SxG Side-Stories - Perks of Pregnancy

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#28 of Three-Peaks

Gemini shares a little secret with Johanna, and Johanna takes a personal step forward in her relationship with Ares...

The previous chapter was kind of light on happy fun stuff.  The one coming up next will be, too.  So here's something to tide you over, and break up all the serious stuff. :)

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Perks of Pregnancy

Johanna's back was warm. Even warmer than the morning of her birthday, when she'd woken up with Dane still in bed with her. Even now, nearly three months into this new routine, it was always a bit of a surprise to her groggy brain to find someone else in the bed when she woke up. And somehow, she was still a little disappointed every time it wasn't Dane.

"Erg...morning, honeypot," Gemini groaned, trying to sound chipper despite the growing pain in her belly. Her efforts were completely unnecessary, of course. Johanna was never coherent enough to appreciate other people's moods, good or bad, first thing in the morning. And if she had been, sympathy for her friend's situation would have made waking up grumpy easily excusable. Just further proof that "grumpy" was a hard thing for Gemini to be.

"...M'rn'n'" Johanna attempted in answer, rolling over to give her bestie a half-hearted kiss on the nose. Gemini's response to that was to suddenly throw the blankets clear, roll her feet onto the floor, and dash down the stairs as quickly as she could safely manage. Ever since her pregnancy had gotten into full swing, her morning routine tended to start in the bathroom, huddled over the toilet rather than sitting on it. The first time had alarmed all of them, and Dane had sat through it with her, being as encouraging as he could. But the morning spell of nausea was quickly followed by a ravenous appetite, and by the third morning Gemini had figured out what was going on. Now she preferred to spend those first few miserable minutes alone.

Even so, after Johanna finally managed to drag herself out of the bed and shuffle groggily down to the second floor, she tapped lightly on the bathroom door as she passed it, just in case. "'M fine!" came the half-shouted and half-groaned reply, sounding not at all convincing. Respecting her bestie's desire for privacy, though, (and mildly impressed by her endurance), Johanna continued on down to the main floor with just that much assurance. Her foggy brain was desperately in need of the steaming cup of coffee waiting for her on the kitchen counter.

Ares and Dane had already eaten, having taken over the duty of making breakfast ever since Gemini's late work hours and morning sickness had left her completely unfit for the job. Johanna had never yet figured out whether they made her a new cup as each one cooled, or just had a really good feel for when she came conscious these days, and was too grateful to really care. Ignoring the plate of toast and eggs and bacon laid out for her, she just took up her coffee and shuffled back into the living-room to sit beside Dane on the couch.

"Heh...good morning, sis," the male Dalmatian chuckled in greeting, putting an arm around her shoulders and ignoring her lack of pants (or panties) beneath the oversize shirt she'd worn to bed, "Is Gemi up?"

Johanna nodded carefully with her mug pressed to her lips, taking a long pull of the stimulating drink. It burned a little going down, but she couldn't be bothered to wait for it to cool more. "Mmph...yeah...doin' 'er mornin' th'ng," the female Dalmatian sighed when her mouth was empty again, "She'll be down in a bit." Her brother and boyfriend both sighed and shook their heads in sympathy.

Johanna finished her coffee, and began checking her morning notifications. Gemini came down the steps a few minutes after that, sitting on the arm of the couch with a soft groan before rolling backward to flop onto her back with her head in Johanna's lap. Dane reached over to pat her cheek gently. "Good morning, sunshine. Hungry yet? There's toast and eggs, or I'll make some oatmeal."

"Not yet," the Doberman sighed, rubbing the "bump" of her belly, "Give me about five more minutes. Then I'll take both, thank you." Johanna turned away from her phone just long enough to bow her head and greet her fellow female with a warm kiss, right on the lips, making the Doberman giggle. "You know, it's really sweet how you never hesitate to go in for a kiss...even if I was just being sick a minute ago."

