Live Audience

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#1 of Live Audience

Nick meets up with his best friend, Michelle after being away at college for four years. After having lunch, the wolf has a surprise in store for her only friend that stood by her through thick and thin.

Live Audience:

Part 1

Nick sat at the counter of a local sushi bar, not too far from his suburban home. The border collie wasn't really fan of sushi, but couldn't say no to his high school best friend who requested the venue to reconnect. They hadn't seen each other since the summer before college, when their group of friends spent their last time together at the beach. At the time, he held a huge crush on the white wolf, but kept his feelings at bay, lest he disrupt the relationship he was in and therefor, their friendship.

As he looked around the restaurant, situated in a plaza near the transit center, the border collie wondered what was taking so long. He looked at his phone and noticed she was fifteen minutes late. He wanted to text her, but didn't want to risk looking pushy. He got the attention of the server, a very attractive, busty shiba inu and ordered a second iced green tea. She smiled and brought the drink in short order.

"Are you sure I can't get you anything to start with, yet," she asked in a sweet, sympathetic tone.

Nick just smiled back, "No, thank you. I want to wait for my friend first. She should be here soon."

"Well, she sounds very special if you're willing to wait for her this long," she winked at him, before turning away to help her other guests.

In his excitement, Nick wound up showing up half an hour early, being the first customer to arrive; the shiba inu letting him in as she unlocked the door to open for business. The place was only a ten minute walk from his parents' house and he really didn't have anything to do before then.

The border collie saw a light rail train enter the station across the street and when it stopped, the wolf of his dreams step out into the autumn air. She looked almost exactly the same, except four years older and her blonde hair partially dyed pink. She wore a pink hoodie and blue jeans, which accentuated her hourglass figure and ample breasts. As she walked, her hips swiveled and the motion made Nick's heart race.

Nick recalled the time they went to the beach right before they left for college, seeing her in a two-piece bathing suit for the first time. He wound up spending a lot of time in the water, trying to hide his obvious excitement. His convenient excuse was that he didn't like sitting around in the sun all day.

Michelle entered the restaurant and she made a beeline to the border collie who was waiting, tail whipping about in excitement.

"Oh, my gods! Nick, it's so good to see you, I missed you so much!" she exclaimed.

"I missed you too Michelle!" Nick said as they embraced. He felt her warm breasts push into his chest. A warm feeling of familiarity and nostalgia came over him as he held her close. Still holding each other by the waist, they kissed each other on the cheeks, a sign of greeting reserve for her closest friends, Nick being the only male she reserved it for.

"It's really been too long, how have you been? You look great!" she asked, looking into his green eyes.

"I've been ok. I came back home after school, because I can't afford a place to live. I work my ass off, but my credit's shit and I can't afford a place to rent with student loans," he said, ruefully.

"Tell me about it, I have to work two jobs to afford my own place," she lamented in kind as they took a seat in a booth.

"Two jobs? And I didn't know you live on your own. Most of my college friends wound up coming right back home after school, even though they make decent money."

"Yeah... I wasn't given a choice..." she said in a sad tone.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." he said, not pursuing the conversation any further. He knew her parents were pretty conservative, and even though she was a good person, she did things that would earn their ire had they learned about them. Nick had a feeling that they kicked her out after finding something out.

"It's fine. It's hard, but I have my freedom!" she said with a smile.

The two ate their lunch and caught up, reminiscing about old times and telling stories from their respective colleges. Even though it had been over four years since they last met, it seemed like time never passed.

Soon, the meal was finished and Nick didn't want to just leave. However, he wasn't sure if she had plans afterwards. She did say that she had two jobs, afterall.

The two stood outside of the restaurant, getting ready to leave, when the wolf spoke up, "Hey, do you have any plans today?"

"N-no, not really, why?" he asked.

Michelle blushed as she worked up the courage to ask him a question.

"Well... do you want to see my second job?" she asked, tilting her head to the side, tail wagging expectantly.

