Rayner's Way: Chapter 13 - Time to Understand

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#13 of Rayners Way

Gab has a moment of clarity and tries to understand what he feels.

"Gab, hey, what's wrong?" Rayner whispered after the two of them stumbled into his bedroom and closed the door.

Thursday's checkup with the nurses had gone well in Rayner's mind. Both had agreed not to talk about it until they were here, but Gab seemed upset after getting out of the hospital. The walk in silence was a bit unnerving and was getting even more that they were in the room.

After getting in, Rayner closed the door, Gab froze in the middle of the small bedroom and just stood still. Rayner tried his best to approach him, but the tensed wolf still flinched when Rayner touched him. Trying his best not to whimper, Gab held himself before starting to scratch himself aggressively.

"Hey, no," Rayner whispered, grabbing Gab's paws Rayner moved them to his own chest, transferred them to his left paw, and put his right on Gab's muzzle, "Gab, if something came back, you can tell me."

"What?" Gab whispered.

"If you came back positive for something," Rayner whispered, "you can tell me. The nurse told me I was all negative."

"No, I did, too," Gab quickly whispered as he shook his head. His breathing was shallow and quick, but he wasn't shaking. Swallowing hard, he added, "I'm just being stupid. I don't know why. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be like this."

"Well, walk me through it," Rayner whispered gently as he rubbed Gab's ear.

"Please," Gab whispered quietly before whimpering into Rayner's paw.

"If you say, don't hate me," Rayner whispered as softly as he could, "know that I don't and I won't."

"You don't know that," Gab argued.

"Don't make up my mind for me," Rayner whispered back, "I know life has been shit, but, you know, I want to make it better. I'm your boyfriend, Gab. Please trust me."

"I'm just angry," Gab whimpered and shook, "Everything you put up with was for nothing."

"What's everything?" Rayner whispered.

"My fucking fears," Gab whined, "I was wrong."

"About?" Rayner asked quietly.

"I'm not sick, Rayner," Gab whispered, "Neither are you... I thought... something would go wrong.."

"Gab," Rayner whispered and pulled Gab into a hug.

"I was sure of it," Gab whimpered as he hugged back, "they fucking lied."

"It's okay," Rayner whispered and started to rock Gab gently.

"No, Rayner!" Gab yelled, "It's not okay. I have been scared for years because those assholes told me even if I used condoms, I'd still get sick."

"Sorry," Rayner whispered.

"Why?" Gab asked sternly, his ears were still down, but he looked more aggressive, "I'm the one who's been holding us back. You've spent the last couple of months dealing with me. We could have been, you know?"

"What? Feral fucking?" Rayner asked sternly, "Gab, I'm the one that wants to mate in Pinewood. Remember? I have my desires for what I want too. This isn't solely on you."

"But I could have gone to Pinewood that weekend then," Gab whispered back.

"Would you have wanted that?" Rayner asked, taking a moment to look around the empty room before looking back at Gab's brown ear, "You met my siblings and my cousin, but they are my generation. My uncle is a piece of work. Some of the Elders are quietly worse. Would you have been sure you wanted to come out to all of them?"

"I don't know," Gab whispered, "I just... I don't know."

"Would you have preferred to have come out differently to Josh and them?" Rayner asked.

"I don't know," Gab whispered, "no? No, they already knew?"

"Would you have kept going to RiverBEND?" Rayner asked.

"No," Gab admitted, "Dad yelling at me stopped that."

"I know you wouldn't have been scared," Rayner whispered, "maybe as much, but our relationship is still strong regardless. Or, at least, I think it is."

"Because of you," Gab whispered sourly.

"Answer this honestly," Rayner whispered sternly, "Did you really believe that being with me in was going to make you sick? This morning did you believe you were sick?"

"No," Gab whispered, shaking his head as he started to hyperventilate again. Groaning, he corrected, "Please, please... I did. I did. I know your book said different. I just," Gab tried his best to explain but pushed his head under Rayner's chin in exhaustion and muttered, "I'm sorry. Okay?"

