Mandarax Fucks and Eats Mahiri

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#355 of Commissions

What more could you possibly need?

Commission for Mandarax!

Mahiri sets off in search of her camping buddy who's definitely not already churning away in side the big, greedy gut of a hungry dragon. Breeding and bloating ensues, followed by the inevitable slobbery descent into a belly just waiting to convert her curves into dragon haunch padding!

Contains: Fuck-drunk prey, breeding, cum inflation, oral vore, and digestion.

Why would she go into that cave? Mahiri was asking herself that as much as she was asking it of her missing friend. There was no reason for the doe to wander off that much on her own. There were dangerous things out there, well off the usual trails and hiking paths - not to mention the prospect of getting lost. The leopardess wasn't about to just abandon her, even if she had a terrible feeling about stepping into the mouth of that expansive cavern in the nearby rock. She might have been a big cat at heart, but she was far from her ancestors in terms of being comfortable in the wild.

The cool scent of the outside air quickly gave way to the unexpected warmth that awaited her within the cave. Wasn't it supposed to be cool inside those? It made her pause on entering. She felt as if she'd already stepped over a threshold. Her decision had been made. Padding quietly into the darkness with her eyes glimmering and adjusting to the shadowy interior, she thought to call out but remained silent. She wasn't sure what stopped her. The cave continued on much farther than she ever thought, arching lower and lower into the ground. The ceiling was so far above her she couldn't see precisely where it was. There was more than enough room in there for something big.

The name of the one she sought came to her lips, but before it could escape, she felt all her suspicions and paranoia proven correct. There were eyes in the darkness, hidden beyond what even her feline sight could immediately spot. The cave's resident introduced himself with a voice that resonated all throughout the surrounding rock just as thoroughly as it rattled through her very bones.

"Hello, kitten."

She stopped in place as if she'd been overtaken by a magic spell. A voice meant she wasn't dealing with a wild beast, but that didn't make her feel much better. There was something in the deep, bassy tone that turned her mind immediately towards horror. Neither fight nor flight were functioning in her mind and body. She was frozen. The slow reveal of the dragon in his lair did little to dissuade her from absolute stillness. He emerged from shadow as if dispelling an illusion, flooding her sight and senses alike with his heft.

Her vision was overwhelmed by the red, black, and tan on full display before her. How had she missed him? He was only known to her when he wished to be. She didn't dare take her eyes off of him for a moment, not even to shoot a glance towards the exit. Could she move faster than him in a confined space like that? Certainly not out in the open. Though he was making his introductions, there was part of her that wanted to simply cut him off and flee the scene before anything else could happen. Her legs weren't obeying her. She could only listen to his further words rumbling through her body.

"Are you looking for your little friend? Short thing, cute butt?"

He reached out a forefoot towards her, and though she flinched, she didn't resist him when he started guiding her towards him. He sat there on his haunches, utterly towering over her, radiating not just heat but a sense-drenching, lip-quivering aroma of pure dragon that was at the same time as stunning as it was alluring. She might have enjoyed it more in other circumstances, but not when she was being actively corralled towards his prominent belly. It hardly showed, but she swore she could see it slightly distended, pushing out beneath the flexible plates. Maybe even visibly wobbling with the motions of something trapped inside.

"You didn't ..." she began, and that was as far as she got.

"Didn't what, kitten? Did I not do what is natural for dragons to do when they see a soft, tempting little morsel sitting out in the open?"

Mahiri grit her teeth, but she still didn't resist him when he guided her even closer. That left her pressed up against his belly, faintly feeling the movement beneath his scales. There was a distant kick pushing out from within, maybe even a muffled voice. Was that a muffled bleat? The outline of a hoof? The rest was all churn churn churn. The sloshing sounds and deep groans of digestion echoed through the cave as much as they did through her very skull. She shuddered at the sensation, knowing she'd just felt the final moments of someone she'd promised to keep safe on their little hike. It was like he said. Dragons did as dragons did. She suppressed her anger and indignation in favour of frozen fright.