The collie's heart leapt at the offer to spend more time with his best friend and former crush. His tail wagged as he answered, "Sure! I'd love to! But won't you get in trouble?"

"No, not with this job. I work from home," she answered.

The two walked down the street, the wolf cozying up to the collie in the chilly autumn air. He was glad for the close contact, seeing that he underestimated the weather and chose to wear a thin blue hoodie and black cargo pants. The only remotely warm thing he had on was the pair of boots on his feet.

"My place isn't too far. It's on the next block," she pointed out.

"It's fine, I'm good!" he responded with false bravado.

Michelle responded by pressing herself closer, her warm breasts pushing into his arm as she looked up at him with a knowing smile, "Better?"

Nick laughed, "Yeah!"

As they walked the last block, Nick brokered a question, "I've been meaning to ask, your eyes?"

Michelle chuckled, "No, they're contacts. I had to get glasses last year, so I opted for contacts, instead. I asked the optometrist if they could do something about the coloring."

Michelle had heterochromia; one eye was blue and the other hazel. The meaner girls in class gave her the nickname "Traffic Light." If Michelle knew about it, she never let on.

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, I love your natural eyes," he admitted, somewhat bashfully.

Michelle smiled, looking down, "You're the first person that's told me that."

"I'm sorry if I..." Nick started before she put her hand on his cheek to draw him closer and kissed him on the other one.

"It's fine! You didn't do anything wrong. I'm grateful for the compliment," she said looking into his eyes.

The two came up to a row of four-story modern buildings with an industrial, but natural feel, common to new builds in the Pacific Northwest. The first story spaces had stores built in and the rest were filled with apartments.

Entering a doorway next to a chain coffee shop, Nick and Michelle walked up the stairs to the second floor corridor. The border collie followed the other dog to a door at the end of the hallway, next to a window and followed her inside.

The apartment was a studio that was designed to be a loft-style domicile. Immediately to the right was the bathroom. The next space down was the sleeping area with a queen sized bed on the floor. Past the kitchen was the living room where a laptop and sound equipment was set up on the coffee table. On the walls were string lights and a wood and metal sign with the word "love" with light bulbs in the letters.

"Nice place!" Nick said as he looked around.

"Thanks! It's the best place I could afford," she said as she tossed her bag on the couch.

"I like it. What's with all the equipment, do you do podcasts?" he asked.

The wolf cocked her head in thought, "Mmmmm, something like that. You'll see shortly."

She smiled, knowingly and went into the kitchen and brought back two glass bottle colas, Nick's favorite.

"You remembered!" he exclaimed.

"Of course! You got me addicted to these," she laughed as she took a sip.

"Make yourself at home, sweetie. I have to get a shower and change. I'll be right back!"

"Ok! I could sit in with you if you like!" Nick offered, wagging his tail expectantly.

"Nooo! I won't be long," she winked at the collie.

Nick got up and went to the small balcony overlooking the hills just outside of town. He pushed the curtains aside and watched the wind blow the red and gold leaves around on the overcast day.

After a few minutes, the border collie heard the water stop running in the bathroom. A minute later, Michelle came out in a white terrycloth robe, drying her hair.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetie," she said, trying to coax water out of an ear.

Sitting down, the robe rode up high enough on her thigh that he could just see the side of her ass. He had seen her in a bikini, so it was a pleasant reminder of that day.

"Could you do me a favor? Could you grab the hair dryer from the vanity in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, sure!" Nick got up to fetch the hair dryer.

When he got to the bathroom, he saw Michelle's clothes on the floor, including a pair of light green panties. Not able to resist the temptation, he picked them up and took a quick sniff. Inhaling her scent was like heaven to him; it was the closest he had ever been to his personal Holy Grail. The scent got him excited and he could feel himself getting hard.

"Down boy!" he told himself. He didn't want to get caught doing something so perverted, so he put them back as best as he found them and got Michelle's hair dryer.

