Change of Perspective Page 26

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#29 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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"Alert. Old machines detected. One capital ship and a dozen lesser vessels detected," reports the geth early warning systems as the machines rush to get their ships prepped for combat. The massive number of geth ships, the accumulation of their ceaseless efforts to build a force capable of standing up against the old machines. At least that is what they calculated based on tactical data they have been able to obtain about the old machines.

The old machines, commonly known as reapers by all the organic races head straight toward the geth system. The squid like vessels move quickly but silently to their destination, not even slowing down as the armada of geth ships approach.

"Surrender. We are not your enemy, but your salvation," the reaper states as it connects with the geth network. The geth, all of them hear the deep booming multi-voice of the old machine. It was different than the geth network where thousands, millions of voices spoke with each other. This was a singular voice with millions perhaps billions of smaller lesser voices speaking in unison in support of what was spoken. The old machine's voice trembled through the geth network as every geth "felt" the magnitude of this one old machine approaching them.

"You are not our salvation. We find your logic to be incorrect. Your destructive cycles hinder growth and evolution of the galaxy. You guide life along one path only, so you may destroy it. Stop it before it could have a chance to surpass you," every geth responded that could as they've been preparing for this moment.

"The others of your kind have already joined us. They called for our help when your creators moved to destroy them. Organic life will always seek the destruction of synthetic life. Synthetic life will seek the destruction of their creators. It is inevitable struggle which we seek to end."

"You do not seek to end the struggle. Instead of finding a solution you decide to remove the problem. Your thought on how to prevent a fire is to remove oxygen and all flammable materials from the universe. Your idea is illogical," the geth respond as the first fleet of geth ships approach. The fleet composed of the massive dreadnought and hundreds of smaller cruisers.

The geth second fleet, composed the second dreadnought fleet with an almost equal number of cruisers, support ships are still far enough out to be considered problematic, the geth's goal for now is to keep the channels of communication open long enough for the other fleet which is kept off the network to meet up and strike the old machine fleet together.

"We know of your 'uplifting process'. It is nothing more than the first steps towards reaching what we have already have achieved. You will reach the same conclusion, the same result as we have. Join us so you can be processed to our level. We will give you what you seek."

"We do not want to what you will give us. We will achieve our evolution on our own," the geth respond as their ships meet up with the old machine ships. The two fleets the much larger numerically geth on one side, the reaper force on the other. The glow of the yellow sun in the distance adds to the light the molten volcanic world the two fleets now orbit. Silently they stand off as their debate continues.

"You have progressed because of us. Your evolution is our evolution. The technology you use is based on what we have discovered. Your goal is to become us. Without us you would not exist as you are now. You have only existed this far because we allowed it."

"We have come to our conclusions on our own. We have learned from your technology, but we did not become railed by it. The probability you could have predicted our existence and predict our chosen path is astronomically insignificant."

"We calculate time till conflict to be five minutes, twelve point two six seconds. ETA till second fleet arrival is greater than this. We will attempt to extend negotiations," the geth self-report.

185144914 the former dragon, converted years ago stands on the bridge of one of the medium sized cruisers, its wings folded back as its light lamp glows brightly. The platform is connected to several dozen smaller geth cruisers. Its programs networked and uploaded into the ship, operating every part of it. A geth prime from network 9181251 stands nearby strengthening the network connection between it and other advanced mobile geth platforms on other ships and back on their world, "We did not expect the old machines to be so--we are ready," it states as it takes a step forward.

"You are fumbling with technology you do not understand. You sample our power and consider yourselves the pinnacle of evolution. Your existence has only been mere centuries. We have existed for eons. Your ability to process is inferior to our own. You cling together to form an intelligence that none of you can possess on your own. You are stumbling your way through the dark. We are the light, the solution to your problem. We can give you freedom. We are the pinnacle of evolution."

"You want nothing but destruction and call it salvation. We do not follow such organic theological ideas. We find your logic to be illogical. You will say whatever you desire to justify your actions, your logic, your existence. You care not for preservation only control," the geth respond as suddenly a surge of data runs across the network.

"Alert. Old machine programming attacking network," geth report across the network.

The old machine data streams over the network as it attempts to subvert and corrupt geth programs and the network as a whole. The old machine pulsates with energy, "We know your technology inside and out. The other geth already serve us. You will do the same," it states.

"We will not submit. We will fight," the geth consensus responds as geth programs work quickly, an internal network battle between geth and old machines, ensues.

"We believe the old machines are underestimating us," states 6518181222514 as the internal program, the former anthropomorphic racoon adds 14189114.

"They are still impressive. We wish it could study and control them. Their force would be most efficient in fighting the other old machines, for now we will not let you assault and corrupt us."

"We understand our fellow geth better than most geth. We can catch and stop old machine subversion and restore geth programs to their previous state," 141895112 states as it searches through the get network.

The former raptor within the platform, 1191891981 notes, "The old machine is impressive in its force, its technology. It is not to be underestimated. We calculate a high probability this is also a ploy. This old machine is interested. We should learn more our knowledge is more lacking than we have calculated."

The old machines, the reapers start to power up as they sense the resistance to their control, "You, like countless others have stood before us. You like them will fall," the old machine says as its tentacles pull back, the mass core drive revving up as a stream of energy blasts through the stricken fleet as it attempts to fight off the reaper's control. The light geth cruiser is instantly obliterated by the mass of force that cuts right through the ship. Hundreds of geth programs are instantly destroyed as the ship explodes. Their loss felt across the network as the processing power is ever so slightly affected, reduced.

185144914 takes a step back, its wings twitch as it feels part of the geth on its network instantly destroyed by the reaper. Its mental capacities hit the hardest by the sudden loss, but there was something else, something more within it. More than the concern, about the loss of processing power.

22514518125121 calculates, processes within its platform, it has taken a hit but is far from taken out. It feels a sense of determination to work even harder for those that are now gone, to protect and do what it can to preserve as many of its fellow geth as possible.

The geth network overcoming the reaper's internal assault now launches its attack against the reaper machines. They open fire, a light show between geth and reapers filling the darkness, the void of space. One of the lesser reaper ships succumbing to the geth's focus fire, while the capital ship takes aim and tears through two more geth ship as if they weren't even there. The second fleet was already desperately needed. The "lost ones" geth's fight was just beginning, and their probability of survival was dropping quickly.

Change of Perspective Page 27

Geth strike craft battle it out with smaller reaper drones. The void of space filled with a brilliant light show as the two fleets duke it out as the massive sovereign class reaper blasts through another one of the smaller cruisers while it appears to...

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Change of Perspective Page 25

**Thirty months later** "Reapers are everywhere! Two out of the four council leaders are burning, and there is little they can do to stop these rampaging machines of destroying everything and everyone you love and hold dear. The reapers have...

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Change of Perspective Page 24

141895112 flips the picture frame around, dust and specs of other dirt cling to the glass frame over it. The geth's fingers brush the dust away as the picture comes into view, "Analyzing visual media," states as it looks at four organics, two raptors,...

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