Rayner's Way: Chapter 14 - Summer Sendoff

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#14 of Rayners Way

The end of the school year for Rayner, Gab, and friends.

"You know," Gab whispered as he lay snuggled up in Rayner's chest. Rayner was sitting up, playing with Gab's fur as he hugged Gab tightly in his bed, "A year ago, if I told myself I'd be here, I wouldn't believe it."

"Oh?" Rayner asked.

"Yeah," Gab muttered, holding Rayner's arms tighter around himself, "Well, when Dallas and Mal graduated, they basically just went straight to work. Dad didn't need to hire anyone else after that. Dallas got in with a group, and they brought these crazy cars to the shop. Mal's able to tune them, and Dad's happy for the money. They were happy. What could I do?"

"Math better than I can," Rayner chuckled, "there's a load of stuff your Dad could have given you to do. You literally could have kept the books, schedule, and made phone calls, wouldn't be shocked if I could teach you to make a website in a day.

"That's all Dad's stuff," Gab whispered dismissively, "Dad wanted another paw in the shop, and I wasn't what he wanted."

"I'm sorry," Rayner whispered.

"I went to school and worked my tail off, so I didn't think about home," Gab whispered before adding even quieter, "or other things."

"High school Gab may have been scandalised by what University Gabriel has been up to?" Rayner asked as he scratched Gab's chest gently.

"I'm still scandalised by it," Gab whispered with a slight chuckle, "Never thought I'd fall in love. Never thought I'd feel like this with anyone. Honestly Rayner, a year ago the only hope I had was getting out. If the me at the end of May last year could see this, he wouldn't believe it."

"I don't think I would either," Rayner said with a smile, "It would have been like two months ago that Bell and I broke up. I still didn't understand what was wrong, but I had my grades, and I was going back to Pinewood."

"I was escaping," Gab said and hugged Rayner's arms tighter, "I had a conditional acceptance, and I think around now, I was getting notice that I may be getting funded. My arguments with Dad aside, I was so fucking happy."

"Are you still happy?" Rayner asked quietly.

"Rayner, I didn't know I could be this happy," Gab whispered, "I sort of wish I could yell it at everyone that I used to know."

"Your high school friends?" Rayner asked.

"You know, I think they even blocked me?" Gab whispered, "I guess I couldn't take a hint."

"No, I'm sorry," Rayner whispered.

"My roommate's a better friend than they were," Gab grumbled, "Dave at least said thank you when I cleaned the room."

"Your roommate's name is Dave?" Rayner chuckled, "He like a hippy wolf?"

"No, super artsy short-haired mutt of some kind," Gab muttered, "His bed's like half the size of mine."

"I don't get why Res does that," Rayner continued to laugh, "My roommate last year was a Dachshund, like fresh off a plane from Germany. Poor thing almost wet himself when he saw me."

"Trying to mark you?" Gab said in a quiet chuckle.

"Could you imagine?" Rayner laughed, "I saw him in the shower once, outrageous for his size but still."

"Dave's so small," Gab whispered and almost giggled. He lifted up his own paw to look at his fingers before adding, "I think someone went into heat early and it was affecting him."

"Wolves date wolves," Rayner whispered and snuggled Gab into him, "I much rather play with someone my size."

"I'm more open," Gab said quietly as Rayner rocked him back and forth, "but I never thought I'd meet anyone like you."

"Ninth-generation cult member from an hour outside nowhere and on the corner of lost?" Rayner chuckled, "All we do is farm and hunt. So many cows."

"No inbreeding, though," Gab laughed.

"Well," Rayner said as he tilted his head, "technically my parents are fifth cousins-ish."

"How are they ish?" Gab asked as he looked up at Rayner. With his head upside down, though, Rayner could only really see up Gab's nose.

"They are a generation apart," Rayner explained, "Mom's younger, but her side was born later in their parents' life."

"That's kind of weird," Gab muttered as he thought about it.

"It's why the Pack is pretty open about bringing more wolves out to Pinewood," Rayner explained.

"Need more blood?" Gab asked quickly.

"Always," Rayner laughed.

"So you going to turn me into a farming and hunting wolf if I go out there?" Gab whispered, "Drive around in a truck, drinking moonshine, and spitting tobacco?"

"Then drag you out into the forest, claim you as mine and howl until everyone knows it," Rayner whispered back.

"Would you?" Gab asked quietly.

"Farming and hunting are probably a yes, the truck, moonshine, and the feral forest fornicating are an if you want to but the spitting tobacco is a no," Rayner listed off, giving Gab's thigh a firm scratch as he said forest.

"Feral forest fornicating?" Gab echoed and squirmed in Rayner's grasp, "Why not fucking?"

"Fornicating sounds posh," Rayner whispered with a laugh, "I want to be classy when we show the animals in the forest how fucking is done."

"Sounds dangerous," Gab whispered coyly

"Gabriel getting ideas?" Rayner whispered as he kissed the back of one of Gab's ears, "Not like you to actually sound excited to do something dangerous."

"I don't even know," Gab whispered back and then shook his head before saying, "It's stupid."

"This about yesterday?" Rayner asked as he sat up a bit and continued playing with Gab's ear.

"Yeah, only tests I want to get a negative result," Gab whispered, "When I got told it was weird. Nothing's wrong even though, you know, we've done a lot together."

"How do you feel about that?" Rayner asked and hugged Gab tightly.

"Weird," Gab admitted, "I don't like knowing something but still feeling the opposite."

"What do you know?" Rayner asked as he turned to smell Gab's neck.

"We could have a life together," Gab whispered, "like a normal life and we could still be tied to each other and not have to worry."

"Well," Rayner whispered back, "I trust you enough not to worry. You know shit can still go wrong if you offer yourself as heat relief at a club."

"Rayner," Gab whispered as he pulled himself up and turned around. He sat on his knees, straddling Rayner's legs with their tails brushing past each other as he nuzzled Rayner's muzzle with his own. Taking a deep breath in, he whispered, "I think I'll get there. I didn't think I'd get here but, you know, I am. Because of you."

"I helped Gab," Rayner whispered back, "You're the one making progress."

"Rayner, last year I was scared that I," Gab started quickly but drifted off until Rayner put his paw on Gab's cheek, "That I'd be caught."

"And now?" Rayner asked as Gab nuzzled him again.

"I have a boyfriend that I want a life with," Gab whispered, "and that I want to be tied to. I'm still scared, like still freaked out about it, but it's there. I want to be mates. As you say."

"I want you to be my mate too," Rayner said as he reached and kissed Gab softly. Nuzzling out of it quickly though he added, "I just want you to know what a life with me is like before we make that step."

"But if I like it?" Gab whispered.

"If you can handle it," Rayner corrected but found himself glancing at the window as he said, "or if the Pack doesn't want us."

"If they don't want me," Gab whispered with a sigh, "I'll go."

"No you won't," Rayner looked back at Gab, "If they don't accept you because you're a guy then they won't accept any wolf I want to bring back. I'd rather have a pack of two than be loveless in Pinewood."

"I just don't want you to leave to be with me," Gab whispered.

"I'd also leave because I don't want to be with them," Rayner whispered back, "if that helps at all. I mean, we don't really talk about it, but you basically say you aren't going to talk to your family after you graduate."

"Yeah but that's different," Gab whispered quickly and coldly, "I'm a burden to them. They want me to go and I don't want to be there. That'll happen sooner or worse if Dad finds out about you."

"I hate that Gab," Rayner whispered softly, "I hate that you have to hide."

"I don't," Gab whispered, "year or two ago I did but it's, I don't know, something that you just accept eventually. You know?"

"No," Rayner whispered and frowned. They were silent a moment before Rayner continued hesitantly, "I think I know a couple of beings who do. Actually, I shouldn't say this but, I think there's at least one in Pinewood who knows what that feels like."

"Does his parents have any say if we get accepted or not?" Gab asked quietly.

"Sort of," Rayner admitted, and both their ears dropped before he continued, "her father will probably be the one to challenge our declaration, and he's on the Council."

"Guess shitty fathers exist everywhere," Gab muttered.

