress' face. She suspected her own face looked similar. Both listened to the rhythm of their bodies and waited for the time when the contractions would result in the appearance of their pups.

Another contraction ran through Marla's abdomen. She grimaced in pain. They were definitely getting stronger and more frequent. She felt her vagina opening even further. She had to be close to fully dilated. Ten centimeters seemed like a huge opening even for a wolfess who had taken many large stallions, bulls and other large herbivores endowed with cocks at least that diameter in that particular orifice.

As she recovered from her latest contraction, Marla looked at Kayla and saw a reflection of her own body as the otteress' belly writhed in a strong contraction. Kayla gasped a bit at the pain. Marla felt her own womb move again. She winced for a moment in real pain. It was increasing with each contraction, and she could feel her pup moving around inside her body. It felt like she or he would be coming soon.

Doctor Johanson returned with two nurses and checked both expectant mothers again. He seemed surprised and just a little concerned at how fast Kayla was progressing. Marla felt a bit of apprehension for her mate's health.

"This is your first pup?" the doctor asked Kayla again.

"Yes. No prior births, miscarriages or abortions."

The doctor shook his head in disbelief.

"Your birth canal has dilated almost completely, and your muscles are contracting very strongly. The monitors show that you are moving quickly into second stage labor. Normally only a mother with prior pups would be this far along this quickly. I had expected you to take several more hours to get even close to this point."

Kayla looked at Marla for a moment. She raised an eyebrow. Marla knew that she wanted to tell the doctor something. Marla just nodded slightly once before another contraction ran through her belly and her attention was distracted for a minute.

Kayla dissembled a bit by saying, "In my misspent youth, my sisters and I played some rather risqué games. They included holding shampoo bottles."

I hardly think that would explain this," Doctor Johanson said somewhat severely.

"We were not using our paws."

It took a few moments for the doctor to put together the hints.

"Oh," he said. The ocelot's face turned a couple of shades of red beneath his fur.

"I started off losing all the time. That got me mad. I practiced and practiced in secret until I could hold a full shampoo bottle in my pussy for a half hour or more."

With a happy otter chirp and a smug smile, Kayla added, "Then I went out and trounced all of them the next time we competed!

"Later I took some pubococcygeal kegel training. The instructor said that it would help if I was ever having pups."

"Have you been keeping up with your training?"


"And Marla?"

"She and I shared the same instructor. Since then, we have been helping each other train."

Marla was just conscious of Michelle covering her muzzle with a paw and her grandsire turning just a little bit green. Michelle's eyes met Marla's. She could see the mirth dancing around within her eyes. The younger wolfess was certain that Michelle knew what the wolf and otter were doing together to exercise their vaginal muscles.

The doctor nodded and said, "That would explain much for both of you."

An hour passed with increasingly frequent and strong contractions for both femfurs. Their pack mates kept them company and held their paws. Marla was a bit surprised to see the males remain. She had expected them to head for a bar and get drunk until the two new pups arrived, but, even though they looked a bit whiter than normal at times, they stayed. The females were positively overflowing with joy at the thought of becoming grandmothers again.

Marla and Kayla moved into nearly synchronized contractions. The new mothers-to-be were wrapped up in their individual deliveries. They spoke little, but both were aware of what was happening about them. They frequently exchanged glances and grins between their contractions. Even in their pain their bond remained strong, and they both comforted and supported each other through this unknown ordeal. Unlike the Academy, they wanted this, and this time they had a whole pack of loving wolves to help them through their rough time.

The doctor and nurses monitored them carefully. Marla could feel her pup moving about inside her and approaching the birth canal. The doctor called in a second obstetrician and two more nurses to assist since it appeared that Marla and Kayla would deliver within minutes of each other.

"Push! Push!" the doctor exhorted the laboring females. Both femfurs did as ordered.

Marla felt her pup slowly slide down her birth canal. Her training let her feel every millimeter of its journey. She rippled her muscles as she had been taught at the Academy to help it along.

"Here comes the head!" Marla said as she felt the tip of her pup's body enter her vagina.

"Mine's nearly there too!" Kayla replied.

Marla felt her own pup start to enter the world at the same time she saw a wet, dark head appear between Kayla's open thighs.

"Just a few more pushes!" Michelle told Marla as she ran a cold compress over the wolfess' brow. "I know it's the worst part, but it only lasts a little bit."

Marla grunted in reply. She felt another contraction begin. For the first time she cried out in pain as her pup's shoulders worked their way through her vagina. The pain did not stop but did ebb enough for her to get another breath before a second strong contraction forced most of her child's body out into the waiting paws of the doctor. Only its hips and tail were left inside of Marla

"One more push!" the doctor told her.

