Spotted Balls and Magical Runes II

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This chapter should have been posted a while ago but Baldur's Gate 3 was sucking my soul out of my body so I practically did nothing else than play it for a real while now lol

Anyway, the second chapter is up! We now see what will be of Ha'Gast after defeating Herta, the champion of an illegal fight club he had a quest to end.

Many thanks for the feedback from the first chapter. I really enjoyed starting this bb smut writing stuff and with all your support I can be sure I'm doing an ok job! I really appreciate comments, 'cause of that.

Oddly enough, this chapter has no fighting, which was the main focus of appraisals from the last chapter, but don't fear, I love writing fighting scenes so soon enough we'll have plenty of kicking and stomping and squeezing and so on. :]

This chapter contains much less ballbusting and much more denial, but as always, expect lots of good old ball abuse :)

Naked, with his arms and legs wide apart, shins and wrists restricted by the cold metal shackles that kept him lying on that surprisingly comfortable bed, Ha'Gast woke up from the deep "emergency slumber" his body imposed to him after that last very demanding fight.

The room the feline was in had various and various types of different smells, he could not be an alchemist, but Ha'Gast had been inside several nursing rooms enough times to know the peculiar mix of smells a variety of alchemical ingredients created. That added to the well-known scent of dirt and old wood, usual of mines.

It was a big bedroom that he assumed belonged to a mage, considering the bookshelves, study table and the already smelled alchemy ingredients.

What truly brought most strangeness from all that was actually the weird placement of what seemed like a very short hatstand, put strangely right in front of one of the tables and completely covered by a green robe.

Ha'Gast got yet another glance over the room, rechecking if no one was nearby. Seemingly alone, he could start working his way out of that.

The cheetah started pulling his right arm, winding up a good yank and-... ow... right, his balls were still a little achy, and that rapid abrupt movement was enough to remind him of that, plus the swollen feel on his private parts, even if all minimal compared to... yesterday? Was it?

That little yank broke the silence in the room, but it didn't matter since he was alone there. Taking another glance around though, the monk was... almost sure that that rack had just moved though.

Keeping his eyes locked on that big green robe, Ha'Gast doubted his own vision as the rack turned around. Was it some kind of animated object the mage left roaming around their room? Is it a sentinel that will alert them? A little guard that will smack him? He thought about all those possibilities while the rack approached the bed, dragging the robe across the ground.

A sweet, feminine voice emerged from inside the robes - "Greetings, great new champion... I am the head of this little fight club of ours... Feeling great?"

It speaks too?!?

The two green sleeves were raised, suddenly falling down as they pointed upwards, revealing two thin and scaly yellow arms and hands. These hands grabbed the green hood, pulling it back, without any rush.

Surprisingly, the rack was actually a kobold girl, whose scales were yellow, with darker-orangish parts wherever they were thicker, as it is over the elbows, knuckles, snout and probably other yet to be revealed parts, which made her look like a big piece of roasted coalho cheese¹.

¹ - coalho cheese is a brazilian cheese, google it.

"My name is Kurdy, by the way. Any questions?" - She asked with a ironic smile on her face, as if she was pretending Ha'Gast wasn't naked and chained up in her bed.

Taking a second to acknowledge that she was in fact not a rack but simply a small kobold, Ha'Gast finally spoke.

"Maybe start from why am I restrained and naked over an unsuspecting, probably-mage kobold girl's bed?" - Ha'Gast tried to cross his arms, but since he wasn't able to, he just made an angry face.

Kurdy retorted his face with an acid and sarcastic smile, getting closer to the cheetah until she was right at the side of the bed.

"Okay kitty, I'm going to be very brief and very honest with you..." - Ha'Gast noted how her little hands had only four fingers each, as she started hitting her fingers in a wavy motion over his naked belly.

The kobold continued - "I started this little fight club idea not just for the money and all, of course I love to keep my partners in crime wealthy because that's the whole point of being criminals BUT" - she pressed all her eight fingers lightly down - "as you can tell, I'm a powerful mage, and I'm... developing some cooool stuff" - she bit her lip in excitement for the reveal, looking deep in his eyes, smiling.

Ha'Gast stood there trying to make his most serious face, despite having a very touchy 'bold running her fingers across his belly fur. - "Uhum. You want me to ask you what you're developing?"


Exhaling in disbelief of his situation, Ha'Gast asked. - "And what are you developing, Kurdy?

"So, you see, I didn't escalate Herta to be the final challenge of the brave combatants without a reason. See, I guess you have experienced firsthand... and knees and mace... Herta's main targets..." - The bold 'bold slowly dragged her tiny claws towards Ha'Gast's groin, using one of her indexes to tap his swollen nutsack, giving a "hint" of what she was talking about.

She continued, as Ha'Gast's serious look became a bit more of a concerned look. - "And these bad boys seem to be able to take a punch like nobodies. That's what I'm looking for."

"uugh... mma'am... I don't know and I don't even think I WANT to know what you're planning, but I used external powers to sustain those-" - he was cut mid sentence as she shushed him.

"hey hey, you think I was just waiting this whole time and would work with anything my dumb subordinates brought me? No, no, no... I was there, cheetah. I see that you have your... pretty blue powers but I have keen eyes. I saw you taking those knees... that punch, that squeezing... oh... it was so..." - her left hand, the closest to his ballsack, opened and grabbed one of his testicles, caressing it - "entertainingly perfect."

After a brief moment of a mix of careful touches and very uncareful speech, that really shut Ha'Gast's mouth for good, she continued. - "So I know these can take a real beating. And that's what I need, strong testicles for my newest, brightest invention."

