Morning poem

Story by Crying Lightening on SoFurry

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I woke today with throbbing head,

Not alone here in my bed,

By my side a figure lay,

A sweet surprise to this new day.

A strange gal in only her fur,

Had appeared here earlier,

I went to bed alone last night,

To wake up not was quite a fright.

The girl just smiled with a cheeky feel,

And with the cover did unpeel,

I still sat there in utter shock,

The girl got in through the front lock!

The covers moved the shadow away,

To show a demon lurking at bay,

A throbbing cock was in my eye,

Sticking out from between her thighs.

With a smile, I reach to the side,

And a wink I stretch to find,

Watching that shaft so thick,

I take a knife and cut off her dick!

Bad day, got bored.