The Monster Lies Chapter 12 (Content Warning)

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#12 of The Monster Lies

WARNING: This chapter includes themes of Rape and Violence during sex. I do not condone this abhorrent behavior, nor seek to glorify it. The characters perpetrating these acts are indeed monsters.

This is a retelling of the events of The Monster Within but from Skanita's point of view, things won't line up 1:1 as both stories are how the narrator recalls the events. If you are familiar with the comic, you will know that this series will involve many dark themes including violence, depression, sexual abuse, and murder. I do not conduce these action. The author does not condone these actions. This is a fantasy story and should not confused with the real world.This is a commissioned piece of work. The original author prefers to remain anonymous. If you do happen to know the writer in question, please respect their privacy and avoid passing the knowledge around.

Chapter 12


WARNING: This chapter includes themes of Rape and Violence during sex. I do not condone this abhorrent behavior, nor seek to glorify it. The characters perpetrating these acts are indeed monsters.


Maka scratched the stone eagerly, her pent-up excitement working her closer towards the edge of delight even without Han's cock anywhere near her pussy. She wanted him so badly that she completely gave herself to her carnal instincts, lowering all her defenses in order to submit to the powerful male that mounted her. Soon, she was going to feel his warmth inside her once again. She would entrap his seething cock in a heaven of moisture males could only dream of, then milk him hard for every drop of his precious seed to remind him how rewarding love could be.

His jabs quickened. Maka raised her tail as high as she could, then trembled all over once his cock made contact with her wet, restless pussy. Her walls parted before his girth to welcome him deeper inside, a perfect fit for his hard, perfect cock. In her heightened state of arousal, each of his barbs brought millions of intense bursts of ecstasy through her pussy, filling her with incredible amounts of pleasure.

"Mrroooowwrrrr, it feels so good..." Maka whimpered, claws skidding along the ground as she immediately ascended into her first orgasm. Her pussy clenched hard around Han's cock in preparation for the bursts of seed that would undoubtedly follow. She felt his tongue trail along her nape, undoubtedly preparing her for that irresistible bite.

Maka's eyes glazed over when his fangs found her nape. She was about to experience what she imagined ever since she tasted his cock. She was going to finally get filled with her mate's love.

But what followed was not the gentle bite she expected. Instead of the loving warmth of a mate, what she received was a flash of pain that made her body go from restless to numb in a single, pounding heartbeat.

A second cry left her maw, raspy and desperate compared to her previous moans, a song of agony that echoed through the tunnels. The seething pain on the back of her neck flooded her with numbness that made it impossible to fight against the sharp jabs that tore her pussy apart. Han thrust hard and fast, his flared barbs scraping the meat off her unresponsive walls, adding to the sharp agony that tore her body apart.

Maka couldn't fight. Her own instincts rose up to prevent her from mounting any sort of revenge upon the stronger male that claimed her. This was nature's perverted way to ensure that only the strongest cougars passed on their genes to the next generation, and through sheer anger and wit, Han managed to secure his place inside her, only this wasn't mating. Thanks to her misguided instincts, Maka became a prisoner in her own body. All she could do was cry; yowl like a helpless little fawn while the monster on her back tore into her nape with his ruthless fangs and ravaged her pussy with the hungry thrusts of a maniac. In that regard Han did keep his word. He was giving Maka what she asked for. A hard mating that felt unlike anything she experienced before.

As she stood there, with her belly pressed against the cold ground and tears streaming down the sides of her face, Maka understood the error of her ways. She expected to cure years of festering obsessions with licks and gentle words. As if Han understood gentleness. He had always been a rugged breed, aloof with strangers, distant to his own family. How could a cougar that banished his kin on the faintest sign of suspicion have anything good inside him?

Right now, Maka saw him for who he truly was. A monster that disregarded her every time he shoved his spiked mace into her body. A beast that bit onto her neck as if she was a crying fawn, begging for the mercy of death. She only hoped that his climax would be swift.

But it wasn't. After he speared her pussy more than a dozen times, fucking her until red tints appeared in the lubrication that flowed out of her lips, Han still kept on going. His barbs remained firm, as if to further taunt Maka for her recklessness. The female tried to trap his cock within the only part of her body she could still control: her pussy. She tried to make herself tighter in hopes of bringing a quicker end to this torture.

