Change of Perspective Page 23
#26 of Change of Perspective
Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.
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The geth dropship hummed as it moved towards the former organic base, "Data indicates we will arrive at sector 121.0158 in two minutes, thirty point eight six seconds," reports 185144914 as the winged geth former dragon looks at the two older mobile geth hub platforms, the former raptor 141895112 and the former racoon 6518181222514. The two look over their weapons briefly before 141895112 looks at 185144914.
"Where is your weapon?" 141895112 inquires as the conversation between the geth platforms is incomprehensible to an organic. It was clicks, electric/static like noises, that could be heard might be mistaken as the language, but it was merely a byproduct of the signals being sent at the speed of light, to be processed and conversed with the geth programs on the platforms as they 'spoke' with one another.
"We had a lengthy five-minute eighteen point five three seconds debate as to the need for a weapon for this platform to carry on this mission. Program 22514518125121 has put up very logical arguments which we eventually accepted."
"Does program 22514518125121 continue to dislike firearms despite the algorithm updates?" inquires 141895112.
"Yes, but it presented that if we are to have a network of nineteen other platforms, all with protection in a secure location. It be more efficient if our hands were free to explore the former organic facility."
"Acknowledged. We will be starting our network of eighteen platforms in twenty-six seconds. Selected programs are already ready for transfer. Two geth primes from network 9181251 are here to assist in our search."
Time Stamp 14:01:01.09
"Why do we have to join in this search? We have never been here. And our knowledge could be better suited elsewhere," 14189114 asks to the other geth of its platform of 6518181222514.
"Half of our 189,379 platform programs are in other platforms back at the lab continuing tasks which we are all still working on. Current allocation of resources to this search is only 20.09%," replies two thirds of the geth as the other third agreed with program's 14189114 inquiry.
"Yes. This is exactly what we mean. If so little resources are allocated to this task why do so? It seems to be very inefficient."
"Acknowledged. Processing. We do not find fault in this logic. We agree. We shall inquire for more data."
"Agreed," 14189114 states.
"Consensus achieved."
Time Stamp 14:01:01.11
"Inquiry," 6518181222514 speaks up after a moment, "Why is this platform here? We are only allocating 20.09% of our resources to this task. Searching for organic data for us is inefficient."
"It seems insufficient data has been sent to your platform. We will query the prime consensus to fix this error. We shall send required data to network 6518181222514 that will explain the need to send three mobile geth hub platforms on this mundane task," 141895112 replies.
"Acknowledged," 6518181222514 replies.
Time Stamp 14:01:01.17
"Data received. Processing. The search is one of two goals. We are also part of a test to study how multiple separately networked geth interact," the majority of geth platform 6518181222514 explains to itself.
"Acknowledged, but why would we be needed? We could send connected platforms to receive a similar result if we are only one to be here," 14189114 inquires along with a 24.78% of supporting geth programs.
"Prime platforms from 9181251 fulfill this requirement. We are to be the inverse of the situation. While platforms 141895112 & 185144914 provide the interaction of many platforms networked working together but also on separate networks."
"For what purpose? We understand it is to know how we interact with one another. But if we can just network tightly to the prime consensus there is little need to understand how we act this way. Unless it's under combat environment, which this is not. If it is to build a base understand in a more controlled environment. Running combat training to simulate the stress on the network would be more efficient. There is little logical reason we can find that would require us for this task. We are more valuable elsewhere. Especially given the time constraints till estimated time of the old machines arrival," 14189114 explains.
"Acknowledged. We find your reasoning to be... logical. We agree with your statement. We will inquire for more data," the other geth on the platform respond.
"Consensus achieved," platform 6518181222514 self-reports.
Time Stamp 14:01:01.21
"Inquiry. We find no logical reason why this test needs to be done in this situation. Combat tests and simulations would be more efficient while less complicated and mobile platform hub intensive test could be done here," 6518181222514 replies.
"You do place a high value on your programs stationed within your platform, don't you?" 141895112 asks.
6518181222514 looks at the gethified raptor and responds, "Yes."
"Good. This is providing the data that we need."
"This is part of a test for us to better understand converted organics. We wish to understand the changes we have gone through. We also desire to see how we interact. Currently the number of uplifted organics is relatively low. As that number increases we like to discover any unknown errors in the process. If uplifted organics and their platforms start to work against their fellow geth that would be very inefficient to our goals. Infighting is not a desired result. But we do not wish to rewrite organics to agree with us. We wish to see how 'organic' we have become as with interact closer to an organic standard. We are testing several factors efficiently. Without this, your logic would be correct. But there is much at stake here. The knowledge gained from our direct interactions is invaluable including to your studies. What do you think now given this information?"
"We... moment processing... we agree with your logic. We still have some doubts, but we can handle this temporary relocation of our platform as it will have minimal effect on our current duties. We cannot connect to further platforms for chance of hindering our current delicate projects would be too great to risk."
"We calculate that you could add one more platform to your network at a 0.001% risk to other tasks up to the 982nd platform," 141895112 reports.
"We calculate that risk is too great for the current tasks, if the platforms are not assigned to the same tasks. We also note that most platforms of the current vessel will be used between you and 185144914's networks. Extra platforms connected to our network is not required."
