Top Percentage Lucario: Typhlosion

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#1 of Top Percentage Lucario

Just a collection of one shots of Gage, a human turned Lucario, having fun with the many Pokémon he meets along the way.

Afternoon came and went, the sun having long set and bathing the land in the light of the moon. The world was silent, the creatures of the day having returned to their nests and the nightlife being practically non-existent.

It was exactly how Gage liked it.

The Lucario smiled as he breathed in the cool winter air, snow lightly falling around him, the powder reflecting the moons light, lighting up everything around him in the beautiful glow of the moonlight.

This is exactly what he needed after all of the excitement he had to deal with that day, from the surprise of discovering an entirely new mystery dungeon, to having to deal with everything in it after his partners all but dragged him into the depths of the unknown cavern.

He loved the two to death, but he simply couldn't keep up with them sometimes. He didn't have the desire to move like they did, always running around, exploring, and getting into trouble. He lived long enough in his human life to know when to relax and take it easy.

His partners, however, were half his true age and still had that restless spark of youth he lost years ago, especially Ignus, the typhlosion he called his first partner and friend in this new and strange world he found himself in.

The ever perky typhlosion, who was a cyndaquil at the time, having found him when he was unconscious and face down in the dirt in an unfamiliar forest.

The fire mouse helped him acclimate after his awakening, leading him out of the forest and through town, giving him a place to stay with him and his infinitely generous parents, the two inviting him into their home and treating him as one of their own.

Before long, he learned of Ignus's dream of starting his own rescue team, and decided to repay kindness with kindness, offering to become his partner, and from there, Team Molten Steel was born.

"Seven years ago today huh?" He smiled as he looked up at the moon. "How time flies."

"You could say that again."

The Lucario's smile grew as he patted the ground next to him, the air warming up significantly as a familiar fire badger took his place at his partners side, the much larger fire type settling down on the now snow free patch of ground.

"Jade not joining us?"

"Visiting his parents tonight," Ignus replied, joining his friend as they watched the giant rock ever so slowly cross the starless sky. "Besides, you know how much that cat hates the cold."

Gage chuckled, turning his gaze to his partner, the Blast Pokémon copying him as deep brown eyes met bright ruby red.

"Never celebrated our seventh anniversary did we,"

Gage gave a light hearted scoff.

"We would have had you two not dragged me into that dungeon kicking and screaming."

"But Gage, how will you learn if you don't take risks? Live a little mon."

"I've lived enough for the both of us you overgrown rat."

"No need for insults now," Ignus laughed, softly punching the steel types shoulder before smirking down at him. "Besides, theirs still plenty of time to celebrate."

Gage returned the smirk with his own, the canine getting to his paws to look the giant badger in the eye before lightly caressing his face with a paw.

"And what exactly did you have in mind?" his gaze turned sultry as the smaller Pokémon's muzzle met his partners, leaving a small peck on the fire types lips.

Ignus gave a low rumble as his eyes lidded and a paw rested on the canines shoulder, pulling the Lucario closer as the two met once again in a kiss.

Gage's paw came to rest on the back of Ignus's head, his claws softly combing through his thick blue fur while Ignus hugs the jackal close, enveloping him in the tan fluff of his belly.

It was their worst kept secret, the two having fallen for one another only a year after their initial meeting. Turns out, being put in hundreds of tough situation, stuck in dungeons you were in no way prepared for, and still coming out on top despite all the odds can really help in developing feelings far beyond friendship.

It was a little confusing for Gage in the beginning, his upbringing having never prepared him for how loose Pokémon were in terms of their sexuality.

Now though, the jackal eagerly met the typhlosion's muzzle with his own, his tongue worming its way into his partners muzzle and exploring the warmth of the fire type.

The two separated not long after, their steaming breath mingling in the cold air, their eyes meeting for but a moment before they went back for more, paws clumsily exploring one another as the jackal fell onto the snowy ground, the cold on his back a sharp jolt that brought him back from his lustful haze.

"Eager, aren't we?" The words left the Blast Pokémon's lips with a sultry chuckle, one of his paws cupping his partners cheek before trailing down to his chest, only to be replaced by heated lips softly kissing his chin, earning a gasp for his efforts.

"Like your one to talk."

Ignus hummed as his kisses trailed down to the spike on the Lucario's chest, leaving a small peck on its tip before he continued his journey.

The jackal smiled and pet the badger, scratching right behind his ears like he knew he liked, earning a pleased growl and a small kiss on the black band of fur on the Lucario's waist.

Before Ignus could even get to the fun part, a paw on his head stopped him in his tracks as his eyes flicked up towards its owner, seeing that familiar look of hunger in his mates eyes.

Never one to disappoint, Ignus simply turned around and backed up till he was over his mate, that plump jiggly backside hovering over the former humans face while his warm breath tickled the blue furred sheath below.

Without any ceremony, the big badger sat his fat ass down, muffling the moaning aura dog and hiding his head away from the world.

"That's more like it," Ignus moaned, leaning down and nosing his partners sack, his tongue darting out and giving them a small lick, feeling his partner give his fuzzy ass a kiss in return. "Comfortable down there?"