Ha'Gast gulped. His mating rod had never been so shrunken and flaccid with a female's hands that close to it. He was consumed with anxiety, whatever she was planning to do with his balls was SURELY not healthy, nor good, nor cool, nor anything nice. He needed to get out of there.

At the slightest trace of his blue energies starting to appear over his wrists, Kurdy got both her hands up as a sign of peace. - "Ey ey ey ey... hold on big guy, calm down. Please, hear me out, hum?"

The cheetah's eyebrows were tense, looking at her with pure reactive anger, yet, he waited as she asked to, ready to brutally make his way out of there, but still listening to see what she wanted to say.

"Good. Now, listen, I mean you no harm, okay? I'm very, very, intelligent, and I'm not 'guessing' you will be a good candidate for my research, I KNOW you will endure it. Plus, after we are done here, I'll give you a hefty bag of shiny coins, what do you say?"

Ha'Gast's mood didn't seem to change a bit, yet, his trained mind was working his temper, as the monks not just trained their bodies, but also their mind and soul. With that, he was not anymore looking for a threat to attack, but rather was evaluating if it would be worth it or not to attack.

Facing the silence of the monk, the mage sighed. - "Listen, I promise you, whatever I do to you, it won't castrate you. Hell, I'm not that sadistic! And even if it happens, I'm a hecking mage, I can fix anything. Please, you are the perfect subject."

"Aaaand... What if I don't want to get another session of very very bad nut pain? Huh? Have you considered that?" - Ha'Gast was much more placid now, yet he had standards! Who does she think she is to request something like that?

"UGH, right, listen here, there's no 'wanting to', alright? I'll be straight with you: What I'm doing here is trying to show you that it will all be alright if you help me out, but I'm not asking." - Losing her temper just a bit, Kurdy breathed in before continuing, now calmly, crossing her arms.

"I'll give you my cards: First option, you refuse, results: one, I get angry; two, as I said, I was observing you fighting and I figured that you need to breathe for your little powers to work, so I informed _all_my crew about it. Conclusion: You refuse, I order them to attack you with me, someone blocks your airways and you end up with the thing you were probably most concerned for as I began explaining my plan: two very bad ruptures."

Keeping a very steady tone through her entire speech, her visible antipathy made it even more threatening.

"Second option: you accept, results: one, I get very happy, two, you get a heavy bag of coins, three, I work this denied, poor, little and small penis of yours, which visibly is just waiting for the slightest touch to burst, as usual of worthless man like you. Conclusion, you'll pass through a little pain, but all you need to do is look at the big picture where we all get very happy in the end." - She ends her serious speech with a cute kobold smile, making the second option look even more attractive.

Suddenly Ha'Gast felt 100% convinced to help her, maybe because his wise monk mind was very rational, maybe because her threats made a lot of sense, possibly a junction of both.

He sighed, having a burst of energy to deny at least what she said about his dick being small, but he successfully contained that, rather wanting to look grateful about what she offered. - "Okay. Sorry for uhh... doubting you. It's just... not common for me to wake up naked and chained somewhere and having people telling me that they will bust my nuts, get it?" - He said in somewhat of a joke tone, trying to break the ice and seem definitely not against anything.

In a sudden turn of emotions, the kobold looked again as happy and cool as she was before this little 'intermission' - "Great!" - She got her little hands together in visible excitement, and granted the cheetah a comforting smile.

"Okay, so... Ha'Gast, right? Wanna know about my big plan?" - Kurdy stepped away from the bed, now towards the table that had the most books and scrolls in the room, probably full of information and notes concerning her "project".

Ha'Gast nodded, holding a fake smile.

Kurdy got her hands on a comparatively smaller book and began turning its pages - "You know, I'm a simple kobold. I've always fancy two things above all: magical enchants and balls. So I got myself thinking: why shouldn't I be a genius and merge both?" - the short mage seems to finally find the page she was searching for, and turns the book so Ha'Gast could see them.

Raising his head a little bit so he could see the pages better, it turns out the book was a sketchbook, containing Kurdy's drawings of... ballsacks with some fancy runes on them.

The feline dared to question - "So uhh... you're going to make my balls shoot fireballs or something like that?" - he raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused.

Raising her tiny free fist fiercely, sparks of fire began appearing around it, starting a brief flame that soon disappeared from her hand, when she stopped casting it. The cute face she was doing became a face of true disappointment briefly, and soon after she regained her cool, despite being angry with the cheetah assuming she would have had such an idiotic idea like using testicles as fireball arcane catalysts.

"No. Dumb subject." - She used her free hand now to point out the drawings. - "It's sex-related, not combat-related. Use your dull eyes."

There were several sketches, each ballsack having... strange scribbles over them, which Ha'Gast figured could be Kurdy's _very_bad handwriting.

Despite that, Ha'Gast was genuinely curious about her spells, specially by seeing the interesting patterns and forms each rune that was written above each sack had.

"Uh... well, you only made me more curious 'cause I can't read any of this" - He frowned his eyebrows and opened a concerned smile, and kept talking

"But from the little drawings it doesn't seem that bad, there's no knives or skulls or fireballs... one even has a heart here."

Kurdy replied, smiling again after finally hearing actual nice things coming out of the feline's mouth - "All are not bad even the slightest." - she giggles - "I'll get hecking rich when I begin selling scrolls of these for all the horny people across the continent"

"So it was about money after all."


"You said the fight club was not just about the money, but even if you're using it to create your uhh... ball spells, in the end it's about money."

"... You're so boring I'd call Herta to finish her job if you didn't have sturdy balls that are perfect for my testing."


The mage shut her sketchbook and let it over her work table from where it came. Coming back close to the bed, she crossed her arms, the loose and big green sleeves hiding both her arms each. She raised an eyebrow, with a smirk.

