Three Short Transformations

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A commission for an anonymous client! Three characters of theirs get turned into various playthings for us, with little else to the story.

Soft purple and white lights illuminated the dark stones of the temple, as a trio of worshippers approached the large pool in the center. Before them was the deity they had come to offer themselves to, Lily, her massive body partially out of the water, allowing them to clearly see her purple fur, her massive wings, her glowing eyes and horns. Flanking her on either side were a pair of Pokémon; one was an anthropomorphic Umbreon, Leah, her dark fur rippling as a few extra eyes opened on her, a bright red glow emanating from them. The other was Luma, a Braixen woman, the smallest of the group by far even as she stood taller than normal for her species. The three eyed the worshippers with interest as they knelt down in deference.

These three mirrored the ones they were visiting, in being two Pokémon and one that wasn't. That one stood in the center; she mostly looked human, adjusting her glasses as her long monkey tail waved behind her strong muscles. The 'mons that accompanied her were both anthro, a Raichu woman who stood proudly in the nude, her green hair standing out from the typical browns and oranges of her species usual fur and matching the excited sparkling of her cheeks, and a Lopunny, his shirt firm against his muscles as he brushed one of his massive ears. The one in the middle looked up and spoke to the collective deity. "Seaside, we're here to offer ourselves to you, to serve you you see fit."

In turn, the Lopunny spoke up. "In exchange, we request you offer your protection." Lily simply giggled, taking a brief moment to convene with the other two. After a moment, she looked back at the trio, a sweet smell filling the air as she smiled at them.

"Offer accepted." she proclaimed, her voice commanding yet caring. In the corner, Luma's stick began to glow with various colors, the flames gently floating out and joining in with the pollen that Lily was producing. Leah smiled as she approached the group directly, seamlessly splitting into three separate copies of herself, sticky black paws lifting the head of each new subject to look her in the eyes as they began to pulse and glow bright reds and yellows, mingling with Lily's yellow spots and the blue of Luma's magic.

The three worshippers found their minds opening up and slowing down, the goddess' efforts bombarding two mortal senses and their magic at once. In turn, the sweet voice of one of the Leah copies echoed through Raichu's head, as she leaned forward to whisper into her large ears.

She found herself the first to have her body shifting and transforming under the trio's power. She started to shrink, her body turning stiff as she transformed. Her very soul was being gently poked and prodded, remolded into a new form to allow her mind and body to adjust more readily. Her arms involuntarily pressed against her body, pulling inside; on her knees, her legs melted together into a solid, firm base. She closed her eyes, a smile on her face as she found her priorities shifting; she was still loyal to her deity, but her biggest concern was to be used like the object she was.

Leah smiled as she looked down at the dildo in front of her, picking it up in a slimy paw. The other bodies quickly melted away into puddles of black goo with yellow rings, as her attention was focused entirely on the single body that was now pressing the orange and yellow toy up to her crotch, pressing it into her crotch. Its tip kept the original hair color of a bright green, and when Leah pressed it into her naturally lubricated slit, it gently sparkled with weak lightning, an extra stimulation to go with the little wiggles the knotted toy had. The toy would've smiled if it could; its new owner was making good use of it, clearly enjoying her time. It found itself starting to become lost in bliss, as Leah lowered herself to the floor to better pleasure herself.

With one worshiper changed, Luma bounced forward toward the Lopunny. He found himself having to look down at her with her shorter height, but nonetheless knew, instinctively, she was in charge of his fate. "Hold still for me, please!" she told him, watching as he began to do his best to hold still. In a quick instant she used her flame to burn his shirt away, while leaving his actual skin and fur untouched, before she got to work.

With a few waves of her wand, the Lopunny started to stiffen, finding himself incapable of any independent movement. His muscles locked in place, susceptible only to the magic of the fox before him; he tried to flex his arms, but unlike his friend-turned-dildo, he couldn't even wiggle. The Braixen seemed happy with this arrangement, happily bouncing around him a little before preparing her next spell.

The Lopunny and his still unchanged friend could only watch as his body began to shine in the light of the temple. His skin turned reflective, and then translucent; his already still body grew solid, harder, fur simplifying and melting together into a solid surface, and his internal organs, muscles, and bones all likewise turned into solid, clear glass. His typical fur colors remained, brown and tan, but his eyes soon shifted to match the surrounding fur, leaving them only visible due to his face still being molded as it was before.

Soon, what was once a rabbit-man was now left as nothing more than a solid glass statue in its own likeness. Somehow, this new form felt calming to it; it was pretty, a lovely decoration, its old form preserved in crystal. But before it could properly acclimate to its new existence, as a decoration for the temple, Luma bounced forward, giving it a gentle tap on the chest. The pose it had been left in had left it unstable, and the impact was enough for it to tip backwards, shattering into innumerable pieces.

