Howling Halloween
It is Halloween, and everyone is on the mood for celebrating. From the kids going around trick-or-treating to the adults going to parties to drink and dance. Lucian is among the adults, and he has his own plans for this Halloween. His new costume has just arrived, and it is simply perfect. Lucy cannot wait to go out.
The sun was setting. The day was coming to an end. This usually meant that kids would be going to bed and tucking in for a good night's sleep to prepare for school on the following day. Unless it was a Friday, when they could be allowed to either say up till late watching tv or to go to a friend's home to have a sleepover. Still, they would spend the night safely on their homes, instead of going anywhere.
However, that night was special.
On that night, kids were getting out on the street. A Chimchar was dressed out as a cowboy, walking by the side of a Squirtle wearing makeup and ragged clothes that made him look like a zombie who walked out of tomb. A Pidgey boy was wearing a wizard cloak and hat while he walked holding the hand (or wing) of his older sister, who was wearing more normal clothes that a Pokemorph would wear. The clothes varied, but they all had in common the fact they were carrying bags with them, some of them shaped like carved pumkin berries with scary faces. With each stop on a house, they rang the doorbells, to what the people inside opened and put a few candies on their bags.
This was just the beginning, and they all knew that. Every Halloween was the same, and they were pretty much used to this already. Some of them were annoyed at another holiday that they had to celebrate due to social norms, while others were welcoming and happy for celebrating the night of fright, happily giving candy to the first trick-or-treaters, knowing that many more would come before the night was over.
Oh, yes. Halloween was such a jolly time, with the little ones all going around on their costumes celebrating and getting candy, looking at all the ghastly decorations on their way as they went from house to house to get as much candy they could into their bags to take back home. Some of them planned to eat all of it that same night, while others planned to make enough of it to last until December. Still, all of them were going from house to house to get as much free candy as they could.
Yes, it was certainly a day loved by the kids.
And not only them.
After all, holidays were for everyone, not only the little ones. The older Pokemorphs could also allow themselves to enjoy a holiday. On their own, older way.
Now, you probably are thinking of the Ghost-types, who would have this night of the year as the perfect chance to do as they want and go around playing pranks and scaring the other 'morphs without anyone getting mad at them. While you would not be wrong, they were not the only ones who used this one night of the year to have fun, as older Pokemorphs of all kinds could see on this night a chance to celebrate in a more mature way.
Such an example was Lucy.
Lucian Rockefeller was one of those Pokemorphs who used Halloween as an excuse to go around and have fun. However, he was not the kind who went around asking for candy. He was too old for that, although he was a bit of a sweet tooth. No, he had other plans on how to spend this Halloween, as he had a party to go. The kind of party that is only for adults, and where everyone has a good time in the adult way. Which, as you probably guessed, involved alcoholic beverages.
And, since it was Halloween, it also involved costumes. Like the one Lucy had chosen for himself.
He first saw it online, exactly two weeks ago, and he immediately knew that it was the costume he was going to wear on that Halloween.
One click, and then the order was made, and all left for him to do was to wait for it to arrive. He waited for two weeks and, on the Halloween morning, Lucy started to get worried that his costume was not going to arrive, and he would end up missing the party.
He thanked Arceus that this was not the case, as the clothes he ordered arrived on that afternoon, and he had time to open it and try it on.
It fit perfectly, as it was just the right number.
Arceus, this looks good in me. Lucy said, looking at himself on the mirror. From all possible angles.
It looks _sooooo good in me! The boys will all love me!_
With this, Lucy knew he was ready for his party. With a glance on his clock, he saw that it was nearly time. He better get going.
Twenty minutes later, Lucy was coming out from the front door of his house, closing and locking the door behind himself. He was wearing a long black cloak over his body, which completely hid his body from sight, as the Midnight Lycanroc Pokemorph didn't wanted to call too much attention on the street with his costume and wanted to make it a nice surprise for the guys at the party. Before leaving, he left a bowl of candy on the outside of his door, with a note on it saying:
Of course, Lucy was not sure if this note would stop some of the naughty kids from taking every single one of the candy on the bowl, but the Gengar Pokemorph he hired to watch his house while he was out surely would.
"See you later, Barry." Lucy said as his cloaked figure walked through the garden. From one of the shadows of the garden, a pair of red eyes appeared, followed by a big and toothy grin as the Gengar answered:
" Laters Lucy. Bring me some food if there is any left."
The Lycanroc walked down the street, with the dark cloak covering his entire body making him look like a gothic figure that one could see in a Halloween. Some could say he looked like Count Draculunala, the famous vampire character, walking through the hallways of his castle as he looked for his escaping bride.
No one really gave him one or two looks as he passed, as he was just another guy dressing up for Halloween. No one really minded him.
Meanwhile, Lucy took time to look at all of the people around him.
Halloween was his favorite holiday of them all. Some could say it was because of a Midnight Lycanroc, but he knew that he liked the holiday. He liked all of them, but Halloween certainly took the cake among all of his favorite holidays. Perhaps it were the costumes. He certainly enjoyed seeing what kinds of costumes the people came up with as they passed by him.
There was a Greninja dressed up as an actual ninja (cliché much?), and also a Swampert dressed up in a blue kimono that made him look like a special kind of martial artist. There was a chubby Hypno Pokemorph wearing a police uniform that Lucy nearly thought was an actual cop, until he stopped near him pulling his gun, which was revealed to be a toy dart gun, and then laughed as he continued his way, wishing the Lycanroc a happy Halloween.
And, of course, there were the kids, in all of their myriad of costumes as they walked around, running, screaming, playing, singing, just doing all those things kids did as they went from house to house looking for the best, tastiest candies one could possible get on a Halloween night.
"Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!~" The kids sang as they passed by the cloaked Lycanroc, who looked at them as they went their way. He stopped when he felt something bump into him.
Looking over, the Lycanroc saw it was one of the kids. The Nidoran was adorably dressed with a princess outfit. A sparkling, decorated, puffy pink dress and pretty little tiara with pink gemstones, all of it matched very well the Nidoran's pink skin.
Yes, pink skin, because it was a male Nidoran.
"Oh. Sorry mister." Said the princess-costumed boy, looking up at Lucy, who smiled as he looked at him.
"It's okay, don't sweat it." He said, and he kneeled to look at this child. "And who would you be, adorable princess?"
"I'm Princess Bobby!" The boy said, proudly showing off his costume, and Lucy couldn't help but smile at this boy, "The cutest princess of the entire kingdom." He said with a lot of pride, and Lucy could hardly contain himself at how adorable this boy was.
"Yes, you certainly are." Lucy said, looking at the boy. "In fact, you are so cute that you deserve something."
Lucy produced something from inside his cloak. After all, it was not as if he would walk out on the street empty-handed during a Halloween night.
"Happy Halloween." He said, as he offered the pumkin-flavored bonbon to the boy, who gladly received it in his bag, thanking Lucy for the candy.
"Bobby!" Said another voice, as someone else came. This Nidoran was dressed like a knight, with a cardboard armor carefully fitted and painted with metallic paint to give it a realistic look. It even had a little helmet, which was open strategically to let the Nidoran's face and ears come out, which had blue skin, denoting that this Nidoran knight was female.
