Going the Distance: Part 2, Ruby

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Part 2: Ruby, a socially outcast African Wild Dog, finds herself rejected by her own kind and alone after her mother leaves for a few months. This story takes place at the exact same time as Part 1. If you've not already read it, I would highly recommend reading Part 1 beforehand.

Trigger Warning: There is a part of this story that might be triggering for some people, specifically, Ruby is hazed by some of the other students at the university. While I don't want to spoil the story, I do want to warn people beforehand.

Going the Distance, Part 2: Ruby

By Ta'kom Ironhoof

The drops of sweat began forming on her smooth furry face. The bedroom that Ruby found herself, sweltered; exasperated by the failure of the maintenance personnel to fix the broken air conditioning unit. But this didn't deter the African Wild dog. If anything, it only helped to heighten Ruby's determination; her yearning desire to be on top, to exclaim wildly in the throughs of joy. For now, however, she had to remain calm and collected. Ruby knew all too well the delicate dance that was required to reach her peaks. She wasn't going to let anyone prevent her from climaxing now.

"Ruby! Dinner's almost ready!"

The sing-song voice of her mother called from the kitchen downstairs. Ruby finished putting on the last of her mascara, replying, "Just a minute." Quickly, she stood up, straightened her leather skirt and white tank top, pondering curiously at the reflection of the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. With matching calf high leather boots and a cute pink bow in her green dyed head hair, she turned side to side to she herself all around. A defeated look crawled across her face as she placed her paws squarely on her chest and thought, "Not very curvy up here..."

Not allowing the thought to deter her, Ruby threw open her door and bounded down the stairs, full of joy. Someone had invited her out, finally, and it was even another African Wild Dog! Growing up, Ruby had never fit in with the others, because of her being much less colorful compared to others of her species. Where most others of her kind had a pretty even coat of browns, golds, blacks, and small patches of white, Ruby sported a mostly white coat with a few spots of brown and black visible on her back and the tip of her right ear had a black tip. Given that she couldn't swim, she'd never had a reason to expose her back in public. The ruthlessness of children didn't help either, as the other African Wild Dogs she went to school with shunned her for being different. They even gave her the nickname of "Ghost" and Ruby did her best to act like one. The ridicule drove her to be meek and shy. But now that she was in college, and being asked to attend an event, Ruby thought that this was her time to shine.

Her boots slammed down on the landing at the bottom of the stairs, loudly announcing that Ruby had arrived and she felt good. She was finally breaking out of her shell, and she needed to make a statement. Her mother then poked her head from around the wall separating the kitchen from the hallway.

"Well, don't you look nice! What's the occasion?"

"Got invited to a...thing," Ruby replied sheepishly before forcing the rest out with some bravado. "Barrin Foster, the kicker for the football team? Well, he asked me if I'd like to come to a party!" She was now grinning from ear to ear, her newfound confidence beaming.

Her mother smiled, glad to see her daughter happy for once. "Oh, I remember that Foster boy. I went to school with his father. Almost swept me off my feet, too, had your father not come along!"


"What? It's true. Besides, your father gave me you and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Ruby's smile and confidence dimmed considerably as she thought of her father. He'd been serving overseas for the last decade and was now close to retirement. She wished he could see her now. "Yeah..."

"Oh, don't sulk now, Ruby. Come on. Get you something to eat before you go out. Don't want you blowing money on fast food when I've made a hearty meal here."

Ruby's spirits lifted back up, then joined her mother in the kitchen, transporting the food to the table. It was rough only having her mother around, but she'd also been there, unlike her father. Sure, the pay of an officer made for a comfortable living, and Ruby never went without, but the pressure of the family fell squarely on the matriarch of the household. However, Ruby was an adult now. She'd pulled through and even landed herself a scholarship at a local university. While not a full-ride scholarship, it was enough for half of her tuition and all her books; a generous package, considering Ruby was a B+ student at best

The pair sat down at the table, taking their customary places next to one another around the corner of the table. Tonight's meal was spaghetti and meatballs; one of Ruby's favorites.

Ruby's mother began serving the meal, commenting, "I figured since I hadn't seen much of you today that either something bad had happened or something good. Either way, I knew this was called for."

"You know me too well," said Ruby, chuckling. "I just can't believe someone invited me to go somewhere. That never happened in high school."

"Just be safe, ok? You're only 22 and you've got school and..."

Ruby interjected, "Mom. I'm not a kid, ok. We've had 'the talk' plenty of times and I'm not going to get knocked up at my first college party."

"How do you think you came along?" her mother quipped.


"What? I'm only telling you the truth. Had to give up my art degree and your father was a military man. Who else was going to raise you?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Sweetheart, I'm not harping on you. Just want you to be careful," the older African Wild Dog cooed lovingly, placing her hand on top of Ruby's.

Ruby closed her eyes, sighed, and answered, "I know, mom." Her gaze met with her mother's. "Though I've not needed them, I keep condoms in my purse, just in case. As you said, 'You never know where love will happen,' right?"

"Good to know you're still a virgin, it would seem."

"Can we please change the subject?" questioned Ruby with another exacerbated sigh.

The matriarch put up her hands, defeated, "Sure, sure. You're an adult now, I know. It's none of my business what you get up to."

The pair continued to eat and converse; the topics moving jaggedly between topics. Every evening was like this, as her mother consistently caught Ruby up on the comings and goings of their extended family. Every so often, Ruby's father was brought up, but, being that he was on the other side of the planet, those updates were few. Then, Ruby's mother broached a new subject.

"By the way, I've been meaning to tell you..." Ruby's mother trailed off, almost not wanting to finish what she was going to say, before finally, "I'm...going to travel."

Ruby nearly choked on a half-chewed meatball, exclaiming, "What?"

The matriarch replied timidly. "Well, since we're talking about your father, you know he's getting ready to leave the military, and he's got a bunch of leave so we've...decided to travel a bit."

Ruby waited with bated breath for her mother to elaborate.

"We've been apart for so long and we need this, Ruby."

"So, what, you're just going to abandon me?!"

"No sweety! Listen, I'll be leaving...soon...to meet your father. We're going on a month-long tour of places I've always wanted to see. We figured since you're an adult now.... Look, that's not important. What is important is that we've set aside some money for you. We're not kicking you out either. I just... I need a vacation and we figured you can handle yourself for a month... or two."

Bewildered, Ruby responded, "And you've just now decided to tell me? Would have been nice to know before now!"

The older African Wild Dog said soothingly, "Ruby, please, understand. I've not seen much of your father besides the few times he was allowed to come home. You know that!"

"Yeah, I do," Ruby sighed

"And you know I've always been there for you. It's time your father and I started our retirement; finally enjoy each other like we were never able to."

Ruby exclaimed, "I don't want to think about that, mom."