"Oh, come now, pretty kitty. Do you really think I'd snap up such a treat like you so unceremoniously? Deer were made for eating, but you? I can think of better things to do with you."

As she listened to the fading glurrrrrp of digestion settling down on the doe inside the beast's belly, another prominent sound overtook Mahiri's senses and thoughts alike. She squirmed in place, shuffling her weight from foot to foot just to hear the extraordinarily lewd schliccck of a reptilian cock slowly unsheathing before her. A dip of her muzzle down confirmed what she already knew. The monstrous creature was swelling with desire. The tip of his pointed, ridged predator cock pushed out into her sight, already glistening with arousal. All for her.

She didn't have the faintest idea what she was supposed to do with such a member. It was already filling out to a size similar to her entire body. Yet such doubts and fears had a way of melting away when she basked in his presence for long enough. Though she had just witnessed and felt the end of her friend, she never got a chance to fully process it when her senses were under the constant assault of wafting scaly musk. It tickled her everywhere it mattered and left her twitching her tail and curling her toes into the dragon-warmed stone beneath her paws.

Such enticing, masculine, beastly scents only grew more potent the more turned on he got. He let the reveal of his cock speak for itself. She glanced away only briefly to see him grinning down at her, then quickly decided she didn't need to see his fangs for any longer. That meant directing her full attention to his cock, watching it glisten and steam, dripping for her as it twitched fully to life. It just kept getting bigger. She was clouded in the haze that emanated from it, breathing what felt like little more than pure dragon, and it was only going to get richer.

At the very least, he handled her with surprising care. Perhaps only because it would have been so easy to crush her with his cock alone. When he leaned forth, rising up from his haunches to push his slick shaft right up against her face, she nearly blanked out. She wasn't entirely sure how she got from her feet to flat on her back with a horny giant looming over her, but her thoughts weren't going to get any clearer when he started grinding on her. Her hiking clothes were soaked through in seconds.

Precum, slit lube, whatever it was, she was drenched in his potent, marking juices once he started gliding back and forth over her entire body. He soaked her through her clothes and into her fur, and then her skin, marking down that pretty pelt in draconic desire. She sputtered when he glossed over her features again and again, grinding just a little harder to really mash that musk deep into her nostrils. Yet for as overpowering as it might have been, she couldn't fight down the urge to sniff, just a little, just to get even more thickly intoxicated on it. That small gesture all but sealed her fate.

A hike? A cave? A missing friend? Such notions were little more than distant memories in the swirling, intoxicating stupor that came over the leopardess from just a few good huffs of the dragon's dick. She started purring. Maybe she might have denied big cats could do that if she was more coherent, but there was no arguing how pleased the rumbles emanating up from her chest sounded. Then there was a bit of drooling. She slipped her tongue out to lick her lips at first, but a few more grinding thrusts of his pulsing dragonhood right in her face got her slurping the juices right off the shiny surface without a second thought. Such worship of someone like him came simply by instinct.

The juices dripping so generously from the cave beast's cock soon weren't the only thing soaking through Mahiri's clothing. Her shorts were all but translucent for all the mess he'd made of her, leaving them to hug tightly around the distinct silhouette of the kitty's puffy, aching, self-flooding pussy. The dragon directed his attention down between her thighs as best he could at such a size, humping her down into the ground, letting her ass squish into the hard floor of his cave the longer he rubbed on her. From sex to tits to face, he smeared her up and doused her over and over in that supremely potent fragrance that had her eyes rolling and her thoughts flickering behind their bright green glimmer.

"All this dick-sniffing and you haven't even told me your name, kitten." He said it as if she'd ever had a chance. "Looks like I'll just have to start. I am Mandarax. Who's this spotty beauty I'm going to ruin tonight?"

There wasn't much room to speak with all that rigid weight parked snugly atop her face. Mandarax gave her at least a little leeway, slipping back along her body, pressing her tits down nearly flat to her chest. That was her chance. He was watching her, expectantly. She didn't dare disappoint him.


It was only one word, but it took effort to summon it up from within her. Her own voice hardly sounded familiar anymore. It was someone else more pathetic, speaking through her in a mewling squeak. She felt oddly exposed giving it to him, as if knowing her name gave him some kind of power over her. More than he already had.