"Anyways, you, kitty, will serve me well testing each one of my enchants. We are not going to be able to test them all in a row here though, and for that, I'll provide you with a little message stone to keep in touch whenever you're away."

"Uh... great, I suppose? But how come I would be away, like, you mean...?"

Kurdy seemed to very easily get dragged away when talking about her spells, considering how she abruptly changed humor several times, giving Ha'Gast a very convinced smirk.

"See, kitty cat, we have several fun runes to test on you, and that isn't done in one sitting. I'll enchant your balls, and you'll be free to do anything you want, while providing me informations about any problems that may occur, like sudden dispelling, unexpected results and all, and I may even consider your opinions as someone that had practical use of the runes if they are not too idiotic."

"Okay... and then you'll call me with this said stone and I get here so you can put another of your runes?"

"Exactly. Simple, right? Even for someone not as intelligent as me like yourself!"

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, Ha'Gast thought, afterall. He was going to be paid, most probably she wouldn't have interest in keeping the fight club up, so he would be paid even more by the guard captian, and she promised to ease his "pent up situation" so... Well, job's a job, even if this meant he would need to put up with this kobold girl that wouldn't stop bragging about her smartnesses, always reassuring him of.

"Well, I guess I'm up to that. Can't y-"

"Not that you'd have a choice anyway right?" - Kurdy smiled showing her teeth, and poked his left nut with one of her tiny claws

Trying to not lose composure after flinching at her poke, Ha'Gast continued speaking - "Can't you tell me more about each of them though, lady Kurdy?"

"Well I... you know what? No. It doesn't make practical sense, but it would be much more fun if you discovered the effects on your own." - She baps her finger tips in wave patterns over him once more, this time her left hand resting on his groin, just right above his flaccid length, yet barely not touching it still - "hehe".

To have a girl, even if such an awful one, with her fingers bumping around so close to his denied length made Ha'Gast _specially_unable to complain with anything she would be doing - "O-okay should we... start then?"

Her eyes seemed to shine briefly as she heard the monk, evidently excited to see him complying, even if he was a bit forced to.

"Yesss... yes we should." - gently dragging her fingers more to the "south" of Ha'Gast, she spread them more so he could feel the whole palm of her tiny hands rubbing around his crotch.

Being at Ha'Gast's left, her left hand was the first to cup his recovering testes, still a bit swollen from the harsh night yesterday. With her right hand, she gently picked the flaccid length, which was already "swelling" on its own, and put it to the side, giving clearance to the sight of his nutsack.

Reaching for a little wand that looked like a regular stick inside one of the robe's pockets, the little mage whispered a magical, ancient word and the tip of her stick held a bright and brief red light, as she began rubbing her other hand's index claw on his nuts, not exactly gently nor arousing, yet not hurting too.

Instinctively, Ha'Gast's spotted spheres retracted at the touch of her claw, regardless of it hurting or not. What DID hurt was the pummel she delivered at his ballsack, making the nut flesh "accommodate" her hand for a brief moment - "ACK fu- WHY?!?"

"Stop moving your balls you dumbass! You ruined the rune I was drawing." - She looked at him judgemental, not caring a bit about the pain she just caused him.

The chains on his ankles made it impossible for him to close his legs, even if he really wanted to. He was now reminded of the sensation of having his eggs screaming at him and not being able to do nothing about it, grunting and holding back his tears. It was really sad for him that there hadn't been a great interval between the last time he felt it.

Despite that, two things kept constant: She once again cast her spell and began drawing the rune over his sack and his dick kept receiving a good pump of hot blood every second that passed, growing and getting raised like a flag.

Kurdy spoke while finishing her rune - "Already up? And- oh. You're a grower, huh? This pink rod looks way better up close."

The cheetah blushed, turning his head away a little embarrassed but still in a lot of pain. - "Hunf... well I hope it doesn't pierce right through your... kobold-sized hole."

"Pffft what? You think I'll be sitting on that? Not in a thousand lives would I let such an intelligence-inferior guy stick his meat up on me like that. Plus, a developer can't test their own products."

Ha'Gast made a confused face as she began denying him. Didn't she say she would help him out with "that"? And exactly where did she pull off so that people can't test their own creations?

She continued, as she finished enchanting his balls. - "Smartly choosing a perfect pair for you, and totally not because she probably asked me to like ten times before I banished her to a pocket dimension for some minutes, Agatha will be leading our first experience here. Not quite leading because I'm still the smart one around but anyway, I guess you'll enjoy her."

The cheetah's memory were a little foggy about the past day, but he surely remembered a certain "Agatha". Strangely enough, the first thing that came to his mind was her smell... ah, yes, she was in heat, that girl. Orange fur, half-plate armor, was blowing Gorm off right before his match, yeah.

His line of thoughts was cut as Kurdy gave him a little stinging pat in his sack before getting up. - "I'll grab her. Don't go away, huh?" - She headed to the door, annoyingly chuckling.

Little did Kurdy know that she wouldn't have much work looking around for Agatha, for the cat was already excitedly waiting with a big smile right in front of the door as Kurdy opened it.

With her hands crossed at her rear, Agatha took a step inside the room, looking around until she found what she was looking for: Ha'Gast.

Agatha got closer to the bed, near to where his feet were and was evidently not looking at his face, with her orange cheeks blushing. - "Ha'Gast!! I was so worried watching your fight, my friend! I wouldn't know what to do if Herta popped your ballsies..." - Without warning or asking, the orange cat got her knees up on the bed, just so she could reach Ha'Gast's sack and give very gentle caressing.

"Hunf... Hello, Agatha. I said I would win. You're still up for what you were talking about yesterday I see" - Having a girl getting touchy with his crotch without the intention to only tease or to totally obliterate it was very arousing, especially after what Ha'Gast had been through recently. His whole body shivered and then relaxed, as Agatha involved his warm stick with her cozy hands.