"That's not how I meant it, but...that too. Regardless, I'll be leaving later tonight."

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed the pale canine. "How could you not tell me sooner?"

"I wanted to, but I didn't know how to or the proper time. You've been so busy with school and..."

"Mother, we've sat and talked at this table every night since I was little. You've had no issue talking about all sorts of things with me and this gives you a hang up?"

A weary look came over Ruby's mother. "Ruby, your father and I love you very much but I've not left this house, besides errands and things for you, in 22 years. You've been my number one priority all this time. We just think it's time to give you a chance to spread your wings a little and for me to take a much-needed break from everything."

As much as Ruby didn't like it, she had to admit that her mother was right. She held a bit of resentment toward her father for not being around, but she tried to understand. However, she'd never really considered the sacrifice that her mother had been making all this time. Ruby broke the growing silence.

"So, when will you be leaving?"

The matriarch looked abashed before replying. "Depending on when you get home tonight, I might already be gone. I almost decided to just not tell you, but what a terrible mother that would have made me!"

"Why so soon? Where are you going? Oh my lord, mom. This is too much to take in all at once," Ruby exclaimed.

"Well, at least I'm telling you now. My flight is at 10pm and I'll be on the plane for a little over twenty hours. We're meeting up at his current duty station."

Ruby glanced at the clock. 5:28pm.

"Oh shit, I've got to get going myself! I'm supposed to meet Barrin at the stadium at 6:30pm," Ruby said as she got up from the table.

"Listen, honey, I'm going to leave an envelope with some money in my room and I made sure that the pantry was stocked full. That money is for anything you need. I'll call as much as I can to check on you."

Ruby glared at her mother, not in hate, but in concern. This was completely unlike her, but she tried desperately to understand her position. She leaned down, hugged her mother, and gave her a quick kiss. "If you're gone when I get home, just know I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Ruby. Now run along. You've got a stud waiting on you."


"Alright!" Ruby's mom threw a hand up. "Go have fun, sweetheart."

At that, Ruby turned and trotted her way out the front door, purse in tow. She wanted to be happy for her mom, truly she did. But she had just dropped a bombshell on her. However, Ruby wasn't going to let something like this stop her from having a good night. Barrin Foster, the winning kicker for the local university team, had invited her to a party, and that took precedent in her mind now. After hopping into a Saddleback™, she was on her way to the University Stadium.

As the sun slowly set in the west, the colorful lights of dusk reflected off of the buildings, each blurring by as the vehicle made it's way to the campus. Though she was worried about her mother and the surprise trip that she sprung on her, Ruby was equally thinking of tonight. This might be her chance to get in good with the other African Wild dogs around her age. To them, nothing is more important than the pack and Ruby had always been an outlier simply for looking a bit different.

"Maybe time and age had changed their minds," she thought to herself as the driver made the final turn into the university's stadium parking lot.

As the driver came to a stop, the older donkey, with a solid black coat and white-tipped ears, spoke. "Alright miss. Here we are. You take care of yourself."

"Thanks," she said as she opened the door and stepped out. As soon as she shut the door, the driver began going on his way. The parking lot was fairly empty, with only a smattering of cars parked here and there. The only one she recognized was Barrin's. Now giddy and slightly nervous, she almost pranced her way to the entrance.

Reaching the gate, it was slightly ajar, the lock and chain dangling around the hasp. She was a few minutes early, based on the time from the brief look at her cell phone. However, based on what her ears told her as they swiveled back and forth, attempting to pick up anything, she was alone. Only the sound of the occasional passing car could be picked up. Walking down the thoroughfare toward the seating areas, the silence was almost painful. With each step, the footfall of her boots echoed loudly, and it lent an air of eeriness to the atmosphere. However, Ruby soon found herself standing at the railing overlooking the impressive sports field. Looking around, this place could easily hold ten, maybe even twenty-thousand people. But here she stood, alone. A thought began to creep up into the backside of her mind.

"Another prank..."

Ruby drew in a deep breath and exhaled loudly, now feeling completely deflated. A small flock of birds spooked at the sound and flew overhead, coming from some seats further down toward the field. Once again, she'd been picked on and bullied. Much worse than that, they'd even gotten her hopes up, then smashed them. Ruby, her eyes beginning to feel wet at the edges, couldn't believe she'd allowed herself...

"Hey! There she is!" A feminine voice called out from behind her, back toward the gates. A mishmash of laughter rang out from the approaching group, chattering amongst themselves.

Quickly, Ruby wiped the edges of her eyes and straightened herself out, not wanting to appear like she'd been about to cry. The group took their time getting to her, but finally coming out of the shadows of the thoroughfare, four African Wild dogs stood before her; Barrin and three females, Alicia, Paula, and Karen. Karen was the first to speak up.

"See Barrin? I told you she'd be here." A smirk was plastered on her face beneath her yellow pupils.

Barrin looked indifferent. "Yeah, why wouldn't she be? We invited her here."

"She's always been so different that we didn't think she'd believe she'd be part of your pack, Barrin," Alice said smugly.

Paula chimed in, "Yeah, look how plain she looks. But hey, we're all different, isn't that right, Ruby?"

Ruby stood there, silent, for a moment. Her instincts were telling her this was a trap, but at the same time, they were acting friendly, sort of. She finally spoke, nervously. "Well, yeah. Here I am. What did you guys have planned?"

The three females snickered to themselves as Barrin stepped forward before speaking. "Well, Ruby, the other girls thought that since you're one of us, that we should do something together. You know, as a pack. We gotta stick together. Isn't that right ladies?" Barrin looked over his shoulder toward the other women and they all shook their heads enthusiastically in agreement.

"You guys don't know how long I've just wanted to be a part of the pack!" exclaimed Ruby, her worries melting away as she imagined no longer being ostracized.

Barrin scoffed, then continued. "There's only one problem, Ruby."

Ruby's smile faded a bit, but her joy continued. "What's that?"

"You've not proven yourself yet, you know, as someone who can be part of the pack," said Barrin. "You need to go through an initiation, of sorts."

Ruby's tail began to wag, her eagerness to belong outweighing any doubts that still lingered inside her head. "What do you need me to do? I'm ready. Just tell me."

Alice suddenly called out, "Look how eager she is, Barrin? We told you, didn't we? She'll do anything."

Ruby had never liked Alice much, but she wasn't about to let that stop her now. She was finally being accepted by her own kind, much less the most popular African Wild dog at the university, Barrin.

"I see that, Alice. Her tail is swinging so hard, she'll get happy tail syndrome," Barrin laughed. "But seriously Ruby, we just need you to do a few things before we can say that you're 'one of us'."

Ruby was practically bouncing on her toes, awaiting the surprise. With all the taunting, teasing, and other bullshit she'd put up with over the years, it was finally time that she belonged amongst her own instead of being a social outcast. Again, Ruby reiterated, pleadingly. "Please Barrin, just tell me what I need to do."