"Mahiri hm? Pretty name. I look forward to making you forget it."

He licked his chops loudly enough to make her shudder, and wetly enough to send a splash of salaciously warm saliva raining down on her. She could hardly get any wetter, but she could get that slight bit warmer. The heat was growing unbearable even in her light clothing. He was ready to help her with that. Such a thing involved coming at her with one of his big, curved claws, leaving her shrieking and shielding herself at first. He didn't let that stop him. Drawing one of those deadly blades across her body with such precision that she barely felt it, he cut a line clearly down the side of her entire outfit, top and bottom, and began to peel it off of her.

That wasn't an easy task even for him given just how soaked it was. He ended up tearing a little at the end just so he could toss the sodden rags aside, ruined and useless. Even if she did somehow manage to escape that cave, she was going to do so naked, dripping, and smelling of dragon dick. He ran that same claw over her naked body ever so slowly, though even with his care she still held deathly still to be safe. With her teeth clenched and her eyes wide, she awaited his thoughts on her naked body, unsure what she wanted to hear.

"You are luscious, leopard." He spoke wetly, smacking his lips. "I want you all to myself. To have, to keep, to breed."

Her eyes went wide. "That's not ... there's no way you could actually ..."

"Oh, what's that?" Again there came his imposing grin. She couldn't look at it for long. "You think I'm too big, is that it? Well, I'm flattered, but trust me, kitten. I'll make it fit."

For as many doubts as she still might have had, she couldn't help but scan up and down his massive dick, over and over. She was all but stroking it with her gaze. The ridges, the heft, she found herself so very curious what it would feel like, if such a thing was even possible. She'd taken big. But not that big. Submitting to him was playing with her very life, but she needed to know. It would have killed her not to.

"I want it ..."

Her voice was a pathetic mewl of desperation, but at least she managed to speak. He chuckled heartily at such a sound.

"I know. Let's get you knocked up, spots."

All it took was a slight nudge. He used his cock. Flipping her over let him baste a whole other side of her in juices, slathering down her pretty rosettes until she was glistening under his shaft. He rubbed on her, he humped her down into the floor, he made himself extra stiff with the feeling of her fur gliding over his textured dick, but he wasn't going to be satisfied with that. She could feel him absolutely thrumming. That she could inspire such desire in him despite their differences in stature was oddly flattering to her. Such feelings made her all the more willing to lift her tail and lift her ass up, just to give him a slightly better angle at her tender, aching pussy. She was horny enough she wanted to let out a feral scream, even a roar, but she could only rumble for her new master and await the pleasures he could grant her.

It seemed at first reality was about to ensue. The tip of his cock pressed against her pussy lips and made no progress whatsoever. She might have laughed, if she had her mind more together. Just because he was a dragon didn't mean he could do anything he wanted. Yet the initial lack of penetration did nothing to actually discourage her. Tail swishing, she rolled her hips and and rubbed herself against his pre-gushing shaft, spreading her own juices all over his glossy black flesh until she finally felt herself begin to give under the sheer force of his eagerness. She was spreading out for him, ever so slowly, no matter how impossible it might have seemed.

The rising yowl that started to escape her was unstoppable. She couldn't have silenced herself if she wanted to. Her screams echoed through the cave in such a way that might have dissuaded anyone else from entering, but it was nothing but an expression of feline pleasure. If the overwhelmed sort. He was parting her, dipping into her, stretching her to her very limits. A glance down revealed the shape of the monster's cock bulging in her belly, and there was still so much more to go if he was going to truly fuck her. Just when she thought she hit her limit, that she couldn't possibly take anymore, he pushed a little deeper. She impressed herself with her own flexibility, grateful that he could demonstrate what potential she had as a dragon's breeding whore.

She could already feel it. The beast hadn't even started thrusting yet, but the constant squirt of his precum was already entering her, already painting her womb and sending a tingle all throughout her body. Knocked up by a single drop, but still wanting more, she let out something like a mraaaah as she pushed herself back to slip over another of those immensely stimulating ridges. The resulting pop sent her shuddering, and a torrent of their combined fluids splattering out to paint a nearby cavern wall. The mess of their mating was already spreading out in a puddle all around them, and it was only going to get sloppier.

