A Streaking Pledge (Anonymous Commission)

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#15 of Story Commissions

This is a story commission that contains some very spicy stuff including public sex, feral, a he/him intersex moose, and other raunchy things. If you're not into vaginas or implied pregnancy, then feel free to not read this one! Thanks for looking, regardless!

Konstantin's heart raced as he stared at the sealed envelope in his hands. A tiger that he recognized as an upperclassman from the Sigma Epsilon Chi fraternity had handed it to him a few seconds earlier. The burly moose lifted his gaze from the envelope to watch the athletic tiger saunter away without looking back.

"Just be careful, man. You've heard the rumors about Sigma Epsilon's hazing, right?" A Doberman classmate had warned him a week earlier when Kon had mentioned wanting to pledge for SEC.

"They can't be actually as bad as people say," Kon had replied, scratching his head just below his impressive antlers. "They wouldn't have any members if the hazing scared people away."

In truth, the rumors he had heard about the frat were part of why he wanted to join. Stories of all-night orgies with the frat brothers and booze-fueled fuck parties were rampant on campus about SEC and though he was an outwardly shy moose, Kon couldn't deny that in the pit of his stomach, he hoped there was at least some truth to the stories.

Now, he was staring at the envelope, dwarfed in his large hands, that contained his personal pledge challenge. Every new pledge was given one as part of the ritual to join the frat and they had been told at the ceremony that each challenge would be different. The brothers had also said that if a challenge was too much for a pledge to handle, they could back out, no questions asked.

It was Kon's second year at college and he had wrestled with himself for months about whether or not he should pledge for SEC. Aside from the rumored wild parties, being an SEC brother would likely make it easier to find a job after graduation because of the many connections the frat's alumni had in the business and tech world. There were also a lot of football players in the frat, which made Kon all the more eager to be the center of an SEC orgy. The moose didn't have any desire to actually join the football team. He didn't think he would make a particularly good player anyway and his comp sci projects kept him too busy to attend practice. But SEC would be a good opportunity to make more friends on campus. It wasn't easy to have a social life at school when he still lived at home with his stern father, Viktor.

Kon took a deep breath through his wide nose and tugged nervously on the collar of his tan sweater vest as he remembered pledging for SEC. The initial ceremony had basically been an interview where a brother asked the pledge all manner of questions. It had been pretty embarrassing for Kon when the brother, a hyena from the football team, had brought up the fact that Kon was intersex point blank and out of the blue. From there, the conversation devolved to what kind of kinks each of them had rather than an interrogation. Kon remembered squirming uncomfortably in his seat through the whole thing.

The hyena talked about bondage, what positions he liked, why he liked cum, and riskier kinks like stealthing, sex in public, and orgies. The way he spoke so casually about it all made Kon's pussy twitch in his pants. But he also had the feeling that the hyena was holding some info back. No doubt to entice Kon to join the conversation. Which of course, the moose did. He wanted to impress this frat bro enough to give him a challenge and let him join the frat. Plus, he couldn't deny that the Hyena's casual tone when it came to sex was pretty hot.

"So you got a pussy, right?" The hyena had asked. "Can you get knocked up?"

"U-um," Kon stammered. "Yeah, I guess. I go into heat sometimes, so yeah."

"Not gonna lie, that's pretty hot," The frat brother replied. "What about anonymous partners? You into that? I like glory holes, myself." The hyena grinned as he watched Kon squirm. "The thought that anyone could be on the other side of the wall, even someone I might know, makes it way hot to me."

"It is p-pretty hot," Kon had said, his sex clenching eagerly at the idea. Their conversation had gone something like that. With the hyena coming up with a lewd scenario and then Kon agreeing that it was hot. At the end of the 'interview', Kon hadn't been that surprised when the hyena football player stood up and revealed a throbbing bulge in his pants complete with a wet precum spot at the tip. He had an ample bulge and Kon admitted if he had been in heat at the time, he would definitely have let that hyena fuck him right there in that room at SEC. But his rational brain stopped him from making a move. He still kind of regretted it. Maybe there would be another opportunity to get fucked by that handsome yeen if he successfully joined the frat.

Back in the present, the burly moose slipped a finger under the flap of the envelope and slowly tore it open. Heart pounding, he silently read the message inside.

