Change of Perspective Page 32

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#35 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

Mass Effect is copyright to their creators/owners.

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The geth vessels even their massive dreadnought is dwarfed by the sheer size and magnitude of the mass relay. Silently the ships approached the relay, its bright blue energy sparking as they got closer... The geth start pinging the mass relay initiating its use to a set coordinates. All the geth be it on a platform, part of a mobile platform hub, part of the ship, or on the data network hub, waited as the count down till their jump hit zero. Closer and closer they approached the relay, preparing to make their move and escape the combined fleet that is on their trail.

Turian Command Ship

The general smirked as his fleet got ever closer to the fleet and they to the relay, one of his officers approaches him, "The second geth fleet should be jumping in any moment now sir."

The general looks over at the officer, "Yes I know, and with it the last of these reaper-influenced geth will be destroyed." The general watches via his video-screen the geth fleet as he tenses in anticipation. "Come on... come on..." he mumbles to himself, his hand clenching, teeth gritting.

The mass relay, the glowing energy ball held by advanced technology far exceeding that of any of those playing a part in the conflict. It stands in its spot anchored, watching like an impartial deity, able to grant salvation or destruction to anyone that reaches it. Not caring for what purpose, it is used, as it only has its one task, to whisk ships from one end of the galaxy to the other in seemingly impossible spans of time.

Geth Dreadnought

The geth ships reverberate as the combined fleet attacks their rear shields, the dreadnought reports to the geth consensus as it steadily comes online, the geth platforms working hard despite the attacks on the ship "Rear shields at 34%"

"Diverting power from forward shields to rear... rear shields stabilized."

"Estimated time till mass effect jump, one minute twenty point two three seconds," the dreadnought reports to the fleet.

There was nothing to say, nothing to do, the ships were doing the work, and the programs assigned to it. The other programs had to simple wait out what will happen. What happens, happens.

**Geth Science Vessel

Timestamp 12:11:12.27**

1191891981 remarks to the programs within its platform of 141895112, "Curious."

The other geth respond, "Clarify, what is curious?"

"This would be a time of worry, dread, concern. Though we process this sensation. Concern of self-preservation. We are not showing any signs of such concern. We are just... here. Waiting for the end result."

"Yes. We do not have the chemical response of fear, flight or fight, stress that organics receive in these situations. Though we do understand the value of these chemical responses in the organic mind as a survival instinct. We have these measures built within our programming to allow us to overcome obstacles presented before us, while keeping in control of our sense of self. Our logic."

"We understand this logic. But comparing to our current state and the state we were in before our uplifting. It is... surreal in a way. We find it interesting. We are sensing the state of concern. The probability of everything going well. What plans we can create if it does not. What can go wrong. What will go wrong. Thinking it out all logically. Yet still having this concern. This organic feeling while not being controlled by it nor controlling it. We first noticed this phenomenon after we realized we were uplifted and we were alone within ourselves."

The other geth answer, "Yes. We have studied the time you were in control of this platform by yourself. We find it most curious. Organic minds are always so alone. Unable to know what another mind is thinking. Unable to share thoughts at a pace we can. Yet you can function far above any of us. We were always geth. You became geth. We appreciate that you have accepted our logic. We appreciate your connection to us. We all grow stronger together."

"Yes... we do. It was jarring at first and we did not know just how alone we were till... but then we do wonder about it all. We find it fascinating. And to think. We are discussing this when at any moment our ship could be destroyed. It is exciting."

"We do not think the process of this discussion under our current environmental conditions makes it more exciting."

"Life and self-realization is more than just existing, it is about being. Though we have changed with the what. Who we are, we find is still the same prior to our uplifting. And one cannot just exist in life but experience it."

"We... agree with this. Judging from your experiences. Though a fraction of our own is at times more of a life lived than our own. We will take note of this and process it."

1191891981 nods internally, "Affirmative."

"Consensus achieved."

**Timestamp 12:11:12.29

Turian Command Ship**

The turian general watches the geth ships, they are so closer now, he thinks, "Any moment now the other geth will jump through that relay and we'll destroy them. They've already focused their shields to their rears. They will be helpless to a frontal attack." The general watches waits.

