Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 7 of 8. The Final Test and the reward) Reforged

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#7 of Fate , Destiny or strange luck

This Time, it gets Sweaty Hot.

At least I hope. Have Fun reading

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Tags : M/F, First Time, Ninetales, zoroark, Zoroar, Arceus, Foreplay

Fate, Destiny or strange luck (Episode 7 of 8. The Final Test and the reward) Reforged

4 Years later

Zoran and Rosy were living a happy life in the forest. They both played some games every day, hunted together and watched over the weaker Pokémon who were not strong enough to protect themselves. This action and the fact that they both defeated a group of youngsters, who had terrorized the whole forest, in their first year gave them the Nickname Protectors of the weak. They were happy and all of their wishes had fulfilled, or at least nearly all. They had only one wish left that they both wanted to be fulfilled. A Child. They dreamed of having Childs but for their sake, Rosy never came into heat, and so they waited. They haven't even had sex because they had promised to share their First time when she was in heat. And to make it worse for them, Drake's Son had evolved into a zoroark and had found a mate. They had even mated, and now she was carrying his Childs and even Drake was getting father again soon.

Now they both were sitting under a large tree, looking over a big grassy area where many Kid Pokémon playing together. While they both looked over them, Rosy said to Zoran.

"Just look at them. They are all so cute and helpless when they were young."

" Yeah. They don't even know some danger because we two are watching over them, so they could live a life of peace and harmony and... When they were old enough...." Zoran stopped because this set was letting him think of something that he really wanted to have for themselves.

"What is it, hunny? Why did you stop?" Rosy asks.

" You know why?"

" Oh.... Yeah, I know, but I cannot change it. Maybe.... We should think of.... Searching for a female that...." He cut her.

"Don't even think about it."

" But you are hurting yourself, so why not?"

" Because I'm your mate and no one different. I only love you and no other will take your place. I don't care if I have to wait Years or even if I'm supposed to die like an Iron Maiden. Furthermore, I will mate with only one female and that female is you when you are in Heat and now stop thinking of getting separate ways."


" Listen. I WILL NOT BETRAY YOU. GOT THAT?" He said the last sets loud so that she couldn't say anything else.

" Fine. I will go on my patrol now. See you then, hunny." He gave her a kiss and left.

He walked his standard patrol way around the half forest and set his marks here and there. Also, he had to fight some females that wanted to mate with him because it was springtime and nearly every female was in heat. Furthermore, he tried to not hurt one of them, but for what was coming next he wasn't prepared for. He entered a little clearing and was greeted by a female Arcanine, who was sitting there.

" Hi there, sweetie." She said.

" Hi." He answered and walked on until she stopped him by walking in front of him.

" Can you do me a favor, please."

" That depends on the favor."

She turned around and hold her tail aside. Then she said with a deep Voice.

" Breed me."

" No." Was his answer and he walked past her only to get stopped by her again. This time with her Pussy under his Nose, giving him a full hit with her scent.

" Please. Breed me."

And again he said

" No."

" Why not?" She asks.

" I have a mate and I will not betray her."

" I will not tell her, so come on. You know that you want it."

" I will not. She maybe not knows it, but I do. So go and search somewhere else for a mate."

" Why are you so rough to me....SNIFF...."

" Stop this fake tears. They don't work for me, either." He said and walked past her, but once he was in front of her, she said.

" Fine. Then you leave me no choice."

She Swung her Back around, to knock his Paws off the Ground. It worked and to is Sake, he landed on his Back, with his Hind legs wide open. Only one second later, she was over him, looking into his Eyes. He then tried to push her down, but he couldn't start because her Eyes began to glow. She was using attract on him and it worked. He couldn't move, and so she began to rub her pussy over his shaft, and again it worked. He unsheathed and was already half hard when she stopped her rubbing. While she positioned his tip on her entrance, she said right into his Eyes.

" You didn't lend me a choice. Now I'm taking you and get satisfied."

Then she began to push herself down on him, but she couldn't get him in because at that moment she said the set, he began to change. His Body color became completely black and all over his Body were Dark Flames burning. The flames were so hot and painful to her that she immediately dismounted him and let her lick her Body. Once she was done, she looked over at Zoran and said.

