TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 2

Story by LuxrayAngelfire on SoFurry

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Hello me again Sorry for the short chapter in chapter 1. I think this time it could be a slightly longer chapter. And i wanted to be clear on what weapons The Dragon Heart Squad was armed with. So i wont have to do it in the future

Chapter 2: A Difficult Goodbye

The next day Cynder woke up only ti find Spyro next to her wide awake keeping watch.

-Spyro? Up already? She said lazily

Spyro looked at Cynder and only nodded. Cynder laid there for a couple more minutes and finaly she got up.

-Cynder come on we going home. Spyro said stretching.

Cynder looked at him then looked away wing drooping.

-Spyro how can i go back after what i did? She asked almost started crying. How can i show my face towards all the other dragon without them trying to kill me.

-Hey don't say that. You will not get hurt. I won't allow it and neither will the guardians.

Cynder didn't look at him she just stared at the ground sobbing.Spyro walking in front of her and held her chin up with his claw.

-Cynder look at me and mark my words. "I won't ANYONE hurt you." I promise to. Even if it means sacrificing my life.

Spyro wiped Cynder's tears and stared into her cyan eyes. Cynder was looking at Spyro's Purple eyes. She smiled slightly and teared a bit more before nodding.

-Come on Cynder its time we go.

The two dragons took off flying southeast towards the dragon city of WarFang.

Meanwhile In the Nobodies realm.

On a planet name the Omega three the Squad named Squad Dragon Heart was facing a army of heartless.

-Okay Everyone look alive. A captain said. Luxray is your squad ready?

-Dragon Heart report! He said.

-Fury here ready to fight.

-Saphire her who's first

-Parrox here ready when you are boss.

-Thorne here awaiting orders.

-Captain our Squad is ready. He said looking in the distance to see where the heartless was.

-Good. READY WEAPONS!! The captain ordered.

Luxray summoned a gunblade it was customized to his liking. It had a dragon engraved in the blade with a dragon pendent hanging off a chain on the hilt of the weapon, Fury Summoned dual wielded blades they were long swords with dragon pendents on each end of the blade. Fury Luxray's right hand man due to his skills with two blades . Saphire had summoned a energy bow which she could shoot arrows like magic. She endured the fact that she can shoot over ten-thousand arrows before letting herself rest. Parrox summoned a sythe. It had a skull pendent on the the hilt of the weapon which he had long range attacks by throwing the sythe and it will come back to him which made him balanced. Last but not least Thorne. The nobodies fear her because she was nicknamed the Black Rose. She had a Gunblade like Luxray's but hers had a row of roses going down the blade and she had a rose pendent on the hilt of her weapon.

-Hmm what's happening?

The Haertless vanished in thin air until a one of the Nobody leaders appeared in front of the small army. He was wearing a white cloak with his hood over his head.

-I'm looking for a person named Luxray! Bring him forth.

Luxray looked at his Squad then walked towards the leader.

-Yes oh holy one? He said while bowing.

-Luxray as top Nobody of the faction against Heartless we got a special assignment for you.

-May i ask what it is?

-No you may not. Say your goodbyes we fear you might be there for a long time.

Luxray eyes widened and he walked back to his team.

-Well guys i guess this is the end. Luxray said.

-Oh Luxray our time was short but i guess your top Nobody. We'll see each other again. Fury said tearing a little bit.

-Come on guys group hug. Saphire said.

The Squad hugged for a good ten minutes before Thorne kissed Luxray on the cheek.

-Luxray a kiss for good luck. Thorne said looking at him then looked away slightly blushing.

Saphire gave Luxray a kiss on his other cheek.

-Just to double that luck. Saphire said blushing a bit

Luxray nearly bursting out crying then gave the squad one last order

-Guys i order you to watch each other's backs your hear. He said sounding emotional.

  • Yes sir! The squad said at the same time.

At that point Luxray walked towards the leader who looked was about to cry but kept his posture.

-Luxray lets go.

A blinding light suddenly appeared then disappeared. Luxray appears in an all white room with 5 chairs. One slightly higher than the other.

-Luxray your mission is very important. One of them said.

-Yes your misson is to go to a planet full of Dragons and other species.

-Okay what's so bad about a planet full of Dragons? Luxray said questioning them.

-Well there is a powerful Dark force on the planet and we need you to check it out.

-Wait isn't all that dark power going to attract all of the heartless? Luxray said cutting the leader off.

-No it will just...

All of a sudden a powerful darkness appeared in the room.

-Luxray its a heartless take care of him.

-With pleasure.

Luxray summoned a Gunblade and ran up to him. THe heartless acted quickly summoned a katana like weapon and clashed with Luxray's gunblade. They both jumped back and Luxray did a back flip and sliced the heartless arm off. Black blood splatters everywhere and Luxray finished him of by slitting the heartless throat.

-Luxray go now while you have the chance. The leader said

They all summons a portal to the planet and pushed Luxray by using force push and pushed him into the portal. And the portal closed behind them.

-Will he be alright? one of the leaders asked.

-We can only hope. one of them replied.

Meanwhile Back with Spyro and Cynder

The two dragons flew for miles and rested briefly. They was already at viewing distance from the city.

-Spyro look were almost there. Cynder said flying faster.

-Hey Cynder race you! He said flying past her.

-What! Hey no fair!

The dragons flew faster and eventually they landed on the Dragon Temple walkway. Cynder landed first.

-Oh yeah who's bad! Cynder said while bragging.

-Oh sure I was going easy on you. He said while grinning.

-Oh yeah sure. She sounded sarcastic saying it.

Meanwhile with Luxray

-Well i'm here and its beautiful here.

Luxray breathed in the cool air and started walking.

-Well here we go.


Yeah as you can see i'm getting things done pretty fast

:D! I'm awesome

TLOS; Darkness Rises: Chapter 3

If your Under 18 then pray to god you won't get caught other than that enjoy. Well here's a quick recap Spyro and Cynder recently made it back to the dragon temple. While at the same time Luxray made it about 2 miles away from the temple. So things...

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TLOS: Darkness Rises: Chapter 1

Hello this is my first story on my first chapter :D. Please go easy on me I don't own any characters from Spyro,Kingdom Hearts ,Or Final Fantasy. I made up my own characters for all three. If you haven't played kingdom hearts 2 or and Final Fantasy...

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