Pledge Konstantin,

Today is your lucky day! The brothers of Sigma Epsilon Chi welcome you to our fraternity. You passed our vetting interview with flying colors and your fellow brothers can't wait to meet you!

Kon breathed a sigh of relief, but then a bead of sweat formed at his temple as he continued reading.

To finalize your status as an SEC brother, we have one final task you must perform. You may refuse this challenge, but in so doing, you forfeit your right to join our ranks. Your task is to drive, fully nude, to the following address and streak through the field you find there. We expect proof of you performing the challenge via selfies and video or a statement of your refusal to perform the challenge in writing before the next full moon in ten days.

Your brothers in fraternity,

Sigma Epsilon Chi

At the bottom of the page, under the fraternity's Greek symbols, was an address, just as promised. Kon tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat as he typed the address into the map app on his phone. It was about an hour's drive from his house in a rural area. At least he wasn't expected to streak through a popular public place. But then again, Viktor would kill him if he found out that Kon was planning on streaking anywhere. It just meant that he'd have to do it without his father finding out.

Kon put the letter in his shoulder bag and made his way to his next class, his ears turning crimson with embarrassment as he planned how he was going to sneak out late at night against his father's wishes.


Two days later, Kon was pacing nervously in his room as he waited for the telltale signs of his father, going to bed. It was a Friday, but there was still early morning work on the ranch that his father would have to do before dawn. Kon was wearing a loose pair of grey sweatpants and a blue zip-up hoodie. He could never put on the hood part because of his antlers, but the zipper in front made it one of the easiest-to-wear tops he owned. He stopped pacing and listened to the sound of his dad's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Night, Konstantin," his father said through his closed bedroom door.

"N-night, Dad!" Kon inwardly swore at himself for stuttering and practically yelling it at the door.

There was a brief silence.

"Everything okay?" His father asked; the stern tone in his voice easily passing through the wood of the door.

"Yeah, fine. You startled me is all," He said.

"Uh-huh." His father replied. "Well, don't stay up too late even though it's a weekend."

"Yes, sir. I won't" Kon lied.

His father's hooves moved down the hallway away from his door and then Kon's ears picked up the sound of the bedroom door closing. Just to be safe, the burly moose waited for another agonizingly long hour before he dared open his door and carefully descended the stairs as quietly as he could. It was ten o'clock and Kon silently left the house and slipped into his car.

Once there, he stripped out of his hoodie and sweatpants; leaving them bunched up on the passenger seat. His trembling hands removed his cell phone from the pocket of his pants and activated the camera. He swore silently as he realized the car was too dark for the camera to see anything so he flicked on the interior light with a shaky hand. His dark brown chest fur was illuminated in the camera's eye and Kon swallowed audibly as he angled the view downward so his entire face, torso, and twitching cunt were visible. He gave a shy grin and a thumbs up as the cell made a camera shutter noise.

It wasn't a great selfie due to his shaking hands, but it was clear enough and Kon was too terrified that his father might furiously fly out of the front door of the house at any moment to take another one. Before that could happen, he flicked off the interior light, turned the key, and reversed out of the driveway with his heart pounding. He didn't turn on the headlights until he was on the road so they wouldn't shine into his father's bedroom window and alert the old moose. But half of the battle was already won as soon as he was out on the main road. The fabric of the car seat tickled his pussy as he shivered nervously from the cool night air. Every time an oncoming car hit him with its headlights, he had to swallow another lump in his throat.

The drive to the field felt like it took ages.

Kon had the wheel in a white knuckle grip by the time he pulled up next to the field. He had passed a lone farmhouse a few seconds before he stopped and he glanced back at the dark windows as he turned his car off. His pounding heart rang in his ears as he grabbed his phone from the holder on the dashboard and stepped out of his car. A damp spot was slightly visible on his seat and he grimaced as he rubbed his cunt. A whiff of fertile musk drifted upward and Konstantin cursed himself for forgetting when he'd next be on heat. He peered into the darkness of the field, ears alert for any sounds of animals, but he heard none.

Thank goodness for that.

He closed and locked the door, clipping his keys to his antlers with a karabiner. He made sure they were hung high enough not to smack him in the head while he ran. Kon gripped his cell phone so tightly that he was surprised the screen didn't crack as he walked nervously up to the fence. He held the phone at arm's length and activated the flashlight, illuminating himself in the dark night. He put his back to the field and pressed record.