The Dalmatian just shrugged, back to scrolling through her updates. "Mornings are rough on you right now, so anything that makes it a little better is worth the effort. Besides, you always brush as soon as you're done. Nothing to be bothered by."

Dane concurred with a nod, and likewise leaned over to give his recovering wife a soft kiss, "At least it's only for a little while in the morning," he said encouragingly, "And it's supposed to taper off after the first season. Just hang in there."

"Don't jinx me!" his wife grinned, "slapping" the air in front of his nose, "I hear some mothers feel it all the way to delivery day! Hmhm...yeah, this whole pregnancy thing is kind of rough right now," the Doberman admitted with a nod and several deep breaths, though her usual smile was already back in its familiar place, "But it'll be worth it. And it's not like it doesn't have its perks."

"...Such as?" Johanna gave her a quizzical look...perfectly reflected by Gemini when the Doberman realized Johanna was honestly confused. The look of disbelief was quickly replaced by a very smug smile, announcing that Gemini was going to thoroughly enjoy explaining this to her bestie.

"Oh Aaarees," Gemini called, "Come over here. I'm still missing my morning kiss from you," she declared. Quirking a brow, her brother did get up from the love-seat and walk around the coffee-table to lean down and give her a quick kiss on the lips. She intercepted him with a hand on his chest before they quite got into reach. "Huh-uh. From down there," the female Doberman grinned, tapping a heel against the armrest.

With a blink, Ares looked a quick question up at Johanna, but the female Dalmatian only shrugged and resumed scrolling through something on her phone. "I don't get it, either. Just do what you're told," she recommended, turning her head (but not her eyes) away from the device to plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

With a chuckle, Ares moved around between Gemini's ankles, bending over the arm of the couch, and was completely unsurprised to find she hadn't taken the time to slip on any panties in her dash out of the room that morning. "Maybe it's just me," he smirked at his sister, watching him with her tongue lolling out of her mouth as he slipped his nose under the hem of her night-shirt to plant a soft kiss on her other lips, "But has being with pup actually made you more horny?"

"Forgotten gods, it's driving me crazy," Gemini moaned in confirmation, giving her back and legs a stretch even as she pushed his face out from between her thighs, "Even worse than the morning sickness." Pulling her shirt back down to (mostly) hide her intimate places, the Doberman beckoned her brother further up, inviting him to kiss his originally intended target. With a roll of his eyes and another short chuckle, Ares obliged, crawling over the arm of the couch and carefully over the not-so-subtle curve of Gemini's belly, bowing his head to kiss her lips.

Gemini caught his shirt before he could try to push back up, holding him huddled over her, and he was only mildly surprised when she hooked her heels behind his butt and shamelessly reached into his pajama pants. His sister continued to give him a sly smile, in between adoring kisses, while she fondled his sheath and his balls until his rod came fully erect. "Johanna doesn't know what the best perk of being pregnant is," she cooed in a mock-whisper, rubbing her nose gently against Ares' and pulling him just a little further over her. While he was adjusting the placement of his hands to avoid falling flat on top of her, Gemini forced his bone down and out of the stretchy waist of his pants, tucking the tip a little less-than-delicately inside the entrance to her love-tunnel. "Now you plow my garden good, and plant those seeds deep," she insisted in a sultry voice resembling a cat's purr more than a dog's growl.

When all three of them blinked at her in surprise, Gemini reached up to scratch Johanna's chin, pleased to see she'd gotten the female Dalmatian's full attention. "Number one, most positive perk," Gemini cooed, insistently drawing Ares in with her heels while she explained, "You can't get pregnant while you're pregnant."

Johanna's eyes shot even wider than Ares', and snapped immediately to Dane with a very meaningful look. It lasted almost a full second. Then Johanna's face fell back into tired apathy, and she resumed scrolling through the information on her phone...but reached out with her free hand to finish pushing Ares' pants down to a more comfortable position around his thighs. "You are my very best friend," the Dalmatian declared quietly, next dedicating that hand to scratching Gemini's head between the ears. "And I do love you."

