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#56 of Finding One's True Self Webseries

Rubicant goes through training with his Pawpaw before heading out on his own to handle the disputes in the galaxy, until disaster strikes.


Finding One's True Self: Part 56

By Xan Steel

Rubicant spent the better part of ten cycles studying all the information that had been given to him from the Archive of the GrandMasters. With the help of his Pawpaw Cantis, the current GrandMaster, his Memaw Rya, and his Mates. His Pawpaw was quite hesitant about letting his mates see this information during their meditation sessions, but Rubicant wouldn't have it any other way. During these meditation sessions, Rubicant met with the essence's of the previous GrandMaster's of cycles past. Gaining and learning their wisdom from their pervious life.

Over the course of time studying, Rubicant's family grew in size. Iris, Julyna, and Mortora had given birth two more times. Adding another six younglings in total. Rubalyna from Rubicant, and Ish'tair from Altair, where born from Julyna. Artena from Altair, and Rubinna from Rubicant, where born from Iris. Mortora had named both of her hatchlings, Cortair from Altair, and Rya from Rubicant after his Memaw. After which she had an operation to prevent herself from laying any more eggs. Sylurians were only able to lay two eggs their entire life, and having two male mates in her life whom she loved dearly, she didn't feel like losing her life again. Both Iris and Julyna talked it over with each other, and then with Rubicant and Altair. Both Rubicant and Altair stated that they were happy with the size of the family, and stated that if they, Iris, and Julyna, wanted to follow Mortora, they would support them.


As the cycles passed Rubicant worked hard when it came to planetary disputes remembering one such dispute. He had been called to one planet that had two different Derlenian colonies. From the information he had been given, they apparently had been fighting each other due to the different color of their fur. Lighter colored fur, verses Darker colored fur. Rubicant shook his head, as he remembered that the human race had never gotten over their own color hatred for one another. He would sit in on these meetings and listen to each sides argument about the other. Each side blaming the other for not sharing, or stealing resources. In many ways these appointed leaders acted like children, pointing fingers, laying blame, but never really coming to the point. In the last day on that planet. Rubicant stood up in the middle of the meeting where the two leaders and their aids were. Rubicant mentally called to his two guards to grab a hold of them and to hold out one of their arms out for him. They did so, which made the leaders react negatively toward him saying he couldn't do that. Rubicant than took out a blade, and stabbed the wrist that was held on each leader and then his own. It wasn't a deep stab, but it was enough to draw blood.

The blood was the same color. Rubicant spoke softly, "Seems to me like we are all the same on this planet. So your issue really stems from the fact that you just want to hate arbitrarily." He turned to look at the leader of the lighter colored colony. "Do you think you are better, more deserving, more hard working then the Darker colored ones?" Rubicant was then handed a thick folder of information from the scouts he had brought with him. He thumbed through it quickly. "Well, this is interesting." He put the folder down. "It seems as though very few of you on this planet actually care about the color of fur. Many different fur colored derlenians are becoming mates and leaving your cities, and making their own."

The two leaders just looked at each other, and after a brief moment began to hurl insults at each other, claiming the other was at fault for this turn of events. Rubicant just shook his head before reaching out to grab them by the arms and pulled them close. "Well, I can see more extreme measures need to happen." At which point he sealed their telepathy.

He spoke again once he finished, "I will leave a GrandMaster on this planet who will be able to remove my seal, should they feel you have changed in your view on this matter, as I sense, that's your only real issue here. Fur color." He turned to walk towards the door, but spoke one last time. "Such a small and petty thing to hate someone over." As he turned to leave the room, as the two leaders began to argue with each other again.

One of the Aids came out in the hallway from the conference room that Rubicant walked out of and spoke with him. "I want to thank you for what you did in there. It won't be easy, but it will change for the better. With those two having been sealed, new leaders will have to be elected."

Rubicant spoke in a concerned tone, "I just hope that a lot is learned from this. Changing a personal view is the hardest thing to do, and Hating, is much easier than Loving. However, Hating, wastes more energy that could be used to make things better." The Aid stood there watching him walk away, as his word sunk in to his mind, and how much truth they spoke.


