Diogo the Brachiovoreus

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#12 of One-off

Had a desire for looooong necks, so here ya go! You were invited to a backyard party where you'll meet a long necked dino and hit it off!

The sun was just setting, the blushing clouds overhead casting a shade of pink and orange over everyone. Though he towered over everyone else. His name was Diogo, or something; a brachiosaurus. Even without his extra long neck, his chest came up to everyone else's heads. The host of the party introduced you to a few others you might know or enjoy getting to know, but Diogo stayed locked in the back of your mind. The backyard party lit with fairy lights, torches, and a campfire further from the house. In case anyone wanted to roast smores, or liked the taste of smoke on their hot dog.

The brachiosaurus was impossible to lose, so throughout the next few minutes as you acquainted with a few people, grabbed some snacks, you watched as he talked to a few others. He'd lean his head down, and his voice rumbled in the air. In one brief moment, he caught your eye, and he offered a smile. He was too cute. You smiled and looked away.

More drinks, more small talk, a few laughs. After so many stolen glances, you finally get the nerve. You stand up from a reclined lawn chair, excuse yourself from your group, and approach him. His body reclined on large couch, legs dangled off the edge, while his neck stretched off it. The underside was a very light green, almost white, blending to a striped black and brown pattern on the back. Your eyes traced up to where his head rested on a chaise lounge, his brown eyes meeting yours.

"Hello," he said. His chest rumbled to push air up his neck to his voicebox.

You stared before responding. "Hi," you said.

"Having a good time?"

You were.

"So what do you do?"

The small talk continued for a while. You were mostly happy you'd gotten the nerve to speak to him, but to be honest you didn't remember much of the actual substance. He was a firefighter, he knew the host, nothing else was retained, and after the initial introductions, the group continued their talk about something else. The night wore on, starry night sky twinkling above, and the drinks flowed.

Eventually, one in the group, a fox, piped up after taking a hit from his vape. "Your neck is so long! How long does it take for something to get to your stomach?" He'd asked of Diogo.

"Probably a while! I never bothered to time it." The lazy dino responded. He'd sprawled out onto the grass, letting you sit on the couch. You imagined a bulge sliding down his neck, imagining how long such a trip might take. How it might feel.

The others laughed at a joke or something. In your own drunken haze, you'd reached forth a hand and rubbed it along the skin near the base of his neck. A few inches above the collarbone. Warmth crept up your palm, and you rubbed it a while.

"Maybe we could time it now," you said. Aloud. You only realized such when another said you'd even fit in his stomach. You felt hot, unsure if it was your blushing or from his body heat.

"I bet he could," Diogo said. He turned his head around to face you. "Wanna try?"

You nodded, vision shakey. Was this happening? He shifted, strong hands picking you up as he shifted into a sitting position. "Okay." He said. He pulled your shirt off with one hand, mussing up your hair. And then he closed his eyes.

Your own felt glued open, watching his jaws spread wide, teeth parting and light glistening upon the bumpy tongue behind them. In the dim back of the maw, the tonsils flexing with each breath out. He stretched his tongue over his bottom teeth, a drop of saliva running down the center ravine, until it rolled over the tip, dangling and stretching down. Rumbles from his chest, his hands holding your arms tight, more drool dripping down onto your face.

He places one of your hands onto his tongue. It's warm, bumpy, and wet. The muscles flexes and curls along your palm, tasting you. He closes his lips around your elbow, sucking on your forearm. His nostrils blasted hot breath, a low moan when he finally releases your arm. It drips with spit, utterly soaked in his natural lubrication. His tongue is on your face, the rubbery texture gliding along, leaving behind sticky residue. He licks again. Your snout neatly aligns with the center line of the muscle, guiding your eyes towards his maw. The ridged palate leading to the softer back, the uvula dangling there.

His lips brush along the top of your head, you hadn't even realized he was taking you in. His tongue dipped down along your own neck, to your chest. Tastebuds sliding around you, drooling all the while. The breath previously felt on your front now wafts down your back with each of his exhales. A droplet of drool falls right onto your snout, his cave-like maw watering at your taste. The rumbles previously heard through his chest now faintly echo out from his esophagus.