Nick went back to the livingroom, holding the dryer strategically so not to draw attention to the chubby he was still sporting.

Nick sat down before handing Michelle the hairdryer, "Here you go!"

"Thank you sweetie!" she sang.

"Could you do me another favor?" she asked again.

"Uh, yeah," he responded somewhat nervously. He didn't want to make his excitement obvious and embarrass himself in front of his best friend.

"Could you dry my tail? My hair's being a bit of a bitch right now and need to get ready for my show soon," she asked as she briskly rubbed her towel in her pink and blonde locks.

"Yeah, I could do that!" Nick answered enthusiastically. It was an intimate gesture that he felt honored to be asked to do.

"Start at the base and move to the tip," she instructed the collie.

"I know how to dry a tail, Michelle," he laughed.

"Ok, ok, I'll leave you to it," she winked.

The robe was lifted just high enough to reveal her lower back, but her sitting position hid any tantalizing views. Still, it was enough to get his blood pumping.

Nick placed a firm hand on Michelle's lower back to stabilize her tail as he began. He thought to massage the area a little as a little bonus; a spa treatment in his mind.

"Mmmmm, that feels good, Nick. Keep doing that. I never had anyone massage my lower back like that," she groaned in pleasure.

Nick used the hair dryer expertly as he got in her undercoat, fluffing her fur. When he was done, he used both his free hands to pay attention to her back, giving her a full back massage.

"My gods Nick, how did you get so good at this?" she purred as he rubbed her shoulders.

"I just follow the natural lines of the body and see what kind of response I get," he added.

Michelle finished with her hair and checked her tail.

"Wow! I could never get my fur this fluffy, thank you!" she turned and hugged him.

"You're welcome!" the collie responded, his tail wagging at the compliment.

Michelle got up and went to the bathroom to check herself one last time in the mirror. She came back out with her clothes bundled up in her arms and her panties fell on the floor.

"Oops, sorry. I'm pretty sloppy. I didn't mean for you to see my dirty underwear on the floor," she said as she tossed them into a corner of her sleeping area.

When she cam back out, she was carrying a pair of makeup carriers. Setting them down, she opened one and began applying makeup.

"So, do you do vlogs or influencing?" he kept prodding.

Still trying to apply her pink lipstick, she replied, "I told you, it's a surprise!"

Nick wondered what it was that was in store for him. He kept watching her applying makeup and putting on the final touches before finally turning to him, "Well, how do I look?"

"It looks good," he answered, though he thought she was gorgeous without it.

"Do you see any flaws?" she said as she turned her head so he could get a better look.

Nick inspected her makeup for any imperfections, but it seemed there was none.

Nick shook his head, "No, it's good."

"Good!" she smiled, wagging her tail. She pressed a wet kiss on his right cheek, leaving a pink imprint. Not noticing, Nick left it on, feeling his face blush from the token of affection.

Michelle got up and brought one of the makeup cases back to her room and came back with a beanbag. She dropped it on the floor across from the couch and sat back next to Nick.

"Ok, so here's the deal. I do live streaming on a site called MasturChatter..."

"Wait, MasturChatter, you're a cam girl?!" Nick asked, in shock.

"Yeah, I stripped in college for a little bit, but my parents found out and I didn't care for the audience too much, so I quit. Then I saw a cam site and the audience is better and you can control them, so I set myself up. I usually don't stream on Thursdays, but I had a request for a private show and I thought you might like to watch," she said, blushing.

"So, a live audience?" he asked.

"Yeah! Nick, you're my best friend and you never judged me. You didn't avoid me because of my eyes or my asshole parents. You saw me for who I am and I'm grateful for your friendship. I figured I could thank you by letting you watch one of my performances," she said, smiling, tail wagging.

"I... I'm really flattered, I mean... I never even seen you... like... well... you know..." he stammered.

"Full- on, buck- ass, naked with my tits and vag on display?" she said, piercing the awkwardness.