His first thrust felt like it was going to stake her into the ground. All it took was a single hump of his hips to leave her quivering and collapsing beneath him. She was impaled on his cock, faintly clinging to the ground beneath her, slipping and sliding in the mess they made together. That simple stroke sent a squelch ringing out all throughout the cave. Her thighs trembled, her eyes rolled back, her spine curled. She felt as if she was going to come apart at the seams at any moment with her belly bulging so obscenely like that, and yet she held on. For him.

Mandarax huffed his steaming breath and built fearsome momentum with every dip of his haunches, every plunge of his womb-stuffing cock. Mahiri didn't even feel pain. Some slight strain, perhaps, but her body accommodated him even when it meant stretching to the point of unfathomable. She was made for him. She took him as deep as she could possibly imagine, and then took him even deeper. Somehow. It didn't matter. She wanted him, and she was getting him, her comparatively tiny body bobbing back and forth under the force of his colossal thrusts, tits jiggling right up towards her face, ass bouncing, belly bulging with the tightly-outlined details of the dragon's breeding tool beneath the creamy white fur of her belly.

Though it felt like she was being furiously fucked, he was still just feeling her out. Kneading on him, ready to erupt in orgasm already, she drooled and wriggled as he braced himself to mate her properly. The power of his first proper plunge left her briefly unaware, blacked out in the ecstasy-like pleasure that came with him pushing so many textured inches of dragon deep inside her pussy. She was shrouded beneath his bulk, all but completely covered by the behemoth, and her feline cries soon broke off into shaky, rasping defeat, even the occasional giggle. Her mind could barely understand what was happening to her.

For all the mess he'd made of her already, his precum got thicker still with every thrust. He was already painting her thickly enough to swell her, to leave her engorged and sloshing with his juices before he so much as gave her a load. An intact mind might have worried for her own integrity. She only longed for more, using her diminishing strength to lunge back at him, to slam him deep into her fiercely kneading tunnel. Hugging and flexing all around his dick didn't slow him down any, but she knew what those imposing throbs passing through seemingly her entire body at once meant. She rippled with his rising arousal and grew vast with all the juices he saw fit to deposit in her womb, probably knocking her up again and again with every spurt of potent dragon essence.

Just because it was all he needed to breed her certainly didn't stop him. He took her harder, deeper, rougher, until he was all but slamming into her. The cave itself shook until there were bits of debris falling from the distant ceiling, but somehow that cat held up. She didn't die, anyway. How mentally intact she remained was another story. Sometimes she seemed to drift in and out of consciousness, head drooping down, eyes going blank. Other times, she remained very much awake, screaming for the creature who saw fit to take her for his own, to claim ownership over her womb and body with every heaving thrust.

She was still wailing incoherently for him when she felt the telltale pulse of his cock inside her. It shook through her body as she limply quivered on his shaft. She had nothing left to give back to him, no counter thrusts, no grinding or bouncing. Good as defeated and ready to be filled, she whimpered something that might have been his name, and might have been more overpleasured nonsense. Then there came her tribute to his mastery. She squirted fort him harder than she'd ever climaxed in her life, pouring out all the bliss he fucked into her before he even finished inside of her.

The potent clamping, clenching, and contracting of that taut kitty pussy massaging all around his cock was enough to give even him brief pause. He snorted, grunted, then broke into a long, shattering snarl as he finished himself off inside of her. Just a few more good, hard thrusts into her broken body was all he needed. She was worthy of a cumshot fit to breed a dozen dragonesses, even if her body couldn't hold it all. The first deep, satisfying gush of pure wyrm seed left her bloated and swollen, her gut so stuffed her paws weren't even touching the ground anymore, and he still had so much more.