Marla would have replied, but her body was too busy finishing ejecting her pup from her womb. The third and final contraction sent her cub completely out of her body.

"It's a girl!" Michelle cried out in joy.

"We've got a girl too!" Jennifer called back. Marla caught a momentary glimpse of a small, wet body between Kayla's legs before her view was blocked by the doctor, nurses and her pack mates.

Marla just sat there in the birthing chair panting hard and looked down at her daughter. The newborn pup opened her mouth and promptly started screaming. Weakly Marla laughed.

"It was no fun for me either, Little One, but welcome to the world and your pack," Marla said in a voice only audible to her and Michelle in the loud delivery room celebration of the birth of the two pups.

"I'm sure she will be fine," Michelle replied as she hugged and kissed Marla. "They all scream at first until they get breathing well and are fed."

Kayla's pup was indeed yelling as loudly as her half sister. Marla tried to look at her mate's pup, but the doctor attending her brought her attention back to her own birth.

"We still need to cut the umbilical cord and finish the delivery," Doctor Johanson said.

It was strange watching the doctor clamp off the cord and cut it. She watched her pup anxiously throughout the entire procedure. She felt no pain, and she thought her daughter did not either.

A nurse came and took her daughter away. Marla started to protest, but Michelle quieted her.

"They will take care of cleaning her up for you. In the meantime, you need to get rid of the afterbirth," Michelle said.

"Yes, Mother," Marla quipped back.

Michelle leaned in and kissed Marla.

"And don't forget that mother knows best!"

Both wolves laughed at her jab.

Delivery of the afterbirth went smoothly and quickly. Her training allowed her to easily pass the placenta and fetal membrane. The contractions were mild and barely registered with the tired wolfess. The doctor completed the delivery, cleaned and inspected Marla for problems.

Looking down at her body and all of the sterile cotton cloths used in the delivery, Marla was shocked at the amount of blood she had lost. The sight of blood did not frighten her, but she could not help but think that the few times she had seen this much blood that the slave providing it had, at best, been unconscious and in shock. She felt surprisingly well for such a short time after the momentous event. Looking down at her suddenly much smaller belly, she could at least intellectually appreciate from where everything had come. It was still a bit shocking to see it and know it was all hers.

While they cleaned up the pups the doctors attended to Marla and Kayla. Neither needed stitches, but they were both very sore and tired. Their bodies were still going through contractions even after the births, but they were quieting quickly. After being cleaned up, they were handed their washed and dried pups.

Marla held her daughter close to her breast. She nuzzled her and took in her scent. The little ball of fur in her arms opened her mouth and cried out a bit. Marla just smiled widely as she watched her daughter wriggle a bit. The newborn then showed that she had inherited at least some of her mother's propensities by turning her head and clamping her muzzle down on Marla's left nipple. Her arms flailed about a bit before her paws found her mother's breast. She began suckling.

"That was fast," the second attending doctor said in surprise.

Marla was not paying him much attention. Right now she was looking over the wolf pup in her arms. Her jet black pelt showed her sire's heritage. Marla sought any signs of imperfection or injury, but she found none. She was a typical, healthy wolf pup. From the strength of her suckling and the amount of milk that she was consuming, she was apparently also a very hungry one as well.

As she sat there holding her daughter, Marla could not help but think for a moment about her two wolven mates. She had to wonder how their mothers could have given up their cubs. Right now she would do anything it took to keep her daughter safe and with her. The idea of selling her into slavery or abandoning her in a dumpster was utterly incomprehensible. Marla was certain that their mothers had faced an incredibly tough decision. She was glad that she would never have to do the same as them.

Marla turned her attention back to her daughter. Once she was done suckling, Marla went over her body with a fine tooth comb again. This time she commented on every bit of her daughter. Michelle and the other femfurs attending Marla watched and occasionally suppressed a laugh as Marla dutifully reported each discovery. The young wolfess sounded almost surprised that her daughter had the right number of toes, fingers and other important things. Of course, they well remembered their first cubs and could easily empathize with Marla. They did not mind watching her running her paws and muzzle over her young daughter.

"And she even has only one head!" Marla finished in a very cheerful voice.

That was too much. All of the wolves in ear shot broke up. Those across the room joined in when they were told what Marla had said.

The doctors and nurses left the pack alone. When they were ready, they were told to ring for the nurse, and the two new mothers would be taken to their room to rest and bond with their daughters.

A space opened between Marla and Kayla. For the first time Marla got a good look at Kayla's daughter. With just a little bit of trepidation she looked at her mate's pup. There was no telling what the mixing of otter and wolf would produce.