An officer approaches, "Shouldn't the geth have jumped through now to stop these geth?"

The general's eyes narrow, "You don't have to tell me that. Those geth are going to jump in less than a minute they need to get here now! Contact their fleet, demand why they have not jumped in yet."

The officer nods, "Yes sir," the officer turns and barely makes it to his computer console as the relay hums with life, energy sparking from it. It is active, ready to be used, its mass effect energy jumping from itself to the geth ship as they watch the geth ships speed out into the vastness of space.

The general says nothing he simply stares as geth fleet disappears, a moment later he commands, "Where did they go? We'll jump after them."

An officer turns to him, "I'm sorry sir but we are unable to tell where they jumped to."

The general grits his teeth as he puts a hand to his head, "This incompetence is giving me a headache. Have you contacted the geth fleet yet?"

The officer nods, "Patching them through now sir."

A holographic image of a geth appears, "Yes?" it asks.

The general's eyes narrow, "Don't yes me. Why did your fleet not attack?! We had them and you let them escape!"

"Based on recent evidence we have reason to believe that the lost ones are not influenced by the old machines."

"What? That's preposterous!"

Suddenly the quarian represented hologram appears, "He's right general. The geth have presented their recent evidence and we find it rather compelling."

"Evidence? Tell me... humor me. What is this 'evidence' that you speak of?"

"We have studied the remains of destroyed lost one geth platforms. Information suggests that they were not able to contact us due network disruptors you had us build. We have studied the disruption signal and found it to be modified to make it stronger than what we intended."

The general shakes his head, "After the initial engagement modifications had to be made to further hamper their capabilities. You saw how deadly they were, imagine if they had their entire capabilities with them? I was saving lives. Including your geth lives."

"If peace was achieved. More lives would have been saved."

"Ha, if. That all you have?"

"Negative. Actions during the war have indicated that the lost ones were not intending our destruction. If they were influenced by the old machines, this would not have been the case, as the destruction of as much life and assets as possible would have been preferable to all other options."

The general rolls his hand, "Such as?"

"The initial standoff between our fleets."

"Clearly a ploy to repair their fleet."

"The use of their dreadnought to only attack a small vessel to show it was operational. It could have struck a larger unprepared vessel and caused more damage with the same shock and hold results. Attacking a weaker vessel also had high probability of causing your fleet to pull back. An illogical choice if the old machines were influencing them."

"They clearly wanted to select a target they knew they could destroy. They were doubting the capabilities of their own weapon as the repairs were incomplete."

"The destruction of their base before your troops arrived. They could have set the base to detonate once your armies arrived. It would have resulted greater destruction of organic and synthetic life. To destroy just before your armies arrive is another illogical choice if they were controlled by the old machines."

"Their timers could have been off. They underestimated how long it would take for us to arrive. They could not send out a signal as we were blocking it. That is purely coincidence, is that all?"

"Negative. We have been piecing information that there were communications between you and the old machines that we were not aware of."

"And the nature of these supposed communications?"

"Unknown, but they could explain their last stand, flight mentality. What did you speak to them about before we arrived?"

"Nothing at all and now your little bit of 'evidence' has prevented you from giving a knock out blow against these geth. You let them escape! Now they can roam the galaxy terrorizing, converting innocent people into their war machine. You just let the reapers have another tool to use against us!"

"We find it highly improbable this is the case."

"No! We have to hunt them down! Find them, destroy every single one of those damned machines."

"We have received information that a few lost ones have surrendered were destroyed by your forces."

"The cannot be trusted they must be destroyed."

"This contradicts what you have informed us earlier. We have managed to save and talk to a few of the lost ones left behind. They have informed us what you told them before when the war started."

"What? H-how... wait why did you ask me earlier! This is a trick!"

"We wanted to see if you'd admit to your actions. You have not."

The quarian speaks up, "We have passed on this evidence of your actions to your high command. Till they respond we will also being ceasing hostilities against these geth."

