The Cyrus Household

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#35 of Commissions

Cyrus and his family have some family fun at Viper's Watch.

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This story contains scenes of shameless debauchery and blatant depravity. Readers that find it arousing are strongly advised to relieve themselves.

The Cyrus Household by RVasilCommissioned By: Anonymous

Cyrus was the type of dragon that took pleasure in the little things.

He was by himself at the beach, seated on a comfortable lounge chair underneath the shade of an umbrella. On one of his hands was a half-full margarita and on the other was his phone. He smiled to himself as his thumb swiped across his social feed. The dragon was idly monitoring the reception of his return into the porn scene. He was surprised to find that most, if not all, of the response was positively stellar. He figured his long absence from the industry would have pushed his fame from way back when into obscurity but he was more than happy to be proven wrong. Apparently absence made the heart grow fonder. The same was to be said for Violet. The general consensus was that the older fans of their work were very much ecstatic to see them back in front of the camera and the newer fans were quick to choose them as their new favorite subjects to pleasure themselves to.

What made Cyrus even happier to see was the response to Zane's debut. Typically new actors struggle to find a solid footing given that the competition was fierce and trying to establish a brand for yourself was something that not most people would find easy. It was very common for newer people to pump out solid videos to relatively mild and solid success at the better end of things. It would only be much later that they would start to gain a following. Zane seemed to be the rare exception. The video he was in skyrocketed in terms of views and that wasn't because Cyrus was in it. Cyrus himself was uncredited for the video and unless the person watching could identify Cyrus based on his cock alone, admittedly only a few people could do that, all the success could only be attributed to Zane's on screen chemistry. The young dragon truly had a knack for being in front of the camera.

And here Cyrus was having reservations on how Zane's porn career was going to go.

As if responding to his inner thoughts, Cyrus's ears picked up the sounds of someone coming from behind him. Cyrus turned his head to see him be joined by Zane, wearing a swimsuit similar to what he was currently wearing. However, saying it was a swimsuit didn't feel appropriate given that there was barely a suit at all. It was just a pouch that covered the wearer's genitals. The more correct term was a cock sock. It left very little to the imagination.

"How does it feel?" Cyrus asked as Zane sat down with him.

"Like I'm not wearing anything at all." Zane reached down to make sure the knot that secured his cock sock was secure. It thankfully was. "I don't think I can wear this on a public beach."

"That's why you only wear it here."

The younger dragon rested his back on the beach chair and let out a sigh, pushing legs outwards and doing his best to relax. "How did your filming go?" Cyrus asked. Three days had passed since the initial screen test they both shared with each other and Zane was noticeably absent throughout all of it. Cyrus was informed that Zane was put to work, making sure to capitalize on the up and coming star.

"Exhausting," Zane answered, glancing at him from the corner of his eyes. He reached outwards to massage his lower half. "Both my ass and my crotch are sore. I think I might have to ask for ice at this point just to soothe the aching muscles. That and I think I can still feel Clyde's cum sloshing inside my ass." Zane allowed himself to chuckle, amused at his own new found experiences. "I'm surprised though."

"About what?"

"You know that thing when you have too much of something, you start to like less of it?"

"You mean like with food?"

"Yeah. Like if I ate a lot of ice cream now, I don't think I would ever want to eat anything ice cream related for days. I thought I would have that with all this sex. I honestly thought I wouldn't even be able to keep up. Like my balls would be shooting blanks and air with how much I've been draining them."

Cyrus's brow rose. "Are they?"

"That's the thing: no." Zane looked at his father. "I can still keep going. It's actually scaring me a little with how much stamina and drive I have. I probably ejaculated more times in the past few days than the entirety of my teenage years combined and I'm still shooting enough to effectively give someone a good facial."

"That's something you inherited from me." Cyrus smiled smugly at him. "You're welcome."

There was a moment of silence as the two just listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. The ice cube inside Cyrus's margarita drink clinked as it slowly shrunk in size.

"Does it ever get dull for you?"

The question popped out. Cyrus turned to look at Zane who asked it. "What is?"

"The constant sex and debauchery. Does it ever stop being fun?"