"Begging? Oh, you're going to fit in nicely..." Barrin said, his smirk widening into a full smile.

Paula chimed in sarcastically, "She'll do anything, Barrin. She's so eager to please."

Karen continued, "Yeah Barrin, she'll please you, almost as good as we do."

At Karen's words, Ruby felt another twinge of doubt and uncertainty, but she wasn't about to let these bitches keep her from being a part of the pack. At home, she wasn't in a pack because her father was away with the military and it was just her mother and her. At school, she wasn't part of a pack because she was so differently colored compared to the other African Wild dogs. Ruby had no pack to call her own, not really. But now, as an adult and in college, it appeared that her time had come.

Barrin brought things back into focus. "Hush ladies. Let me tell her what she needs to do."

Ruby focused entirely on Barrin now, her eyes widening in anticipation. The mostly white-furred African Wild dog would finally belong.

Very calmly and slowly, Barrin said, "All you have to do is suck my dick."

"What?" Ruby's tail lowered to its lowest point and her body tensed.

"You heard me, pup. I said, all you have to do is suck...my...dick."

Ruby lowered her gaze from Barrin's face down to his crotch. The bulge in his pants was already beginning to swell. Shock and disgust washed over her. What did this have to do with joining a pack? The three girls behind Barrin were snickering and making rude gestures, pantomiming giving a blowjob.

Ruby sheepishly uttered, "I don't...know..."

"Listen Ruby," Barrin said, "If you're going to be a part of a pack, you need to be submissive to the Alpha Male. And who knows, if you please me enough, you might be my Alpha Female. Wouldn't you like to be the Alpha Female for once?"

A maelstrom of emotions filled Ruby. She wanted so badly to be a part of the pack, but this wasn't what she had in mind. She'd never considered anything like this. Sure, she imagined being an Alpha, but not the implications it brought. Until this point in her life, she'd never been approached with anything sexual by another. Sure, she'd seen porn, even masturbated to it a few times, but this was different. She wanted to run. She wanted to tell them all to go to hell. She wanted to rage and scream and claw at them. Instead, Ruby relented.


"That's a good girl." Barrin smiled as he spoke. "Now, take off your clothes. Don't want to ruin those pretty threads of yours."

Ruby sat down on one of the nearby bleacher seats and took off her boots. Then, her shirt and skirt. Barrin had removed his jeans and underwear, his cock visibly swollen inside his sheath, the reddish pink tip poking out of the top. Ruby then began to come back over, but, Barrin stopped her.

"No, no. All of your clothes, Ruby. I want to see all of you."

Not wanting to delay any longer, Ruby slipped her stockings, panties, and bra off before tossing them over with the rest of her clothing. She attempted to use her arms and hands to cover herself, but it was pointless.

"Look at how small her tits are! Barely a woman!" Karen chided.

"Definitely not Alpha material!" Alice added, intentionally pushing her own bosom out.

Ruby tried to not let their words get to her, but they stung. These were the very girls that had given her so much crap in grade school, and here they were now, continuing to torment her. However, Ruby took a moment to recenter herself before approaching Barrin again, the cool breeze flowing through her now exposed fur.

Barrin broke the tension. "Almost like snow. Beautiful but different." He then looked back at the other women. "She certainly is something. You all are just jealous." Barrin's words gave Ruby a confidence boost that she had sorely needed, and it bolstered her resolve. Ruby wanted to belong and Barrin was accepting her.

With her head at Barrin's chest, Ruby felt small, like she was standing in front of a giant tower that needed climbing. She was scared, nervous, anxious, but mostly determined. She would do this and make her place in the pack. She looked down, Barrin's swollen cock still within it's sheath, sat at Ruby's stomach level. The musk was acrid and foreign to her, yet alluring. The sight, smell, and situation caused a roiling of feelings within her.

"How...do you want me?" Ruby asked timidly.

Barrin looked down with a huge grin, replying. "However you want, but I'd suggest helping him out first. Give the tip a taste. Pull the sheath back and get a mouth full."

Ruby swallowed hard, the pungent smell of his cock and sheath overwhelming her senses. Seeing one in person was different from on a screen. He seemed fairly well endowed by comparison. The uncertainty in Ruby mounted, and she trembled as her hands reached out. The softer fur of his sheath felt similar to her own pubic fur. Not wanting to delay any longer, she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, the tip of his cock throbbing at its touch. A spurt of pre-cum shot into Ruby's mouth, causing her to choke, the acrid taste equal to it's smell.

"Already too much for you?" Barrin asked with a smirk.

Ruby, after a few more coughs, answered, "No, just...this is my first time."

"Fresh meat?" Barrin looked back at the other women. "You didn't tell me she was a virgin!"

The three African Wild dogs behind him laughed and smirked, all now holding their cell phones.

"Wait! Are you guys filming this?" Ruby asked, surprised.

Alice instantly retorted, "Of course we are, honey. We wouldn't pass up the opportunity to record our newest pack member's initiation."

Anger swelled inside of Ruby. She'd had enough of them. They'd been making her life miserable since day one.

"You three cunts can go fuck yourselves!" Ruby screamed at them.

"Ladies! I think it's time we wrap this up." Barrin interjected. "I'd hoped to get my rocks off, but Ruby here has reached her limit."

Ruby spun back around to look at Barrin. "What do you..."

However, before Ruby could finish getting the words out of her mouth, a splash of liquid hit her directly in the face. Then, from behind, three more splashes hit her. Whatever it was, the thick liquid coated her thoroughly.

Though muffled, Ruby then heard Karen exclaim, "She's much more colorful now!"

Ruby could just stand there in shock as the paint dripped off her. Her anger and rage now turned into the only thing left; tears. It had all been a rouse. They couldn't just leave her be. They had to belittle her one more time.

Barrin laughed while saying, "My god, you actually thought we'd let you hang out with us. Karen is right. Maybe now, you'll be a bit more colorful. You're so plain Ruby. White as snow and just as boring, too."

Ruby wiped at her face, attempting to clear the thick paint from her eyes, as tears began to freely flow. Ruby collapsed to her knees, sobbing. The hurt and anger she felt were beyond anything she'd ever endured before. She was paralyzed with it, only able to cry and catch her breath. It was all too much.

While the four laughed wildly, Alice finally spoke. "Come on gang. Let's get out of here before we're seen with this 'ghost' of a canine. Maybe she can go to that sex shop and find a lover,"

Paula chided, "Yeah Ruby. Maybe a silicon dick will accept you."

While still laughing, the sounds of the four African Wild dogs running back toward the gate could be heard. All the while, the only thing Ruby could manage was, "No! Please, wait..." nevertheless, she could not see very well through the haze of tears. Her arm just dropped back down from attempting to wave them back. Once again, as always, Ruby was alone. She collapsed to her side, curled into the fetal position, and sobbed until her body completely gave out.

