Spending Halloween in a Werewolf Gut

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Forgot my SoFurry password and got lazy - so didn't upload for a while! Enjoy!

Spending Halloween in a Werewolf Gut

I t was the night before Halloween. Not a thing stirred in the town of Brewster, save for a single wind blown leaf skittering along an empty street. There were no bats squeaking, no cats mewing, no wild halloween parties, no tricks being played, not a single thing out of the ordinary, as the world sat in limbo waiting for something to happen...

Or at least, that's what Freya thought - staring out of her attic window. She was a massive, 8'4 werewolf clad with gray fur, heavyset breasts, and a personality best described as "voraciously overactive". Of course, she only got this antsy at night, as she pulled and tugged at her chains in the wall, looking outside, drooling hungrily and slobber pooling on the ground beneath her.

Behind her - was her ex-boyfriend, soon-to-be-snack-friend, Darryl. A relatively cute foxboy she just started dated, until finding out he didn't exactly believe her about being a literal werewolf with no control over her hunger. Instead of chaining her up in the basement - he thought it would be a cute idea to chain her up in the attic, thinking that Freya was just playing some "tricks" on him, and that it would be cruel to chain up a big, fluffy gal like her. But, he was still cruel enough to force her to play Monopoly with her, and ignore her warnings about the night.

Either way, he was bored out of his mind, playing Monopoly behind her, waiting for her to turn her attention from the delicious, yummy neighbors, soundly asleep and get back to their game.

"Freya, c'mon. It's your turn." He said, laying back in the chair, yawning. "Are you even paying attention?"

Freya turned her head with a very animalistic grin, fangs showing with spittle dribbling down.

"NO-! I am fucking hungry, and your stupid fucking Monopoly isn't helping me, asshole!" She said, as he smiled and shrugged, taking out his phone. By the minute, Freya looked visibly stronger - bigger, even, but he was relaxed.

"Hey, c'mon now. Language." He said, scrolling through his phone, as Feya growled - snapping and snarling, pulling on her chains as they strained more and more. The growling from her becoming louder, and louder, as she finally sighed.

"Roll the dice for me, asshole." Freya said, growling.

"Mmmm..." He said, smiling and looking up at her. "I didn't hear please."

"Roll it or I'll eat you, you stupid piece of- FUCK!!!" Freya screamed, chains going taut - and nearly ripping through the chains badly attached to the roof joists as she pushed forward, nearly breaking through the roofing frame, and knocking over the monopoly table. Poor Darryl blinked, falling onto his ass as he got up.

"I-I just got like, three hotels on Boardwalk - and you ruined the table!" He said, picking up Monopoly pieces - one by one. As he tried to piece it together - he found himself sorely missing pieces, scattered all over the floor, right by Freya. He gulped a little bit nervously. That could wait for later. She did look rather... Insane.

Then, she pulled another arm forward. A chain snapped - as she lurched forward again.

"Hey, so uh... I'm gonna head out, OK? Love-you-thanks-byeeee!" He said, running for his life down the attic, slamming it shut, locking it, as he sweat nervously.

Monopoly was NOT a good idea, in retrospect. She must have hated enough to want to tear his head off. Justifiably, as a wave of post-Monopoly guilt came crashing over him. A loud crash came from upstairs, as Freya broke out of her chains with an ear-piercing roar, the sound of glass shattering, and a loud _ THUD _ coming from outside. Darry slowly turned around - two piercing, white haunting supernatural eyes coming from outside his home.

Then, it scurried off. Darryl sighed, and relented, going up to the front door and engaging the deadbolt, and sent a text to her.

If u don't kill me I'll take u out tommorow night! On me! Txt me when not angry

He wiped some sweat from his face. That should probably make up for forcing monopoly night on her, right?

F reya stalked the empty, pre-Halloween streets, running around on all fours, tearing up lawns, eating an annoying HOA inspector who was writing a ticket for someone who decided to have a witch hat light up their doorway, destroying fences - slashing up a scarecrow...

Really, just doing whatever she damned well felt like, in her pre-Halloween adventure. A few "cryptid hunters" even got photos and videos of her just rampaging around the neighborhood, being relatively harmless compared to most werewolf rampages.

At least, until she came to a small, subdued party, hidden away deep in the depths of suburbia. Curiosity overwhelmed the gray, feral monster as she came up to the front door - which opened. The loud, sounds of her soft, gray belly digesting a HOA inspector begging for her life possibly outweighing the actual mood of the party, which was to say the least, uninspiring as the door opened.

A shocked, bewildered horseman answered. He stared nervously - looking up at the feral monster as his friends playing beer pong began to notice.

"Yo, dude." He said, in a deep, impressed tone. "That's a sick costume, babe." He said, looking back at his dude-bro friends. All of whom were doing a thumbs-up. No one knew who invited her to their secret, HOA-policy violating party, but it was pretty cool.

Freya paused, cocking her head to the side. A costume...? She groped her belly - the faint bulge of that poor HOA inspector breaking down. The horseman though just whistled.

"Whoah.Cooool, dude..." He said, impulsively grabbing it and squeezing.

In another timeline - it was entirely possible that this party could have gone on with a drunk werewolf and a variety of drunk dudebros all having a party together - but Freya snapped. In werewolf culture, touching the tummy without approval (or at least, making sure she can't move), was possibly the worst decision possible.

