The Legend Of Spyro: The Aftermath CH 4

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#4 of The Aftermath (Book 1)

After getting armor, Michael takes Spyro and Flame to a forge, and give Flame his own sword. Then the next day Flame and Ember had their mating ceremony, and partied all night.

"Why does it have to be so complicated to get a ceremonial armor set?" Flame grumbled while one of the armors measures him carefully.

"This armor isn't just for decoration, it's your permanent set for battles. Normal dragons would be wearing normal armor. But your set has to be befitting a lord, and future king" Michael said to Flame as he was touching up his own armor, shining it to look brand new.

"Why does mine have to have so many... carvings" Spyro asked the armorer

"Well, if it's for a king, then it has to look nice" the armorer answered

"Not bad for four billion years" Michael said standing back to look over the armor.

Nobody said anything for a few minutes, surprised about just how old Michael could be.

"So what will the material be?" the master armorer asked

"Ethereal gold" Michael answered "I have enough for all four of them. The girls should be coming by later."

"Don't you think that's kind of a waste?" the master armorer replied

"Your father wasn't complaining when I commissioned 6 sets out of him" Michael retorted

The master sighed, then looked at the cart of ethereal gold bars being rolled to the back of the shop, where the armor was made.

"Fine" was all he said

After the measurements were done the armorer told us that it would take a few hours. But instead of going back to their private square Michael led them to an old building in the weaponsmith district. He snapped his claws, and the whole building lit up with light. Dust vanished as forges lit up and the cluttered leaves and debris were swept out. Suddenly a dragon walked into the armory.

"I finally found you, I was told to update you on our current situation" The dragon said, out of breath

"Current situation" Michael replies, lifting an eyebrow

"The Dark Authority has used your absence to recover itself and grow in numbers" The dragon answers "Their cursed armies lay in wait on corrupted planets, we fear they may attack soon"

"My armies are already taking up their old posts, we will be ready for it if, or when, it comes." Michael says, more alert now

"I will inform the king, but for now I have one more bit of information for you; Fury sent a message to the king of Malefor's corruption, and your suspicions were, as normal, correct. After a deep investigation of the three events, we have determined that it was the Dark Authority who caused it."

"And I assume they are the ones buying up all of the soul and sun cores?" Michael asked, flipping through a book of weapon designs

"Yes, they seem to be buying all of the ingredients necessary to remove the curse, and all the ones to bring back the three fallen as well, just for good measure I guess." The dragon then gave Michael a nod and left the smithy.

"What is the Dark Authority" Spyro asked, noticeably pale

"The Dark Authority is a group of dragons that were rejected by society because of their abilities with dark and evil magic, they corrupted Malefor in hope that he would kill your parents. They were the best defenders of peace, and with them gone war would be much easier. Shortly before Malefor's corruption, I had hunted most of them down. There were only a few of them left, but now that they have revived their numbers, and summoned a cursed army, they will be a considerable foe. I have every expectation that we will meet them in battle, but until then, enjoy your peace." Michael explained

"I can't wait" Spyro responded, his fear turning into pure rage

Michael moved over to the forge, then he pulled on the rope to pour some of the molten metal out of the forge into a cast. The cast held a similar shape to Fury's sword, and appeared to be the same kind. After a minute Michael picked up the still-searing metal and placed it on an anvil. He inspected it, then used an automatic hammer to fix a few abnormalities. Then used his magic to carve intricate designs into the blade's handle and base. Satisfied he dipped the blade into a tub of oil nearby. After it had finished sizzling Michael pulled the sword out of the oil and brought it to the grinder, he quickly sharpened the blade, then glued on a special grip, and set a few dozen carnelian gemstones into their places. He gave Flame the sword, who took it in his mouth and walked out of the way to test it out. Spyro turned to ask Michael something, only to find him on the other side of the room digging through some chests. After a few minutes of rustling, Michael pulled out two knife sets. Both sets had one big, and one small knife. The smaller ones more feminine while the bigger ones more masculine. He looked at the clear crystals on one of the sets, then suddenly they turned pink and red. Michael then looked over at the other set, and those crystals turned purple and black. Returning to the main part of the room, Michael stashed the other set in his inventory and called Flame over.