"P-pledge Kon here..." he stammered quietly. The camera showed a portion of the field behind him and pitch blackness beyond. Kon glanced over to the farmhouse and continued when he saw it was still dark. "I'm gonna streak across this field, as instructed. S-sorry for the bad audio... I guess."

Kon swore inwardly at himself. That was an idiotic thing to say. He kept the camera facing him and vaulted over the wooden fence. Thankfully there was no barbed wire or anything else similarly nasty about it. As soon as his hooves met earth on the other side, there was a snort from the darkness to his right. Kon took off running without considering what kind of beast it could have been. An athletic moose, he was accustomed to exercise and adrenaline kept his lungs gulping air as he fled. The tall grass of the field tickled his legs and dripping cunt as he huffed from the exertion. He had been running for a good few minutes with no sounds of pursuit and he allowed himself to breathe more regularly at that realization.

How fucking big is this fucking field?? He thought as his lungs burned and his legs began to ache. As if in answer, the metal frame of a gate in the fence on the far side came into view and Kon pushed himself a bit harder to sprint to the finish. He vaulted over that too and landed in soft, woodland grass. He stood, catching his breath for a moment before he turned around and triumphantly lifted the camera to show off his sweaty, naked bod on the other side of his obstacle.

I did it! He thought. And then said, "I did it!" aloud at his cell phone. "So uh... this is pledge Konstantin, signing-"

A loud huff behind him forced his attention away from his cell. He turned his head to see a massive bull moose directly behind him and in terror, Kon dropped his phone. How had such a huge creature snuck upon him like that? The gigantic male pushed his nose against Kon's back right between the shoulder blades and the anthro moose eeped in response, gripping the fence to keep himself from falling over from the beast's strength.

"W-wait!" Kon yelped as the moose lifted his front legs and planted them squarely on Kon's bent shoulders. "N-no you can't! I'm-!"

The moose obviously couldn't understand him and likely wouldn't have stopped even if he could after getting a heavy whiff of Kon's heat from the source. Kon's short hairs stood on end as the moose's large, tapered shaft slid against the right side of his ass and his ears turned crimson with embarrassment. The whole scene was illuminated from below by his nearly fully-charged cell phone flashlight and Kon turned his head to look at the pole that was curiously prodding his nethers. It was nearly a foot-and-a-half long and started thin, but quickly thickened for the entire length of the shaft until the base, under which hung two grapefruit-sized testicles. Kon sucked in a breath as he realized trying to keep the moose out in his position and with only his vaginal muscles would be impossible and also would likely hurt a great deal. So instead he took a few deep, ragged breaths trapped under the bull moose's weight and gripped the fence with white knuckles as the beast pulled back and tried again. This time, the length was too low and slid between Kon's thighs, slapping his belly with the pointed tip as the bull moose grunted, annoyed. Kon squeezed his thighs, hoping that giving his new bestial lover stimulation with them would discourage him from actual penetration, but alas, the moose yanked his cock back and repositioned. The third thrust hit the mark and Kon couldn't stop the wail of surprised pleasure that the massive moose shaft forced out of his lungs when it barreled into his sex.

His cheeks were hot with lust and shame, and Kon clenched his teeth as his lover's enormous cock sank deeper still. The moose rumbled, pleased above him, and seemed to wait for Kon to get used to his girth. The college-age moose huffed and shuddered against the feral one's chest as his cunt twitched greedily and dripped onto the grass below.

"F-fuck, you're so big..." Kon whispered as the moose lowered his head to bump noses with his anthro lover. They rubbed necks for a moment before the feral moose above pushed several more inches inside and began to thrust in earnest. Kon let out a breathy moan as the moose fucked. The passion of his heat took over as electric pleasure ran up and down his spine. That fat shaft sank deeper and deeper with each thrust until Kon yelped when the moose's fat balls slammed into his thighs. The pointed tip of the thing had to have been pushed all the way into his womb and the moose grunted in approval above as Kon got another affectionate nose bump while the beast held his throbbing length completely inside his smaller lover.

Kon's pussy contracted from the stimulation of being spread so wide and he bit his lip as his head swam from lusty pleasure. "S-so d-deep!" Kon moaned as his legs shuddered and his cunt quivered from an intense orgasm. His whole body shook, squeezing the bull moose's pulsing cock over every inch as Kon came. He held on to the fence for dear life through the mind-melting climax and just as the pleasure began to decrease, the moose resumed fucking.