"I know it," Gemini smiled happily with her tail wagging a drum-roll under her butt. Taking her heels off Ares' rump, she wrapped her legs fully around him instead, pulling him as close and deep as the new swell of her belly would allow. "And I plan to take full advantage of this while it lasts," the Doberman smiled up at her husband while subtly forcing her brother to begin rocking inside her, "No more condoms for either of you until it's over."

"...You little nympho," Ares chuckled, taking up the rhythm willingly now, "You have got to curb this, and soon. That belly's going to get in the way, eventually."

His sister giggled, reaching for his shirt to pull him down for a kiss. "Nope! I already looked it up," she grinned, "It's safe right up to the last season...and even then, it just encourages the water to break a little early. The only thing I need to worry about is positions." Tipping her head back with a smile for Dane, she added, "Good news for you: I'll be on top more close to the end, so you get to take a break."

"Eh...I don't know if 'a break' is how I would describe this," Dane grinned, making no effort to hide the tent pitched in his own pants, just a little in front of and below Ares' nose.

Johanna glanced at her brother's lap briefly, then rested her hand on the back of Ares' head, coaxing it down until he took the hint and gave a quick kiss to the bulge of his boyfriend's bone. "Hurry, sugar-stick," Johanna insisted quietly, still reading from her phone like she hadn't even noticed the wuffing going on in her lap, "Brother needs his wife, and I need you to do me next. I'll be adopting her new rule, too. Dane's not allowed in my muffin anyway, and I need to catch up to her."

Gemini's tongue lolled from the side her mouth, and her eyes began to roll back at the dirty, taboo thoughts streaming through her head. "Oh wuff," she sighed, clinging to Ares from underneath his chest, "Harder, brother! I need--oof!" she winced suddenly, just as Ares made a firm thrust deep into her, "Maybe not so hard, after all. Ehe...don't quite have my usual depth at the moment," the Doberman grinned sheepishly.

Ares nodded his understanding, already breathing hard and gritting his teeth. The position in this narrow space was a little awkward, and his balance was unsteady with one hand practically slid under Johanna's butt and the other gripping the edge of the couch between Johanna and Dane's knees. The knowledge that he was plunging into his sister raw was helping more than he'd like to admit, though. So was the scent of the Dalmatian siblings' arousal right under his nose. Even Johanna was clearly turned on, regardless of how she seemed to be ignoring it. She kept gently pressing his head down, encouraging him to nudge her brother's bone with his nose with each thrust, though the stretch was just a little too far to attempt actual fellatio.

Gemini squealed underneath him, as his knot filled out and rammed through her entrance. Her walls tightened reflexively behind it, stimulating the single most sensitive part of his entire body. The howl of his climax, combined with the warm sensation of his milk pouring into her unrestrained for the first time in their entire lives, drove Gemini so far over the edge she very nearly lost consciousness before it was done...

"Whoa, sunshine! Are you okay?" Dane's voice asked, though her eyes took another couple of seconds to bring his face into focus. Both he and Ares were looking down at her with genuine concern, and even Johanna had laid her phone aside for the moment.

"OooOo, wu-UFF," Gemini sighed woozily, "My hormones...are crazy...and you're beautiful..." She sounded just a tad drunk, and looked it, too, with her tongue lolling out the lop-sided edge of her smile. Her belly growled. "I'm hungry," the Doberman announced proudly, "I want that toast now, with some honey," she turned her head to the side, giving a suggestive kiss between Johanna's thighs, "And bacon...I think I already had the sausage," she grinned, clenching her walls around the knot still hard and snug inside her. She hadn't been out of it long enough for Ares to untie, apparently, and was glad of that. "And milk to drink," she finished, tipping her head back and trying hard for a moment to reach Dane's crotch with her tongue.

