Lazy Little Luke

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#1 of Stories

Lazy boys belong in Diapers.

"LUKE! I asked you to take the trash three fucking days ago!" Screamed Kyle, Luke's roommate, from the kitchen. Luke sat in his bedroom playing video games, as usual, annoyed that Kyle was bothering him with this crap again. Luke was a bigger dude, average height, with a long red beard. Kyle owned the house and honestly only let Luke live with him because they had been best friends in high school, a decision he heavily regrets. Kyle had no idea that Luke was this lazy and unhelpful, all he ever did was play video games, watch tv, or play with his motorcycles. Luke never helped around the house in the slightest, and was finally on Kyle's last nerve.

Kyle stood in the kitchen waiting for a response from Luke, but as usual did not get one. That's it, I'm fucking done playing games. He's going to get what's coming to him. Thought Kyle, determined to teach Luke a lesson he'll never forget. Now Kyle had a bit of a fucked-up mind, he's bi, kinky, and very dominant when it comes to sexual exploits. Kyle thought long and hard about the most intense and demeaning way to get revenge. Luke had been mooching on his kindness for too long, and Kyle certainly wouldn't kick him out, that would be too easy. The next 2 months were spent planning, purchasing items, and renovating Kyle's former home office to give Luke the surprise of his life.

Boom! "What the fuck?" exclaimed Luke as he instinctively turned his head to see Kyle barging into his room without even knocking on the door. Generally, Kyle would knock or yell from another room when he tried to get his attention. "Get up, now" Kyle said, his voice was authoritative and stern, so starkly out of character for him that all Luke could muster in response was a dumbfounded look on his face. "I don't have time for this" Kyle said as he reached out and gripped Luke's left ear with a grip so initially tight that it caused him to yelp in pain. "What the hell is wrong with you dude, let go of me" Luke pleaded as Kyle dragged him out of the bedroom, not even pretending to acknowledge the cry for release.

Kyle hauled Luke into the hallway and down to the room that Luke thought was still an office. If Luke had bothered to ever leave his bedroom during the day, he would've noticed the contractors coming in and out for the past 2 months. After making it through the door of the room, Kyle threw Luke to the ground in the center of the room. Luke was immediately surprised at the lack of pain from hitting the floor, realizing he landed on some kind of foam mat that helped soften the fall. Trying to figure out why Kyle brought him in here wasn't even a tangible thought on Luke's mind, as he found himself immensely occupied scanning the room in absolute confusion and fear.

The appeared to have been transformed into some hybrid combination between a baby's nursery and a BDSM dungeon. There was a baby's crib in the corner of the room big enough for an adult, painted primary colors and adorned with cartoon sheets, a baby monitor, and a mobile. However, what stood out the most about the crib was the set of bars on top it almost as if it was meant to be an inescapable cage as well. In the other corner was a long table at waist height, with cubbies on the side filled with diapers and changing supplies, a foam matting sewn on top, and restraints hanging from the sides. On the wall behind the table hung a plethora of tools including paddles, butt plugs, dildos, and other miscellaneous paraphernalia. On the last wall was a colorful chest with large wooden letters on the front spelling out "Toys" overflowing with coloring books, dolls, hot wheels, and action figures. On the floor where Luke sat was a large foam playmat fit for a toddler's room covered in letters and numbers. Luke could not see what was behind the closed closet doors in the room, but he was not desperate to find out.

Panic had set in, Luke could feel his skin crawling, and struggled to find word in his dry mouth. Finally, Kyle spoke, "You've been sitting on your ass doing nothing for 2 years in my house. Eating my food, using my toilet paper, and using my garage for your motorcycle projects. In 2 years, I haven't gotten a single penny from you for rent, food, essentials, nothing! Well guess what? It's all over now, you had your chance to grow up and make a life for yourself and all you did was take advantage of people that care about you. Since you obviously can't stop yourself from acting like spoiled rotten child, then I'm going to fucking treat you like one."

Luke sat stunned on the floor, unable to even bring himself to his feet. He wanted to argue, to push Kyle aside and go back to his room, but all of Kyle's words rang true, as much as Luke didn't want to admit it. Feeling an overwhelming amount of shame and embarrassment, Luke's emotions got the best of him. He was now crying hysterically, a grown man with a motorcycle, beard, and tattoos, sitting on the floor crying like a 2-year-old because he got called out on his bullshit. After a few minutes of hyperventilation and sobbing, Luke had figured Kyle would have some sympathy and be willing to have a conversation about him paying Kyle back. But he was left shocked and horrified when Kyle responded "Fucking pathetic, I tell you to your face that you're acting like a child and your response is to start crying like one to prove my point? Thanks for proving me right." At the conclusion of that sentence Kyle sat down on the rocking chair in the room, looked Luke in the eye and said "Come here." Compelled by Kyle's confidence and a fear of provoking him, Luke listened, only to be forced over Kyle's knee and given the spanking of a lifetime at the hands of his now former best friend. As he continuously smacked the crying man's bottom with his bare hands, Kyle was confident, there's no going back now.