"No, Gab, look at me," Rayner whispered as he moved Gab's muzzle gently, "If you are concerned about your health, tell me. At the same time, though, you know, that's also why we have a relationship. It's because of you. My brave wolf."

"But I'm fucking scared all the time," Gab complained.

"You're facing it, though," Rayner whispered, "I have a boyfriend because you are willing to push past everything you're feeling to be with me. And not just physically. You hold my paw in public now, you talked to our friends about us, and you even are trying to make my family comfortable. That's you, Gab. I have an amazing boyfriend because of what you're willing to do."

"Rayner," Gab whimpered as he put his head down on Rayner's shoulder.

"What do you need?" Rayner asked quietly as the two started to rock again.

"Not to hurt," Gab almost yelled. Whining softly, he shook his head and then whispered, "Wish this wasn't so hard."

"Me too," Rayner whispered back and nodded. Taking a long deep breath, Rayner could smell Gab's fear on him. After a couple of moments, Rayner quietly added, "How can I make you not hurt?"

"Hate me," Gab scoffed, froze, then added bitterly, "I'm used to that."

"How do I do that?" Rayner whispered.

"What?" Gab asked quietly, frowning at Rayner.

"How do I hate you?" Rayner asked again.

"Tell me to get out," Gab whispered coldly, "that wasting your time with an unfuckable loser was the worst decision you've made. You can't even get a paw without wasting money on me."

"Do you want me to?" Rayner asked sternly.

"No," Gab whined back and held on.

"Good. I love you, Gab," Rayner said quietly and rocked again as he talked, "You're my boyfriend. Not my unfuckable loser that I want out of my life. And I'm scared of how much I'd miss you. You're a wolf I want to mate, not just be mated to. If that happens next year or in the years after that, I'm okay. I like what we do. I love you."

"I love you too," Gab whimpered hard but quietly into Rayner's neck as he hugged Rayner tightly. Shaking and panting, Gab pressed his forehead into the space between Rayner's neck and shoulder and tried to get a hold of himself. He whimpered again when he couldn't.

"Let it out," Rayner whispered and rocked, "It's okay. You're safe."

The noises Gab made as he pressed himself into Rayner started to sound rawer than ever. He was warm. Rayner held on to him as he shook and cried out what he was going through with a growing sense of rage at everything that Gab had to go through. It wasn't fair. None of it made any sense.

Eventually, the room got quiet, they were on the floor, the lights and the smell outside flooded back into their senses, and the pain that was so loud before seemed manageable again in the quiet of the room. It was their room. Their home.

"You okay?" Rayner asked as Gab let out a series of long breaths.

"No," Gab whispered hollowly, "I'm sorry."

"I am too, Gab," Rayner whispered back, "I wish there was more I could do."

"Just fucking pin me down and get everything over with," Gab whispered, holding onto Rayner tightly, "just get everything out."

"Sounds like fun," Rayner whispered as he leaned back and smiled.

"You could have that," Gab whispered quietly, "you know if you dated someone else."

"And I'd rather be here with you, right now, than be with any of the wolves I have dated," Rayner said as he stroked the fur on the side of Gab's muzzle, "I'll mark you every chance I get till you feel like my scent will never wash off."

"Do it then," Gab whispered.

"What?" Rayner asked, pausing his paw for a second to look at Gab. "Gab, we have class in like half an hour," Rayner whispered back, "we don't have time to shower after-"

"I don't want to shower," Gab whispered and shook his head.

Rayner watched as Gab pulled away and undid the buttons to his shorts in a frustrated huff of activity. Struggling with both, he managed to get them off and start on his underwear. Throwing both pairs of clothing at the door, Gab laid down on his back with his tail toward Rayner. Gab had a bit of a wag, but Rayner was having a hard time not looking at the furless spot under it.