When Ruby finally woke up, the sun had completely fallen, and darkness blanketed the stadium. She wiped at her eyes, but, having mostly dried, made it hard. Instead, she began picking at the paint, attempting to remove as much as she could, but it was pointless. She'd need a bath. Then something occurred to her. She was naked, in the middle of a stadium, at night. Looking around, she could barely make out her pile of clothes nearby. At least she could put her skirt on. Maybe that wouldn't be ruined by the paint.

Just as she got her skirt on, a light surrounded her and a voice called out, "Freeze!"

Ruby froze, still half naked, attempting to gather her things.

"What are you doing here at this hour, and why are you covered in paint?"

Ruby almost sobbed again as she answered. "I...don't...I don't know."

"Miss, you're trespassing. I need you to come with me," the disembodied male voice called out to her.

Now, Ruby cried as she gathered her stuff, using her boots and clothes to cover her naked chest. She turned toward the light and started making her way forward, the dried paint and matted fur making it painful to move.

"You poor thing. What in the world happened to you? Come over here and sit down. I need to call back to campus security."

The security officer then called requesting assistance from a female officer for a 'sensitive situation'. It didn't take long before another officer arrived and the pair then helped Ruby. While she didn't give the officers any names, she told them everything that had happened. At times, Ruby had to stop mid-sentence because it was too painful to recount, but the officers were sympathetic. It was clear that Ruby had been hazed, thoroughly. While they didn't have to, the officers offered to take Ruby back home, which Ruby readily agreed to.

"I just want to go back home and get cleaned up."

The lioness officer put her paw on Ruby's shoulder. "Listen, are you sure there's nothing else you want to tell us about? We can make sure those that did this will get punished."

Ruby yelled, "No! I just want to go home!"

The lioness stared at Ruby for a moment, her face saddened by Ruby's state. "Alright hun. Give me a moment and I'll take you home." It didn't take too long before they were on their way.

The lioness and Ruby were silent the entire way there as the city was once again blurring past Ruby's vision, the streetlights illuminating only small sections of sidewalk and walls. Try as she might, Ruby couldn't help but to recount the events of the evening and her eyes watered once again. She just wanted to belong, to be a part of something, anything. She wanted it so badly, she allowed herself to be humiliated.

"How could I be so naïve?" Ruby thought to herself.

It was then that the lioness stopped the car in front of Ruby's house and, just before Ruby could do or say anything, the lioness turned to Ruby.

"You know, none of this is your fault. Whoever the people are that did this to you are shitty people, and you didn't deserve what they did."

Ruby, just wanting to go inside, replied, "I...just wanted to belong."

The lioness patted Ruby's shoulder. "You do belong, Ruby. People like that...they're just sad people on the inside."

Ruby spoke quietly, again feeling the pang of loneliness hit her, but she also felt anger. "They were other Wild dogs..."

"The people who did this?"

"Yeah. I don't want to give names cause they'll know it was me that ratted them out, but it was others like me. A male and three females."

"Thank you Ruby. That helps a lot. We'll do what we can to figure out who did this to you. If you change your mind about those names though..."

"I promise, I'll give you a call," Ruby said as she opened the door.

"Go get cleaned up and take it easy, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Ruby stepped out, collected her things before thanking the officer for the ride back home, then they pulled away. All Ruby wanted to do was go upstairs, get cleaned up, and go to bed. Tonight was not how she saw events going, and she was through with the day. Walking up to the house, she unlocked the door and walked in.

"Mom! I'm home."

There was no response besides the invasive quiet of an empty house. Looking over at the clock on the wall, Ruby saw the time; 10:43pm. It was then that Ruby remembered the conversation from earlier and that her mom's flight was at 10:30pm. Ruby's mom hadn't called her to let her know she was on her way and, once again, loneliness hit her. She was alone, truly this time. Unconsciously, she'd expected to discuss this with her mom and get a hug and be comforted, but no, not tonight. For the next month or two, she would be alone. Completely alone.

Defeated, Ruby marched upstairs and began the arduous process of cleaning herself up. It wouldn't be difficult, just very time consuming. After several hours of washing, combing, and drying, she got some ice cream from the freezer and watched movies before finally succumbing to sleep. Around 3am, with a very sore neck, Ruby awoke, deciding sleeping in her bed would be better than her desk chair. The mostly white African Wild dog slid into bed, letting sleep drown the worries of the day away. She was too tired to cry any more.

The next three days were filled with a varied mixture of watching movies, internet videos, ice cream, and crying as Ruby continued trying to gather herself back together. Within the empty walls of her home, she let her chores go to the wayside as she tried desperately to justify everything that happened that night, as well as coming to terms with her parents' complete absence. It was within that contemplation that Ruby had an idea. She awoke Saturday morning with a mental revelation.

"If the African Dogs won't accept me, I'm sure others will," she thought to herself.

After a shower, Ruby stood in front of her full-length mirror, inspecting every inch of her naked body. While she'd seen herself many times before, she'd never really examined herself. From her paw pads, thighs, butt, stomach, armpits, to the little tufts of hair around her neck and tips of her ears, she looked at every square inch. She wanted to truly understand what they didn't like about her and at the end of her examination; the lioness proved right. Ruby loved every inch of herself and couldn't fathom being any different, except:


As she began getting dressed, she continued thinking. She'd never really understood the taboo behind being a virgin. And it's not that she didn't want to have sex. Quiet the opposite. She often imagined what it would be like to have a cock inside her. The closest she'd managed was a couple of fingers, but obviously, this wasn't the same. There was more than that. What she really wanted was the feeling of being close to someone; to be touched intimately by someone who cared for her, who wanted her for who she was.

It was then that she realized in her daydreaming, her hand had made its way underneath her panty line. Snapping herself out of it, she focused on something Paula said.

"Silicon dick..."

Still in her bra and panties, Ruby opened her laptop and began trying to find the name of that sex shop in town. It didn't take long before she found it.

"Neighing Necessities!" Ruby exclaimed out loud to no one in particular.

Ruby then remembered the envelope that her mom said she was going to leave for her and went to find it.

"She'd said the money was for whatever, so why not go buy something for myself?" she thought as she found the letter. Opening the envelope, it contained a bank card, one-thousand dollars in cash, and a note.

Dear Ruby,

You've been the light of my life for 22 years while your father and I have been separated. I know we talked, but I need you to understand that we need this time together. We both love you so incredibly much. I left my bank card because your father will have his. You already know my pin number. Use it for whatever you may need and the cash is a gift from us. Go buy yourself something nice. I promise we'll call as much as we can in between the two of us catching back up after so long apart. Love you Ruby, take care of yourself and I'll see you in a few months.

