Change of Perspective Page 37

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#40 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Mila drops to the ground, her heart pounds to the point she feels as of it is about to leap from her chest, she shakes her head as her vision is blocked by the rock in front of her she mutters to herself, "Get a hold of yourself. We are in an entire new galaxy. There is no way geth can be here. You are just seeing things. Just seeing things..."

Timestamp 10:12:02.56

The other geth within Adrieal outside of program 1191891981 self-report, "Facial recognition gives a 99.85% certainty organic is Mila Des Raptour."

Some of the geth then note, "Based on records of raptoric expressions and actions, Mila is showing signs of trauma. Combat and sudden death of companions likely causes."

"Acknowledged. Mila has a high probability of acting illogically due to the current mental state."

"Mila's history with geth has been one of conflict. We propose showing us as a disarmed to increase the probability of easing Mila into a calm state. Allowing her to process information logically."

1191891981 remains silent as the rest of the geth "Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 10:12:02.57

Adrieal glances at its weapon and tosses it to Janus who is standing behind it. Janus catches it, informed by the decision before the first action as made. Mila hears synthetic clicks of the geth her claws dig into the ground as the noise gets louder as Mila mutters, "This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I died... I hit my head, something, geth can't be here..."

Timestamp 10:12:04.01

Adrieal while taking its first step towards the hiding raptor, "We will handle audio communication with Mila Des Raptour. There is a high probability that other hostile synthetics are in the area. Remain alert."

The other geth platforms respond, "Affirmative."

Timestamp 10:12:04.03

Phoenix stands at attention the large armature geth scans the area, while Janus and Fajar stand nearby as Adrieal moves forward. Alareana, Untopia, and Narase spread out keeping distance away from the center. Irlea, the large red raptor geth prime stands nearby watching, tensing ever so slightly as Adrieal gets closer.

"Greetings Mila--"

Timestamp 10:12:04.89

1191891981 interrupts, "Call her Mila, just Mila."

Adrieal responds, "Acknowledged."

Timestamp 10:12:04.90

Adrieal steps closer to the rock, its synthetic body whirs softly as its feet crunch some small rocks and shifts some sand beneath it. Mila hears the noise and tenses, holding her breath, her name called to her in the artificial monotone voice, sending shivers down her spine.

Adrieal takes another step forward, "We are unarmed. We wish to talk."

Mila shifts as she catches a glimpse of the silver metal of the geth just over the crest of the rock she's behind, the machine's steps growing louder. She gasps as she slides back. Adrieal stops as she looks at Mila, her blue eyes look into the light glowing blue optic of the machine.

Adrieal raises her three fingered hands up into the air as she takes another half step forward, "We do not wish to alarm you. We know you feel uncomfortable with our presence. Your history with us has not been positive. We are unarmed."

Timestamp 10:12:09.01

1191891981 sees Mila once again, her fearful gaze. Memories how she acted when the geth grabbed her, took her to the facility. How she screamed, her training seeming to have been for naught.

1259111 responds, "We hoped that our years of training both of you would have not gone to waste."

"You trained us well. But we never were in combat before. You also trained us combat against organics, not synthetics. We were... overconfident."

"If you need help, we are here."


Timestamp 10:12:09.02

Mila watches as the geth steps further into view. She crawls backward a half a foot. Her body tensing more as she sees the metal form reflecting the light of the sun that is steadily going down, leaving the world in a twilight.

Mila is unable to look away, "It's a geth. A geth! How did it get here? Did they follow us? Why? How? What does it want?"

There is a long moment of silence as Adrieal stands by the rock, looking down at Mila as it doesn't move an inch till it breaks the silence its hands moving slightly, "Mila?"

Mila jumps as the geth speaks once again. That alien monotone synthetic voice, "What does it want? What does it want? How did it get here. Why is it here... I gotta get out of here, I got to run, but they'll just shoot me. There are so many of them! How many are here?! That an armature isn't it? I couldn't out run that, I couldn't out run one of them even if I wanted to."

Adrieal waits, several moments pass.

Timestamp 10:12:53.72

Adrieal self-reports, "Subject Mila Des Raptour appears to be unresponsive. A level of shock or sensory overload has limited her ability to audio communicate."

Some of the geth within the platform respond, "Repeated communication attempts using organic's primary designation would be advisable."

Other get suggest, "We could take a step back, allowing space between us and Mila Des Raptour. This could allow organic chemical adrenaline rush to run through her system. Preventing illogical actions."

Another set respond, "We could wait for a response. Perhaps Mila Des Raptour is waiting for us to make a move. By making no move she will understand we are waiting on her."

"But we have attempted nothing. The probability of a continued standoff is high."

The debate continues for a moment before Adrieal speaks up, "Program 1191891981, you have not yet responded to any conversation for some time. Even when consensus between other programs has been achieved. Is there a problem?"

1191891981 takes a moment before responding, "We are still thinking. We will say something when it is needed. Mila is our sister. We are unsure what to say. What to do. We feel... so many emotions, yet we still processing the situation logically. It is like before, if we were not accustomed to this it would have unsettled us. Any decision will not be the optimal choice. None of the options would yield the best results. The most efficient, highest probably outcomes may not be the choice to make. All we can say is to take it slow. Easy."

"We can inform Mila Des Raptour about you and your concern. Knowing you are functioning well might lower her stress levels."

"Not yet. We are not sure how to inform her of our change. She does not know of the uplifting process. It was not discovered to organics till after her departure. The leap in logic for her is too much. There was nothing known to her before leaving that such a thing was even possible. She'll need something more... We have a thought, but we are still processing it."


Timestamp 10:12:53.81

Adrieal breaks the silence again as she walks a bit closer very slowly, "We are here to communicate, Mila."

Mila crawls back at a slower pace than Adrieal's approach now bringing the two about two feet or so feet apart from each other, "What do they want... to stick me on those dragon teeth? Suck out my body's nutrients turn me into those husk things? What other reason would they be here."

Adrieal and Mila stare off at each other, Mila crawling back a little as Adrieal remains still for a moment, "Do you understand us? We are speaking slow, clearly and in your common language. Is there a problem with our audio communication? We wish to communicate with you on matters of importance to us, organics, and to you."

The other geth nearby look at Mila from their spot, they do not move closer, they do not move at all except for a few subtle movements, as they keep scan of the area. Those farther back moving more as they patrol the area. Mila pants heavily as she slides back a bit more, her hand moving further behind her to pull herself back when her she feels something touch her hand.

Her body tenses, she moves her head ever so slightly to see a pistol one of the other raptors were carrying. She looks back at the geth crouched near her, as it moves a little closer, "Its moving closer! I have to do something."

1191891981 speaks to Adrieal in one single instant, "Show her it."

Adrieal acknowledges it in the same instant, as she moves closer to Mila. The two so closer to each other, "We have something to show you." A small part of Adrieal's platform opens up as it reaches a hand into it. Mila's eyes the movement, her body tenses as her hand jumps and grabs the gun.

Adrieal pulls out an old but very well-preserved photograph, of Rheme, Azreith, Kirisha and Mila all in a bar. Shows it toward Mila as at the same time Mila lets out a scream as she brings the gun to Adrieal and fires.