"Mark me," Gab whispered sternly, but looking at Rayner, he lost a bit of composure and had to quietly add, "There."

"Under your tail?" Rayner asked quietly.

"Yes," Gab whispered and nodded as best he could, lying down.

"Without showering afterwards?" Rayner asked with a bit of a smile now.

"Yes," Gab confirmed.

"You'll probably also get itchy," Rayner whispered.

"If I were brave enough," Gab explained quietly, "I'd ask you to make me sore. Maybe. Just bite my neck, hold me down, and push your knot into me."

"I told you before," Rayner whispered at the thought of what Gab was saying, "you have to accept it. I'm not forcing you to be my mate."

"I want you too," Gab whispered, "I want to be your mate, Rayner, I just don't know if I can."

"If you want, you can," Rayner whispered back, "just like if you want to be marked, you can come sit on top of me."

"I don't know," Gab said as he looked down at himself and shuddered. Rayner smiled at him, though, causing Gab to let out a grumble. Getting up, he crawled toward Rayner as Rayner managed to very quickly take off his shorts and underwear in a single motion.

Stradling Rayner, Gab put his paws on Rayner's shoulders, lifted his tail, and sank down until he felt Rayner's fur on his sheath and Rayner's sheath on his tail. Shaking slightly, Gab tried to say he was ready, but it ended up coming out as a half set of words.

"What do you want me to do?" Rayner whispered.

"Fuck me," Gab groaned out the swear as he tried to steal himself to say what he meant. Rayner, smiling, pressed Gab's hips down so that the tip of his sheath pointed directly under Gab's tail. Whispering unsteadily, Gab asked, "Are you?"

"Get me a condom from the drawer and accept me and I will," Rayner almost growled, "Or ask me to do something else."

"Mark me," Gab whispered.

"What was that?" Rayner whispered back.

"Mark me. PleaSE!," Gab said quietly until Rayner let a burst of wetness out under his tail and made Gab squeak out the last half of, please. Breathing heavily, Gab reached around and felt the wetness under his tail with a paw and bringing it up to his nose, he smelt Rayner's scent mixed with his own musk. A sudden shake started his Gab's core as he squeezed his tail down, and the wetness became more present.

"I mark you, Gab Wilson, as mine," Rayner whispered as he tried to steady Gab, "shaking, scared and all. I want to tie my life to yours."

"Just do it then," Gab whispered, lifting his tail high, "I can't, but I won't stop you."

"That would be an awful first mating," Rayner chuckled, "urine makes an awful lube."

"I don't care," Gab whispered, leaning back into Rayner's sheath.

The tip of Rayner's cock pressed hard against Gab's tail hole, making him shudder and moan quietly, but it never got further than the entrance. Rayner groaned in slight pain as Gab squeezed tighter than he thought possible at the feeling of the potential intruder.

"Please, Rayner, just push it in," Gab whimpered.

"When we are in Pinewood," Rayner said as he lifted Gab up and off his lap, "I will make sure you are comfortable and accept me, you know, slowly."

"I don't know if I can," Gab groaned as he tried to fight Rayner's hold, "Please, Rayner, I don't want you to leave me."

"Fucking you this way won't make me stay," Rayner said sternly, breaking Gab's train of thought.

"It won't?" Gab whispered.

"No," Rayner assured.

"Oh," Gab whispered, looking away, and asked, "What do I do then?"

"I'm not leaving Gab," Rayner whispered, "When we are ready, we take another step toward where we want to go. If you want to go somewhere else, we can discuss that, but it's trying to understand what you're going through right now. What do you want?"

"I want to be held down and just," Gab whispered but paused before saying, "not be scared."

"I can hold you down but I can't take your fears away from you," Rayner whispered, "I'm just trying to help you accept them."

"I'm not even sure you can hold me down," Gab whispered bitterly as he tried to get up and crawl back into his clothes.