" OK. With this kind of reaction, I hadn't calculated. Nicely protection move, Zoran."

Hearing his Name, he came down a bit and asks.

" Who are you and how do you know my Name?"

Instead of getting a spoken answer, the Arcanine began to glow and a few seconds later it disappeared. In her place was a smiling Arceus standing. Seeing him standing there, let Zoran go into a little shock first, but it was quickly replaced by hate.

" Tell me. Why should I not attack and hurt you?" Zoran said while his Black color was becoming more intense.

" Because it wouldn't bring anything than Pain for you." Arceus answered.

" Let's see."

Zoran took all of his hate together and build up a big fireball in his mouth. Then he set it free. The Ball flew straight into Arceus direction, but Arceus didn't make a move. Then suddenly the Ball stopped and became bigger while it flew right back to Zoran but with double speed instead. Zoran had no time to move and got fully hit by the fireball. Once the ball had lost its power, it disappeared and revealed a breathless Zoran, who lay panting on the ground. Seeing that Zoran was defeated, Arceus walked beside him and asks.

" Why did you attack me? You knew that it would go this way."

" PANT..... I......PANT..... Wanted...... Revenge.... For..... This many..... PANT.... Year of waiting."

" What do you mean?"

" Don't fool me..... PANT.... Drake told me that.....PANT..... You would do something that.....PANT...... Let's me hate you.....PANT.... Well, now..... I know.....w.... What.... He meant..... COUGH...."

Zoran spilled out some Blood.

" Yeah. You're right about that, but let me tell you why I did this."

" COUGH.....COUGH.....COUGH" Zoran spilled out more blood.

" OK. I better cure you first." Arceus said and let one of his boards sang down on Zoran's back. Next, the board began to glow light green and the light began to surround Zoran. Some seconds later, the light faded and Zoran stood up. Then Arceus said.

" So. Do you want to hear the Story or not?"

" I´m listening." Zoran answered with a still angry Voice.

" The reason I did this to you is simple. I wanted to test your willpower. Nothing more or less. See, you were not the first one that I've sent back to life, but all over the Years I've had to learn that saying something and doing something are two different things."

" AHA. And?"

" Well, most of the ones promised me that they would only mate with the one of their lives, but once they had mated with them, they mostly let this one falls only to get to enjoy sex with others. That's the reason I did these tests and to tell you this. You two past it."

" US 2? Don't tell me that...." Zoran was cut by Arceus.

" Yes, I tested her as well while I tested you."

" How far did you..... You came?" Zoran asks with fear in his Voice and a sad look in his face.

" Don't worry. She didn't even let me come close to her. She can run and fight like a god, I must say."

" UFF....." A Stone fell down from Zoran's Heart.

" So now you can choose."

" Choose what?"

" All you wanted to have."

" I have all I need."

" Really? Isn't there something that you and Rosy doesn't want so much since the last 4 Years."

" Do you have to remember me? Yes, We want Cubs of our own, but I want to have them in the normal way. Not supported by a God. I want to mate with her when it's time for it. I want to see them grow in her Stomach. Furthermore, I want to be there when they come out of her and later of their Eggs. And on top pf it. I want to raise them, see how they grow up and get some cups of their own. That's what I choose. Nothing more. Nothing less. Go away with other things that we don't need."

" HAHAHA.....HAHAHA....HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAA...." Arceus began to laugh very loud.

" What's so funny?"

" You are saying the same things that Rosy said, and I didn't expect something different from you two. Well then. I'll give you what you want. A heat in spring and some healthy Cups later on. Oh, and a little surprise as a reward for holding out so long."

" HMMM.... Fine. Before you go. Can I ask you something?"

" Ask."

"How many have passed this test?"

"You mean all except you and Rosy?"


"Only one pair. OH, and you know them."

"Really? Who are they..... HEY.....DAMMIT! He's gone. HMMM.... Only one Pair and I know them... I wonder who they would be?"