"He's loud and an asshole but the old guard likes him enough because he's from away," Rayner explained.

"Away?" Gab asked.

"Wasn't born a Pinewood," Rayner explained, "it was a big thing when he was eventually accepted as a council member because of it. There are three Council Elders though that would prefer the Pack go back to how it was."

"Out of?" Gab asked with a frown.

"It's ten percent so," Rayner said and thought for a second, "twenty-two in total. I think? It's honestly hard to keep track of if you're not interested."

"And you aren't?" Gab asked, rather taken aback.

"No, it's a bunch of politics and paw kissing," Rayner almost scoffed, "I mean I like Grand Elder Thomas well enough and I help with their events but when you have Councilman Anthony as your uncle, it's not appealing. Mom's in the Circle so they don't look at each other."

"Well, shouldn't your uncle be on our side?" Gab asked as he looked up excitedly, "I mean it'd be one-to-one at least."

"My uncle's the asshole," Rayner hesitated to say it but he eventually did with a nod, "Meredith's his daughter."

"Oh, that makes sense," Gab said rather matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean, that makes sense?" Rayner argued.

"Well she's terrifyingly large and scary," Gab said, "and Lilith is terrifyingly large and scary so it sort of makes sense."

"I don't think that's how that works," Rayner chuckled, "there's more than a couple lesbians at RiverBEND and they aren't all large and scary."

"Are there any other wolves?" Gab asked.

"I think I saw one other when I first got there but I don't remember what she looked like," Rayner explained.

"Doesn't count then. Lesbian wolves are all terrifyingly large and scary," Gab stated before giggling and adding, "My dataset of two proves it."

"You can't prove anything with a dataset of two," Rayner scoffed.

"Find me more lesbian wolves then," Gab mockingly demanded.

"Goofball," Rayner whispered as he shook his head. Biting his tongue for a second he realized he had to ask, "Are you okay with what I said about my uncle?"

"It's an uncle," Gab said with a shrug, "I haven't seen my aunt since mom died and dad's an only pup. I'd be worried if you said it was your parents or like the judge that decides whether we get to stay or something."

"Actually, Dad said he liked you," Rayner chuckled and said quietly, "I think he said you were respectable."

"Why?" Gab scoffed, "Cause I kissed him?"

"You acknowledge him," Rayner groaned but continued, "it's not a kiss. But, yeah it was that and I told him you had limited funding, which made getting food more complicated than it should be."

"Did you tell him that you were basically feeding me at one point?" Gab asked quietly.

"I wasn't," Rayner argued, "we were sharing and I didn't tell him much of anything about us. You okay?"

"Yeah," Gab whispered, "I just don't like relying on you."

"If you want to be mates though you're going to have to. I rely on you and you rely on me. I mean you weren't," Rayner said quietly, "Back then, you would have survived without me. But we are sharing our lives like the soup."

"For better or worse," Gab whispered.

"Maybe," Rayner said after a small chuckle, "yes. All our soups will be mixed. Today though it's still if we want to mix soups we can and I still like mixing our soups."

"I keep making yours worse, though," Gab whispered, "It's not like there's anything I can get to make our soups better."

"It's not about what's in the soup Gab," Rayner whispered, "It's about eating together."

Gab lay quietly but after a couple of seconds, "I love you too. I just, you know, want to contribute something. There's probably like a spice blend or something I can buy."

"I can think of a special sauce you can add," Rayner whispered and looked down between them before chuckling to himself.

"Oh my god, Rayner," Gab groaned but chuckled to himself, "I don't think we can eat that in the cafeteria."

"Oh come on," Rayner whispered as he looked back up, "Who'd know?"

"I would," Gab said with a stutter, "for one."

"I'd get so hard," Rayner whispered to himself as Gab tried to think.

"For two," Gab pointed out, "not something you should do in the cafeteria and not something you should have in those shorts you wear."

"What's wrong with my shorts?" Rayner suddenly argued.

"They already are kind of tight," Gab whispered.

"That's because I keep eating those wraps," Rayner grumbled, "And I don't care if some beings I don't know see my knot through my shorts."

"Yes you do," Gab muttered.

"Yeah, I do," Rayner agreed with a laugh, "Stupid city, I have run around a lot in Pinewood in my fur."

"Well we can run around together when you want to show me the forest," Gab said with a laugh.

"We could make special soup for each other," Rayner agreed but Gab's ears falling made him change course, "sorry, I should stop teasing you."

"Well no, how," Gab whispered as he put both his paws on Rayer's chest, "how are you feeling?"

"I have a gorgeous wolf nuzzling and touching me," Rayner whispered back, "and we keep talking about a future together so I'm pretty happy."

"No, Rayner, I meant," Gab whispered before moving his paw down between them and gently touching Rayner's shorts, "I meant, you know?"

"Your texts are more attractive than anything anyone has ever sent me. I couldn't daydream of doing this in public since I met you back in September," Rayner sensually whispered as he rubbed the sides of Gab's butt, "Right now though, I'd definitely need to change my boxers and put on something to hide my scent if we went out."

"I don't have anything today," Gab whispered tentatively and trying not to look at Rayner, "and I was thinking, you know, maybe I could see what your. What you taste like again? If you want me to."

"Taste as in," Rayner whispered as he reached up and cupped Gab's muzzle to bring it back to Rayner's gaze, "Taste."

"If you want," Gab whispered with a nod.

"I'd definitely enjoy that," Rayner whispered as he leaned in to kiss Gab. After a quick kiss and a lick and Rayner added, "Let's wrap you up though. Here, can you get me one?"

"Okay," Gab whispered excitedly.

Reaching past Rayner to the dresser wasn't enough to get to the drawer though and Gab had to climb his way off Rayner's lap. Rayner smiled and took the chance to get behind his loving wolf and watch his tail wagging wildly. Gab noticed the movement but didn't realise anything until Rayner cupped his tail and held it still. He felt Rayner's nose under his tail before he felt the hot wet tongue drag itself across his flesh. Moaning quietly, Gab lifted his tail high and spread his legs to let Rayner reach him better.

The two hadn't done anything really serious in the last week but Rayner was happy that Gab was getting more comfortable with him under Gab's tail. It was always a quick way to even the gap between when Rayner usually finished and when Gab did. That and it made Rayner's head spin. Gab's scent was still that smooth earthy scent that he loved and to see that winking flesh was always a thrill.

"Here, turn around," Rayner whispered as he lifted his head back away.

The look on Gab's face made Rayner smile when he saw it. The thin wolf biting his lips and scrunched in couldn't hide the smile on his face nor the leaking red member peeking out of his sheath. He danced in place a bit as he handed Rayner the condom and even more when Rayner tried his best to keep him stationary.

Placing the wrapper on top of Gab's member, Rayner made of show of lowering his muzzle to the tip and gently unrolling it with his paw as his muzzle followed. Thrusting into Rayner's warm muzzle, Gab moaned and rubbed Rayner's ear gently as his knot filled inside the condom. Gab's manhood quickly expanded inside Rayner's muzzle to the point where his knot could only be licked rather than supported with his tongue. With a slurp, Rayner pulled Gab back out and looked up at him.

"You ready to play with mine?" Rayner asked and gave Gab a clear view of his own leaking member.

"I think so," Gab whispered and then swallowed seeing the red almost glow against Rayner's off-white fur. Leaning down as Rayner got up on his knees, Gab's breathing increased as he descended closer to the leaking rod aching to be touched by him.

Sticking out his tongue, Gab slowly reached forward to the small bead of clear fluid on the end of Rayner's member till he touched the edge. The sudden warmth and touch of Gab's tongue made Rayner's inside tighten up and push more pre out. Gab, now with more than a bead, savoured the taste before leaning in for more as he pulled Rayner's sheath down.

"That's it, Gabriel," Rayner whispered as he rubbed Gab's muzzle.

Rayner's knot filled quickly in Gab's paw as Gab continued to lick him. Being longer than what would be comfortable fitting inside Gab's muzzle, Rayner understood why Gab waited until he was full before trying anything. He enjoyed the pressure behind his knot regardless and Gab was enjoying licking up what Rayner was giving him.