"Gab, I can pin you down pretty easily," Rayner said with a chuckle, "You're mostly fur."

"No, you couldn't. You're like the gentlest wolf I-" Gab started to whisper but felt his breath escape him as his hips pulled him back.

Still lying on his back, Rayner watched Gab crawl away from him until he got to the point where his front paws were straddling Rayner's feet. Sitting up quickly, Rayner grabbed Gab's hips and used his feet to kick out Gab's paws. On the floor with a gasp, Gab tried to get back up but felt Rayner wrap his feet around his core and press down on his shoulder blades. Now with his front immobilised, Rayner wrapped his arms around Gab's legs and pinned them beside him.

"What were you saying?" Rayner said as he studied the beautiful wolf butt in front of him, "seemed to have trailed off there."

"Rayner," Gab groaned as his head was pressed onto the floor.

"Gentlest wolf," Rayner scoffed as he ignored Gab, "I should take my mark back for that."

"You wouldn't," Gab argued, but from this angle, Rayner could see Gab's sheath thicken.

"You want to be a good boy and lift your tail?" Rayner asked cooly, "Or do I have to make you?"

"Still being gentle-," Gab started but huffed as Rayner increased the pressure on Gab's shoulder blades.

Forcivily lifting Gab's tail wasn't hard, but keeping it still was a bit of a challenge for Rayner as Gab started to struggle. Moving and turning his paw so that he had a firm grasp on the base, Rayner was able to manage it better but left room for Gab's right leg to try and escape. Rayner figured it'd be a good test to see what exactly Gab wanted. If Gab twisted out of the grasp, then it was over, but Rayner had to hold back a chuckle when Gab let out a small moan. Leaning in, Rayner took a good sniff.

"Don't you dare kiss me there again," Gab groaned the best he could.

"Kiss," Rayner scoffed and laughed before explaining, "Takes more than that to remove a scent."

"You aren't serious?" Gab asked quietly.

"I'll start with these and work up," Rayner whispered mischievously.

Rayner let his tongue slide over Gab's furry sac in one long arc. Pushing them close, Gab let out a low moan and clenched hard. Feeling satisfied, Rayner let his tongue go under the pair, touched the edge of Gab's sheath and then dragged it back, making Gab moan louder. Rayner figured that Gab tasted good enough that he'd make sure that he was fully clean before he moved on.

"Rayner," Gab whispered into the carpet as he felt Rayner's tongue clean him, "your roommates are going to hear me."

"You holding back those cute little noises you're making?" Rayner laughed as he pushed his nose into Gab's furry pouch.

"Nooo," Gab started but let it drag out into another moan as Rayner started to make small little licks on the back side of his sack.

"That seemed like a yes to me," Rayner whispered, "shouldn't lie."

"Rayner," Gab moaned as he squirmed in Rayner's grasp.

"This seems to be more enjoyable than an actual punishment," Rayner said as he took a quick look under Gab's legs to see the still-sheathed but leaking rod between Gab's legs, "Maybe dragging those noises out of you would be more appropriate. Does having your balls in my muzzle violate our no internal thing, or would it be like kissing?"

"What?" Gab gasped as he tried to move, "You wouldn't. Rayner?"

"You know the word to stop me," Rayner stated as he moved in and planted a long lick along the center.

"Oh, fuck," Gab whispered and groaned as Rayner toyed with him but froze solid when he felt the lightest touch of Rayner's teeth as the warmth of Rayner's muzzle surrounded him. Groaning into the floor, "fuck. Rayner, what are you doing?"

"Mot hure," Rayner tried to say with his muzzle full.

Closing his lips around the base of Gab's sack, Rayner stretched them back gently as Gab let out a small noise Rayner wasn't sure about. A clench ran through Gab's tail a second later, and then Gab gave a small thrust into Rayner's chest, which seemed like a good sign. He wasn't sure, though. Mostly Rayner was just enjoying the smell and sight of Gab's tail rather than the taste of anything.