Later on that Day

" Hey Hunny. I'm home." Zoran called out as he entered their Cave.

" Hi. How's it going out there?" Rosy answered.

" All is quiet as normal. Oh, by the way..... I have met Arceus."

" Yep, I know, just as you know that I met him as well. Please tell me what have you choose."

" Only the same as you have. Some Cups when it's time for them."

" How do I know that. Well, that means that we will get parents next Year. OH, What a nice thought. I only wish that the time would go over quick."

" Me too, me too. But till then we will have to wait and do what we need to do."

They both began to cuddle right after he had finished the set and some time later they both went to sleep, not knowing that they didn't have to wait that long anymore.

The next two Days went on as normal. They watched over the Kids and played some Games, but something was different. They both didn't know what it was, but they felt different. Then on the third Day, they found out what it was. They were sitting under a tree, looking over the Kids. Since the morning sun had woken them, Rosy was searching his near. She doesn't know why, but when she was close to him, she felt safe and when he was a bit away she began to fear. This was leading so far that she wanted to feel his Body and didn't want to lose the feeling again. He on the other hand felt the same, but he always didn't like the position she walked into and that was why he mostly walked away from her. This soon led them into an art of tag game in where she mostly tried to catch him, but he was mostly too fast for her until she tricked him, or did he trick her? They both didn't know. They played, and in between they looked after the kids until one of them hurt himself. Zoran heard one of the Boys crying and quickly walked to him. Then he asks.

" What's wrong? Did you get hurt?"

And the Boy answered.

" My Paw. It hurts.....SNIFF...."

"Let me see. HMMM.... You have run a bit too fast, and you hit a stone with your leg, right?"

The Boy only nodded.

" You better watch where you run next time, and now hold still."

Zoran got down with his front and laid his mouth on the wound of the Boy. Next, his Body began to glow green and the wound began to heal. Since Arceus had used this Technique on him, Zoran was able to use it on his own. The Boy quickly stopped crying and got happy again, but behind him was another more sweat accident going to happen. When Zoran had lowered his front, his back and tails had moved, so that Rosy got a full view of his backside. First, she let her look travel over his Tails and began to think of them.

How beautiful they look. So bright white like light and..... And......

She couldn't finish the thought because right at this moment she began to look over his Balls and her Body began to react immediately.

OH, DAMN ! They look so big.... OH, to hell... I wish.... I wish..... AAAAAAHHHHHHH.....

Her Body betrayed her. She started to paw herself fast and hard. Next, Zoran had ended the healing and got up again, hiding his goods from her. He slowly turned around and Rosy managed to stop her pawing right on time, but for her sake, she had made herself and the ground under her wet with her fluids. He then walked by her side and sat himself next to her, but once he sat and took in a deep breath, he stopped breathing and made a strange look. Another breath followed quickly, and his Head turned more in her direction. She began to blush and tried to hide her mess that she had made. Seeing her blushing, he came close to her and took a final breath. Then he became a dreamy look all over his face and his Tongue came out of his mouth. Rosy couldn't other than laugh over his look, but that was what he had wanted. At the moment she took her paws up enough, he darted forward to her slit and made a lick there. She moaned hard and let some pre escape, greatly licked away from him. Next, he got up and smiled into her face while he asked:

" Why haven't you told me?"

" T.... Told..... What......NNNNNHHHH....."

He had pawed her.

" Told me that you are in heat."

" What? NNNHHHH...... That can't...... Be.......AHHHHHH!"

"But it is. You are in Heat and this really deep."

Her Face became Fire red, and she stammered some words before she tried to run home.

" Can't..... Be..... Too Late..... Far too late....."

She tried to run, but once her back was up, she stopped because Zoran had made a death grip on her slit. Again, her Body betrayed her. She stopped immediately and spread her Hind legs for him. He again smiled and said:

" There's no doubt about it. Your Pussy lips are swollen, and you are presenting yourself to me when I only touch you there. And.... And you're..... Sweat scent lets me.... My body goes crazy."