"Bobby, Mom and Dad said you needed to be with the group." The girl said to the male, who apologized. Lucy looked at the two as they went their way, to join the group of children that were with them.
Lucy kept looking at them for a few moments, a smile on his face as he looked at the boy on a princess outfit. He caught himself wondering if he would get more than a few raised eyebrows from the adults, and how many of them would be callous enough to chalk it as his parents not raising him right. Most, however, would just dismiss it as a child's thing, not serious in any way and not anything to be worried about.
Curious how some behaviors are easily considered "nothing to worry", or even endearing, to children could be quite awkward, or embarrassing, if it was an adult doing it.
Well, the boy looked pretty happy and proud of his costume, so Lucy could assume that he either didn't received any strange looks from the adults or mocking from the other kids, or that he didn't really care about any of that.
Lucy hoped that the boy would always keep his head held up in pride like that. Either he continued to wear dresses or not.
With this in mind, Lucy resumed his way across the street. It was a good stretch from his house into the place he was supposed to go, but he knew that, for the type of party he was going to, was worth the exercise. The thought of all the fun he could get on the night motivated him to keep walking.
In almost thirty minutes, he arrived.
The house had clearly seem better days. It was old and dilapidated, and it really seemed that no one lived in there for several years, such was the state of disrepair it seemed to be in. In a movie, that would be the kind of big old house where the idiot bunch of teenagers went only to be either haunted by ghosts or chased and killed by a psychopath.
However, this was no movie. None of that kind, at least.
In fact, by the music that was coming out of the house, it seemed like it was more one of those disco-party movies.
Lucy knew that the party had started already. However, he didn't feel bad for arriving late. After all, it was not as if this party would end any time soon. It never ended soon. That was one of the reasons why Lucy loved those parties.
With a smirk on his face, Lucy walked in direction to the door, passing the plank in the front that said:
Lucy stopped before the old door, taking a good look at the effigy in it, looking like the face of Giratina herself. With a smirk, Lucy reached for the button, pressing on it.
Surprisingly, the doorbell worked just fine, and it was pretty loud. It needed to be, as to be hear above the music playing inside of the house. Lucy waited patiently for a few minutes, until the door opened.
"Yo! Lucy!" Said the person who opened the door for the Lycanroc. He was an old friend of Lucy. The Machoke was as impressive as one would expect from his species, big in all senses of the word, nearly as much as a Machamp, save for the lack of extra pair of arms. He was, like most Pokemorphs, wearing clothes. And, like everyone during Halloween, he was wearing a costume. His costume of choice was some cheetah-patterned tissue covering his body, as well as a necklace with fake bones around his neck. He had the perfect look of a caveman, minus the club.
"About time you arrive!" The Machoke said, looking at him.
"Oh, you were anxious to see me?" Lucy asked, a seductive smirk on his face as he looked at the Machoke.
"Me and everyone else." The Machoke said to him. "Like you don't know how popular you are at parties. So, you just gonna stand in there like a gargoyle? Come inside! The party is getting crazy right now!"
"Your parties always do." Lucy said, as he walked inside while the caveman Machoke (ironically) gave him a true gentleman welcome.
Lucy's smirk widened as he looked inside of the party and saw that it was much like the Machoke's other parties, not that Lucy expected anything different. All of the guests inside were wearing costumes, no surprise since it was Halloween. However, those costumes were revealing. The kind of costumes that you would not see at any family-friendly party. Exposed butts, chests out in the open, shirtless, openings in suggestive places, form-fitting clothing, and all other things that you would only wear if you were sure there were no children around to ask questions. Some of the presents were even walking with their privates out in the open! The males letting their cocks, balls and (in the case of some) sheaths and genital slits open for everyone to see. Oh, did we mention that every single Pokemorph on the party was a male?
There was not a single female anywhere to be see. Not that anyone in the party actually minded, anyway.
Lucy certainly didn't.
"You chose a more discreet thing for this year?" The Machoke asked the Lycanroc, raising his voice to be heard above the loud music, as both of them walked into the party, and the Lycaroc looked at his friend with a smirk.
"Discreet?" Lucy asked, "Oh, Moe, it is as if you don't know me at all."
With this, Lucy removed his cloak, letting the Machoke be the first one to take a look at the Midnight Lycanroc's actual costume.
And boy, he wasn't disappointed.
Lucy's costume was what he expected and much more. An orange tank-top with a star on the front and a jack-o-lantern on the back. A pair of long, stripped black and orange gloves that went as far as his elbows, and a pair of matching leggings. And an orange and black miniskirt, so short that it did nothing to hide the black panties Lucy was wearing, with the bulge of his genitals clearly visible on the front and a smiling orange pumkin printed across his ass.
"Now that's more like something you would wear." Moe said, taking a glance at the costume Lucy wore, as the Lycanroc removed a pointed hat from his pumkin-shaped purse and put it on his head, completing his "naughty witch" costume.
"So, planning on ride on a broom tonight?" Moe joked, smirking at the Lycanroc.
"On as many as possible, darling." Lucy answered, winking at Moe and licking his lip as he looked at the party.
"Well, mine will be ready." Moe said, "So, save some for me before the night ends, okay?"
With that said, he gave a playful slap to Lucy's panty-clad butt, before turning his attention back at the party. Lucy chuckled, and he already knew that, before the night ended, he would certainly be ridding Moe's "broom". After he sampled every single other one at the party, of course.
And he had some nice choices of brooms to ride... Moe certainly picked the right people to invite to the party. He always did.
Lucy looked at everyone as he walked into the party. He nearly looked like a connoisseur walking among a selection of fine wines, deciding which harvest he would be sampling first. And the guys quickly noticed him as well. Soon there were a lot of guys with their eyes on the Lycanroc, some of them even making catcalls as he passed. Of course, Lucy was not the only one with skirts on the party. Or panties, for that matter. But everyone agreed that Lucy just had this type of charm that, coupled with the right outfit, could make him stand out and be the center of the attention at nearly any place he went.
Especially among those who already "spent some time" with him. Which, in this case, was over half of the attendees on that party.
Some of them, in fact, were familiar enough with the Lycanroc that they felt the liberty to touch him as he passed close. They passed their hands over his chest, his back, over his bulge and on his ass, touching and groping him. Some of the strangers also touched him like that, but Lucy was not one to mind it too much in this kind of event. If he did, he would not be in the party, in the first place.
In parties like that, everyone was a friend. Lucy knew that none of them would try to make advances if they were not sure they would be welcome. Moe knew who to invite to those parties, and people who couldn't take a "no" were not welcome there. Everyone inside the house knew that, if they wanted to have fun, they had to play nice.
That was why Lucy felt totally at ease in there, even with the downright hungry looks that some of the guys were giving him.
He barely minded the groping and touching, as there were other guys around receiving the same treatment, like the Liepard dude on the nurse outfit, or the Loppuny dude wearing a pink bikini. They, like Lucy, seemed like they enjoyed the attention very much, although Lucy noticed that the Loppuny was a bit blushy and jumpy when the hands came to him. It was probably his first time on one of Moe's parties.
However, before going for the fun, Lucy was after a bite first. He only ate a sandwich before leaving home!
Luckily, Moe never made a party without making sure there would be plenty of food. A huge snack table was there, in plain sight, filled with all manners of Halloween-themed foods that anyone could take a bite as they wanted. And Lucy did exactly that.
