Perspective: A Nate and David Story

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#3 of Nate and David

Part 3 of the Nate and David storyline! Heating things up on a slow fire here.

Several days had passed since Nate and David shared breakfast together. Nate couldn't remember the last time he'd been so happy. The otter had been texting him constantly, ever since dropping him off that afternoon. Sometimes it would be to check on him, other times he'd ask about Nate's classes, and sometimes just to say 'I was thinking of you today'. Nate always eagerly awaited David's next message, keeping his phone constantly charged. He even bought a portable power bank to keep it up while he was at work.

At last, the weekend beckoned again, and that Friday morning, Nate woke up to another text from David.

"Morning, handsome! Hey, I need a favor. Txt me when you have a moment."

Huh, thought Nate. I wonder what he could possibly need from me?

Nate texted back. "Hey, just got your message! What kind of favor are we talking?"

Almost immediately, David responded. "Got any plans this evening? I got graded on my history essay and I didn't do so hot, but I'm allowed to make corrections and turn it in again. Was hoping you could help? I'll pay you in pizza!"

"Say no more, you had me at pizza. I'm free, actually. I have the next few days off, work's been slow."

"A few days off, huh? Good to know... >:3"

"Oh, really now? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see."

Nate chuckled, curious as to what that last part meant. I wonder if I should text him back... nah, better shower. He enjoyed surprises anyway. Leaving his phone in his room, he went to shower and get dressed for the day. It took him a few minutes to pick an outfit, but he settled on a more casual look: A polo shirt, khaki chinos, and tennis shoes. Trotting off to the bathroom, he noticed Bets didn't seem to be home right now. Huh, I thought she was off today too... Whatever.

Nate set his clothes on the floor and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water run through his fur and down his body. He squirted a dollop of cedar-scented shampoo into his paw and began to lather himself up. Still, all he could think about was that handsome otter. Nate closed his eyes, and his mind drifted back to the morning they woke up together; hung over, but held tightly by those strong arms, the way his muscles moved on his back when he was getting dressed, the way the cream-colored fur on his chest travelled down his abs, under his boxers... the way he was ready to take it all off, just for you...

Nate's eyes snapped open. He was wet from the shower, but he could tell he'd been sweating too. And a tugging, aching feeling from the pit of his stomach to down between his legs told him that something else needed taking care of, too... No! Not right now. Maybe... maybe later... if there's any chance he might wanna do something later... Yeah. Cold shower. Now. Nate turned the tap and let the now icy water rinse out what was left of the shampoo. He didn't want to read too much into what David meant by "you'll see", but he wanted to be ready to go if David did decide to get frisky. Nate might still be getting used to romance, but was confident he could please on the sex side of things. Still, Nate was a bit nervous. He really... liked David. That was a new feeling for him; He'd never really gotten attached to his previous paramours, though that was probably for the best anyway. But..._Nate started to wonder, _what do you do when you like someone? How do you tell them that? How soon is too soon? What if it's... love? Wait, how do I tell the difference between like and love? The thoughts swirled in Nate's head like the water going down the drain below him, circling for moments before new ones flooded into their place.

Clean at last, a little less horny, significantly more confused, Nate turned off the shower and toweled his fur as dry as possible, then used a handheld dryer to get it the rest of the way. He looked in the mirror, headfur all tangled and curly, the shorter fur on his body poofed out from the warm air from the dryer. Nate took a brush and a tin of fur conditioner, and started to brush it into his dry fur. He paid special attention to the longer fur around his chest and tapering down his belly, since it got extremely frizzy otherwise. Getting his back was always tricky, but Nate was pretty flexible, so he managed to get it done in a few minutes, and moved on to his arms. He didn't like much of his body, but he was quite proud of his biceps, having earned them honestly by hauling heavy crates at the gas station. They weren't huge or anything, but they were nice and toned, and had a bit of mass to them. I wonder if David would wanna work out together sometime... I know there's a gym on campus, maybe he goes there? Finally, fur brushed down, Nate put some pomade in his headfur and ran his fingers through it to create his signature fauxhawk. He got dressed, then went back to his room to check his phone.

"6 missed calls"

Crap! Nate thought. Who the hell's trying to to get hold of me so bad- Bets!? Uh-oh... Nate quickly dialed her back. The number rang once... twice...

"Hey! About time, you're supposed to be off today! Where've ya been?" Bets answered cheerfully.