" I know..... But.... It's already.....MOAN..... High Summer..... Our Cups..... Would be born..... MOAN.... In Winter and..... Would die in the Co..... Cooooooo...........COLD NNNNNAAAAAHHHHHHH.......

He had licked her again and this time, his Tongue went half inside her. Once his Tongue was out, she tried to go away, but she could make a move. Her Body did not let her go. No matter how much she tried it, so it was up to Zoran, and he tried also to hold himself back with more efforts. He could make some steps back and was finally out of her scent reach. From the position he was now, he said to Rosy.

" Please Hunny..... Run Home..... I don't want to..... To Breed you in public."

Hearing this, she started very slowly to move. 5 minutes later, she was out of his sight and smell reach.

" PUUUUHHHH.... She's gone. Dammit. I have totally forgotten how hard it is to resist her when she is in deep heat. Even when she doesn't want to get laid."

"Still a gentleman. Even when he has become a more than great gift." A Voice said from behind him, letting him make a surprised jump.

" Yikes.... How many times should I tell you that I don't like this. You are nearly killing me with a heart attack every time, Drako." Zoran said to Drake's son, who had played him this joke.

" I don't know HIHIHIHI. But I know that you are in the wrong place now."

"What do you mean?"

" I mean that you should be by Rosy's Side now to fulfil your dreams."

" Are you crazy? If I did her now, she would give birth in winter and the Childs wouldn't make it over the first week."

" Yeah, Yeah. HIHIHIHI. I've heard you talking, but you are totally wrong. Arceus has tested you, and now he is giving you your price. Her Heat and Cups. Are you really thinking that he would let them die? Well, if you think so, then you would talk to a ghost and not to the Son of Drake, who is the Mate of a former Human Girl."

Hearing him say this, let Zoran only sit where he was with an open mouth.

" OH, come on. Don't tell me that he never told you this, or you didn't find it in his Memory when you two were one." Drako said.

" He.... He never let me see into his Memories or told me something, but now it all makes sense."

" What makes sense?"

" What Arceus said to me. That only one pair had made it through the test, and that I know them."

" Yep. That was them, and now get your Ass into move, or you will lose your Opportunity to get what you two want so much."

" But the Cups! Their Parents are not here yet. I cannot let them be alone."

" You can. I watch over them."

" Only you? You cannot handle them alone."

" Think that I'm alone? Have you not recognized that we are now having one Child more?"

Zoran looked over the Kids and saw that Drako was right. A Zoroar had come to the party.

" Don't tell me that this is...."

" Yep. This is my Daughter who was born a few Days ago. OH, and a bit away is my Mate looking over the Cups too, so go, or I carry you to her." Drako said while he got up.

" There's no need to, and thanks for kicking my ass." Zoran said, while he also got up.

"Every time, my friend. Now go and enjoy the time with her."

That he didn't need to say twice. Once Zoran was up on his feet, he started running towards their Cave. It took him 10 minutes until he reached it, but for him, it was like running for hours. Once he had arrived at the entrance of the cave, he was welcomed by her scent that told him two things. The first one was that she was home, and the second was that she was already on her highest Peak of her Heat. Knowing all of these, he took in a deep breath, sat on his best smiling face and walked in.

" Hunny, I'm home." He said while he moved in, but he didn't get a response from her.

" Hunny? Come out! I know that you are here. I've got some good news...... WWWAAAAAOOOOOUUUUUHHHHHHHH....."

Suddenly he felt something cold and wet on his sheath.


There it was again. Someone was licking on his sheath. In between the licks he managed to turn his Head and saw who it was once he had turned enough.

" Hunny......MMMMMHHHH..... Why do you all must..... NNNNNNNGGGGHHHHAAAA.... Surprise me like that?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she grabbed his now half erect Penis, pulled it around so that she was facing the tip, and then she took it into her mouth, letting him moan deep and loud. Once his Penis was inside her mouth, he was standing on lost ground. Her tongue had almost been terrific on his Penis once he was Human, but now was different. The feelings that were going through his Body were indescribable. His Eyes began to roll, his breath began to heat up, and his Penis had already reached full length.