Lucy was a big eater, a surprise considering how lithe his feminine body looked, and he was glad there were so many options on the snack table. Probably because of that Snorlax Pokemorph Lucy saw when he entered. The guy slapped his butt pretty hard.
Lucy was quick to start serving himself on the food of the table. He didn't even bother putting it on a plate, he just picked the food he wanted and ate it right there. He scarfed down three pumkin and oran berry tarts in less than three seconds, what surprised the Tarzan-costumed Leafeon in there, but Lucy barely minded. He just continued to eat, marveling himself on how good the food was. He got to hand it to Moe, everything about his parties was top-notch, from the music to the food. Including the shows he prepared for each party. Lucy wondered if he had something special planned for that Halloween...
Lucy was interrupt from his thoughts as he felt a presence behind him, followed by a pair of strong arms wrapping around him in a hug, as the owner of those arms started rubbing his body on the Lycanroc's.
"Hey there, sexy." The mysterious Pokemorph said, whispering on Lucy's ear in a very seductive way. Lucy swallowed on the Zubat-shaped chicken nugget he was munching, and then he said:
"Hey there." He didn't look behind, "You are being pretty forward, dude. Is that a baton in there or are you really happy for seeing me?"
"I'm happy for seeing you." The other Pokemorph said, "In fact, I came in here hoping to see you again."
The Pokemorph allowed Lucy to slip free from his arms and turn to look at him, taking a good look on the person who hugged him. He was a tall, even for a Mudsdale, with a long mane tied in dreadlocks falling over his face. He had a cowboy hat on his head, a tissue tied around his neck, a jacket on his shoulders (open on the front, allowing to see the muscles of his shirtless body) and a pair of cowboy pants. The pants were open both on the front and on the back, allowing to see the white underwear the horse was wearing, allowing one to see his sizable bulge, which was growing bigger as Lucy looked at it.
Lucy took one look at the Mudsdale, and remembered him.
"Hey, I know you." The Lycanroc said, smiling at the horse. "You were in Moe's Independence Day barbecue party back in July. Clyde, ain't it?"
"Oh!" The Mudsdale said, smiling at the wolf "Even remember my name? I'm touched."
"Hey." Lucy said to him as he smiled at the horse. "I might not be the kind of guy who calls on the next morning, but I don't easily forget a guy. Especially one who gives me a good time."
Lucy leaned over, and groped the bulge of the underwear.
"And dear, you gave me a good time at that barbecue." Lucy said seductively to him as he fondled the bulge, making the horse snort. "And, you ate more than anyone else in the party. Never knew horses could eat two entire slabs of ribs."
"Like you didn't ate a lot back on the party." The Mudsdale said, "Like you are in here. You look to be hungry. Want to taste some horse?"
"Ohh, quite forward, aren't you?" Lucy said, groping the bulge harder, and the horse let out mist through his nose as he snorted, his arms once more going around Lucy and pulling him closer.
"I can't help it." The Mudsdale said, "I haven't stopped thinking about you since Independence Day. I can't forget you, doggy. The way you rubbed my dick, how tight your butt felt around my finger, how nice your mouth felt."
He was very close to Lucy's face, snorting once more, allowing the werewolf Pokemorph to smell his breath, along with all the musk the horse had.
"I need that mouth on my dick again... now!"
Lucy didn't protest, as the Mudsdale literally carried him to a corner of the old house. That house was pretty big, so there was a lot of space for them to go to avoid the crowd. They entered into a hallway, and stopped by the entrance of it. The party continued on the living room, with everyone drinking and partying before the party would begin for real.
For some, it had already started. For example, to the Persian who was on the same hallway as Lucy and the Mudsdale. He was wearing a "Machoke costume", which was basically a belt and speedo that people naturally associated with Machokes. He undid the belt and lowered the speedo, so he could fuck the Meowth on cheerleader outfit he was with on the hallway. The bigger cat was fucking the smaller one, who had his back against the wall while the Persian held and lifted his legs. They were both letting out muffled moans as they made out sloppily while fucking. It seemed that they would be at it for a while and didn't noticed or cared about the two Pokemorphs who just arrived at the hallway they were using.
Lucy and the Mudsdale also didn't minded them in there, as they focused on each other.
He horse wasted no time in starting to kiss Lucy. He kissed the werewolf Pokémon on the lips with the urgency of a horny teenager, locking muzzles with him as his tongue ran across his lips. Lucy returned the kiss with equivalent heat, although he had a lot less urgency. He was, after all, a pro who knew how to handle himself, as well as his partners.
He calmly opened his mouth and allowed the horse's tongue to make it inside of his mouth, where it soon was meeting Lucy's. The Mudsdale and Lycanroc both made out sloppily, swapping spit freely as they both moaned on each other's muzzles for a while. The Mudsdale's rubbed his body on Lucy's, running his hands over his feminine form until both of his hands rested on the bottoms of Lucy's panties, groping his butt through the soft fabric.
They broke the kiss, both of them panting as they looked at each other, a strand of saliva connecting their mouths.
"Your costume is great, by the way." Clyde said to Lucy, "Seriously, it is very cute and you look as sexy in it as you looked on that pink two-piece bikini back on the barbecue."
Lucy knew that the horse was referring to the pink two-piece he wore back on Independence Day's barbecue. It was a pool party, after all. Lucy didn't dip into the pool, naturally, but it was a hot day, so he wore light, and it was a good excuse to wear the sexiest thing he could think of wearing on a party that didn't involve special outfits.
"Why, thank you, Clyde." Lucy said to the Mudsdale, leaning forward and giving a final peck on his lips. "Now, what about I take care of this for you?"
He groped Clyde's bulge, which was growing by the second, through the horse's underwear. This caused Clyde to snort, mist coming out of his nostrils as his body burned with desire. Lucy knew that the guy was growing restless and, as much as he loved to toy with big guys, he knew that there was a moment for playing and a moment for going down into action.
He kneeled before the horse, and started to touch his bulge, groping his member through his underwear, making the horse snort as he was handled by the wolf, his bulge growing more and more as his dick got hard and started to tent his underwear.
Once it was big enough, Lucy grabbed the waistband of his underwear and pulled down. The huge member flopped around, nearly hitting Lucy right in the snout, before Lucy grabbed it with a hand and made sure to position it right.
It was of a considerable sixe, since we are talking about a horse here. Luckily, while most guys would be intimidated by something of that size, Lucy was a real pro. He already handled cocks that were just as big or even bigger before. He handled that very same cock earlier on that same year, even, and he apparently did a good enough job that the Mudsdale could not get him out of his head for months.
Lucy then started to rub the cock with his hands, slowly working it to full hardness, using the pre that leaked from the tip and ran down from it to help him rub it better. He even allowed himself to indulge and licked it from the cock, tasting that delicious, earthy-flavored pre from the cock, eventually lapping it straight from the source as he swirled his tongue around the flared head.
Clyde was left moaning at this, shivering as he was serviced by that skilled mouth the same way he was back on the pool-party barbecue back on July. He dreamed with that blowjob for months after that one afternoon, and about getting a new one. Now, it was finally happening. It was about to happen.
He looked down. Lucy was looking up at him as he rubbed his cock gently. He winked at the horse, before placing a single kiss on the tip.
