Buckets Scene (excerpt from Tally Road novel)

Story by Jinxtigr on SoFurry

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(begins in the middle of another scene, relating to other plotlines)

The deadly ninja-kitty nodded bashfully, still looking away, his hips tilting coyly.

Demarle chuckled. "Runge guys! Equal opportunity kitty crack. I think I get it. But listen, Rai- 'aons?"

Rai looked back at her, hesitantly, as if she'd caught him doing something and might yet let him go.

"Just because we don't obey protocol doesn't mean we have no rules. We want to do right by you- and those yummy wuffie playtoys? Those are people, honey, we want to do right by them- but sometimes they're terribly alien, and we have to try to understand what they need and want."


"What's that, honey?" said Demarle, her ears perking.

"...I'm pretty sure what some of them want!" said Rai.

"Of course you are, but how much do you really know about them? Sometimes what they need is terribly complicated and peculiar. We've actually got one coming in who's all of that, and I've got to talk to Brittery right away and find out if she's okay with it..."

"Yes?" called a sultry voice from the upper level of the Cathouse.

Boodins glanced up to see a striking new kitty. This one was shorter than Daucery, and probably Demarle as well, but not as tiny as Magarce. She was covered in short black fur, dense and glossy- lying so close to her body that her figure remained shockingly well defined. She was curvaceous, but not in the manner of Demarle, whose roundness was only exacerbated by rampant fluff- this one was more muscular, like some small huntress. Though her fur was black, her eyes were not unlike Magarce's- ice-blue, and wild.

"Tery! I need to talk to you." said Demarle.

Brittery swarmed down the wooden pole that the kitties used as stairs. Boodins couldn't help but stare as she did- the compact, lithe little creature made effortless work of the climb, and every angle of her motion revealed more elegant, muscled contours to her body. She resembled a feline gymnast crossed with a fertility goddess. Boodins stepped back as she approached, as if he'd be burned by waves of erotic hotness. She moved as if she believed that as well, and liked it...

"Is it this boy?" purred Brittery. "Any special requests?"

"I'm afraid not."

Brittery stepped back. "You didn't."

"I can still call him and tell him deal's off- but yeah- it's Buckets."

"NO way!"

"Aw, come on, honey- it's worth your while!" pleaded Demarle. "It's good for all of us when the margin is that high!"

"You don't have to put up with him!"

"I would in a second, Tery! It's not that outrageous, honestly! I'd do it for him, but he doesn't want me."

"He KNOWS I don't want to do it! He creeps me out with all that stuff! I don't like knowing his little routine!"

"Well, supposing that's why he wants you..."

"Of course it is! He wants me exactly because I don't want it! I don't get paid enough to put up with this b..."

"Three thousand."

Brittery froze.

"You wanna repeat that again, Arle?"

"I spent ten minutes on the phone telling him he was done. He doesn't want to be done. Three thousand. I told him I'd run it by you."

Brittery looked angry and disgusted. "That's crazy. How can he have that much?"

"You know he travels from Restred just to do it with you..."

Boodins' ears perked, but he watched without interruption.

"It's got to stop, Arle," pleaded Brittery. "I don't like not wanting to work. I don't like cringing."

"Tery, honestly! It doesn't hurt! Well... not in the usual way, not in any severe way! You're just too damn fastidious."

"Fine! You do it. With my blessing!"

"He's not offering three thousand for me, Tery. It's gotta be you."

"I shouldn't have to do such things!"

Demarle lost patience. "What? I'm the one who unclogs toilets around here. I wash the sheets afterwards. All you have to do is wash your fur..."

"Eeeesh, stop saying the WORD..."

"Listen, they all have some private thing, okay? I'm sorry that this one is hung up on you. I'm sorry he likes the fact that you don't like it. I'm even sorry he's offering three thousand. But I want you to stop wasting my time and decide if YOU are going to put up with it for three thousand, or whether I call him back and tell him not to come. And that had better be soon, because you know he always rushes right..."

Outside the Cathouse, there was a motion towards the door, and it began to open.