He thought that he was in Heaven, but then he was pulled back. He felt his Knot on her mouth and that he only needed a few more licks to burst.

" P.....PLEASE.... I'm.... I'M.....MOAN..... STOP SUCKING ME!!!"

He screamed out and to his surprise, she stopped and let him go. In the next moment, she moved next to him with a look that could break stones.

" I.... I'M sorry, Lovely. I.... I couldn't..... Stop myself. All I wanted was to taste you. Please forgive me."

It took him a minute to gain back some breath, but once he had some he said.

" There's.... No need to. I know that.... You never wanted to do this... On your free will. But for my sake... I wanted this too. I even wanted and still want to.....PANT.... Mate with, you right now."

Hearing him say this, she made a jump back and screamed out in surprise.

" What??? You want to mate with me, make me pregnant and then let Our Cups die in winter? I know that something was laying in the Air but this..... MMMMMPPPPFFFFFF...." He cut her by laying one of his Paws on her mouth and an Angry look on his Face.

" Are you thinking that I'm a Murderer? If it were all normal, I would wait till springtime next Year, but this Heat of yours is special. Believe me that. Someone that we both know good told me that our Cups would not die in Winter."

" Who said this and how could you believe him?" Rosy asks, and then Zoran told her all that Arceus and Drako had told him. After that he had told her all of it, only silence was heard. Then after a minute or two, Zoran took on the word again.

" Now you know all I know, so I leave it up to you. If you want to mate with me, then let us do it. If you wanted to wait, then we wait."

She didn't answer. She was only sitting there close to him with a look on her face that was saying nothing. Again, a minute passed without nothing happening. Then Zoran said with a disappointed look on his face.

" HHHAAAAHHHH.... Well then. Let's wait till......" He couldn't finish because Rosy didn't let him. She grabbed his mouth with both of her Paws and began to push him back. While she did that, she said in a commanding Voice.

" Who said that I wanted to wait till springtime? I want you in me, right here, right now !"

She had pushed him into their Bed or better said, their sleeping place. A place where the ground was covered with some moss and leaves. There she had pinned him on the wall upright so that he was making male. Next she looked him deep into his Eyes and began to kiss him while her paws began to rub his Penis who had retreated half into his protection again. Her rubbing, her scent who had increased even more and her kiss brought him to stand fully erect again within seconds. Zoran tried to hold her off, but before he could say a word, she broke her actions and let him go. She made a step back and then turned herself around until he faced her backside. Next, she got down with her front legs and let her hind legs spread a bit. Then she moved her Tails aside and gave him a full view of what he had really wanted to see. A pink and fully swollen pussy. His Mouth began watering, and his lust was reaching new levels when she said to him.

" Come and show me what you can do with your tongue."

Her invitation was quickly agreed. He got down on all fours, moved a step forward, grabbed her back with both paws and let his tongue began to dance on her lips. From one moment to another, she was defenceless. She had known that his tongue skills had been good when he was Drake, but now was totally different. His tongue was rough. Rougher than it was back then, but she gave a damn about it. The feelings she got from him now let her mind go elsewhere until she was forced back just like him a few moments ago. He was still licking her lips, but from one moment to another, he let his whole tongue go into her. Deep inside of her, he hit her G Spot directly, and she moaned really deep and hard. It was no wonder that he hit her G-spot directly because as Drake he had found it and had stimulated her only there when his tongue was inside of her.

" Fu..... Fuck YES...YES..... OHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOODDD....... Take me..... Take me...... HHHHAAAAAAAAAA....." She managed to say, and he followed her wish.

He let his tongue retreat and positioned himself behind her. Then he waited a second because he thought that he needed some time, so his Penis would become hard again. But then his instinct told him that this was normal to show only his Tip before entering a Female, and so he then got up with her back. Next he lined himself up on it and while he did this he also let her tails slide out of his way.

Feeling his weight on her back, she Indistinctly got back up on all fours and spread her hind legs to her full limit, giving him as much support as she could. Once he was laying on her back fully, he began his search for her slit. He did hump after hump, but he wasn't hitting his target. He only hit her back several times and then he had enough.

