Nikki's Night Out

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Nikki's Night Out

By BangBear

"Hey, sooo... don't tell anyone about this, yeah?" Nikki brushed off the bottom of her black band shirt after making some quick adjustments to how it sat on her. The pulsing music from the concert's main room did a fine job of keeping their conversation discreet. A belt buckle jingled with heavy footsteps, the tiger nodding at her reflection in the bathroom's mirror. "Yeah, yeah. Here, for your troubles." From his pocket he pulled out a folded bill and set it on the sink. She knew what the arrangement was, but still, seeing a fifty given to her just like that was... she wasn't sure. It was more than she made from a single shift at the café, but it wasn't exactly reputable work.

"Right... thanks..." the croc folded it over once more and quickly slipped it into the pocket of her skinny jeans. She rubbed her arm nervously, unsure what to say or do while the big cat zipped his pants and secured the buckle, so he filled the void instead.

"I'll walk out first, then you go a few minutes later. Say, ten or fifteen. We'll draw less eyes that way. You won't have to worry about no rumors going 'round on Monday. Just play on your phone or something." The door swung open, flooding the bathroom with the chorus of one of Nikki's favorite songs before the heavy thing closed once more to leave her with her thoughts.

Her ass was sore, and her tight pants weren't helping matters. Not much to be done about that here, though. Taking Gordon's advice, she pulled out her phone and checked the concert's social media page while things cooled down. Partly, she wanted to enjoy it vicariously through photos and videos people were posting, and partly she wanted to not think about what she just did, especially since she got money for it.

Not five minutes after Gordon walked out did the door open, a much younger guy than the tiger walked in. Nikki damn near dropped her phone, and only barely managed to keep herself from falling off the improvised chair. "Why didn't I lock the fucking door", she thought to herself. "Occupied. Leave." She wondered if her anxiety came through in her voice to betray her bitch stare.

He didn't listen, instead reaching into his pocket and pulling out two crumpled ten dollar bills. "What'll this get me? It's all I got."

"I'm not a whore, jackass. Now get out before I get pissed o-"

"C'mon, Gordon said I could find you here. I don't need anything special, just something quick!"

She was mortified. He really fucking told, and he didn't think two seconds about it. "Gordon said that..." She still was staring daggers as she thought about what to do next, her ankles crossing nervously. The music still pounded from the main room, but from a new song.

After a long pause, she finally answered him. "Alright, fine. You get ONE go. Don't take forever." Her boots clunked onto the tile floor and she turned around. A quick finessing of her pants had the skinny jeans pulled down over her scaled apple butt, and when she bent over he could see the cleft of her lips through the gap in her thighs.

The dog was giddy, fumbling with his own shorts, his growing hard-on not making it any easier. Nikki's clawed finger tapped her temple impatiently. "S-sorry... there, got it." He stepped forward and put a hand on either one of her cheeks, but not really doing anything with them.

"You done this before, dude?"

"Not really..."

She scoffed, feeling some secondhand embarrassment for the guy paying for his first time. "Just put it in and pump your hips. You'll figure it out."

He followed her direction and angled his cock to try and slip into her pussy, thankfully for her, he missed.

"NOT there. The other hole." She pointed at her ass, the dog jumping at her sudden sharp command.

"Sorry! I'll just, yeah." He corrected his aim and much more easily found his way into her ass, his cock throbbing immediately as it sank in. He wasn't the biggest guy, but she could already tell he was up there. Her hands wrapped around the edges of the sink as he sunk himself inside her, the croc spreading her legs some more to make it more comfortable.

Little thrusts started out his session, now squeezing her rump as he indulged in the new sensations. "Whoa, this is... this is nuts... you're super hot and like-"

"Stop talking and just do your thing." He halted his commentary immediately and returned to simple physicality. It wasn't long before he felt he was reaching his peak, so he tried to fuck deeper to make up for his borrowed time. Less than a minute into his turn, he shot his load in her, the groans he tried to stifle sounding like weak straining before he panted over her. Twenty bucks for a minute of bending over... the math was sounding better and better the more she thought of it.

"Hah, damn that was great! Hope you liked it too!"

She was stone faced in the mirror.

"R-right... well, I should get back. There's probably other guys waiting." He pulled out and set his junk back in order as she rose up and turned her head to face him. "What do you mean other guys?"

As soon as he opened the door, she could see a line of men all waiting at the door, two of them walking in to take the former virgin's place. A pair of horses, one black and one brown. She lifted her jeans to try and cover up, but stopped once she saw them flash their cash. Fifty bucks each. A moment of consideration passed, and she let her jeans drop to the floor and pulled them off around her boots. For the third time in half an hour, she bent herself over the sink, her asshole gaped and dripping now. "Not in my pussy."

The stallions set their bills on the sink and adjusted her position to their liking, allowing her to take one in front and one in back. A pang of unease took her, but she didn't protest as she heard their pants unzipping. Their dicks sprung out from within, mostly hard but still not full length. They plopped on her face and along her back, letting her get an idea of just how big they were.

The horse in the rear reached all the way up to the middle of her back, while the one up front made it hist past her shoulder blades. The musk from his balls was powerful, completely drowning out the smell of stale urine with a hint of cleaning chemicals of the bathroom. The brown horse at her head grabbed hold of it as he pulled back and pushed forward into her mouth, Nikki taking it without question. Behind her, an easy push at her used asshole was all it took to get him inside. The cum lining her walls already was solid lube for an easy glide inside.