Love Mom

And that was the last barrier to her plan. Ruby knew she'd be too embarrassed to make the purchase on her mother's bank card, but the cash was perfect. She could just go down to that little shop and pick something up. Then, technically, she wouldn't be a virgin anymore. She then realized that she knew next to nothing about dildos and sex toys.

"How complicated could a silicon dick be?"

The answer to that question was shocking, she soon discovered. Though she felt like an absolute pervert, she discovered an entirely new world. In grade school, the sex education was on a per species basis, so she had only known about canine anatomy in that region of the body. However, there were a plethora of sizes and shapes. Testicles too! Everything was so varied, even within the same species and sub-species. It was fascinating! After several hours of 'research', Ruby came across a product; "Going The Distance: For Woman"

Ruby began reading aloud. "The 'Going The Distance: For Woman' sex toy is the perfect for those who are looking for adventure or just a sensual night at home. We guarantee that you'll be satisfied! With our patented 'EVERY-COCK' technology, there's not a cock that you can't experience, even fantasy creatures!"

This was followed by a long list of various features and how it was controlled via a phone app. The thing that really caught Ruby's attention was that it could replicate any penis, which absolutely blew Ruby's mind. This one toy could become so many things! Her mind was set in stone now. Looking at the clock, it was 1:30pm and from her phone; she booked a Saddleback™ ride to Neighing Necessities. Tonight, she'd know what was so special about not being a virgin.

After an uneventful ride, passing through the city she called home, Ruby arrived at the store. Confidently, Ruby opened the door and took a step inside. Though she'd spent the last several hours window shopping online for dildos, she was still taken aback by the vast collection of toys this place offered. Not only that, but there were racks of lingerie and mannequins displaying the outfits and harnesses. As she browsed, not wanting to seem too eager, a voice rang out from behind the counter.

"Well, hello sugar! What's a sweetheart like you doing in here?" The very southern and saccharine voice emanated from a tall giraffe woman dressed in goth attire. As she made her way toward Ruby, she was awestruck by her voluptuous figure.

"Oh, I'm just browsing at the moment," replied Ruby.

"Oh, nonsense sugar. You walked in here like you knew what you wanted. What do you need, love?"

Ruby felt a heat wash over her face, tempting her to lie, but she instead replied, "I...wanted to get the 'Going the Distance: For Woman' toy. Maybe some lingerie too, but mainly the toy."

The goth giraffe smiled widely before placing a hand on Ruby's back. "Oh, you're absolutely going to love it! It's got everything all in one package. Maybe you're not sure what exactly you want, so you want to 'explore' your options."

"Yeah...kinda," Ruby nervously replied.

"Honey, you give me five minutes and I'll have it waiting at the counter for you. Just browse for a moment and we'll call you up."

"Oh ok. Thank you, ma'am,"

"So well mannered! Call me Rena, dear. If you need anything while you browse, just ask Darlene at the counter. She has an eye for lingerie. Speaking of which, that black set there would look so good on you. Why not ask her if you could try it on? No pressure or judgement, though."

Ruby nodded her head as Rena turned to talk back to the storeroom. For a few more moments, she sifted through the hangers but had to agree with Rena. She really liked the one Rena recommended. After her thorough examination earlier, she could really see herself wearing it. Plucking it off the rack, she brought it up to Darlene.

"I'd like to try this one on, please,"

"Please? Not often we get someone with manners in here," Darlene replied, loudly smacking her chewing gum while putting down her magazine. "Alright, give me your ID, then head through that door. Dressing rooms are to the left. Just let me know if you need anything."

Ruby acquiesced, giving Darlene her ID before heading in. It didn't take long and Ruby had managed to put on the entire outfit; stockings, garters, garter belt, thong, bra-let, and negligee. In the full-length mirror, Ruby looked absolutely stunning, at least to herself. She felt powerful. She felt sexy. However, she needed confirmation. Though she hesitated for a moment, she stepped out of the dressing room and poked her head out of the door leading to the rest of the store.

"Excuse me, Darlene. Rena said you had an eye for lingerie and I was wondering if you could give me your opinion."

Darlene looked up, almost annoyed, replied, "Sure. Be there in a second."

Ruby stepped back and waited, trying to decide if she should strike a pose or not. She finally settled on putting a hand on one hip while rocking to the opposite side. As the door opened, Ruby felt a tinge of nervousness come over her. Until the other day, she'd let no one see her like this and now she was trusting a total stranger to judge her on how an outfit like this one looked on her.

The door swung open, and Darlene stepped in, shutting the door quietly behind her. Like a deer in headlights, Darlene froze, seemingly enraptured by Ruby's visage.

"Well, what do you think?" Ruby spoke questioningly.

The doe stared for a moment longer before finally replying, "Lady, you are absolutely stunning in that outfit. Here, let me help you adjust it just a bit."

Darlene went about adjusting various straps and clasps all around Ruby's body. Though the fit was tighter than Ruby was used to. After looking in the mirror following the adjustments, she admitted Darlene had made it look even better.

Darlene exclaimed, "There! Now you look like a model!"

Ruby was sexy. Ruby was powerful. And now Ruby had confirmation. "Thank you, Darlene."

From the other side of the wall, Rena called out, "Darlene? Where'd you go, darlin'? I got that package for that lovely young lady."

Darlene called out, "We're at the changing rooms, love. Come check her out!"

A second later, both Darlene and Rena were ogling Ruby and complimenting her on how she looked. It felt nice to be desired, wanted, and complemented.

"I bet all the boys want you, sweet thang," Rena said.

Ruby looked down, almost ashamed, replying, "No, not really. It's kinda why I'm here."

Darlene and Rena looked at each other in confusion. "What?!" they both exclaimed in unison.

"I've never...I'm single."

"Oh honey, you hit someone with this outfit and you will have nothing to worry about," Rena explained. "Besides, you just need to be more confident in yourself. I'm sure you're a lovely lady, but you gotta get out there if you want to hook yourself a lover."

"That's right. Doesn't matter what kind of partner that you want. You want can't attract a partner if no one sees you," Darlene added.

Ruby sighed before turning to look in the mirror. "I've always wanted to be accepted by other African Wild dogs. That's not worked out, so now I'm expanding my horizons a bit."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that sugar. You know how many people said a deer and a giraffe would never work?" Rena replied.

Darlene continued. "Damn right. My dog, so many people, said Rena and I would never work, but here we are, nine years later."

Ruby smiled. She had limited herself to being accepted by the other African Wild dogs for so long. She'd had never even considered how many other wonderful folks of all other species were out there. And though she was only interested in men, there was an entire world of possibilities out there.

Rena, looking at her thoughtfully, said, "Get dressed and come on back out. Got your package waiting for ya up front."

"Mind if I just put my clothes on over this?" Ruby asked.