"Well, you seem awfully chipper for someone who called me SIX TIMES in 15 minutes. You damn near gave me a heart attack, I thought something was wrong! What the hell did you want so bad?"

Bets laughed sheepishly. "Aha, sorry! Sorry, I was just trying to get hold of you. You remember how I said there might be a party this weekend?"

"Nope," Nate answered honestly. "You might've told me, sure, but if you did I forgot. Why?"

"Oh! Well, you wanna go to one? It's an all weekend thing, starts tonight and goes till 4 in the morning for three nights! You sleep it off there and then keep partying the next day! It's at one of the frat houses off campus, it's gonna be WILD! You should totally come! I know Grant and Josh'll be here, I haven't heard from David yet though... And who knows? Maybe you'll hook up with someone! I know you wanted to date and all, this could be a great way to meet some people..." Bets yammered on.

Nate finally relaxed a little. "No thanks. I mean, it sounds like a great time. But first of all, I'm looking to date, not hook up, those are different things entirely. Second, I don't think frat parties are the logical next step for me coming out on campus. Third, I know why David's not coming. He needs to rewrite a paper, and I'm going to go over to help him, so that kinda precludes me going to the party. Sorry, Bets. I promise I'll go with you to the next one to make it up to you though!"

Bets sighed. "No, that's fair. You gotta loosen up some if you wanna get a guy though! I know you're scared, and I get why, but if you stay scared you'll never know what you might've missed out on because you were too afraid to be the real you."

Sounds like advice I could give to David, too... But she's not wrong. Damn it. "Yeah, you're right. Still the paper is more important. Maybe I'll show up later this weekend? Depends on how soon we get it done. _And_if I wanna go."

"Okays!" Bets chirped. "Have fun on your study date!"

Nate immediately flushed red-hot, grateful Bets couldn't see him. He stammered a bit "I-It's not a date, you goof! We're just hanging out writing and he's ordering pizza."

"Sure... and you spent the night alone with him in his room... Don't tell me you didn't peek at least a little? I mean, come on, dude. That'd just be a waste."

Nate remembered his promise not to tell, but also that he said he didn't want to lie to his friends. So he settled on a partial truth. He lowered his voice, not that anyone was around to hear anyway, and whispered "Fine, yes, he's a great big hunk of man candy and I'd do unspeakable things to him if he showed the slightest interest in doing so. Happy?"

"Yup!" Bets said cheerfully. "Now, enjoy your not-a-study-date! Just don't get wrapped up pining after the straight boys, they're boring!"

"Thanks for the advice, Bets. I'm hanging up now, bye..."Man, she really knows how to talk your ear off. But Nate did find it odd that David wasn't answering her texts when Nate had been texting him all morning. So he fired off a quick message. "Hey, everything okay? Bets said you were ignoring her, something about a party?"

A minute, two... ten... fifteen... That's odd, he was responding right away just a minute or two ago... More minutes passed... Doubts started to creep into Nate's mind. Did I say something wrong....? He's mad at me for some reason... Is tonight still on? Shit, I wonder if should apologizel... And so, Nate texted again. _"Hey, sorry if I said something wrong. I was just wondering what was up, I hope we're still on for tonight. Let me know, please?"_Nate leaned back on his bed and closed his eyes, just trying to relax and calm down.

Some minutes passed; Nate wasn't sure how long he laid there, but finally his phone chimed. Nate scrambled to open the message. It was from David! "Hey, sorry! You gotta chill, man. I went to the gym and locked my phone up while I was there. I'm not mad at you. We're definitely still on for tonight. And I'll text Bets. Can I pick you up at 3?"

Nate felt a cool wave of relief wash over him. "Yeah! I'm honestly ready to go whenever. 3 is fine, or earlier if you're free."

"Well, I need a shower, and I need to run a couple errands. But I could be there by like, 1:30 maybe? I'll call you when I'm on my way, but I won't be any later than 3, how's that?"

Nate smiled. "Sounds great! See you soon!"

Nate decided to have a sandwich for lunch while he waited for the time to pass. After eating, he sat at his desk and worked on some articles for his journalism class until his phone rang around 2:30. At last! It was David!

"Heya!" Nate answered cheerfully. "How's it going?"

"Uh, fine! Fine... It's just... fine. " Ok, that doesn't sound 'fine' at all, Nate thought. "I'm, eh, running a little bit late. My last errand took me a while and I had some issues... I'm going to be about 15 minutes late according to my GPS. I'm really, really sorry, I thought I had this all planned out..." David sounded really upset about this whole thing.