Going between licking the fuzzy pouch between his legs and having Gab entirely in his muzzle, Rayner played with Gab. He sucked on it once, but Gab's flinching at the sensation made him worry about his teeth getting in the way. Rayner smiled, even being like this, Gab's panting seemed to indicate that he was enjoying himself. His leaking sheath was another.

"Rayner," Gab moaned into the floor, "Could you, maybe, you know, play with something else?"

"But you have class to get to," Rayner said teasingly.

"It's review," Gab groaned, "I handed in my last assignment on Tuesday, and she went over the final then."

"What did you want me to play with then?" Rayner said as he chuckled at Gab's sudden assertiveness, "Your condoms, I go south, but my condoms, I go north."

"South is new?" Gab asked as Rayner let him go.

Gab stretched a bit before looking up at Rayner, but once he did, Rayner made a show of licking his lips. Tucking his ears back, Gab looked down at himself and then at the wet spot in the middle of Rayner's chest.

"Or if you want, we can just cuddle with our paws," Rayner offered as Gab looked around before getting up and walking to Rayner's dresser.

Inside, on the right hand close to the bed, Rayner had the large blue box of condoms that he had brought back from the Pack. Beside it, though, was the small, black, almost square box of condoms that Gab had bought. Reaching for the large blue box, Gab hesitated and looked back at Rayner sitting on the floor, smiling at him. Turning back around and looking into the dresser, Gab felt his paw reach for the black box and take out a package.

Rayner's smile brightened when he saw what Gab had grabbed. Getting up, Rayner took the two steps to reach Gab and gently kissed the wolf. Gab moaned as Rayner reached behind him and squeezed his tail while taking the other paw and rubbing it behind his ear. A twitch of Gab's sheath, and Rayner pulled away.

"Rayner, I don't know how to do this," Gab whispered quickly as Rayner reached for the package in Gab's paw.

"I don't really know either," Rayner admitted as he opened and examined the plastic wrapper, "maybe just get on the bed on your knees, and we'll play with this the best we can."

"Okay," Gab whispered and did as he was told.

On the very edge of Rayner's bed, Gab sat on his knees spread wide, making a display of his very stretched sheath and red leaking tip. Rayner smiled and opened the package as he knelt down in front of Gab. Rayner quickly did himself up first. Then after Gab shuddered a bit and his knot fully formed, Rayner leaned in and licked the underside of Gab's wrapped member.

"Oh fuck," Gab whimpered after flinching slightly at Rayner's warm tongue touching him.

"We can do something else if you want," Rayner looked up and offered, hoping like hell though that Gab would say no. Gab closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Gab whispered as he panted, "You want to do this right?"

Rayner didn't answer verbally, rather he took the opportunity to lift Gab's cock up slightly and plant a kiss on the tip. Gab froze but didn't flinch this time. Leaning back and smiling, Rayner reached underneath Gab to hold onto the base of his knot as he examined the tip.

"Lay down, open your legs," Rayner whispered as he scooted closer, "warm me before you finish."

"Am I finishing?" Gab whispered as he leaned even further back, shuddering at Rayner's touch.

"I think so," Rayner whispered as he nodded, "Wouldn't want to leave you needing."

"Holy shit," Gab whispered as Rayner smiled and pulled Gab forward by his knot.

Rayner's cold nose pushed up against Gab's fuzzy orbs as Rayner took in what was hidden under Gab's tail, now pressed hard to the bed. Not giving a moment for hesitation to form, Rayner then pushed his lips in to kiss Gab's hidden flesh for the second time since they had started dating. It was okay. Smelt like he had washed there this morning. Tasting it seemed like a good way to make sure.

"Oh fuck!" Gab coughed out as he squirmed, "Rayner, what?"

Another drag of Rayner's tongue only let Gab mutter and moan half-formed words as he stretched. Rayner loved it. He pushed his sheath back as his knot ached and went in for another sniff and taste. Gab twisted and lifted one of his legs straight up into the air as Rayner pushed further.