There was another dispute that Rubicant had to handle on a mining colony between two system governments, The Nefeliums, which comprised of three hundred star systems, and Alfeliums. A small system government that comprised of 100 star systems. Both the systems bordered each other, which allowed them to find the same system on their border. While the star sat on the border, the planets orbit passed through both borders. The main dispute was, who had the rights to the resources that both governments needed badly.

Rubicant spoke to them saying, why not setup a neutral zone between their borders, and setup mutual mining operations that they both could benefit from that worked full time. With each side taking over when the planet crossed their respected borders. This way each side could benefit from the resources there.

Each leader thought about this, and began to openly discuss the idea. With setting up small survey teams before figuring out how large a team they would need on each side.

With Rubicant's help, they managed to work out that each side would leave a security detail and head manager on opposite rotations to keep things equal while preventing any possible theft.

All in all, it was one of the better disputes he dealt with in a long time. He left them with an experienced GrandMaster to oversee any other disputes in the future. Both leaders agreed to help out with Housing, food, and transportation for the GrandMaster.


Rubicant was surprisingly happy doing this work, which he wasn't sure he could do successfully. Everyone for the most part was happy, as evidence of the news spreading throughout the galaxy. All the other GrandMasters around the galaxy enjoyed talking with him while getting his insights on things they were dealing with during their talks.

However, things were not all wine and roses across the galaxy. The one thing he allowed the Alliance to handle, was the issue with the Rebels. This was something they had been dealing with for quite some time now, and have never gotten a handle on it. Sadly things seemed to be escalating and the Alliance seemed to be incapable of handling this situation.

During these times, Julyna had been wanting to get back into the Captains Chair again. While she did enjoy commanding the Taylor, Rubicant's personal ship for heading to his next task. It didn't feel as fulfilling. As it turned out, the Sartorgan government was looking for Captains willing to command Colony Ships within their borders. So she brought the subject up everyone. Rubicant had a sadden look on his face and muzzle. He was not expecting this, and was unsure how to react. When she told him her reason why, he understood, but it still hurt. Though he did have to admit, that being a GrandMaster wasn't very exciting. So in that aspect he couldn't disagree with her. He did tell her to take Altair with her, and to leave the younglings with them. Julyna wanted to protest, but Rubicant stopped her, "They have been in school for a while now, and I'd like to see their education finish." He sighed softly and continued, "I'm also worried something will happen to the two of you, and I won't see you both again, once you leave here." He finished.

Julyna placed her hand paws on Rubicant's cheeks and muzzle in a loving manner, and spoke softly. "Hun, we are not traveling the galaxy. We are staying within the Sartorgan borders, you know, where we live. We'll be escorted the entire way. One Colony a week. So we'll be home on the on the weekends for the most part, unless it's a short trip, then we'll have more home time." She explained.

Rubicant pulled her close and let their foreheads touch as he rubbed against hers,, and spoke. "I know, I just wish there was something else I could do to have you stay instead."

Julyna kissed him deeply and pulled him into a loving embrace. Through their mental link, she could feel his worries, and the statement she and Altair made, that they would always stand by his side. While those memories did stir in her heart and mind, the need to feel more useful was stirring far deeper in her and Altair. Likely do to both having been apart of something bigger when they were with the Alliance.

When it came time for their first Colony Mission. Iris, and Mortora were waiting near the airlock of the station as the Escort Ship that would take Julyna, and Altair to the colony ship they would be using, in the nearby system of Gyvortain. Once Julyna' and Altair arrived at the airlock, Both Iris, and Mortora give them each a kiss and loving embrace, as Rubicant walked up behind them, and did the same. Once they left, Rubicant stayed by the air door for a bit longer, as Iris felt his worry increase, and Mortora held on to him, and started to pull him away from the door. They both knew this was going to be a bit hard for him for a little while, so they did their best to make him as happy as possible, even their younglings helped out in that aspect.