As Gab licked his lips and let Rayner's manhood enter him, Rayner moaned and squeezed the base of Gab's ear gently. The warmth of Gab's muzzle was hard to describe for Rayner. The closest he could think of was the blanket he'd thrown through the drying when he had a fever. The pressure, the warmth, and the moment of connection brought more to it though. Even the warmth of Gab's breath coming out in a short burst through his nose was invigorating.

Rayner more felt himself thrust into Gab's sucking muzzle than willed it. Not letting himself go deep enough to enter his throat, Rayner moaned softly as Gab's tongue reached past and joined his paw wrapped around Rayner's knot. The slow drag back made Rayner's toes curl. Rayner began panting shortly after Gab's scent, still trapped on the end of his nose, made itself present again in Rayner's mind.

Gab loved feeling Rayner lose himself. Weirdly, it felt like he was doing something more right in their relationship than he had ever in the past. It wasn't a bad feeling either. The taste was bitter but it was Rayner's lust he was tasting. The wolf he loved wanted him enough that he was flowing freely into Gab's embrace. Gab wanted it more. He wanted more and with every tug on Rayner's knot or thrust Rayner pushed into him he got it.

The first involuntary spasm through Rayner's tail and into his member made Gab tense up and moan until he realised it wasn't the end. It did make him move the paw from Rayner's leg to his own aching knot though. Holding onto Rayner's as he continued to thrust gently into Gab's thirsty muzzle, Gab tried his best to mimic his movements on himself.

Rayner watched as Gab squeezed both of them with a smile. As Gab had moved his paw, Rayner had also felt his ears tilt downward as he submissively played with himself. Rayner never stopped thrusting into that sleek, beautiful muzzle of the lusting wolf below him. Gab's heat was the second-best thing he'd ever felt next to Gab's touch. The tongue licking the underside of his painfully hard member, begging him to come further in and dragging him closer to giving up his seed made him twitch. He'd never twitched before.

There was a moment though that Rayner didn't understand and that was when he closed his eyes and looked up or was it beyond. Something in him switched to just feeling. It wasn't the sight of the wolf he loved, nor the touch, nor even the scent that pushed him now. Something primal wanted to fill his mate with seed. His slow thrusts became longer and the pressure was firmer. His breathing went back to his muzzle as he opened up and didn't close it. His tail lifted, his insides relaxed, and his legs shifted.

Gab knew he was being mated. His own tail flagged at it but even though his knot ached for anything to touch it, Gab shifted the paw back up and under Rayner to stabilize himself. Every thrust Rayner pushed into him now came with a trail of bitter-sweet fluid to coat his tongue. Every withdrawal came with a small moan from Gab as he ached for more.

"Gab," Rayner moaned as his thrusts became less and less rhythmic to the point where he had to switch to frantically whispering, "Oh fuck, Gab I'm so close."

Looking down Rayner saw his boyfriend, muzzle full of his member but his tail looking almost as painfully jealous as the lonely, wrapped up cock between his legs. The sight sent a ripple through him and pushed a fresh jet of fluid. Gab relished it. Rayner saw the smile that formed on the edges of his muzzle when he savoured Rayner's treat for him. He wanted a meal though, Rayner saw it and at that moment he felt himself about to provide it.

"Gab, Gabriel I'm," Rayner panted, "This is it."

Moaning as he tried to hold back as long as he could, Rayner watched as Gab pulled only enough to give himself room. A firm squeeze and a lick were met with the first jet of Rayner's creamy seed. Holding himself still in Gab's grasp, Rayner felt the first push out everything that had built up inside him and a wet burst. He worried a little about how Gab would respond but feeling Gab suddenly suck hard on his now spraying member made him relax.

The taste wasn't much different to Gab but the feeling of Rayner spilling into him almost made him squeal. This felt like they had become something together. This was being together. Gab had seed inside him now that he had wanted and earned and it flowed into him as such. The first time he swallowed what Rayner had given him came without a thought or hesitation. This was his reward and it was staying with him.

"You are so warm," Rayner moaned as he relaxed after the urgency of finishing wore off.

Shifting a bit and loosening his grip on Gab's ears he watched the thinner wolf accept and cherish him. Rayner felt pulse after pulse of unseen milky seed splash onto the tongue he loved so much. He never realised how much he could lust after it though. It had always felt good in his own muzzle but Rayner never realised what potential it had. So much of Gab had potential. Rubbing his cheek gently, Rayner remembered something that they had really only joked about once but it had stayed with him.

"Gabriel," Rayner whispered, "Fuck, I want more Pinewood in you than Wilson."

He didn't know if it was accurate, Rayner was almost certain that it wasn't but the message hit Gab like heat. Whimpering into Rayner's cock, Gab quickly reached between his legs for his aching member again. Clamping down like a vice on himself, Gab moaned load enough to shock Rayner. Rayner smiled though, if Jack could make a mate moan like she did and only get a slap on the wrist from the others then Rayner could as well.

"That's it my beautiful wolf," Rayner whispered as he watched Gab race toward his own release, "become mine."

Gab moaned loudly again at that and started to spill as his mind was launched off the edge. Rayner let out a small moan as Gab tightened his grip on both knots as he finished. Thankfully, the flow seed Rayner was spilling into Gab's muzzle had dwindled to not overwhelm the already overwhelmed wolf.

"How was that?" Rayner whispered when the last of his organism finished up and he pushed Gab far enough off his member that it fell free.

"Rayner," Gab whimpered, breathing erratically, as he looked up from Rayner's crotch, "I feel funny."

"Come up here then," Rayner said as he started to lift Gab up and help him stand.

A shuddering groan came out of Gab as his knees suddenly screeched back into existence in a state of stiffness and pain. Full range wasn't really in them though. Gab held onto his knot as he fell into Rayner's bed. Curling up again, he let Rayner replace his paw around his knot. Propped up on one arm, Rayner let his spent member rest on Gab's stomach as he felt Gab's orgasm near its end.

Gab felt a surge of panic rise up inside of him as Rayner leaned in for a kiss but didn't fight it. It was Rayner's seed in his muzzle after all and Gab felt he had taken all that he could. Gab moaned and thrust a bit into Rayner's paw when their lips touched and even more when Rayner's searching tongue entered him. He felt again that this was what being potential mates were like. His muzzle was claimed, and now it wasn't even scary to kiss inside the mess.

"Enjoyed yourself did you?" Rayner whispered and nuzzled up to Gab as he tried to squirm away.

"Maybe," Gab whispered, smiling broader than he had ever before.

"No maybe," Rayner whispered back as he continued to nuzzle Gab's muzzle and neck, "I know that smile. My boyfriend enjoyed playing with my knot."

"I did," Gab whispered but squirmed hard enough afterwards that he let out a small whine.

"Such a good mate," Rayner whispered into his fur, "You liked having me finish."

"I did," Gab whispered again.

"You liked swallowing my seed," Rayner whispered softly.

"I did," Gab continued to squirm as he whispered.

"And you like it inside you," Rayner whispered as he put a paw on Gab's stomach.

"I really do," Gab moaned softly and hugged Rayner's paw to him.

"Anytime you want me then," Rayner whispered and kissed Gab softly, "I'll spill all that I can into you. You felt good Gabriel."

"I'm so happy," Gab whispered and put on another beaming smile, "I feel so fucking happy Rayner."

Rayner pinned him still as Gab buried his head into Rayner's neck. He wasn't sure if Gab was whimpering with how high his emotions had taken in or just having problems breathing. Didn't matter really. Gab sounded happy. The two cuddled and nuzzled until Gab's knot softened to the point where he could untie his condom and then went for a bit of a shower.

Getting most of their scent off their fur was easy enough but they didn't have time to get to the backs. It was the last Saturday in May that both of them were in Riverview and they wanted to make the most of it. Both had a bit of money left over but the plan was to spend it on another dinner out at Antonio's that night. First though came lunch with the group.

Gab looked a bit lost looking for his shorts as the two started to pack up to go out. Rayner grabbed them from the far end of the bed and smiled at his wolf until Gab noticed him. When Gab finally turned to glance at them Rayner made a bit of a show of sniffing them. Gab's ears tilted a bit but he smiled a bit in embarrassment.