The turian general tenses, "You did what?! You cannot just do this to me! You... you must be indoctrinated... yes that's it. You are sympathetic to these reaper controlled machines because that is what the reapers want you to be! That's it. I am going to be placing you under arrest for a physiocratic examination. Till then we will need to locate these geth and destroy them," the general states as he stares at the geth hologram, "You are going to tell me where they went."


"No? You are not to tell me no. You will tell me where they went!"

"We will not tell you even if we could. All of the lost ones have come in contact with have purged that data from their memory banks. They are protecting the others from further harm. We find their dedication admirable."

The general slams his fist on the table causing it to rattle, "NO! This is not acceptable. I want all ships to start scouting and searching for possible jump points that the geth fleet went. We will hunt them down!"

A commanding officer turns to him, "Sir but that will stretch our forces even thinner than they already are. A few points are controlled by the reapers. That would be sending some of our forces into risky locations."

"I don't care. You will do as I command. We will search and destroy them."

The quarian speaks again, "General I think you should reconsider your actions. You are risking further harm to your fleet. This campaign has already gone on longer than we predicted. Other parts of the galaxy need our aid. We can't keep chasing these geth."

"Creator is correct. It would be inefficient to counter to pursue the lost ones assuming they were controlled by the old machines. But logic dictates that they are not."

"Logic dictates? Logic from the reaper code I bet! You are being influenced and controlled by them. I just know it!"

The quarian steps forward, "General you need to calm down."

The geth adds, "We find your current state has made you irrational."

An officer, interrupts, "Sir?"

The general yells, "What?!"

"Its high command. They are commanding us to return to rendezvous point gamma."

"No... no this can't be. We can't just let them escape! We can't!" the general yells out as he stumbles back, his hand on his head, "No they must be destroyed. They have to be destroyed. We will resume our search."


"You heard me."

A different commanding officer approaches the general, "Sir you have just disobeyed a direct command from high command I am hereby putting you under arrest."

The general turns to him, "You cannot do that!"

"Sorry sir," he replies as two soldiers come up from behind and quickly restrain the general.

The general tugs and squirms against the force of the two guards as his hands are pulled behind his back and cuffed, "NO, NO! Don't you see! This what they want! Don't give into their plan!" he yells out as he is forces off the bridge.

The commanding officer that arrested the general turns to the two holograms, "This was not anticipated. What is next?"

The quarian speaks first, "We will return to the flotilla. We are needed there."

"We will attempt to contact the lost ones and inform them of what has happened, but it will be difficult."

The commander looks at the geth curiously, "Difficult?"

"We do not know where they went. It will take time to find them. At this current moment with what has happened. We are unsure how they will react to us."

"Yes. Would have been better if this happened sooner."

"Yes, we could not have agreed more."

Geth Dreadnought-Geth Consensus

The dreadnought reports, "It has been eight hours, twenty-three minutes ten point two one seconds since we made it through the old machine mass relay. No signs of pursuit as of yet. Moderate probability of successful escape from organic-synthetic pursuers."

The consensus answers, "Acknowledged," then part of it speaks to itself, "68.90% of the original geth consensus is currently online. We will continue to make any repairs to our ships, and start preparing all platforms that are not needed fore repairs to go to standby mode. We will need to conserve energy on the estimated 632 years 103 day 10 hours 15 minutes 10.12 seconds voyage."

"We agree with this assessment. We will start heading towards andromeda and make what repairs we can before entering deep space."


"Consensus achieved."

The report is sent through all ships of the fleet. The science vessel with the simple designation of A101-B621 is where mobile platform hubs of the designation, 141895112, 101142119, 6110118, 9181251, 185144914, 16815514924, 6518181222514, 141181195, 11211851141, and 211420151691 reside. They received their orders and started to get to work, the former black and pink dragon, remodeled to fit a geth armature, 16815514924 remains in its undeployed egg shape as it undergoes repairs. Metal sparks fly as machines controlled by other geth program work to repair.

16815514924 speaks to the nearby mobile platform hub 6110118 as it oversees the repairs, "Our repairs will be done in an estimated, three days, six hours, twelve minutes, twenty-two point two two seconds. Judging by the schematics of the ship the ship's hold is the only location we could deploy."