Over the time that Julyna and Altair traveled to these new worlds, they would send home reports to the rest of the family. Showing off each planet and what it had to offer. Knowing that Rubicant had wanted to live on a planet instead of the space station. This was something that they all had discussed over time, but with none of them really leaving the station to look, they had never given it another thought. Iris jokingly asked if this was the original idea of them leaving the station in the first place, as Julyna gave a mortified look as Altair started to laugh, and then replied, that it wasn't the intended idea, but it was an opportunity they couldn't pass up. It would be only a few more cycles before they would all agree on a new home.

A large planet in a binary star system that was given the name Druis. Julyna and Altair had brought four new colonies with them to this planet, and not only set up a home, but a school for all the new Students that had been discovered as potential GrandMasters. Once everything was done, Rubicant invited everyone that was dear to him for a visit.

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Rubicant helped in getting the school set up and over time things really started to come together in the new students training. All the other GrandMasters worked with him around the galaxy, with helping them settle disputes that popped up over time unless it was something major that needed his direct attention.

One such dispute came up within the Alliance, the Bovorg, and the Xilfir. These other alliance styled governments had never joined the Alliance for fear of losing their heritage. There were a number of new species that Rubicant had never met before, as the essence of the previous GrandMasters helped him understand them, but to Rubicant, the Bovorg seemed to be mostly aquatic types, similar to what he would describe as Dolphins, Shark, Octopus like people.

The Xilfir group seemed to be a mix of winged species, like Avians, Dragon, and a type of Pegasus, which Rubicant found interesting. 'Looks like I have more studying to do.' He said to himself as he looked around the large circular auditorium. There must have been close to a thousand individuals here for this gathering.

It wasn't to much longer after that a large bell was rung, causing everyone to head to their assigned seating, as the center chairperson spoke loud enough to be heard clearly.

"This assembly is being called to order, on the day of 34, the month of Agulyra, and the cycle of 36,845." This Dragon like individual banged a large gavel for all to hear. "This Assembly has been summoned due to the increasing Rebel issue that we are dealing with, and that the Alliance has seemingly failed to end." Several others spoke out in anger at the Alliance, until the gavel banged again. "There will be order in this Assembly!" He shouted over everyone. Once everyone calmed down, and reseated themselves. He spoke again. "We are here to discuss a new way to taking care of these Rebels, since the Alliance's version of diplomacy seems to have failed by all accounts."

A fancy dressed female from the Bovorg section stood up and spoke. "We've gotten tired of dealing with them and start to eradicate them on site." The cause quite a stir of hashed murmurings in the auditorium.

A hidden voice called out to the floor, "And how has that worked out for you?"

The females face grimaced but she spoke in reply, "It's been difficult, as it seems more and more people join them. For reasons I can't fathom."

The hidden voice spoke again, "Really?" A holographic image displayed in the center of the auditorium. "Then perhaps you can explain why you have wars raging throughout your region? Wars that the Rebels are not involved in, but you make bold claims that they are."

She nearly hissed, "How dare you question Bovorg and it's information when we have proof. Show yourself for making this false claim against Bovorg!"

A lone female Tygorian walked out to the center of the auditorium, as the Dragon like male at the center spoke. "The head of the Assembly does not recognize you, please state your name and your region."

She stopped about half way to the Head of the Assembly, and spoke. "I am Miinus Taroff, and I am the head of the Rebel faction."

The silence was so loud, you could hear a someone pulling out a device, as Rubicant scanned the room and moved forward towards Miinus, and using his staff's head, blocked a single shot from a weapon. He then pulled the weapon to him as the person holding it fell over as others pounced on them and pinned them down until security grabbed them. Once they removed the individual, everyone bowed at Rubicant, as Miinus thanked him.

The Head of the Assembly spoke, "Forgive me GrandMaster, I was not aware you were here, I am Kryvain, choosen speaker of the Assembly."

Rubicant nodded and spoke, "I am Rubicant Tavar head GrandMaster." He laid the weapon before Kryvain, as he then turned to Miinus. "You may continue."