"They bad?" Gab asked quietly, rubbing his arm.

"Someone was a bit excited yesterday," Rayner teased as he took another sniff of Gab's smooth scent, "Doubt anyone could tell though unless they were this close."

"Well, if you want to smell them till the scent is gone we'll probably be late," Gab pointed out.

"Any chance of me smelling the source before we leave then?" Rayner asked as he handed Gab his clothes and kissed the side of his muzzle.

"We going to cancel if you do?" Gab asked back in a chuckle. He had been getting more comfortable with Rayner under his tail but it was still a bit of a thing for him.

"I promise it won't," Rayner said happily, pulling Gab to the bed and laying him down.

Gab let himself be guided and laid down on his back so that Rayner could have his fun. Secretly, Gab enjoyed Rayner pushing him with this but he felt really embarrassed when he thought about it afterwards. Lifting both his legs up always came with that submissive chill though that made Gab continue to do it.

Rayner crotched down on his knees and helped Gab lift himself up. When his tail finally fell away from him, Gab let Rayner look unobstructed at his white fuzzy little orbs and down at the flesh he always had hidden. Rayner loved that sight and more he enjoyed the scent. He may be small, but Gab smelt healthy. Maybe there was something else there but Rayner couldn't describe it.

Leaning in he enjoyed both it and the heat of Gab's flesh on the tip of his nose. Rayner was only allowed to do this after showers and even then it was special. Every time Rayner tried to imagine this heat pressed up against him but found it hard to believe. Every time he did though the thought crossed his mind that being tied to Gab would mean that the heat would be wrapped around him. Giving Gab's flesh a small kiss, Rayner lifted his head up to the fuzzy orbs and gave the fur a small lick.

"You proud of me?" Rayner teasingly asked as he looked over Gab's stretched sheath, "I didn't lick under your tail."

"That's not an accomplishment," Gab warned but the smile on his face betrayed him.

"Oh, well if that's the case," Rayner quickly said as he leaned back down. Gab flinched away from him as best he could but Rayner had both his legs.

"No no no," Gab chuckled, twisting his body a bit to get away, "Rayner, you'll make me itchy."

"Oh, yeah," Rayner said in a mock disappointment and let go of the squirming wolf.

Gab had discovered that having his flesh licked and then going on a walk didn't work as well as he had thought it would. He spent most of it though to Rayner's enjoyment smelling good. The problem came when he had to rearrange himself. Made it less fun for Gab.

Twisting around and getting onto his knees, Gab tried to get up only to find Rayner had followed him onto the bed. Gently holding Gab from behind, Rayner hugged the wolf he loved to his chest and nuzzled the back of Gab's neck. Gab leaned forward a bit at that. He lifted his tail above Rayner's leg and let himself fall back into place. Rayner loved this. Gab's trust being exposed and having Rayner usually stretched sheath under him felt divine. He could feel the tip of his member touch the little wet mark Rayner had left in Gab's fur.

"Fuck I'm going to miss you this summer," Rayner whispered into Gab's ear.

"I wish we could stay here," Gab whispered back wistfully and looked around at the small little bedroom they had shared. He sighed at the sight though. Both knew they needed to go back in order to make sure they could see each other again. Gab reached between his legs and stroked Rayner's sheath under him with a paw and asked, "We going to cancel?"

"No," Rayner groaned and pulled away with a bit of regret, "I said I wouldn't. We should save some fun for tonight as well."

"Dinner and a movie," Gab whispered to himself before touching his tail happily. It was another small thing that he had started doing that Rayner liked. Something about being comfortable enough to do it was thrilling. His face suddenly fell, though, at something and he turned to Rayner curiously.

"Everything okay?" Rayner asked quietly as he put his shorts on.

"Just something else I wouldn't believe a year ago," Gab whispered, he bit his lip for a moment and looked up at Rayner, "It's weird being excited about planning our time together."

"I'm always excited to be with you," Rayner whispered back and leaned in to kiss Gab on the nose.

"My anxiety makes everything complicated," Gab explained, "I'd spiral if I wasn't horny."

"I see a pretty full sheath," Rayner pointed out.

"But I'm not scared," Gab whispered but frowned at the bed and corrected himself, "Well sometimes it hits me but it's not like before where it was like a choking fear of like... you do this and you will die."

"Yeah, that sounds awful," Rayner admitted.

"It is," Gab said more to himself than anything else. He glanced up at Rayner though and whispered, "Sorry, I'm just being me. I'll get my shorts on."

Rayner was quick enough to pull Gab into a kiss before he got too far. Both paws under Gab's jaw reached up and rubbed his ears as Rayner pressed and held him tightly. Parting, Gab didn't look at him, but Rayner tried his best to comfort the wolf.

"I love you," Rayner whispered, "You being you isn't something you have to be sorry about."

"Sorry," Gab whispered back instinctually, "I just, I talk and stuff comes out."

"I'm not running away when it does," Rayner whispered, "You're safe. Be you."

"I love you," Gab whispered.

"I love you too," Rayner whispered back and brought Gab into another kiss. It was a bit gentler but this time he did look at Rayner when they parted.

The two didn't say anything else as they got ready to head out. They only stopped a couple of times to touch and playfully bump each other's tails. Once out the door though they toned it down. Cade's small grey form was in the kitchen as they were leaving and they waved but neither said anything. Rayner wasn't sure if she could hear them anyway if they did.

Outside was already blindingly bright compared to Rayner's bedroom. A warm morning breeze was carrying what was left of the humid night away east as the two walked down the old concrete stairs and onto the path out of campus. Rayner liked that the trees were starting to look green again. Not that he'd be here much longer to enjoy them but it felt right that campus was at least starting to look alive.

At the cafe, Rayner ordered them both a coffee and a bagel with pate as Gab went to scout out a table. Well, scout probably wasn't correct. Gab only had two tables he went to. The one at the back with a covered window and the one upstairs that was in the corner with a plug-in. Rayner found him at the former with a happy little smile on his muzzle while he stared out the window.

Olive and Kacy showed up a couple of minutes later and ordered their own food before sitting down. Kacy seemed ecstatic that finals were over and that he had gotten a better GPA than last year. Olive made a couple of comments that if he studied more he'd do even better. She complained several afterwards that the stunt with three labs last semester brought hers down.

Gab asked if his grades were okay and they all sort of scoffed at them. Rayner pointed out at the bottom he had gotten into the Dean's honour roll and that put him above them all. Not that Gab didn't deserve it. Rayner had watched the man study his fur off more than once during this semester and with how quickly he picked stuff up Rayner was a bit jealous.

Josh came in late followed by an almost pure white husky in a grey sports bra and shorts. They all stared in surprise. Rayner was pretty sure she was about the same size as Kacy but about as fit as Gab was. Josh dating was a good sign but one that none of them seemed to know about.

"Hey!" Josh said a little bit too loudly as the two got to the table, "Hope everyone doesn't mind but I invited Rebecca along. Sort of the last chance before everyone goes home."

"No," Olive said with a chuckle and waved for them to sit.

"Well, umm," Josh quickly looked around the group and then back at the husky beside him before saying, "I guess, quick intro to everyone. You know Gab but that's his boyfriend Rayner. And these are Olive and Kacy. My friends from high school."

Kacy said something quickly and the two sat down with a laugh but Rayner didn't hear it. Something about just the openness of being introduced as Gab's boyfriend set his nerves on end. Not that it was terrible. She didn't even seem to react to the statement at all, which Rayner hoped was a good thing.

Gab had. Rayner looked over to find a nearly earless Gab staring far further into the table than was actually possible. Reaching underneath, Rayner tried his best to take Gab's paw but Gab glanced at him for a second, back to a calm state and smiled softly.

"You okay?" Rayner whispered as the table talked.

"Yeah," Gab whispered with a slight nod, "Just weird being normal."

"I'm glad," Rayner whispered back.

The group mainly talked about how the year went. Both Rayner and Gab stayed silent, talking about their classes if it was brought up. Josh talked the most though. Explaining that the two had gone on a couple of dates and it seemed like the last chance to introduce each other before the summer started. Olive seemed the happiest for them.