A muffled reply sounded from behind him, along with the Lucario equivalent of a thumbs up, before that paw moved down to grab a handful of that rear, massaging it in his palms as his kisses trailed up from a cheek to that winking pucker he was ever so familiar with.

Ignus chuckled again, before moaning as a tongue touched his rim, trailing along the edge of that warm hole. He was quick to return the favor, his much warmer tongue tickling the opening of the canine sheath, licking it all over before pushing the it back, revealing the object of his desire.

More moans sounded out from the two as they went to work, Ignus taking that large tool into the warmth of his maw while Gage caressed that hole with licks and kisses, his strong tongue pushing against the opening, seeking entrance.

Ignus hummed happily as his mates salty pre soon covered his tongue, his hips shifting, grinding against the muzzle stuck between his cheeks, enjoying that probing tongue exploring his hole.

The badger went from sucking to licking along the length of that tool, circling the crown before traveling down to the Lucario's fuzzy sack. He gave them the same treatment, taking the large orbs into his muzzle, suckling them gently, lovingly, just like his mate liked it.

'Almost ready.'

Ignus lifted his rear off of his partner, freeing the jackals head from its musky prison as he took several deep breaths of fresh air, the air freezing compared to the warmth of the fire type crushing him.

"Catch your breath love, we're far from done."

Gage smirked before grabbing another pawful of that ass, giving the other cheek a light smack, watching the cheek ripple from the impact.

Without a word, he dove back in, his snout disappearing within those mounds of fat, earning another heated moan from the fire badger.

Paws pushed the globes closer to the Lucario, the aura Pokémon massaging and lightly smacking them, feeling them jiggle against his head before pushing them together, enveloping himself entirely as he lavished that hole with tongue and lip.

The typhlosion nearly roared as that tongue pierced his pucker, finding that little knob of flesh with practiced precision.

He looked down at his own cock, the thing twitching violently, spitting a near constant stream of pre as his partner worshipped his backside.

"C-calm down there buddy," Ignus shakily moaned, trying to separate his back half from the jackal, only to realize that he was gripping his fur with all he had, his snout practically fucking his hole.

Tan paws had black ankles in a death grip, pre now soaking the Lucario's chest as Ignus realized he was not at all prepared for the animal that was a pent up Lucario.

"What you get for putting me though today asshole." He punctuated that statement with a kiss on said asshole before that tongue punched his prostate, feeling the tan sack on his chest throb before Ignus lost himself, his dick jerking as he painted his partners chest white, the cold air steaming from the warmth coating the tan fluff.

Gage chuckled and planted one last kiss on his lovers lower cheek before patting it softly, the twin mounds lifting away from his snout, letting him see the panting face of his mate, the air around him steaming as he literally heated up from the pure lust running through his veins.

"You...dick," he panted, his legs wobbling as he closed in on his smaller partner, grabbing his head before smashing their lips together, planting his ass on his mates legs and letting his balls flop onto the Lucario's prick, the orbs doing their best to cover something that a four and a half foot tall Pokémon had no business having.

Tongues mixed once again as Ignus rubbed his fuzzy sack along the Lucario's length, his own smaller length kissing the tip.

Breaking the kiss, Gage panted as he stared up at Ignus, holding the wide head in his paws as he nuzzled his lover.

"My turn right?" he breathed, his paws moving back to connect around the others neck, leaving more small kisses along his muzzle.

Ignus smiled before grabbing the Lucario's hips, gently lifting the smaller Pokémon and placing his crotch right in front of his face, his muzzle once again closing around his treat, the sack below joining it as he took his mates length down his throat with practiced ease. The crown tickled the back of his throat, but Ignus had long since lost his gag reflex after so many nights spent together with his lover.

Ignus soon felt his lovers legs wrap around his head, making him smile as he cradled the sack with his tongue while swallowing around the cock in his throat. His paws pushed his lover closer, letting more of that prodigious length travel down his throat while the jackal humped against his face.

"Good boy," Gage moaned, his paws scratching behind the ears below as his tongue hung from his mouth with a dumb smile on his face.

The fire types mouth was smoldering, bathing his crotch with intense blasts of heat while that tongue worked its way into his sheath, licking over his forming knot.

"Good booooy," he repeated before leaning down to nibble on the larger mons ear, earning a pleased growl that sent tingles down his length and directly into his spine, making him shiver as a large dollop of pre traveled down the typhlosion's throat, who froze soon after before pulling back, making the Lucario whine as his sack was released from that heated muzzle.

"Don't worry pup, I have another hole I know you'd prefer to fill," He purred, placing the canine on his paws before getting down on all fours, looking back as he shook his ass for the aura dog, the furry mounds connecting with a meaty clap.

Gage's tail went a'wagging as he wasted no time, eagerly sinking his paws back into those globes of flesh, lifting and dropping them to watch them bounce before spreading and revealing that spit slicked tail star winking back at him.

"Dear God I love you," Gage growled, nuzzling the cheeks and planting small kisses towards his tailbone, his cock soon sandwiching itself between them.