But she was too weak. Han thrust too hard, too quick for her to have any chance at fighting back. Maka started to count his thrusts. This was the only way to remain sane. She stared ahead with a blank look, imagining herself watching the ordeal from afar. This whole nightmare didn't look or feel so bad when she distanced herself from the present. As a spectator, everything was dark to her. Emotional nothingness. She felt nothing apart from what her main senses picked up. The huffs of his breath rolling down like smoke upon her neck. The scratching of his claws tearing lines against the stone floor. The slaps of his balls smacking against her once wet entrance.

Maka counted to fifty three when another sound entered her ears. The shrilling, hoarse announcement of his climax. The cry that preceded the barfs of his cock. The seed that once felt wanted within her trembling walls now squirted into her frozen pussy like a river of festering pus that would have sickened Maka if she allowed herself to care about what her body felt.

She didn't. To her, Han's climax was nothing more than a predictable bodily function, soon to run its course. She counted twelve spurts before he pulled himself out. The bastard dropped on the ground like a boulder, his heart threatening to tear through his chest. He was exposed. Defenseless even to the poorest of hunters. Maka had many options to choose now that she regained control of her body. She could maul his seed sack and make sure he never inflicted his vile cum upon another female again. Or she could just end his life with a bite to the neck. After fifty three thrusts and twelve spurts of cum, Han's limbs undoubtedly felt like twigs. He was not going to be able to wrestle her off, least harm her worse than he already did.

The third option was the simplest. Run. Find a new home away from all this madness. A fresh start like she often suggested to his mate when he was still halfway sane.

But Maka found herself not acting upon any of these thoughts. She too was tired, but in a different, stranger way. After the time she spent being nothing, she wasn't sure she could find her way back from the dark corner her terrified mind slunk in.

"Thank you for that hard ride, Maka."

Her ears registered the sound of her mate's voice, and she looked in his direction with the same vacant gaze.

"I have to admit, in spite of my earlier skepticism, you have helped me more than you can imagine. I can see a new sort of understanding develop between us after this bonding experience. Don't you agree, my mate?"

Maka said nothing. She did... nothing.

"You're tired. Understandable." Han picked himself up, a long sigh leaving his maw. "But in my defense, you did beg me to go out of my way."

He moved away from her hollow eyes to take a good look at the mess that gathered beneath her frozen tail. "Filled you up to the brim. Aren't you going to roll? It pains me to see my own seed wasted upon this barren rock."

Maka didn't know why she obeyed him, but she rolled onto her belly to stare at him upside down, his smiling head taunting her even now.

"You surprise me, Maka. I didn't believe you had such fire within you. Somehow, against all odds, a weakling like you had managed to prove me wrong. You have shown me that maybe, just maybe, you are not as incapable, useless, and judgmental as I initially believed." His barbed tongue slid all over her muzzle, damp and disgusting, just like his seed. Han waited for a reaction, and when he got none, he moved over to his side of the cave to make himself comfortable.

"In time, we might even understand each other, but for now, you should rest. Tomorrow is a new day, and I might again request your help with this little problem I have. You are going to say yes, I hope. Or at least give me a dip of that beautiful head. I can see you are still bedazzled by my performance, but at the same time, it is common courtesy to obey when your provider asks you a question or requests something of you, yes? Nod your head now, female."

Maka obeyed.

"See? We can work together just like you proposed!" the male's tongue curled under the big yawn that split his jaws apart. "But we'll leave the talk for later. You need to rest, and I need to fill my balls back up for our next mating. Good night, my half. Rest well in the comfort of our cave, and worry not for the outsider. Soon enough, he too will be suitably rewarded."

Maka gave him no answer. She just crawled back into her usual sleeping chamber, settling in a corner so dark she could barely make out her own body. Once there, she shivered in silence, with her head tucked against her belly and her tail wrapped around her curled form. Maka made herself oblivious to the shudders that passed through her body like surges of electricity. Or at least, tried to, for part of Han lingered here, with her. She couldn't rest. Not until she obliterated every trace of his presence.

Groaning weakly, the female dabbed her tongue to cleanse the foul fluid from her aching lips, but just like her mate's rage, it just kept oozing out, an unstoppable river of misery against which she could not know victory.

With a deep sigh Maka rolled onto her back. She hated to adopt a position that once made her happy. However, she believed that forgetting about the foul mark he left on her was the only way to keep the dreadful memories inside.