When they left the cafe to start their walk, Rayner and Gab hung back a bit as Josh went through what he knew about the local area and history. Rebecca seemed to have never walked down this way or if she did she was patient enough to Josh ramble on. Most of what he said they had all learned long ago either through Olive's courses or just random topics brought up.

"So," Rayner whispered as Josh started talking about the different layers in the dirt he could see, "You know Rebbeca?"

"Yeah, we had a lab with her at the end of April," Gab whispered back, "She has been sitting beside Josh and Stefan since."

"Who's Stefan?" Rayner asked, now curious about how many beings Gab knew.

"Golden Retriever?" Gab whispered, "I think. Josh and him did labs together before he roped me in."

"That's cool," Rayner whispered. Computing science did have labs, but it wasn't like it was a social thing. Most of what he did was work alone on different projects.

"I didn't know they were dating," Gab admitted quietly.

"You okay that they know we are?" Rayner asked back.

"I sort of told her we are," Gab whispered, "couple weeks ago in class when Stefan wasn't there."

"Oh?" Rayner whispered loudly. Olive glanced at them but didn't say anything.

"Josh and her were saying something about Stefan needing someone to take care of him," Gab whispered, "She turned and asked if I had someone. I said I did and then, I don't know how it really happened but I said your name and she said something like that's nice."

"It is nice," Rayner whispered and leaned in to kiss just below Gab's ear.

They continued to walk along the river valley till they ran out of path but instead of heading back they turned onto the road so they could cross the bridge. The plan was to head to a restaurant downtown that Josh had talked up more than once. He kept saying it was the best Mexican food he had ever had. Josh had told them all though that there were mild options for spice but Kacy could still try and burn his tongue off.

Rayner had to stop on the bridge over the river when the wind hit him. The cool humid air in his fur was invigorating, and he noticed that both Josh and Gab looked like they slowed down to enjoy it as well. The sun was out, high and unobstructed, as the group walked. It wasn't all that noticeable when they were in the trees, but now that they were exposed the rays were heating all six of them up.

Saturday downtown was always different, the beings out were either there to have a good time or to try and survive. The professionals were all at home in the suburbs on the edge of the city, which Josh commented on a couple of times when Kacy complained. Rayner and Gab just listened. The two were a bit more spirited than usual but with Rebecca there Rayner figured Josh was being extra mostly for her.

"Josh?" Olive asked when they got close to the restaurant as the two continued to argue, "When was the last time you were here?"

"What?" Josh muttered, turning away from Kacy, "A couple of months ago. Why?"

"Yeah," Olive said as she pointed to the for lease sign on the side of the building, "It's not here anymore."

"Oh man," Josh groaned.

"Nothing stays downtown," Kacy commented. He was weirdly happy in Rayner's mind regardless of whether it matched Kacy's point or not.

"Shut up Kacy," Josh muttered before turning around and looking down the street and squinting a bit into the distance.

"Any other place we want to try?" Olive asked as Josh looked around.

"Antonio's is about four blocks from here," Kacy offered.

"Gab and I have a reservation for tonight there," Rayner quickly explained, "I'd rather save it for then."

"Well, that's the only place I know that's open before four," Kacy said as he looked around.

"There's a sushi place a couple blocks that way that's good," Rebecca offered and pointed down the road.

"I'm not sure about raw fish," Rayner said but felt a little bad about shooting down the second option as well.

"They have more than that," Rebecca explained, "They have soup, some rice dishes, and a bunch of grilled meat."

"Oh, that's works," Rayner muttered, glancing at Gab for a second and when he didn't say anything Rayner turned back and nodded.

The rest agreed after Rayner, and they continued down the large sidewalk toward another nearly identical section of downtown. At least, that was what Rayner felt about it. To him, downtown were huge buildings and flashy signs with more glass than concrete. It felt hollow. The ground was too hard. He liked the bridge and the river valley but downtown itself was almost unpleasant.

When they came into view, Rayner had to admit the restaurant had a bit of charm. The little building's terracotta roof and wood siding stood out from standard downtown design. Even more extreme was the fact that it was next to the building that looked like only glass, with angry-looking cars parked out front. Rayner liked the one they were going to. It felt like it had a soul among the heartless megaliths.

Rayner's heart filled when they were inside and met with a dining hall of wood and greenery. In the dead center of the room, there was some sort of tree he didn't know that had these rather pretty pink flowers. It was probably fake. Actually, Rayner was pretty sure a lot of it was fake because there should be a lot more of a dirt smell, but the attempt was admirable.

The six were seated in a private room with a little cut out in the floor for their feet after a short wait at the entrance. Rayner noticed Gab looking around almost as much as he was when they were led to a hallway running down the back. All six wiped their feet and sat around the unusual table quietly until the waitress came and took their drink orders.

"So," Rebecca said, breaking the silence, "What do you think?"

"Does this cost extra?" Rayner asked quietly.

"Nope," Rebecca responded with a shake of her head, "You can resever them, but they rarely fill up at lunch."

"It's really cool," Josh said quietly.

"Yeah, I have always wanted to be in one of these," Kacy agreed. Something flashed across his face, and quickly asked, "Did any of you see the crazy fucking car outside?"

"The black one with the trident?" Olive said, "Yeah, I have no idea what that was."

"I felt like I shouldn't look at it directly," Kacy chuckled, "I bet it's worth more than a house."

"If it's parked at La Riche then yeah it probably is," Rebecca explained, using a bit of a French accent and the name, "That place is insane."

"Oh?" Josh asked, "Date night idea?

"No," Rebecca chuckled, "That place has no prices and the beings that eat there don't care."

"That sounds really weird," Rayner said quietly and heard Gab agree with him as he nodded.

"That sounds crazy expensive," Olive agreed.

"Well it is called The Rich One," Kacy muttered as he stared at his phone but grumbled after a couple more seconds and added, "I don't know what half of this is."

"You looking at their website?" Rebecca asked, and Kacy looked up with a confused little nod, "It's just a lot of French names for weird animals. I know they were serving peacock at one point."

"Like actual peacock?" Kacy looked up with a gasp.

"Actual peacock," Rebecca confirmed with a nod.

"Okay, drinks are here," Rayner heard from the hall. An elegant, barely four-and-a-half-foot tall woman popped her head into the room and instantly had her tone change when she saw Rebecca, "Beccy!"

"Sim!" Rebecca said with a wave as Sim walked in.

Of the canines with white fur in the room, Sim put them all to shame. Hers was about the same length as Josh's but it had a shine to it that Rayner didn't really understand nor did he know what she was. She was about as big as Jack, though but didn't have the odd eyes that he did.

"Sorry, everyone, this is Simone," Rebecca introduced her to the group before turning back and to Simone, saying, "I didn't know you were working today?"

"Dad called me in for lunch," Simone grumbled as she put the drink tray down on the table but switched to a whisper and added, "Don't know why he thinks I have time for this with exams?"

"Wasn't your last exam last Monday?" Rebecca whispered back.

"He doesn't know that," Simon whispered. Switching back to her regular voice, she asked, "Who's the fun one with the beer?"

"That'd be me," Kacy said with a smile, taking his large pint from Simone.

Most of the group shook their heads and waited for their drinks to be served. Both Rayner and Gab got water but switched to drinking the same tea that Olive was when they saw the price. The little cup that it came in may have also been a factor. The cute little things had these adorable, almost cartoony paintings of different birds on them. Both agreed the tea was good.

After much consideration, the two decided to share a plate of Terriki Chicken because it was one of the few things both knew. It came out on a loudly sizzling skillet that Rayner wasn't sure about, but when the smell hit him, he relaxed a bit. This wasn't similar to the ones he had at the grocery store.

Most of the conversation was on how the end-of-year exams had gone, with Rayner saying little and Gab saying almost nothing at all. As Rebecca talked about her first year in Engineering, Josh and Kacy boasted about having their best year yet. Olive added her own thoughts here and there, but Rayner figured, like himself, she was just keen on listening to the newcomer.