"A very old tradition for mating ceremonies is to give a pair of knives to the couple, each was supposed to wear one during the event" he said, handing the pair of rose quarts and carnelian studded knives to Flame.

Flame took the set and put them away, shocked "wow, I don't know what to say. Thank you"

"Does it please the lord?" Michael mocked

"It does indeed" Flame retorted

"By the way, how did that whole 'lord' thing happen anyway?" Spyro asked

"After the siege ended and when the queen returned, she heard news of my part in helping defend the city. She called me to the throne room and made a whole thing of giving me a bunch of land and the title of lord, this was before she found out about Ember and I" Flame smiled "Making me a lord also made it impossible to dismiss me as a 'possible' suitor, but she still had a right to say no"

Spyro chuckled, then eyed Michael, who betrayed no emotion.

"What was that other set for"


By the time they flew back to the square, it was nearly midnight. With a yawn Flame entered his new house, stumbling a bit before lighting a candle, then settled down for the night. Spyro walked into his house, looked around for a moment before settling down at his father's desk. He wrote a letter to Flash and Nina, then a separate one for Sparx, who should be with them. After he sealed the letters and left them out for Michael to send later, he looked at a framed photo of his father with four dragons he did not recognize. 'His siblings' Spyro realized with a start 'Where are they now?' he wondered. He resigned to ask Michael about them later. After lazily wondering the house looking at photos for a good twenty minutes, Spyro settled into the bed, then slowly fell asleep.

Spyro woke up with a start, he looked down to see Cynder curled up against him. Blushing slightly, he looked out the window to see that the sun hadn't risen yet. He looked for the cause of being woken, but found nothing. He set his head back down and went to sleep.

Spyro woke up again to a floating letter above the bed. Carefully, trying not to wake Cynder up, he grabbed the letter and read it

'When you wake up, come to my house. The ceremony is in the afternoon, so you don't have to wake Cynder up'

Spyro set the letter down, then did a double-take as it turned to dust. He carefully got up and stretched. Walking out of the house and towards Michael's, Spyro noticed a hustle and bustle of dragons, he walked past them and into Michael's living space. Michael's house looked ordinary from the outside, but far from it on the inside. Decorative banners hung from one wall, waving as dragons walked back and forth. He saw Michael, fully armored, and walked up to him.


"Good, you're here, Flame wants to ask you something." Michael said motioning to one of the spare bedrooms

Spyro walked into the room to see flame trying on his new armor

"Hey" Flame said as Spyro walked in "So I need to ask you something, all ceremonies usually have the main couple an at least two other people. Both sides need a witness, Ember already asked Cynder and apparently, she said yes. I know the Guardians and a childhood with dragonflies didn't teach you much about dragon culture but, maybe you could be my witness?"

"Of course Flame" Spyro answered

"Oh thank god, my siblings and I aren't on good terms. They'll be there or my mother will kill them, but were not close.

"What does such a job entail?"

"Not much, you and Cynder will stand beside us, then Michael will ask both of you if you have witnessed. You two say yes and Michael will make it official."

Spyro was then shooed out of the room by the stylist who just entered. Back in the main room Spyro walked back to Michael

"Was that all or was there anything else" He asked him

"We have to try on your new armor of course"

The two dragons walked into a different spare room, where a set of brand-new armor was carefully laid out. Another stylist enters the room and starts attaching the armor to Spyro.

"It's pretty easy to put these on yourself, but for neatness' sake this should look better" Michael says, inspecting the new armor "This armorer might be better than his father."

Once the stylist had finished Michael walked forward and attached Fury's sword to the side of Spyro's armor.