The gushing, spurting, splurching cumshot from the dragon's dick left her spraying down their surroundings with all that didn't fit inside her. Multiple jets of concentrated spunk shot out of her over-creamed pussy once her womb was well and truly flooded. She drooled, she leaked, she even lactated for him already. Her body was so very knocked up that she was leaking milk to go with everything else pooling around her. Sprawled out and twitching, perhaps dead, perhaps simply broken, she took it all until his cock was finally thumping its last inside of her. He didn't pull out the entire time.

She looked as good as drowned, more cum than cat, soaking in the results of their successful coupling. With a belly like that, she didn't look pregnant, she looked like she might float away or merely burst at any moment. Yet she remained together, alive, and maybe even conscious. The wobbles of her swollen middle that came with her panting breath said as much. Mandarax stood over her, panting some himself, not from exertion but from pleasure. He didn't pull out. He didn't soften, either. Though the cat was more balloon than feline, he was hard inside of her, pulsing, even dripping. If he wanted to have more fun with her body, there was no amount of squirming or mewling that could have dissuaded him.

Mandarax gave a sigh as he rolled back, stretching out and taking her right with him. She dangled loosely from his cock as he settled down with a satisfied sigh. Sometimes she gave a little twitch of pleasure, another little clench around his cock, but she was as good as helpless. The dragon spread his wings out and sprawled, slowly wrapping the toes of a front foot around the leopard's bloated body. He grasped her carefully to keep from squeezing out too much cum but he was going to make so much more of a mess of a mess jerking off with his purry personal pussy. She was as good as his toy.

The first sloppy-second thrust sent a gratuitous glurch ringing through the dragon's home. He squeezed his own cum out of her, sending it splattering in all directions, raining down on the surrounding walls, painting every single surface in range of their delirious second fuck. Her arms were at her sides, her head was slumped forth, but she felt every single stroke. She wasn't about to faint on him just because she was getting utterly destroyed, hollowed out by that brutish dick. Her body bulged to trace the progress of his cock pushing deep between her thighs, her belly bounced and spunk spilled forth to stream down her thighs and splatter up as high as her face every time he delved deep inside her all over again.

This time he was a little rougher. She had no ability to complain, and she had no complaints anyway. Closing his eyes and letting his tongue flop forth, he gave her a growly music show as he pleasured himself with her body. Gripping just a little tighter under her tits, pushing her down a little harder, he pulled her up and down his cock until he'd fucked nearly all of his own cum out of her. Her belly trimmed down to something relatively normal, but for the obscene outline of his dick anyway, and a splattered mess of sex soaked the dragon's underside, all around his slit and over his belly alike. He didn't let that distract him. There was a kitty to breed all over again, ever so faintly mewing on his cock.

Stiff enough to reveal the shiny ring at the very base of his cock, right near the soaking slit, Mandarax gave Mahiri a proper roar to tell her how much he loved ruining her cunt. Her ears rang for long enough she missed the second tremendous splish of jizz blasting straight into her womb, but she certainly didn't miss the feeling. The heat flooded her, the weight made her stretch and slosh, and the sensation of his seed taking again overpowered her with tingly delight. Of course she came for him again. That, she still remembered how to do. Squirting her very mind away all over the dragon's big fat cock, she pushed herself to the breaking point through sheer pleasure alone. There was hardly any Mahiri left in that pretty head. Only the slutty urges to belong to a beast even more than she already did.

Her body was so weak that she fell forth, held up only by his impaling shaft still pumping a few more shots of cum inside her. She was too heavy to walk, but Mandarax could handle her just fine. Squeezing her even slightly tight sent a tremendous squirting of his own cum rushing back out of her pussy. He grit his teeth slightly but kept going, pulling her twitching body slowly off his cock to hold in the grip of his front foot. Turning her this way and that, inspecting her from every angle, he eventually laid her out atop his belly so she could recover. It might have even been relaxing if she didn't soon hear the distinct gurgle emanating up from beneath his scales.

"Think your cute friend is all settled in by now. All nice and distributed along these haunches, and the very gut on which you rest. She was a decent appetizer, at least."

He ran his claw over her body, tracing across her leaking her breasts, then along her excessive belly. Batting that wobbling swell back and forth made her groan.