Some strain on her part allowed deeper access to her on both ends, the duo dipping down to half their lengths at their own pace. Black in back was much less patient, and started to fuck as soon as he could. Already she was starting to have troubles. It took all her focus not to choke on dick, made all the harder by the ramming her rump was getting.

Deeper they both went, her head being forced now to take the cock into her throat, a pair of tears rolling down her cheeks from the struggle to take them both, and the fact that she hadn't had air since he started fucking her face. Her fingers dug into his muscled thighs now that she was being used fully as a proper fuck toy. They didn't care if she was enjoying it or not. That's not what they paid for. No, they just aimed to get their rocks off and leave.

They made it balls deep now. Asymmetric thrusting meant she didn't get even a moment of respite between the two of them. Brown was the first to blow, holding her head firm against the base of his girth while his thick seed pumped right into her gut. Her air was quickly running out and she started to pat him on the thigh to get him off her. "Mmmhphmmh!"

No response, just more chesty orgasmic groans. Not good, she needed to breathe. Opening her eyes she saw his head was flung back. She couldn't tell what the other was doing, but she guessed he was too busy pounding her ass in to care. She resorted to pushing now, but his grip held firm. He stopped cumming already. Why wasn't he letting go?!

The horsed needed to empty more than just his nuts. The bastard used her as a personal urinal now, too. Straight down her throat it went. Even if she had any air left in her lungs to cough, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to with just how deep inside her he was. A satisfied sigh signaled his indifference to her now weakly pounding him on the legs.

Nikki's hearing muffled and her vision faded, but she was cognizant enough to tell the one in back came, too. Please, just one breath, she begged silently to herself. The darkness crept further in. Her arms were too heavy to move, and the only thing keeping her from hitting the ground were the pair of cocks spearing her at either end.

Finally, the brown horse lowered his head to look at her. She felt his hand toy with her eyelids, as if checking to see if she was still there. She wasn't. Just then, her vision gave out, and so did the rest of her senses, completely passed out.

Finally they removed themselves from her, the black horse grabbing hold of her arms so she didn't slam onto the ground. He eased her down to the ground and pulled her shirt off to use as a rag to wipe his cock off before tossing it to his buddy to do the same. Nikki now lied naked on the bathroom floor with countless guys waiting outside to get their dick wet. As they left, the horse patrons did their good deed and told the next in line to use the sink as a donation jar. With that, she was left to their mercy.

For the rest of the concert, Nikki served as an unconscious fucktoy for everyone with a dick. Still, the money piled in. Small bills from most since they didn't have to negotiate, but money regardless. Being passed out, she wasn't able to say her pussy was off limits. No, everything was open season now., and it was all well used. The dog from earlier even returned for sloppy seconds, now getting the spot he wanted from the start and leaving more satisfied than before.

Cum piled on her, filled her in, and slicked the floor around her as the night went on. Her holes gaped, her throat bruised, and her clothes soaked in errant ejaculate for hours. Guys used her body to satisfy whatever fetish they could with her limp body. Footjobs, armpitjobs, titfucks, despite her being rather small chested. By the end of the night, Nikki had been fucked dozens of, possibly over a hundred times. Eventually, people stopped paying. Too messy to be worth cash for now. She didn't come to until long after the end of the concert. As she gathered her senses, she could see someone leaving the bathroom, and then a familiar voice calling to her.

"Well, well, looks like someone's been busy," it said. It was Gordon. He leaned on the sink that had a pile of green bills sitting in it. She groggily sat herself up with a grimace and a hand clutching her forehead. He laughed and shook his head at her, arms crossed in front of his broad chest. "You're a goddamn mess, Nikki. You should see yourself."

She did just that, standing up and looking in the mirror in horror. Every inch of her was either damp with seed, or had dried seed on it. Face, chest, shoulders, belly, everything. Even her thick tail wasn't spared. Her stomach turned at the sight.

"But you made a fuckload of cash. Hard work pays off, Nikki." Her eyes lifted from her reflection and looked at the sink, a surge of disbelief striking her hard. Was this really...? Did she make all this? In one fucking night? A quick count later and she estimated it to be over two thousand bucks.

"I can help you get more, y'know..." She slowly turned to look up at him, knowing where he was going with that.

"Fuck off, Gordon." She reached for her throat, sore as hell from all the cocks she must've taken there tonight. "I'm not a prostitute..."

"No, not yet at least. But you could be, and a damn well paid one, too. More than you make at wherever you're workin' now, and way less work."

She hated it, but he was right. The math just made more sense. She dripped cum while she deliberated. Struggling to say it, she accepted.

"Fine," she finally said curtly. "But I'm not talking about it tonight. Help me bring this cash to my car so I can get home." She stumbled over to the pile of clothes, picking the shirt up with just two fingers in disgust at the state of them. But she had no other option. Either wear the cum-covered clothes, or walk to her car in just her cum-covered skin.

He clapped once and rubbed his hands together with a smile. "Happy to hear it, kid. You're gonna be the richest senior in no time."

Her clothes squished onto her, Nikki shuddering hard at it. As fast as she could hobble, the made her way to the bathroom door and shoved it open. She turned to face the tiger collecting the cash from the sink before leaving.

"We never talk about this night again."