Now there was a loaded question. Does the sex ever stop being fun? Most people asked that particular question would quietly mull things over and perhaps give a very well thought out answer. Maybe at one point in his life Cyrus had asked this question to himself. It was probably the reason why he already had an answer right off the bat. He looked at Zane before reaching over. He was close enough that his hand easily reached his son's cock and began to lightly fondle it. Zane immediately got a stiff erection, stretching the fabric of his cock sock to an obscene amount. Cyrus promptly removed the fabric, letting out the impressive rod out into the open air. He handed it to Zane who took it appreciatively, now enjoying the impromptu tender handjob.

"Does this ever stop feeling good?" Cyrus asked.

Zane decided to return the favor, reaching out over to Cyrus and giving him the same handjob treatment.

"It never does."

Cyrus smiled. "There's your answer."

The two opted to enjoy each other's company, Cyrus finishing up his margarita and basking in the good buzz it gave him.

"Thanks dad."

Cyrus felt Zane give his cock a light squeeze. "For what?"

Zane's hand momentarily stopped as he looked like he tried to think of the right thing to say. Ultimately he just shrugged and resumed stroking his father's erection. "For just everything."

"You don't have to thank me for that, Zane. I'm your father. I look out for you and your sisters."

That was when a shout from behind them interrupted their peaceful moment.


Cyrus stopped and turned to look. It was Violet. She was calling out to them from their cabin and was waving them both over. He and Zane shared a look. Despite both wanting to finish to completion, they stopped and stood up, respective erections throbbing angrily at them for stopping midway. "Let's go see what your mother wants."

The two walked over to Violet who waited for them at the front of Cabin 116. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two," Violet said, looking at their stiff cocks. "But someone's here to see you both!"

"Should I get dressed?" Zane asked out loud.

Both he and Cyrus were out in the nude and Violet was in the same state of undress as they were. She was wearing a bra that had the cup part practically removed, rendering the purpose of the top moot. The same went for her panties, being mostly just lacy see through fabric. Although Zane was well aware that what they were wearing, or rather, their lack of clothing was pretty much the dress code on Viper's Watch, he at least wanted to be presentable to the people expecting them.

"No need," Violet answered. She then ushered them in.

Cabin 116 was Cyrus and Violet's cabin throughout their stay at Viper's Watch. It was next door to Zane's. Calling it a cabin was an understatement however. Zane's cabin was a cabin. Cyrus's was a suite. There was a living room, dining room, and a bedroom big enough to accommodate an orgy befitting Cyrus's whims. The bed took up the majority of the room it was in, allowing more than five people to be on it at any given moment. The reasoning for the excessiveness was that Cabin 116 was at one point a set that Blackout used for orgies when the studios weren't built yet on the island.

Upon entering the living room, Cyrus and Zane were greeted with cries of glee. That was when Cyrus saw who was waiting for them.

"Opal! Veronica! What are you both doing here?"

Cyrus was effectively mobbed by his two daughters, both rushing in to give him a family hug. Zane was at the side, caught off guard at the sudden turn of events. He was feeling very self conscious as he was effectively standing naked in front of family. But then he realized that Cyrus himself was standing naked in front of his sisters. And both parties were acting like this was just a typical thing in the family. Questions welled up inside him. Even more so when he saw how Cyrus and his sisters greeted each other. Cyrus gave both Opal and Veronica a tender kiss on the lips. Far too intimate for a familial act and on par with an act shared between intimate lovers.

"I missed you both so much!" Cyrus said after getting some breathing room once the excitement died down. "I didn't know you were both coming onto the island." His attention then shifted to Opal upon seeing the state she was in. "It must have been difficult given your pregnancy!"

"We're alright, dad, honestly," Veronica said. "Opal and I came onto the island to help celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?"

"Your birthday, silly!" Opal responded. "Or did you forget again?"

Cyrus blinked, the fact dawning on him. Indeed it was his birthday! It seemed the dragon had been caught up in all the excitement of being on the island and having to reorient himself again because of his foray back into the porn industry that he forgot it was a special day today. He responded with a warm smile, pulling his two daughters into a hug to which both returned happily. "Oh you two..."

After pulling away from Cyrus did Veronica walk over and lightly tap Zane on the shoulder. "We also came to congratulate you on getting into the family business."

"Who told you?" Zane asked, opting to sit down near the sofa. Veronica sat next to him. Violet was off talking with Cyrus and Opal, with both parents wanting to see how their gravid daughter was doing.

"Silver told me when we got onto the plane. He then showed me the video."

Zane blinked. At this point, he had to bring it up. "You guys don't find it weird?"