She was a small, perfectly formed otter pup. Only her coal black pelt revealed her unusual mixture of DNA. Apparently the nanobots had done a very good job melding the two diverse species' chromosomes into a viable, healthy fetus. Unsaid had been the fear by both femfurs that Kayla's pup would be born deformed or worse. Even the ultrasound images and assurances of the doctors had not fully allayed their fears. The presence of a small, breathing, healthy pup removed that great weight from both mothers.

Hugo cleared his throat. All of the pack looked at the alpha male.

"We are blessed today with not one but two healthy young pups coming into our pack. It has been a long time since we have added to our numbers..."

Hugo's voice trailed off for a moment as all remembered Mike and his loss. There were also real concern for the other pack mates whose health and well being were not known. Even in this moment of great happiness, the pack remembered them and silently wished for their safety and quick return.

Hugo continued, "But today is a reason for great joy!"

Several of the pack answered with calls of "Here! Here!"

Hugo turned to Kayla and asked, "What is the name of your young daughter, Kayla?"

Marla looked at the otteress expectantly. Neither had confided the names that they would give their pups. She was looking forward to finding out what name Kayla had chosen though she was nearly certain that she already knew it.

Kayla smiled and looked down at her now sleeping pup. Like Marla she nuzzled her daughter a bit before replying.

"I had actually hoped for a boy that I could call David, but I am very, very happy to have a fine, healthy daughter. I am sure that David would be as well were he here today with us."

Marla nodded her head. She felt exactly that same way about her daughter.

"In honor of her sire, her name is Davida," Kayla pronounced. "It means 'beloved', and she most certainly is and always will be."

Marla was not the only fur in the room with a tear in her eye and a smile on her muzzle.

Hugo turned to Marla and asked, "And your daughter's name, Marla?"

The rest of Canaria pack looked at her expectantly. Kayla was a welcome addition to the pack and much beloved, but Marla was Mike's mate and occupied a very special place in their hearts. They were greatly interested in her choice of a name for her young pup.

Marla looked down at her daughter resting so quietly in her arms. Her head was still turned towards Marla's teat. She suspected even now that her puberty was going to be an interesting and often trying time for her mother and the rest of Canaria Pack.

"I had a lot of thoughts about what to call my pup.

"I do not know if I will ever bear Mike's offspring or not. I still hope to do so, but I just do not know if I will ever have the chance or not.

"I think that, if I had borne a boy I would have named him Michael after Mike even though David was his sire. I know that David considered Mike his son, and that Mike loved him in his own way. David would not have begrudged Mike the honor of his son bearing his name, especially since his pack took me in and gave me such great love."

The other wolves of Canaria Pack shuffled a bit. They knew the special bonds shared by the younger members of their pack. It was true that Master David would have been thrilled to learn that his firstborn son bore the name of their fallen pack mate.

"Since I did not, I have another name that I have chosen for my daughter."

Marla looked Michelle in the eyes and asked, "Will you please allow me to call her Michelle in honor of the mother of my first mate? The same mother of mine who has taken me in and given me all of her love? The same femfur who has brought such great joy to my grandsire?"

Michelle gawked at Marla for several seconds. She was shocked at the younger wolfess' request. When her words final sunk in she started crying uncontrollably. Hector pulled him into his grasp and held her tight against his chest. She wrapped her arms around her lover and wailed. She was shaking her head yes, though.

The other members of Canaria Pack just watched. Apparently only Kayla and Marla were not prepared for Michelle's reaction. Marla wondered silently if she would have a similar reaction in the future if her daughter asked to name her firstborn daughter after her. She looked down at the small bundle of joy in her arms and thought that the likely answer would be yes. She looked forward to perhaps finding out one day.

It took several minutes for Michelle to recover. Marla waited patiently. Eventually the older wolfess looked at her from the protective arms of her lover and said, "I would be honored if your cob was named Michelle, if you wish it. But please make it for Mike, not me. I know how much you loved my son."

Marla countered by asking, "Compromise? Michelle for both of you?"

Michelle nodded, and it was done. Marla looked down at her pup. She smiled and lifted her daughter up a bit for all to see.

"This is my daughter, Michelle."

Michelle promptly burped in her sleep.

It was some time before the laughter died. Marla was absolutely certain that young Michelle would hear about this for the rest of her life. She knew that she would be bringing it up frequently and often in the presence of total strangers.

The nurses were called, and Kayla and Marla were transferred to a semi-private room. The pack could have easily afforded a private room for each, but both femfurs wanted to be together in the same room with their mate. The other members of Canaria pack remained for a bit, but they were soon shooed out by the nurses so that the new mothers and their cubs could rest in peace. The nurses placed the two newborn femfurs in cribs between their mothers' beds and left as well.

When the rest of the furs were gone Marla rolled over onto her left side and stared at her sleeping daughter. She was not surprised to meet the eyes of Kayla on the far side of Davida's crib.