When the topic switched to what they were doing over the summer, Josh admitted he would stay at the condo for the first little while and wouldn't need a ride home. The year had been drama-free and he admitted that home probably wouldn't be, so why risk it? Everyone sort of knew it was also because he was dating. Better be in the city with the one he loved than at home with the ones he, well, loved but had issues with.

Rayner felt a little bad for thinking that. Both he and Gab had to go home in order to come back next year, so it wasn't the same, but he did wish that it could be. The idea of spending the summer alone with Gab would be fantastic. Rayner figured that the two would probably spend every day together and see if they could get tired of each other.

After food, the group relaxed a bit, but when they started talking about ordering more, Rayner figured that it was time to head out. Gab agreed quietly. He wasn't uncomfortable with the price, but he was getting close to what he wanted to spend, and if they started drinking, the price tag would probably climb. This was supposed to be a shared lunch anyway, and it turned into individual servings. Not that he didn't like the chicken.

Rayner paid for their food when Simone came back, and the two said their farewells. The rest of the group expanded to fill in their spaces and cheerfully hoped that the two had a fun time that evening. Kacy said something that earned him a glare from Olive, but Rayner didn't hear it nor wanted to know what it was.

The light outside felt like being hit with a frypan. The wolves flinched at the sudden change in light but noted that neither had felt like the restaurant had been all that dark. It was just past noon now, though, and the few clouds that had been out looked like they had disappeared. Rayner took a deep breath on instinct but regretted it when the smell of the city filled his nose instead of fresh air from the country.

"Why are you being such a bitch?" Rayner heard someone yell from across the parking lot.

Standing beside the weird black sports car thing was a wolf just a bit taller than Rayner in a collared shirt and jacket. Rayner had to admit he was a bit attractive, but the whiney little voice and the pacing weren't doing him any favours. The woman he was next to was still, arms crossed and looked for more in control than the guy was. Her black dress looked thin and was fairly tight. She looked strong in it regardless, but it wasn't until she looked around that Rayner noticed who she was.

He wasn't sure if it was the guy trying to get Lilith into that weird car or some of the words he started saying, but Rayner felt himself walk toward them. Lilith looked tense, and the guy was getting worse. Rayner, though had no idea what to do or say but felt like he had to move. Gab followed him regardless without a word.

"Next time we go out, I'm paying," the wolf yelled at Lilith, "and it won't be for fucking lunch."

"Everything okay here?" Rayner asked as casually as he could as he approached the two.

"Mind your own fucking business before I bankrupt it," the wolf turned at sneered at Rayner. Rayner wasn't expecting how similar to the pups at home he sounded.

"You really don't see anything do you?" Lilith chuckled as she glanced at Rayner.

"He practise that in the mirror?" Rayner asked her as the wolf looked between the two.

"You know this mutt?" the wolf growled.

"We've talked a couple of times," Lilith admitted, "Family businesses."

"One of your trust fund wolves?" Rayner asked quietly, and Lilith nodded.

"Seriously?" the wolf scoffed, looking between the two again, "What's farmer Bob got?"

"I honestly don't know how much the Pinewood's have," Lilith said with a chuckle, "Probably more than me. More than you."

"Fuck," the wolf scoffed, "You fucking okay with these freaks?"

"Dad would be thrilled that if I got a date with him," Lilith admitted, "it'd be a step up, and he'd stop having to resort to bottom feeders like you."

"Bitch," the wolf sneered as he turned and opened the door of his car. Rayner wasn't sure what to think when the door was lifted up, not outward but didn't say anything. The thing roared to life louder than Victor's truck, but Rayner worried about the sound it was making. Shaking his head, the wolf yelled, "My father will hear about this!"

"Be careful with your lease!" Lilith yelled back.

Rayner wasn't sure what that meant, but the wolf slammed the car door hard at it. The weird, high-pitched revving of the engine was turned up to nine just before the tires started to squeal. In less than a minute, the car was out of the parking lot and then out of sight as it blasted past everyone and everything.

"You okay?" Rayner asked Lilith after the wolf disappeared. He frowned when Lilith only responded by shushing him. It took a couple of seconds but all three of their ears twitched when a siren came on in the distance.

"Even better now," Lilith laughed and looked around before asking, "Anyone else around?"

"Josh, Kacy, and Olive are in the Sushi place, but they probably won't be out for a while," Rayner explained quietly. He glanced at Gab, who was now looking very confused.

"Here, Gab hold this," Lilith muttered as she pushed her purse towards Gab, who grabbed it and looked at it with a frown.

Both were somewhat surprised when Lilith grabbed the bottom of her dress and tore off whatever little sparkly stones were attached. Handing them to Gab, Lilith then did the same to the top. Lilith took her purse back then and grabbed her collar and a set of leather bracers then set to work removing whatever styling she had in her head fur.

"Lilith?" Gab asked quietly as she shook out her fur.

"Yeah?" Lilith asked back as she closed up her purse.

"Umm," Gab said quietly; Rayner watched him think hard for a couple of seconds before asking, "Who was that?"

"Salvador Bouch," Lilith explained but sighed when both looked confused, "Son of Phillip Bouch."

"I don't think either of us know high-class city wolves," Rayner chuckled.

"B&R Banks?" Lilith asked.

"I know that," Gab exclaimed and looked at Rayner, "It's one of the few banks Dad uses."

"Probably shouldn't," Lilith said quietly, "Bouch and Roseline aren't exactly great to deal with. I know Phillip has been investigated multiple times for some pretty shady things. You going back to campus?"

"Yeah," Rayner said but hedged and said, "We are walking across the bridge if you want to join."

"If you don't mind," Lilith said as she checked her phone and redid the buckles on her purse.

"Nope," Rayner said just after confirming with Gab, "I didn't see you at the last RiverBEND meeting."

"Sorry, Dad's been trying to get me summer internships," Lilith explained as the three started walking.

The bridge on this side of downtown was much higher than the others. Old iron, rusting from years of river air, surrounded them as they talked about the same sort of subjects that the other group had coming into downtown. Rayner and Gab were more talkative with just Lilith around and Lilith was more than interested.

Her date hadn't been much better than what they had seen. Salvador only talked about things. She talked a little about the food and what the inside of La Riche was like but didn't go into great detail. Both Rayner and Gab thought that the actual experience sounded much worse than everyone else was talking about. Rayner couldn't help but laugh when the premium item was Deer steak with a potato medley.

"I get that at home," he chuckled.

"Probably better quality, too," Lilith agreed.

"How much was it?" Gab asked.

"Eightish?" Lilith said as they walked.

"Oh my god," Gab scoffed, "I don't think I have ever spent that much on food."

"Yeah, well, curse of being the daughter of an oil tycoon," Lilith complained, "I can spend all I want so long as I spend it on escapes. Everything else is something Dad has to decide."

"Who's your dad?" Gab asked.

"Promise to keep this a secret?" Lilith whispered.

"Yeah," Gab whispered back before admitting, "I mean, who am I going to tell?"

"Good point," Lilith agreed, "My dad is Peter Theston."

"Who?" Gab whispered, now very confused.

"I like him," Lilith chuckled to Rayner, "You need to bring him to RiverBEND."

"That's his decision," Rayner explained, "and that's a when if and when he ready sort of thing."

"Am I supposed to know who he is?" Gab whispered.

"Theston stadium?" Rayner whispered back.

"I thought she said her dad is in oil?" Gab argued.

"He is," Lilith confirmed, still chuckling to herself, "Dad's the CEO of Theston Industries. The stadium was a bit of a side project."

"I'm not allowed to ask for money, right?" Gab asked quietly.

"You are, but you are going to be the one who has to answer to Dad's accountants and investment bankers," Lilith explained but quietly continued when Gab's ears fell, "I may have more access to my families funds than Rayner has to his but it's psychotic what the rules are. I have tried lending out money before, and Dad makes it a living nightmare. You're honestly better off with a bank. Just don't use B&R."

"I wish I even had that option," Gab whispered, "Dad won't even let me have a credit card."

"You're eighteen, though?" Lilith asked back.

"He's the one that pays for my university tuition," Gab countered, "His house; his rules. I can't wait to be out."