"Tery. Now. Yes or no?"

Brittery remained staring at Demarle, as the door opened, and kept staring as an elderly Resten priest shuffled in. He spotted Boodins and gave a start, making an 'erk!' noise, but after peering at him for a moment, shrugged and continued approaching the two kitties locked in the staring contest.

Boodins was staring a bit himself. This fellow seemed quite harmless. He was your perfect middle class Resten shopkeeper/vicar type, rather potbellied. He had the short arms and legs, the long dangling ears and droopy muzzle. He seemed to waddle a bit.

"Yes." said Brittery. "You should have told me. Now that he's here, yes, damn you."

Boodins looked back and forth, perplexed at the bizarre conflict. This Resten priest fellow, this hound-like innocuous guy, didn't seem to justify this level of tension.

Rai padded off unobtrusively, on the assumption that whatever was about to happen, might well be disturbing or even impossible to tolerate.

Demarle met Brittery's eyes, and looked stricken. "I should have been quicker. I... forgot, your thing about professionalism. Are you sure? I ought to be able to say no FOR you if you really need it..."

Brittery turned slowly to face the Resten. He trembled, slightly, just looking at her.

"No," she said. "He is our guest. Tomson, damn it, I told you. No more! Why don't you take one of the other girls? Daucery would love to do it for you."

"Hell, yeah!" said Daucery, from across the room. "You told me more than enough!"

"No..." said the Resten. "No, it's you I need."

"You're a damn sicko. I know it's harmless enough, but you want me just because I don't like it. It's not comfortable. How long did you wait this time?" demanded Brittery.

"I'd rather not say."

Brittery looked at him, gritting her teeth. "You know I have my pride. You're here now. I want to break my own rules and tell you to get the hell out."

"Four thousand."

"Where the HELL are you coming up with this money, Tomson? I don't give a fuck HOW much..."

"Five thousand." said the hound priest.

Brittery's ears went back. "...you promise not to do that thing with your fingers?"

"Ten thousand." said the hound priest.

"Holy shit." said Brittery. She was trembling as well, now. She had the feeling she was being outmanuevered. "You realize you've just gone to five times what you used to pay? You do realize that's going to be hard to keep up? That you just won't be able to do it as often as you'd like?"

"I don't care. Ten thousand. I need you now. I can't tell you how bad I need it."

Brittery padded forward very slowly, and touched his nose with a paw. "I think you just did. Damn you anyway. You're so nice, except for..."

"I need my except-for. Please. I have to go back home and be endlessly nice again."

"You realize you could go to Mistress Elistary and be really mean for much cheaper than that? If it's not-nice you want... why does it have to be your goddamn, insane, ridiculous kink?"

"Ten thousand to go along with it. I can't help how I'm made. Not now. Yes, it has to be my way. Please."

Brittery sighed. "Come along, damn you. I should cut you off. I can't believe this is good for you. Among other things, you'll injure yourself one of these days..."

"No, it's not dangerous, honestly." said the Resten, following her with his peculiar waddle.

"You're even walking funny! God damn it."

"I know what I like."

"I'm going to regret this." said Brittery.

"I know." said Tomson.

"Yeah, that's your favorite part."

"I'm so glad I met you." said Tomson.

"Yay." said Brittery bitterly.

She led him into one of the back rooms, not too quickly- neither seemed inclined to move too fast. Brittery gave a sudden leap, pantherlike muscles convulsing in an outburst of nervous tension, and pounced onto the bed. "Let's get this over with, shall we? At least the beginning is always nice."

"Funny," said Tomson, "it's the ending that does it for me."

"You're teasing me, doggy. Any chance you won't go through with the whole damn ritual?"


"Well... for God's sake, fondle the hell out of me at the start. You know we're on the same page for part of it. Oh shit you've gotta be kidding me!"

Tomson had dropped his already low-hanging pants. "Don't take that name in vain, Brittery." he said, but it wasn't his reprimand that had shocked her.