"Is that all? Dude, it's all right. I can wait 15 minutes, no sweat." Then, lowering his voice a little, Nate whispered, "Heck, I'd wait even longer, if it was for you."

David gave a slightly maniacally relieved laugh. "Ahaha, glad you like me enough to wait for me, I guess... I'm on my way now. I'll knock when I'm there, so just, ah... Stay put? Yeah, I'll be there soon."

"Okay? Not like I was going to go anywhere. You sure you don't want me to meet you outside?"

"N-no! Ah, definitely stay inside. I'll come get you, it's... it's a surprise."

"Oh...? Okay, then. I'll be patient. Drive safe, see you when you get here." Nate said.

"Yup, see you soon!" David answered, and hung up the call.

Nate sat on the couch to pull on his shoes and wait. He played with his phone as the minutes crept by, eagerly anticipating David's arrival and whatever surprise he had in store for him. Nate thought this was supposed to be just a study session, but David was being quite mysterious... And he sounded nervous? What exactly was he plotting?

Nate didn't have to wonder too long. Just a little over 10 minutes past three, he heard the doorbell ring for his apartment. "Coming!"

Nate opened the door to discover David standing in the hallway He was staring down at his footpaws nervously, one arm tucked behind his back and shuffling like he was trying to decide if he should run away. They just stood there for a minute, an awkward silence growing between them. Nate spoke up first. "Hey, everything okay-"

"THESEAREFORYOU!" David suddenly blurted out, stiffly thrusting his hidden paw in front of himself and at Nate. In it, he was holding a slightly crumpled bouquet of red roses, with a note on it that said 'Happy Anniversary!'. Nate jumped back a little at the sudden gesture, then took a moment to stare at David. He was blushing furiously, but also... shaking? Wow... he's super nervous... and scared? Maybe even terrified... Of what? Gonna have to talk about this later... For now, Nate just beamed, the first time he'd ever gotten flowers from a guy. It wasn't quite like he'd dreamed it would be, being swept off his feet and swooning. But, it did make him feel incredibly special; The first guy David ever bought flowers for, was him. And he did it even though he was scared and trembling. He couldn't keep him standing there forever, so Nate reached out and took the bouquet, subtly caressing David's paw with both of his when he did so.

"They're... beautiful. It's so, so sweet that you remembered I like these. Thank you. Would you... like to come in?"

David nodded stiffly. "Y-yeah. Sorry. Just... not used to doing that stuff in public... with guys..."

"Well, get in here and let's talk about it. I've got a real shitty couch that's perfect for this sort of thing."

"Okay..." And with that, David shuffled into the apartment.

Nate shut the door and locked it, then set the roses on the kitchen table before joining David on the couch. "So, I'm truly, honestly thrilled that you bought me flowers. But, um... you were freaking out _hard_there. You okay? Want to talk about anything?"

"It's... dumb, don't even worry about it." David mumbled, still hanging his head.

"No way. You put up with me when I'm being anxious and neurotic all the time, let me be there for you for whatever... this... is, okay? It'll be fine, whatever it is I can handle it."

In a small voice, David said, "But what if I'm not ready to handle it?"

Nate didn't say anything. He just scooted closer to David, and wrapped his arm around his shoulders like David had done to him so many times before. And gently, slowly, Nate started to rock David, back and forth. He wasn't sure entirely why it felt so right to do that, but he was certain it was the right thing to do.

David let out a few little, shuddery gasps of breath, but over the course of a few minutes spent in Nate's embrace, started to breathe a little easier. Finally, he spoke. "I... Crap... I... I wanted to buy you flowers today, since I know you said you liked them. So, I searched for a florist online, and went to go pick some out. And I was chatting with the florist, and they were really nice, and sold me that bouquet I bought you, but..." David swallowed hard, took a deep breath, then continued. "They asked if I wanted to personalize the message card for my girlfriend... and I... I said..." Nate couldn't hear the rest of the sentence, David mumbled so quietly.

"You said what, hun? You were really quiet-"

"I told her they were for my... boyfriend..." David's face went flush and he wrapped his arms around himself as he hung his head. "Which... means I both came out to that florist AND I overstepped my boundaries in our... whatever this is that we've got going on. I mean, we've known each other for like, a week, you're the first guy I've ever dated, crap we're not even dating yet, I don't even know if I'm ready to have a boyfriend yet, and I'm sorry, sorry, I just..." David started to ramble on.