"What are you taking?" Lilith asked after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Engineering," Gab answered, "I have to pick what type when I register in the fall."

"Ah, first year," Lilith muttered before saying, "Depending on what you decide, I can probably find you a summer job next year. First years don't really have anything."

"It'd have to pay enough for my tuition," Gab complained, "Dad only lends me money if I work at the shop."

"I honestly have no idea," Lilith said with a shrug.

"Well, next year, when you see things let us know," Rayner said as he reached out and rubbed Gab's shoulder. Gab didn't seem to notice, but it made Rayner smile that he didn't retreat from it, "It's always good to have options."

"I know we have a plant out by Pinewood," Lilith offered, "You may even get to spend the summer next to Rayner."

"Money, a boyfriend, and no family for the summer," Gab chuckled, "That'd be a dream."

"I'll see what I can find," Lilith laughed, "I know I'd love a family-free summer at least."

Gab thought briefly but frowned at the sidewalk and suddenly stated, "Salvador was a guy."

"Yeah, my parents don't know about me," Lilith whispered, "and I'd prefer it stay that way for now, but that means going on a bunch of bad dates."

"That sucks," Gab whispered.

"Is what it is," Lilith whispered back as she sighed, "I'm sure I'm not the only one."

"Dad literally has never talked about dating to me," Gab admitted before laughing and saying, "I never realised he had a positive aspect."

"My parents kind of talk to me," Rayner said as they neared the end of the bridge, "We talked a lot more in high school about what's a good date and what to do, but since I came here, it's been pretty basic."

"Yeah, well, you two have fun not being micromanaged," Lilith said as she pointed to a stairway climbing up the side of a hill, "I'm going to go to the Lone Pine's for some real food."

"Is that place good?" Rayner asked quickly, "I have heard really different things about it."

"Their cheap stuff sucks, but their pasta's are pretty good," Lilith explained, "Not like Antonio's but good enough."

"That's our date night tonight," Rayner admitted with a smile, "Last one, probably before summer."

"Well, I'm heading out Monday so I'll see you two sometime in September," Lilith said as she hugged them. At Gab though, she quietly demanded, "No hiding on me."

"I'll try," Gab whispered.

"Just don't be a scaredy cat like Rayner," Lilith chuckled at the thought, "I had to cut him out of a hoodie he was hiding in."

"Oh, I'm worse," Gab whispered back.

"I'm not cutting you out of anything more than a hoodie," Lilith leaned in and whispered, "Rayner can cut you out of your pants, but it'd be bad form for me to."

"He wouldn't," Gab gasped, "That's not."

"Enjoy your summer," Rayner said as Gab looked at him.

"Work hard, you two," Lilith said with a smile, waving at them as she started climbing the steps. She stopped a couple of steps up, though, turned with a hesitant look, and added, "Hey, thanks for checking in on me back there. I could have handled it if he got stupid, but I'm glad it didn't."

"Always, and you're welcome," Rayner said with a nod and another wave.

They watched her climb a couple of the stairs and then went on their way up the long ramp that followed the road. Gab was smiling to himself, but neither talked until they got back up to the shops and cafes on the main street. It wasn't as busy as usual. Many beings from campus were either studying hard or had already headed home.

The two started up a conversation about Lilith's offer that eventually led them back to Rayner's bedroom for cuddles and future plans. Gab was excited by the idea of having a summer job that would pay for university. He had made the grades to continue his scholarships, but that still left a lot unaccounted for in terms of living.

Looking around his room as Gab talked about the difference between Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Rayner realised he would miss this room. It was a bit cramped for the two of them, but it did feel like their room for as often as Gab had slept over. A smile forced its way onto Rayner's face when he thought of it. He hoped the next room he had would be as pleasant.

Talk about what types of Engineering there were morphed into what types of Engineering Gab could do out in Pinewood. Rayner hedged a couple of times, saying only if Gab was still interested in him at that time and that, regardless he should pick a career he enjoys. Gab countered once that if it weren't the shop, he would be happy.

Software engineering was brought up a couple of times because then the two of them may be able to find a job together. Rayner hugged Gab tightly at that one, but he mostly thought of what he was doing to become the developer for the Pack and not as a city job. It was weird to think of, though. Technically, he could get a job in the city with his degree and make it work. Not that there was a huge tech market in Riverview, but he could move somewhere more suitable.

Around three, Rayner opened the window and let the afternoon breeze in as they switched to streaming something online. Nothing long. Rayner's reservation for Antonio's was for five, and they had to leave the apartment about at four-thirty to catch the train or just before four if they wanted to walk again.

Rayner brushed Gab's back and chest as they watched something he had already seen before. It was mostly a silly romance show with some sci-fi elements that Rayner enjoyed. Rayner wasn't sure if Gab was enjoying the show or being brushed. After four big balls of fur out of his back and one out of his chest, Rayner did a few shallow strokes down Gab's arm and asked what his thoughts were on a walk.

Gab was smiley and happy all the way to the restaurant. He kept going on about the idea that this would be the last summer he had to be at the shop and how amazing it would be to be away. Rayner mostly listened to Gab acting like an excited pup waiting for his presents. Maybe in the entire time he had known Gab, he had acted like this once or twice and only until he had noticed it himself.

They ordered the same food they had back in March sans the deserts after being greeted happily by Mary again. They didn't have the same table, but it was private enough that they still gave each other gentle touches now and then. It took a bit, but they even got the same Sangria that Lilith had ordered them, even if the price was a bit more than Rayner thought was reasonable.

When they had paid and stepped outside, Rayner wasn't sure where the time had gone or how today had seemed just to fly by, but he was happy. Gab looked excited as they wandered back toward the bridge he smiled and let his tail bounce into Rayner now and again. The two chuckled when they passed the drug store that Gab had made that first purchase in.

By the time they returned to Rayner's apartment, they were entirely sober again. Gab peeled off before the bedroom to relieve himself and wash up a bit. Rayner didn't want to expect anything just in case the pressure for Gab had mounted enough to make him uncomfortable, but he couldn't help getting a bit tight in the sheath as he waited, laying on his bed.

"Hey," Gab whispered as he returned to the room and closed the door behind him.

He didn't have to whisper. The apartment was empty and had been probably since just after they had left. Both the cats loved being outside in the sun and Jack wasn't here most of the time. Rayner looked up from the bed to see Gab awkwardly standing by the door and got up to be close to him.

"You okay?" Rayner whispered back, coming close to Gab and nuzzling him gently.

"Yeah, my brain's just not letting me talk," Gab whispered even softer, he let out a soft whine before holding Rayner still. Swallowing hard and leaning into Rayner's neck, Gab asked, "Can I ask something?"

"Always," Rayner whispered with a chuckle.

"Can I be," Gab whispered but couldn't say the ending, "Can I?"

Breathing hard, Gab looked away for a second, then back at Rayner's nose. Leaning in, he gave Rayner one of the gentlest but slowest acknowledgements that Rayner had ever experienced. Feeling Gab's tongue on the back of his teeth as the wolf looked at him, anxiously making eye contact and holding them there for a few seconds, was thrilling.

"Say the word that'll make me stop," Rayner whispered as he leaned in and rubbed Gab's ears.

"Victorson," Gab whispered back heavily.

The wolf was now panting, but he didn't feel like he was panicking. He pushed forward and nuzzled underneath Rayner's neck as the two came in for a hug. Both felt how full the other had become as one bit his lip and squeezed the other's ear, making him whimper.

"Rayner," Gab whispered, "Can I... If you don't mind, could I be, like, well, like, submissive?"

"Like this morning or something else?" Rayner asked back at full volume. Gab shuddered at it but didn't pull away.

"I washed," Gab whispered but let out a whine in the middle before finishing, "I washed my tail if you'd like to clean me. Well, I mean, like, clean me more. Under my tail."

"Go grab a couple towels," Rayner said as he pulled back a bit. He was mentally having problems holding back now. Gab wanted him under his tail, and Rayner's knot was not like still being inside his sheath. Returning to a whisper, Rayner added, "I want to taste all of you."

"Okay," Gab whimpered happily.