Maka closed her eyes, but in that deeper darkness she caught horrible glimpses of her helplessness. For hours she shifted from one side to the other, blinking and growling to herself. The numbness she encased herself in started to melt, feeding her with flashes of pain of the real torment her captive body was forced to endure.

"Mrrraaahhh," Maka flailed her unsheathed claws through the empty air, shearing through nothingness. Her mind, however, refused to see the obvious. Maka noticed from afar how her mate kept her into place, yet her detached self knew no pain unlike her body. She remembered it all. His paws slamming down on hers. His claws sinking their needles progressively deeper into her flesh. The metallic smell of her own blood filled her nostrils, a choking miasma that grew increasingly pungent the longer Han went on. Over her splayed, trembling ears, his fangs kept her nape locked in a grievous bite that render her body completely immobile, save for the shudders that kept her muscles spasming with millions of jolts of agony. Her detached self paid no attention to the finer details, but right now, when her fragile mind overflowed from the shackles that once protected it, Maka could feel all the little details she missed. A distinct wetness spread over the back of her neck. A fluid too thick, too warm, and far too abundant to be her mate's saliva. Prickles of sharpness throbbed along with her racing heart. Han's tongue scooping up her life essence to feed on it, his shrilling hisses a testament to his perverted pleasure.

Maka rolled back on her belly. She now lay in the same position Han took her in, with her tail lifted above her naked, painted pussy. Another flash of memories made her eyes light up with the vivid details of what happened near the lower parts of her body. His hips connected with her with quaking slaps, like two mountains slapping together. With each thrust, he hissed louder, and with each hiss, he thrust harder, sending those cold, clammy balls slamming against her entrance. They were nothing like the fuzzy fruits Maka adored a few moments before. No. These were hard rocks that made her pussy clamp up under their battering assault.

Han liked it tight. He seemed to have derived great pleasure from forcing his opponent to submit as the barbs that usually flared moments before his climax now stood fully erect like the protective shell of a hedgehog to scrape through the narrow walls of her pussy with every thrust.

Maka scratched the ground with her claws. Beneath her tail, her pussy began to convulse in the same chaotic dance she put up in a vain attempt to stop the barrage of thrusts. But there was no stopping to it. Once it tasted heat, Han's cock returned harder and wetter to squirt its foul contents into her body.

Maka's mind soared through the fifty three thrusts it took for him to finish. She remembered the disgust of having his thick, slimy cum erupt into her defenseless womb right next to the breeze of relief that draped across her body.

Maka blinked at that. She couldn't...No, that was a lie. It had to be. Even broken and torn, twisted and scraped, she could not possibly enjoy any part of that torment.

Could she? What if Han broke her? Something inside her might have just snapped when she found herself laying helpless under the bulk of a monster.

Maka ran out into the darkened forest. She had to convince herself she was not becoming like him, and the only way to do that was to remove herself from everything that reminded her of him. She ran as far as her feet allowed her. And when she couldn't run, she crawled until the rapids of the cold river swept over her fur. Maka entered the river's bosom to obtain clarity, but most importantly, to cleanse herself from the monster's scent.

Time passed in a blur after that. Maka didn't remember how she crawled out of the frozen waters, or if she even slept. Only that, when she opened her eyes, her head throbbed with a dull ache even more annoying than the aches of her wounded pussy.

"Mrrow," the female gently picked herself off the forest's floor. She slept in the wilderness, but something felt eerily familiar about this place.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake up."

Han's sudden, dreadful voice made her spring up on her fours. On her left was the looming entrance of the cave in which she suffered for an entire night. The opening resembled the maw of a nightmarish beast eager to devour her. She almost expected Han to come out of the darkness, but he wasn't there.

Something touched her back, and, whirling on her paws, Maka came face to face with the monster's crimson eyes.

"You look clean," the male said calmly as he measured her up with a wicked smile on his face. "I'm glad you had the decency to clean yourself after last night's lesson. As much as I like to keep my possessions marked, the smell of my cum tends to get rather...tedious after a while."

"No..." Maka crawled back from him. "Get away from me. Stay...stay away..." Maka's voice faded into a whisper. She felt unreasonably weak. Almost like his glare alone melted her courage. She shook her head against the sudden drowsiness that washed over her senses, but the fear was too strong. Her pain, much too great. With a pathetic growl, Maka met the ground with her belly. Her stomach twisted with painful heaves. Bile rose in her throat, and she took quick desperate breaths to combat the butterflies that suddenly swarmed her vision in the absence of the steady beats of her heart.