"W-wait-!" Kon whimpered weakly as the bull's hips crashed into his, battering his sex into submission with the incredible girth. The bull snorted through his nose, rubbing his neck against Kon's head behind his antlers as his thrusting pace steadily increased. Every one of Kon's muscles was alight with bliss as that hot, throbbing shaft of fire pierced the core of his heat-soaked pussy. Precum and cunt fluid squelched between them from their mating, oozing down Kon's legs as the moose claimed his new bitch. Kon clenched his teeth as a second orgasm built quickly in the core of his loins, spurned on by the girthy shaft penetrating his needy hole. The bull moose tensed, hilting his cock into that inviting heat in several quick thrusts before he groaned an animalistic moan and slammed his dick home. Kon gasped as his body filled with liquid heat from the moose's pulsing erection, white waves of creamy moose spunk flooding his sex. Kon clenched and quivered as a second climax shook him to the core and feral moose cum splattered onto the ground under them.

The bull's balls twitched against Kon's thighs, pumping their heavy load right into the anthro moose's fertile womb. Kon blushed hotly as he wondered if it would take and secretly hoped it would. Deep down, he wanted to carry this strong male's young. It didn't matter that he was feral. The bull huffed above him, giving Kon's neck another affectionate rub as his dick slowed its spurting. Kon panted, keeping his grip firmly on the fence as his body clenched around the immense shaft within him. He glanced downward at his cell phone just outside of the puddle of cum and an exhilarating, hot wash of shame came over him as he realized he hadn't stopped the recording.

The bull snorted and slid back half a foot and Kon gasped from the sudden release of cum that oozed down his legs. He must have been really pent-up. Kon thought. But the bull slid back inside and Kon's spine arched in alarm. "A-Again??" He whimpered as the moose's thrusts began anew. The anthro moose grunted and huffed along with the beast above him as the thrusts stretched his pussy wide with the base of that girthy shaft when the bull moose hilted. Something in Kon lit up with sensation each time that cock barrelled deep inside as if it were meant to be gaping his cunt with its girth.

Fuck it, He thought as his bestial lover affectionately rumbled above him and slid his massive neck along Kon's shoulder. It's the middle of nowhere. I-I want this. He lifted his voice to moan out loud in approval at the moose's deep-dicked thrusts and the beast groaned back, slamming his powerful hips into Kon's quivering thighs.

"F-fuck me!" Kon gasped as his legs trembled and his pussy clenched feverishly around the pulsing beast cock. "Fill me, please!" He whimpered as that dick sparked a fire in his womb and another shuddering orgasm washed over him. The moose bellowed in response, savage pounding thrusts crashing into the clenching hole below him. He grunted and huffed, burying his nose and face in Kon's neck to inhale the scent of his heat. Kon wailed like a whore, begging for more of that hot cum. The bull moose slammed home, balls twitching as a second, immense load of hot, feral seed erupted deep inside his anthro bitch. Kon moaned as he felt his belly bulge slightly before the moose's haunches gave one final thrust and steaming moose cum splattered over the bull's balls and down Kon's legs.

That girthy shaft throbbed with each heavy spurt of fresh jizz and Kon's flushed chest and ears dripped with sweat. He braced himself with one arm and reached down, fondling the bull moose's heavy sack and gathering some of that fresh cum on his fingers. He brought it to his lips and groaned needily as he took in the taste of masculine, raw, bestial seed. It was so perverted and so hot. He rolled the bull moose cum on his tongue and moaned as he swallowed the salty, musky treat.

A flashlight beam washed over him.

"Dang, you sure are loud, boy." Said a husky, deep voice from the darkness beyond the light. "You are a boy, ain'tcha?"

Kon stood frozen in mid-gulp, hairs on end, moose cum clinging to his lips and fingers, fur disheveled and matted with sweat. He couldn't move with the bull moose still inside him and, strangely, the giant creature wasn't spooked by their mystery guest either. The bull gave Kon a comforting neck nuzzle and rumbled happily above him as his huge erection throbbed deep within the anthro moose.

When Kon didn't reply, the mystery man continued. "He sure likes being in that pussy of yours don't he? Hell, I can't blame him. Looks like a fine cunt from here. Bet it feels great stuffed with feral moose dick too. Am I right?"