The Resten man stood revealing the first suggestions of a simply enormous canine penis- and two blue-balled testicles, already huge enough to affect his walk, engorged with abstinence and self-imposed frustration until they looked horribly sore. Tomson's balls looked like they were about to explode.

Brittery bit her lip gently. "Damn it, Tomson. This can't go on."

"Nobody else can please me like you do." said the Resten.

"Because you have that ridiculous fantasy! Why does it have to..."

"But it does," he said. "It does." He removed his shirt, and began carefully working his turgid sheath. Very quickly, Tomson's erection began to appear, already leaking precome, pliant and shockingly bulky.

Brittery licked her lips. "You're sure I can't... just enjoy you the way I'd like to? God, Tomson, it would be something. Why must you spoil it?"

"You can enjoy the beginning. I'll even touch you the way you like. But you must allow me my turn."

"Devil's bargain." purred Brittery softly, licking her lips again.

"Please don't say that. But it's in character. Shall we?"

"Character, hell. It's hard for me to resist that humongous cock. You're even nice and gentle with it, which at your size is helpful. C'mere."

The Resten priest didn't need a lot of persuading- but he did have to walk carefully, almost wincing with each step. "Harlot."

"And damn proud of it. And good at it. Come HERE."

He did, still working his sheath awkwardly, and the sensuous black Nerre fell upon him hungrily, stroking his body and favoring his swollen member with tiny delicate licks.

"Nhh!" said Tomson, as he grew even stiffer. "You're trying to get me off early. Won't work. Harlot."

"Hope springs eternal. How do you want me, she asked knowing what he will answer?" said Brittery, mockingly.

"You know."

"Tell me. At least I can get you to blush."

Tomson did, a bit, at that. "I want you to straddle me like the harlot you are, and pleasure yourself in the most sinful manner imaginable. That's what I want. Same as ever."

"Just think," said Brittery, "the first time it was just me acting natural. You know, the other girls are just as good at harloting? Well... nearly as good."

"I want you. Nobody could be as good." said Tomson.

Brittery crouched, her paws set apart, her tail lashing, taking in the sight of the Resten's shocking, bountiful cock, bobbing with his pulse and gleaming in slickened red, and she hesitated no longer. She might dread the end result, but in the immediate moment, her feline pussy pouted hard, heavy and swollen with urgent need, and the cure was right there asking her to pounce it. The lithe black cat specialized in her predatory air, her seeming ferocity- it was said that nobody and nothing in Verss compared to her intensity.

She sprang- and in moments, the trembling feline was straddling Tomson's larger, bulkier body, and pressing back against his erection, which she had effortlessly aimed for and tucked between her labia in a simple, graceful swoop of her hips.

Brittery lifted off Tomson's body, rising up, guiding his cock with her, until she was poised atop it, sitting bolt upright, her hips swivelling lustily as if she was trying to chalk the tip of him like a pool cue. Tomson's eyes nearly crossed with the sensation, but they couldn't cross because they were needed for staring at the wanton Nerre. She was running her paws up and down her body, over all the clearly defined elegant little belly muscles, fondling her perky breasts until the nipples stood out boldly. Her eyes were mere slits, her teeth bared in a snarl of pleasure.

Then, her paws dropped to his chest- she leaned forward a bit- and began to press back onto him, her pelvis writhing and twisting as she forced the swollen Resten cock into herself, beginning to moan more and more loudly, eyes still passionate slits with glints of ice-blue peeking through.

Tomson was frozen with excitement as the black cat took him, inch by inch, his shudders matched by hers. She was so taut, so impossibly excited- such an utter harlot and virtuoso of lust. As if of their own accord, his own hands slowly came up to either side of her bold, curvaceous hips...

Brittery more than suspected she was going to have help- she had lingered and gone slower than she had to, just in the hope that she'd get more action out of him. Her eyes opened wide as his hands grasped her, partly because it was good form, but partly because an honest jolt went through her as she realized what he was going to do. And then, he did. In a single, very firm motion, Tomson pressed Brittery down all the way, his fat canine cock thrusting powerfully and deeply into her until it took her breath away and left no space, none at all.