"That you're working in porn? Not really." Veronica then looked at him. "I suppose your experience over the past few days has informed you that our family isn't exactly the most normal. I'm sure dad showed you how not normal we are when you found out afterwards."

"That's putting it lightly."

"I sure as hell didn't mind it when I found out that dad was a hot pornstar either when I was your age. If you got it, why not use it, right? It didn't matter. It helped pay the bills," Veronica added. "On the bright side, it's nice to see that you've been finally folded into all of this."

"What do you mean?"

"You're sitting butt ass naked next to me, Zane, on the sofa. And you just saw both me and Opal give dad a very hot tender kiss while mom was watching while looking like she is a prostitute with her tits out like it's no one's business," Veronica said nonchalantly. "I think I have a pretty good feeling you know what I'm getting at."

Zane nodded. "Yeah, I think I'm beginning to get what you mean by not normal."

"We're anything but normal," Veronica said. "And we do certain things not many people would approve of. But we do it because it's how we show how close we are as a family."

That was when an interesting thought popped into Zane's head. "I only got folded into all of this a few weeks ago. How come you never told me?"

"It's dad's call and only when you're mature enough to be part of it," Veronica answered. "Until then, it's all fairly tame and mundane around you. Dad didn't want to make you part of it unless you wanted to be part of it."

"You guys were fucking around even back then?"

Veronica gave him a sly smile in response. "You're asking a question you already know the answer to. Besides, you're one of dad's children. I'm sure you've inherited his sex drive as much as we did."

The conversation was both illuminating and at the same time relieving. It answered questions Zane had even if those answers weren't directly spoken. At the very least, he now felt more comfortable with his life, and his family for that matter, and the way they did things. It was just like how Veronica put it: it showed how much of a close family they were. Which was why when Veronica asked him the following question, he didn't really have to think hard about it.

"Can I suck your cock?" Veronica asked casually in the same vein as if she was just asking what time of day it was.

"You sure?"

Veronica reached forward to take Zane's cock in her hands. Without bothering to verbalize her answer, she lowered her head and took in the now stiffening cock of her brother in her mouth. Zane took a deep breath, feeling his body jolt from the sudden contact. He then settled, his body melting into the sofa as he let Veronica work on his throbbing member.

Cyrus, Violet, and Opal were a few paces from them, and the trio were engaged in their own conversation. Cyrus's hands were on Opal's belly and his head was pressed up against it. He could feel the warmth radiating from her stomach, signaling the body continuing to incubate the egg inside of it. "How long do you have?" he asked, lightly rubbing Opal's stomach.

"The doctor told me I'd probably lay in three weeks? Maybe lesser," she answered. "I really want to push it out already. The weight is not good for my back."

"Have you been doing some exercises to help things go smoothly?" Violet asked.

"Oh yeah," she answered. "I received the package you sent me mom. The toys really helped to spread me." Opal then sighed. "Though I kind of prefer the real thing to be honest."

"I'm guessing Alex is away trying to get things sorted out?"

Opal nodded. "Yeah. I've been using the toys to help me when he's not around. But it's not enough. I genuinely need the real thing."

Violet smiled at her. "Well, I'm sure your father is more than happy to help you."

As if to answer Opal's unspoken question, Cyrus's cock was already standing and gently poking her in the belly. "You know I'd be more than happy to help spread you."

"Thanks dad." Opal leaned in to give her father a peck on the cheek.

Cyrus and Opal then went ahead to the bedroom. Violet turned her attention to the other group in the room, Veronica and Zane. She remembered the two were having a casual conversation with each other, but at some point it seemed they had shifted from talking to one another to sucking each other off. Zane was laying on his back on the sofa, with Veronica on top of him. Her clothes had been thrown off to the side, and the two were locked in a lethargic 69 position: Zane had his face buried in his sister's snatch, and Veronica on her brother's throbbing cock.

They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't notice Violet take the phone out and snap a photo of the both of them.

The sound of the camera clicking was enough to bring Zane back into reality. He pulled his head out from underneath Veronica and wiped the fluids that were dripping from his face. "Mom!"

"What?" Violet asked. "It's not often you both are around. I'm doing this to make sure we have something to remember this with."

Veronica removed herself from Zane's throbbing cock and gently got up. "You know, she has a point. Let's take a selfie!"