"I bet we could produce some beautiful hybrids. In another life, that might have even come to pass ..."

He outlined his intent with a long lick of his chops. All she needed to do was hear that wet slurp. A rational mind might have panicked, but her musk-drunk, fuck-dumb self could only shiver. She vaguely understood what it meant, but she couldn't fully grasp the true meaning of it, even as he slowly turned her over to look up at his slavering jaws. There was that grin once more. It gleamed for her with the most malicious of intent. Yet all she could do when he drew her in with the nudge of a toe, sliding her along his belly, closer and closer to a pair of steaming, heated jaws that opened wider and wider before her was rumble for her master. Anything he desired was hers to fulfill.

A slow, even careful lick over her face, then down her breasts and wobbling belly left him groaning by the time he'd thoroughly slathered her up with his heavily-flowing drool. It was just one more thing to drip from her fur and leave her feeling that much hotter. Sweltering and steaming herself as she basked in the aura of his breath, she stared forth, past his teeth, straight into his gullet. Some part of her wanted him to claim her, to be as greedy as possible with her body even if it meant ending up inside of him. The danger of it all either didn't occur to her, or she simply didn't care, even as those deadly jaws loomed closer and closer to her, and that tongue danced and teased all over her spotty, slathered body.

"Shame you had to go and taste so good like that. At least you lasted longer than your deer friend. Never got her name. Had to snap that one up on sight."

Mandarax dipped his tongue beneath the kitty's tits to give them a nice smooth slurp. She might have been shaken and nonverbal, but she could still put out plenty of purrs. If anything they were more powerful than ever. She kept on rumbling even as he used that tongue to slowly draw her in, to drag her towards a second cave, a humid pit made all extra slick by every sample of her flavour. He huffed in her face one more time, looming, maw dripping, and then he struck.

It would have been easy to simply bite her into pieces in a second, but he took care to cradle her supple body just right between his lips and slide her between his teeth without harm. The pressure that came with getting squeezed between his tongue and the roof of his mouth sent cum jetting out of her, slowly shrinking that overstuffed belly down second by second. She still wasn't anywhere near normal size by the time he curled the very tip of his tongue between her thighs and used the leverage to push her towards his throat. One good gulp right in front of her face dragged down nothing more than all the excess juices in her fur as she got squeezed out like a sponge. The next one was more than just a tease.

Mahiri could hear the monstrous one groaning and rumbling as he took her into the embrace of his gullet. She was making him feel good, just by being a tasty morsel. The head made her head spin, and the musky mark he left all over her kept her dazed and compliant. She was fucked too stupid to feel anything but delight while a dragon swallowed her whole. So much for breeding her. That rutting served as nothing more than to swell and tenderize her, and to leave her all the more vulnerable to the strokes and smacks of his tongue against her well-used pussy.

Mandarax took his time tormenting his prey with pleasure. It was enough to nearly snap her out of her daze, just as it was pushing her even deeper down into it. He stimulated her mercilessly, massaged her, prodded her, slathered her, all while sucking on her upper body. His gullet rippled around her face until she finally let out those weak little mewls he craved. There wasn't much left of her voice, but she couldn't keep silent through that treatment. Huffing in her face the entire time only made her wetter, wrecked her all the harder with the pussy rub he so nimbly provided with his tongue before she was gone.

Only when she was at the very edge of flustered, trembling for him, all but begging him for release did he relent. That might have seemed cruel at first, but it was the deep, powerful GULP that gave her everything she needed. Even as she rushed down into the humid darkness that awaited her, kneaded from all sides by peristalsis so powerful it threatened to crush something vital instead of just squeezing the cum out of her, she came. The slick slide rubbing up and down her naked body, massaging inwards the deeper and deeper he dragged her down his pulsing throat was what made her cum. She squirted for him, hard, all the way down. What few shrieks she could still manage grew more and more muffled as she vanished into his body, completely hidden by his bulk until there came a little wobble in the belly of the beast.