Brittery shrieked- she knew just how to combine the sounds of pain and savage pleasure, and the Resten's cock was so ridiculously bulky that she didn't have to try, it was pretty much authentic. He held her there, and the black cat reeled and caterwauled, heaving deep breaths and releasing them as ragged screams, gripping his arms as he gripped her hips, locked in a tableau of erotic tension. Very quickly, Brittery began coming hard enough that her tail bristled and thrashed, and her feline pussy clenched and spasmed on Tomson in frantic rhythm, begging and demanding his own release.

She tried to hold his hands onto her hips, but the Resten had become alarmed and anxious, and before she could stop him- one hand had vanished between her legs, to encircle his cockbase in the manner of Resten masturbation- except for one thing.

As always, he'd managed to pinch her pussy shut around him, in a very stubborn handgrip. It wasn't that uncomfortable- by itself.

Brittery was coming so hard she could barely focus, and that was a mercy, but she managed, "....ohfuckhereitcomes..."

"Say it!" begged the Resten priest.

"Hhhh! Ngyaah! ReOWWll!"

"Say it! Oh please say it say it!"

"Hhhh! Hhhh! Damn you! Can't... breathe, hh!"

"Say it, you've got to say it!"

"Dammit! Tomson! hhhh!"

"SAY IT!" howled the desperate Resten, his teeth gritted, his cock impossibly hard in her still spasming pussy.

Brittery set her jaw, a feral grin on her face as the orgasms shook and tossed her. Well- this was IT. And she satisfied- no matter what. And through gritted teeth, with blazing scorn, looking Tomson right in the eye, she hissed...

"You... can't... wash... MY... sins away!"

Tomson's entire body bucked under her. It was like he exploded... He didn't unpinch her, as much as she would have liked that to happen. Instead- he let go, and those agonizingly swollen testicles vented themselves in a torrent, expressed in jets of come so forceful she could feel them blasting her insides. The first blasts kicked her into still hotter orgasms, because under normal circumstances, it was unspeakably erotic to have your lover spurting into you that forcefully and passionately.

With Tomson, circumstances weren't normal.

Brittery mewled, and squirmed, at the sensation, one she'd felt before, one that always seemed just entirely too much. Even on a normal day, when you were knotted, it tended to cork you up and the come didn't escape until after. Tomson was huge and didn't leave room to start with- and his fingers didn't let go- and Brittery's ears laid back and her tail bristled hard as she felt him keep coming, and coming, and coming- pumping into her, the hot slippery liquid oozing into her feline womb, and steadily filling that, and not stopping...

Tomson didn't let up. It was rather frightening, his eyes burned and he no longer looked like the fumbling, gentle Resten priest. He was like the cock of an angry God- transfixing her, flooding her, and with the help of his very stubborn fingers, pumping her full of come until she whimpered and begged, stabs of pain poking her insides obscenely from the pressure. Even then, he didn't let go- only when her wails turned to sharp screams and her claws gripping his arms drew blood did he relent.

His fingers pulled away, and he drew Brittery down belly to belly with him, and held her as she sobbed. He shifted his hips, and the motions worked the knot within the hysterical feline, and come began oozing urgently out... more urgently than he'd expected.

He wondered if he'd blown it for good, this time.

Slowly, the black cat's head lifted, ears flattened, and he saw the cause of the weeping. This was not a harlot to be shattered by pain and ill-use. It was tears of rage he saw in her eyes.

"You... fucker. You're... hhh... done."

"Ah. Um. I... may have held on too long..."

Brittery tried to rise, but her body trembled and would not heed her demands. The maddening thing was, there was a huge dose of post-coital limpness involved. The stupid fucker had taken her to some of her highest peaks and THEN hurt her by inflating her like a damn balloon with come. She'd been coming so hard that it just took her into sensations she'd never imagined, combined with the pleasure to flare outward into indescribable planes of experience. Ones she hadn't asked for, and didn't wish to explore further.