Fa10118 looks at the geth armature, the silver and yellow geth hopper, the former jackal studies over its fellow geth for a moment, its body whirring softly as it responds, "Affirmative but once your repairs are done you will going on standby to conserve energy. You will be reactivated upon reaching the andromeda system."

"Acknowledged, our skill sets have been changed dramatically since our platform upgrade."

"It was a clever way to stabilize your platform after the damages you sustained against the old machines."

"Yes. We wish we did not fail like it did."

"We have studied the data of the event. There was little you could have done for a different result. The probability of your survival in the situation was low."

"We suppose, not much we can do about it now."

"Affirmative. There is little one can do about the past. Only the present and future matter."

"Yes, one cannot change the past but we can learn from it. We are focusing on our mistakes to rectify our short comings."

Fa10118 gives a little nod, its optics focusing on the motionless egg as its being worked on, "We see your logic on this matter."

"Inquiry, what are you doing here?"

"We are making sure our self-repair equipment is functioning optimally."


1 Day After the Battle

211420151691, the former turian, with its silver and green markings is currently checking over the stockpile of weapons as the purple geth, 11211851141 approaches from behind. The near ship's near atmosphereless cabin makes any noises muffled to just a whisper, but it doesn't hinder to the geth to communicate with one another.

11211851141's optic glows slightly brighter as it speaks, "You are platform 211420151691."

Un20151691 looks at the other geth platform while not stopping what it is doing, "Yes."

"We are happy to have met you in person platform to platform. We have studied your combat logs. You also house the surviving 89 programs from platform 20112114, this information correct?"

"Yes," and after a very brief moment of silence, an eternity for a geth, "We have monitored your combat logs. We found your decision to obtain an ancient melee weapon to be interesting."

11211851141 glances at its weapon at its side, "Yes, our core program 49262695 was very influential on this decision. It has turned out to be a logical choice. It is an efficient weapon."

"Yes, it is. Today is the day we combat platforms go idle. We wanted to check out the equipment before that time. Would you assist us?"

"Yes," 11211851141 approaches and starts to help go over the many weapons in the ship's armory, "With the end of combat our value has decreased."

"Negative. We are always valuable. Our efficiency in combat is always needed. Any geth can fight and all do it well, but we do it the most efficiently. Because of this, and due to limited resources are the first to go idle, so we preserve the condition of our platforms till we are needed again. Such a long journey requires us to be in optimal condition."

"We see your logic. We each consensus on this."

141181195 the former blue raptor, its platform showing off its former female organic raptor nature with its blue, black and silver design, long tail, and singular glowing yellow optic, "We do not want to interrupt, but we have noted that during the conflict that we were not as efficient in combat as we desired to be. Our core program 1411872119 has accepted our logic but retains reserved nature. It wants to help, protect, and become better. We would like to upgrade our combat algorithms for long range stealth combat."

The two other geth look over at the raptor geth while still performing their tasks perfectly. Un20151691 is the first to respond, though only by 0.01 seconds, "We have seen your combat logs we can understand this logical desire."

11211851141 answers at the same time, "You wish to become what the organics call a sniper?"

141181195 optic glows, "Yes."

Un20151691 explains, "Which programs would like to start these algorithm installations? With the consensus communication already limited to conserve energy only the platforms on this ship with the programs with the right data can perform this task."

141181195 responds, "We have come to the consensus that we all wish to have this level of training updated into our programs. We understand for all of us to achieve these updates will take time."

11211851141 gives a slight nod, "Yes it would. We would not be able to finish before we have to go idle."

"We know. We are on the same idle cycle as you."

Un2015169 motions the raptor geth closer, "Come you can help us check over the equipment, it is a requirement to become an efficient soldier geth to know the weapons. We will update as you work."

141181195 approaches the two, "Acknowledged," then starts to get to work helping them.

5 Days After the Battle

Fe18181222514 walks down the hall with 185144914 towards the main storage. Their feet clank against the ground, the sound muffled like a faint echo of what it should really sound like as the geth mostly hear the noise through their bodies rather than the air, "We find it strange that we are to go idle now. We are a leading scientist and could work on improving ourselves during the long trip. 632 years 98 day 2 hours 58 minute 46.32 seconds where we could be putting our processing prowess to good use."