With that, the leopard was food. She'd been devoured by a dragon right along with her friend. It hadn't even been long that the doe was missing, and she was already nothing more than a few assorted bones strewn around the confines of that caustic chamber. Even those were pockmarked and softened by the brutal digestive fluids sinking into them. Mahiri soon found herself introduced to them herself. Mandarax's smoking cauldron of a gut was entirely inhospitable. He wasn't holding her, he wasn't just adding a little more domination to their fun. It was time to process her into his meal.

A stinging sensation came as a wave of digestive acids washed over her, staining her, marking her, poisoning her a little more with every gasping breath. It nearly roused her from her stupor on the spot. She was starting to squirm, starting to struggle just to stay above the surface. He took one more deep swallow, this time sucking air into his stomach to make sure she didn't instantly suffocate. There was just enough for her to breathe to keep her from passing out. The more those enzymes sank in and ruined her sodden pelt, the more they began to pick away at her reddening skin beneath, the more she was starting to wish she could just close her eyes and drift to sleep.

He wasn't about to spare her the worst of it. Even the belch he let out was one he quickly made up for with another gulp of air. She found herself tossed around and slowly dissolved by the juices sinking into her, leaving her to kick, to twitch, to writhe in rising pain. The juices were one thing. Even more destructive were the pulsing contractions of his digestive process. There was plenty of room for her body inside of him right up to the moment he clenched up all around her. Crushing the life out of her squeeze by squeeze came with a cacophony of crunching leopard bones to go along with the sloppy sizzling. In time, her screams joined the chorus.

No amount of fuck-drunk could block out the sheer, gruesome reality that was getting digestive alive by a merciless devourer. The wails were as involuntary as they were constant. They even escaped the humid prison of Madarax's scaled gut for him to hear. He stroked over the vague bulge beneath his slightly distended plates and offered her a chuckle of approval.

"That's it, kitten. Gurgle up nice and sweet for me. You're going to look so good on my haunches."

With another foot, he faintly stroked his cock. Slowly, at first, but a little faster the more she struggled, the more she screeched under the crushing force of his belly walls grinding and chewing on her acid-drenched body. Every slosh and gurgle of digestives made her a little weaker, a little softer, and every heavy clench of his stomach on her form left her body a little more broken. He squished her belly flat, he bent and twisted her into all manner of unnatural shapes, he bathed her in dissolving juices that melted all her spots away and left her red locks of hair swimming all around her in the sludge that used to be her curvy, breedable body. For all the beauty he tarnished, he got a little more excited, swelling in his own grip, dripping down over his toes.

It was hard to say which led to the other. Was it the sudden flex of pleasure that made him squeeze up extra tight around his prey, or was it the sensation of snuffing that struggling, screaming, gurgling leopardess with one more good gurgle that made him hit his peak? The answer hardly mattered to him. After washing away her markings, her features, everything about her that made her so pretty and fuckable, he crushed the meat and bones she'd become into something even less recognizable. What faint shrieks she could still manage were silenced in one decisive crunch, a resonating sound that sent a rumble and shudder of pleasure through the predator's entire body. Cumming all over his own gut was his one last tribute to her and the fine meal she'd made.

A snorting, spitting, drooling dragon thrashing about in the throes of orgasm was the scene that accompanied all life draining from Mahiri's mulched body. Just like that, and there was no more leopard, crushed to dust by the power of Mandarax's digestive system. A rain of dragon spunk splashed down over his smooth, trim middle, painting his whole underside in the richly scented results of his indulgence. Hardly a snack in truth, but one that brought him so much more pleasure than his usual meals. She was special, and then she was gone.

A sigh that steamed out through his dark dwelling came with him settling down. He remained sprawled where he was, listening to the steady rumble of his gut adding her to his mass. Down she went, sucked and siphoned away in liquid form so that he could extract every last thing he wanted from her body. The cat called Mahiri was nothing more than nutrients in a hungry reptile's intestines by then, and in time she would serve well to make his scales shine just a little more elegantly, and to pack on a slight, barely discernible layer of padding to his backside and belly alike, like so many gorgeous girls before her. He smacked and slurped his lips one more time in memory of her and her taste, then settled down to close his eyes. Her final day was just another pleasant evening for a dragon.