Her feline, cunning hands act as if they knew all the right spots on that twitching mating rod, even if it was still a bit dry at the first touches, it didn't take a dozen of seconds for Ha'Gast to begin leaking pre like a faucet, and of that Agatha took advantage, one of her hands getting its palm well lubricated by gently rubbing the top of the little guy's head.

Kurdy closed the door, annoyed at how Agatha didn't even greet her before chasing for Ha'Gast's private parts, yet, she was getting used to how Agatha behaved in heat.

"Okay, okay love cats. We are here to test MY genius enchant, don't forget about that, and als-" - Kurdy's intelligent speech was cut as Ha'Gast moaned with all his heart as the squire's mouth began housing the tip of his mating rod, as if Agatha was not satisfied with how wet his pre could already make it.

The kobold made a grumpy face as they seemed to not be paying attention to her anymore, and sat on a little bench away from the bed, eyeing both.

Agatha pushed her knees outside of the bed, being able to lay with her belly down on it, just so she could use her elbows to support herself and get at the perfect position: Head near the tip of his dick, hands at ready for use and oh- she almost forgot it.

Seductively looking at his face, the puss bit her lip before talking - "I have a feeling you're going to love this" - And she waited until Ha'Gast could lift his head to look at her.

Once Ha'Gast got his gaze upon the heated female, she brought her hands near her collarbones, where the steel plate that protected her chest connected with the back piece by a leather band and unbuttoned it with ease.

It was as if time slowed down to Ha'Gast, the metal piece was practically ejected with force when it was unbuttoned, since for all that time two unbelievably large breasts were hiding behind it, breasts that were far too big for a cat-kin like Agatha, almost each the size of her head. Real sizable melons that certainly were painfully squished to fit in that armor, now revealed, yet still hidden behind a layer of leather and the blouse Agatha wore behind the armor.

Yet, it never is all rainbows and butterflies (and titties), as the heavy metal piece was rocketed forward and down from losing its support from the leather bands it landed perfectly on the two enchanted spheres right under it, and Ha'Gast experienced the similar feel of receiving a metal pan squarely to the nuts.

Ha'Gast's face was a real mix of thirst for juicy female melons and enduring-pain-like-a-champ, holding a trembling smile and squishing his eyes. - "They look great, c-cutiepie. J-just please be wary of my balls, please."

He could almost feel his balls pulsating against the cold metal, really angry at him.

"Oh, silly me, hehe!" - Agatha adjusted herself, getting the metal plate off of his tender orbs and throwing it on the ground. Right after, she kept unbuttoning her general chest area, until finally the two fruits could breathe pure air.

Her warm melons rested over his balls and thighs, occupying a great part of his view. The cozy and warm sensation actually did a good job in making Ha'Gast forget the newly added pain, as he rested his head down again, relaxing.

Slurp, slurp, slur-MOP

Agatha gave all her heart into sucking the pain out of Ha'Gast, who with pleasure grunted in response to her very sloppy and loud blowjob.

Ha'Gast's eyes rolled back and his tights twitched, if anything rather than swollen and aching, his balls were getting blue. He may or may not have cummed like two days ago, but for someone that was a partner of Reyla, the red-dragoness who never seemed tired of having sex in every way imaginable with him everyday several times whenever they were together, two days was a lot. That without getting the immeasurable amounts of teasing his horny mind had received recently, being Agatha's heated behavior or the _gorgeous_sight of Herta.

The cheetah loved paying attention to each and every sensation he could muster while just enjoying someone playing with his bits. Agatha's scent was ever so present, filling Ha'Gast's nostrils with hormones that reminded him how nice it would be to spray his seed around. Other than that, Agatha was also very noisy, not only with her wet slurping, but she also moaned heartily, adding some more arousing vibrations to the thing that filled her mouth.

Agatha seemed so into that, that her heartbeat could be felt by Ha'Gast over his sack, being in close contact with her tits. In crescent speed, her excitement grew as the blush on her face did, her eyes losing focus as she got more and more hypnotized by her own pleasure.

With a mouthful, Agatha's words were muffled, yet they had an evident "climaxing-tone" - "Yessh- yess... YESSH- FFUK-" - her long and fluffy tail stiffened upwards, each of its strings of fur getting rigid and pointy, as her lifted butt could be seen twitching extensively, and her moans filled the room (and vibrated his cock).

All the while she kept blowing his throbbing cock, Ha'Gast had a spark of curiosity in the midst of the pleasuring sensations. - "Was that... did you...?"

Kurdy spoke, to prevent the need from Agatha to stop sucking Ha'Gast to answer him. - "Cum? Yes. She has a REAL passion for dick while in that period. But don't worry, she's not stopping. Even if she forgot to take her SHORTS OFF before cumming." - She said the last part trying to call for Agatha's attention, and she may have, but Agatha seemed undisturbed

Agatha just continued passionately licking and sucking Ha'Gast, her hands now working the base of his cock, the cat's hands and head working their ways up and down in synchrony.

Ha'Gast looked up to the "ceiling" (that was just dirt and wood), heavy-breathing as he spoke. - "I think I'll soon join her if she keeps that... really good job..."

Kurdy chuckled.

It indeed didn't take long to Ha'Gast start feeling the first signs of his long-teased orgasm. Seeing no protest against it and knowing very well that he didn't want to stop at just one climax, the cheetah just relaxed and enjoyed every bit of sensation he could muster.

The way his balls contracted at the thought rekindled briefly the sensibility over them, yet Ha'Gast could totally work with some pain on his ovals if the thing that is compressing them is a pair of catkin-head-sized boobs.