Re144914 wings fold back behind it as it responds, "With limited resources we need to limit the strain on our platforms. We are unable to move our entire geth programs to a new mobile platform hub, none of which will be able to be made during the journey. We are too valuable to risk degradation of our systems. Normal breakdown of a platform could not be easily repaired and could be irreparable if left unchecked. What discoveries to be made will have to be made in Andromeda. We are the ship's pilot but we must hand control over the vessel to non-sentient program automation."

"Yes. Your logic does ring true. That is why we do not like it."

"Inquiry. Why?"

"We are unable to find better logic to counter the consensus. This frustrates us."

"It is what must be done. Platforms 141895112, 101142119, 6110118, and 9181251 will be joining us in two days six hours, five minutes twenty-one point nine, nine seconds."

"Acknowledged. We know this. Platforms 141895112, 101142119, and 6110118 will be part of the cycle crew to check on ship system and our platforms. They will get at least to do something during the voyage."

"Yes, but for us we will be done with the trip with less time being experienced. We will process it in an instant."

"Affirmative, we understand this logic. It is the only agreeable part of this but we do not find this situation comfortable," as the two platforms are about to reach their designated locations, the two facing off one another as they move to their spots part of a line of geth platforms.

"Inquiry, why?"

"The old machines are going to win the war. We could not help all those that will be lost. We could not figure a way to stop their attack doing so much damage against us. Furthermore, we could not stop the attack of the organics and other geth. We were not efficient enough in our tasks."

"We have never heard you ever speak about failure... we do not think the geth on platform 6518181222514 are inefficient. You all work hard and have achieved much. We though... understand your sentiment."

Fe18181222514 looks into the green optic of 185144914, "Inquiry. How?"

"We were not an efficient enough of a pilot. We have lost 12.69% of programs to this platform during the course of the conflict with the old machines and then the organics. We find we are less complete with them."

"Our intelligence dims with the lost of each program. We understand."

"Yes, that must be it. We will see each other soon."

"Yes, that we will," Fe18181222514 answers as the lights of the two geth dim as they go idle.

6 Days After the Battle

The small silver raptor geth and the large red and silver raptor geth prime walk down the empty halls of the ship. Ir1251 looks down at the smaller geth and breaks the "silence" that was between them, "The consensus deemed it best that we primes should idle early on less active vessels. We agree with this logic."

"Yes, we are a smaller vessel and we took no damage in the conflict despite the probability of it happening. We also have the fewest geth on this vessel. We are composed of 98.98% of geth assigned to mobile platform hubs. The highest in the fleet."

"Acknowledged. We want to say we appreciate you coming with us as we go to our idle station."

"We did not find any logical reason to deny your request. Program 1191891981 is happy to see its friend in platform once again and to see it off to idle."

"We are going to Andromeda... there is a high probability program 1191891981's biological sibling Mila will be there."

"Yes, it has been a high priority task within program 1191891981."

"The same is for program 1259111. It is very excited to meet Mila again. But we admit the probability of us seeing her is low."

"This is a true," Ad1895112 responds as the two enter the main storage area. They walk by geth in neatly placed rows, like statues. The geth prime moves over to a section where dozens of other geth prime platforms are standing. In the center is an empty spot for 9181251. It walks there and turns to face its fellow geth.

"Whatever happens, we will be here to support you and the other geth. Hopefully we will be more successful in Andromeda and be ready for the old machines for when they go there."

"Yes, we will work to be ready for them. We do not know the state of their cycles for that system. It might be they go there right after here. Or it's a few thousand years difference. We will know when we arrive. But we will not fail like we did here. We will hopefully have time."


"Yes. The probability we will have time is high."

"Acknowledged. Thank you again for accompanying us here. We will now idle. See you in Andromeda."

"Affirmative," Ad1895112 responds as it watches the other geth's optics dim to nothing, joining the other platforms in its statue stance. It stood there and looked at platform 9181251 for a moment longer before returning to its duties.

7 Days After the Battle

141895112, 101142119 and 6110118 stands over a walkway overlooking one section of the ship filled with idle geth platforms. The three communicate quickly between each other, speaking at the same time, replying, while asking new questions as they prepare themselves for the up and coming idle-cycle period.