"Uh, yeah!" Nick laughed.

"Well, I mean, what are friends for? Now, I need you to sit over here in the beanbag. I'm sorry, it's all I have; I don't entertain... come to think of it, you're the first guy I've had over."

"Well, I'm honored," Nick said as he lowered himself into the beanbag.

"Now, I do need you to be quiet; this is supposed to be one on one and I can't have any distractions. It'll only be for an hour, so I won't be too long," she said as she started up her computer.

"Ok, I'll be quiet," Nick said as he was getting comfortable.

This was it. The wolf had been the subject of his alone time after she reached out to reconnect with him.

Just the night before, he quietly huffed out her name while stroking his length in his bed. The thought of knotting her seeming so forbidden in a world where safe sex was encouraged. The things he wanted to do with her always put him in an almost feral mode as he got on all fours and squeezed his knot as he came, "Fuck, Michelle, I want to knot you and fill you with my fucking puppies. You are so fucking hoooootttttt."

He wound up soaking his blanket and filling the room with the scent of his doghood. Collapsing into his own puddle, he could only imagine what the real deal would be like.

Now, he was going to at least get a glimpse of what he wanted... no... craved. The border collie felt something awaken in him that he hadn't felt in a long time.

He watched the wolf don the headgear for her audio and log into the computer. Her eyes (her contacts were still in) darted back and forth across the screen as she typed.

"Hiiii there my darling!" Michelle sang as she waved at the screen.

"How are you?... Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... I'm fine, I had some errands to run this morning and had lunch and now I'm spending time with my favorite fan!" she shrugged, coyly.

Nick settled in, trying to hold the anticipation. He was careful to not make too much noise when he shifted, lest he break her concentration. The border collie wanted to see the wolf's bare, curvy body that he lusted for so bad. Too see her full breasts, perfect ass, and the holy of holies, her wolf pussy was better than hitting the lottery.

"What am I wearing? Really? Come on, you know better than that, you can see what I'm wearing!" she laughed.

The border collie thought to himself, "Take it off! I want to see that sexy wolf-bitch body!"

"Ok, only because you asked so nicely," Michelle gave in.

Michelle stood up and readjusted the camera for a better view. She stood sideways and began lowering her robe, so her shoulders were slowly being exposed, while she hugged the material to her breasts.

"This is it, I can't believe this is fucking happening! I finally get to see her goods!" Nick screamed to himself in his mind.

The wolf turned with her back to the camera and lowered the robe even lower, giving full view of her bare back. Her curves were coming into view as she reached the base of her tail. Nick finally saw the same spot, the very skin his hands caressed earlier. The blood was rushing to his length and he wanted more.

"You know that's all you get!" she looked back over her shoulder, speaking seductively to her audience.

"Oh my gods! You are a fucking tease!!" Nick's mind shouted. The collie leaned forward trying to find a comfortable position without getting noticed.

"Mooore? Well, have you been good today?" she asked into her microphone.

"Yes, yes, I've been a good boy today!" Nick thought to himself as he tried to keep his tail from thumping the chair.

"Ok, I guess I could show you more," she said playfully as she lowered the front of the robe, her full breasts coming into view. Her hands cupped them from underneath as her flesh pillowed from the support, covering her peaks from view.

"Here we go, we're getting close, now," Nick's mind raced at the private show in front of him.

"More? You are a greedy cat today, aren't you? Well, I guess so, since you asked so nicely," she said, giving in. The gorgeous wolf let the rest of the robe hit the floor, crossing her leg in front of the other, which only served to accent her perfect curves.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Nick squirmed as he saw her full, bare form, just a few feet away from his eyes. The image of her holding her soft pillows and her head cocked to the side forever burned itself into his memory. The border collie's length was never as hard as it was now, even the night he lost his virginity to a cute, but annoying retriever in college.

"Play with them, really? But you're not here my darling, I get lonely without you," she pouted to the camera.