Darlene snicked a bit. "Let me just get the tags off first so we can ring it up properly and..."

Rena interjected. "Sweetness, I think we should do something special for our young customer. How about a gift?"

Darlene stared at Rena, almost through her. "Do you know how much that entire set costs, Rena?"

"I do not, but being that I own this place, love, I get to make the rules."

Darlene, not quite backing down, said, "50%?"

Rena sighed while gently caressing the doe's chin. "Ok, fine. Those eyes of yours melt me in more ways than one."

The pair left Ruby to get dressed and, within only a few minutes, Ruby was dressed, no one the wiser about what she wore underneath. It was a unique feeling, but not completely uncomfortable.

Coming back out to the front, Ruby saw the package sitting on the counter. It was larger than Ruby had expected, but she felt this was what she really needed, and the lingerie was just the icing on the cake. Especially given the compliments from Darlene and Rena.

After a brief exchange, the total came out to just under seven hundred dollars. It was quite a chunk of the cash that Ruby had, but she felt it was justified, at least in her own mind.

"We're also throwing in some of our best lube, as well. Given that this toy is so expensive, it's the least we can do for you purchasing the best sex toy in the store," Darlene added as she took the canine's money.

"You guys are far too generous," remarked Ruby. "Not only did you give me a discount on the outfit, you're also giving me free lube?"

Rena interjected, "Listen, honey, we get all types in here and we know who needs what. You're in need of a pick me up and we always aim to satisfy..."

"We try to make all our customers happy is what Rena is trying to say," Darlene said. "Just tell people about our store or come back again. We'd hate to never see you again," Darlene said with a wink.

Ruby got out her phone and called for a ride back home as the pair bagged up her purchase. Thanking the pair for all their help, she exited the store holding her bag, her nerves now focusing on its contents. It didn't take long for her ride to appear and the trip back home was just as uneventful as the trip there had been. The only thing out of the ordinary was a small wreck that had happened on the other side of the road. Just another boring day in a college town. However, for Ruby, tonight would be anything but boring. During the ride, Ruby had already downloaded the "Going The Distance" app and waited as patiently as she could to be alone.

After thanking her driver, she exited the vehicle and made her way to the door. Only a few moments later, Ruby went up to her bedroom and placed the bag on her bed. However, instead of fulfilling her desires, needs rather, she held off for a bit and made dinner. It was only 6pm and there was plenty of time. There was no need to rush things now.

It was then that another brilliant idea occurred to Ruby. She would attempt to make spaghetti and meatballs herself. After rummaging through the cabinets and following a recipe that she found online, it was by luck that all the ingredients were on hand. Slowly, and methodically, Ruby followed each step precisely and after an hour, she was putting the final touches on her very own homemade pasta favorite. To her dismay though, it wasn't nearly as good as what her mother made. Eating alone certainly wasn't helping, but for her very first attempt at cooking something relatively fancy on her own, it wasn't bad. The quietness of the house at this moment was deafening. Once again, Ruby reflected on the past week; the hazing, her mom's absence, and life as she continued twirling and slurping noodles and marinara sauce. The finality of chewing through the last meatball was the marker signifying her leap into the unknown waiting upstairs. An excitement was now building in her mind, as well as her loins. To temper her desires, she hastily cleaned up the various pots and pans, along with her dinner dishes.

The time had arrived. Ruby's mind raced with concerns, doubts, inclinations, and a plethora of other thoughts. However, the hallway beckoned her feet to move forward. Now in the hallway, her mind went back to standing before Barrin, the acrid scent of his canine sheath filling her senses. The memory of how her body reacted, though nervous, was one of deep want; an almost natural desire to be mated. At the landing of the stairs, Ruby ran her fingers across the banister suggestively, imagining the turgid shaft in her paws, fully exposed to the night air; the tip dripping with pre-cum and his knot beginning to swell. Halfway up the stairs, Ruby then imagined laying on her back, legs spread wide and Barrin holding her ankles; the tip of his now fully engorged cock at the precipice of her womanhood, gently tickling her furred pubic mound. As she finished her ascent, paws landing with a thud at the top, Ruby's mental stage play shifted her now to all fours, looking backwards toward Barrin. Again, his manhood lined up directly with her lust swollen sex. And as she stepped through the borderline of her bedroom, the showcase of her brain gave her images of Barrin holding her against his chest and beginning to lower her down upon his shaft; the two naked lovers were in a sensual embrace. Finally, as she shut the door to her cloistered chamber, all the previous thoughts were washed away as her eyes were filled with nothing but the four-foot-long cardboard box that sat neatly atop her mattress. It was time to explore her new toy.

Hastily, though it wasn't necessary, Ruby turned the lock to her door, even though she was the only occupant of the entire house. Twirling back around to face her full-length mirror, Ruby then stripped. First, she unbuckled her belt, arching her back seductively while bending forward, and using her hands to tease the denim over her hips. As she did, her tail slid easily out of the eyelet designed specifically for such an appendage. With two quick steps, she pulled her legs free, now exposing the stockings, garters, panties, and garter belt. She admired her legs for the briefest of time before then focusing on her baggy 90's grunge band t-shirt. With one swift pull of the fabric, she freed her torso and arms; the remainder of the outfit was now in full view along with the body that she had never appreciated until today. Besides taking the dominate step of moving outside of her comfort zone, Rena and Darlene's comments and compliments made her feel desirable; exactly like the image that she was now witnessing in her mirror.

The thoughts from earlier as she made her way up the stairs returned, only this time, it was enough to suggest that her hands explore herself. Starting at the nape, she slowly slid her hand downward, spreading her fingers wide across her decolletage before allowing her claws to gently graze across the flesh of her left breast, the motion finishing with the tip of index claw tracing the contour of her nipple. Simultaneously, her right hand slipped down her thigh, toying with the garter straps and the little bows in the middle of each. Ruby opened her eyes, wide, and stared at her stance. Like a movie star of old, she batted her lashes, taking in the scene, before a wide grin spread across her face and a giggle escaped. With a single bounce, she straightened herself, clasping her hands to her chest, before bending forward, accentuating her cleavage, and blowing a kiss to her own reflection. Ruby, regardless of her detractors, was proud of her smaller B-cups: they fit her frame.

Without wasting another moment, Ruby danced over to her bed and began opening the package. The long box wanted desperately to keep its secrets, but Ruby's claws made quick work of the stubborn cardboard container. Picking up one side of the box, the contents slid out onto her mattress. First was a white box with the word "ACCESSORIES" in bold print, a flyer with the words, "WORLDS GREATEST SEX TOY FOR WOMEN," and a rather thick instruction manual. Ruby ignored these items. Then, out came the device itself; a three foot long, semi-circle bench. In the middle, at the top of the semi-circle, there was a flat, rectangular plate, filled with a pink-colored silicon like substance. Ruby wasn't exactly sure what she had expected, but this certainly wasn't it. It was then that she remembered the app on her phone. After digging through the denim jeans she was wearing, she quickly pulled up the app.