Kon didn't know what to say. "Uh, I-I'm sorry," He finally managed to squeak, voice quavering.

"What for? You put on quite a nice show if I'm honest. Got me mighty riled, I tell you what." The flashlight angled down, revealing the silhouette of the man's bulge in his jeans and he gripped it teasingly as Kon stared. The man gestured to Kon's phone in the grass. "Like recording your perverted fun too, huh?"

"N-no, that's not-!"

"Tell you what, kinky moose," The man continued, obviously not caring what Kon was about to say. The feral bull moose dick throbbed and pulsed as the larger male pulled out a few inches and then hilted again, forcing a gasp of pleasure from Kon's lips. "How about you agree to give me your number and I don't call the cops on your pervert ass."

The moose thrust again and Kon shuddered. It was clear there was no getting out of this predicament without the mystery man's help. He clenched his teeth and nodded. "F-fine."

"Good choice," The man said, approaching the fence. He slowly put a hand on the bull moose's nose, still nestled in Kon's neck and gave a gentle push. "Ease off, big guy! You've had your fun."

The feral beast snorted and reluctantly backed away, pulsing shaft slowly shrinking as it slid out of Kon's loosened cunt. The moose lifted his legs from the frat boy's shoulders and gave Kon one last, affectionate nose bump before turning and trudging off into the treeline. Cum ran down Kon's legs and he felt so empty without his sex full of girthy moose cock. He stayed there, panting and clinging to the fence for a moment before the mystery man spoke up.

"You waiting for another beast to come fuck you or what? Get over this fence before you attract the whole damn woods with your thirsty pussy."

Konstantin stood, stretching his back for a moment before he grabbed his phone and turned off the video. He climbed over the fence, feral moose jizz still leaking from him as the man took his arm and he finally got a good look at his savior. He was a donkey, probably in his mid forties, wearing nothing but a pair of blue overalls. His chest was wide and muscled, no doubt from years of farm work, and he had no trouble supporting the frat boy's weight. The donkey gave Kon a wry grin as the moose looked him over.

"Th-thanks," Kon said as the two of them made their way back across the field.

"Don't worry, I put all my animals to bed in the barn while you were wailing like a whore earlier." Kon blushed and the farmer continued. "Unless you want to get another load in you before you go."

The donkey gave Kon a side-eyed glance under wiggling eyebrows.

A hot wash of shame came over the college moose as he seriously considered the farmer's offer. He looked down at the thick bulge of donkey dick in the farmer's overalls and absentmindedly licked his lips.

"I can see you still ain't satisfied, boy. I can try to cool that heat deep in you. You just gotta ask nice."

By then, they were at the other side of the field and the farmer opened the gate to let Kon through. The porch light of the farmhouse was lit and Kon glanced from the farmer, to the porch, and to his car. His cunt twitched, sending the scent of fertile musk and moose cum into their flaring noses. The donkey groped his bulge and licked his lips as he stared at Kon whose gaze was zeroed in on the outline of the farmer's cockhead throbbing behind the fabric.

"P-please," Kon said breathlessly as his heart rate quickened from the idea of this practical stranger fucking and seeding his cunt.

"What was that?" The farmer asked with a lewd grin. "You gotta speak up, boy."

"Please fuck me!" Kon blurted out before his rational mind could catch up with his horny one.

"Can do, sweet thing," the donkey said. "Come on in."

He took Kon's hand in his and led the moose up the steps of the porch and through the front door of the farmhouse.

The inside of the farmhouse was nicely furnished and decorated. But Kon wasn't interested in the decor. The donkey grinned at him as he placed a hand on the athletic moose's ass and gave a firm squeeze. The farmer guided Kon into a side room where a mattress was laid out on the floor. A camera on a tripod was nearby, facing the mattress. The rest of the room was comfortable, but unremarkable except for a wooden nightstand to the right of the camera that had a prominent bottle of lube on display.

"This your- uh, f-fuck room?" Kon asked.

"One of 'em, yeah," The donkey replied. He walked over to the tripod and slid it to the side next to the wall. "Make yourself comfortable. Want a drink or anything?" The donkey slid his overalls off his shoulders and let them fall to his ankles. His cock held them up as it sprung forward and the farmer chuckled as he fished his dick from the fabric.