And soon that was it, as if as he could feel his seed slowly coming all the way from his balls through the "body" of his dick, Ha'Gast was reaching the point of no return in a matter of seconds now. He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out, his butt clenched, and his tights did likely, and his moans got over Agatha's. It was all incredible, the warmth, the sounds, the smells, he could feel it all in detail, things he never stopped to really pay attention... because it never took so long like that.

Ha'Gast started to worry, yet it was actually really difficult to really put some thought in "worrying" while he was at the edge of climax for half a minute already, as the seconds kept ticking.

Soon his throat got a bit tired of moaning so fiercely, and Agatha's moans overcame his. Yet, what never really _came_was him.

Kurdy stood up from where she was sitting, walking towards the bed once more and dragging her long robe through the ground. - "'Fasting'. That's the name of the first rune. Can you guess what it does?" - She put a big, dirty and malevolent smirk on her face.

Practically "stunned" by the overwhelming sensation on his groin, Ha'Gast was not able to respond to Kurdy, but the look on his face, with his eyes wide-open were already good enough answers to the kobold, who crackled a very sincere and loud laugh.


As if that wasn't humiliating enough, Agatha's entire body shivered, denouncing early her next orgasm, that came as strong as the last one, almost as if she was showing off to Ha'Gast how nice it was to be able to have a climax.

Agatha heard what Kurdy said, but not being able to respond right after as she was having her second cumming-time, she now got Ha'Gast's_very_ denied cock out of her mouth, heavy-breathing over it, the gentle "breeze" of her breath that would be able to make the cheetah burst under normal conditions, but not today.

"W-wait... huff... you used that one for real? Awn... but Kurdy, I came here hoping to leave covered in Ha'Gast's seed..." - Agatha kept holding his mating rod in place, brushing its side on her fluffy cheek while speaking to Kurdy.

Brushing a tear off of her face from her laughing, Kurdy eased Agatha's frustration with her words. - "Oh "cutiepie", why don't you change your plans from "being covered in "seed" to "cover him with my pussy juice"? Doesn't that seem as appealing?" - Kurdy got her own hands over her hips, smiling, proud of how well the first test of her enchantment was going. - "But first stop being such a filthy idiot and take your soaked shorts off."

Agatha giggles, giving a last kiss to the side of Ha'Gast's pink stick, which now out of her mouth, could be seen spurting a thick rope of pre to the air.

The puss got up from the bed, turning her back to Ha'Gast while she got her shorts down, trying to make a show for the monk, especially considering her lack of underwear. Yet, Ha'Gast was definitely not needing any more incentive right now.

Luckly for him, this brief pause was enough for his climax curve to get down a bit, ceasing the overwhelming sensation for a moment, enough for him to at least be able to talk.

"What... have you done? That's not... permanent, right?"

Kurdy chuckled a bit, answering the desperate cheetah. - "Of course not, empty-headed male. Just as long as you have my brilliant spell inscribed over your testicles. But for all that while, you turn into a really good sex toy." - The kobold's excitement was clearly visible in her face, even starting to blush the more she talked about her magic.

Ha'Gast's was fairly less concerned now hearing some reassurance that it was all alright, even if it was obvious. His new concern now was the heated puss getting up on his bed again, now completely naked.

Her bottom was not as surprising as her tits, yet she still presented a good and very squeezable pair of thighs, along with a beautiful and firm orange bun, that really reminded him of a peach. Standing on her feet over the bed, facing Ha'Gast, he could also see the cute little tuff of ginger fur right over her sex, that was, as much as her inner thighs and her groin, SOAKED, dripping pussy juice. Agatha bit her lips, her face red in being-naked-embarrassment, as she began to slowly crouch, her sex "aimed" to the standing, lubricated and denied dick right below it.

With his eyes glued to the gorgeous female, Ha'Gast opened his mouth as if he was about to say his final words. - "It's already tested, then, right? You said you would help me out with... "him".".

"Exactly, actually, I said specifically that I would "work" your denied dick, yet I never mentioned cumming or whatsoever. I will only disenchant your spotted ballsies once we get a good week of testing, that would be enough to test any flaws. Not that my work would ever fail in any aspect, of course."

"Y-you can't be serioonhgff-uck" - Ha'Gast's mewling was cut off by his own moans the moment he began filling with his mating stick the insides of Agatha, who accompanied him with her loud moaning.

For someone that loved dick so much, it really felt like a perfect fit for Agatha, his whole length filling her up, both his pre and her juice making a real flood over Ha'Gast's pelvis.

With her mouth now free, the talkative cat began speaking again. - "huff... your love-making-meat feels way better there, my friend! Actually, what do you think about becoming my love instead of my friend, my friend?"

Agatha wasn't very tight, but she was as warm as Reyla, a red (fire) dragon, which was surprising, to say the least. - "I-I'm already with a girl" - With her hands over his belly and her butt pressed against his aching blue balls, Agatha made a puzzled expression from hearing Ha'Gast had a girlfriend. - "Oh don't... worry it's an... open relationship."

"Ah, great!" - after spending some seconds sat over his lap, the puss was confident enough to start enjoying her new fuckboy. - "The last thing I would wish for would be doing this against your will!" - And finally she raised her fluffy butt up, and began the show.

Not having any wishes to start slow, Agatha began riding Ha'Gast at a moderate speed already, rubbing her hands over his fit chest, she caressed the cheetah's pecs. For all it was nice to have such a beautiful girl riding him, Ha'Gast simply could not ignore how her rear bounced upon his swollen bits again and again. The spotted orbs simply seemed like they could NOT get a break.

P-plap - p-plap - p-plap - p-plap - p-plap

The double "plaps" each time Agatha bounced happened because of the fact that not only her butt smacked Ha'Gast's groin but also because of her massive boobs smacked against her own chest, which was a bit painful, but the cat had grown accustomed with that through the many many times she found herself riding a guy.