He held the kiss, and then opened his mouth.
The head of the cock was now on his mouth, and Lucy sucked it lightly, just on the right amount to create the perfect vacuum for that big cock on his mouth.
Clyde nearly lost it as he was sucked by that skilled mouth, but he held back on just grabbing the smaller 'mon and fucking his throat raw. The last guy who did that was banished from all future parties for life. Moe was rigorous with his rules on the parties, and one of those rules was to never hurt your partner.
So, Clyde stomped on the ground, pressing his back on the wall and gritting his teeth as he resisted the urge to breed hard, and he allowed Lucy to work on his dick.
And boy, that Lycanroc worked on his dick like the pro he was.
He sucked on it, running his tongue on the underside and wrapping it around the dick as he slid his muzzle back and forth on it. With one paw he massaged the rest of the engorged member which he could not fit on his muzzle, and the other one played with Clyde's balls. For several minutes, Lucy continued to serve the horse, taking more and more of the cock with each passing minute, as he changed the way he sucked and moved his muzzle, slowly growing in strength and speed, gradually and making sure to make it completely enjoyable for the partner he was pleasuring.
Clyde panted and moaned as he was serviced by the Lycanroc, his hips buckling as he thrusted into that delicious canine mouth that took care of his dick so well, and Lucy continued to play with his balls with one hand, while the other one moved across his own chest, and then down to his crotch.
Without slowing down or missing a beat, Lucy lowered the front of his panties, revealing his own hard, decently-sized canine dick, and started to masturbate as he serviced the Mudsdale, taking personal pleasure in servicing another 'mon as he pleasured himself.
For ten minutes, they stayed like this, with the Mudsdale Pokémorph snorting and letting out small neighs as he was pleasured by the kneeling Lycanroc in drag, who moaned as he sucked on that cock like a straw on a milkshake os his favorite flavor while he masturbated furiously.
Lucy could feel his knot surging and swelling, what told him that his own orgasm was approaching at a very past pace. Besides, after ten minutes, he thought that he should just speed thhings up.
So, by swallowing around the cock, he sent it deep into his throat. Lucy's gag-reflex was all but a distant memory after years of sucking the biggest dicks Pokémorphs had to offer. This caused Clyde to neigh really loud, what was drowned from the rest of the party by the loud music, as he was deep-throated by that skilled slut of a Lycanroc.
Lucy swallowed again, using his throat muscles to massage the cock while he moaned as loud as he could, using the vibrations of his vocal cords to add extra pleasure to Clyde's dick.
His efforts paid off. Lucy could feel the cock inside of his throat spasming and surging. The horse neighed loud as his tip flared and he unleashed a torrent of semen straight down Lucy's throat and into his stomach.
The feeling of the warm cum filling his stomach set Lucy over the edge. The Lycanroc shivered, his knot swelling and his whole dick throbbing as he came, his hand moving a blur over his dick as he spilled his load all over the floor in between Clyde's feet. It was such a sweet feeling...
After a minute or two, the both of them relaxed. Lucy pulled out, puckering his lips and creating a vacuum on his mouth as he sucked all of the cum and other fluids off the dick as it slipped free of his lips with a wet *pop* and flopped about, flaccid.
Clyde let out a shaky moan as his dick flopped into Lucy's face, with the Lycanroc enjoying the contact of that warm cock with his mouth, and he winked at Clyde, before getting up and turning to leave.
"H-hey..." Clyde said, "W-where are you going?"
"Back to the party, darling." Lucy said, as he adjusted his panties to put his dick back inside. "I remember the Independence Day party too. I know you need time to recover after cumming. When you feel recovered, look for me again. Kisses!"
Lucy said and continued walking back to the party, leaving Clyde alone on the hallway with only the Persian/Meowth pair, who were too busy making out like newlyweds to pay any mind to what just happened on the same hallway they were having sex.
Clyde thought about going after the Lycanroc, but his legs were shaking too much. Besides, his cock would take at least thirty minutes before it could even get hard again.
Yeah, he better just lean against the wall and wait a bit...
Meanwhile, Lucy went back to the party, which was starting to get heated now that everyone got better acquaintances with each other, with the pumkin-flavored wine helping lower their inhibitions and let them get more on the mood for the party.
A Grovyle dressed like a "wood spirit", with a loincloth and bracers made of leaves was making out with a Houndoom dressed like a ninja, wearing only a fundoshi and a collar around his neck, with a harness on his body with fake kunai and shuriken hanging from it. On another corner, there was a pair of Mianwhao, both wearing sexy lingerie of blue and yellow colors, were rubbing themselves on a Steelix Pokémorph wearing a tuxedo jacket and a black loincloth, which tented obscenely as he was really excited of this two pretty boys in lingerie rubbing themselves on him. And, of course, there was the Greninja and Noivern pair who were costumed as members of the infamous, non-disbanded criminal group known as "Team Rocket", meaning they were only wearing matching hats and jockstraps with an "R" emblazoned on them, and they were both grinding their tenting jockstraps on each other as they both moaned.
However, Lucy's attention moved to the couch on the corner of the living room. In there, sat a muscular Tyrantrum costumed as a construction worker. His "costume" was a dirty shirt, a construction hat, a pair of construction boots, and a dirty old jockstrap. He was sitting on the center of the couch, with a bunch of twink, girly looking femboy Pokémorphs, all of them wearing girly costumes, like nurse or naughty police officer, were all over him, with him looking like he would be picking which one of them he would fuck first.
He forgot all about them as soon as Lucy made his way to him, and said:
"Hey there, handsome."
The Tyrantrum opened a wide smirk as Lucy talked to him.
"Hello there..." He said, eyeing the eye-candy Midnight Lycanroc before him. "My, my, this Halloween night is really on full blow. Even the witches are coming out."
"Well, it is a special night." Lucy said, leaning over him. "Are you not scared, Mr. Working Dinosaur?" Lucy placed a hand on the Tyrantrum's chest, feeling his solid-rock pecs through that old shirt. "I mean, this evil witch could put a spell on you."
"Oh, you mean you didn't already?" The Tyrantrum said, placing his own strong hands at the Lycanroc's hips, pulling him closer until Lucy was stranding on his lap. Their bulges were touching, and they could feel the curvature of each other's... everything.
"What a naughty witch you are." The Tyrantrum said to the Lycanroc, as he pulled him even closer, placing a clawed hand on Lucy's chin. "Casting spells on poor unsuspecting bastards for your nefarious motives."
"Well, that's what we witches do." Lucy said, moving his hips to grind his panty-clad bulge on the Tyrantrum's jockstrap-covered one. "Be careful not to anger me, you big hunk. I could turn you into a frog."
"Oh, my, how naughty." The Tyrantrum said, smirking toothily at the Lycanroc, the grip he had on Lucy's butt tightening slightly. "I may have to punish you for that, you cute little thing."
The dinosaur licked his lips as he groped and molded Lucy's butt, and the Lycanroc murred as he was groped like that by this stud.
"Hmmmm, come get me, big boy." Lucy said, and the Tyrantrum was ready to do it...
"Excuse me?" Said a voice, causing both of the Pokémorphs to look its way. Moe was looking at the two, and he seemed to have something to say:
"Sorry to interrupt but, Lucy, can you come with me, please?"