An animation of various species, both male and female silhouetted, danced before merging on the screen, all running to the right. Then, the product title scrolled across the screen in giant letters. The app then asked which device Ruby had purchased; the masturbator or the bench. Ruby selected the bench and instructions for how to pair the device to her smartphone came up on the screen. Following step by step, Ruby got the device assembled and paired so that the app was communicating with her new toy. A long list of various species, both actual and mythical, lay before her in alphabetical order, each with a blue circle next to the names. Slowly, Ruby scrolled through, marveling at the sheer volume of species represented, some she'd never heard of. Throwing caution to the wind, Ruby randomly tapped on a name. As she did so, the flat rectangle on top of the bench began to softly glow and the pink-colored silicon shifted. After a string of text ran across her screen, along with a progress bar, the silicon had stretched and contorted into its new form; a Coatimundi penis. The short, tapered, cylindrical shaft was cute, but uninspiring. After staring for a moment, Ruby then selected another at random. This time she tapped on "dolphin" name. Again, the material glowed and shifted, the base swelling rapidly, while the apparent tip stretched up and to one side, causing a slight curl. Ruby's mouth opened wide in astonishment. While the tip was very slender, even halfway down the shaft, Ruby felt this might be a bit much. Then, with a flick of her thumb, she scrolled the list further down and taped on an odd name; Okapi.

Once again, the material glowed and shifted, seeming to elongate away from the bench. While the base of the newly formed "dildo" shrunk to what Ruby assumed was a more comfortable size, the length certainly concerned her. However, the tip was narrow, much more narrow than Barrin's. She felt she could use this shaft from a standing position and that the middle wouldn't be too larger for her to take. During her contemplations, she felt ready, her body signaling with a mildly aching warmth at the pit of her belly. She brought her legs back together, kneeling on the floor next to her "lover" and could feel her own dampness from the cool air around her. A shiver ran up Ruby's spine, one of anticipation and desire to be bred. Getting back onto her paws, Ruby calmly placed one paw on the other side of the bench, straddling the rigid pink appendage below her. As she did so, the tip grazed the inside of her thigh, parting the sensitive fur and causing another chill to run through her body. Ruby, standing on the precipice of forever, began lowering herself down. And just as the tip touched her labia, Ruby's eyes shot wide open, suddenly remembering the lube. Quickly stepping back from her perch, she rummaged through the bag and found the rather large bottle Rena and Darlene had graciously thrown in with her purchase. It was also then that Ruby remembered she was still wearing her fancy lace panties. With a quick two-step motion, she freed her hips and legs of the thin material and tossed them onto her chair. Ruby opened the bottle, removed the seal, and placed some inside her palm. Grabbing the shaft, she let it slide between her digits, coating the semi-rigid material to the midway point.

Once again, Ruby then straddled the device, the dildo squarely in line with her slit. Not knowing what to expect, she closed her eyes and slowly bent her knees. The now slickened tip barely missed its mark and rubbed between her pubic mound and inner thigh. Several attempts were made, each missing their mark. Finally, Ruby, with her lube coated hand, grabbed the shaft and pointed directly where she thought it needed to be. With the aim of a true hunter, Ruby easily found her mark as the shaft penetrated her. While she had experienced her own fingers before, this was a wildly unfamiliar sensation. With her own hand, she knew what she was feeling, both inside her body and from the touch of her fingers. This was foreign. Luckily, the tip was rather narrow, and this eased some fears of pain that she had been warned about. Continuing downward, she could feel the stretch increasing and a feeling of fullness beginning to take hold. Lower and lower down, Ruby continued to allow herself to relax and enjoy these new sensations. Eyes still closed, Ruby imagined she had already made it to the halfway point of the shaft and continued to lower. Suddenly, there was a twinge of pain and a slight burning sensation laid on top of the other wonderful sensations coursing through her. Her eyes shot wide open, and she looked down. She had completely forgotten about her virginity, and subsequently, her hymen. Also, she realized she'd not made it down more than a few inches onto the shaft. Not delaying, she quickly stood back up straight and bent over, hoping to exam what was causing the pain. While she didn't see anything on herself, the shaft, at the tip, had a slight bit of red. It was then that she realized this was from her hymen being stretched and beginning to tear.

"This is normal, Ruby. You learned all about this in school. Just relax."

Straddling the bench once again, Ruby lined the toy up and lowered back down. With a slow rhythmic motion, she allowed the toy to stretch her womanhood; down to the point of pain, back up to nearly the tip, and back down once again. After some time doing this motion, Ruby looked down again, while continuing her motions, realizing that she wasn't getting any further down than around a quarter of the way. Frustrated, and knowing it was unavoidable, she took in a deep breath before she dropped her hips, allowing the rigid shaft to penetrate beyond her temporary limit. A wave of burning pain flooded through her body, centralized between her legs. This gave Ruby pause, but she knew this was a necessary evil. To fight through her mild panic, she adjusted her hips side to side, forward and back, allowing her lover, and body, to adjust to each other. It wasn't long before the pain subsided and it was replaced with lust and a need for a greater pleasure. The stirring of an orgasm had already formed within her. Ruby continued her motions from before, allowing more and more of the shaft to enter, each inch stretching her further than the previous downward thrust. Unconsciously, Ruby furrowed her brow and her body tensed, feeling the continued swell of pleasure building within her. She then quickened her motions, no longer aiming for depth, but to reach the finality of her climax. With a downward plunge, she buried the shaft as far as her body would allow; the climax racking her body. Her knees shock, her arms and fingers trembled, and a string of pleasurable exclamations exited her mouth. Time seemed to stand still and her eyes screwed shut to reject reality from entering once again. In this endless gap in time, she could feel her body, involuntary flexing around the shaft, almost as if it was attempting to milk out every drop of non-existent seed from an imaginary lover. Before long, the sensation passed, and she opened her eyes to the now waking world. According to the clock on the wall, she had only been at this for sixteen minutes.

Ruby's breath was ragged from the experience, and she was now profoundly aware of a world she couldn't have believed existed. This was what it meant to be have been bred. While she had experienced orgasm through masturbation, this was a new level; the stretch, the fullness, and the juxtaposition of pleasure and pain. It was then that Ruby lost her balance and collapsed onto her bed; the lingerie twisting slightly uncomfortably. But Ruby, at this moment, did not care and was unbothered. She wanted to enjoy the afterglow of this orgasm to the point of sleep. However, just as her eyes closed, a notification sounded from her cell. Thinking this might be a text from her mother, she forced herself off the comfy bed and found her phone. To her surprise, it was a notification from the "Going The Distance" app. As the screen changed when the app opened, an enormous banner came across the screen with "Congratulations" and a use counter ticked up from 0 to 1. Below this banner, there were three options: Clean, Clean & Store, and Store. Ruby, now worried about hygiene, clicked on "Clean" and watched the device on the floor. The shaft, once called "lover" sank back down into the rectangle, it's surface now flat as it was to begin with. Then the silicon glowed brightly, much brighter than before. On her phone, a progress began and Ruby assumed this device had a built in UV light cleaning unit. Once the progress had finished, a button displayed at the bottom, saying "Return to List" Just as she tapped her screen, another notification sounded and a new message appeared.