Ha'Gast's misfortunes were not yet done with just a bit more ball pain, no. The brief pause did ease the stunning sensations from staying at the edge of climax, but now that Agatha was back working his dick, it didn't take more than half a minute for the build up of pleasure to start again.

Agatha could see how his eyes rolled back to his head as she kept pounding her wet bits upon Ha'Gast's lap, but she didn't care much about it. She too did strange things whenever she was about to cum!

It was not just the beating that his ovals were receiving (again) or the overstimulation the spell was providing him that bothered Ha'Gast. As if it was not nearly enough, his unspent spunk started rebelling against him, granting the dull and persistent pain of blue balls.

Training so much and for so long to have total control and awareness of his own body as a monk, Ha'Gast could perceive two special things: Not having total control of his body was specially terrifying for someone that has had it for years and in the present situation, having total awareness of his body actually only granted him the "ability" to experience how painful it was each and every bounce over his balls and how maddening it was to have his dick being used simply as a sex toy.

In contrast, Agatha was having the time of her life right there. With unfocused eyes and biting her lips, the ginger passionately moaned each time she was stabbed by that raging erection.

The orange squire got her little claws out, digging into Ha'Gast's chest, as if she was trying to hold him in place even more. - "Ohff- my friend! I'm- huff... getting! there! again~!" - With each pause, Agatha landed another thrust, her "endurance bar" depleting fast and excitedly.

Not that Ha'Gast was doing anything about it, but it never felt anything other than awesome hearing the girl you're with exclaiming that she's about to squirt her brains out.


With another delicious (or painful, for Ha'Gast) thrust, Agatha dug her claws even more into the spotted monk's chest, just not drawing blood because of his trained and sturdy leather. Her moans filled the room once again, while Ha'Gast's crotch got another good "layer" of flooding pussy juice.

Watching all that upclose made Kurdy blush a bit. That really seemed like a good time Agatha was having there... No, not in a thousand years she would have sex with her subject, definitely. She crossed her arms, but despite she thinking that she should not participate, she couldn't get her eyes off of them.

Still having some "fight" in her, Agatha decided that she was now aiming for her favorite thing to do: having consecutive and multiple orgams until she's not able to move anymore.

For that, she needed to adjust herself right to extract full speed of her muscles.

Drifting her hands forward, she hugged Ha'Gast passing her arms above his shoulders, lowering her upper body against his and with that not only deploying her melons suffocatingly upon the male's face, but also getting in a better position to use her leg muscles to thrust herself against Ha'Gast's abused member, already starting to pound the poor boy again.

Agatha's squirting was not only frequent, but also abundant. It really looked like how a lemon expels its juice when squeezed with a lot of strength. The way Ha'Gast felt her fluids squishing against his groin just reminded him how pathetic was his situation.

"Hunf... you fuck so..." - orgasm - "GOOD, my friend! I don't want to ever stop riding you~"

Ha'Gast was so sensitive at this point that even her words made his balls sting, trying to remind him their need to be emptied. It would just be so great to fill that puss with his seed. And it wasn't even a thing where someone was actively demanding for him to not cum or anything, quite the contrary, her smell, her passion, the stinging pain on his blue balls, her beautiful and inviting breasts were all practically asking for him to cum, but he just literally COULDN'T.

Fortunately for him, this position the cat was using eased the constant pounding to his orbs, since she was not letting her full weight come down upon them. Yet, the busting-pain was swiftly replaced by the blue-balls-pain, once Agatha gave all she had to get that thrusting speed increase more and more.


The DPE (double plapping effect) her tits caused before was unfortunately gone now, but she being a girl that always delivers the full experience, replaced the DPE for a DPS (double plapping speed), making up for the missing plap.

Almost ready for her sixth orgasm since she entered the room, Agatha could feel her body getting tired, and to achieve her final climax she putted even more effort, keeping up the speed and strength of her riding, her moans getting even louder and hugging Ha'Gast even tighter, having her boobs completely hiding the male's head.

"OH- YES! AGAIN! YESSSss-" - PLAP - "UNHFFFF-fuck..." - With a mighty, final thrust, Agatha's legs shivered as she squirted for the last time there, since her lower body was already giving up on keeping that intense exercise.

Aside from the mind-twisting sensation of being held on the edge of orgasm for several minutes and the suffocating situation of two massive melons resting upon his face, Ha'Gast could feel the contraptions inside Agatha's sex now more clearly that she was finally still while squirting for once. The contraptions themselves working as more stimuli to Ha'Gast's brains, as if he wasn't receiving enough already.

Agatha took some seconds now to breathe, her face was red and hot almost as if she had a fever, as she just layed down on the cheetah, still stabbed by a _very_hard dick, not minding it at all. She purred to Ha'Gast, caressing his neck with her hands, very gently.

On the other "side" of the situation, Ha'Gast's brain was just too liquified for him to react in any other way than a persistent tired "uuuuuuuugh". His balls pulsated, both physically pulsating against Agatha's ass that was still pressuring them, and also pulsating in a constant, denied ache.

At least for now he could have somewhat of a rest, which would be way nicer if Agatha could at least be quiet. - "My friend... you fuck... SO well...~"

"But I... just... stayed still all this while. I'm literally locked in place and you did all the work." - Ha'Gast's voice was of a very tired guy that tried to speak while having two squishy melons buried in his face.. He may have not moved a lot in the past minutes, but taking repetitive butt-slams over his balls did take a lot from him.

"Ooooh... true. Wait! You mean you can fuck me even better than that if you were free? You wanna try it??" - Agatha was panting still, yet her excitement for sex never seemed to vanish completely.