Lucy looked at Moe. The Tyrantrum then said:
"Hey, look for another company, pal! This one is taken. If you really want to, you can have him after I'm done."
Now, while most people would be upset at hearing a guy say something like that, Lucy didn't mind it at all. Firstly, because those parties were exactly for casual, hookups and uncompromised sex. Second, because Lucy himself was not the kind who liked being tied down either.
To tell the truth, he enjoyed being treated like a sex object...
"Sorry, but I really need that Lycanroc right now." Moe said, making sure to let it clear that this was important. "Please, I promise you can hook up with him later, but right now I need his girly ass!"
Lucy knew that it was important because of the look on Moe's face and the way he was talking. This was enough for him to decide to go with him, since Lucy was the kind of 'morph who would always prioritize helping a friend over having a lay, as long as they really needed his help.
He apologized to the Tyrantrum, who grumbled and complained about being cock-blocked, to what Lucy promised he would look for him and make it up to him for leaving. The Tyrantrum still looked bummed as Lucy went along with Moe. Apparently, he was really wanting to go to town on that naughty witch.
Lucy was taken by Moe, who guided him to the back of the room, and explained to Lucy what it was he needed his help with.
"You want me get up the stage and dance?" Lucy asked in surprise.
It was not the first time that Lucy had to perform for a horny audience. He used to be a stripper when he was younger to pay for his college fees, after all. However, usually, when Moe wanted him to dance for the guests, he would ask in advance, so Lucy could prepare. He never asked last minute like that.
There was a reason, though.
"The Milotic brothers canceled!" Moe said to the Lycanroc. "They had to go to the hospital to get tested because the last guy they were with turned out to be positive to some rare STD! They were freaking out so hard!"
"Wow..." Lucy said, feeling sorry for the two brothers. They were nice people. Really popular with the guys too. Especially the ones who were into incest.
"It is not lethal or anything, and they can get over it as long as they do treatment, but you know how they've always been paranoid about getting anything through sex." Moe said, "They were so freaked, yelling that the guy tricked them and that they were going to kill him if he passed the disease to them! I could hardly even speak to them when they hung up on me and I can't even contact them now! All my calls go to voicemail! They were supposed to dance for everyone on those frilly panties of theirs! And I already told people that I had a show planned!"
"Lucy, please, you got to get on stage and dance for everyone!" Moe said, putting his hands together. "I know its last minute, but I need you to go and dance! You can do it however you want too! Please."
There was no way that Lucy could say no to a friend who was being so desperate. It was not as if he was asking him to do anything dangerous or illegal. He just wanted Lucy to dance. The Lycanroc was not opposed to that. Not at all.
Actually, Lucy enjoyed dancing. Especially for a crowd of males who had their eyes on him.
Of course Lucy agreed to do it for Moe, gladly so, much to Moe's relief.
"Great! Just tell me what you need and I'll get it to you!"
"All I need is a chair." Lucy said to him. "You don't have to worry about anything else."
With this, Moe arranged a chair for Lucy, and he soon was announcing to everyone that there was a show ready to start. He thanked everyone for coming, and even shared a few of his jokes with them.
Moe's jokes were bad. So bad that they were funny.
However, no one was interested in jokes. People were in there for sexy stuff, and that was what Moe was giving them.
"So, everyone, give a round of applause to my dear friend, and I know it will be warm, because a lot of you know him and love him as much as me! I give you, Lucy Rockefeller!" Moe said, "Blow them away, Lucy!"
With this, Moe got out of the way, and the upbeat music started playing. Everyone looked as Lucy sat on the chair, wearing his witch costume. Then, the Lycanroc got up from the chair and he started dancing. Simple movements at first, and then he picked up his pace and put on quite a show.
Lucy had always been popular on the strip clubs. Not only because he was sexy, but because he knew exactly how to get guys all riled up, and that showed on his dancing style. As he ran his paws over his body and gyrated his hips on the rhythm of the music, the crowd went wild for the werewolf Pokémorph.
They were particularly wild when the Lycanroc started removing his clothes. Starting with his hat, which he threw aside as he was moving his hips on the chair as if he was ridding the back of a wild stallion (or how he wanted to ride one of the boys on the party), and then, Lucy proceeded to remove his top, and then he removed his skirt.
The crowd was going wild at this point, and many of them were chanting Lucy's name, as the Lycanroc started to lower his panties slowly, teasing them, before pulling them back up and waving a finger at the crowd.
Lucy knew how to tease like a pro as well. The crowd got even more riled up at this, and Lucy resumed his strip-tease.
Slowly, he removed his long gloves, before tossing them to the crowd, to took them like treasures. Then, very slowly, very tantalizingly, Lucy removed his leggings, smirking and winking at the crowd as he licked his lips, and tossed the leggings to the crowd, who fought for those ones.
Now Lucy continued to dance, wearing nothing more than a pair of panties, gyrating and thrusting his hips on the rhythm of the music, going as close to the crowd as he thought to be save, with how hungry they all seemed. He even allowed some of them to run their hands over his crotch and butt, feeling and groping him for a few seconds before Lucy moved away.
"LUCY! LUCY! LUCY! LUCY!" The crowd chanted, and the Lycanroc couldn't help but feel at home as he danced for those males, all of them desiring him. All eyes were on him. All manly studs on the party wanted to be with him, and all cock-hungry sluts wanted to be him.
Lucy let himself go, as he ran across the improvised stage and threw himself off, literally throwing himself on all of those men.
Strippers could also ride the crowd, as Lucy had found out, and all of those hands carried him like a queen being carried by her subjects, as the Lycanroc enjoyed all of those wandering hands on his body, feeling his fur, cupping his crotch, gropping and molding his butt...
Arceus, this was heaven.
Eventually, Lucy came down, as he was placed on a familiar couch. The Lycanroc opened his eyes to find a lot of hungry eyes staring down at him. One of them pushed all the others away, as he climbed into the couch and stood above Lucy.
"You owe me a piece of ass, slut." The Tyrantrum said, as he lowered his jockstrap, letting his stiff dick flop out. "Especially after that show you just put up."
Lucy saw the nice tool that this construction worker had between his legs. It made his tailhole clench and ache in desire. It felt so tight it actually hurt. Lucy desperately needed to make himself loose, and nothing better to do it than a big stud's cock.
This is something all doctors should recommend.
"Wreck me." Lucy said to him, and this was all the Tyrantrum needed to hear.
With a growl, he grasped Lucy's panties and pulled as hard as he could, tearing them clear off from the Lycanroc's crotch. He took them to his snout and took a deep breath, shivering as he felt the delicious scent of the bitch he was about to plow. Lucy, on his end, didn't minded the panties being ripped from his body, they were cheap anyways, and he had a lot more of them back home.
"RAAAAAR! Bring me lube!" The Tyrantrum roared, and someone was quick to attend to his request. Moe always made sure to stash his parties with everything. From sex toys to BDSM gear and, of course, lots of lube.
The Tyrantrum used almost one quarter of the contents of that bottle on his dick, making sure to coat until his whole member was nice and slick, before he proceeded to press the head of his member into Lucy's tailhole.
The lube worked as expected, and allowed the head to slip in rather easily. Lucy let out a groan as he was stretched. It was a familiar, delicious feeling that the wolf-femboy loved and craved.