A paw suddenly brushed the top of his nose as Rayner opened his eyes and looked up. Gab was stretching down. Rayner let the searching paw past his nose, and Gab reach between his legs to feel a different wetness that was now under his tail. Tensing hard, Rayner felt Gab's entire form shake as he moaned at the feeling.

"Oh, Rayner," Gab pleaded, "Tie me."

"Say it again," Rayner whispered into Gab's fur.

"Please," Gab whimpered, "Tie me."

"Be a good boy and get on your knees."

Gab's core went tight, and a shuddering ripple went through him as he turned over, his tail lifted in the air and his back arched. Rayner wasn't expecting to actually feel a rush to want to mount him, but it hit him hard seeing his Gab like this. Tail up, legs spread, Rayner could have gone in for more licking now. That was the plan. However, with this view, it took a second.

"Please, Rayner," Gab whined.

"Say it again," Rayner whispered as he latched onto Gab's tail and knot and licked from sack to base. Gab had difficulty saying anything as he squirmed and pushed his head into a pillow.

Rayner pushed, pulled, teased, and squeezed Gab until the smaller wolf relaxed into Rayner's hold while holding himself high. Everything was twitching, and every time it did, Rayner felt his own body respond. What would that actually feel like on his knot? Behind his knot. Gab's twisting and turning were getting Rayner hot, but the twitching tail in front of him made not having a paw between Rayner's legs bearable.

"Fuck me," Gab quietly whimpered.

"Say it again," Rayner pulled back and whispered, getting a chance, he also took a nibbling bite of Gab's thigh but returned to his tail in short order. Lick after lick on that sensitive flesh kept Gab from getting the words out until Rayner lifted his head and asked, "Or do you want to be on your back?"

"Rayner," was all Gab was able to whisper as he rotated. Rayner didn't let him get comfortable, pulling Gab toward him and lifting his back end so that it was just below Rayner's chin.

With one paw on Gab's knot and the other holding a thigh, Rayner smiled and whispered, "My wolf."

With Gab's tail to the wind, Rayner went back to work licking and rubbing everything Gab tried to hide, and with a pair of eyes glued to him, Gab watched. He moaned and stretched. Rayner always kept him in place as he switched between licking bare flesh to the white, fluffy orbs in front of him.

His pulsing, bright red knot got a squeeze and a small lick whenever Gab unintentionally let out a small moan or squeak. Rayner smiled every time he did. Gab's effort to hold in another as he was rewarded made it all the better for Rayner.

Gab eventually found Rayner's own aching knot behind him. With a searching paw, Rayner felt a soft hold, and then a gentle squeeze pushed him forward as he continued to burry his nose and tongue in fur that rarely had, if ever, seen the sun. Thrusting, Rayner felt both his knot get squeezed and his tip push against the fur on Gab's back, sending tingles down his legs.

"Can I?" Rayner only the words on the edge of his mind as he was brought back to their room, "Rayner?"

"If you're just getting close," Rayner chuckled, "I may finish before you this time."

"Can I just," Gab whispered, squirming now in Rayner's hold.

Letting him go, Rayner watched the wolf turn topside and then turn back around to face him. Gab rushed but stopped just before Rayner's lips to sniff. Taking a couple of short breaths in, Gab let out a low moan as he looked down. Seeing Rayner's knot, Gab quickly leaned in to smell that too.

Feeling a paw behind his knot as Gab tried to pull him closer, Rayner let out a shuddering gasp as he let his legs lift him up with Gab's pull. A tingle inside his tail threatened to release what he had built up if Rayner pushed himself over.

"Oh fuck, Gab, I'm so close," Rayner whispered, unconsciously rubbing Gab's ear and feeling it close in on him. A warmth touched his tip, and his legs went stiff as he quickly looked down to see Gab's tongue under him.