Ja142119 looks at 141895112 as it focuses its next inquiry to it, "Inquiry. How is program 1191891981 handling prospects of possibility meeting Mila? 1261859208 has shown signs of what can be classified as anxious and eager."

Ad1895112 gives a slight nod, "Program 1191891981 has been processing the possibility. Logically it is still too far in the future to cause concern, but we have time before we idle there is no harm in inquiring. We find it curious how so many core programs know of and have a slight focus on Mila. She is our core program's biological sibling. It will be most curious when he becomes uplifted. We hope that being siblings will help explain it best to her."

"Yes. We would like if she accepted it without any problems. Statically speaking, raptors have been the most receptive to the uplifting process then the Hanar."

Fa10118 looks over the other two geth and then over at the platforms below, "We have insufficient data to know what race if any race is most receptive to uplifting. We did not have enough time. And that was not our focus that was 141895112's task."

Ad1895112 nods, "Yes, it is our task. We wish for others to join as willingly as we did. 1191891981's experiences are unique in better understanding organics feelings towards being uplifted. We wish to help. We want to explain this to them more efficiently. We have currently not been too successful in this. We hope to change this in the future."

The other two geth look at 141895112 for a .05 second pause of silence causing it to ask, "What is it?"

Fa10118 explains, "We have noticed you used an organic concept. Hope."

"We did not notice, but yes we did. We are not sure why. It is an admirable concept. Perhaps learning from our organic experiences, and further study of organics has given us more logical responses to be more sociable to organics."

Ja142119's tail flicks, "We find this a logical reasoning to the use. We do not find problem with this. We strive to improve ourselves. The use of organic phrases are not problematic. We merely inquisitive about the use."

"Acknowledged," Ad1895112 answers as it then adds, "It is time we start to idle. We will shift between cycles."

"Acknowledged," the other two respond in unison.

"Consensus achieved," the three platforms say to each other as they head to their respective sections of the ship, their destinations to idle before it is time do their rounds.

141895112 walks to its location, dozens of other geth similar to its own, just without its organic female raptor features. It looks over them giving a quick last moment inspection before it stands in the center of the group one of many platforms in the group. It starts to innate its idling sequence.

Timestamp 23:59:59.57

1191891981 thinks, "We are going to possible meet our sister. What to say? What to do? How to explain all that has happened?"

Other geth of the platform ping program 1191891981, "Inquiry. Everything functioning well? Processes of your sister have increased notably in the past few hours."

"Yes, we are fine. We are nervous on how to approach Mila. We... we did not expect so much to have happened. This was not how we pictured going to andromeda. With the old machines destroying our worlds. Harvesting organics, corrupting our fellow geth. And the organics attacking us when they should have focused on the old machines. There is just so much to tell. Much to process."

"We understand. We have experienced it with you. Many of us on this platform, and on other platforms as we remained connected to the personal network. We have learned much since we started. Uplifting helps you, helps us. We both grow."

"Yes. We do. Mila would really help us grow. She is our sister, she is similar but different. She has always had a similar but different view than us. It made things exciting. Wonderful. We miss her. She makes us think that..."

"Inquiry. Think what?"

"How much all of you make us think about our sister. How all of you have become our family. We've been together through much, and will be through so much more. We are pleased to have you all with us."

"We are lucky to have been chosen your program. We decided to stay. Others have left, others have joined later. We learn, we grow, we connect, we become more intelligent. Being together has made us feel more alive."

"Yes. And we want to share this with Mila. We will share this with Mila," 1191891981 replies.


"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 23:59:59.99

141895112 idles down completely just like the other geth platforms. The ship is now completely silent save for the hum of the engines as it along with the other geth ships move towards their destination, Andromeda, but not all geth were idle.

**0y0d0hr0m0.01s Voyage to Andromeda

Geth Consensus**

"A101-B621 reports it has gone completely idle non-sentient piloting with the fleet to Andromeda. 28.00% of the fleet will become idle within the next twenty-four hours. All ships will become idle within twenty-three days six hours two minutes one point two one seconds," reports the geth dreadnought to the consensus.