"A water would be great," Kon said realizing at that moment just how thirsty he had become after getting his cunt fucked raw by a feral beast. "W-what's your name, anyway?"

The donkey paused, giving Kon a long, appraising look. The predatory glance made the hair on Kon's neck stand on end. "You first," the farmer said eventually.

"Um..." Kon was suddenly apprehensive. That look made his stomach churn with unease. But he really wanted that donkey dick deep inside him. "I'm Konstantin," he said. And then added after a short pause, "Kon for short."

The farmer smiled. "In that case, call me 'Cliff'."

The sarcastic tone in his voice made it clear that wasn't really the Donkey's name, but Kon was too uneasy to press him further about it.

Instead, his gaze shifted to the camera nearby. "You um, you're not gonna film us, are you?"

Cliff smiled as he walked back passed the mattress toward the kitchen. "Would it be a problem for you if I did?"

Kon waited until Cliff came back and took a large gulp of water from the offered glass. "M-my dad doesn't know I snuck out to go streaking." He said, ears and cheeks turning crimson.

Cliff stroked his dick as he watched the reclining moose drink. "You still live at home, huh? Why were you out here doing something so perverted anyway?"

The frat boy averted his eyes. "Hazing I guess. I want to join a frat at college and they gave me a challenge to join... It was a stupid idea, I know. I should have refused."

Cliff shook his head. "Nah, I think it's pretty fuckin' hot. Buncha' horny college dudes daring you to do something wild and nasty? Wish I had that kinda luck in college." The donkey laughed. "Now, how do you want to get dicked, boy?"

"Um," Kon said, hesitating.

"Come on, Kon. Show me how you want this donkey cock."

The younger moose finished the water and rolled over on his knees, lifting his short tail to reveal his tight pucker and twitching pussy. Cliff licked his lips and grabbed the moose's ass, squeezing and rubbing it. "Good choice," He said with a growl.

Cliff stepped onto the mattress and lined up his throbbing, flared cockhead with Kon's sex. "Don't think I'll need lube for this," the donkey said, voice deepened with lust. "You're still wet as fuck back here."

"P-please put it in," Kon whined.

"Yeah, yeah. Hold your horses." Cliff said, kneeling down to sniff and lick the sides of Kon's pussy. He tasted raw, wild heat and fresh, feral moose cum as his tongue slid between the lips of Kon's sex. The younger moose couldn't help the moan that crept out of his lungs. Cliff's tongue slid over the sensitive flesh with practiced ease and the donkey's wide snout spread Kon's cunt as the tongue dove deeper.

"C-Cliff!" Kon yelped as a blissful spark electrified his groin from the talented tongue.

Cliff's cock throbbed and pulsed under him, dripping onto the mattress as he devoured that slutty hole. He eventually pulled back and licked his lips, sliding his flared cockhead along the moose's pussy and between his ass cheeks. "Fuck yeah, boy," He growled. "What a nice pair of holes you've got." He thrust his shaft against both of Kon's twitching entrances for a while, driving the college moose to further heights of lust.

Kon clenched his fists, twitching sex frustrated at being empty for so long. "Please put it in," he eventually whined after several minutes of slow, blissful torture.

Cliff grinned as his cock kissed Kon's pussy, the flare at the tip shoving aside the moose's loosened lips. Kon shuddered and moaned as the length easily slid inside. He barely felt the donkey's medial ring; the equine shaft surging forward until Cliff's fat nuts pressed up against Kon's thighs. The donkey's bulky belly rested on the younger moose's ass and Cliff huffed a horny breath through his nose as his dick throbbed and flared deep inside Kon's clenching cunt.

"Goddamn, you're so hot," Cliff said. He pulled back until the medial ring slipped out and then slammed his cock home. Kon gasped and moaned like a whore, cunt twitching and milking Cliff's fat shaft. The donkey gripped Kon's waist with one hand and reached into the pocket of his overalls. He fished out his cell phone and a brown bottle of poppers. Cliff's hips set into a steady rhythm, slow, but firm as he hilted again and again into that hot, warm pussy.

"Mmf, ah!" Kon whimpered, lowering his head to the mattress. "Fuck me!" He moaned, pushing back to meet each powerful thrust of the farmer's hips.