"NO" - The spotted feline assured, firmly.



Ha'Gast's testicles retracted closer to his body as he heard the sound of a slap, yet, as it turns out, no pain was felt. He _did_felt some vibrations coming from Agatha's butt, tho, and considering her arms were still wrapped on him, it all led to one conclusion: Kurdy slapped Agatha's ass.

And with that she got jumpscared. - "Ouch! Hey! What's up with that?" - Agatha turned her head to Kurdy, getting her upper body up again, sitting on Ha'Gast's lap, still keeping his stick inside her.

The cheetah breathed out in a brief relief, knowing that the worse had passed. He looked Kurdy at the left side of the bed where she was standing until the last time he saw her, but to his surprise, the mage not only was not there, but her green robes were dropped on the ground. "This can't be..." He thought.

"Get out of my subject's penis, promiscuous cat." - Ha'Gast turned his head to the other side, and there she was. The roasted-cheese-like kobold wearing only her bare yellow and orange scales, disposing of her complete nudity with crossed arms that covered her humble breasts, a very blushed face and frowned, upset eyebrows.

Contrary to the female cat that disposed of her massive squishy upper parts, Kurdy presented wide hips, alongside meaty and thick tights, decorated with smooth scales by the inner-side of her legs and more firm orange scales by her hips. Her long and sleek tail wrapped around, passing in front of her, hiding her sex from the male's eyes.

Ha'Gast's eyes glued on that sight. Partly in awe for how cute and hot she was, partly in despair from what she was planning to do next. - "W-What are you doing? Isn't that enough testing for today?!" - His balls tightened even closer to his body as if they had their own conscience and with that, their own primal fear of being due to more pain.

"Don't you DARE look at me or I PROMISE you that I'll NEVER dispel my enchantment of your testicles!" - Her face grew even more red and angrier, as she clearly was not exactly proud about wanting so badly to ride a dick right now.

The cheetah immediately followed her order, looking upright to the dirt ceiling. - "If my balls don't explode until you dispel it, it is."

"You're the guy with the sturdier balls yet with the least male attitude I've ever known. Gods." - she rolled her eyes. She was literally offering to ride his dick. ANY male would want that. Who cares that her spell made him get maddening close to orgasm yet never get to have one? Damn. - "Agatha. Get a seat over his face. I'm sick of hearing that meowling."

That wasn't right! He WAS manly. Ask Reyla! Or any other of the girls he met under normal circumstances! You know what? He's going to take that as a champ. No kobold girl can say that from him!

As Agatha got on her knees, pulling his length out, Ha'Gast got a reminder on how close he was to his climax again. Fuck.

Talkative as she was, Agatha said to Ha'Gast as she had her soaked slit hovering over his face. - "The guys say I taste reaall good. I hope you agree, my friend!" - From a distance Ha'Gast could already feel on his face the heat radiating from her sex, as much as the smell, brutally close to his acute feline nostrils.

Not very far from there, Kurdy got up on the bed, not taking any ceremonies before grabbing a hold of Ha'Gast's rocket to help herself introducing it on her thirsty slit. The monk could not really see her because of Agatha, but he could definitely feel as he stabbed her really tight cavity, not really sure if he actually fit there. More than that, Kurdy's weight was pretty similar to Agatha's which, her being a kobold, meant a lot in terms of how fat-assed that mage was.

Speaking of fat asses, all the while Ha'Gast was muffled by Agatha's privates, the vibrations of his moans already working her low endurance, being as bottom heavy as Kurdy was, even being the same weight as Agatha, Kurdy's rear seemed to put even more pressure over the poor feline's spotted balls, squishing them.

Kurdy's lack of ceremony didn't stop there, as soon she let out a silent grunt marking the end of the "feeling in" phase, she got her hands over Ha'Gast's belly and raised her ass high... and let gravity do the rest.


"FUU-K" - Ha'Gast let out a yell as the two massive meat balls slammed his nuts good.


The trio was actually in an interesting synchrony: Whenever Kurdy let her weight pull her down, she grunted, trying to hide her pleasure, Ha'Gast grumbled, having his pain muffled by a wet puss' pussy and Agatha moaned loud, not trying to hide her pleasure.


Agatha's riding did hurt a bit, but her obvious knowledge about fucking did make it slightly more pleasant. In normal circumstances, Agatha would surely be a real good sex partner. But Kurdy... not really. It was difficult to know if that was just lack of practice or if she was purposefully trying to smash his testicles.


That really made Ha'Gast actually miss the never-ending-fast-paced riding Agatha had been giving him.


Yes, Ha'Gast DID have his powers that did shield his nuts before against a full swing of a mace. It was anyway a bit difficult to breath having a heated ginger rubbing her sex across his muzzle tho.


The pain on his orbs was so great he wasn't even feeling much of the effects of the spell by now, since having his balls crushed repeatedly wasn't exactly a big kink of Ha'Gast's. Yet, even if not getting closer to orgasm, his rod stood as rigid as ever.


It was severely difficult to know how much time had passed already. All he could hope for was that Kurdy would soon squirt and be satisfied with that. Bad thing is that different girls had much different endurance, taking several factors into account. Agatha herself had a _really_short one. Speaking of which,

"Uhhnff- your tongue does a work as marvelous as your dick, my friend!" - Ha'Gast could now experience a similar feeling to drowning, as his face was attacked by Agatha's girl juice. His muzzle rapidly got as soaked as her inner thighs, as he forcibly swallowed some of that. Not that it felt any bad having a girl squirting on his face, it's just that Agatha seems to always be a little "too much" on everything she does.


Oh yes, coming back to how his orbs were being massacred.