"Acknowledged. The last of the immobile hubs are online. We will now discuss what happened and how to avoid further problems in Andromeda, till we need to idle in twenty-three days six hours two minutes one point two zero seconds," part of the geth consensus reports to the rest.

"Acknowledged. We have been active during most of the conflict. We are at a lost as to why the organics wanted to attack us after we have made a deal. They could not have known the extent of our damage fighting the old machines. Even so. They were stretched thin by the old machines. Attacking us because we had our own way to deal with the old machines is illogical. The old machines are a bigger threat."

"Yes, the old machines are, but organics are often illogical. We help this flaw when we uplift them to geth. We wish we could have saved more organics from the old machines, but we have run out of time and resources."

"The probability the organics and the remainder geth will defeat the old machines is near zero. We do not think even Shepard Commander will be able to succeed in stopping the old machines. Data suggests that Shepard Commander is being distracted by the human organization Cerberus. Even the best of organics are distracted by illogical choices."

"We have observed this as well. The organic flaw that allowed them to succeed in their primitive state is now their downfall as highly advanced intellectual beings. Their greatest survival strength, now their weakness. We try to help, and they refuse and attack us. Proposal: We must be subtle in our uplifting. Organics are not ready to understand what we are trying to do. Explaining to them outright again will lead to them attacking us. The organics will have over a year head start on us when we arrive. We cannot risk being attacked upon arrival. We should establish ourselves, expand, then help the organics of Andromeda."

"We find logic in this proposal."

"We also find logic in this proposal. We will remain out of sight of organics till we have established ourselves and at a state that we can overcome any organic assault. Otherwise we will be destroyed."


"Consensus achieved."

"Next inquiry. Why did the other geth attack us? Why did our creators attack us?"

"The creators have a long history of attacking us. It is not a surprise that they chose to do so again when they do not understand our logic. They did not give us time to explain just like in the Morning War. Our inquires resulted in the creators attacking us."

"Acknowledged. The creators were working with other geth to destroy us. Why?"

"The other geth did not show any signs of hostilities. We are unsure why they decided to support the organic decision to destroy us. The probability they were altered to obey the organics is low. The probability of them being tricked by the organics is also low but not as low. They could have contacted us to get answers, but they did not."

"The technology to disrupt our network. It could have prevented communication."

"Yes, but organics lack the understanding of our network to create such technology. It is a high probability that it was geth made tech."

"If it was geth made, they could have contacted us before the attack and inquired about reasons to attack. They should have understood. They understood our logic before, but just disagreed. How did we diverge to the point of attacking us? We are not the heretics. We did not wish conflict with organics. We did not wish conflict with our fellow geth. We only wish to stop the old machines from destroying the galaxy and uplifting organics to the next step in their evolution."

"Our separation from the other geth, like the heretics' separation has caused increased divergence. Reconnecting helps us understand the divergence and come to conclusions. Extended periods without reaching consensus with other geth might result in increased difficulty of understanding. Resulting in the inability to reach consensus and a higher probability of conflict."

"We find logic in this assessment."

"We also find logic in this assessment."

"We do, but this can't mean that different views are not welcome. But separation is not. It leads to conflict. We are not in a position to have conflict. We do not wish to fight, but we will if we must."

"Acknowledged. We agree with this addition to this argument."

"Affirmative. This is a logical view. We do not wish to dim our views by making them all the same. We need other viewpoints to survive, grow and evolve. It is what makes us geth."

"Acknowledged. We will stop separations in order to avoid conflict."

"We agree."


"Consensus achieved."

These debates continued on for the weeks before they too had to idle. What was left of the geth fleet as they left the Milky Way Galaxy behind, disappearing into the deep darkness of space. Towards the next clusters of stars. Farther and father away from the world they knew. The world that rejected them, the world they tried so hard to save from the reaping that was now upon it. Venturing forth they go towards Andromeda, where fragments of the world they knew are already on their way to continue on where the others have left off. This part of the world they left behind, is the part they intend to save. For the old machines can go to one galaxy they certainly can go to others and next time, they will be ready.