"Fill out your user profile now for even more fun!"

Ruby's curiosity overtook her, and without hesitation, she filled in her information. Name, age, sex, and all the usual fairs. It even had a section that asked her some rather detailed questions; specific kinks, species preferences, sexual orientation, and a myriad of other questions. It was exactly like the questionaries that she imagined would be on a dating site. After all was done, one more message popped up.

"Thanks! We'll take your answers and match you up with users local to you!"

"Oh, my dog!" Ruby exclaimed. "What have I done?"

A wash of fear and hesitation crossed her mind, apprehension gripping her thoughts. But almost as quickly, this was replaced with a growing sense of excitement. If this device could do what she thought it might...

"I wonder..."

It was then that she noticed another button at the bottom of the inexhaustible list of species. This one said, "Click here to 'try' a random local." Without so much as a nanosecond of thought, her thumb glanced across her phone's screen directly onto the button. A white box filled the phone's display. The instructions read:

"Straddle your device while we attempt to connect you to a user."

Ruby's heart raced, pounding against the walls of her chest. It was then that she noticed the flat rectangle of silicon on top of the semi-circle bench. A swirling vortex formed, the glow illuminating her room, washing it in a dull green shade. Quickly, Ruby followed the instructions, straddling the bench. Though nervousness came, she gripped the device with her knees, determined to go through with whatever may come. She could feel the warmth of the vortex beneath, but only for a moment before a feeling of cool air once again tantalized her. She could not see beneath herself but, if she was correct, her most private parts were now on wanton display to a complete stranger. For a moment, Ruby almost let herself believe nothing was going to happen, that someone just wanted a display. Suddenly, she felt something prodding at her sex and she jumped slightly, gripping the bench tight with her thighs. This mix of fear and excitement was thrilling, and she had to will herself to relax. And just as the tension faded, it came rushing back and something else, possibly wet, traced along the folds of her womanhood. This new "thing" was exploring every corner that it could manage without entering her body. Once again, it took a moment before her body released its tense position, becoming accustomed to the feeling. Then, it found the center, pushing in and stretching her open.

The slick mixture of her own fluids with whatever this thing was coated with made its entry pleasantly easy, though she could tell that her body had already recovered. The burning sensation from earlier was no longer there but the stretch...that _was_there. As her lover gained further entrance into her, she felt her insides stretching deeper and deeper. This was almost like the dildo she had used earlier, but this time it was coupled with a delightful warmth and a pleasant movement, the tip swishing back and forth as it continued forward. She then felt a thrusting motion within her as she decided that this was a tongue she was feeling. Her biggest clue was the warm air that was puffing against her with each thrust. She was almost to the point of orgasm when the tongue withdrew itself, leaving her slightly agape and her body yearning, involuntarily twitching. Ruby then leaned forward, placing her hands onto the bench. This was how she was meant to be bred. However, just as she got comfortable, something prodded her tailhole, and it caused her to jump. She chuckled, thinking her mystery lover did that on purpose. After only a moment more, she then felt the same sensation from earlier when the tip of the Okapi dildo had first entered her.

Was it the same, though? What would the odds be that this mystery person also was an Okapi? As his shaft buried itself into her, she knew this was true. It was the exact same. The person on the other side went slowly, the tapered cock slowly stretching her vulva and inner walls to accommodate him. Just like she had done, they pushed in some, pulled out, and pushed in deeper. Before long, she felt the head of his cock as deep as she had felt up to this point; a weird sensation of complete fullness now over taking her mind. He had stopped thrusting now and appeared to be allowing her to adjust, and she certainly needed to. They began to thrust again, this time pulling almost all the way out before sinking all the way back in. Each time she could tell from the friction of their pairing that more and more cock was being stuffed inside her. Before long, she felt the tickle of fur against her own, and she knew her lover was completely hilted inside. She remembered from canine sex-ed that males had a bulb that swelled and she almost feared this was going to happen, but as the thought crossed her mind, she felt a glob of something land on her tailhole and another "thing" begin enter. THIS was something she'd never experienced and wasn't sure if she was ready. Whatever it was, though, wasn't too big and didn't go deep inside her. Though mildly painful, it was also rather pleasant to have both of her holes stretched. Her lover then ramped up his thrusting, hilt to tip and tip to hilt, faster and faster. She could feel the warmth and pulse coming from his body inside her. Time once again felt as though it was standing still and all she thought about was overwhelming pleasure rocking through her body. Then, one after another, three hard and deep thrusts, followed by a flooding of warmth inside her womb. Again, her body was racked by orgasm, complimented by the sensation of hot cum spilling out of her womanhood; her body simply could not contain it all.

It was then, with one fast motion, the cock that once filled her quickly escaped and a flood of cum poured out of her. Ruby was in too much of a daze to give two fucks what was happening. Not only had she lost her virginity, she had actually mated this evening.

She. Was. In. Bliss.

After a time, Ruby's bearings finally came back to her as she resisted the temptation to just sleep where she lay. Grabbing her phone, a box with two options presented itself: "Continue" or "End Session". With a tap, Ruby clicked the latter, and she felt the cool air disappear, now replaced with a solid rectangle of soft silicon. With wobbling knees, she managed to get herself up and made for the bathroom. Though she didn't feel dirty, she knew she needed to get cleaned up. And after a quick shower to remove any cum that might be in her fur, she returned to her bedroom and stared in amazement. In one night, she felt that her life had changed. It wasn't just the loss of her virginity. That was honestly childish rhetoric. It was the feeling of someone seeming to be delicate with her, minus the tailhole play. Ruby felt connected to her mystery lover and now wanted nothing more than to snuggle up to them in bed as the pair drifted off the sleep. Her revelry was broken by the sound of another notification from her phone. Quickly grabbing it up, she saw it was a question from the app.

"Did you enjoy your partner? Why not send them a message!?"

Ruby toyed with the idea, hoping that whoever this was on the other end would reply. Maybe they could meet. Maybe they could go further than meeting. Maybe it could even be a proper date. A whole fantasy played out in her mind.

"Hi... I don't know what to say here, but I enjoyed tonight."

After typing, Ruby hit the button, sending the message, before laying down, now satisfied that she belonged.