The wolf started massaging her full breasts for the audience in front of her. Her large, pale peaks slowly came into view as she controlled their reveal in tantalizingly agonizing fashion.

Nick chomped at the bit as he watched the flesh crinkle and become erect at her touch. He felt himself getting hot as the tension built up with her performance.

Pinching and tugging as she bit her lower lip, Nick wondered what they would feel like in his hands, his face, his mouth.

"Don't you want these puppies in your mouth, my darling cat?... yeah, I want to feel your tongue bathing my hard peaks, too," she said as she lifted one of her handfuls to her mouth and lapped lightly at her pink flesh.

This was too much to bear for him as he struggled with trying to keep himself under control. She stepped it up a notch and she took a whole nipple into her mouth and began to lovingly suck on it.

"Mmph, mmph, mmmm..." was all he heard. It was a sound he had never heard from her and now the show became that much more personal.

Then it hit him... a telltale sign that this was no simple show... her scent reach his nose. He had never smelled it so fresh before. Yes, there was the panty sniff from just a half hour before, but this was the smell of pure desire.

Michelle pulled her teat from her mouth with a pop and giggled, "Oh, wow. That actually really turned me on!"

Her pale skin was flush with lust now as she slowly reached down the flat of her stomach and reached the pinnacle of the collie's desire. Holding herself as she swiveled back and forth, she pressed her hand against her petals as she coaxed her wetness forth.

Nick was glad he chose to wear cargo pants; a more forgiving alternative than jeans, as he sorely needed the room they afforded him at the moment.

Finally, the teasing ended and the wolf revealed her wet petals to her audience. Nick just about lost his mind; he held his hand over his mouth, lest he give himself away. His length struggled against the confines of his pants and he could even feel some pre beginning to bead against his boxer briefs.

The next thing Nick saw harnessed his eyes like no other; Michelle took a finger and slowly pushed inside, her eyes slitting in pleasure, gasping and breathing faster before pulling it back out. Her digit was coated in her heady wolf nectar, a small bit of string clinging to it before she brought it to her face.

The collie's eyes widened at her scent, now filling the room. Nick watched her slip her finger to her nose before sliding it ever so slowly into her mouth. Sucking it clean, she got a ravenous look in her eye. For a fleeting moment, he thought he saw Michelle make eye contact with him.

"This is just for you, my darling," she said as she leaned back on the couch, feet spread as her finger began caressing her jewel.

"Oh my fucking gods that's her pussy, that's her fucking pussy!" Nick's brain screamed out.

Nick began rubbing himself through his pants, being careful to not be so obvious. Then he noticed something else... another scent hit his nose... his own!

She shuttered and moaned as she rubbed her jewel for her appreciative audience. Her toes began clenching as she began to feel her first climax build.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, mmm," she moaned in pleasure.

Her's eyes grew and she knew what it was. The musk of a male hit her nose and threw her over the edge.

"Fuck my wolf pussy, fuck it good, ahhhhh!" she screamed as her climax took her over the edge.

Nick sat there, trying not to make himself noticed. His tapered head just peaking out, dying for release. At this point, he wanted to say "fuck it" and just ravage the dog in front of him. However, he knew it would be a bad idea; he had to remain in the audience. He did, however, clandestinely release his fully knotted dog cock from the confines of his pants.

Michelle got up, flushed and reached for her second make up case. When she opened it, a plethora of toys was inside. She reached for a somewhat slender dildo with some small rounded bumps on it.

"Fucking hell, you're a fucking wolf! You need a dog's cock in you, not some cat's! I'm right fucking here!!" Nick almost shouted.

"I think this position would be more suitable," Michelle said as she turned her back to her audience and bent forward, lifting her tail as she let her wolf pussy and tailhole be shown to her audience.

Slowly, the Michelle inserted the toy inside her. As she pulled out, she whimpered in pleasure as the toy was coated in her wetness. She pushed it back in and let in get snug inside her as she let it fill her up.