"Affirmative. We planned this much," replies 141895112 as it and 185144914 start to connect and upload programs to the nearby idle geth platforms. The geth platforms start to hum with energy as the connections are established. They move out of their idle positions, stepping forward as the drop ship arrives to the target location. The hanger bays open as the first wave of platforms drop down landing in the ground with a thud before the ship moves to another location and another to repeat the process.
The three mobile geth hub platforms look at the base below with its damaged walls, some parts having caved in from an explosion or seven from the fighting. Noting stirred till they returned. 141895112 felt a flashback from program 1191891981. The facility as it was being built, the look of it through drone cameras as it was made to meld into the bombed-out structure while become 'invisible' to geth sensors. Such high hopes to learn about the geth, and now 141895112 felt this trip would improve its understanding of organics as they dropped down in the center of the facility. Their bodies landing with a hard thud, mud spraying everywhere as they hit the ground. They stand up and give a quick look around.
"We find this method has a drawback of risking fall damage to our platform," reports 6518181222514.
"Our platforms can handle far greater stresses than this. We are well within safety parameters," 141895112 explains as 185144914 lands softly a moment later.
"We find our aero additions provide an excellent method of slowing our decent," 185144914 reports.
"Acknowledged. How is our connection with network 9181251?" 141895112 inquires.
"We find our connections to your networks to be strong. Program 1259111 processes that you should be cautious. There might be a chance of old organic traps in the base left by 1885135," platform 9181251 sends.
"Acknowledged. We will be careful," 141895112 replies as the platforms move out. Two with weapons in hand while the third winged one moves forward unarmed in relative terms for a powerful machine that could take on a krogan bare handed.
Their feet clatter against the ground as they make their way inside the damaged complex. No sound is heard save for the faint movement of other geth and wind blowing down the hallways from outside. With no lights the geth are the only source of illumination as the move through. Doors are torn off their hinges as holes in the wall show points of heavy fighting.
1191891981 feels memories of these places, the old look of the place super imposed over the current state of things. The platform looks around as it turns to 185144914, "Check down that blasted out room."
"Acknowledged," 185144914 responds as it looks down into the room, small bits of rubble crushed under its feet as its green glow fills the room as it steps forward, "This appears to be one of the organics charging areas, known as a bedroom," 185144914 reports.
"Acknowledged. See what data can be obtained from personal findings. Maybe something was hidden in the room," 141895112 suggests.
"Check down that way, the labs have been checked, but maybe there is something there that we might have missed the first time," 141895112 asks 6518181222514.
"Why does it feel like you are the one in cha--acknowledged. We will check out the labs," 6518181222514 as it heads out in that direction while 141895112 looks around as it feels itself be drawn in one particular direction.
Time Stamp 14:21:41.61
"We have detected a push from program 1191891981 to head in this direction towards your organic relative and to do so physically alone. Inquiry, why is this?" asks many of the geth programs within platform 141895112 to 1191891981.
"It is something we have to see, alone," 1191891981 responds with some geth programs in support.
"Why alone? You are with 185,012 active geth programs in this platform along with 31,021 other geth platforms on the network. Which is connected to other networks."
"We know. We acknowledge this fact. We desire to be physically alone as we view this area."
"We see trans positioned data of the facility before our arrival. The differences are interesting, do you think it will help in our search?"
"Yes. We feel there is a connection that was lost in the uplifting. We are... trying to better understand. This may be the reason why our explanation of our logic to organics is failing," 1191891981 responds.
"We have noticed this change with those uplifted without any algorithm updates. We process it is the lack of chemicals in the organic's brain causing illogical choices."
"Partially but not completely, process and observe program 1191891981 as we continue forward," 1191891981 along 45.02% of other geth programs state.
"Acknowledged. We will observe and process the data, we shall continue forward," the other geth respond.
"Acknowledged. Consensus achieved," 141895112 self-reports.
Time Stamp 14:21:41.66
141895112 moves forward to one door that is partially a jar. It looks at the original state as it grabs the door and slides it open with the sound of screeching metal, "This is Mila Des Raptour's room. Program 1191891981's still organic sister," itself reports as it enters the room and it's a complete mess. The clean nitpicky, everything must have its place Mila's room is a total destruction area, but by the looks of it, this was not done by machine, nor by combat, but by the signs of a frantic organic trying to grab things at the last minute.
"Unusual responses detected in program 1191891981 detected. Stress found within program. We will continue monitoring, recording results," the geth self-reports as it moves into the room. Her feet crunch small bits of rubble and rocks that managed to make its way into the room, dust has settled all over the place as it studies the room, going off compiled memories of previous visits.
The conversation with Leika now program 1259111 now within platform 9181251, how Mila was leaving, not just this place, not just her home but the whole galaxy with some project initiative. Research on the subject indicates it's to explore a whole new galaxy separate from this one. A unique concept, and exciting idea of exploration and growth but then...
"Inquiry. Do you find a strong connection to your un-uplifted sister?" the geth within platform ask 1191891981.
"Yes," 1191891981 responds as something catches platform catches something. A flat rectangular low-tech frame.
"Calculations would have put the probability of this being here at exceedingly low," platform 141895112 self-reports as it reaches down for it. The geth feeling a strong draw to have it in its hands and look at it, something about it had to see for itself even though it already knows what the picture is and who's in it...