The trio then got into position, compressing themselves to fit into the frame. Veronica stretched her arm out and snapped a photo. The phone clicked, immortalizing a moment in time where the three of them were naked on the sofa, all hot and bothered. Veronica, now having her phone in her hand, used this moment to check her socials. Violet meanwhile presented her back to Zane. "Zane, can you help untie the knot on my back?" she asked, referring to the strap keeping her bra in place.

"Uh, yeah, sure," Zane responded, helping undo it.

The piece of fabric was soon discarded, allowing Violet to let her breasts hang freely. "That is so much better," she said, letting herself be comfortable. She undid the straps to her lower half as well, effectively rendering her as naked as her two children next to her.

"What were you supposed to be anyway?" Zane asked.

"Erotic snake charmer," Violet plainly answered. "I'll let you take a wild guess what kind of snake I was charming."

Zane smiled playfully. "This?" He gently thrust his crotch forward, his pointing at Violet and it leaking copious amounts of pre from all the excitement.

"Pretty much."

Without much as another word, Violet helped herself to Zane's cock, planting a kiss on the enlarged tip before opening her mouth to swallow more of it. She even went so far as to go completely balls deep, not having any difficulty whatsoever. Zane's eyes threatened to roll towards the back of his skull. "Fucking did you do that in one go?" he managed to sputter. Not even Veronica was able to deep throat him in one try.

"Mom!" Veronica then cried out, now finally registering the lewd slurps near her. "It was still my turn!" she pouted.

Violet slipped off Zane with a grace only someone that had sucked numerous cocks in their life could pull off. "Practice, Zane. Years of practice," she answered, giving Zane a wink. She then turned to Veronica and tutted at her. "Didn't I teach you to always finish your meal?"

Veronica just frowned at her in response.

Violet rolled her eyes in response. "Alright, we can share. I'm sure Zane wouldn't have a problem with it."

Zane then soon found himself at the mercy of two horny dragonesses. Both Violet and Veronica got on their knees and shared his throbbing cock between the two of them. Veronica would suck him off while Violet would suckle on his balls. They would go at this for a few moments before eventually switching, with Violet taking the entirety of his cock once more and Veronica fondling his plump balls. Zane's legs twitched with each movement of the two ladies. There was never a moment for him to catch his breath. If there wasn't a mouth, there would be a tongue on his cock. If not that, a hand. There was always something working his cock.

The two ladies however looked like they were having the time of their life. Veronica grabbed her phone once more and was now taking photos to memorialize their time together. She snapped a photo of her smiling next to Zane's cock. Another photo was of Violet fully taking in Zane. The third was of her and Violet kissing Zane's penis on the tip.

"Oh! I love how this one came out!" she said, reviewing the third photo they just took.

"How are you holding up, Zane?" Violet kindly asked.

Zane was a blubbering mess at this point. His loins burned and his cock was leaking precum copiously. It seemed the slightest nudge would set him off. "I think I'm at my limit."

"Oh! I want to see you make a mess of things!" Veronica said, putting her phone on video mode and began recording. Violet took this as her cue to vigorously jerk Zane off. The dragon clung on for dear life. There wasn't much he could do afterwards. Zane ejaculated violently, jets of cum spurting outwards and shooting off erratically at varying directions. Some landed on his chest. A few shot up towards the ceiling before falling back down to land on the three of them. Some sprayed onto the sofa behind him. Some just went beyond the trio, landing on the floor a few paces away from them. It was messy and Violet got it all on camera. Zane must have blanked out from the sheer force of the orgasm because by the time he regained his senses, both Veronica and Violet were lapping up the cum from his sensitive cock and were commenting on the taste.

"You need to eat more pineapple," Violet said, licking her palms.

"I agree. You definitely need more fruit in your diet," Veronica added.

"Fuck, that was intense," Zane commented, taking a deep breath.

Violet stood up and stretched, holding a hand out for Veronica to help her up. "Alright. Your sister and I are going to go check up on your dad. You should get something to drink before you join us. I have a feeling you're going to need it."

Zane nodded, content to just watch Violet and Veronica's asses as they left to enter the bedroom. The door had been closed this entire time but when the two opened it to enter, the sounds of skin slapping against skin was audible. Zane didn't have to wonder what Cyrus was doing with Opal, and what he was being invited to. He could already feel the blood inflating his cock once more, the insatiable sex drive he inherited fueling him. The prospect of more sex was waiting for him.