Spyro looked down at it "So, in the valley of souls, you told me that my father was first laid of 5 eggs. That means he had siblings, right?"

"Yes, he had two brother and two sisters. So far, I have only been able to establish contact with one of your aunts. She lives in a city pretty far away, but is on her way here after I sent word of you. I meant for it to be a surprise but, you asked, so..."

"What about the others?"

"I heard that your two uncles took their mates and moved to the planet Ranos, and your other aunt is somewhere on Kanos, both of those planets being In the same system."

"Did your send word?"

"That system is outside of the Triad province, so its hard to communicate. But I did send a fortress their way. Haven't heard anything back though"

The stylist had finished strapping on the armor and hurried out of the room. The two dragons stepped out of the house for some air. Spyro looked over at Cynder, who had just come out of the house, being rushed away by four stylists to Ember's house. Spyro raised his eyebrows and laughed at the look on Cynders face. Flame walks out of the house and takes flight, heading toward the fortress. The fortress had been moved to a higher altitude for a better ambiance.

A few hours later, the afternoon had begun. Spyro was waiting at the fortress square. Four girls, that had to be Ember's sisters, were staring at him and whispering at each other, giggling occasionally. Cynder suddenly lands next to him.

"That took forever" she said, exasperated

"Your armor looks beautiful" Spyro whispers

Blushing Cynder looked Spyro over, studying his armor.

"Is it just me, or are our armor patterns similar?"

"I think so" Spyro answered

The square had been decorated with red and pink roses, streamers thrown everywhere, and petals slowly floating towards the ground. A loud gong sounds, and the clutter of dragon move to stand in two neat rows. Spyro went to stand beside flame as Cynder took her stance next to where Ember will be. Spyro makes eye contact with Cynder and smiles, blushing again, she smiles back. Then a harp starts playing and Ember walks around the corner, beaming with pride. Spyro looks back at Flame, who has a sparkle in his eyes as his love walks toward him. She reaches the front, next to Flame, and they look over to Michael.

"We have gathered here today to unite two souls into one. These two dragons have chosen each other as their mind, body, and soul mates, and wish to make it official... Spyro, have you witnessed their love?"

Flashback to seeing them fight together in Warfang "Yes" Spyro answers, standing straight up

"Cynder, have you witnessed their love?"

Another flashback, this one showing them returning to the palace together, eyes wide at the thought of going somewhere together. "Yes" Cynder answered, glancing at Spyro

"Flame, do you accept Ember as your mate, for better or for worse, until the end of time?"

"Yes, definitely" Flame answered, causing the audience to chuckle.

"Ember, do you accept Flame as your mate, for better or for worse, until the end of time?"

"Yes" she answered, nearly crying with joy

"Then I declare, with the power of the multiverse and of the ethereal plane, and with my blessing, I declare you mated for life"

Then, with a loud boom, the massive cannons started firing, pink and red sparks exploding from the barrels. Michael, summoning power cast a spell over the couple, causing them to be bound spiritually. Then they kissed and the crowd clapped.

The celebration afterward was massive. A banquet of food was rolled out on carts, and a type of music that Michael called 'Celtic' started playing. After a few toasts from some members of the crowd, the eating began. The food, delicious as ever, was followed by the dancing. Fancy music played as Spyro and Cynder danced together to the sound of the flutes. After a few hours of partying Spyro spotted the happy couple sneaking back to their new house. Blushing he returned back to Cynder

2 hours after midnight, the party settled and everybody returned to their houses. Cynder had passed out leaning against Spyro. 'She would not stop dancing' he thought as he picked her up and hoisted her over himself. Out like a light, Cynder did not even stir as Spyro lifted off, carrying her and her heavy armor back to the house. When he got there, he helped remove her armor before placing her in the bed. Then he took off his own armor and climbed in after her. As his mind went sleepy, he started fantasizing about him and Cynder in their own ceremony, the thought made him smile as he fell asleep.