"...I'd say she's recovered," Johanna decided, patting her fellow female's head gently, "But you should eat some actual food before anything else."

Gemini nodded reluctantly, but spent another few minutes quietly savoring the after-glow, until Ares' bone finally softened enough that he could comfortably pull free and give her a hand getting to her feet. With a grateful kiss, she followed Dane into the kitchen for a large and hardy breakfast.

Ares extended his hand to Johanna next. "You still haven't eaten yet, either," he observed as she accepted his hand, and started toward the kitchen after pulling her to her feet. If they were going to spend the morning wuffing, she was going to need something to keep up her energy.

Johanna laid her phone on the coffee table, and silently pulled him toward the stairs instead. Her boyfriend blinked at the little device, and let her lead him, noting the way her tail alternated between wagging slowly and tucking tight behind her thigh. Instead of ascending all the way to the bedroom, she turned into her office, quietly pulling him just far enough in to close the door...and then stood there, staring at him thoughtfully. Her tail started to wag...and then stopped...and then started again.

After a couple of minutes of this silent consideration, alternating back and forth between the two, Ares crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the door with a chuckle. "Wow, she worked you up so good you don't know what to do with yourself, huh?"

Johanna continued to stare at him blankly for another minute, before finally lowering her head and stepping forward to rest it against his chest with a sigh. "Something like that. I haven't been this happy since the first time Dane wuffed me, to be honest. But it also reminds me that I am a terrible woman, an awful sister, a horrible girlfriend, and completely unfit to be anyone's wife. I don't even know whether to add 'even brother's' or 'especially brother's' onto that," the Dalmatian confessed quietly. Resting her hands on his strong arms, Johanna lifted her head to meet his eyes, sincerely if not proudly. "I need you now, more than I've ever needed anyone before...but for all the wrong reasons. I need you so that I can be with another man in the way I've wanted to be for years. You're the means to an end, though one completely beyond my reach without you," she admitted, resting her cheek against his chest once more and caressing the curve of his bicep, "Will you be angry?"

Ares rocked his head thoughtfully at that...and put those strong arms around his girlfriend loosely. "Ask me that again in a year or two, after I think we've made some real progress in our own relationship, and the answer will probably be 'yes'," he cautioned, "Today, though...well, let's just leave it at 'I understand'. At worst, I'll consider it a favor I can call in some other day," he smirked, giving her a brief kiss on top of her head to (he hoped) reassure her.

Johanna continued to lean against him quietly for another minute, her gaze blank and distant. "I misspoke," she clarified at last, "What I meant to say is, 'please be angry'. You need to be angry. It's right to be angry. It's the only reasonable reaction to have to something as selfish as this. If I keep getting my way for much longer, I will end up ruining us all." Turning her head up, Johanna kissed him warmly on the lips, curling her arms up under his to hug him tight as she did so. "...But thank you," she whispered when she withdrew, "It may be for all the wrong reasons...but I also love you more than I ever have before now. I really don't deserve you. So how do you want me?"

With a chuckle, Ares nuzzled her muzzle with his own. "You're the dom. You tell me."

She simply nodded to that, kissing his cheek one more time, and answered, "Right. I'm going to be angry on your behalf, then. Pick me up," the Dalmatian ordered, lifting one knee beside his hip. Taking the hint, Ares slid his hands low to scoop under her rump, lifting her against his chest as she wrapped both legs around his sides. "Lay me on the bed," Johanna commanded next, and her Doberman lover carried her carefully over to the queen-size bed and laid her on her back. Johanna did not relax her hold on his hips or his neck either one, but whispered in his ear, "I love you. I want you. But this one time, I'm not going to enjoy it..."