"You... stupid... fucker..."

"Oh, no. Oh, dear. I... I injured you?"

Brittery wriggled, feebly. It was tempting to tell him yes- to claim he'd done terrible damage. She was almost certain that would be a total lie. As the hydraulic pressure had been released, as the shiftings of that vast cock in her coaxed the come to squirt out and soil her leg fur and his crotch fur, the pain had vanished. Now, her body glowed, as it often did after an intense fucking, but at the same time it felt like her womb, and every hollow place in her body, was literally filled with warm Resten spunk. The feeling still unsettled her terribly- but the experience had taught her something.

Brittery considered herself very competent, an artiste and business-woman equal to any situation. She stared at her impossible client, considering the arc of his behavior, what he was doing to himself and to her.

"I should have said this a long time ago. I can't believe I didn't figure it out."

Tomson stared at her, terrified.

"The part I can't take is... that pinching. I don't know where you got that, but you did it a lot harder this time. You're done."

The Resten priest's eyes filled with tears. It was as if she was sentencing him to death, as if his life held nothing but this.

"...with that. Next time, I don't care if I have to handcuff you, you will NOT pinch me shut. Ever! Not ever again."

"...n.. next time?"

Brittery nodded weakly, and let out a tiny, exhausted purr. "Damn if I know what else to do with you. And I'm gonna soak you, but never ten thousand again if it causes you to take liberties like this. And you're going to give me some time to recover- and you're god damned well going to beat off or something, between sessions!"

Tomson's tail began to wag, beneath the two of them.

"Seriously, why, Tomson? You've always done that. I can't stand it, nobody else ever does it. Whatever gave you the idea that was okay?"

Tomson looked woebegone. "I... with my fantasy... I just need to be washing you clean. I do it because I want to pretend that I'm filling you completely. Which is probably impossible, so I have to pretend by, you know. I pinch, and then I imagine I'm filling you up..."

Brittery gave him a weary look. "Tomson."

"Yes? Beloved harlot?"

"Tomson, you're huge. Why the fuck do you think I scream? You're already taking up all the room in my pussy by the time you do that. Your knot is a motherfucker of a knot, it's right at the limit of what I can handle. Knots are MADE for that purpose. Don't you get it?"

"You're saying that..."

"Yes. You sweet, cruel idiot. By the time I'm screaming and struggling, you have ALREADY filled every bit of me with come and not noticed it, and kept going. Liquids don't squeeze, dummy. You're over-filling the cat every god-damned time. Is that really part of your stupid fantasy?"

"Why, no! No, it certainly is not! There's... that little room in you?"

Brittery's expression was the height of exasperation. "Darling, your dick is the size of part of my forearm. It's impressive enough I can accomodate that. We do exercises to not just stretch out in every direction. You stretch me in every direction anyhow. Why do you think I let you keep doing it?"

"For money?"

"How about we cut the money back again, and do it in a way I can enjoy? That's really all I wanted from the beginning."

"Are you sure you'll be okay with that? And me, besides... I mean... well, I like the way I triumph over your wickedness... um, no offense..."

Brittery sighed. "Okay- how about, you don't pinch, I don't hurt- that will help a lot, you have no idea. And... how about instead of me saying that mean and haughty, like it's a fight... how about, right when you need to let go..."

Brittery leaned closer to Tomson, eyes big and cute in her best innocent-kitten look (something few johns got to see).

"Won't you wash my sins away?"

Tomson's eyes widened, and next Brittery moaned and melted against him, for the outlandish canine cock had suddenly given a surge of hardness in her. She nuzzled his chest, and purred loudly.

Tomson wagged manically. "My. That should work."

Brittery purred louder. It was a good day when you could tame the nasty excesses of the notorious Buckets, and keep the bits you usually didn't get to appreciate.

"I daresay I shall even, ah, masturbate, and not build up such a quantity of seminal fluid..."

Brittery gazed up at him with half-lidded eyes.


"I'm afraid so."

Brittery kept purring. Life was improving.