The thin wolf scratched his arm as he walked a couple of paces to Rayner's closet. He pulled out two of the nearly threadbare, faded blue towels that Rayner had inherited from somewhere and went to set them out on the bed. Rayner followed the entire time sniffing his neck and running his claws through his fur. When they got there, Rayner ripped the bedding off so that it didn't get in the way.

"Rayner, are you going to tie me?" Gab whispered, now suddenly anxious.

"No," Rayner stated, feeling Gab relax a bit in his grasp, "I'm going to taste everything you have to offer, though."

"Okay," Gab whispered, reaching behind him to undo the button above his tail.

Rayner took over just after Gab was able to pop it off. Crouching down, Rayner felt his knot yell at him at the extra pressure of his shorts and underwear pressing against him but he only moaned in response. Gab was offering him access to his tail and Rayner couldn't wait. Helping Gab move the shorts away from the flagging base, Rayner got his first glimpse of Gab's flesh and a reminder of his smooth scent.

"Oh god, Rayner, your nose is cold," Gab whimpered as Rayner pushed himself against his wonderful wolf.

He couldn't say it, Gab's shorts were holding his muzzle shut in this position, but the warmth from under Gab's tail was divine. All Rayner could do was whimper into it. The little white fluff hidden underneath his grey and brown tail was filled with the smooth, earthy scent that Rayner could die happily in. This was who he wanted as a mate. This is what it felt like to lust for a wolf he wanted.

Undoing the button on the front of his shorts, Gab could release the pressure holding Rayner. Gab moved forward a bit to step out of them and his underwear to lie on the bed in his fur. Rayner was slightly disappointed when the warm flesh left him, but seeing Gab lying on his back with a leaking member between his legs and his tail wagging made up for it. Rayner couldn't remember stepping out of his shorts, but they were gone nonetheless.

Rayner sat down behind Gab and leaned in to take a deep sniff under his fuzzy white orbs before cleaning the leaking red shaft in front of him. Pulling Gab's sheath down, Rayner felt around to ensure the towels were under them and then went to work. Starting at the tip, Rayner cleaned off all of the precious bitter fluid Gab had created for him before licking the growing knot with his paws. The first drag of his tongue over every expanding red bulb made Gab whimper and Rayner growl internally.

"How did I get such a hot wolf as my boyfriend?" Rayner asked as he dipped his head a bit lower and started back in on Gab's now sensitive base.

"Fuck, Rayner," Gab whimpered as Rayner pressed his tongue against his fuzzy little orbs again.

When Gab didn't seem to say anything else, Rayner grabbed both of Gab's legs and lifted them so they were over Rayner's shoulders. The thin wolf whimpered at being dragged back but only opened his legs further when done. Rayner's nose found his flesh again in an instant. Long, firm strokes of Rayner's tongue started at the base of Gab's tail and flowed over his flesh to finish at the base of his sack. Rayner wanted to make all that fur as wet as he could.

Gab only looked up at himself once. Seeing his leaking member bob in front of him while a very horny wolf that Gab could feel the member pressing against his lower back licked him clean was too much to see. He wanted to keep this feeling going as long as he could, and seeing Rayner hungrily lick him would make him pop quickly. Gab whimpered and swore as Rayner's tongue played with his entrance, and Rayner's paw held his knot in place.

Eventually, Gab arched his back to see if he could reach Rayner's knot behind him. It was a twist and a stretch, but he did it. The first touch shocked Rayner into stopping and seeing what Gab was up to. With a bit of a chuckle, he helped Gab's paw into place behind his knot and gave it a few gentle thrusts before burying his nose back into Gab's legs.

"I'm not going to last long like this," Rayner growled into Gab's tail, "You okay if I let myself go on your back?"

"No," Gab whimpered, panting hard. He looked up and added, "Please, I, I... Please, I want you to mark me under there. I want your mark."

"You sure?" Rayner asked back, "You have to be sure. Testing yourself over the summer might be-"

"No, please, Rayner," Gab whimpered, "I want you. You're safe. You make me safe. Please, Rayner."

Rayner wasn't expecting Gab's begging to be such a turn on but his knot hardening in Gab's paw was hard to ignore. If Gab wanted his seed there, then Rayner stopped himself from marking Gab's tail as his own. He'd claim Gab as his own. Rayner wanted to, at least. The thought of Gab's paw being the ring of hot flesh that Rayner dragged his tongue across was exhilarating.

Gab's scent had turned from a smooth earth and woody smell to one of passion with a hint of onion from the pasta Rayner had eaten for supper. A firm tug on Gab's knot and Rayner continued aggressively licking him as he thrusted unstably into the willing paw beneath him. The fur on Gab's back had started to be matted down by Rayner pre, so it wasn't poking him like it had been at the start. Rayner felt himself really start to get into a rhythm of licking and thrusting as he listened to Gab whimper.

A hard shudder was the only thing that made Rayner change it up. Pressing his nose into Gab's now entirely drenched orbs, Rayner whimpered himself into Gab's grasp as he thrusted. He knew he was leaking hard, but he hadn't noticed how bad Gab was doing until he opened his eyes and looked down. There in front of him was a pool of Gab's glistening pre all held together in the white of his tummy.

Rayner needed a taste of that too. Pulling Gab further to him, Rayner arched his back so that he could barely get his tongue to follow Gab's tip into the pool. Something broke inside Rayner when he did, though, and he needed to move. Part of the dam holding his seed back had cracked, and he was ready.

"Gab let go," Rayner whispered urgently as he tried to move, "Gab, I'm so close."

"Please, Rayner," Gab begged, eyes closed as he stared sightlessly at the headboard.

It took a second, but Rayner, Gab's grasp let go, and his own paw replaced it as his insides started to scream at him in panic at the thought that he wasn't ready. It didn't take much to push Gab down and out of the way, though and when he was, it didn't take long to get back on track.

"Gab, look at me," Rayner heard himself say as he pressed himself against the tight warm flesh under Gab's tail.

Rayner felt the first jet leave him just after he saw the brown of Gab's eyes meet him. The wolf looked surprised, but then the smile that crept onto his face was the only thing Rayner could think of. His knot ached. Rayner's insides were happy though, now that everything was flowing.

"Oh fuck Rayner," Gab begged as he stared into Rayner's eyes, "hold me!"

With a smile, Rayner glanced at Gab's cock and brought the tip up to his muzzle and watched the wolf below him scrunch up his face. The first jet almost tasted sweet in Rayner's mind. He only suckled at the edge, but it was enough to bring Gab's seed to him. Gab filled Rayner's muzzle as the wolf below him squirmed at the sight. This was bliss.

Rayner swallowed a couple of times and enjoyed all of Gab's flavours as he marked his boyfriend's tail as his own. It had to be swimming by now, and Rayner loved the mental image. Gab could only hold himself still. Even that small task came as an extreme challenge to the thin little wolf.

"I love you," Gab whimpered after calming down. It came as another jet of seed filled Rayner's muzzle, leaving him unable to answer. He did smile, running a paw through Gab's fur. Rayner was able to swallow the last of what Gab offered him, but not before showing off his bounty to the man who had provided it.

"I'm going to miss this the second your bus leaves," Rayner whispered as he watched the wolf under him squirm.

"It'll just be the summer," Gab whispered, "Over before you know it."

Rayner looked up to see the brightest smile on Gab's face that he had ever seen. The wolf loved him more than anything, and it was so freeing to feel it with him. After a bit, the two played in their mess but continued to coo and love each other for the rest of the night.

The feeling never left Rayner all that week as the two packed up their belongings and organised themselves to go home. Both were happy, and both took every opportunity they could to make sure they shared themselves as often as they could. Nothing matched the intensity of that night, though.

It wasn't until all the whispers and quiet words had stopped and Rayner listened to the giant charter bus roar away from him that Rayner felt anything else. Now alone on the sidewalk, Rayner was sure that he loved Gab as deeply as any wolf could. A cold and hollow tightness filled his chest as his heart ached at the sight of Gab leaving. They had to part this time, but Rayner knew he wouldn't let this happen again.

"I love you Gabriel," Rayner whispered to himself as he closed his eyes in the pain of saying, "Miss you already."