"Was it worth it, Marla?' Kayla asked.

Marla took one look at her daughter and grinned. There was no need for either to say any more words.


The years passed quickly. Both "Young Michelle" and Davida grew rapidly. They suffered from the normal number of bruises and cuts and a few illnesses, but overall their early years went well. Their mothers settled into raising two freefur daughters with the knowledge that they would never need to know the fear of the sexual slavery to which their mothers had been subjected.

Valentia and Todd arrived a few months after young Michelle and Davida. They brought with them their young son, Tokala. They moved into the house beside Marla and Kayla. Davida and Michelle took one look at Tokala, grabbed his paws, and pulled him off to play. The three soon became inseparable and were often found together getting into mischief. Marla was glad that they were forging the deep bonds that she never had truly found within her own pack.

The news from Elysium during the first two years was not as good. The official news talked about battles and the turning back of the terrorists, foreign insurgents and rebels. The Government boasted of killing thousands, even showing the slaughter of entire towns at times. All of Canaria Pack watched the news videos and read the releases in the dread that they would find one that they knew among those taken for interrogation and death.

There was no word on Master David and his network in the official news, but clandestine reports coming from Elysium by other means seemed to indicate that he was alive and doing well. He could not fight the Elysium Government in the streets in a single battle and hope to win, but there was a steady whittling away of the Government's resources and assets that was the hallmark of Master David's plans. While slow, the attrition combined with ever increasing attacks by the pirates and others were wearing down the Government.

Canaria Pack was not idle. Marla and Kayla were kept as far as possible from the day-to-day operations, but they knew enough about what was going on to realize that the pack was actively recruiting, equipping and training mercenaries for clandestine operations. Entire platoons were sent to Elysium from secret bases on Asyl and other planets. It was hard to tell if they were effective or not, but the sparse reports received back indicated that they were making it to the planet and contacting someone who was leading them.

The pirate attacks grew more frequent and bolder as they systematically destroyed the Elysium Navy. The Navy had to pull back to the Elysium system. Those left the surrounding space open to the pirate's predation. Many pirates descended on the system and took more and more ships captive. There were even unconfirmed reports that some of the planets that had criticized Elysium's harsh treatment of the protestors were allowing privateers to operate form their bases. The blockade was cutting Elysium off from potential support while the prizes they captured and the crews they ransomed or sold paid for even more ships, weapons and crews.

Canaria Pack created plenty of propaganda to influence the masses as well. Michelle and Hector seemed to have a true gift for it. Not only did they produce the second film about Elysium slavery featuring Marla and Kayla, they created and distributed information through commercial and other channels throughout not only Asyl but many other planets. They often used nothing but the truth. The clumsy attempts of the Elysium Government to counter their claims made the efforts doubly effective.

It was a few weeks before Michelle and Davida turned two that the news came. A freighter coming from Finnegan's Rainbow brought the news.

Michelle burst in on Marla, Kayla and Valentia as the three mothers enjoyed a cup of coffee while their cubs played in the backyard. She had a look of pure horror on her face.

"Turn on the video! Channel eight!" the older wolfess nearly screamed.

Marla was the closest fur to the remote control. She turned on the set and punched in the channel. A newscaster was speaking in a hurried voice.

"Again, reports just in indicate that the entire Elysium system has been destroyed in a cataclysmic battle between the pirate group known as The Brethren and the Elysium Government. Some strange device was employed by one of the sides, and the entire system including the star has disappeared.

"There are indications that some of the ships involved in the action escaped, but Elysium and the entire population of the planetary system is presumed a complete loss.

"We turn now to Captain Mas of the freighter Catmandu for more information-"

Marla turned to look at her pack mates. She was in total shock. She tried to grasp the meaning of what had happened. Her gaze fell upon Kayla. She was as white as Marla had ever seen her. It took the befuddled Marla a moment for Marla to understand.

Master David was dead.

Kayla would never see her mate again. Neither would Marla, Valentia or Todd.

Even as she stood and went to Kayla, Marla had to wonder if she had looked as utterly forsaken and bereaved when she had seen mike die. It took all of Marla's considerable coaxing to get the otteress to stop clenching her arms about her body and instead allow Marla to hold her. Neither femfur listened to the news as they sat huddled together shaking uncontrollably.

The pack managed to fight through the depression the loss of Elysium caused. It was impossible to remain depressed with three joyful young cubs in their midst. With time, Marla found the loss of Master David ebbed to a constant dull ache. At first, Kayla woke Marla many times with her crying late at night, but even she adjusted slowly to her grief.

And still, there were persistent rumors of a pirate looking for Elysium as if it still existed, just somewhere else...