Michelle wanted the real thing inside her, as it had been some time since she had it. The collie's musk was filling her sensitive nose and she became almost feral as she began fucking herself in front of her audience. The fact that she had a live person in the room with her, clearly getting as horny as she was drove her over the edge.

"Gods, fuck me, fuck me please, I'm begging you to fucking fuck my wolf pussy," she squeaked as her tail thrashed about.

Buried inside her, she began grinding the toy against her core and elicited a throaty moan as a full-body orgasm took hold of her body.

Michelle cried at the top of her lungs as she held the toy inside her feeling her walls clenching down as the waves of euphoria overcame her.

The border collie sat there, shocked, as he had never seen something so feral happen in front of him. He was enthralled and in awe of this wolf-goddess.

After catching her breath, she rolled over onto her back, panting and fanning herself.

"Oh my gods, that was amazing. I hope you had fun, my darling... oh, thank you! Me too!... yeah, I'll be on tomorrow for my usual. Well, I have to go, love you," she said as she blew the camera a kiss before logging out.

"Oh my gods," Michelle laughed. "Are you still alive over there?"

The wolf threw the robe back on and walked over to the border collie, who was busy trying to hide himself from her. She took her contacts out and set them aside while her eyes readjusted.

"Yeah, holy shit! I don't know what to say..." he said before she moved his hands from his pants. The collie's tapered length was on full display for her.

"Well, it looks like I get to see yours now," she said as she reached out and began stroking him.

"You know, I had a feeling you pulled it out when I went into overdrive. Thank you for being a good boy. Here's your reward for waiting," she said as she knelt down in front of him and began sliding her smooth tongue up and down his length.

"Oh, fuck. That feels good," he groaned, finally getting the relief he needed.

"Mmmmm, just you wait, sweetie," Michelle said as she began swallowing his length.

Her head pumped up and down in his lap as the collie stroked her soft ears.

Michelle stood up and dropped the robe in front of him, giving Nick a closeup of the body he craved for so long. Every detail was memorized as he took in her naked beauty. Her scent filled his nose as he was eye level with her soaked petals. Nick pulled off his clothes and sat as naked as the wolf in front of him.

"You've been my best friend for so long and you put up with a lot from me. I just want to thank you in a way I truly feel you deserve," she said as she began to straddle him.

Lowering herself onto his tapered length, Nick savored every agonizing moment as he felt the heat from her walls swallow him inside her.

"Thank you for being my best friend Michelle," he looked into her eyes as they began to tear up, feeling the length of the one person she truly trusted rest snugly in her core.

"You're welcome," she whispered. "Now take me like the fucking alpha I know you are!"

The border collie elicited a growl and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. Still inside her, he stood up, looking into her eyes; eyes that showed joy from being taken properly. Holding her close, he lowered her to the floor and dominated his wolf-bitch.

"Fuck yes, this is it!" she growled as her alpha began thrusting in and out of her.

The sounds of feral moaning and growling and wet flesh slapping filled the apartment as the duo gave into their base instincts.

The musk of the male and the scent of the female mixed in a heady fragrance that helped to build up the experience of dog/ wolf sex.

Michelle cried out in orgasm twice before he pulled out.

She looked pleadingly at him, her tail whipping about under her back, "But I'm not done..."

"Neither am I," he said as he motioned for her to get on all fours. Relishing in the new position, the wolf abided her alpha, taking the proper stance; ass high in the air, knees as far apart as they would go, and her tail thrashing about as she presented herself properly.

"Fuck me my alpha," she pleaded, her petals dripping with anticipation.

The alpha collie came over and mounted her properly on all fours, sinking his length into her soaked walls.

"Nnnnngggg," the wolf-bitch moaned as she took his length into her body. She finally felt like she was being fucked properly for the first time in her life.

The sensation from being taken from behind in such a feral manner drove the wolf to climax. As it subsided, she became aware of another sensation; the alpha's knot was making its presence known.