Gab only nodded.

Reaching forward, he took the tip of the condom, pulled it toward him so that it wasn't close to Rayner's flesh and, with his teeth, bit down. Rayner only had a moment to be surprised before a now steaming hot and silky tongue wrapped itself around him. The end of the condom now open. Rayner's bare tip was dragged across Gab's tongue.

"Gab," Rayner gave out a hoarse whisper as he felt his inside start to move, "Gab, I'm, fuck, oh fuck."

The pressure behind his knot pulled him forward and into Gab's open muzzle as white jets of seed started to stain Gab's tongue. Gab gasped at the sensation. Rayner was lost in it. A tight warmth wrapped itself around Rayner's world as he felt Gab swallow and suck down his first load.

Then his second.

What was to be the third leaked out of Gab's muzzle, and then shot onto his belly as he brought his head up to Rayner's. Rayner's paw found Gab's knot before Rayner knew what was happening, and the two kissed briefly before Gab started moaning as he humped into Rayner's stomach fluff.

Rayner's other paw found its way back to Gab's tail, and the slippery mess now hidden there. A firm rub and Gab became loud enough to startle Rayner. Another didn't seem to quiet him down. A third seemed to make matters only worse.

"Say it again," Rayner whispered as he continued to rub.

"Tie me," Gab tried is absolute best to be quiet but his moan afterwards put the effort to waste as Rayner rewarded him with another rub across his sensitive flesh. Panting hard, Gab gasped, "Rayner!"

Gab's tail suddenly went very loose. As the rest of his body went as tight as a coil, Rayner felt one his blunt nails slip into the now relaxed hole he was pressing his paw into. Gab held back a squeal as Rayner's teeth found Gab's neck, holding him there. Hopeful, he would be quiet. Okay.

A pulse almost bit into Rayner's finger as the first jet of seed left Gab, trapped behind their protection but longing to join the mess that Rayner was still making in Gab's fur. The two twitched. They gently thrust into each other as they listened to the other gasp and pant as they emptied themselves.

Rayner let go of Gab's neck when he felt the wolf's thigh relax. They looked at each other. Rayner felt a confidence in them that he hadn't before, even though the wolf that that was looking back at him had a stunned expression on his muzzle and in his eyes. Gab looked okay.

"How was that for gentle?" Rayner asked, licking Gab's muzzle.

"I think I can do this," Gab panted out in a whisper, looking down at himself and playing with the mess on his stomach, "Gabriel can, at least."

"Accept me," Rayner chuckled as he pushed into a nuzzle, "and I'll put enough Pinewood seed in you that I'll make Gabriel a Pinewood."

"Fuck, I'd like that," Gab whispered, "I could do that."

Breaking into a chuckle and smiling wide, he rubbed Gab's cheek and kissed him softly. Still on the edge of the bed, Rayner wrapped his arms around Gab's legs and lifted then pushed Gab closer to the wall so that he could sit as well.

Rayner made sure to keep their knots in a comfortable position as he sat down under Gab. Their soft gentle kissing became more tight hugs with the occasional lick or nuzzle as they enjoyed the last of the pleasure their knots gave them. Rayner smiled every time Gab made a faint moan when he squeezed him. Squeezing Gab tight, Rayner ducked his muzzle underneath Gab's and softly bit down on his neck. Gab only whimpered and squirmed.

Slowly relaxing back into the bond, Gab let go of explaining and enjoyed the pressure again. Rayner's tongue still had a bit of bitterness to it, and the evidence of his release was slowly breaking a couple walls in Gab's mind. Rayner didn't just want this to continue; he wanted more.

"I'm going to bite you again," Rayner whispered as he leaned back a bit and then nuzzled Gab's muzzle.

Reaching down, Rayner took Gab's neck back and squeezed a bit harder than last time. A low moan came out of Gab as Rayner pressed into him. A small splash of wetness was left between Gab's legs. It wasn't enough to escape their fur but enough to sink down to their skin. Moaning into Gab's neck, Rayner pressed him up against the wall and held him tightly.