"Ohhhhh!" Lucy moaned out. "Yes, yes! Fuck me! Breed me raw, you pre-historic monster!"
Once more, the Tyrantrum was only glad to oblige. He Started fucking. Not as hard at first, but still hard enough to make Lucy moan like a bitch in heat. The Tyrantrum certainly fucked him like one, sending his cock deep in and out of the Lycanroc's hole with each motion, each thrust growing stronger and more relentless than the last.
Lucy was moaning as he was fucked hard by the Tyrantrum, who made sure to hold the Lycanroc by the shoulders and pin him to the couch as he bred him. All the while the 'morphs around them all watched, many of them pulling out their hard cocks and masturbating at the show. Some of them eventually forgetting of the show so they could focus on actually having sex with someone else.
This was the point that all of Moe's parties eventually arrived. The point when everyone just gave into their lust and instincts and the whole thing turned into a sweaty orgy.
And Lucy was still being bred by his construction worker, who growled and snarled as he fucked Lucy hard. So hard that it caused the couch they were into to rock back and forth. Lucy still begged for more. He begged for "harder" and "deeper", and when the Tyrantrum was going as hard and deep as he could, Lucy begged him to "keep going", and to "don't stop", and, eventually, he begged him to "seed me and make me yours!", what the Tyrantrum looked like he really wanted to.
The Tyrantrum roared as his orgasm hit. He sent his cock as deep as it could go on Lucy's rear, and this caused the Lycanroc to howl in pleasure as his own orgasm hit, his dick swelling and spilling cum all over himself while the Tyrantrum dumped his load into his ass and painted is insides white.
Lucy made sure to milk this orgasm as much as he could, as his motto in life was to enjoy everything until the last drop, and that was what he did whenever he and a partner orgasmed. His anal muscles continued to clench and unclench, massaging the member inside of him and making sure to squeeze every drop of semen he could out of it and right into his bowels.
The Tyrantrum growled in pleasure as he was finally done.
"Fuck, he is still sucking me in..." The dinosaur said, "Best ass I had in years."
"Hey, don't hog it all for yourself, pal." Said a person who placed a blue scaly hand on the shoulder of the dinosaur. "Some of us are also wanting to have a time with this cutie."
The dinosaur looked at the person talking to him, a Feraligatr whose costume was a red shirt with a white cross on the chest and a red speedo, which was tending obscenely with a huge erection.
"Alright then." The construction worker said as he pulled out, causing semen to start flowing out of that wrecked hole. "But I did make quite a mess, as you can see..."
"Oh, I don't mind." The lifeguard said as he soon was taking the Tyrantrum's place kneeling between Lucy's legs, lowering his speedo to let his croco-cock out. "I love sloppy seconds."
Lucy looked up at the Feraligatr, still high from the orgasm he just had, and he smirked as he saw that big dick.
"All yours, darling." Lucy said, as he lifted his legs, holding his ankles above his head as he spread himself fully to the Feraligatr. It caused his hole to leak even more pre, but Lucy didn't mind. He just hoped Moe didn't wanted that couch back.
The lifeguard wasted no time into starting to fuck Lucy, as he inserted his cock into the Lycanroc's tailhole and started pounding right away. He was slightly smaller than the Tyrantrum, girth-wise, but he was just as long, and he showed that he could fuck just as hard. This was more than enough for Lucy, who was a complete cock-slut for cocks of all shapes and sizes (as long as the size was not ridiculously small).
Soon, the Lycanroc was throwing his head back and howling of pleasure as he was fucked hard by the gator, who was giving him a fucking that could take his breath away.
"Man, what a loud slut!" Said someone on the side of the couch by Lucy's head. Lucy looked up to see a big Drampa looked down on him. He looked a bit aged, but most of his species did, and he had the classical muscle-gut dad bod. His costume was nothing more than an Alolan straw skirt, from which his cock was showing off, fully hard and ready for action.
"What about I make you quieter with this?" He asked, wiggling his cock before Lucy's mouth like waving a treat before the face of a dog. Lucy's answer was to open his mouth wide and wrap his tongue on the head of the cock, guiding it to his mouth so he could just start sucking it already.
This greatly pleasured the Drampa, who murred in pleasure as he was soon placing a hand on Lucy's muzzle as he drove his cock in and out of the Lycanroc's mouth, while the good little bitch sucked like there was no tomorrow.
"Hmmm, what a good little bitch we have here." The Drampa said as he caressed Lucy's muzzle. "You are a good girl, aren't you? Keep sucking like that and Papa Kona will give you a nice reward. Good girl..."
Lucy murred louder, sucking on the cock harder, as he felt the Feraligatr start fucking him even harder. Lucy's body rocked as he was fucked from both ends while laying on his back on the couch. His mind swam in pleasure as he was used like a toy by those two hunks, the Drampa's dad-belly pressing on his chin as he continued to let himself be used like a living fleshlight by the two.
Lucy enjoyed every second of it, creating vacuum on his two holes to pleasure those two males at once. His anal walls moved around Feraligatr's dick while he swallowed around "Papa Kona's" cock to deep throat him like he did with Clyde the Mudsdale. This caused the two of them to moan in pleasure and fuck their respective holes even harder.
It was only a matter of time before those two males orgasmed, filling both of his holes with even more cum. The Drampa's cum was greedily swallowed by the Lycanroc, landing on his stomach and filling him the same way a nice meal would. Meanwhile, The Feraligatr's cum was added to the cum that already filled his ass, making Lucy feel even more deliciously full, even though some of it leaked from his hole due to him being too full.
After they were done, Lucy relaxed and just enjoyed the feeling of having two holes inside of him, gently sucking on the cock on his mouth like a baby sucking a bottle, while he felt that cock inside of his ass move just slightly, as the Feraligatr adjusted his position as he sat in between Lucy's legs.
Lucy felt like he could stay in there forever.
"I can't wait anymore!" Said a voice, as Lucy suddenly saw himself yanked from the couch and his position between the two males, both cocks plopping out of his holes as he was spun around like a hagdoll.
Lucy took a moment to realize what happened and that now he was being held by the scruff of his neck by a much bigger Pokemon. The Snorlax was as big and fat as his kind was known to be, and the clothing he wore was, very appropriately, a sumo outfit. His cock was already out of it, and it was leaking and throbbing.
"I can no longer wait!" The Snorlax said to the Lycanroc, as he looked at him with his face painted on red and black make-up like a ceremonial sumo fighter. "I need your ass around my dick, now!"
Lucy looked at him, and then he smirked.
"Then what are you waiting for?" The Lycanroc asked to the Snorlax. "Just shove it in, big guy."
The Snorlax grunted and dropped Lucy to the ground. The Lycanroc was surprised as he was just dropped like a sack of potatoes, and he was getting back up, about to ask the Snorlax "what gives", when he felt a pair of hands grasping his bare butt and spreading his cheeks.
"You know what I like about sluts like you?" The Snorlax asked to Lucy, who was looking over his shoulder at him. "Most of you already comes pre-lubed, so I don't need to be gentle."
Without another word, the Snorlax thrusted, sending the head of his cock, shorter than the Tyrantrum's, but nearly twice as thick, into the Lycanroc's asshole.