"Is *huff* is that *huff* what I nnnggg what I think it is?"

"Do you want to find out? Do you want my puppies?" the alpha collie asked his bitch.

The question made her head swim. The thought of getting bred and her body nourishing his litter drove her over the top once again.

"Oh gods, yes! Yes, *huff* fill me with your puppies! *huff* I want your litter my alpha!" she moaned in submission to her one, true male.

"Fuuuck!" they cried out in unison as he bottomed out into her, his knot planted firmly as he filled her womb with his heat. Nick's length throbbed as her walls milked him for all he was worth.

"Shit... *huff* shit, that was great... *huff* oh my gods, ha! I never felt this good in my life," Michelle panted as she caught her breath.

"Holy shit... *huff* yeah... *huff* that was amazing!" Nick eked out as his head swam from the vigorous activity.

The border collie's knot was still keeping him inside his wolf and didn't show signs of abating. He just decided to enjoy it for now. Wait did he say...

"Yeah, puppies..." Michelle slurred, looking back dreamily at her alpha.

"Puppies?" he asked, nervously.

"I'm young, fertile. I think I'd make a good mother to your pups. We could raise them and have strong, young alphas..." she began dreaming.

"Well, I would take responsibility, and I couldn't think of a better mother for my pups than my best friend," he responded.

"Glad to hear that! Especially if we decide to have pups in the future," she said as she felt the collie's knot begin to relax.

"Huh? But I thought..." he said, feeling himself slip out of his mate.

Rolling onto her back and holding the mixture of their essences inside her, she just smiled, "Nah, I have birth control to regulate my cycle. We're good."

Nick breathed a sigh of relief at the news. He wasn't kidding about what he said, but still, he wasn't exactly ready to start a family yet. If he did, though, he couldn't think of anyone to start one better than Michelle.

He laid down on his side next to his wolf and began caressing her hair and ears as she drew her knees back, in an effort to keep their essences inside her womb. She growled softly as she slowly rocked her hips side to side, enjoying the sensation.

"I do have to admit, it was nice to hear you would be there for me. No one has ever done that for me before," she said before kissing him lovingly.

"Sure, does this mean we're going out?"

"Mmmm, no. I don't want to be in a relationship right now. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you because of some boyfriend/ girlfriend bullshit. We're the same as we were before, except we can fuck now," she explained.

"Friends with benefits?" Nick offered.

"I think all best friends should have benefits," Michelle laughed.

Nick smiled in agreement. He was glad that this reunion turned out better that he could have imagined.

The pair cleaned up and began getting dressed. Michelle put on a flannel pajama set, getting comfortable for the approaching evening. Nick began putting his boots on when the wolf stopped him.

"Going so soon? I thought we could order takeout and watch a movie," she said, with a disappointed tone in her voice.

Nick didn't think she'd want him to stick around, so he didn't want to take her hospitality for granted. He was relieved that she still wanted his company.

"I'd like that. Anything in mind?" Nick responded as his tail started wagging.

"We could look at Food Dood Delivery and watch GetFlix?" she asked hopefully.

"That actually sounds good," replied Nick.

"We could snuggle under a blanket," she added.

"Yeah?" Nick started blushing.

"Annnnd... you could spend the night?" she asked hopefully, her own tail wagging.


Michelle gave him a knowing look before saying, "And I can tell you more about that cute shiba inu from the restaurant we went to..."

Confessions of an Inarian Rock Star: Chapter 1

Fair warning: Later chapters will delve into drug and alcohol consumption and abuse. This isn't being written as a morality tale nor is it glorifying it, but being a musician, myself, I have seen it as part of the lifestyle. Chapter 1 ...

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Confessions of an Inarian Rock Star: Introduction

Confessions of an Inarian Rock Star Preface By the author I wrote this story as a fictional autobiography. It takes place in a place and time period I'm very familiar with. That being said, there is going to be a lot of name...

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