With Rayner's teeth on his neck, Rayner felt Gab go limp, feeling now more like puddy in Rayner's arms than a wolf with bones and organs. This felt right. Rayner felt right. Smiling broadly, Gab let himself relax into the embrace.

Rayner relaxed as Gab did. The two moaned and squirmed in the embrace until Rayner finally let go of Gab's neck. Panting hard and looking between them, Gab almost made a soft chirp when he chuckled. Rayner rubbed his cheek after hearing it and kissed Gab gently.

About ten minutes after the two started kissing, their knots started to deflate. Rayner was able to take the broken condom off himself before sliding the full one off of Gab. The two smiled, but when Rayner was about to tie off Gab's, Gab held his paw.

"No, wait," Gab whispered as he squirmed a bit, "I want that."

"I can make more if you want," Rayner whispered into Gab's ear before leaning back and smiling at him.

"I want that too," Gab whispered hesitantly but tried to take the condom out of Rayner's paw, "I just need to do something."

Starting to pant, Gab picked the latex package out of Rayner's paw as Rayner gave him a curious look. Gab was giving it an intense look before looking up at Rayner and biting his lip. Gab leaned his head forward and closed his eyes until Rayner connected with him. The two sat silently with their foreheads touching until Gab leaned back again and whimpered.

Tilting the condom over, Gab let the contents fall between them, landing on his sheath and stomach fur. His panting increased and became a little shallower but Gab was intent. He emptied the bag and gave it back to Rayner, who then wrapped both of them in a tissue. Gab simply stared at the mess for a couple of moments as Rayner held him.

"How are you feeling?" Rayner whispered before the silence continued to stretch on.

"Tight," Gab whimpered through a pant. Swallowing and shaking his head, Gab asked, "This is us. This is going to sound stupid but could... Could you rub it into me?"

"Do you want it everywhere?" Rayner asked softly.

"Yes," Gab whispered back and nodded.

Closing his eyes and looking away, he didn't see Rayner reach his muzzle in until he felt Rayner's teeth around his neck again. The embrace made him relax as Rayner's paw found the mess between them and started moving it around. He went slow. Rayner never moved more than a little beyond the edges of where Gab had let it drop.

Gab started moaning again as Rayner moved. A thickness built up in his sheath and the end of his member made itself known again. It probably was as sensitive as Rayner's was and he wondered if Gab could have even filled his knot this soon after the swelling had gone down. He still tensed up when he felt Rayner touch it. A paw full of seed, Rayner slid Gab's sheath down, coating his member just beyond the knot with the milky fluid. Sliding his sheath back up, Rayner let go of Gab's neck and leaned back to look at the wolf he loved.

"How are you feeling Gabriel?" Rayner asked quietly.

"Like I skipped class so you could make my tail feel weird," Gab whispered in a daze, "and your cum's all over me. I'm not sure what else I can do. This feels unreal."

"Want to lick my paw?" Rayner asked and held up the cum soaked paw he had between them.

"Yes," Gab whispered as he suddenly looked up and nodded.

Leaning forward, Gab started to clean off Rayner's paw as Rayner held him and rubbed him behind his ear. There wasn't much, but it was enough to get a taste. Rayner smiled every time Gab gave out a little moan as he licked and swallowed. When he had finished up, Rayner leaned in and kissed Gab softly before letting his tongue drag itself across the roof of Gab's mouth. Pressing Rayner's with his own, Gab sucked on Rayner's tongue in delight.

Trying their best to get as messy as possible, the two played in the fluids they had spilt on each other. Both knew Gab's fears would return, but for now, they had broken a wall and were determined to enjoy every moment together in this new state. They felt safer together than ever, and the shower they needed afterwards only brought them comfort. Neither of them were washing off a shameful act anymore.