The weakness obtained full control of her body. She should have been terrified, but strangely enough, nothing mattered to her. Not even dying.

"Easy. Breathe, Maka. Breathe." His voice whispered into her ears, his cascading touch brushed through her fur, reminding her of the insects that crawled beneath her feet, the birds that frolicked inside the canopy above her head, the warmth that still lived inside her body. The dark butterflies started to scatter, giving way to her mate's gentle face.

"What..." Maka moistened her arid tongue a few times. "What was that?"

"You suffered a panic attack." Han explained.

"What's that?" she blinked her eyes several more times, failing to dispel the lightness in her head. "Everything faded. Am I dead?"

Han smiled and gently nipped onto one of her ears. "Felt that?"

Maka dipped her head, then closed her eyes to allow his rolling tongue to wash off the coldness from her muzzle. "Then that means you're still alive. How silly of you, to think I'd let anything happen to you. We're mates, Maka. The only way we'll die is together."

"Han..." Maka pushed her nose into his neck to breathe into his familiar scent, the only thing that anchored her clouded mind back into the present. Her head felt fuzzy, like she just awoke from a dream. The thought of coping alone with the strangeness of the situation terrified her.

After a few more loving licks, Han cuddled next to her.

"Shouldn't you be out there?" Maka asked him.

"Out where?" the male looked ahead. "My territory is safer than ever. Besides, it's not like I would ever put a patch of dirt before the needs of my mate."

Relief washed over her depleted body. Something in the back of her head kept reaching out. A warning, perhaps? Maka gave no heed to it. Her mate was here. That was all that mattered.

"Where are the cubs, Han?"

"Playing," her mate dashed his tongue between her eyes. "Stop worrying your beautiful head with such mundane issues."


"They're fine, you aren't," Han picked himself up. He pawed playfully at her head, his pads sliding along Maka's frozen form. "Come on. Let's work some blood in those limbs. You'll feel much better if you distract yourself from whatever you're cooking up in that fuzzy head."

"Can't we rest? I am a bit tired after..."

Han didn't care about excuses. He moved behind to push her bum with his muzzle, and he insisted so much that Maka had no choice but to force herself onto her fours.

"See? The first step is always the hardest," Han pounced ahead with a happy growl. "Come, come! Feel the wind ruffle your fur. Let the sun melt the ice off your limbs." He pranced around and then returned to plant a quick lick on her nose. "You can think of your favorite meal and I will catch it for you!"

The proposition sounded much too tempting to ignore. Dipping her head, Maka received another slobbery tongue under her chin, and then the two cougars walked into the forest, their tails shifting playfully behind them.

"What would you like to eat?"

The question took Maka by surprise. She gave Han a terse glance, then focused her eyes back on the horizon. They had been walking enough for Maka to feel at peace with herself, and she didn't want her mate to feel like she was a burden again.

"Wait. I think I heard a rabbit skulking about," Han crouched, his ears flicking in search of the noise. "How many do you want me to catch? Two, three, five?"

"One is quite enough," Maka bumped into him. "What about you?"

"You know," Han stood up.

"Stags," she nuzzled his neck nervously. "It was stags, right?"

Han moved a few steps away in complete silence, then he laughed, a growly mess of sounds that immediately put Maka on edge.

"Stags? No, my darling. I'm afraid you have it all wrong. It's not deer we're hunting today." Han licked his lips, bending his legs into the same stalking position Maka saw earlier. She didn't like the focused look in his eyes, almost as if...

"Oh, it's deer," Maka scrambled over to her mate, nuzzling him with a silly look on her face. "I just remembered the last time we had stag. The meat was inedible, and you offered me one of his testicles after we had all of the organs."

Han didn't laugh. Didn't move. On close inspection, Maka realized he hardly even breathed.

"Run," he snarled.

The Monster Lies Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Next morning was colder than she expected. Maka looked around for the mate that should have been cuddled next to her. Instead, Han was gone. Maka easily traced his scent back to the entrance of the cave, where Han was...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 10

Chapter 10 She growled, then opened her eyes to the grey surface of her den. Where were the cougars? She blinked twice and looked down the length of her light-colored belly with a disappointed sigh. Her hind paws were spread far to the sides, opening...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 9

### Chapter 9 Maka's heartbeats picked up when a gentle gust of night air carried the smell of her mate into her nostrils. She thought she had prepared for this moment. After all, she left her offspring alone right after the sun started to set,...

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