Cliff unscrewed the bottle and inhaled a deep sniff of the vapors through his nose as he rubbed Kon's back with his free hand. "Fuck yeah, nice warm hole, boy," he said, gasping as the poppers clouded his mind in a haze of lusty heat. He grabbed his phone from the mattress, still gripping and rubbing Kon's hips with the other as he pulled up the cell's camera. He tapped 'record' with his thumb and groaned as Kon's cunt squeezed his shaft particularly tight. "Oh yeah, gonna breed this hot, fertile cunt," Cliff moaned, almost fully pulling out of the moose's sex only to slam the full length back in.

Kon quivered and shuddered as the flare barrelled deep inside him, vaginal walls contracting as the thick donkey cock teased the inner reaches of his sex. He could feel an orgasm building deep in the pit of his groin and it only grew with each hilting thrust from Cliff's throbbing dick. "I need it. Fill me!" He breathlessly moaned.

"Yeah, you're gonna get it," Cliff replied. "Gonna fill you with my foals." The donkey held his cell steady, focused on his girthy rod as it plunged into Kon's quivering cunt. The farmer groaned at the warmth of the hole, fueled by Kon's heat. The sounds and scent of their sex filled the room, masculine musk and fertile heat hanging in the air around them as Cliff's hips smashed into Kon's.

The moose shuddered as pleasure ran up his spine. "F-fuck, Cliff, I'm gonna cum!" He whined.

"Yeah fuckin' do it, Kinky Moose. Cum and milk my fat cock," Cliff groaned. He lowered the cell to show a close-up of Kon's quivering pussy just as the younger moose let out a loud, breathy moan. His sex clenched and spasmed around Cliff's dick as Kon's orgasm shuddered through him. The donkey gripped Kon's ass with his free hand and powerfully slammed his dick into that tightened hole.

"Fuck yeah! You ready for it? I'm gonna nut in you, Kon. Gonna make you carry my kids!" Cliff groaned. His cock pulsing thick with impending climax. He kept the phone low, showing the penetration as clear as possible as his heavy nuts slapped Kon's thighs. Kon's cunt clenched tightly without warning and Cliff's breath hitched in his throat as the renewed tightness sent his pleasure rocketing over the edge. "Oh, fuck!" He roared, thick cum erupting deep in Kon's eager sex.

Rope after rope of potent donkey cum blasted from the flared tip, quickly filling Kon's quivering cunt. Cliff's jizz oozed out the sides of the younger moose's sex, dripping down Kon's thighs and Cliff's balls. The donkey clenched his teeth as he shuddered through his climax, growling deep in his chest as his heavy nuts erupted. Kon gasped, holding his belly as heated pleasure ran through his body. His cheeks flushed and his pussy contracted. He knew the older donkey was knocking him up... and he wanted it.

"Yes! Mmm, I can feel your load!" Kon moaned.

"Yeah, there you go. Heat all cooled off now?" Cliff said in between panting breaths as his pumping cock slowed the flow of jizz. He kept his length hilted deep in the younger moose's pussy; stopping the recording on his phone and quickly sliding it back into the pocket of his overalls.

"Y-yeah," Kon said, sighing contentedly as he reached back to take Cliff's hand.

The donkey squeezed Kon's hand and pulled out with a wet sound as his jizz oozed from Kon's hole. "Better get a shower before you head home." Cliff said, helping Kon to his feet.

"Thanks, you know, I didn't expect you to be so nice," Kon sheepishly replied as Cliff lead him to the bathroom.

"Well if I ain't nice, how am I gonna entice you to come back?" Cliff said with a chuckle. "I mean if you want to come back, that is."

Kon gave a small smile in response, reaching into the shower to turn on the water. "Um, I think I would, yeah."

"I'll give you my number after you're done," Cliff said and then grinned wide. "Hell, might even be able to find some more beasts for you to fuck too."

Kon's intense blush was hidden by the glass walls of the shower as he quickly stepped inside, but he couldn't deny that the idea of getting railed by whatever animals Cliff had put to bed earlier made his pussy eagerly clench.

"Here's a towel for you," Cliff said from outside the shower. "Also, uh, could you send me that video of you and the moose?"

"W-why?" Kon asked.

"It was fuckin' hot. I want to add it to my personal spank bank," Cliff said with a laugh.

"S-sure I guess I can send it to you," Kon replied, blushing even more under the hot shower water as he remembered how fucking good that thick bull moose cock had felt.