Lucy hissed as he clenched his teeth. As much of a slut as he was, he still felt the sting when his ass was stretched too much at once. That monster of a cock, as thick as a beer can, proved to be a bit too much for his ass. Good thing that all the cum on his ass was acting as a nice lubricant, otherwise Lucy was sure he would be crying like a little girl as that cock speared on him.
The Snorlax seemed to be a jerk, as he didn't even wait for Lucy to adjust to him before he just started pounding away, sending his cock in and out of the Lycanroc's tailhole at a fast pace.
Luckily, Lucy was used to deal with jerks, as long as they knew how to give a good fucking, as this Snorlax clearly did. Lucy just breathed and powered through the pain. Soon it was being replaced by that familiar pleasure that the feeling of having his ass filled always gave him. Grunts of pain were soon replaced by moans of pleasure, as that thick dick rubbed on his prostate every time the Snorlax even moved. This was enough to make Lucy's cock throb and leak pre once more, his knot once more swelling into life as the pleasure overwhelmed him.
"Hey there." Said a voice, which made Lucy open his eyes. The first thing he saw was a cock before his face, big, uncircumcised, veiny and dark-gray in coloration. He recognized it immediately.
"H-hey... Moe." The Lycanroc said in between moans of pleasure, as he looked up from the cock to the face he recognized just as well, the Machoke smiled at him.
"Glad to see you are enjoying yourself, but I want some of that too." Moe said, and Lucy smiled at him.
"Can't keep away from me, can you?" Lucy asked to what Moe said:
"Don't blame me. Blame yourself for being the best cock-sucker I've ever met. Now saw 'ahh', Bitch-Boy."
Lucy gladly did, moaning from the fucking he was receiving as he opened his mouth wide, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he drooled from it as much as from his dick. Moe placed his cock in it and Lucy, like a trained dog, started sucking immediately, as he sealed his lips tight around the girt and started to suck as hard as he could. Soon, Moe was getting into the hang of it and, once more, Lucy was rocking back and forth in between two males as he was fucked from both ends at once.
"Yes!" The Snorlax said, "Take that, you fucking slut! Take my cock like the bitch you are!"
"So, Shino, are you enjoying the party so far?" Moe asked as he and the Snorlax continued to pound on Lucy, who moaned in between them.
"Oh, I sure am. The food is great.". Shino the Snorlax said, "I was going to leave when the food ran out, but I'm glad I stayed. Man, this whore's ass is great!"
"I know, right?" Moe said, as he continued to fuck Lucy's mouth, as the Lycanroc was holding his hips with both hands. "I know a lot of sluts, but none is as good at taking cock as good ol' Lucy."
"This ass is amazing!" Shino said, as he continued to fuck the Lycanroc, holding his hips and keeping the Lycanroc's feet off the ground. "It is sucking me in as if it is actually hungry for my cock! Man, totally worth coming to this party instead of eating a barrel of chilly in front of the TV until I pass out like every other Halloween."
"So, I take it that you are coming for my next party at Thanksgiving?" Moe asked, his voice still audible above the music and Lucy's desperate and needy moans. "I promise it won't be at night this time. And it will have the fattest turkeys you ever saw."
"I'm all in for it!" Shino said, grunting as he fucked Lucy pretty hard, causing the Lycanroc to shiver as a squirt of pre came out of his hard dick and landed on the ground beneath him. "I would come again just for this slut's ass! HMMM! I'm getting close!"
Moe was as well. However, it was Lucy, like a good little slut, that came before either of the studs did. He shivered and moaned around Moe's cock, as his own dick flared. His cum shot out like a geyser in strong, short jets of pure white that landed all around as he rocked between the two makes. They smeared Lucy's own fur as his cock slapped on his own belly from the swinging back and forth. Most of it, however, landed on the ground, where it would later dry out and become a weirdly-colored stain that would be a pain to get off.
This would certainly make Moe feel glad that he didn't lived on that old house. It would be filled of stains like that, considering that, by this stage, the party actually turned into an orgy, with Pokemorphs all around moaning, fucking and rutting like animals in all positions and styles as two, three, four or more 'morphs all got together in little groups and fucked like no tomorrow, spilling their seed everywhere, just like Lucy was doing...
Meanwhile, the two men who were fucking Lucy also came. Moe cummed down the Lycanroc's throat, feeding him his fertile, Fighting Type seed, while the Snorlax buried his cock as deep as it could go into the wolf's tailhole, adding his seed to the ever-growing bank of semen that currently was Lucy's butt.
Lucy shivered and spasmed in between the two, as the three of them rode their orgasms for as long as they could, until they all eventually relaxed after cumming all they could.
"Fuck, that was intense!" Shino said, "And the slut's ass is still trying to milk my dick!"
"Yeah, that's Lucy for you." Moe said with a smile, as the Lycanroc continued to gently suck on his dick. "That's why he is so popular in my parties. I think half of the guys come only in hopes of finding him."
"Why would we not?" Said a fourth voice, causing both to look to the side to see a pair of Pokémorphs coming their way.
"Oy, Lylac! Indie! Good to see you, dudes! I didn't knew you were here!" Moe said to the two guys who came, a pair of Nidoking, one normal and the other shiny. The normal-colored one was wearing a harness of black coloration, with metal rings anchoring the leather straps that formed it, including one around his cock and balls to anchor it to his crotch. He had been wearing a jockstrap too, but he got rid of it while having sex earlier. His shiny brother was wearing exactly the same, but the leather was red instead of black.
"Nice seeing you, Moe." Said one of them, looking at the Machoke, before gesturing at the Lycanroc in between them. "Now, mind if we take that one?"
Moe and Shino shared a look. Soon, they were handing Lucy to them as if he was a toy.
"Go nuts." Moe said to them with a smirk, "You know he loves it."
Soon, they were both holding the Lycanroc by the arms, slapping his face to make the sex-dazed slut come back to his senses.
"Mmblah?" Lucy mumbled as he blinked and saw himself being looked down by purple and blue faces.
"Hey there, slut. Remember us?" Lylac, the purple Nidoking said to the Lycanroc. "You were with us on the last party, and you were about to let us have that little piece of butt of yours when that Wailord came and you went after him like a hungry puppy after a steak. You fucking cock-hungry bitch."
"You said you would meet us on the next party, and that you'd take both our cocks at once if we wanted." Said Indie, the shiny Nidoking. "Well, guess what? That's exactly what we want now! So you better be ready to be stretched open, you fucking slut!"
Lucy looked in between the two of them, and he smirked at the two.
"Give me your best, boys."
They both snorted, and they didn't waste any time in giving this slut what he wanted.
They both took only thirty seconds to get in position, and then they lowered Lucy on their dicks.
"Fuck, the slut feels fucking loose!" Indie said, "I told you we should have come for him sooner!"
"Whatever, it is still fuckable!" Lylac said, as he shifted, causing his own cock to rub on his brother's inside of Lucy's tailhole. "Let's just use this bitch like the cheap little fucktoy he is!"
Indie was all about it, and so was Lucy.
"Stop talking and just breed me!"
They both roared as they did. Lucy soon was howling once more as he bounced on two cocks. They made true to their word as they used Lucy like a toy, holding him by the legs, by the scruff of his neck and even by his dick, forcing him to bounce up and down on their dicks as they both thrusted in synch on his already-abused tailhole.
"Fuck, there is so much cum coming out!" Indie said, "I think half of the party has cummed into his ass already! He is a literal cumdump!"