Hands reposition from your arms to your legs. Your chest lays flat on his tongue, neatly aligned with the groove running along it. You feel every inch pass by as the large tastebuds roll along your front. Fingers pull at your shoes and socks, then your shorts. Now wearing just a pair of boxer briefs, the night air chilling your legs. The tip of his tongue plays into your crotch, your hardened dick getting soaked through. He pulls you in some more, just to curl the tip between your legs, splaying your clothed cheeks with its thickness.

Drool drips down your legs, when he lets them go. You feel pressed into his tongue as he raises his head up, uncurling his neck. You're probably around fifteen feet in the air now, though you didn't really know how tall he was. Air whooshing over your legs until he comes to a rest at his full height, he tastes you more, massaging your body with his tongue, pushing you into his palate. Inches go by of you slipping closer to his esophagus. The warm air whooshing up in long gusts, then fresh air getting inhaled.

He slurps, pulling your legs in. Entirely enclosed inside his maw, warming your bones even as you get soaked in spit. It's a bit crowded, and you get even closer to the throat opening. If you could see, you'd realize you were staring right down the cavernous tube leading to Diogo's stomach. His tongue continued to lap and twist to taste over your body, until finally, you felt his head tilt.

It was starting. Of sounder mind, you'd hope someone started a timer. But you were in a world of your own, entirely subject to the whim of this handsome brachiosaur who'd charmed you right into his maw. You slid over the tongue, your forearms dangling in the dark, joined by your head and chest. The esophageal opening yawned wide to accept you, the tongue shunting the rest of your body through the opening. Rough tongue replaced by smoother, tougher muscle, equally as coated in lubricating saliva.

With most of your body inside the chute, the tongue along with the tonsils came together to squeeze you down in a swallow. Powerful muscles behind the fleshy walls encasing you moved in tandem, passing you downward like a bit of toothpaste in an empty toothpaste thingy. No doubt your trip would be evident as a bulge to the outside viewers, sinking down Diogo's long neck. Their eyes would be staring up, watching it descend until it was almost eye level. Then you'd disappear into his chest, and land in his stomach. As it were, you had no idea how far down you'd gone.

It felt like minutes passed, the similar slimy walls sliding past, easily letting you entrance deep inside him. You felt a little lump pressing in from outside the throat. Diogo had leaned over to pick up the fox, allowing him to rest his paws on the brachiosuours's throat, feeling the skin raise and lower as your bulge passed by on the way down. Indeed, a crowd had grown to watch the spectacle, and you were none the wiser. Just sliding along the warm gullet of a relative stranger, closer and closer to his stomach.

Finally, you felt a little shift in the path, a tightening of the tube. You'd traversed into his chest, a beating heart pounding through the walls. Then down, and your arms bunch up against a sphincter. The sphincter. Once enough pressure builds up, you get shunted through, right into the tight belly. It's just big enough to hold you, the stomach folds cradling your naked form.

Wait. You still had your underwear right? You squirmed, pushing around the wet walls trying to find them. Your bare cock and balls grinded against them, your erection evident. They weren't with you... did he take them off?

The gurgly stomach walls sure didn't care. The muscles groaned and pushed against you, treating you like a large meal. You couldn't hear much of the outside party through the layers of flesh, but you were fine with that. It was quite cozy inside here anyway, with your new friend. Who'd swallowed you whole. The stomach clenched, air rushing out, and a few seconds later a burp rang out.

On the outside, someone felt the splat of wet underwear on their head. His chest vibrated as he spoke to the other partygoers. You wondered if you'd remember to ask how long it took to get from his maw to his stomach. Said stomach's walls massaging you gently with its strong folds, slimy flesh pushing in on you with a few noisy gurgles.

The party continued on, Diogo refusing any further snacks or drinks. He was full, after all, with a willing meal all curled up in his gut. His shirt rode up a tad, exposing some of his hairy belly. Occasionally, a hand would roam over his middle, feeling you inside. It would give you a few rubs or pets, giving some affection besides the stomach's overall churning. Otherwise you'd simply hang from his midsection, cradled deep inside the large dinosaur.

Not that you'd be able to tell, but about an hour passed by, and most people were heading home for the evening. For Diogo, the host had made a bed outside, composed of many large cushions pushed together, and a huge heated blanket, just in case it got too cold. You felt his weight shift, swaying in the sac while he climbed into the nest and curled up in it. His hands rested on his gut, and he soon fell asleep. You shifted inside him, getting comfortable yourself. Once you closed your eyes, sleep overtook you as well. The two of you made for a nice pair after all.