A few weeks later, Viktor was sitting at the dinner table in his house, waiting for his son to come home from the campus. His text tone dinged and he grunted as he picked the cell up from the table.

"Hi, dad," The text read. "I've got a group project coming up in comp sci. And we're gonna go out to eat and do some planning for it."

"Drive safe and don't stay out too late," Viktor tapped his reply.

In truth, he was a bit relieved to have some privacy from his son. It had been a good long while since Viktor had been able to truly sit down with porn and have a good, solid wank. He snorted through his nose as his cock thickened in his sweatpants. Yeah, it was well passed time. The older moose stood from the table and trudged into his office. He tugged his sweats down under his plump balls, giving them a teasing tug as he sat in the chair in front of his computer. The PC was only used for porn and some upkeep spreadsheets and bills for the farm. There was a time when Kon was younger when he had allowed the young moose to install a few games on it, but ever since Kon had earned enough to buy his own machine, he hadn't touched Viktor's. Which was all well and good considering what the old moose's browsing history looked like.

Viktor lazily stroked his dick and rubbed his thick, muscular chest as he pulled up his favorite porn site: Raw and Ready; a site where every video was bareback and let uploaders post some wild content. Viktor huffed as he browsed the new uploads, teasing the tapered head of his cock as he analyzed each thumbnail to determine if they were hot enough for him. A few pages in, and he saw one titled: "On Heat Bitch Broken By Bull Moose" He clicked it and his eyes went wide. His cock surged and throbbed as the video showed a twitching cunt from below and then a massive, feral moose bending the whore over.

"Damn," He mumbled to himself as he gripped his dripping shaft and fucked his own fist. The audio on the video was terrible, but at least he could hear the moaning of the beast slut as her pussy was claimed by that massive animal cock. She had a nice, husky voice that paired well with the bull moose's low groaning. He ran a hand over his chest as he jerked, licking his lips at the thought of watching this bitch take his own girthy moose dick. His heart pounded in his chest as he huffed and imagined himself breaking in that raw cunt.

Viktor panted, tensing his legs to thrust through his own fist. His mind whirled with fantasies of spreading that fertile pussy wide with his girth and filling that slut's womb with his thick, potent seed. He would surely knock her up if he went in bare. Even if she wasn't in heat, his cum would make sure she carried his kids. He snorted through his nose as the electric sensation of orgasm slowly built in his groin. Fuck yeah, he was going to impregnate this bitch. She needed it. She wailed for his cum and he was going to give her all of the jizz his heavy balls could shoot-

The bull moose in the video came and Viktor let out a short gasp at the torrent of cum that poured from the whore's pussy. What a load... and then the moose resumed fucking. Viktor froze as he heard a familiar voice saying "A-Again??" in the video. The older moose's cock throbbed in his hands and his heart thumped as he rewound the video to listen again.

"F-fuck. Kon?" He mumbled to himself as he realized how familiar the hips and belly were starting to look. In spite of his realization and the brief decline of his pleasure, Viktor resumed stroking as the video continued. He knew it was wrong to jerk off to his own son being fucked, but it was so god-damned hot. He clenched his teeth, lifting his hips in time with each pump of his fist as he matched the bull moose's pace thrust for thrust like the pervert he knew he was.

"Yeah, son," he breathed as his raunchy fantasies once again took over. "I'm gonna cum in you."

The bull moose on the screen erupted again and Viktor groaned. He pictured Konstantin covered in animal jizz as his own throbbing cock launched cum upwards and over his own face and chest. He imagined nutting on his own son's face, painting Kon's beautiful features with his potent, fatherly load. He panted heavily, cum oozing down his shaft as he slowly came down from one of the most intense orgasms of his life.

Viktor used his clean hand to click the uploader's name and saw that they had a link to a personal website. He chuckled dryly to himself as he stood and went to clean himself off.

When he came back, he clicked through to the site: "Whores on the Range" and bookmarked it for future jerk-off sessions. He guessed the donkey pictured in most of the posts was the owner, but Viktor liked the old man's perverted style. He finished cleaning the desk where some of his cum had splattered and then he trudged up the stairs to head to bed. He would have to have a long, candid talk with his son when Konstantin got home.


After The Pool Job (Gay Father/Son Incest Story)

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DC Profile: Frostbite

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Floral Husbandry (Commission for Artemis)

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