Fleeting moments earlier, Cyrus had left to give some aid to his gravid daughter, Opal.

The two entered the bedroom, with Cyrus closing the door behind him to give them some unneeded but welcomed privacy. Opal seated herself on the foot of the bed, feeling exhausted despite only having moved for a short span of time. The weight of her belly was getting to her. "Relax," Cyrus said, walking over to her. "Let daddy take care of you." The dragon then helped her undress, pulling her shirt over her head and helping her take off her skirt. Opal was soon left in her modest pink bra and panties. Her breasts were noticeably sagging and bigger than they typically were. Her body was visibly preparing itself to nurse the coming child. Cyrus then unbuckled the straps of her bra, releasing Opal's breasts from their confines and letting them hang free.

"Lie down," Cyrus said, gently pushing her to lie on her back.

"If I had known getting knocked up was this difficult, I probably wouldn't have done it," she said, letting Cyrus explore her body.

"That's what your mom said when she had you," Cyrus answered. "Then she proceeded to have more kids after that." He patted her on the legs, prompting Opal to push her feet up. With a gentle tug, Cyrus was able to free her panties and slide them off of her, revealing her snatch to him. Her pink lips were in full bloom, slick with a bit of arousal. Cyrus poked her with a curious finger, and Opal responded with a gentle sigh.

"This feel good?"

Opal nodded, closing her eyes. "Very."

Cyrus continued his gentle prodding, rubbing his finger back and forth on her pussy. He was careful to trace her folds, using his index finger, then accompanied by his middle finger. He started slowly going up and down before switching to a circular pattern. Opal responded positively, letting low and cute muffled cries of pleasure as she felt the tension all over her body evaporate. Her father's fingers felt like magic. Even more so when she felt Cyrus spread her open playfully, using his fingers to part her folds and tease her insides with mischievous intent. With his other hand free, Cyrus reached forward to cup his daughter's plump breasts. His hand briefly rubbed against her exposed tit and Opal's body reacted with a light jerk followed by her pussy releasing more fluids in response to the excitement.

"Sorry," Opal said.

"Don't be," Cyrus answered, stopping his actions to lick the precum off his now slick fingers. She tasted delightful. He then went back to what he planned to do which was to effectively massage Opal's bosoms. Opal inherited them from her mother, but they were definitely larger than they typically were. Cyrus cupped her left breasts, feeling the weight in his palms. A tentative squeeze rewarded him with some fresh milk leaking from her tit. He leaned forward to lick them off her breast. It tasted sweet.

Opal moaned, the act of having her tit get suckled on both exciting and relaxing her. She could feel her body warm up and produce more in response to the tongue lashing at her tit. The best part was, she could feel her chest get somewhat lighter even though that shouldn't have been possible. Perhaps it was just the relief finally washing across her body. Even more so when Cyrus moved to her other tit and gave it the same treatment. He did this for a solid minute or so, and only removed himself when he had a good helping of her breasts.

"Feeling better?" Cyrus asked, wiping the excess milk from his lips.

"My upper half does. Can you do something about the lower half?"

Cyrus smirked, being more than happy to be accommodating for her sake. He got onto the bed with her and moved both of them in comfortable positions. Given that Opal was pregnant, Cyrus didn't want her to be doing anything exhausting so he opted for a position that would give her the best pleasure while he did all the work. He had Opal straddle a pillow in front of her while he himself spooned her from behind. He lifted her legs just enough to give him access to her pussy and after a few moments of aligning himself, slid in. There was little to no resistance due to the amount of stretching Cyrus did with her earlier coupled with the slickness of her vagina from the precum that was flowing freely.

Opal let out a dreamy sigh, feeling the sensation of being filled once again. The fire that burned in her loins was getting satiated and it felt amazing. Cyrus, for his part, was a gentle and caring lover. He knew when to be rough and when not to be. This one called for the latter and he delivered in spades. He was slow and methodical with his thrusts, making sure that Opal was comfortable with what he was doing. He held her close to him, his hands amusingly holding her breasts as support as he humped away at her lower half.

"This feels amazing dad," Opal said, her body rocking in tune with Cyrus's.

"Glad to hear that sweety."

"You really should teach Alex how to fuck like this."

Cyrus smiled. "Maybe I will when I come visit you guys. Do you want me to switch things up?"