If anything could ease the mostly-ache sensations Ha'Gast was receiving from his nethers, it was the sounds. Kurdy butt-slamming _was_bringing his balls to the edge of giving up, but the wet sexual sounds never failed to please Ha'Gast's ears. It reminded him how good it felt to be able to do the job himself on a girl. Maybe if he wasn't displayed as a sex toy this ball spell would feel a little less bad

Another thing he loved to hear was the silent mumbling usually embarrassed girls did. - "yes... hngf... almost". - He could almost... wait. He WAS hearing that! Could that be Kurdy? Definitely not Agatha, too not-ear-rupturing loud to be her. Maybe Kurdy was getting there! He could only hope the gods would grant him that.


He would REALLY like it if they granted him that.

_SLAM...SLAM...SLAM.....SLAM........SLAM............. SLAM _

"fff-FUCK" - The shortstack grunt turned into a moan, which turned into a yell, as she buried Ha'Gast's length deep inside her, digging her little claws through the cheetah's belly, finally getting what she couldn't wait anylonger to get.

The tight space inside Kurdy got even tighter for Ha'Gast's dick, in contrast to Agatha's brief orgasms, hence her need for multiple, Kurdy's climax was long and lasting, making the kobold shiver and giggle, enjoying her moment.

Kurdy panted, heavy-breathing as she sat comfortably on Ha'Gast's abused organs, his nuts now being as swollen as they were last night, for his terrible knowing.

Agatha ceased rubbing her sex on Ha'Gast's face once Kurdy stopped bouncing, taking a seat upon the cheetah's chest now, looking passionately at him. - "Look at this stud, Kurdy! He made even you cu-" - Agatha's talking was interrupted as Kurdy's tiny and vicious hand slapped the side of her head from behind. - "ouch!"

"Shut it Agatha! Besides, he did nothing, it was all my genius spell. Now keep his vision obstructed while I dress up."

The fat assed kobold lifted herself up with her knees, right before stepping out of the bed, satisted.

Ha'Gast's length was definitely not as satiated as the kobold tho, standing up and just ready to burst, twitching and leaking like a broken faucet, not even mentioning the red hot color it acquired from being used past too much.

As soon as Kurdy was up, with simple hand motions she summoned sparkling lights from her hands, which soon after gently flew to her body, rapidly passing through each and every curve of hers, getting her scales bright and clean on a whim.

Treating her robe with the same spell, she rapidly got it dressed. She turned to the couple of felines, her hands close to each other, yet only her fingers touched each with its "twin".

"This testing session is done, my squire and my subject may dress up and be free." - She stood at the left side of Ha'Gast, still with a persistent blush of embarrassment on her face, but acting as if nothing happened, even showing a little smile.

Agatha threw her hands forward, starting to unbind each of Ha'Gast's wrists, while Kurdy did the same to his ankles.

The pained, denied, abused, spotted feline spoke - "You mean... I can return to the city, right?"

"Yes, subject. And I will be sure to contact you with our messaging stone in a week so you can return here and give the feedback"

Ha'Gast thought about arguing that this had been already enough for her to test her enchant, but he thought twice about going against that mad mage.

"Okay... I'll be sure to give you all the information I can gather about my experience with... this, lady."



"Fasting. It's the name of the enchant" - Kurdy had an excited smile, proud of the name she putted on her spell

In contrast Ha'Gast made a face of "wow that's _really_boring but okay. - "I see."

As the cheetah sat by the side of the bed, he felt four things: His length was still completely stiff, and not looking like it would get any less anytime soon; Each of his balls aching, as swollen as last night with Herta, yelling at him at each movement he did; His back both stiff and aching, from being pinned, locked in position and ridden for a long time.

While Ha'Gast was doing some stretching to help with his back, Agatha didn't even bother to clean herself before putting her clothes and armor on, looking as empty headed as ever. She got closer to the cheetah and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. - "See you soon my friend. It was really nice to have sex with you!"

"I uhh... thanks, kitty cat." - Ha'Gast smiled despite his tiredness. The situation may have been complicated, but he still was a gentle feline.

Ha'Gast found his trousers, wraps and multiple trinkets by the side of the bed, all tiddly arranged by Kurdy. He began wearing it all, getting a reminder on how his baggy pants had an immense hole by his groin, Herta's work.

Finally free to use his ki powers freely again, the monk summoned a pair of floating faint bluish hands, one holding his raging erection to the side and the other cupping his balls. Right after that he summoned another hand to cup his balls, giving the size they were now. He did it not only to not bump his rigid stick on anything around, but also to protect his nethers as he came closer to Kurdy, who was writing at a desk.

"So uhh... do you have any spells to fix this...? And hopefully clean me too?"


"... but you're... definitely shinier and-"

"It's your dumb dull eyes, probably." - she rested her head on her right hand, with her elbow over the table as she turned her face to Ha'Gast with a devilish look. - "You know what? I think I'll get a supervisor to make sure that you won't do anything stupid or run into any big troubles while testing my special spells. It's always best to play safe, right?"

Ha'Gast swallowed the anger inside him from Kurdy denying to fix his pants, and just kept going. - "Who?" - Harshly.

"Oh she's probably eating right now. Tell her about the situation."

Kurdy lifted a finger to Ha'Gast, and not leaving any time for him to reply, a spell was casted on the cheetah. In a blink of an eye, he reappeared somewhere else in the mine, a room with tables, benches, shelves with multiple types of seasonings and food, and a fire with a pan over it, supported by a little metal structure. An eating room, of sorts.

He looked back and found a presence.

Sitting by one of the tables, a brute female minotaur stopped in the middle of her bite on a bunch of grapes to look up and down at Ha'Gast, obviously stopping at his crotch for a moment.

Giving an unamused look, Herta bit off several grapes of the bunch.