Nate just hugged him tight. "Hush. Relax. You're freaking out, and I get why, but everything's okay. Look at me, okay? Look at me!"_and Nate shook David by the shoulders gently but vigorously. When David finally looked up, Nate could see tears streaking his fur. _Oh, honey... "Okay, keep looking at me. First, what did that florist say when you told her the flowers were for your boyfriend?"

David sniffled. "I, uh, don't know. I'd already paid, so I just took off. That's why they're a little beat up, sorry..."

Nate shook his head. "No, you don't have to apologize for this. It's fine. But you should go back to the shop-"

"I can't do that! She knows..."

"Yes, and that's why you're going back. So that you know whether you're accepted there. Doesn't have to be today, and I can go with you. But you're going to get closure there. Next..." Nate paused, wondering how to address this delicately. "...You said boyfriend, huh? That's... a hell of a slip of the tongue. And yeah, it's moving awful fast, but... I do really like you, you know. How about... not boyfriends, but would you like to say we're... dating? Like, actually, officially seeing each other?"

David looked away and mumbled something unintelligible again. Nate grabbed his chin and gently pulled him face to face again. "Nuh-uh. There's no wrong answer here, but after all this, I deserve an answer. Do. You. Want. To. Date. Me?" Nate asked, emphasizing the last few words.

David took a deep breath, then put his arms around Nate and pulled him in for a fierce hug. He whispered, "Yes. Yes, I want to date you. God, yes. Please?"

Nate returned the hug emphatically. "Good! Heh... Glad that's sorted out... aww, hun, what's the matter?" David had started to cry again, tears making Nate's shoulder slightly damp.

"S-sorry, I..." David pulled away and wiped his face. "...I just wasn't sure if you'd want to be, I dunno, 'official'? Like, it's _really_fast, and I wasn't even sure myself until I went to buy you flowers and I said... the thing... Like, I guess I really wanted it, but I wanted... needed... you to want it too, and I got so nervous. I think this is like, a good kind of crying? I'm not really sad, it's more happy mixed with sudden relief." David laughed, face still damp, but clearly smiling. "I'm thrilled! Really!"

Nate didn't let it show, but he was just a hair's breadth away from breaking down himself. I can't believe he feels this strongly... about ME... of all the people he could be with, he's choosing ME... and he was so worried I wouldn't say yes that he cried about it. I have to do something... show him I want this too... what if I...

Nate suddenly lunged at David, pushing him down on the couch, David's head coming to rest on its arm. Their paws intertwined, a look of shock barely had time to register on David's face before Nate swooped in to kiss him: a deep, wet, passionate kiss that lingered for almost a full minute before Nate finally pulled away. Dropping his face into the crook of David's neck, Nate whispered, "Thank you. Thank you for choosing me. I... can't believe I found you... and I'm so happy, too. I promise, I'll try to be as good to you as you are to me. I... ahhh!!-" Nate gasped at a sudden new sensation, the rest of his sentence choked off.

David, his arms still pinned by Nate's sudden attack, had found that Nate's position by his shoulder gave him an interesting vantage point of his own. And so, tilting his head down, his muzzle found Nate's ear. David just gently rolled his tongue around the tip of it first, delighting in the gasp it elicited from Nate, then softly pressed his teeth together and pulled delicately, applying just the barest amount of pressure to Nate. This caused a delightful new set of reactions: Nate sucked a sharp hiss of air between his teeth, then moaned gently, relaxing his body to rest all of his weight onto David. Nate finally released him, sinking into the feeling of his ears being toyed with, going almost limp with ecstasy. David moved his arms to wrap Nate in a tight hug, rubbing his paws up and down his back as he continued to wash his tongue over Nate's sensitive bits. After several minutes, David finally stopped. "Mmm... you know, you make some pretty cute noises, you know that?"

Nate would've normally blushed at that, but he felt too much like jelly to care. "Ah... well... I didn't know. Nobody's ever... done that before."

"Seriously, what were the guys you were with before doing? This is basic... woahhh..."

Taking a page from David's playbook, Nate decided to try something he knew would be special. Still nestled in the crook of David's shoulder, he had perfect access to flick his barbed tongue out and comb it through the fur on the otter's exposed neck. The short fur provided just enough resistance, and it tasted like... him. Musky, slightly acrid, the smell of his earthy, woodsy cologne filling Nate's nostrils. David gasped, then shivered, pulling his arms tightly around Nate. One paw went to the back of Nate's head, gently pressing him into David's neck, which told Nate it was time to try something more...