She nodded and spoke "Thank you GrandMaster." She turned to the Bovorg representative, "I say this as the one who makes those orders, and I have never once ordered anyone of my captains to start a war with any of your factions, all we wish is a set of one hundred stars in this region to call our own." The hologram in the center highlighted an area in what looked like a stellar nursery that looked familiar to Rubicant. Murmurings softly echoed around the room.

A representative from Xilfir stood and spoke, "As it happens, we three systems have been contesting that region for many cycles, as we all are running out of star systems in our own regions, and while this area is a stellar nursery for the most part, many new worlds are being discovered."

An Alliance representative stood up and spoke. "As you all will recall, we have been sending you information on the planets in that region of space, and so far we haven't come across any viable planets capable of supporting life."

Rubicant stepped forward and spoke before anyone else did. "Not going to mention that you have several habitual worlds you are sending colonies ships there to claim them?"

The Alliance Representative turned to him and spoke. "I'm not sure where you are getting your information from, but one it's false and two it would be deemed highly classified."

Rubicant turned to Kryvain and handed him a chip to open up, and in doing so showed all the information of the ACF Kestral, it's mission, it's reports, it's eventual status change, and it's destruction. Rubicant spoke. "I was on that ship when all of this took place. I even helped study these planets before I became the GrandMaster." He turned to look at everyone, and he could sense the outward flow of anger from the others of having this information hidden from them, and as expected it erupted in a nearly angry mod, that the gavel could not drowned out.

One of the previous GrandMasters told him to slam the butt of his staff on the floor as hard as he could, and then did so as the ringing reverberated in the auditorium causing everyone to cover their ears to avoid the pain it was causing.

Once the everyone quieted down and sat back down Rubicant spoke. "I carry all of the knowledge of every past GrandMaster, So I know I am the final authority when it comes to these types of disputes. You all can't seem to figure out that you can't have every planet out there for yourselves. You need to share, otherwise you will end up in a never ending war that will end many species of people." The varying emotional sounds from around the room told him that he was on the right track. He continued, "So to that effect." He looked at the screen for the Holo display and drew a larger circle encompassing another two hundred star systems.

Kryvain spoke up his tone polite. "No offense GrandMaster, but there are a number of systems that have people living in them from the Alliance, Bovorg, and Xilfir. How do you plan to remedy that?"

"For now they can remain neutral, and live within the new Rebel government, which ever name they choose for themselves, and with diplomacy see if these systems are willing to join them, otherwise they remain neutral, and can be freely traded with from all governments." Rubicant replied, as Miinus nodded in agreement.

The murmurings in the auditorium were a jumble, but Rubicant was picking out things. Many of them were considering what he said and agreeing with but there were others that didn't like it, which made him feel it was of a more personal nature. He smiled as he heard a familiar voice.

Kryvain spoke, "The chair recognizes Admiral Torid of the Alliance."

Torid spoke, "While I'm no longer an Admiral due to retiring, I do have a concern about these "New" neutral worlds, and what that means should they choose to not join in with the new Rebel government."

Rubicant gave a slight bow to him, as Torid returned the gesture. "If any of these systems should choose to remain neutral, then they can freely trade with any system. If any government tries to blockade any of these neutral worlds, it will be considered an illegal act, and must be dealt with by this body as a whole. They chose to remain neutral for a reason, and that must be honored by all. Outside of their own laws, the Galactic Laws will remain in effect for those systems as well. If there is a dispute, then this body will preform a full investigation into the claim before any action takes place. Should they choose to join with the new Rebel government, then the other governments must abide by their laws when trading." He finished as he watched Torid bow again in response. The general outward flow of thought was accepting, there were still some that had misgivings, but overall it felt like he had succeeded in giving them the right path. He saw Iris standing off to the side smiling at him as he smiled back at her. However, his vision started to distort, his legs began to weak as he stared at her, she had a sudden look of worry and ran to him as he collapsed to the floor, his body shaking violently.

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