The impact, much to the statue's surprise, was painless; in fact, it was almost pleasurable, as it rapidly splintered and cracked, parts flying across the floor. The new breaks were sensitive, and the glass shards felt little surges of pleasure running through them as they came to rest. Miraculously, none of them so much as grazed against Luma's paws as she watched; she simply surveyed the mess she made of loose, self-aware glass, before turning towards the remaining worshiper.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it real quick!" she said, her magic quickly taking hold of the various little pieces, from the largest pieces of its face and ears to the tiniest slivers of indeterminate origin. It could feel every touch of the flames picking it up, the sensation alien but pleasurable as they all began to quickly pull back together, the parts recombining into a new, solid form; while before the magical flames were cool, now they were hot, the glass starting to drip and melt, allowing Luma to reshape the former-Lopunny as she saw fit.

While she was working, Lily beckoned the remaining worshiper towards her. She gave a small smile, her eyes and spots glowing soft yellow, the pollen's sweet scent extra thick around her body. "And then there was one~" she said, before turning her attention to the still glowing mass of glassware. Leah's own attention likewise drifted to it, the Umbreon taking a break from pleasuring herself to admire the fox's work as best she could with her light-sensitive eyes.

The new statue stood on three legs, arranged in a circle for stability. The upper portion was just a mass of brown and tan abstract shapes, loosely round, uneven but carefully proportioned to prevent it from toppling again. Its mind was scrambled by the change in body plan; what was once its head was now scattered between several parts of the main body and one of the legs, and as it grew used to the strange new form, it couldn't help but admire its own beauty.

With just one worshiper left, Lily leaned forward, her scaled chest pressing against the edge of her pool. She looked over the subject before her, speaking softly. "You're... a Saiyan, yes?" she asked, and her plaything nodded. "I can't say I'm too familiar with that species, but I know it'd be a shame to waste your strength~" she explained, before blowing a kiss to her new pet.

The Saiyan blushed, watching as her clothes gently disintegrated around her. Luma and Leah watched eagerly as their unofficial leader took charge of her form, her body tingling as it began to shift, golden scales starting to sprout up through the formerly smooth skin. It was strange and alien, not as extreme as the others inanimate changes, but still throwing her off quite a bit as she held a hand up, looking at her new palms, feeling her hands turning into hard, sharp claws.

Her spine tingled as her tail thickened; it retained her existing fur, but as it grew larger and thicker, she could tell something big was going to happen. Her hips began to swell up, splitting at the front; her body lengthened to match, leaving her off balance for a few moments as she fell onto the floor painlessly. As she flopped down, watching her jaw and mouth extending outward to form a new draconic snout, she began to sense new muscles twitching and squirming, a second set of legs growing. They were small, at first, but their claws were still strong; she pushed herself up a little, noting how her new forepaws retained thumbs, while by contrast her hind legs were growing even stronger and bigger, a pair of haunches forming on her new, dragon-taur body.

And yet, her changes weren't ending. Spines and horns grew along her back, out of her scalp, on her knees and elbows. She turned and twisted, her neck growing longer to enable her to do so; she was able to watch directly as her tail began to pull itself apart at the tip, splitting cleanly into three smaller ones, the painless but uncomfortable tearing running all the way down to her hips. She moved the tails experimentally, needing a bit of time to adapt to them, only for the soft fingers of Lily's paw to pull her attention back to the giant deity before her. Lily purred, as she pulled the new taur forward, her face being pulled directly into the flower on her chest, letting her directly feel the happy vibrations of her breaths. The pollen's smell was overwhelming at this distance; in her mind's eye, she saw red eyes gazing at her from the darkness, felt the magical blues of magical flames surrounding her. The smell especially only grew stronger as she spent time there, and it took a bit for her to process why that was.

Her snout was pulling away on either side, new teeth and nostrils growing in. She was forced to shut her eyes to avoid getting overwhelmed; her entire head was getting stretched out, before pulling apart into three pieces, each thrashing about independently for a moment. When she realized that despite her new heads, she was still only thinking with one brain, only sensing with one set of ears and nose, she opened her eyes once more, surprised by the sight of her new heads.

The two twisted to look at her,eyes glowing bright red and blue. A look at a reflective puddle on the floor told the new hydra-taur that her own eyes were now green; her self-examination was soon interrupted by the left head nuzzling up against her, with the right letting out a soft trill.

"There we go. Such a good pet~" Lily teased, leaning forward to kiss each of their snouts. Briefly, the original head tried to resist, but she felt a new pressure inside her mind, her newly formed headmates egging her on into subservience, of allowing Lily to own her, mind, body and soul. It took only a minute for her to relent, returning the kiss alongside the others. Collars materialized around their necks, and the demoness smiled as she pulled back, leashes now extending out into her paw. Luma giggled at the sight, while Leah let out a soft moan, pulling her toy out and handing it over to Lily.

"So, how long until we transform them again?" Leah asked, looking over the trio; a sex toy still dripping with fluid, an abstract statue decorating the corner of the room, and a loyal and needy pet, eagerly awaiting orders.

"Eh, we'll figure that out later." Lily replied, looking at the small toy in her paw. With a small burst of magic, she enlarged it, the rubber twitching before she passed it over to her new pet. "For now, let's break these three in a bit more~"