Opening his muzzle wide, he gave a long, slow lick to David's neck, right along the vein, then quickly, gently battened his muzzle around the spot, and lightly applied a little suction...

"Haah!" David moaned, loud and long. Yes! Nate continued his assault, licking and sucking, for several minutes, delighting in making David cry out in pleasure. Every moan, every grunt, was just proving to Nate that he was doing something right. Finally, Nate relented, and brought himself face to face with David again, where they began to make out, caressing each other's bodies as they did. David particularly enjoyed the feeling of Nate's gentle tongue on his muzzle, and Nate was enthralled with being wrapped in David's big, strong arms. Eventually, they broke apart, panting.

"That... that is... so hot..." David panted.

"Dude... you... you have no idea... that was like, one of my biggest fantasies you just made real. I feel like I should say thank you or something..."

David laughed. "No need to thank me, the pleasure was literally all mine." Then, shifting his hips uncomfortably he said shyly, "But, uh... can you move? I uh... need to... ah... adjust... myself..."

Nate was confused for a moment. "What do you mean adj-... Oh. OH!" He realized that his belly was pressed against David's crotch, and things were getting mighty tight down there. "Shit! Sorry, let me just..." Nate blushed furiously, realizing that he was similarly in need of 'adjustment'. He scrambled off David, trying not to rub against him too much, but when he moved, he could swear he felt David's bulge twitch, and a quiet part of his brain started to wake up, telling him to tease David some, just to see how far he could really push him. Okay, just a little... Nate turned around, but as he did so, he brushed his tail up against where David's pressing concern had been growing. Nate was pleased to hear a little gasp, followed by a short whine, but said, "Sorry, didn't mean to do that. It's got a mind of its own, I swear..."

"Well, ah... I like the way it thinks" David said, panting just a little. Nate grinned. "But... not tonight. Please? I'm sorry, I don't want to lead you on, it's just... We just started dating, I'm trying really_hard not to move too fast here. And, ah... oh, you can turn around now..." Nate did, David's arousal still evident by the wet spot on his pants but now hidden away, "Ah... well, it'd be my first time with a guy. I want it to be, I dunno, special? Like, what we were doing a moment ago, that was hot, I've never been so turned on in my _life, but I don't my first time to be on a busted old couch. No offense."

Nate leaned down to kiss David again. "Honestly? None taken. That is one busted old couch." Nate laughed. "And if you're not ready, you're not ready. I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't 100% want to do. And besides, I thought we were supposed to be going to your place to work on an essay? And there's supposed to be pizza? I was promised pizza."

David sat up, a blush creeping across his cheeks. "Uh... well... I sorta already did the essay... and got 100%..."

"What?! Then what was all this even for!?" Nate exclaimed.

"I... I just wanted an excuse to see you... sorry, I could've just asked, I know now, but at the time..." David put a paw on top of his head, hiding his embarrassment with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh... Well, I forgive you, I guess. It makes sense anyway, given how you told me you've been feeling. So, no pizza?"

"Yes pizza! Or anything else you want to eat, really, whatever's fine. Please, I don't want to leave yet... I really want to spend more time with you. Maybe... could we... cuddle some more?" David looked up at Nate, pleading.

Nate paused for just a second, letting David twist a bit before ruffling his hair. "I guess if we're dating, we'd better have an official first date. Order us some pizza, I'll fire up our streaming services and we can watch something, and if you're very, very good... well, I guess we can... cuddle." and Nate winked at David, who turned what Nate thought was a very fetching shade of bright pink.

Pizza arrived, and movies were watched while it was consumed. As the evening wore on, they continued to play with each other, Nate nosing into David's neck, David turning to nibble Nate's ears. Nate even wrapped his tail around David's waist, feeling the warmth of David's body everywhere he touched him. And when the hour grew late, David finally nodded off, leaning against Nate's shoulder and snoring gently. Nate woke him up just enough to move them to Nate's bedroom. This time, Nate was the big spoon. The bed was big enough for both of them, but Nate just wanted to be closer to his otter, and he'd had an emotional day. The weekend was still coming up, they had the apartment to themselves for two more days... the possibilities seemed endless. As Nate drifted off to sleep, he had some intrusive thoughts surface. What did I do to deserve this? What can I even do for him? Why... me?


What the hell...


Why not?