Ares quirked a brow at her as she finally loosened her grip on his neck, half curious and half concerned about what that might mean. Before he could ask her to clarify, though, Johanna pressed her lips hard against his again, pulling his face tight against hers, and carefully raked her teeth across his tongue as it swirled with hers, as if threatening to bite him if he dared to ask a question. After a moment of that, she laid back on the mattress, resting her hands beside her ears and staring up at him blankly. "Hold my hands," Johanna instructed, knitting her fingers with his as he reached for them obediently, then drawing her knees up right behind his elbows. Taking a deep breath, the female Dalmatian gave her final instructions: "'re going to wuff me like you're angry at me. Go hard, make it deep, and don't worry about whether or not I climax. You're going to keep going even if I cry. You're going to keep going even if I scream."

Ares frowned. "Like wuff I--"

Johanna tucked her chin under his muzzle, nudging it up to close his mouth for him, and kissed his throat while she was under there. "Don't argue. You can be sweet to me again tonight, after I've thanked Gemi. For now, this is what I get for being an awful girlfriend," she promised, squeezing his hands in hers. Laying her head back, Johanna closed her eyes and took two deep breaths to steady her own nerves. " as you're told," she finished firmly.

"...Wuff," he huffed quietly in her ear, bending his head down next to hers, "You say it's right to be angry...but if I enjoyed doing what's right, that phrase definitely wouldn't turn me on like it does." His bone twitched against her walls, already half buried in her garden.

His girlfriend nodded, rubbing her cheek against his as she did so, and drew him in with her heels beside his tail, until his knot began to stretch her entrance. Rocking and back and forth a couple of times to slick himself up, Ares crammed himself inside her mercilessly on the third thrust. Johanna grit her teeth and yelped softly, squeezing his strong hands. He bit her shoulder, breaking the skin and staining the bed with--absolutely not. He was not doing that, Johanna told herself firmly, hugging his hips tight with her legs...

"Telephone," the large Doberman muttered in her ear. Johanna blinked her eyes open in confusion...and no small amount of relief to find she had been right. Her shoulder was fine. Ares was holding her tight, but gently, and not with his teeth. He was keeping his hips very still as she adjusted to his girth, too. "If I'm supposed to keep going when you tense up like that, you need a way to tell me when you actually can't take it," her boyfriend explained quietly, "You've used that word before, because it's easy to remember...especially for you. If you say it, I'll stop mid-wuffing-climax if I have to," he promised, pushing himself up from her just enough to touch his nose to hers and meet her eyes, "You're still in control, even if you're letting go of it a bit. Okay?"

Johanna blinked up at him blankly. "...Gods forgotten," she muttered after a moment, closing her eyes and kissing his lips briefly, "I really don't deserve you. Okay. I'll scream that when I can't stand anymore. Don't stop again for anything else."

With one more kiss, Ares bowed his head beside hers again, and laid into her firmly. With his knot locked in, he couldn't really draw back for a long thrust again, but tested the limits of how far he could pull her before driving back in as deep his strong hips could manage. Johanna gasped, and barked once or twice, gritting her teeth against the irrational fear in between his thrusts. He was rough, but not violent. He should be angry, but he wasn't. She couldn't stop him, but she could say the word, and he would. Somehow, even in the moments her imagination ran rampant in the worst way, she still honestly believed that. She had those three syllables of control, when and if she decided to use them...and she never did.

Ares' howl hurt her ears a little when he announced his climax. The warm sensation of his milk pouring down inside her calmed her racing heart. She was panting just as hard as he was, but slowed the frightened tempo as he filled her with potential pups. In the end, those last few seconds pleasantly dispelled all the ordeal leading up to them, even if she was nowhere near her own orgasm or in any mood to seek it. Having come through it once, unscathed...Johanna actually found herself looking forward to a second time.

"Ares," Johanna sighed as the Doberman relaxed on top of her, "...I think...I'll be okay...with you on top...from now on..." The Dalmatian hugged him with both arms and legs, nuzzling his neck with her muzzle, and let that realization sink as deep inside her as his seed in her womb.

" you, too, sweetcakes," Ares chuckled breathlessly, giving her cheek a gentle kiss in return.