"Oh, quit winning like a pussy and just fuck that bitch! We can make him lick our cocks clean when we are done!"
Lucy was only half-listening to what the two were saying. He was too overloaded with pleasure, as he felt as if his prostate was being sandwiched by those two muscular hunks dressed as if they just came from a BDSM party, like the one that Moe made back on May. Man, Lucy could still remember that. He was never too keen on bondage and stuff, but he was all up to it if it meant being fucked by a literal crowd of horny studs.
It felt just as delicious as this party was being so far, including the part where he was being used as a toy by those two Nidokings, who fucked him violently, nearly in a hateful manner, as they made sure that they would get all the pleasure they could from Lucy, seemingly with no worry if he was or not having a good time.
But Lucy was having a good time. He always had a good time whenever he was being fucked hard.
And those two were a tad bit romantic, when they pulled him into rough make-out sessions as they made him bounce on their cocks.
"Fuck, his mouth tastes like dick!" Indie said, as he broke the sloppy kiss he was having with Lucy, who had an expression of dazed pleasure on his face as he continued to bounce.
"He is the sluttiest Pokémon of the entire region." Lylac said as he grabbed Lucy's chin and forced the Lycanroc to look his side. "What did you expect his mouth to taste like?" And he too started to make out with Lucy, shoving his tongue as far as the Lycanroc's throat could take it, before allowing his brother to have some more of that mouth.
They two brothers didn't seemed to mind all fluids they were taking in from that dog's mouth. Including each other's saliva.
Lucy, on his end, was in heaven as he was penetrated by the two of them. His cock spasmed and released more seed as it was grabbed like a handle by the two of them. Soon after, the two of them roared loudly as they came, filling Lucy to the brim with their cum, while the Lycanroc let out a weak, broken howl as he felt himself being filled once more.
"Fuck..." Indie said as they pulled their dicks out of the Lycanroc, who was practically a ragdoll at their hands now.
"Guuhhhhhh..." Lucy groaned. ""C-cock... m-more cock...""
"Oh, shit..." Indie said as he saw the way the Lycanroc was limp and the look on his face. "Bro, I think we broke the slut..."
"Nah, he is fine." Said Lylac dismissively, after checking Lucy very briefly. "I saw him get like that before when someone fucked him real hard. He will only be brain-dead for a couple minutes. He will be ready for more dick as soon as he is back."
"Well, that's good." Said another voice, making the two look over to see what could be the tallest Pokémorph at the party, who was a Steelix. He had discharged his clothes, and now he was completely naked, exposing his body without any shame.
"But I'm afraid I can't wait. I have been wanting a piece of that cute ass since I saw it walking on the party on those panties. Now hand it over."
Lucy was practically yoinked from the Nidokings' hands, both of which looked at each other, as they decided it was not to get on the way of that huge guy. They decided to go join the others on the party, leaving the naked Steelix to use Lucy.
He positioned the Lycanroc and then lowered him on his dick. Lucy spasmed and moaned like a bitch in heat as he was penetrated yet again.
"Y-yes..." The femboy Lycanroc said in between loud moans. "C-cock! Give me cock! Cock!"
The Steelyx was only happy to give the slut what he was asking for. So, he started to fuck. Lucy howled in pleasure as he was fucked raw by that mountain of a man, who had possibly the biggest cock of all party. So big, in fact, that Lucy would not have been able to take it all had not him been fucked so many times. He was rendered loose enough and had enough cum coating his insides to make penetration possible.
Steelyx made sure to make liberal use of that Lycanroc slut, breeding him raw and hard, sending his titanium-hard cock in and out of that puffy and abused hole as hard as he could, grunting and snarling in metallic sounds as he bred the bitch.
"Yo, Coach!" Said someone, as three Passimians, all of them wearing football shirts and helmets and dirty jockstraps came his way.
"You said you'd let us have the slut first!" Said one of them, as the three Passimian, all members if their college's football team, looked up at the Steelix, who was their coach and had brought them there for a Halloween night of fun to celebrate their latest victory which put them all on the finals.
"Sorry boys..." The Steelix said, not stopping fucking Lucy even for a second. "You were too busy with those Lopunny bitches. You know how this goes, if you don't make a play when you have the chance, you lose your pass."
The Passimian all groaned, looking down. The Steelyx smirked at them, and he kneeled, putting Lucy more on level with the boys.
"You can still use the mouth and hands." He said, and the boys were all onto it. Soon, they were all lowering their jockstraps and letting their cocks hang free. They were not as well-endowed as their coach, but the three jocks sure were packing.
Lucy's eyes focused as he looked at those three tasty-looking dicks being waved before his face.
"Cock!" Lucy exclaimed happily, before lunging at the three with the appetite of a hundred bunnies in heat. Soon, he was all over their cocks, as he sucked on one while using his hands to rub the other two, alternating constantly. He even tried to fit two of three of them on his mouth at once! And he had some success on sucking on them together before the Passimian would tell him to "take it easy".
They continued like this for several minutes, in which Lucy's dick, now limp due to being unable to harden again due to the amount of times he has cummed already (but no permanent damages) shoot other two pathetic loads that dribbled on the floor, causing the Lycanroc to shiver as he slipped deeper and deeper into his pleasure-induced brainlessness.
Lucy was just a hole to be fucked at this point. A breathing fleslight. A creature whose only purpose for existing was to take as many cocks as it possibly could.
And Lucy did that like a pro.
Eventually, they all came. The Steelyx cried out and grunted as he buried his steel dong as far as it could go on the butt of that bitch he had been fucking, and spilling so much cum inside that it literally caused Lucy's stomach to bulge out. The Passimian all let out ape cries as they all came, coating all of Lucy's features on their white seed.
Lucy was in heaven. His own personal, sweaty, cum-flavored nirvana.
And he would stay in it all night...
The first rays of the sun came on November 1st. The streets were mostly empty, as everyone was still at home on the morning after Halloween.
The kids were in a candy coma, as well as some of their teenager siblings. That was a good part of the morning after Halloween.
In a certain house, there was no sound coming from inside. The loud music that had been playing all night was gone.
The inside of the house reeked of male sweat and semen. It reeked of sex. All members of the party were still inside, sound asleep, most of them on the floor and on top of someone or hugging someone. And nearly all of them were completely naked.
Moe was in a corner, with a smirk on his lips as he slept with the Mienshao twins on his arms. The Nidoking brothers were each one sleeping with a different Eeveelution, both of them sleeping on top of them like kittens on their beds. The Persian and Meowth from the hallway were cuddling as they slept together on the couch. Shino was resting his body on a corner, with a lot of Pokémorphs leaning on him, using his belly like a giant cushion to sleep.
And Lucy?
The naked Lycanroc was sleeping like a puppy on top of the Steelyx's hard, but surprisingly warm and comfy, body. His fur was matted with dried fur and sweat, and the Lycanroc would take hours in the shower to take the smell off. He was surrounded by males, all of them naked and with their sexy bodies very close to his own. One of the Passimian had his penis right by the side of Lucy's muzzle, and the Lycanroc instinctively nuzzled it on his sleep, a huge smirk on his lips as he murred from the sweet smell of male coming from all around him.
That had been a good Halloween for the slutty Lycanroc.