Opal nodded. "Please go faster."

"You sure?"


Cyrus didn't need to ask twice. He slowly increased his pace, getting his entire body into it and before long, the sound of skin slapping against skin reverberated across the room. He varied it by going fast with shallow thrusts, and then going slow but with deep thrusts. Each elicited different responses with Opal but all pointed to the fact that she was enjoying getting her pussy fucked. Cyrus held her tight as their bodies rocked. They were so caught up in what they were doing that they didn't notice the door had opened and two individuals joined the fray. It was only when the sound of a camera snapping did both Cyrus and Opal register the fact that they were now joined in the room by Violet and Veronica, with the latter holding up her phone to take photos of their current lewd situation.

"How is she doing dad?" Violet asked, moving to their lower half. She positioned herself at the base of the bed to be able to take a photo of Cyrus's cock inserting itself in and out of Opal's pussy.

"Great," Cyrus answered, though his breathing showed that he was beginning to reach his limit.

Violet climbed onto the bed and positioned herself above them. She grabbed the few pillows nearby and placed them behind her. Once everything was set, she leaned back and enjoyed the show. "Make sure to take my good side, Veronica," Violet said as she posed when Veronica pointed the phone at her. "I want a copy of these afterwards."

"Where do you want it, sweety?" Cyrus asked, feeling his loins burn.

"Inside me, daddy," Opal responded.

Cyrus nodded and picked up pace. Veronica made sure to lean in and get good angles as she watched from behind her phone. Cyrus cried out a few minutes later, ejaculating straight into her daughter just as he asked of her. Veronica loved how she could see Cyrus's cock pulse with each blast. There wasn't much of a mess given that all of it was shot into Opal. A few bits leaked however when Cyrus eventually pulled out, his cock a complete mess of things. Throughout that entire time, Opal herself had gone through her orgasm, her body shaking and convulsing as ripples of pleasure waved through her. Violet was right next to her, holding her gently in support.

"I forgot how good you fuck, dad," Opal said, managing to eventually catch her breath. "God, I can feel it sloshing inside of me."

"Feeling better at least?" Cyrus asked.

"Much better," she responded, a gleeful smile on her face.

"Well we're glad to hear that," Veronica responded. "But now you need to move over. Because mom and I haven't been fucked yet. Now scoot!"

"Ladies, ladies," Cyrus said, trying to calm the people in the room. "Please, we have all the time in the world."

With the help of Violet, Opal was able to move to the side of the bed, resting her back on the pile of pillows Violet was resting on earlier. She watched as both Violet and Veronica got into different positions: Violet was on all fours whilst Veronica was on her back, legs pulled up closer to her body to expose her visibly aroused pussy. They were in the midst of making Cyrus choose who to fuck in the respective sex position they were in. Cyrus was frankly spoiled for choice. He opted to tease both ladies with his fingers, much to their frustration and dismay.

"Dad!" Veronica shouted angrily. "No more teasing!"

"But that's the best part," Cyrus answered playfully. Going further with the idea, he switched to using his cock instead. It was bigger than his fingers and it drove the both of them wild. He would dabble his cock at their entrances one at a time, enough to tease them of the prospect of what he was going to do, but never really doing it. Violet was patient, knowing that this was Cyrus's game to play. Veronica however was getting more and more frustrated as she tried to edge herself forward to meet Cyrus's thick cock.

"Eenie, meanie, miney, mo," Cyrus said, pointing at each lady playfully. "Which hole am I going to plow?" His finger pointed at Veronica at the end and she looked relieved to finally get to the good part of it all. Cyrus moved into position, pulling Veronica closer to the edge of the bed. "Sorry, Violet, rules are rules."

Violet rolled her eyes. "Who's going to fuck me now?"

"I am."

Violet looked behind her to see Zane entering the fray. The dragon had entered the room earlier and was waiting for the best moment to announce his arrival. It seemed he was already ready with his cock now fully erect and dripping precum copiously onto the floor. Zane joined his father next to him, who was busy happily humping away at Veronica who was clinging onto the bed sheets.

Zane slipped himself in, noting how slick and wet Violet was. It was probably from all the excitement that had been happening all day. He was gentle at first, unsure of how to go about this entire ordeal. This was, after all, the first time he and Violet ever fucked. He wasn't sure what her preference was. Thankfully, Violet was more than happy to take the lead. "Zane, can you go faster, dear? Your father fucks me harder than this."