"Love you to hon, now less talking, I'm hungry," he growled back, twerking his ass to jerk off the knob with his cheeks. Gage chuckled and gripped his partners hips, sawing his length in and out of in its new home, the length rubbing against the hidden hole and balls clapping against the typhlosion's sack.

"Now now, no need to get testy," He teased, rocking his hips as he listened to the needy little whines leaving his mate. The whines soon turned to growls, and his muzzle opened to say something, only for his words to die in his throat after that pointed tip pierced his hole, his noises getting louder as more of that fat meat entered his rear up to the knot, that large ball of flesh tapping his hole seeking entrance he was not prepared to give.

"Fuck." Ignus's claws dug into the ground, kicking up clumps of earth while he grit his teeth. "So big."

"T-take your time love."

Gage grit his teeth from the sheer tightness of the walls gripping his cock for all they were worth, the fire types smoldering insides nearly burning as he hugged himself to his back, carefully avoiding stabbing his mate with his chest spike.

Ignus felt his chest hit the dirt as he took in mouthfuls of cold air, his chest burning slightly before his natural body heat warmed it up, helping distract him from the mix of pain and pleasure radiating from his freshly breached hole.

Gage just held his typhlosion, nuzzling and leaving small kisses across his back as Ignus adjusted.

After a few more minutes of loving nuzzles and kisses, Ignus picked his head up from the ground to look back, giving his Lucario a small smile and a nod, receiving both in turn as those strong arms squeezed just a bit tighter.

Like they always did, Gage started gentle, slowly pulling out of his mate, peppering his back in kisses as he pulled about half out before reversing direction, pushing back in and feeling the one below tense as his length ran over that special little button.

Back and forth he went, pumping in slow and steady while Ignus dropped his head back down, his eyes closing as he let his mate have his fun.

The pace quickly picked up as Ignus loosened up, his walls clenching softly around the welcome intruder. Shaky moans left both as hips connected again and again, his ass wobbling and jiggling as Gage ploughed those doughy cheeks, never keeping his pace the same.

What started out slow and gentle turned harder and faster as the clapping of hip on cheek echoed throughout the clearing, punctuated by Ignus shouting his species name after a particularly hard thrust.

"F-fuck me," he whined, thrusting back into his partner as his tongue left his mouth, panting loudly while he stared at the jackal ravishing his backside. "Fuuuuuck meeeeeee!"

Gage grinned as he grinded his knot against that hole, stirring the badgers guts as he gave that rear a good smack.

"Sing for me, take my cock like the bitch you are," He growled while taking a clump of fur into his mouth, pulling back the skin to clamp his teeth down, earning a slutty moan from his mate before he buried his face in his paws.

Gage was having none of that, his paw swimming up his mates back and gripping the scruff of his neck, ignoring the heat on his arms as his flame vents started flaring up.

"Say my name you big bitch!" His paw pulled back on the skin, bringing the typhlosion's head back up as his flame vents let loose small licks of flames. "SAY IT!"

"GAAAGE!" He screamed, the flames forcing the Lucario to release his hold as the orange glow of his flame lit up the forest, casting shadows across the clearing as the two went at it like the animals they truly were.

A feral grin formed on the Lucario's muzzle as his hips crashed into the typhlosion, his knot pushing against the hole with increasing force, the flames growing brighter as his hole opened wider, that knot all but forcing its way through his defenses as he tied himself to his mate.

Ignus froze, feeling that cock jerk in his bowels as the flood of liquid warmth started pooling in his gut, his pucker clenching constantly to try and milk as much of that sweet nectar as he could get.

Gage's teeth clenched as his balls contracted against his mates, feeling that fluffy sack follow his as his paw reached down to grab the spasming cock below, the length jerking as steaming hot cum painted the grass white, the stream ending far before his partners did as his belly started to bulge from the Lucario's sheer virility, his knot ensuring not a drop managed to escape that hungry tail hole.

"Good...boy," Gage panted and pet across the now toasty warm fur, his face nuzzling against the fluff while Ignus let his body drop to the ground, too tired to care about how matted his fur would be after laying down in his own cum puddle.

He rolled onto his side, the Lucario still clinging to his back, and held his bloated belly in his paws, the mass jiggling as a dopey smile decorated his snout.

"Jeez bud, you were really pent up weren't you? Who knows, maybe I'll be carrying your egg after tonight huh?" he giggled, rubbing his tummy as the jackal chuckled into his back fur.

"We both know that's not how that works love."

"Let me dream."

Gage smiled and snuggled closer to his mate, giving his knot an experimental tug while Ignus moaned pitifully.

"Easy, I'm already going to be sore enough in the morning."

"Then roll over, your warm and its gonna get cold soon."

Ignus rolled his eyes with a fond smile on his muzzle as he maneuvered as well as he could with nine inches of dick in his ass.

The Lucario was soon smothered under the big badger, his warm body and toasty fur hiding the jackal from the world while Ignus leaned down as far as he could manage, capturing his lips and sharing a loving kiss before curling up with his partner, that stupid smile never leaving his face as he drifted off into the land of dreams.