He slit down, letting her growl in disappointment. She wanted to say something to him, but once he was down, he licked her slit again, silencing her.

After a few licks, he tried his luck again by going up on her back again. Once he was back in position, he began to hump her again, but this time he was lucky. The first few humps hit only her back again, but then he hit something that was really hot, and she yelped in pleasure. He had found what he had searched for.

The next things that happened were triggered by his instincts. He slowly moved the tip in the middle of her slit, and then he began to press into her. Feeling him pressing on her slit triggered an instinct on her side too, and so she made herself ready for the next step that was only seconds later taking place. Once his tip had passed her lips, his next instinct hit hard.

He paused and gathered some Air. Then he made a jump forward, letting his Penis go into her all at once. While he went into her, he wondered for a split second because his Penis acted strange. All the time it had stayed inside his sheath with only his tip out, but now while he jumped into her, it jumped out of his protection and let him stand fully erect in her. Not to mention that he took her Hymn like nothing with it.

From the moment on, as he humped into her, she felt only pure and incredible pain. And when his meat spear took her Hymn, she could have easily made a jump forward to protect herself, but her Body betrayed her by doing the differential action. She pressed herself back and into his jump. Now they were both staying there, analyzing their situations. He, who had once only hated her Heat, was now enjoying it, and his Instinct began to dictate his next actions. She on the other hand was only pleading that he would go out of her with his Penis, but all came different for her.

First he began to retreat, and she hoped that he would go out of her, but when he was half out of her he rocked himself back into her, letting her yelp in heavy pain. Once he was in her again, he retreated again, wasting no time on waiting. This method he kept on, and she hated him for that, but something in her Head told her that this was normal and that the pain would go away quickly. And so it was. First she hadn't noticed it, but with each hump he made, the pain got lower and lower until it was nearly gone. Then it happened. He made another hard hump into her, but instead of yelping, she let out a very low moan. There, he had made another hump and she again moaned. This time a bit louder.

Hearing her moaning, he began to hump her faster and harder, little by little with each hump, until he was near his full speed. She on the other hand was now only feeling pleasure and her Body began to relax. Right at this time, their Instincts took over control of their Bodies. His humping became insane, and she began to press back against him.

They began to act in the rhythm which means that when he humped into her, she trusted herself back, meeting him halfway and when he withdrew she relaxed. This they both did in a very high speed and soon his Knot had fully swollen and with every hump he made, it bumped onto her slit. They were both in heaven, and the only thing that they both wanted now was to be tied together. Right at this time he changed his speed. He had enough of going hard and long ways. He only wanted to feel her Heat on his knot, and so he made only very short and hard humps.

She on the other side wanted the same, and so she began to spread her hind legs over her limit. This triggered one of his instincts and he helped her spreading by guiding his front legs more between her hind legs where he began to spread her pussy lips. All of these actions were soon rewarded. His knot was already half in and they both knew that they only needed one more hump to come. He retreated one last time, stopped when he was half out, gathered all Air he had left and rocked himself forward.

* PLOB *

He had done it. His knot was in her and the feelings were too much for them. Once he pushed his knot in her, they both throw their Heads into their backs and began to howl into the Air. Then it was silent. They both stayed there again, enjoying a perfect moment or better sad their first perfect moment. All was standing in their sight and they both heard nothing until their Climax took place. She was the first who gave in. Her walls began to grip on every inch of his Penis, and this was the reason she came. Feeling her cold fluids on his tip, pared with her burning hot grip on his Penis, was enough to send him over his edge. He fired a short but hard stream of his Seed first. Then, a second later, he began to empty his balls in a steady stream.

At last, he dismounted her, and he turned himself so that they were standing back to back. Then they both collapsed to the ground. They were both laying there, panting heavily and with their tongues out of their mouths. They had finally done it. After so much time of waiting they had fulfilled one of their dreams and the other one was soon being fulfilled as well.

Before they both were knocked out, they looked into each other's eyes, only seeing there what they felt for each other. A burning and never ending Love. Then their Sights went black and they were out.

To be continued