The dragon nodded, following Violet's instructions. Cyrus and Veronica however were in a league of their own. The bed rocked with each thrust as both dragons were enjoying and having the time of their life. They only slowed down to catch their breaths, but even then, they went right back into it. Opal was at the side, having taken Veronica's phone and taking photos and videos of the occasion.

Zane focused back on Violet, their position now being switched from the doggy style position to now with him on his back on the bed, and Violet riding him. "Do you mind if I take charge, Zane?" Zane shook his head in response. Violet then went to work, bouncing up and down the dragon's stiff shaft and taking Zane for a whirl. Although Zane was the one fucking Violet, it felt like the other way around with how much control she was doing. She truly was a professional in all of it. It didn't take long for Zane to reach his limit, especially with the way her actions varied. Violet would bounce all the way, taking the entirety of his cock in one fell swoop. And then the other she would only go halfway, opting instead to use her muscles inside her vagina to squeeze Zane and milk him dry. Both actions sent Zane for a whirl, bringing him closer and closer to his limit. And eventually cross it.

He ejaculated unceremoniously, crying out as his balls emptied their contents into Violet's pussy. Ropes upon ropes of cum rocketed out of him and deposited itself inside of her. Violet rode it all out throughout the messy and explosive orgasm, placing a hand across Zane's cheeks and rubbing it. She gave him words of encouragement as she felt the warmth radiate across her entire body. Cyrus himself ejaculated soon after, filling Veronica to the brim with all the cum he had in his balls. There was a moment of silence in the room save for the heavy breathing.

Cyrus removed himself from Veronica and stood up proudly in front of them at the foot of the bed. His cock was leaking cum onto the floor. Violet planted a kiss on Zane's cheeks before she herself got off of him. A wet slop followed as her pussy removed itself from Zane's erect cock.

"You good, Zane?" Cyrus asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm...okay, I think?" Zane responded. This was his second most explosive orgasm and already he could feel his cock recovering. The recovery time was almost nonexistent! Veronica was crawling her way towards him, muttering something about not wanting to waste things. She was quick to start licking Zane's cock dry, cleaning up the remnants of the cum stained aftermath from before. Violet rolled onto her back and presented herself to Cyrus. The two met each other like lovers, with Cyrus slipping into her and the two joining together like they would do every evening for the rest of their lives.

What soon followed felt like a blur of numerous actions all happening inside the bedroom. Zane could barely remember most of it. It all came in hazy pieces for him. One moment Veronica was sucking him off. The next thing he knew, he was fucking her. Next to him was Cyrus, happily humping away at Violet. Opal had crawled over to them, wanting to not miss out on all the fun, and found herself making out with Cyrus.

The next flash of memory for Zane involved him going balls deep into Opal. It was a welcomed change of pace. Both Violet and Veronica wanted things to go fast and hard. Opal preferred it to be moderately slow and tender with quick bouts here and there. It was refreshing. Cyrus had his hands full, having to service both ladies. Veronica and Violet had the bright idea of laying atop one another, to give easier access for Cyrus. Cyrus fucked them both thorougly all the same.

The next flash of memory Zane had was perhaps the last one before he ultimately passed out, both from exhaustion and from his body being overloaded from the nonstop fucking. All five of them, he, Cyrus, Veronica, Violet, and Opal, were huddled together. Bodies strewn across one another, naked as the day they were born. All of them were covered in sweat and cum and reeked of the smell of sex. Perhaps it was a momentary respite that they all silently agreed on to let them all catch their breath. Cyrus was in the middle, arms spread out as far as he could in an effort to pull them all together. One person was fondling the other. Cyrus was playing with Violet's breasts. Violet was playing with Opal's and had her hand on her husband's still erect cock. Both Veronica and Zane were caressing each other.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I love you all?" Cyrus blurted out.

"You definitely have, dad," Zane responded.

"I think I can still feel your love sloshing inside of me," Veronica said. They all let out a chuckle in light of the tasteful joke. "Still, let's take this photo!" She had set up her phone to be on a tripod in front of them. It was recording video this entire time but could take photos on command.

"Everyone, say cum!"


The phone flashed, snapping a photo of the Cyrus household at their most bare and at their most lewdest. It was a memory that Zane knew he was never going to forget.