This poor, unfortunate party found itself moving to a new spot, as Freya hungrily devoured each and every dudebro in the house, her gray stomach expanding outward, from only a single poor HOA inspector, to three... Four...

Seven! Seven delicious, yummy drunk dudebros - all of whom entered her drooling maw, barely putting up a struggle as she relaxed on the couch, content to relax and sleep off a nice, long digestive cycle...

Then, the door knocked, furiously. Sighing - the werewolf got up - her big, sloshy tummy melting down screaming partygoers as she answered it - pushing her big, fat belly right in the face of a goatman in what could be best described as a wizard outfit, a wizard hat with horns poking through, and a blue robe. A smile came over him.

"Whoah-- that's one sick costume for the D&D game tonight... Wait, is this the wrong address..?" He said - glancing over to the door, and glancing back at the big, boobied werewolf right in front of him. He blinked rapidly.

"O-oh, hey! Um... Sorry, wrong place!" He said, beginning to back away, as Freya stepped out of the door. Sweat beaded down the goat's head, nervousness clearly overtaking him. This was very clearly a REAL werewolf, and that was a BIG, FAT, BELLY of digesting people. Slowly, her arms opened up - as the goatman screamed in terror.

Freya snatched this nerd up, and swallowed him whole. His little wizard hat flopped to the ground, as Freya curiously cocked her head - grabbing it, and putting it on, as curiosity came over her. Just where WAS that game at, anyways? She sniffed the air - the smell of chips, sugary beverages, and a variety of sweaty dork coming from right down the block. Curiously, she scampered down on all fours - being bigger than a car. It was possible to hear screaming from within her stomach as Freya ran - hearing the stomach rumble and slosh violently as seven dudebros struggled with this poor wizard nerd...

Eventually, Freya came to the D&D game, lurking right outside of the window where it was being held at. A raccoon man led the game, with a scrawny dorky deer nerd, a blue kobold, and a wolfman wearing glasses. Drool dripped from her maw, onto her tummy, as she couldn't help herself.

"Roll for initiative. I guess Kevin won't make it." The raccoon man said, shrugging. A series of thuds entered the room, as everyone at the table stopped - looking up behind the raccoon as drool pitter-pattered onto his head, and something squishy pushed against the back of his head.

A hungry, ravenous wolfgut, with the broken-down remains of earlier victims.

A loud, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHRP sent bones and debris flying across the table, slobber and drool onto every poor person in the room, as she thoughtlessly stuffed the raccoon-man up her ass, with a loud SCHLUUURP, and sat down in his chair, which violently creeked under her weight. Everyone was too scared to move, looking around at each other nervously. The poor racoon man was already smothered under a ton of fat werewolf thighs and ass, as he began to be devoured.

This would be doubtlessly, be a game to remember.

T he game lasted maybe about five more minutes, before every poor soul at the table ended up in her gut, padding out her thighs and ass, forced to play the game from inside her belly as she relaxed. She was stuffed. Eating fourteen people in one night was record for her - and she struggled to get up. She was tired, and exhausted - beginning to head home, waddling along on, forced to stand on her two feet. Her tummy churned, happily digesting people into sloppy werewolf chyme as Freya yawned...

A pair of massive asscheeks, making up easily 35% of her bodymass clapped happily together, as she began to head back home...

D arryl was already in bed, when he heard the door open. Two white, piercing tired eyes. Freya - she walked over to her side of the bed, and collapsed in it, right next to him, smothering his head under her heavy, fat breasts that trickled with milk. A breeze came from the outside - she probably left the door open, and he was too tired to care. That rhythmic set of heavy GWLORP** S and GWLOOORPS** coming from his girlfriend's gut was hypnotising, as he cuddled up to her, nuzzling her gently.

"You aren't mad at me, for Monopoly still, are you?"

A soft, lovey-dovey whine came from the werewolf, as her bushy gray tail wagged violently. He took that as a "maybe", and left it at that.

_Wait... How did she get the door open, if I deadbolted it..._He thought...


He decided against checking it out, and got to rubbing her big, fat belly, knowing better than to leave such a big gal unattended like that, as he settled into a night of blissful sleep and white (digestive) noise...

"N-next time..." She growled. "I-I wanna play as the car..." She said sweetly, softly savoring Darryl's ear and head, licking it, as Darryl fell asleep...


He got up to check out the door, examining it. The front door was broken open - the deadbolt in pieces on the ground, as he scratched his head. Then, he felt drool pitter-patter on his head, as he turned around, face-first into a bunch of fat, werewolf tits.

"F-freya?!" He shouted, as drool trickled on his head - and she gulped him up, violently devouring him as he me a bulge on his throat, traveling down into her gut - joining her other snacks in a digestive slop, as she groaned.

"...For the record... Next time, I'm playing car with a _new_boyfriend..." She growled, heading back to bed, as poor Darryl begged to be let out - doomed...

The C-Files

# THE C-FILES **T** he phone loudly went off, jolting Agent Cassandra Horn from her restless sleep. She bolted upright, blinking away the lingering haze of her dreams, her soft bovine eyes blinking as she carefully tried to not skewer her pillow...

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